1. VI I. V J 'J a: A young ( lady hiving piirehafed an aflartment of , hmfic at a warehpufe, fituated in the weftern pirt of the metropolis, on returning to her carriage r.ecolle&ed a piece which (he had neglc&ed to buy, Sir," faid flic, on enteting the (hop, " there is yet one thing which I had forgot and which I muft now requeft you to give me,! " And what is that 1" replied the young roufic feller. " It is fir', " One kind kifs before we part.Wfhe gay youth, vaulting inftantaneoufly over jheJZbk,Muud the fair fttanger .,.J. It is fcarcely neceiiary to inform the reader, (who will recollecY the fong " One kind feifs before we part 1") that it was an a7r of a left touching nature than the one given by our hcio, which the lady expect ed to receive: . Philadelphia., P R 6 P O S A L ' S, FOR CARRYING - The Mails of the United States, On the fofowing Poft'Roads, Will le received at the General 'Pofl Office, Philadelphia, the 10th day of July next. FROM Peteffburjr by Harrilville, Goldfontillc and Warrenton to Louifiwgthree times a week, :hx- Iieave Peterfburg eyery Monday Wednefday and Friday at 2 p. m. and arrive at Louifburg in two day on Wcdnefday, Friday and SuVidav at io a. M. Re turning, leave LouiuWg every Monday, Wcdnefday, and Friday at 4 p. m. and arrive at Peterfburg in two days, on Wcdnefday, Friday and Monday at io a. m From Lbuifburg' by Raleigh, Averafborough and Fayetteville to M'Fall's, three timts a week. .Leave Louifburg every Sunday, Wcdnefday anil Friday at 2 p. m. arrive at M' Falls on Tuefday, Fri; day and Sunday by 9 a. m. ' A .Returning, leave M'Fail'g on Monday, Wednefday and Friday at 3 p. m. and arrive at Louifturg on Wed nesday, Friday and Monday at io a. m. From M'Fall'e by Cheraw court houfe to Camden, three times a week. Leave M'FalPa every Sunday, Tuefday and Friday at 1 p. m. and arrive at Camden ou Tuefday, Thurfday and Sunday at 10 A. M. Re-- turnings leave - CamdeffeveryFuefdayr Thurfday and Saturiiay-at 2 -ran4arme-4ttJ!FalLU..iahurfi day, Saturday and Monday at IO A M. Note 1. The mail is to be carried in a wheel carriage or by a led horfe. A penalty at the rate of 12 cents 2 mile will be incurred by the contractor for each time - and mile that he (hall carry the fame 1 without making ufe of cither a wheel carriage or led horfe. No alter atianUJiejnAdeJ the -arrival and departure of the mails. , , Note 2. Fifteen... mitVutes fnall be allowed for opening and cltifing the mail at all offices where no particular ti tn e "is Xpecified 7""" ; - . ' : Note x For every fifteen minutes delay funavoida THE WELL KNOWN RUNNINQ HORSE ALDERMAN, Lately Imported by John Banks, Efq of the City of Richmond; ? i 1 --' TTE is a raoft beautiful Bay, full 16 hands high, II;vvjdveVears jqI ble accidents excepted) in arriving after the tim5 pre fciibcd in any contract, the contractor mall forfeit one dollar : and if the delay continue until after the d'epar- lure of any depending man, whereby the mails deitin ed for fuch depending mail lofe a ttip, an additional forfeiture of five dollars ihall be incurred. Note 4. Perfons making propofals are defircd to ftate their prices by the year. hofe who coritraft will re ceive thtir pay quarterly, in the months of January, April, July and Oaober. Note 5. Thcfe contraas to be in operation on the firft day ofJOclober next, and areto continue in force until the fir ft of October, 1804. JOS : H ABERaHAM, Pojmajer-General. Central-Pol-Office. Philadelphia,! , J 100 correct judges, pofTefiei more tunning pnintu than any on me continent, and wnoie racing perform an'cjei milJa him to bcfktsc&lmDitg-thcfr&horfei in England of his day. For the i nformation of the: G'1'1 tiem e n o'f the Turf, the following extract is aken from the Racing Calen dar. And I may alfoyadd, he perhaps has run more than any Horfe in England. Hisfidt race was iti 1790, when he ftartcd at two years old, at New-Market, for the Craven takes 14 horfes ttartcdhe '.'was "the fourth, beating the Duke of Bedford's Swallow, rrd Loid-Grofveuor's famous horfe Alexander, with fcveral others. I7QI-He Mvovl at Huntinffdon, at five heats, a gainlt four year tld horfes: he receiving-4 lb. lefs in weight, than ufuflly allowed. Theie were fix horfes ftartedALDERMAN-amc won the laft heat only by half a neck.. . Same year, at Darby, he loft the two mile heats, icverai norles ltaled- 3 2032. f Same year, hcivon the Nottingham purfertwo mile heats, beating tht Duke if Grafton's Spearman, and diftancing a filly 4f Lord Gain(b )fough and the next Jay he run the fair mile heats againft Sulkey, &c. but was beaten, though he came in very handfomely. Same, year, at Darby. he beat Lord Donegall's Primrofc, and Si John "Lelceftet'a Smoaker, Jour heats 2 2 jt " " ' . Same year, at New. Market, he beat Mr. Churchill's ir Charles, of the fame ace. ffifinz 7lb. over the Bacon courfe, 4 an3 a lialf miles. 1792 At New-Market, he beat the Duke of Bed ford's Halkin and fix others. " Same year, at Biightelmftown, herun wit a four horfes, four mile heats ; he was the firfi in the firft heat, a'asOTubmhtheher-hitt? Same year,-he.dai.oi:-lhe.,0 horfes ftartcd he was beat. Same year, at New-Market, he received forfeit 200 guineas, ot .Lord Uermont s lrumpetta. 1 793 -He run at Egham, 3 " four mile heats, but was beaten feven horfes ftarted, he came in 43 2. . -- SainearJie.rMktJitWiMar March, 20, 1S00. An Acl U afcertairt the armunt of the certificate debt of thisjlate. - WHEREAS it is neccfTary to afcertain the a-, mount of the certificate debt of tins ftate, to the: end that provifion may be made for difcharging the fame : - , rt t - I. BE it therefore enafted by the General allembly of the ftate of North-Carolina, and it is hereby nuaa ed by the authority of the (W, That all perfons-hold: ing certificates of the debt . of this ftate, A) all on or be fote the firft day of December, one thoufatid eight hun drcd, prefent the fame at the office of the Treafurcr ; vhofe duty it ihall be to regifter the number, date and amount thereof together with the name of the periohs to whom the fame (hall be made payable, in a bpok to be by him provided for that purpofe and the Treafur: 1 er ihall note on ttie uia crtincau; been prefented and regiftered a'sbythis ad required. II. And be it further enaded, That all certificates' of the debt of this ftate, not pr dented to the Treafurer for the purpbfc of regiftrattoh as alorcfaid, within the , time limited by this ad, ihall forever thereafter be bar red,, and Ihall not he received inany payment to the ftate, nor in any office thereof. Plate, carrying 168 lbs. four mile heats, but was beat en by the line horfe Efparfykes, whom Alderman had beaten before. - Samry earr benrarbeatenTarNevMarket by the en. , -. ' - iy.94 At Afcot, he run againft five horfes, heats i-2 miles Alderman was 3d horfe -and next day he run at fame place, the fame diftance, carne in 2nd. horfe, giviag 1 33. to the lofing horfesrand j lbs. to the winning horfe of tjje fame age. Same year,, at Blandford, he won the Plate, four mile heats. ioe At New-Market, he won a match for 400 guineas, againft Mr. Mazzingy's horfe. Same year, at ditto, he beat Mr. Durand's Saltram, for 200 guineas, two miles. Same year, at Afcot, he loft the Plate, two mile heatshe came in 4 1 2, and on the fame dayf "he run 2 1-4 mile heat, artd was the fecond horfe, and the next day he run againft Tearcoat, 3 nftiles, but was, beaten, ave Tearcoat 1 ilbr. At Lewis, he was beat by Alborne,' fdr 100 guineas, 4 t-2 mile heats he gave Alborne 14 lbs. and the next day he was beat by Mr, Uoncannon s Woodpecfc- er colt, carrying' 7 ftone, for a finglc mile, for 50 gui- neas and on the lame aay r.c loit anotner race 10 (ur, Deim's filly, by Woodpecker. " "'"'-V Same year, t Egham, four mile heats, 12 horfes ftarted he ,was the 3d horfe and the next day he beat Vric1tor1 for 5&guineas, twQ miles. Same year, at Abingdon, tour rane neats, 5 nones ftarted, he came in 1 -2 2. Same year, at Epfom, for mile heats, he beat ea- Gly, Mr. Durand's Letcombe. r Same year, at New-Market, lMwtne lwecpjxaKes acrofs the. Flats fcveral horfes ftarted, he was z& horiet hut was :v'ljeaterr only fialf a length, f tfiS nette. ; .J." , " ' ,"' ... 4-7gS Ar NeMiTketi he lecctvedforfcit from Juggler, 100 guineas. : . - Same year, at farne place, he run again with Mr. Concannon's Four Year's Old, four miles, who beat him. In this race he broke down. , ; ' duty of the Treafurcr to give -public notice of the re qtlGtea of this i& in tVetffjte gazette, and at lead three other newfpapers within this it ate," within one month from the rife of the General A flcmhly, and continue the fame at lead three. months. 1 IV.' Provided, and be it; further enaaed, That this aft or any part thereof (hall not beconftrued or operate to crive credit or currencV to ftich certificates as have by any al of this itate heretofore been declared frau- cuicnt, or retuiea 10 DC rcccivca ai im ucsuury yr otun efficci of thU ftate The above Horfe will ftand the enfuioff feafoB, (to III; And, be it further enafted, That it .(hall be ttfe Jcommcnce tn the firft of March, and expire, on the firft bf Auguft) army houfe in Northampton county, twelve mvlca above the town of "Halifax, on Roanoke river, and will be let to Mares at twelve and a half dol ars the leap, to be paid when the'Mares are covered ; twenty fidHlalithe fealoh," ana ong jlollar. tor the Groom for each MareNotes ot band will be expect ed vith the Mares, which may be difcharged with twenty dollars any time within the fcafon ; or forty dollars to infure a Mare with foal. . Good, and exten- five pafturage, well enclpfed, gratis ;.an4v wparate afturage of Rye and Oatl for -Barca ana uoiti, out will not be, anfwerable for accidents or efcapes of any kind. Gentlemen who wifiS 'there Mares fed, can J fn.rnj.fhcd with-Cor at two dollars a barrel, and fer vants board gratis. - HENRY CRITTENDEN. Northampton county, Feb. 16, i860. o I DO certify, that the Bay Horfe Alderman, foTJ Major John Harris, ofManakin Town, was :m- Iperted by me, and that the a.tteiUd. Pedigree, which ;came over witn mm, runs inus xiacrman was uicu by Lord Grofvenor, and got by his Lordfliips highly celebrated ftalh'on Potooooowjo, out of Lady Bolhng brokc ; who was the dam onTetotum, Premier, and many other firft rate horfes (lie was got-by Squirrel, out of Cypron, the dam of King Herod, who was got bv Blaxe, Bethell's Arabian, Graham V Champion, Dailcy Arabian. Merlin. JOHN BiNKS. P.-S. 1-have been informed that -Lord Grofvenor fold him at two year6 old, for 150O guineas. J. B. -The Beautiful, .High Bred, Imported Horfe, '7,;;:,s: i l v e r, . Much celebrated for his.running in England, late the property of Lord Sackville, and whofe racing performance at New-Market, was equal to any in Eng land of his day. The pedigree of Silver will bear the ftrideft fcrutiny, and for the.information of Gentle men thaLwifh to put marcs, the following is extracted from the Racing Calendars for the years 1793 l79 and 1795 ; which may be feen On application to the fubferiber. Q ILVER, in e leconcl Uctober meetincr, 170?. KJ carrying 8ft. beat the Duke of Bedfoid's Golden Rod, S(t. 2lb. one mile, for 50 guineas. In the fecond fpring mtttin, 1794, 8ft. 31b. he beat VV. Taylor's St. George, Sit. ;lb. two miles, for 200 guineas. In the fecond fpring-meeting, 1 794, 8ft 51b he beat Mr. HotforihVAnthony, 8lL half -mile, for 100 gui- -neas. In the-July-meetingri 794r.he-won 66s. two miles - bcarinj the Duke of Grafton's Groufe, Lord Oxford' Bruifer, Lord Grofvenor's Excifcman, Lord"JCIet mont's Paynator, and Lord Egreinont's S?agul. . In the firft October meeting, 1794, 8ft. he receiv ed 20g9. from Lord Egremont's ocagul, 8ft.' 7 lb, ouc and an half mile, for 20,0. guineas. . ... . . . In the fecond October meeting, 1794, 8ft. 2'b. he ran a .dead heat with Lord Egremont'a Seagul,- 8ft. TIF. one andrFhTlrneiL - In the feconoT October meeting, 1794, he won a handicap plate, two miles, beating the Duke of Graf- ton's Garland, Lord Egremont 's Cinnabar, Sir C)is. BunburyV Robin Gray, Mr. Taylor's Helmet, "Duka of Tneenlbury bay fiuy by Diaiaed, and lrd Tn field's Quetlavacal - , la the Craven mectinj?, 179c, 8ft. h beat Lord parlington's St. George, 8t. ' rJIb, four miles, for 300 " guineas. . . - , In the firft fpring meeting, r 795 he won the main of the Oatiands ftake, 20Cgs. each two miles, beating Mr. Wilfon'6 Bennington, Mr. Delmc's Gabriel, and the Duke of Qucenibury's Pecker. In the Houghton meetincr, 1 79?, oiu 41b received forfeit from Mr. Bbwc's Volunteer colt, 7ft. one mile, for 100 ., . SilVer has improved fur prizingly in fize and beauty fince h wa3 imported, and is now in the hifiheft per- feaion The fubicriber has to obferve, thtt although his horfe ftands much lower than the imported horfes do in Virginia, yet he remains unrivaled as to blood, beauty, &c. his llock are uncommonly laree and bony and reprefent the hbrfe both as to fize and beauty, and arc high inl the eftimation of thofe who own them. Sevcral of which are entered to run for heavy iweep ftakc-parfes.- t..!..,.;:t He will fland the enfuing feafon at Scotland-Neck, 25 miles below Halifax town, C.' at two and an half guineas the leap, tivc-guineas the feafon, and eight guineas to enfure, in which cafe the mare is not to be parted with until it is afcertained whether flic be with foal or not; ; and half a dollar to the groom. . -The money for the feafon or infurance to be . dif charged in cai, or in any kind of country produce at cafti price, cithr at Halifax or Scotlaud Neck, . the "III of January; 1801 $ and the money Tor theTeap, to gether with that for the groom, to be paid at the time of covering. - - ... - Silver, is a beautiful dapple grey 5 feet2nchea high, bred by the Duke of Grafton. H was got by Mercury, who was got by Col. O'Kelly's Ecliple out of a Tartar Mare; hit dam was the famous Herod Mare, bred by Lord Melfington ; his grand dam Younf Hag, by Skim, his great grand dam Hag by Crat, hi great great grand dam Ebony by Childers, his great great great grand dam Ebony by Bafto, his great great great great grand dan by the Byerly Turk, his great great great great great grand dam by Leed's Arabian. T Good-and-extenfivexlover-and mcadow-pafturage-well fecured, gratisVand the.greateft attention paid to Mares, but will not be liable for accidents or efcapes of any kind. Gentlemen that wilh their Mares fed or to run on oat fields, wiUhave it done on the moil rca fonable terms, . 'JOHN DREW, jua, t ' :5ctUadNcck, Hulifwcouoty, Feb, io.

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