NbRTH-CAROLiNA MINERVA. THE AND RALEIGH ADVERTISER. ' ' 1 . .. , ' -mni.ui in r ,i i 'y ,tgsaw)i:MKtaww . ' fr-G-K- PaBLisHED etery TUESDAY by HODGE VBOYLAN, Printers to the State. Vol. V. J T U E S D A Y, &ay so, 1800. 214 - : .... . - . ; - PARIS, March 9. TRIBUNATE. SITTING OF MARCH 8. The prefident read a letter from Citizen Maret, fe - cretary of ftate, which informed the Tribunate that the government was about to fend a meffenger from1 the council of ftate to communicate to them a new pro .clamation to the Ficnch, and two orders, jwhich had After forne time, Citizen Champiny was introduc ed in thit capictty. Government (faid Jhe), always'anx'cus to unite with you in whatever inteiefts the profpfrify and the glory of the. Republic, think it their diy to commu nicate to you their, arrangements ia cnxumftances fo importaut as the prefent. .'. I'ne campaign is on the point of .befog opened ; this is fufficient to inform you that peace is about to be made, either by th ...mere fhe w of war , r by the fuc - cefs by which it w- be crowned.. Have ho doubt on - this fuSjecl Citi' Tribufles. p?act .aineeilantly the object ofanxioua folicitude with the refent government. They defire it ; they promife i' to the French people j they have offered it to the r-defced powers ; if the latter, deaf to the v..,Ce of insanity and-of reafon, perfil in refufing it, thr Rep? c wifl prove to them that though fhe is de-f-"msof ; fact, flu knows how toxnake war tctj ' firrang .ment have charged me xo communicate the f ts which they have made to begin and to nroclar- dfTcd, you will recognise the fenti r--Qt V-Lic ti rfe. and thf ermine urMrh. infniri t 1 -:-. CO' ora'.ii here' rea ! the proclamation in thefe ' . 1 V- .heir firft wilhes, their ';" J 1 w"'n&i it. The En- " Has rejccV'd it ; tfie Enrlifh admi- r yed the iecret ot its hoirible pbcy. "... . on, who are defiroos of accompanying the firft con ful, and of fliaring in the glory of the approaching campaign, are to be inferibed by the prefects, and Jo be formed into volunteer battallions. - --- Art V. Thofe who can procure for themftlves horfes, (hall be formed- iu to volunteer cavalry fquadrons. Their officers fhall be appointed by the chief Conful. -URIJEK lb Art. 1. .There (halj be created an army of referve, ccb; filling of (5o,ooo" ro n. - i Art. II. It (hill be under the i timediate command of the chief Conful. . The ai tillery fhallbr commanded by Gen. St. Remy ; the park by the chief de-brigade Caffendi ; the engineers by Marefcot, chief in'peAor of engineers. The ordinator Du Breton fhall be appointed ordinator in chief. Art. III. The different corps of conferipts who are to compofe this army, fhall immediately march for Di jon. They fhall be caotonned in the vilUges with in a circle "of twenty leagues of that, place Art. IV. The minifter of war is charged with the ex ecution of this decree. He is to take all mcafures for arming, clothing, and equipping the army of referve. CONGRESS. The Houfe refolved itfclf into a committee of the whole on the report of the Select Committee to whom ,was com muted thefbiU from the Senate prefenbint the mode of deciding difputed elections of Prcfidcnt and Vice Prefident ofthe UnitcStaTesT The Committee '1 ccomrnend the rejfdlion of ih principle contained in the bill, and propofe ftibUitut i-J4 exi-a t-t he-4ie fx fcvrr? rillrati 1 jj. . ar- I xf"W ,m'm ."" i J S. .g MHWMim jcuj, ; to vr-. it ''om the map f Europe, or to de grade it to 'y T?nk of a fecodary power ; to k?ep all( the rations the continent in a ftstf f divifion, in order to rruk. thfrnfe" mifl'r r of the commerce of all, and to enrich thcmltlveji by their fpoils fthefe areJ their objretc It is to obtain this dreadful fuctefs tuat England fcattcr? it gold, is lavifh of its promifes, and multiplies its intrigues : but neither the gold, the pro mifes, nor the intrigues of England, fhall bind the con tinental pnwemto its wilhes : they know the modera tin: of the principles which influence thatrountry. They will liilcn to the powerful voice of their interefts . If they hefifte. the government, which is not afraid to ofler and to folicit peace, will remember thaUtis for you to command it . In order to be able fo to do, money, arms and foldiers are neceffuy. Let "Sll ha flen to pav the tribate which they. owe to the commorj, defence ; let the yung citizens rife ; it is not for fjc- tions now tint tliey takK up arms i it is for the fecuri ty of whatever is moft dear to them ; it is for the ho nour ef France ; it isr the interefts of humanity. The armies have already afTumed that attitude wh'ch is ihe prefage of viflory. At fight of thefc-at fight of 7 the whole patio'i im?ted m the fame views and with the fame interefts, doubt notrFrenchmen, you will have rdlonger any enemies on the continent. If any pow er is yet deGrous of trying the fate of arms, the Chief Conful has oromifed peace ; he will march at the head maybe referred to that committee to examine and re port on both houfes concurring in fuch reference, o therwife to be decided as before mentioned. ' The two houfes may adjourn from day to day, paf fing over Sunday, until the count fhall be completed. When the joint committee fhall have been formed, it fhall not be in the power of cither howfeto diffolveit, rrtoithdraw any of Us riicnibcTi I iThe. executive 6f eacintatc to furnifh the elecldts iefpedivcly with-a copy of the law or refolution un 3er which they are to. ad ; copies of which the cleSt orsare to annex to each lift of their votes. And the executive alfo is to tranfmit within days after the appointment of eleftors, to the PreCdent of the Senate, Speaker of the Houfe of Reprefentatives, and to the -Secretary fcf State, a complete lift of each of electors appointed, the law under which they act, &c. Toft-mafter-general and Pod mailer are mad- ac countable for the fafe deirmiiig of fuch packets, if tranfmifted by that medium. All petitions refprc"img ekdion to Le prtf-nrec' to the Senate, and then toe tranfmitted to the Houfe of Reprefentatives, wlere they fhall be read, and at terwirds delivered to the j.iint committee. No pert tion to ,e received after a cay ret tain ; itor fhall any petition agaimt the qualifications of a candidate or e-i?ltoj-JLJbj.CCiJjC(Jr -4hlef-1 en-dayr-noticenhFreof7u writing be previpufly given to the pcrfon whofe qualil cations are ontefted, or where i nproper couduft ia lL9neg..aa;aiti.lt f)f warriors whom he has more than once-led to victory. With them he will repair tw.fields of battle, where the memory of their exploits ft ill continues: but in the rnidlV of battle, he will invoke peace ; and he fwears to fight only for the happinefs of Fiance, and the re pofe of the world." j , " TwcT'orders were annexed to ihis- preclamation, as .follows :' " " v. . ORDER i: -Xrt. I. The department which," at tfie end of Germi . nal ( middle of April), fhall have paid the greateft part of its contributions; fhall be proclaimed as .have'.. ing deferred well of its country Its name Inall be given to the principal fqware in Paris. T -Art.- II. All the old Mdiers who hare obtaied their "difebarge and, the veterans who are yet in a ftate to keen the field : all the younjr men of the reauifition and the coafcription, ate fummohed in the name of ImnoufVr by a proclamation of the preteai ana gene rals commanding the divifions, to repair " to their ftandards before the 5th of Aprils . - -irt. III. Thofe who are not attached to any corps, " ' are t repair to the head quarters of the army at Di j n, here tliey are ta be armed and clothed. The tirft Conful will review them in the courfe of the rnowth. ; - ; ' h rt . IV. The French cit iz ens of any other defcripti i n g t b e fo ' o wi n g. Thareadr-hWc'tlTiTrchoo ballot, four: of its members, who fhall form-a joint committee, ard have power to examine into all difputes relative to the elec tion of Prefident and Vice.Prefident other than lueh member of tins committee, who fhall be one of the five higheft candidates for either office. - All documents (other than thofe inclofed in the packets containing the certificates of the votes of he Electors) petitions,' exceptions and memorials againft the votes of the ' Electors, or the pcrfons for whom they have voted, to be delivered to this crmmittee. The committee toTiave power to lend for peHon papers' and records. All teflimony to be reduced to writiag, and figned by the witriefs. Perfons f veer ing falfely, to incur the penalty attached to wilful and corrupt perjury. MHrfhalls of the -United States directed to fcrve procefs iffued by the committee. t. W4tiLeflS to receive the fame compenfitwn as f..at;.. tending the Supreme Court of the United States. ' The Committee to appoint a Clerk, who fhall, un der theii1 direction, keep a journal of their proceed ings, to be reported to both houfes. , Tellers to be appointed by each houfe, before their affembling to count the voter, whofe duty it (hail be to receive tle certificates of the Elcflors from the Pre fident of the Senate, after they fhall have opemd and read and to note in writing the debates of the ceitifi cates, the flames of the'Elcclors,--the time of their elec tion, and the time and place of their meeting, the number of votes given, and the names of the perfons voted for ; and alfo the febftance o" the certificates from the Executive of each Hate, accompanying the votes of the Elc&ors,. The mitiutes made by the i ti lers are to be read in the prefence of both iioufcsa.nd a ttopy entered on the Journals of each. A locals the Uommtttee. lhail have maae tneir re port, both houfes fhall meet for the purpofe of coun t ing the votea. The names of the different ftates who voted, to be written on fepatate pieces of papev and put into a ballot tlx : and the. votes from each ftate are to be examined and coonted in the order in which the name of the ftate fhall bedrawn from the box : If no exception be made, the votes of fuch ftate are im mediately to be counted ; bat -if any exception be ta ken, the perfon taking the fassr (hill ftate it directly, and not argumcntativcly, and sign hisname thereto. If it be founded on the report of the joint committee, and be fecoflded and figned by a member of each houfe, then each houfe ill all immediately retire, without quel- tiorvor debateta--OFnrtpVrtment'. and fhall refpec-; tively take the queftion on the exception, without de bate, by ayea'and noes : Unlefs both houfes concur in fuch exception the vote objefted to fhall be counted. After destfion,1 both houfes ftalf again affemblc, and refonie' the count. If. the( exception taken fhjsll arife on the faee of the papers oend by the Prefident of the Senate in prefence of. both houfes, and fhall not have been noticed in th report-of the jint committee ; it Judges of courts of the United Ftates, 'and othera qualified, directed to take evi(lei.ce,vwlen thereitatu required, by etty pet f m pet it ioiifiicr "aifninft or"con'tt. ft- ing the votes given by the. elector's ; ptovided public notice tor weeks (ha'l be pr'vcn in the paper prln ro wri- iTr.'tnt 111 tl tention, and the points intended to be eftabm'i;; c by. All tettimony thn taken fTf -1 ! be reduced ting, and forwarded to the l'refidet t rf the jSr13"" gether.wilh a codv AjUr uutre original rlida vit proving tbe" fetvice of the notification directed as aforefaid. . The committee alf propofe altering the title, fo as ' to read " nn adt prefc'iibing the. mdde of counting ihe votesTfor Prefident and VicePfefident of theJLTuited StateP." . ... .... ' t Mr. Iicl olas, sfter compltmenting the Committee Jor t b e m at e r i al a n d bejie fi j 11 changes made in the bill referred to them, faid, it was not yett in his opinion, agpt f- raKi!'TfNI rit-" nient of the cpmii'i;ree:ccrmvplnted. He theiefore moved, to ftri'ke out the fit ft feftioBi which contained the principle of the bill The queftion was taken with out debate and negatived, yeas 59, nays 43. . Mr. Gallatin olj;ded to the principle contained in the 8th paragraph, between Crotchctf, as being uncon fiitutional, and sioved, to jlrike out that part of the bill ;"was oppofed by'Mr." Marfhall ; after which the committee rofe, and obtained leave to fit again. HORRID DETAIL. he foi'ohv'mg is trdnjlated from a French paper printed at Por Repullran , and retetved at Jtialttmore. . DECLARATION o J C. ANTHONY, late captain of the fchoner Mary, taken by pirates, and carried into Gouave 7 " The 1 8th March, i8Oi came kefore me, Pvc bert H itchie Conful of the United States of Ame rica, fefiding ia this city, J. C Anthony, late cap tain "of the fchr"Mary, of Charlefton, but then a bout 90 tonW who,. after having taken the cuftomary oath, declares, That he failed from Charlefton the : itth of February laft, bound to this port, that nothing extraordinary happened until the 2d of March, wheu being off the point of Leogane, four, le?guts from this port, about 8 o'clock at night, he was boaidedby the crews of thtee bargfR armed who had beetj in chice or him fome time ; the deponent being incapable f the laft refiftance, they inftantly took pffeffion of his vcf; fcl: thev put her head towards the point of Petit Guave, where, faid they he would find a good market for his cargo, but when they were about tfe middle or theiflaqd of Gonave, they changed the Courfe, and brought the veffel to an anchor, about 5 o'clock in the morning, near the N, E. extremity of this ifland. Some time afterwards they put out the veflers boat, into which they ordered him and his crew, with their baggage and f6me provifioo. whichTga ve him reafon) to hopethat he and his officers would be at libetty to proceed, wherever they pleafed, but his hopes were crtifhed i they , brought a barge, in which were tj blacks, each of which had two loaded mufkets. Thu barge took the boat in whieh they were, in tow, and put them on fhore three leagues farther down thaa where thty left the fchooner. At foon as they were on fhore the: crew of tgrrt - V .1

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