Delaware has three fotcs, which go to -. Adams add Pinckey. 3 3 "o Maryland hasten votes, of which feven it fcSijt' go to Adams'-Atd Pinckney. Should the cleflors be ch fcn by the lc gifliturc, which would be perfectly pro- per, in order to countervail the policy of Virginia,' in depriving the , fcdetal xJif- tii&J in that ftate of their v tcs by the gc-. lieral eleftion . law, the whole it n will i;o -1 .'iwisi in that manner. . L -10 O VI rg In ia ' h 3 9 7 1 we n t y on e- vol es, - the " 7. wha!e of which are fecured, by the gene ral election la, to Mr. 'Jeff: -r foil ; al though , In J the diilrici election been fuf fvTt."" to re'inin, there would bare been - at leajt fix jbr -Adams and Pinckney, t pre fen t the y.all. g o.t a JVt r j eff; rfon. Not th Carolina has t velve votes, of which, o;i the mod unfavorable fuppofi. tion, ;herc will be fie f or Adams and O 2L. Tinckney, the other fev en I vrHI count to JehWon. , ' . '$ 5 SoUth-Carolina has fight votes, there can be no doaht that Pinckuey wul have-the; whole of ihv'iii. Whcth'.r ih.-other peifon voted for by the elect j'is of that Hate, will kz Adams or fTci fn, ia uncertain. I will li jwever, fuppbfc Jtffcrfon. G :-argw has four Vwtcs. Tht't is ftrong ' ground for believing that Pineki'ey will hive ill of them, and probably J;fFcifon.0 " iHXHTt eMn hrce Voic74,ud KT tTt Wc ky four. There is no reafjn to believe that ""5 the tJa?qaor Pinckuey, will get a vot in cither cf thofe flates. They will all be i';r J:ff;i Ion. O he fecretly fepported ie j-.retejifiC.ris of Frsr.ce, while he publicly and .ofSciafy oppofed them ; thathe had a language official aoda language confidential" with Genet ; That in line, faaead of being the wife and patriotic advifer of a jut and neccfTary fytlem of po licy, he was the, mere, advocate, ho bring feed in a caufe, fuppiirts it with iequal dex'erity whether he thinks it right' or wronj. The ealtern ftate8;-were therefore left afraid of him than ihey now are. .They had a far better opinion of him, and though they gave the prnriit have thought that Mr. Jcffcrfou had higher claims than Major Pinckuey, having been longer in public fer vice, and employed in higher ftations. At any rate they thought it lei's. important to keep him out. At prefent, all thofe circumftances are. changed The people tn the eaitero Hates now know Mr Jef fe:fm. I lis iTiafk has dropt, and his reaLco .ntenancc is icen-They alfo know that the election of Mr.-A dams is exceedingly doubtful, and that their only cer tainty of efcapiug front the government of a man whofe political arid religious -principles they abhor; whole fteadinefs, capacitv. an3 fcoedrH '8 8 " ' . M 11 70. Hence it appears.thu if South Carolina ad Geor- r jg . : H j v gu lajula vote lor Mr. rt darns as well as li:n. t mcK nev, an event much to be limped, and far from impro- bable ; and one , or two ot the anti-fcJjral elect jrs in tXjtttjfaCaiaaliaa, ,. fh.)ld ..ote. . (otlxyihkliltJtL f:rfon, on the principlethac .men" in olS.c ought to be continued . while they behave well, which is very lik-:Iy to happen, he 'm jit be pa'!i !ifnt, and general Pinck.n? y vice preli lent. That (hould thofe t.vo flates vot : for Mr JcfFcrfon with Gcii. Pmckney, the latter raull br orefident, even fhould Maryland not clioofe by --t44w- 'le'J unre trwd-that,., fho.uld ,"M.a.r.yaJ-fa-kgrh-Hep, which upon every principle fir retaliation, juitice to berfelf and juflice to her caufc, Hie i. botnd t ) take, in order to eo uitervaii the Virginia policy, . etirPiykoey-wilrbe prclideat without the vytcs of Goria. - . " It' alfo appears from thi itutement, that "if the peo ple of ike United States could vote fairly by diftri&s in evey ftate, the fcd.-ralifls wdu'.c. have a confiderble ' rnjority in the cleciion far prefidet,'. They would, n. doubt, lofe in fome flates, but they would gain much more inotluis. They would have 5 if not" 6 in Kew-Hamp'hire. 14 at leait iu MifLcliiilats. '4 in "Rhode. Ifhad. 9 in Connedicut. 3 in Vcr.nonr, 6 ut New-Yark. 4 at lcalt in Jeifey. - 6 l Pcnufyl Vaiiia. 2 in Deleware. 7 ia Miryland. 6 in -Virgi nia....- c in North Carolina. 4. in South Cart.Jiua, and makina 76 m 1. .And as the. douht, vhofe political enAerprizea and thofe of hi ad hetents the dreacC and the prolate cffcdls of his ad minitlration they fhudderat, is to be found in a fttady ad!;erence to the pla.i of fupportittg geiisral Piiick ney with Mr; : Adams. They moreover know grn." Piuckney. They have feen him aft in the moil try ingimportant and difficult TitiYation wherein a man could be placed, and there they have feen him difplay that fimnefs, magnanimity, moderation and prudence,' wh'ch qualify a man fur ;the, bihc'ft Rations, and tti- tie hi;n to the ccr.hJence of his country. Iii fine, they are fVrongly and jultly imprcfled with the importnace of keeping Mr., Jefforfon out, and putting men in whofe principles they approve, and in vvhof; condljcl they can co;ifidc ; objetls. which they jultly confider as of inSnitelv more importance than that Mr. Adams, Mr. Pjuckney, or any other indi vidual, as fuch, fhojald be continued, or placed, in office. It iu therefore to be confidently relied on, that they will concur in lb ia neceffary plan, and thus defeat the only remaining hops of the Democrats, and difap- poi oijiayiiprjhsMM iiluta oi' their cour.try. " ; CIVIS, -X- t LONDON, April 15. The important intclligenee wMcii-we commuBicated yeflerilay, of Spain having d.-clarrd warjgainil Poitu- gal, was doubted by fome, beca-fc the letter which cori-rlagdJ-wasltdgy-dAYsJfatfe-JLhe iAfeki-Ji-l cd,'and becaulc it was tiiou;jht tliat,had it been true, a more particular account would liavc been received in that interval. Why a mote particular account has not been received,-we cannot tx plain but -knowing-the hi.ftile mind of the court of Madrid towards the corirt 61 Lilbon. the jealoufy vvitli which the former has viewed the intimate conation between Portugal and of the conflitutrori, refpefiirg the tU dors, are, ' Eacb flatc fhall appoint, iu lucli manner, as tne. irgiuature thereof may direft,' Sec, It was contended that the word ilate, in conftitutional latrguage; bas three defi- 'nitions id, That it meant a territory of the Uate . 2d, the People and 3d, the tody politic thereof.- It was hewn that the latter definition in the-inftanee -in quV(fkn"w8',the moil correct, as the w c rd flatd, iu the 1 oth ftdtion f the ill art. " AV Jfte ball enter .: into any ltaty," &c. V No'ftate fhall L) in impoltf-," was added in the choice of xtpefer.tatieb, the cotifii tuticn declares, M That thVjfh'airbcich cond year by the PecpU cf the fevtial ftates," &c- and : that had it dtflgned the people xclufivtly fliould hare : appointed the ltclcrs,,lhat it wt.tld have been thus fpecified. It wa8 alfo obft rved,' that in a majority cf1' the flates of the Union, the gpporntment of chclcrs 1 IhldJamadt Jbylth eZlegiflatureijbdjfiauhc yoteaj given by the electors thus appointed, 'had been recei- "v ved as p:ifcdly conlliiuiior al. The example too of '. . this ftate, Ju the three elections of.PrcfiJent which . :haTetakenrplace,waslfeadduceiltttH legilatur having the eiatire cent sou! of appointments, 4 a$ in all tbreljleliris t,hy tiavc; saricd thcf tnode of -ij. choice aji ihey pleafcdr from nominations oflhe fcple ; fecond, by retafning the right to-fupply'tfie-vacandes in Cafes wherein nu choice is tnade ;and , thiid, by prefcribing,, that be fides the power of f filling ail vaciriweSf-thelteTiittiife'T'' fliall thobfe two electors at large, and in veil the elect ors chofen with power tafupply any vacancies in their own body, which fhouii by death or otherwife, ccur at the time of tjieir voting. . . - , .. ' On "the fubjeft of expediency, it was fhewn, that in Virgrnia ud io other Itatts, every effort had been made by changing the mode of choollnf c'tftors, to . enfure an unanimous vote againft the Prcfident cf the United States ; -that-the Aurora and other jacobin pipers had already plumed therofclvcs on, the certainty of two votes far Mr. JcflFerfon in 'Ma-fTachpfetts ad which by the propagation of fallchood and. calumny aaainfl M. A. they intended to effect : that the Deo- w , , , . --. -. pie of MatTachufetts were warmly attached to tfeere- fent Prcfident of the United States, and exbefbd their reprelentatives would take every cynftitutional meafure in. their power to fecure his re elciiion ; and that the rneafufewai-the tnolt effectual to fecute the dtfirablff object of the people.. ; ; A gain It the coifUitut.onahty of the refolution, it was urged, tliat the word ' State''Ai the!fedlion iu jtmsMuXc-pmiikiiflK ftaft?;,jn hotn..thf- right of choonng eltcturs was inherent, and has-never been delegated to the legislature ; that if the confti- tution intended the legifljture fhould exercife the right contemplated by th -icfolution, it would have thua exprefTedit ; that the people of f.-JiifTachufetts had ever extrcilcd the right in qutflion and had never confent- ' ed to rc'inquifh it. "That it was inexpedient, as th? people," being the beft judges of the qmlification3 of the 'cabinet8rc?f'J.ondoii and PcterfburiT. the unealinefs fhe has felt and evpVcfT.d at the treaty between Ruflia candidates, would be likely to choofe the beft men ; and Port'upfd, and the late events vvhich took place be- anc tuat ti,e uncrm of the three 'alt elec- tween thecrewsjof fome French and Portu?uefe iTii'ds I t"!' l)a( been, that the electors chofen in the mode, iii the harbour! Carthagena, "we confefs we 'are in. clincd to give credit to the account. -Another letter r at lead in Georgia whole number cltitors i3 this woid.I bea ma'' j rity of 7 in their favor, by ihe.fairdit -of a'l poflible .modes of tlefliou, the election by diftrifts. B!:t the "democrats fay, that this is the only remain iug fcurce of their hopeji, that the Eaileru Rates will tc prevcntt J, by theii Kcal and ptrfonal attachicnt to Mr. Adams, from fupportiug another man with hici, who. may have a of fuj.erceding him ; and in proof. iif this, opinion, "ihtfy tita-ih: conduct of .thefc fVates at the Lrmr elcdiion .jfhjn they threw away ' their vote fi oni major Pinck;:cy, in. order" to .prevent- hrm fiom bciagiaelcded in preference .to-Mr." Adams;. ' But in thisjeaningthey forget fome very important points, and inulake others.-- .- ' - - Thefe' the Caflern flutes and tlf-where, were then or opinion Hut Mr, dams 9 ejection was certain ; a wi conceiving that tbty had the power of giving hira the preference, to which they thought him entithd, they confidered it as proper to do fo. The catlern flates,: moreover, who lay. much ftrefs on long fervices, and wifh t know menv well before they place - them in high'office, were unwilling to make major Pinckney prcfident. They ..were not fufficiently; ac quainted with him. He had acquitted himfeU well in his foiejgn mifHons, and they had conceived fo good an opinion of him, as to be willing to give, him the fecond ftation ; and, jf approved in that, to raife him., I in dne time, to the fit it. . 1 hey were lels atraid alio of Mr. Jeffeiioo at that time than they now are. His . letter to Mazzei had not then term off the mafic under "4 which he had con ft ant ly '(heltered '.his"- true, character . from the view; of the nation, and by the help cf which 1 h had conftantly reprefented himfelf as a man attach- cd icTthe' .-frne- principlerof -the govern meat, vvhilt h was labouring livfecret to promote the views of its ene mies. The ill merited popularity- wherewith he had decked himfelf 'in his correfpondeece with Genet, . had not been plucked off' .The nation did not then know, , from; Lifbon, which we received this morning, con tains the fame intelligence as the letter inferted in the Coutierof yeftenlay, and adds that the Bay of Cadiz has been cleaied ol a great number of'l fhippin for the reception cf the combiiied fleets, -which are ex peeled bom ttre'l. I he amount otithe force "which Spain is fending agaiail Portugal has probably been exaggciated. - . ''...-'' i - . . ExtraS tf a iMer. from Jont duleJ lbe zClh March, brtugbt by Ms M-jrjlit pacLet Pt tnce Ado fibui. " I kave this moment harnr, that' the Pi,)x.,yg,uefe government have received certain imellif ace that the Spar.jads have marched a large army to lire frontiers of this country ; and it 16 iurthtr .rumoured,?- and very gc nerally heiieved, that the Bay of Cadu has been tlear- prefcribed, had given "their unanimous futTrages for IVallingtcn and Adaiht. The debate was fpirited, ari'i iu fome degree aciimonioii3, and the qneftion was ta ken by'yeas and nays, as fijl!ow3 : Yeas 132. Nayt From the Trcnfo.1 - "FcWsM. """ .. ) . . ' -.: - By the Dale De Rochtfaucault Lisricouttf Yus 'lyhtg- . ' '. " - Cur THIS. poor French Philofophr, hdf royalifl; half jacobin, has publ.fhed a. quart voIutc of lics,;.non fenle, ar d iriks, Under the above title of Vr vij, &c. It would be d facult 10 find, in the wotld a bock fo4 completely made of trafh ar.d tittle Jattle as.. his. It is not to b: wondered that .-Eunipeans conceivs the A-' mericana, as little more civiliztd than-, favages ; and particularly the French, who f a allow down fuch bif fed of a great nember of faiall fhipping for the reception 0rle3 of theih as. this of Liancourt. He now and then of-tbcTrrenchettfoui--Brei1rwhich was-expe-cted-j- ftumbles upon a fa 8 and f mei imes-makes a-fiuewd but we all have confidence in the Britiih navy,' and remark upon a charader. What he fays of the Vriejlly trult, that fhould the. enemy put to fea, they will meet family thefc are riot Americans) 13 pofUbf from hlfn'aTlI'uceTearnii':.'"t,ha1'; he,warmcieTy "ihes'till&jM"'' pleader of a caufe irhkh he did not approve. That with the reception they rcctived on all former occa fidns. ' . ( . - " The Ttiton, a Portuguefe fhip, is expected to fail for England, with dilpatches, in the courfe of next wek." ' " '."-' X XX HKHKH X Kr- ' - MASSACtiU ETTS LEGISLATURE. Friday, June 6. ' ' Agreeably to afUgnment, the Houfe took up the refolution fibm the Hon. Senate, for appointing the eleAors 01 Piehdcnt and Vice-Prefident of the United States, at the enfuing election. The refolution pre fcribes the appointment of the electors by a joint ballpt of the legiflature "A debate enfued, which continued 'until after one o'clock; in which the fpcakers were: v For. the i tfolution, MefTrs. J. C. Williams, Hall, LowellKuffcli and Titcome. Ajginlt it, MefTrs. Stone, Skinncf.-Slocutn.- M9rtcn ad Hill.' . . the truth : QT Piiel;yt he fays, pae 7?, " His modes of life and drefs are uearly the fame as in England, the nv'tg excepted, which he has laid afiue ; Jcfrequcnt!y . laughs at the worlds hut in a maniur which cleat ly ap pears not to be ftom hii heart." Of Ifatnai . Cooper. ( novfr in gaol for libelling the government i.j'iiie UnitJ States, and - who is a reneffado-Encliflvman. and- limb of the-- Friejlly family) he fays, Page 76, " He is undoubted ly a man of parts, of a tejllefs mind, ill adapted to find happinefs in. a retired rural lifeIn' hia manners he of fe8t,.at prejent, a It rong. predilection for American cuf toms, and fays, he prtfers his prefent.m()CJe of Tivinj to any other hejs fufpefied ' here ot aiming at a feat in Congrefs." A very pretty fellow iridteclV He and - Mat. Lyon, would make a f nug yoke together both of them have been Iroien in to fexvicc by the gaol regiment which fcems rjow the. road 40 'preferment The Duke proceeds : Some Englifhmen, who lately arrived The refolution was. objected, to as unconflitutiorial in America (no doubt "god- republicans) intended-to and inexpedient. With refpect to its unconflitution- fettle in the vicinity of Northumberland frieJHy's rcfi ality, " thofe in favour cf it demonftrated the reverfe by. dence :) It appears, . however, they , have abandoned acomparifon of the claufe in the contlitH'tion which that intention difzujled 5Vte'jgrt pjecedencc pro'VfdesTort'iTpp emiid 'bjKefiaiJr'hTi family and Ttfuh.4fie;aulle- claufes wherein the fame words arc ufed. Ihe words rity of their manners"" As a companion of Mr.' -. Ii... if' -P" - " ' f ' - ' (' JL