RALE I G H A D V E R T I S E R, A R A L E I G .-Published every TUESDAY by HODGE BOYLAN, Printers to thi State. .A. Vorvr T UES.D A Y, 8, 1800. 1 221, ' BALTIMORE yfahe't 3 &4 Arrlvid this day, bug Ranger,- capt. Gardner, 49 , days from Biittol ' XondaajapfiriJ?TeRaoi:er,'-bavebcerV-Tcceied-au 4iic-0liice-if ;thrFedefaMjrezcUe,jto Satnrd4y7-5d- May,.incluiivc, J he tolloWing ate the moll matc--mi article they .afLtd. further, extracts will be 7gite'ii,'.W"aurrow', -r ' , .-' - - AlParii papeVr'a tlytcr than ttiofe which arrived yeftcrday, ha been rctei. 'utjt add nothing to the military details hich.wegcalMe in the papers '(6tthc-i7th,- and ''contains' i only a rtaragraphJ wnica icivcs iocouhucc u iuu tac campaign lias been opened upau the .Rhine. .. .." : . . :v i,'i The f iciai details frorri general Suchet and Oudt rot ttq.iire faie consent and txplanation t dilen tannic t gfrn from 'th, coitfuliou .wii-cti peiV.ad.cs. their accounts and w hich perha; b id, in iu.ne degree, to'bc accouoted;fit by ihe : continued ai'vcmeiH8,,an4 rapid fucc flirsn of operations, wi.ichv1tft thofe generais IitT V.eleifure to give a full, clcai and didinct narrative. It appears that the Auftrians and Ftcnc h were en gaged alraoll without inteiniffion for ten days, from the 6ih to the ijthult. iticlufivc ; that during that time the fueceff. was various though ultimately the Ailftri. ans wete defeated 111 theit main defign, and that of 'cotvf lehT-r rcTTrh wrrr viaoTiousr jyjwAftJf-ay-yrai) Mila?, im the 6.h nf April; was a general one,, extending from the pofiti- ons at the trench on the calltrn IHe of Genoa, to the polls and entrenchments on the we(t,"as far asSavona. His object feems to have been to divide the force and attention of grneral Maffena, hoping that if that gene ral fhould direct his main force to the vreft, he would l.LeiSXe.JiVjL,0-a; uncovered, aiuf enable (ten e raj, Ott, who commaoda the Austrian in the RTverirCevantiVthjil' is, on the ea'lerri fide of G?noa, to fucceedTn his at. tack upon that city. ' If, however, on the contrary, 7lh'enh"'gYnTral"(hurJ"bcar to the eartror keep his m at tV bod y It at ion ed at Genoi, t he A (Irian's ' would then; be enabled, to fix themfttvc-! a-onj ff fine extend ing from the A pp-nines to the Tea' at Sarona, and thus interpole rfii obltacle which would cut off Mafltna'a re ttat towards Nice,." In the attack made upon the call and wellcrn fide of Gtnoa, upon the 26th, the Auftri an? were fuccefsfulv General :Mil!is ivat forced to fall back' on the ealtern fide, .and general Soult, who oc cupied Monte, nottc a ul the heights of Savona, wts forced to evacuate them, and retreat to Albizora, which is a little to the eaftward of Savona. On the nejtt day, however, general M-ffena proceeded in per Ion againlt general Ott, defeated him, and took 2,500 prifonets, including a major general. JGen. Melas in the mean time feems to have continued his fucceffe on the wtftettr fide cfGenoa. Lieutenant feneral Su chet was driven on the 7th from his pafitiows on the mountains at St. lames s and Melen-no. and fnnA-tn r 11 1 1 1 1 1 "1 . . .P -- 1 i ' :-'" -Vn-, iau oacK oenina tne nyer which delcemis to the fea at FiaaleJ Whilft a part of the A ufirianrarmy was thus vdrivinggen. Souchet before it, another divifion had ad vanced as far as Pie va. ' From tlrat poiition, ttoweVer, it was quicklcy driven by the Polifh general, Sablo nowflcy. . " -: . It was in i this .fittniont cut off from the main bodr of the army, and ignorant of the opei ations.of Maffena, that general buchet, . by a telegraphic difpatch. order 1 111 ; 1 r ' ' " " clride that the Auftriatit have rot faccetded in their de fign of cutting off'aflina's retreat, and that they hve not been able to'eftablifh thcmfelVts in nry ftron force on a line frdm the Appenines to the fta. It is dif ficult ,- how evef,-f ror-4 ht-cn I u Hon w h ich per ad e -Uic-Freneh-ceountsitobttrtr.any -'very-tecurateHn-forrnation, or toform any yery decifive opinion.. The objcA of the general attack which the French were to take on the 2 1 ft was probably to endeavour to drive the AuftnaoiBtirfcly'oii)Uc v?eft5ro.,part)(, the iQjJljtf?" v 0"'1 -r" y r In confeqqence of the finctefs of the weather, and a fcafonable fupply of foreign griin, every article has x perienced ateduftoin in price and the mod fanguine expectation of a ftill further decreafe way with confi dence be looked for. Boilieg peafe wVire the only ar? tide that itood its ground at Monday's 'prices, ... ,,..,.,, ,,,.,. ... Price of Flour. ''Fine'' flour,. 97a. toicjsl per fack; . t r .jStconds, 908. to 971. V. ' Third, 70s. to 93s. . - Mid!. 3o. to ia6 pr quarter. MAY , V.'e received this rroming, the Paris papers of the 29th of April, one day later than thofe which arrived the day before ycfterday. It appears by a letter from 45trafburg,dated the 2 Jtfi, that the French have croff ed tbe-Rbnej-and that a haule-lras takeirpiaceT ""The armies," fays that lette r, u luvel)cen engaged ever fincc fix in the y,,""" .g "pljjg ('(.o andlhe" advantage begins to be on our fide. Itas our centre that made' the attack." It feems rather extraordina ry, that as there is a tclegVaphic line from Strafhurg to Paris, no inttllijence hair been coramunicated of a later date than thofe of the 3th. t One of the Paris papers ifferts, on the authority of 'aceountifrom has taken the Boohetta, after ft rrriing.fi x fines of en trenchments with '"dreadful Daughter. Should this pro vc t r u e , G e n a m u ft, fa U jnit an tly. The army of referve is -ryrdiy encreafingin ftre'rigt'h. t,,wa on ,t he-2th of laft month about 7,'OCO "ftrongrv and ffelh troops were cxpcdcdlo arrive. part of the army . is in motion. Two divifionshavc filed off to wak.Gcneva, ;..'T-.,, ........ The chivf conlul vvas expected at Dijon about the 30th of lalt month. Hisgaard was to be at D'jon on the '27th, and preparations wete making to get hi$ palace in readinefs by thai day ,1 encreatc tne embclhfhment. Can it fnnnn,.A .1.1. . V T, thete , prepart,onS are 'for nothing, for H ' moment I the itr.val of th chief conful i, JLouncid tor (hu decade. ed all the troops on their vay.from France, to accele rate their march to Albenga, to which place he had re: treated. ... . Meanwhile general Maffoia hating Beared the eaft- em fide of Genoa, appcarsjo have been collecting his force to proceed to the Weflern. He fent a difpatch to general Suchet to advance from Albenga, and at . tack thjLAuftnans oripnc , operations upon vAlbizora.and attacked theuftrian or "the othet fide. On the icth general Suchet relook Melegno. Maffena, however, djoes not appear to have gained any ground on that day,. but to have been fruf trated in his attack upon the Auftrian line. On the next day, however, according to general Oudinot's difpatch, he drew "the Auftrians by a manoeuvre into the valley ef Albizola, probably from the . heights of Savona. and defeated -th-ra. Of the aftion on the 1 2th,: 13th 14th and 5th, the official difpatches give riiodetaiis. They flate-merely that there was very warm fighting, on aeh of thofe days, -and that . the French had the advantage. Suchet was at La Pietra, and it, apptars that the communication between'him and the general in chief was open, for we find that Oudiaot had arrived with orders from Maffena. Where theflatasTWthth" ii not laid.'... it appeart4W he waif preDarina- to make a ral aL ... - t aiiucA 111 bUUCCIk FRENCH republic. ARMY T THE RHINE. Battle-on the Rhine. Sxtraft of a letter from Strafburg, dated 5th Floreal, 1 April ac. - , " The armies have been engaged fince fix iu the morning It is nbw-,nm.e, and the advantage befiiVs t0 bc 0,0 our fide. 1 1 was our cen ti c which attackedi" - ARMY OFRRSERVE. A . , . - : ' DIJON, APRIL 21 General Camot,' brrrthrr to the minntcrof war, fets out . to morrow for Paris with imporant communi cations to the government. The general in chief. Ber t hier, reqv!e.(Ud him .to defer his depar ture for one day, on account of difpatches, notlefs imoortant. nethans. I which he might have to fend the firft conful: we expect every moment at head :quarterfi,news from, the Rhine, where htftilities mufl i have already be gun. General Berthier has left one of his aid decamps wiUithe,armv, who is to bring him'an account of e.' vents, vhich cannot but be fortanate, when w.e confi der the number, valor, difpofiti'on, and fituation of the airty of rhrr Rhine. The at my of referve was on the 29th Germinal, A pril 19, concipofed already of 54.00O men ; jt has :hnce beerrincreafed l),tJb ta tifflftSFpIigH 1 71 he 2 Id cava! ryv" t h e 81 f o f the, line, the 44th, ,and very numerous detachments of conferipts, fo that it is now not lefshan from 70 to 72,000 men. Conferipts are fent in great numbers to Chalons' on the Saone", to which the right wing ex. tends, .and to Mentz. ' This army begins to move. The divifion of gene ral Wartin isfilingofP'towards Geneva ; fevcral corps are already on their march. The divifion of general' Loifon has orders to follow the fame rout immediate ly. A part of the adminifiration t5fii)bliflence, butch ers anc-DaKersr-are going to the-Leman. . .. --J -,'t - :-: -: - with Suchet on,thc 2 ft. Upon the whole we COB IC," ?rl .-witrwh.'ch the maeazinTslirrr .r ucuvcieu. n great quantity of clothing is alfo delivered. . . The confular guard to arrive on the 27thit con- tillery-and 352 horfes of equipage.' ' ' 'x ' The chief confuls hoifes will arrive on tfie famedsy. It is announced, that from the prefent period to the 4th of May, frefh troops will aniver a7ioug whiim are the fecond divifion of the 13th demi-brigade ; the 26th cavalry - 200 men of the 30th of the line ; two bat talions of the 30th, and detachments of the .fhird ca valry, the 19 h dragoons, the 24th light demi brt gadc,":the: and th 43d, - -The latter-detachnaeut arrive on the 4th. . - - Foity genefals are in this town. Couriers !fef ffe vcry inft. from head-quarters and others arrive from different points, from Geneva, the Rhine and Nothing tranfpires relativeto their contents. A confiderable convoy of firelocksAwa fent yefter day evening to Befancon. All the generals here have given at the confular palace a brilliant fete to the gene ral in chief, Berthier. Several ladies in the. town were invited, as weil as the wives 4f Pans. All the troops that have arrived wit hfn theft- W days have come-by forced marches. They marched tw.elve ahd thirteen port lcaeues in a dav. . Although-twff-divffensWnhOrmar march, the arrival oQhe chief conful if not reftVir- tRe internal decorations of hi ml U.a ,j . w m 1 v vsii 1 iiu tain . I oa "j and fome alterations tfidecd have: been made to Tiiperior officeti. JThe entertainmcat was extremely magnificent. PARIS, April 27. . The miaiftcr f jeneialpolice havad(lft fled a circu lar letter to the prefects of the departments, exhorting them to fupcriutend' the emigr'anfs who mav make at -tempts to return toFratJce. They are; eft fi; t d to en- force the execution of the laws againji cmitrrat ion irt ttic ill 1 jlclt maniif r. ; and he conchrdt s wit h obfer ving; that the molt inflexible jullice with refpt 61 to th cui gi ants can atone cwnfolirfatc the republic. I wo . veil'els -laden with provifions have entered the port of Malta, ThY French hive abandoned thr tn vi-Tyw-fwi withdrawn into the torts. It in in a coi.di tionHo hold out for fomc mon'hs ' lonoer. Lcfeteis from Berjjn fay, that the king of Pruffi,t i ill of.aWailet fe'ferj. but which'- announces no iii;!-,ui ate dauber. It! is alfo faid' that the Pruffian; ad.ijf.i ftratimi iV fhortly to repKu-e that of t lit French,, i .t the provinctsof Weftpiiaiia, now occupied by the troopa .a.t..thc-icpublic. This .-arrBgement tiniytg -thf good undci Handing tht exirt"bet ween Piuflia, and France. Le:tcr fr(;tn Liibon, later by three weeks than x hofe which announced the niarth of a Spanifh' army tot arda Portugal, mrtke"no menticjn of ariy futlv circumflance. Two Enghfli comniiiratiri.from the -interior if G'er'' many, paffed Bruffetivn trjJea.ift-V' bo their way to J'a ris. The o'bjtdt oftheir miffioo is net known. They write from Dijon, that the army of referve is in the moll brilliant Mate. The troeps ate paid, the corps complete, and all the. young men well txercifed. The preparation for defence n re more a?five than ever ttiroughont the whole of the Bafavlan republic. At Amfterdam, the ytuiiipr men of fortune-are forming , aj corps "of volunteer cavalry. , - Letters from, Bafle. of the 17th f April announce '1 rtViuon las taifen place at Bern, and that it hasput a period to the quatrcfc which divided the tvr Jrlauthotitiest--Thf ' twoounfrls werediffolvedrand a new eleflion was to be proceeded upon. There was ll th-ijth of April at M .ulins an infurrccion of the piifoners at war. The general was beat, the armed force stumbled and invcited the barracks; fevera! o Tbe infugents arnied therr.felves with flones, and wousdedUeveral veterans .arid gens d'armrs. It was not till fcti at night, that order Vas-,re ettablifhcd, and, fouttetn otthe feditious taken "tip. ; Gtfiefal'JDuiina ,4. : V ( w J 1 -:'f 1 Dcicorches, the diplomatic agent, ;s ariived at Paris.- -The ex. ambaffador to Spain, Gui!eir.ai"det, is al fo arrived; . . ' , ' General Mack has juft quitted Paris' to return ta Aultria. . ,;, . -'- : -'.'! A friend of madame d'OrleatS, who .',fiw her at Barcelona, affertsUat fhe bid no part ia the reconcili ation of her children with the court of MittaU -': . that it is again ft her advice they are at London; that flic ,inv!tea tnem to retire to. Holtfein,. and that all her -wiflies are confined to returningto breathe the air of her tiwn rounlrir xnA -imK-pi.r- i. Ui . .." Y...--l 4 Pa ris. '' : , . . A letter from Cleves of the 1 8th of Anril. tlarr-. Z.P.(!..Jml9i.f.J.ht,Pruiria "were Ta" this city, have juft been informed by their go vernment that within a jhbrt time that country will be agaiu goyeraed as formerly ; '.. hut - t'Kaf t he French, troops woulifemaii till the general peace." r - ' : f -' v - - t 1 ..-. I If . I 1- V, ''.- .'; '1 .... T- n I 3 '-Vv- - .., --'wi- L--r--- --:- -n , x ... --V"' '''n'-0;'-"v -1'

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