um euiv toll ecliV - - ' R A L E j C, fl-.-iususHED wt TUESDAY by HOD.GE BOyLAN, TMjitsjo jasJTAg Vol. V. T P E S O A Y, July 29; 1800. 224. garolinI -minerva;;: -: THE NORTH ' From the BoIon Cerit'meL r No 111. indent ejablifhments are abijltd byjlow andhiper 9t( meant, Kit. RUSSflL, - .w ' i ' ' - I have heretofore in a brief and'eu'fory manner, 'flcttthedjf political life of Mrcfterfon by fchich , it will be (ecu, that an inordinate ambition, a thirtl I ' for public lionofiran U dtiLifictionsanil a tupviityjor rative fonn'ra of this mib'vbutriotinn. '.' With fuch con rative for cluhvc proofs cf the interellcd and felhih policy which he has uniformly purfutd, 1 might venture to rcft'thc public decifion upon the purity and exalted viitue of a man, who has inllituied himfrl. "t Court ofilnqifittoh upon the motives, the. deigns, and the Integrity o the -molt eminent mew in our countiy. But I have engag ed to coulidrr- his theoretic,! character in religion, Jhito fophy and politics, and although thejubject will be both dry and laborious, ..yet as it is certainly improvement and ought to be intending, I fetl it my duty to ac quit myfelf of ray engagements. Men, who undertake to perform actions, or com mit crimes whith are of an atiocious nature, and which bring dowrt upon them the deteitation of mankind, r-n ullw aim tn arrnmnlifti rh!r views in f?ctet i ' and jP( ' - 1 7 . . j . , , -fpuIative-andLviftonary theorifis at foundations of fociety, and overthrow thole maxims aud priciple8whichhaveheen hitherto 'facret!-rihut-ptcttaht; Hence it he had with the ardor and fincen'fy of an iafatuated higotf ferioujly contended that a fub'ic profelBon of fi . thcifm was uot injurioiia 'to fociety j I fliould have pitied his errors, and have obhurairjhcjnjwith my tcaf""Burwiih of Voltaire and D'A- lemkrt, he has attempted to tfffft by ridicule, what he could not accom plilh by reafonirp. The elegant and tefiAt'ti philolopaer of MonticellU who has given a po li(h to the character of the American ftyle, and who is jnalter of the boldelt, as wtH as the mod beautiful inaagery, when fpeakirig of the aweful and iublime Tubjed of the jbciief of the exillence of a God, fays in the langtiageof Billingfgate. " if - my neighbor fays that there is g (yg it-netther pch my packet nor bredit m leg What language could low wit and malice nave u vuea more calculated 10 ituen tne oignny anu importance of the fufcjeft upon which he was treating f Are fuch expVt.-fliint becoming the awful foiemnity of fuch a qutftion I Dathey cotrefpond with the rcveren ifol awe ", ..and fiHcere idevotioh of k icaI believtr in the exillence and attributes of the Deity ? Or, foigiving or overlooking the conterrifiuwt' nuarc of the. ex prefliong, have tiey "tendency to convince of pur fuade ? Is there any force ia the acjfonin ? Certainly not. Let me a He th'e fhilofopHrr of Virginia, ifhis hero, Buonaparte, (hould fend his myrmidons and feizc the Conjulate in this country by th- bayonets of the Jot 3 y denom na t r . prejutitcel tehm to Hv. artful and unfufpeded means would bt as 'lmpcfiible to produce dirtA common law ' , proof, that Voltaire, D'Akmjbcrt, Voluey, f nd jef fcrfon were either drills or jtbeilR,'a3 that Genet bubed our leading Jacobins, or that Graham 'aFually cut the plates ot the bank bills which-he was cortv Sedof trrTaairinTrrwflHheTefoTcdCT rule of law and common feufe, to require fuch e vidence as ihe nature of the caft will at! of. 1 do not, thetrivT;-, cxptct t. punce, thai -Mv. J'fTerfon has !'ccly 'nd-culed ihe Chrijlian ,.i?.3ni-hi--hc has cxprL-lsly dciiied tin eijlencs of revelation, o the be ieff aud attribute f.GtJ.- I do iiot pretend, tmrvf can poiiK oni a pi-fijge in his" works in which he iz clatt s dl teveaU-d rvlijnoii to be a farce; andthat the ntfoft.rhnrof a fuuie;ttatcTiral)!.ic bt ar invented by otJ-jls But I pledge my rtputation as a vntcr, ttat i pnive tt at he has maintained do&iiaes, which hve conviiiced "'"me-that, hc-is 'an ; infidel, and which teudo the datruction of all religion, crJer, and civil go- vefnmrJr , . - '. RtWi'i'as teffa as an admiflioa to pt.blic cfiire, I kr ov.' lave been conderniied v this ape of lileia.ij arul virtue - 1 an one of thufe unenlightened mtn whu tlill bt jicvt them highly ufetul to a ri'jruljf 'and well oniev edfociry nt J btlievc the nioft loofe of ih& mo dern p!;ilVophcis in tins timitrj, ex rpt the ll'uniinati, admit tha a belief of chrillhi.ity upon fome principles is really iiidifpenfible in civil rulers ;. they have on'y contended, that the Gtovtrnmcnt fliould not ex.iend its pinjitctiori and patrousge to she fid bj ChfiJTihns only." .But as Mr. J.'ffi.ifo.i, ly as the c ar 1 7b I, (and .before the fublime idea of d'pofittg the Almighty is fu- ccneo dv u anion, ana moauum his; wuucjsvj Alonticilli, and they mould commence the reign of Emtahtfra wou'.d thefe things cither " tick his pocket or break his legs ?" I Hull enlarge on this fuhjed of hu jefferjon s piety in my next, opened her damnable tongue, a. d Wafhington became a dupe and a traitor. But the. d-Iufiou foon tanifti ed. Time had covered him with gloiy, and his ca-iE?51!!?.?Jt.fctAAtnc-an4 Hifamy f '-. by every good ani difeerting man. But the fame fulky ungentrous.fpi rit remains. Thorc wbo have fpent thr it lives in the ferviceof their countiy ; thofe whofe talents aRd whofe virtues entitle them to, iefpc and auihaii i) , meet oppoiition, hatted and dettaclion. That laudable candid jealoufy, which jjught etct to djihcguifl hc examination of .the characters, ttanfac tions and motives of men in i.ffice, has become, even among many who are uot inimical to our con Hi tut ion, a conftant, fault finding, mean fufpicion ; diltorting every public tranfdion, and imputint; the wotft de figns to the raoft upright iDtenti'ins. The fame mode of conduct with the fame attendant arcumlbncrf, is now applauded and now condi mncd, as panic ular ob jeds may Fuit. Sending Mr. Jay to Great Britain was-impujed - to" pulilhaiiT.itvr Warwar rrwas hi"" cry. But under timilar circumftances, three attempts at reconciliation w'th France are imputed to what?: To a determination to w.igf war with that power, and draw clofe. the cords of affrdi ion with England.' The molt upright, faithful and fteady.condu.dY in the executive, is no mean of meeting thr good opinion f men, v.ho, wiih . ; .' DEC I US. Frcm the Baltimore Federal Gazette, HOW ..lixtenfive,- how dcfpoijic is tne government 1 of pnjudke In all the . concern. 1 of life, we axe more of left ihe fubjecti ol her controul1 In her Itgnt, ge 5iyiSS . forbearance -ptt- liilanimityf c.ur.ige ramaefs,. vnjtue !lentation, alid religion hypociyfv. Now like ihe drukird (he. fees double : atid A nd courage jieyer to fum.ii.5iyjkl. Irlf-Eenron'W roolt inveterate op pofition, till the prefect adrniuiitration dial! he over tuincd, and tliemfelvcs -in office?, once hiled wi'h ta lent i and integiit"y. . ' CA1US. Mr, In his notes ifuoporteiS of a fyfle'i'. wludi, once in operation,' will inrginagee'-fays ul 3 of government ex tend only to fuch afts as are injuri- own heads ? ' ' 'i (on Hi his place, was tnttmvited in-rflmtfbroscnea.aiv mans . . . . 1 r f . .'...11.. oDinion, wis improper to matte any ieitgtuns utau tett. a condition' "of admiilion.-. to olBce on ers of covernntent ' extend only 0X others -t-But it:d,e mt no injury ! notgn-bout- to fay.'. there me twenty Gods or VO GOD.1' Here then 'it is Wiiifcfted, that Mr; Jcfftrfon contenis that an itheij may ba as valuable a member of fociety, and as worthy lof places of t mil as the molt firicerf Chrirttan. . . ' '. "T7' '. . , .,; , .,, -...i . - -; -For, if my netghiour is mt-VLt good -a'lftaflandjM-va-- . luable to 'ocictyv'bccaufe he is aif" m.ftfJlrLbelcattfe-I-'f an hdve no-conridence tip not deve tdvaotagj frmthft4tacnts 'and fcrvices of my : AtheifticalWgibour ; Afd I counted ' again ft 'he iu-oyy.6flht-tailJuWtme and enlightened '.JeSei fon, that I would not trull Voltaire, ; ThomiiJPjinf , or the fe'f, with either mv Per- . ' . t . ' i '--iL.i-tA- d now like the jsunidicedypcrfon flie be !m!cl8 rvery ofhcroi-jef tinged fyith an unratural hue. In oolitics her oower is univerCiI hjui irreQjijW'. HirrT-8;"Ctnt:.ntf 3t "Iher-TVcufirs "'of the mind ; guaids with circuriifpef.lion the approaches of tluth, ami the airaiilts of rcafon ; not ftiU'ers their entrance into the inclofurtsof intrikaual operations. Shefwear3 the .Andes "are mule ."hill's, and public virtue lelf iitereft. She ftes angles in the circle, and t hefpirit of Cromwell in WashinotoiJ. She dKcovers filth in the diamond, andueaton in Jhh Adam-1': U.the lahW ef wif -dom to throw off her yoke ; to caamine men and fads as they are. With how much heat and violen-e is agitated the ap proaching election of Preikluit;. 'How vehement, how pafiionate the ftiuggle. Is it Vot the combat of nimrinlt." whofe'viftotv fiiall. enliven, 'a JvanceV, cllab- liih ; or benumb,... congeal and delhoy the eiiWgies, the honor," the prolpeiity of uni led t menca ? Do we not find ttiatTomc fettled 'fy Iters ol oppotition to go vernment,, which for 1 3 years.-fiafl . has perplexed and 'dill orbed oiir 'national councils.,' now more tliinl ever united ? Aie not their defigns conceived, cftablimed, organized, and purfued with fccrccy and venemoul for- thude from StT"Mdrysio-'St. LVwxVn3b'"hAt mans have, lc large a part or ourpiuexojipjLiUi corront : and the uotonlcious protectors and r RICHMOND, Jr.'y 15. ( Fnrn the Baltimore, lit July," iflboi Merirtother T-mt-s. '-' ,7 ', - "-r- iiy accidfBt 1 faw a Card direflcd to me by the "writer of a httcr dated at Piiilaphia, 7th May i8co of which an cxtr.'icl was publiflud jn your paper ftyled ' I he Examiner" on' the 20th of the! fame, month. In my note to you, a: Richmond, on the, 26th,pf May - 1 rt-rvii?"- yo4, iiiiwtu. me &.nuor or tnatjettii, uit I delireTot nooio uptWttii u vmn titu naurv, jneae hi$ name with the printer ) in fmc of the news-paper printed at Philadelphia ; that I would prove him falfe, fc:ndalous, wicked and malicious Jlanderer and calumniator ; that for this pur'pofc, I would fue him in the fupreme court of the conimonwcnlih of Prnnfylva nia, and that if he would appear to the action, I would. content that he mit'ht give the' truth of his publication in evidence to the jury "afhhfulljulifoolfohTMfiti fon fof this proportion was, becaute the author of thia Utter had wilfully and bafely, ad againll his owii knowledge, mifreprcfented my conduct as piefiding Judgc'cf tlfe chtuit court of the IJnited State9 held 'in -Philadelphia in April .laft. Any perfon 'who! will take the trouble to compare the ftatemtnt of the trial of Mr. Thomas Coper, as puMifhcdby himfelf, with the ilatrment made by the author of. the letteratludcd to, will dellic .ro fhrthrTrcH';rrTf1ieredUlMr7 Cooper,) of the b'afe mifteprtfrntation, and the bare faced falfehood and calumnV.of the Utter." When any one publiflies a libel on a Judge, he is liable to a pro- fccution by way ot tndtclment ; and he is alfo ion ct to 1 e'niitafjhn: ' A tlf AhatApfay'f oil the pro- . Jfcciitiou atid trial of Mr. CodpefT zm my cnf)ect as . one of the Judges, happened in Philadelphia, 1 tfiere" -fore ppofed to brt of the libel in the 'Supreme C utt of that Common wealth, and not in the Federal Court, as the author of the letter-wilhes the public to believe. 1 arrr-a-rt fi-"" dent of Maryland ; the author is nat a.t efident of Fenn fylvania,burt:it is believedof Virginia. The author ot this letter fays" bcls not difpofed to efiteiyiuto controvctfv in theFcderal Couit, wiih a TuTte of , It' is caufed by that violent current of natiohal and dbmeftic prejudice- which in one common dellrudipn, fweep3 away virtue, reafoo, ami. truth. With what eyes of mad delight did. we fooLlhly admire the tdm mehcement of the French revolution. With what ,nr vn it rrlrhratrd bv all srS uiiannvu vmi j rt . . . . andclalFes. v'How didiwe horullly rejoice at-the 1 ri-4 thaurti:-tint?er thr exittintr practice of packing ju "umph of a7evolution, the murder us vagaries oftwh ch ries." This obJVrvation could on'y have been jnade U.. fnntirt nations with human hlood s rut the cords : to deceive the"public, to niake them believe 'that I tia VV. I L)llVU 111 w w - - . - 1 - . -'m'' "I1 r . - trm Arnft wKr-ro hutiam "numdl nfOtS COliTu 00t reach then, becaufe if they, have no belief of a future ilate, they would rob my purfe or cuMny throat; if neither diface nor punimmentrihould tnlue the com jnifilou of the crime. ," . . If therefore, a dread ot future pHriiflment adds a foTemn -and jmpHtant lanion to human hit s.any man and par--.ticulafly-anv man of -public character,' who maintains that tk'rejs no GoJrinfliftsa feverc wound upon ;the iaflepleshwW?4 rily doss me and alltriankind wxArrebarahU .injury . B it , I tf'oiiiid forgiveMfeScVfyiij it -hiUciX DttMitiaidcd; ; of love and piety, which'cotinect man with his Creator ; freed a nation from a load of unjuft oppnffion jn'd plunged - them - to" iomyi'; trrcligioir and- a far wcrfe tyrarniyi" ':'f ' '"'"",..' - '' .When.the cruelfy of her tender mercies to us, her black policy, her tnfidious u.tentions, becanie appa rent to all, whdfe minds were open to inveftigatic ri ; Tht''vvlirTabirb"ufy7"he checkedpwci e not cruflied ; demagogues were intcfc" fatlt in.fpcciousjigumenu of the uninformed and - credulous to eprcfeHtthcT caufe of France as the caufc of real li bertyT out jo wril government, juft, and impartial -to all, as oppofed to the tifHs of humanity, arid the ptogrels Ot tieedom ; ahVdvcaterr-&ri of their owncoutitry. But there was a barrier. A took place In Philadelphia, and a great number ol per- togruntaia of chaucters -muiV-bi levelled, fouk. b&c propoftd to foe' him: , in the -Federal- Couit for Penn, ivlvania. and ig-dircctlv' contrary to the truth ; ad alfofor the further purpofe of charging the Maifhaldl Pcnnfylvania with parking juries in violation of h'8 duty,land oath of offio . 1 lie author of thVictjer now propofes that , I fhonld itie him i n t !j T highell Court of the It ate fa ''wl5r4;.rff- .wftfch .h.;..?.'. not mention, but .l prduine.U ..VLrgHiiaand that he will join iffae on the truth of the publication j and he 'n-; ne xcs to-condit ions,7 1 bar ra ReTre iffue to tfke thedepolltions of all 'witnlles to beueJ on thePiai; and that each party give'in fwer -ihe ultimate decifion of- the caufe. 1 .Ihsll ntit- fue in Virginia,. becatife of the ddtance from bajmore iona who ttliac there were prefentin the Couruanfl to 7-- : 1 tr- '. X-..,". -V- ' ,:' '