1 . . . - - - ,-- - ' "77r-r "N -V . - - m i 1 - R A L E I G H A D V E RTISE R. Vol. V. T U E S D A Y, Auguit la, 1800. ,15 FAREWELL ADDRESS . , - "'T'' -"'or. THE HoN. SAMUE L LYMAN, . .' Q '. isotisr ttv&Nts. grltrff Mj &lUw-CUixmZ' --Z. . 4 , I THANK you for ydur repeated arid almoft unanimousjfuiTragc, by virtue ofhicri I have for, a number of years paft, held a feat in Congrcfi this ;honor, at tkenfying eleion; I wilta decline ; ana LLr.' arm, ! urtll vrliit..i v, . . I "K,,"R-J'i ,o"ty io m5KC;a few re marks, relative to the ical flateof our country. On this fubj;ct, I anx.Ienfibkybil '-ftaiSTTrt no ntcd of , argumtms, to connrm youi attachment tq your coun try ; and 1 know your cljaraftcr for federafifm is high it is not exctlledl by that cf any. other flillria ; but a fpirit of furmifc and of jealoufy hisgone forth, and it ir.ay even reach you. It is againft. this fp'rit-l cau tion you; this is the fpirit that can undei mine and eletfrtfy the. Temple of Liberty as well a the thronrof JJelpotilm VI what will you be jealous ? Of your wn power? VVill you judify a rnan who (haU be guil ty of fuicidc, becaufe he hath no confidence cither in his right or left hand, both of which may adminifter to him poifon or good and. who'efome food ? Are not all who adminifter your government, peoplcof yotu own choice ? "and at regular periods, do you not pof fef the darling- prerogative of kHljjgaildjofaklgg It:IllEJQMliHi you" and exempt tfcemftlvcs ? Or can you fuppolc they ouldbein(lrumental in. e(hb!inii.jj a principle, which in its operation would deftroythc Conftitution, and fo entail mifery and wrctchedpefs upon their pofterity ? Certainly yon cannot When, therefore you hear de clamations about a landin? armv. about ths Hbntv cf the u J Having paTcd, through a great variety of public fcenes, and fhared liberally in the honors of the ttate, I now bid you an affectionate farewelj. and Hull bear in ? my retirement, a moft grateful remembrance of your favors. And tuay you and , our nation aj. large, be bUjfed with the blejfmgs of Hesven above, end of thd Earth beneath." . y '-..' rt .; t v.Z- -: : SAMUEL LYMAN. ; ZFr$mtheConne3ticut Ceurani, , , .. .: . - No; I. - To the people of the United States. , THE fcafon is rapidly approaching, when, by your conttitutionaragents, yu will be called ii'pon to eleel a Prefidcnt of the United States. This will, be the fourth time . this high privilege has been- exefcifedj fince the adoption of our Federal Conlitution. Tw.ice there was no It niggle; for Wa s h i n to i n was the Can r didate ! Againft him who could "have the hardihood to run the race of honor ! At the thi.d election there was more difficulty. The ?11 ur;iring fptll of that creat name which had, fcattered all intrigue, and erfcrt, was d.irolvcd;and the country was inttantly dTvided'lnto two parties, the FcdeiaL the f rri. six.- nit... Tl ; . -r - , i- . . ' . .... wuisi JLClflO IV, ur j-wuuinitd.. 1 Me COOtClt Was ieverr hnf cratic, content (rvrr r. r. r.n .1 . - . " "' lucceis tonuweu. tne tiettionhg-fjjfrat.-f ippoTntrdTJafiy, Kiv? not defended bv f their deCat. but like nil itiufdmtmf.'i.fl : :e- r they h.ave purfued tiieit; plans fiuce' the laft PrefiJtnti- eleiti'on, with ttn-fold vjjour, and al f ref, avJ about the Executive Power, be not deceived. but remember that fuch is the language ofthjwiiakir J 0 iviiiii ji iviiicv iciM'r Ol v)i Hllrg- rity Be not afraid.; bur firft magitrate is eminent for. integiiiy, talents, and experienctf ; and tie "gentlemen who are at the head of the great departments of llate, are all men of integrity and talents But you wilUile fne, what otcafions fuch extreme party foirit. and crearpsrt'ies ? i wy i gor c-tiiKT div'ldfJ' fnUTTWO grearpstt' anfwtr, it islhe colifequence of extreme liberty, and a higher degree of liberty cannot exift without endanger ing the whole. .The reafon why it cannot exill, is becaufe the naturu of man will not admit of it ;v his. p;idc and ambuion require very poweiful redraints ; therefore all thofe who teach the doclrine of modern libeity and equality, "arc falfc teachers; they are de ceivers or arc deceived themfelvtS: A certain French Aiuhor," very Hirewdly arid fenfibly obftrves upon thia fabjeft, thai nothing is fojimqva! as 'equality. I admire the frame and crmtUt unou of', ur government, becaule it controu's in fome degree, that, unequal (quality; and at the fame time, gives opportunity fur the fulielt di f pl'ay of ail the amiable and txcelienl attributes, which' dignify man as a focial being--You,alfo a(k, why does there exill fuch dLviftons in our National Councils ? I enfwer it is becaufe they are compofed of men of like palTions with yourfelves. flf you will confuler mankind as poflVlKng fome patriotifm, and a little more.felfifii1-. refs and pride ; you will Be able, not oidy to compre hend the ianing'- intfrirfla f'ra rfatlha.tmn-,,'.rtfynuv- jJfTuTnlcTttan the MyTl cries oTGovernmentJjl- f A -- ... - ; ' r-, Jl3 utiLtuuiun, "I know you want to be more particiilar, and to afk . .another quettion, you wifh to know howlit -happens that the federal inteteft is divided in the National Covin cils This is n delicate qucflion, and'a fiiort artfwer is better than a long one . however I wiil jnlt obferve that the-federal intereft is not divided, iny fentiment , or In tht-prmipktof'jatmyhrtngjhe (t'overnttiartij tufiherc is & ' diviion as to mn and to -meafures', there is a tTivifwn . (is to the degree of hatred anil' ammo fiiy nectffary to. be ufed in order to dejlroy all oppofnion to Government. A fmalt party, I foppoTe, iincerely believe, that a few bold J jbtakcoMyuJd.,filrnr aft ftppojity)n-frOtberfaycr7 1 let it be done by civility and ound argument So here'lhey are at ilTne ; but their ultimate views are r -the fame they all wifh'fof peace rand tranquillity. " - This edcord is favorable to the oppotition ; they act 'in, perfect uaifon, and if they are fo fortunate as to be come' the. Majority, we (liall be fo unfortunate as to 'be called a Fad ion and Diforganizerp, arid it is proba ble, that thus alternately,,, two great parties will ad- jmiufftef r;lheG6'erri1ncht',':'a"nd''"'' it is' not altogether " . improbable, but they will adminifter it upon nearly the fame principles, nut, altogether for conference fqfo, but be tauje their intereft will compel ihem l " Thus there will be '" a perpetual itruggle for power the gfeat objects of " ." ' ambition will authority and fame.,s-Such is Maz 2Si' iempejluous fea of liberty and, nothing can hulh its tumultuous waves, except that fpirit, . which reft ; cd upon. tHe ' face of the-great deep !" lut it is the dur :. ty of all men to diveft themfelvet i ofjlj:-iaiafi4yT ao(i to live together like ' liret arcn. 4 - ! VJ?OUr. and r.KrmiU Aaiuuui.iu lucmieiyes, anu fiitiitu! to their Caufe, thofe win have no other fpirit, union of no cordiality of heart, in any other piufuit, in this P-reat n,lr f deftruaion,,move on with the firmnefs. thr .1.11;.. the .cyiipdcliieljfj anx; wnile ttie teJerahlls, thinking or pretend ing to think, that everything will eo on as ,VU done from the '.Jbeirinnim. fit. aaH fr!.-nr-,.;;,.'.i' Hit I1HUU9 111 think a m 0 ft a ft on i lb i n s fe c u r i t v. -Ta-roufe the Federal party from this fatal deep, and when roufed, to ftimulat tljm ty M.ini,aH L.an..; xl t, u';-s- J.icJ at tms, That it is a iubjecf woithy of attention, few wilrcfe"ny. If attended to thoroughly, I am perfectly ..perfuadtd it will roufe fome at lraft to exertion. The exertions of fome, will do fome good ; and perhaps, 'when the fpark of patriotic fire mall once rekindle, it may fpread fiom breaft to bread, until the friends of government are all -animated by its pure and fervent flame. The Jacobins aiTert with the utmoft coniidence, that Mr. J effirfori's - Elcdt ion is fure. If I thought f o I fhould not helitate to aiTert with equal confidence, that the deftrnrtion of the FeTderul Conftitution is equally fure. 1 do not. however, blicve that his election is Aire. I am'wcll convinced, it may be prevented if -the-friends of the government will aft with as much union, ;s much zeal, and as much perTcvcrance, as its enemies aft. To induce thi? union, Jzeal and per feverante. I (hall proceed to. fupport feveral propofi tions, which are of great weiglit and importance in the queftion o be decided visi.-, t " , . . , 'I"'"Mr'r'Teffcrf6Ti''ha8''idngTelt"a fpirit of deadly. hoi" .t ifttjrVagainft the Federal C"i"tS44ft--- jjpction with his party, has becnReadily plotting . 1 1- ti n.i ., II. -If lie fhould be clefted Prefidcnt the ConftTtutiori wilt inevicably fall a facrifice to Jacobinifm. . III. The refult will be dreadful to the people of the United States. ' ' Tbe confideration of thefe propofitions will necelTa- nl y take up I ome timer as many tacts and documen ts muft be examined, and a review of the praftices and conduft of the Jeffcrfonian, (by which ' I mean the Ja cbia party,) rrtufl be had,, in order to make the pro per deductions. Should the fu'Meft not grow iatercft- - t e . 1 r .1 r y. - -lit .1 . Hftore it is atefLf-tna-iauit-wii-t- oc-innentrn- mg, It certainly furniihes materials for a difcuflioB, not onr ly interefting, but if the. hearts of my countrymen are not harder than-'tbe nether mill-fione, full of appte henfion full of terror.1-' ."'7. , V And let it be deeply imprfijed on every mind, tHat there is a period of only a littlermore than three months 'remaining in which they can aft w ith any fuccefs. ' ' I n that fiSort period they mud overthrow the labour of years, planned by wifdciijiirandrexecute fidelity -flull and fidelityl exceeded by 'nothing, but by the wickednefs,' the dreadful depravity of the ac trs," or fubrait to;all the evils which follow a nation, without .government, without law, without fecurityy without peace or happineis. ' , , r ; BURLEIGH. : - TTTthrytllplefTbrtThited Utates. -'., THE firft propofition which I have to protC n Mr. Jtffcrfon, has lorg felt a fpirit of deadly fcoftilfty againft the Federal Conftitution, and in conjunftion with hit party, hasbecn fteadily plotting its defttuo tibn. . To fupport this propofition, I (hall refort to va rious fburces for evidence arid argnment. v I. Mr. JefferfonV writings furnifh' ftrong proof,, that he diilikci all governtsent.which is capable of af- ' ordio? tJiieftioiiaQifecurityjib lofe-WholvKvii 4e1tFte publiftied Tit's " Notes on. Virginia. " . The. edition whiclTI have yas publilhed in London, 101787. At that period it was fafhionable, efpccially in this coun try, to' theorize about government: Elevated with the fuccefs of our ftruggle for independence, we were in our own opinions, very wife. All the ideas which were derived from experience, were hooted af,"and c very chamber politician was able to plan, and crcft -, ,. fy (terns of government, eompetent for all t he ekigen- cics bf a large and encreafing nation. That Mr.T Jef ferfon ranks high in this clafs of government. makers,. is now generally acknowledged, in addition to his native ftock of vifionary nonfenfe, he had imbibed in his European vifit, large fupplies from the French fchool, -which was then plotting the overthrow of their own government and lightning the toiches of, dhafc3da'dfjiipwW civilized globe, A few exprefiions from this,' book of Mrt JcfTerfoo, will fliew what his'ideas ors this fuhjeft: were. Writing on the futjeft of univerfai toleration, and attempting to prove that one kind cf religion is as good as another, Mr. JcfFerfon fays The legitimate powers of government extend to fuch afts only asare irjnrious to others. But, it docs me no injury for my neighbour, to fay there are twenty Codsr or no God. 4 1 -thrktffyt I r7Tiorbieafc " my h g. By this paflage, we are plainly taught this lilTun That morals are no ol jedt for the attention, or care of government ; that all we have to trouble ourfelve about, ii, the cbnduft of the individuals of the com munity a lcilbn which is fraught with all the mifihiefs which are now exhibiting, and which for years have the reftitude cf minder, atheifm, rape, aduftery, &c. it, is r no importance, becaufe it neither breaks our le'gs, nof picks onr pockets ; and as long as our peck cts and legs are fafe, government is fatisficd. Let us picture to ourfclves a community, cpmpoftd of fuch individuals; for, if it is impropct "to controul, or re ftrain one man, in the free exercife of his opinions, it is equally improper to controul or reftrain any number of men. We will then view a nation, whole I?w3 fuf fcr the free propagation of fentiments like thefe viz. That it is ju'ft' to commit murder, violate female ctiaftity, ' Jeny the. exiftence of XJod,- &c According to Mr. Jefferfon's ideai of legitimate government, thijr is juft and ought to be tolerated, "and no notice can be taken bf it, until men aftually do commit murder, rape, Sic. But if ii is' proper to preach thefe doctrines, why is it not to praftife them ? It certainly is ;' unleff it is proper to introduce a fyftem of lying into a community. Howcver.JtjLaJa44L4o-aGkn Je feifon implies in his reafoning, that, though the en llmta tsddno-eal-4Ti i fehic f-y et-theraftrce-wilH'otY necelTarily follow the precept. . According to the doc- ' ' t 1 1 . v . - 1 t; trine, men have an uncontrouiaoic rignc 10 dcucvc, and to inculcate what moral or religious fentiments they pleafe, provided they do not praftife them. Will not men generally praftife what they believe, provided they are fecure' from legal puniftiment ? Mr. JcfFer- - I . " . n ... 1 1; f...l ion's murdetcrs, atneiitsrcccr navc notnnig.i,urincr iw do, then, than to fprcad " their doftrines, until a ma jority of the community (hall become profej res to the faith,' and then the laws againft the praftice of murder, IapiLlo1?b fome praftice introduced in'its lulleft latrtude. I truft I am addrcfling thofe, who, generally, X' believe in the exiftence of a God of truth and juftice ; the momehtuouMruths pf teligion, and the hopes and; fears of a future life ; who ! are not yet prepared toll part with their 'blble, their morals or their God. If fo, let them ferioufly confider tlie" extent of the fenti roent ol Mr.i Jeffcrfon which I am confidering. I kavc but juft touched upn it ; . the reft muft. be left for 1 the more fober reflcftion of thofe who are interefted in the fate of their country., Mr. JcfFerfon fets up a tlaim to be our leader; our head, to fill the feat which oace contained a Wmjhington, I have brought this par ticular fentimeat into view, as containing the lcediot thofe opinions," which have fince fptung up in the tire and writings of Mr. Jcfferfon, taking it for granted that heV like all other men, will endeavor aa far ai nnflible. to introduce iato BmUumilt- riis lentimems arc, iuai. m u wv- Notes on VirgiMat page 205, j ; mcnts, .'-.''' ' '-" : :- '" ' ' ' ' ' r-'- " -- ' : '. - ' ' ,l....--...v. . j -s. ........... "" -;T'"''"-' 4L i. i'