' Yt.-- ,?V -v ' - ' ' -SW'? '.v 1 .ft--. ik-;s;,- .- - - 3 1 fidc.rjf In fubflaoci Is trie,' tecanftf wetliink it tremely probablel I fpr readers recollect the view; we- , hate given of the ct mp.iign, founded upon accurate enquiry and mature rcfteclion,' they will be at nolo fs to j j perceive hejjrpundson which' the opinion is founded. - - jt vfiHbe1 teetrfr0l4titf0cul'fcuteriiof'ihearlnr,' Hof refcrve previous torthis decifivc action, .that French 'jhad gained confi jerabtc f ac van t ages. I-.f-Frpm-; ?i pofl'rion of 'the Stradella,lvere their principal forced at to be concentrated the atmy moved forward a w pifdiclfd, Jnihe..JijermiBa,ioii to Icic' genMe-, las as little time as vpoflihlc to tanceritfatc bir forces. Upon the 9th 'June, btf,ie the urmy "wag ' affemblcd,' Buonpirte and Berthier feiit gen Lannes with at fit org corps by 'he great load lending front Stradeila : to Piedmont by Bfannrrttratt ter having, left a garrifon in Gri)04, ' had proceeded by forced rmuches to Vogber, in "f'ler to attempt to re cftabliih iKeVpmmanicationvwitfr After a fi-vere engagement theullrians were bea tert vyiih ytry - great lofs, V jefs, jtfia ated, than , 6000 prifoncnf and above 30CO killed "artd wounded. After th:l-important . fiiccefs., the Ffnch having ft ill r farther "eonVt ntraudlthm from i5itzcrrand action,... wt re p a inuxmn 10 advance in great lirengiu.. Indeed! he battle of the 9th wan 'frainuined by on ly tlire di.viljons pf the Ficiich army, thoft; of Lan ncs, Vittor, and Charaberlhaa at kail, po moVe aTe mentioiii'1. ' - .After the 9?.h, tlu fitiiation of the Impcridifts was tin's ; gen. ' Mclasthad evacttsrtrd-Turin, leaving 8ceq meii in the citadel, proceedi,ng towards Alexandria. Turin w.is immediately occupied by part of the army of reCerve that had hi en left ' in the valley of Aotfte, and hy the corps of gen. Turreau, who had advanced on the fide of tyvii. - Thefe'co-ps united veuld form a con!) ienible force. Ge! Suchct, or rather the in defati;frthle MafTciKi, living taken the command of the army;--formed by the gatnfon of Genoa, though cer iulMy Wot very tit for fe'rvice, and the centre of that ar'ry, advanced torwards Safeilo and Acqui. There j,re accounts that thU part of the army had reached f Mihi:nr) and St. Jaq.ics. They would then advance in the direction we have mentioned, and according to the wrdeti of Buonaparte, towards Piedmont, harraff. iiig the Auilrians, and in faft catting off 'theii retrtat by the Gcnotfer Tbe army of ttlervc advancing by Vocheta, then towai.'Is Toitona, the Au'trians weie -completely iicmmed 111 by thefe three cdip. If they were' defeat! d at Maringo, which s between; Ajeffrtn. dpa and Tort ona,. and wicliin ifuv miles of the for mer, they arc ubfohrtcly 117 the power cfjhf enemy. We can fc n: tly.be fur prife '. thn if the conf; q.'"ccs -4htl4;&ur) It is Tittle to fay thatj'n' about a muiuh .Buonaparte has recpnquered all I'ly, and annihilated the pi'oiide'l 'of ptg AnliridM arnirs,. faft decided the fate of tne war. Thrre U n.hing ui hiiory fupei tor, if at all comparabe to th's extraordinsfy campaign. SALEM, Auguft8. 1 ; r v ; trcm LEGHORN. ' The brig Suky, Captain Stewart, from Leghorn, . which he left on t!ie- i8(h of June. The prevailing, accouats at Leghorn, refpefting the operations of the ' hollile armit 8, ?feeni't . heq m : t e irreconcilab'e with thofe we have by'the" ay nf londin. Captain Stew-' it fayi, that about the 4'h to the 9th ot June greit zlirm luNfiiled in Floreme and at Leghorn, in confe quence of BiDn ipart'e'a eiitering Milan, and his pro gn fs towards Fiorrcce ; and that the people of Flo fence r fe in arms, determined to defend their country . to the lad j and the lame was to have been done at Leghorn on the 14th ; but on that dny letters and dif- Tranjljted for tk Federal Gazette. 'S Report of;general iSeffjliiics,' commander; in chief of the irrny of the'jc'ftlilbbeebeit in thede ' partment-of the Southt,t9 t General iu Chief of thc armjrof ScrPomingPfe-; ; ';- 7" ' T 1 6th Mer (iu1y;4) StHyear. ' My Central, . ' ' . -'. . . ! I marched this tnornijig with the remainder of the .right cojamn, and that of tKeIcft to "occupy the heights of the plantation pufretc he tli 6 1 h 7th, gth aod imh demi-brigaswercse tifvrd there, I laVthc trny-in; gteit tTumbers en ;5 camped on the glantailQipofreev' inMhe-plai na of Acquin. I formed the Jight, di vifitnts ; the rijht commanded by the chief of biigade Laurrht Dcfir ; the centre by the vhfef of brigade Paul Louvtrtuie, and the left by the chief of brigade Do mage. Thefc :" three; dtviiionrlbtgaii their march' for the plantation. The firlidrvifiou had fcarcely arrived at its dctlination, (the two, others being flill on their march,) when the enemy feeing this manoeuvre, made a Tally from theplafitation and . took 10 flight.' , The divifion commanded by"0otnagei fell in with antl ea gaged them, but tne affiit wasot feriuJ"ttrHil their arrival at Acquin. There thy enemy then rallied and gave battle : The 4th and 8th dean-brigades which were in advance, fultained the fire of the enemy for two hours, when, the other two divifiors having come up with the enemy, he waa beaten and put to route. I ordered the Cavalry to 'Mifitt, ; who made a great (laughter, and the enemy. were purfued to the Cea fliore, where a , number of them, who auempted to emba?k were deftroyed in the water or among the reeds. 1 retuinedand ordered the column under gen. Laplumc which had not bctn engred, to march ahead on the great road to Cayes, in onlcr again to purfue the ere my to a certain diftance; bnt at, the inftant 1 aniveJ at that town, another column of the enemy, which had ftllied out from PAnfea-Veau, attempted to take us by furprife-, and I had fcatctly time 10 draw up the third battalion of the ath demi brigade, when he made his attack ; he was however, quickly repulfed. I made in this lad affair many priloners, whom I fend to you, among others,, the chief tf brigade Pi verger, two pair of colours ind one brafs four pound ler, Piverger has been wounded, and 1 have givetl him all the jffillance in my power. Many of th; hit e and colouicd inhabitants of theparifh of Acquin have nDtk ed to u.'and I have. treated them with all the com- pHfTion and huraanTty wEuh you have prtfenbed in your intl'uclions. ' - ' ' ' ;' AVc Tirive "taken the port folio of Rigaud, and the opie3f - jisv lettcts j -and -4iearrowlyt feaped - being' taken himfclf. . ; We have alfo found in ore of the forts en the fea- ammunition. v 1 canHOLinferm ycu ol the quantity as I have now a fever at the. moment of -witting Health and -rtfptct, (Signed) DESS ALINES. Another d'fpatch from general DvfTlines to general Touffiut, dated I'Anfea-Vcau, July ih, mentions that place "and the neighbeuthood having btrn cleared of the "troops under Rigaud, and that Petit Tfou was on the point of.briug evacuated by thin. ; that the in'... habitants and cultivators of .Acquin and I'Anfca Veau, .who had fled, had moftly rttutned to their homes, and received, the victorious troops of Touflaiiit with cpen arms. ' " " -; ' v"t Brunfwick, Generat rahh Mills and Abraham Btflent, . Com'raobers.- . , New-Hanover, John Hill, Senator Major A. D' Moore a.nd. Colpnel. Sa.macl' AftelCommWri '-. f Wayne,' Richard CrpornTS'lor i Tofeori ' and Barnir-M 1 Kinniff.- Comm6nffi U l. .. "''' . Lenoir, Simon . Brbtor.:: Senator I tl& rwl and Mr; Etflerling, Comrtibftcrl. -'Cv Jy,r .-v Jones, . DuranxHatch Senator f Arnoi johqfioir and John T., Bryan tCtmm6ner8. ," : Craven, ;Vaiiaml.Gafton; Senator; Ley! t)awfoa and?JameaitJing,?arhmpncrs,;J , : ;Jow5:f,ewrlf.,,. Geprgc'.El'lii.''' -; ' ii Town of ,WiltningtoW, ofhua G.' Wright. , -Towg of Halifix, Richard'H. Long. ' ' y, Statements? xotn jor "Umhtrs nf Congrefs , . , . t . . Stanford. Strudutck. Orange, . , 'v 44. ' ,57 Chatham, ' ? 649 f ; 249 Randolph,,; .?5$ 3 Pcrfon,; ,t 482 y.:ii$?i,-? ::: f , . f v . Majority for'Stanford S$i FAYETtEflttfi'DijtRXCT. Grove. Cumberland, 677 Moore i 5 1 6 Robefon, 512 Richmond, ": 595 , . 'Anfon, . 7 16 Purvtance. in "9 -190 11 120 Majority fot Grove 21 9 ' Wl t M 1 N G TCN1") 1 3TR t c T. Hid. Brutifwick, 2I6 New Hanover, 346 Onflow, Duplin, Sampfon, Bladen, 532 201 4c5 3" GilUfpie. ' 27 :245 87 431 53 16c R A L E I G II, August 2, 1800. patches were received fra-n Florence announcing thzt FuJeturntJromjbeSJeaton -frr Member s6f -the vv.f i c v u(ivbiuiof uu unw. i - ,4 ncA JC flc fill J7ycl7iiy -DcicaifrveTnTro, with conftclerable lots, and that every thing was then fafe. Till Captain Stewart failed, there were no new alarm, from any'recent fuc cefi of -the.- Frerclf, and Lufitiefs went on in its ufuat; covrfc, and great rejoicings were had. on account of the fuccef3 of" the A u ft runs. I! They, rnuft therefore have been in the higheft; degree furprifed to have re ceived, in the mid!t of thir fecuiity, the account of Buonaparte's . victory, of.the-. f8ih, if-true. But if Melas was ignorant of the force and movement of ttTe Tiench,"iid vvoiKer thatitbiypccp!e.houild be fo. r - " " ExtiGtl f a letter' to. a gitiemiH- in tin ioftw dated -xv;"1 ; Leghorn' June 13. ' Since the capture of Genoa, Buonaparte with 49 or " 4'676co. "men has mac! e a n" en try in t o TFaly", wlilcTT to inucn tncitaied the fears ot the people of this coun t y, that an entire ltdp waaxput. to bufinefs, aa they weijrfjJtLBiihu arrival here.X: However, yjfterday and this day-bunss-the intelligence of his af my ber ing defeated two Generals ierrurier and Lake, .w'th- 6pqo men, prifoners ; . many killcdand the reft - flcdlowaids SwitVerland. The people oKTufcany and the north of Jtalyj'averrifeii en'. roafie..'...that anW. wehave nothing to fear, from that quarter.. X- t Nolefsth.in i8co inhabitants died fn Genoa duF ing the liege, for. want of provifiohs. - - ' I have j i'l feena letter from Bordeaux of May 4, hich fays the cotnrnifno.iers;were fettling every thing . )tr..entirc. fatisfacipn, and were t6 return. to Ame . jrica thifctiril of this month, and that a fhip Had failed flrpa iheac'c to the 113c ofTraac'' ' ' - WW . s . - ... ... or ttoDCton county, t-ol. Xtias tiarnes. benatori . Robert Haills and Hugh orown, Commoners. 0 1 r - Mobre,-Malcolm M Neil!, Senator ; Jac6b Gafter and' Murdoch' Marti'n,' .Commoners. ' r " Richmond, D. M'F.arhnd,, Senator ; John Speed and Stephen Cole, Commoners. - Anfon, James Marlhall, Senator ; Ifaac Lanier and Donald Rofs, . Commoners, . " ."1 Granville, Thomas Taylor, Senator ; Benjamin E. Perfons and Sterling Yaftcey, Commoners. Fraftklin, Jordan, Hill, Senator ; Brittain Harris and Thomas Lanier, Commoner?, - . Warren, James Caller, Senator ; James Turner.and Thomas E. Stimner,-Commoners. ' Randolph, Henry "Branfon, - Senator . Mr, Bailey lirTdMTchief H'Tyr"C6mmbner'8. Djp'in, L. VVatkiii9, Senator ; Daniel GhlTon & Charles Hooks, Commoners. Sampfon. Jofiab Blackman, Senator j Jaa. Thompv fun and -VWlliamClinton, Commoners. " : Halifax county Major General Cat.ney Senator ; Stalling Harwell and M. C. Whitaker, Commoners. Northampton, John M. Binford, Senator; Mr. Cotton and Mr. Pebles, Commoners. Majority for Hill 884 IlMrr John" St votes a Reprefcntative in Congrefs for Newbern Dtf tricl, in the place of Mr. Spaight. : Mr. Robert Williams is rc eledted by a great majo rity, a Repretfentative to Congrefs for the counties of Rockingham. Stokes, i-uny, Guilford, and Cafwejl. General John Hamilton oppofed him, - By a gentleman dircd from Halifax we learn that Mr. Allluri vraa confideredto hayea mjrty-in-. that diflridl-ra letter from a countyjn the dUtrift confirina the fame. Mr. T Blount is the other candidate. Mr. Archibald Henderfon it it eApeaed w'i'l h Tc lleflHjfof" county' of Rowan gave him neaily I COO votes, Major Matthews 250 & Mr. Locke 241. On the 2d of June, a difpatch from Buonaparte was received in the Silting of the Council of State, ,in which he flill affects the brief ftyle of Cafar Vem vitieiic'i ! That of the Chief Conful, howtv.t r, is nei ther fo explicit not ex pit ffive ' Tout ra un micux I" ; ' All goes on for the beiV4 " v ' ,' " - 1' O R 3 A L E, . BETWEEN no w;aird December next, the fubferi fcer's well known valuable, plantation, including upwards of 20c6 acres of land ; on which is a valuable "Saw and Grill Mill Se?t, within 3 miles of Cape Fear river, attended with the mbtt and beft timber of any othc rfituation in the parts, accompanied with many fine never failing fprings of cool watcr,and goodrange for hoifes, htgs and cattle. The order, conveniency, and fituation of the lan fa(ion beings equal to anyother in the. parts. The cult ivatcd fie 1 dbe i 1 1 g jt t Jea ftj; o a ere? , u nd e r g 00 d jji cloTure, upPrTwliicirTt a largertwo.ftcryWe7"witF a 'piazza and balcony, fixtien glafs windows, a" lrge under cellar, two.laigc brick' 'chimneys,. vith fix fire .places, moil comm (iioufly"adapted for plcafure and fatibfaftion, and a number pf o;her out houfes, adjaPcnt to an excellent fprtng, a beautiful choice apple and peach orchard of more than fit hundred bearing trees, many .other fruit trees, and a vineyard ,that will yield at leaft. a hogshead of wine yearly, &c. Alfo the plantation and houfehold utenfilj", a quantity of bee-, hives, cattle, hogs, fheep.'geefe and goats, and many othe'things too tedious to enumer?te all which, if. not privately difpofed of . before the firft day of Decem ber next,' will be expofed to public falc on that day. r C , . l:.:.. -I - - JOHN POWERS. RobeToWTnml'jtuJ'ltlXTCCr'. " Nafh, John Drake, Senator ; Georffe Boddie and Rcdmun Bunn, Commoritrs. . X ? Rockingham, Henry Scales, Senator ; Drury Smith and Jofhua Smith, Commoners. Guilford, Hance Hamilton Senator ; Samuel Lind fey and Jonathan Parker, Comtfioncrs. .: "-', ' - Stokes, Peter Hairiton, Senator Charles Banner and Henry Dobfon, Commonert, - . v, . STATE of NOR.TH CA ROLIN A, FaYETTEVILLP. DlSTtlCT. l' VrXp.Term, S 1800. T"MatthT;Hicks,' vs. Charles Mcdlock. - The Defendant's death fuggefted leave for iht Com plainant to revive by bill, with notice by publication in the Minerva. - r-. ". " 1 ' , - ; ; -NOTICE is therefore given, that at Apt il Term, " 1 800, the bill of revivor of Martha H'cks aforcfaid, againft Agatha Medlock, George Medlock, "and Wm. Jordan, as the Executors and Rcpreftntatives of the -faid Charles Medlock, was filed in the effice of the -Clerk and Mafter in Equity, for the Diftiift aforefaid, in the townt of Fayettcvillc, afoicfaid, to flitch all i -perfont concerned are bound fo attend- . -- 1. GEORGE MUMFQRPj c, rfP . t. . 4c ..:'?i.-'.v