6 ft,: ' Fr:m the Cwnefticut Ciurant. No.;V. ' "" tktphplf)he;lJniUd States. 4 i THE fccon(i.,p(bpu5tioii which 1 am to eftabliSi is yiOBPrjyf, the conjlllu-: have tuccve'dcd in proving thai Mr. jclferfon, and his paity, wijh to deitroy the coriftitution j I prefume lib, thing more i. neccflary'to fupport the prefcnt point, than to mew, that ia cafe of his ele&ida to the Preii- dency, he wiU poffes the means of dellroyiggthe coa ititutiou. Aiter" fome preliminary qbfe'rvationsX ihall bring into view fonas ot the means which he will poffcf. Whether they will ' probably prove effectual for the purpofe, or not. ig for you to deterniine. laoidr 10 iilcnce the voices, andally.thc fearg, , of the FcJeralilts, relative to the election of Mr. Jeffer fon, immediately upon the appearauce pf fucctfs daw ning upon them this fcafon, the democrats began to iiy, ; 'that if Mr. Jelferfoir mould be elcded the go vernment would not be luhverted but, that he would . purfue the fame general lyttcm which his predeoefibrs had followed. That is, the, democrats, for many years pafc, have filled the newfpapers with falfchood and calumny, ag'ainft eye7y'!F3crarmaorand;Fctferil meaiuie ; denounced one after another, all the friends" of the admiaiitration, as traitors,; monarchies, j'rifto-. RrTt (h atrtinta&c. &c. merely to Five Wfr "' ..fav.:' ' ' aAa. jr3 l ..." ;TvA-f'f" .v.';.." I - - . r'---' f ''-''..' : " ; -V' x .'" 'V crat. Tefferfon and his party, opportunity to do exaclly what General Wa&ington, and the Federal party have done before. Strange and abfurd ''as declarations of this fort are, they are perpetually made by ihe Jaco-. bins, In order to pacify the mindu of thofe, who feci alarmed for the fafcty of the CQnftitution, and the ex -iltc'ffce of-the nation. But, cart any man of common, fcafe, believe fuch an affection can it be credited for a moment, that Mr. Jcfferfon, when he affumes the reins of government, will admire the fuiidiag fyft?m, the fyftem of neutrality, the navy, the annulling of the French treaty, ' kc.'i If he ia capable of. fuch by- -poetifypfuchbaferdiffiriiu rot every , honeft mind at once declare, that fuch a rihlteaf being- cntruffed -withic.xxccutio.ajot4 the government, iideftitute of common integrity, and or aAAitoniDdation : and pretend that Mr. liiterloA's moderation will accomplilli this dcfirable end. Thus "goes on the idea that there is fotnething Wrong on hoth files which sought tq be given uff.-.., Let me en quire,' xf any mart . ever knew an inltance, in which the Jacobin party ever gave (ip a hair's breadth of -their ground iT I venture to afferf, riofuchinaaTfeirverhiap-; Ticned.' - The faft already nlentioned, vu4 that they have forever, opppfed, and never propofed, mcafuies, is a prdo of my affertion. t Bcfidxs, if the . Federalifts are (o give up, is it not giving up right meafurcs, , to ob tain wrong. What is to gained I The Democrats have done nothing but oppofe. We can then gain no thing but oppofition. The truth is, the idea of ac commodation with .them, is to make a bargain all on one fide. We triift Federalifm is j u ft , that it s mea -fures are right ; the Government has hitherto flood upon them, and the country flouriftes under their in fluence. Mixing with . Jicobinifm, is like fcattet ing poifon into th aliments of life. The whole mafe be comes impute, and if fwallowed, proves the certain caufe of deftruclion and death. The main fubjeft of the propoft.ion will be purfucd in my next . ' , v ' zL E ' Q.H . ' : r N O T I C E . -fTHHE Officers of the late tjih Evxlfral Regiment X. of Infantry,, are hereby ifonr.cd, that 1 am prepared to pay them their arrears' f pay, &c and" that I fball attend at Raleigb for that purp'oA, giyiug: nccefitry time to tfftd the fanie... The Commanders of Cornpanies are '"''particularly inilruiked to attend pcr fonatty. 3 " 1 - GvW A I,KER," PflyVr, :::: . Cih Moment cf 'Infantry. NORTH. CAROLINA. r .J.. zujisi-k r 'OtricKj, ' AuctiiT . 1 800. THE Sheriffs and other . Revenue Officers of tne (late aforcfaid, ate hereby, reminded, that, by rl a r h ey are bo u n d i o f. 1 i 1 c and dole, their 1 v fp tb' accounts on or before the fii-il day of 05lober aimu lltylriy hoped -thtre-VoeXntyiur-callicgrJLhe. I eOential and indiiocnf ble rart vrrirrhv nf nothinff but obloquy and contempt ? -J" ,, My countrymen the.peop.e who make thie decara- tbofc who lc& t0 apncar aPd 'pay up in dje lime, flnns. .o not believe them; Ihcy know they are uu- . thmuva 1 KTami- fnr thr ro(V-OHe- , ... - if 1 J-,J Ui uai,ii'V.unii'vo a true, and calcuuttmem omy uttu.t. . 7 .7 ces Hilllborough iiuper.or Court commences on ttie believe them tbey: Woiwi.h one votcei' dcDO-Jtice Mr. . 6ch" day 0f October ne:u, at. which time "and "place JefFerfon, and hunt his charader into the fame wilds of ments ;i2; bc had aglk ialf who. faif;to balance their accounts for the prtknt year rteably to law.' ': , 0CI'ET BOOK-LOST. . " T '. OST on (the l oth inft. a Pocket-Book contaia JLj Tng. futidry paperjviz. aotfelon Thomas Price for fifty-Gx pounds "it a Receipt (lUrf HamV or thirty nounds ""and upwards j an Account' againd f v Abner Travick for four pounds 'jjt, and iaay "..othejf-' TJapers that l-caniiot-rtret fojwafJIprr ail perions trom trading for faid papers. V jlu'juit ic. ILL be fold, on the 26th day of September next, at the Court Houfe in Brunfwick couii ty, the following Lands, for the payment of Taxes dae Uvercon viz. .,,(. ;. '. ; . .m;. . S.p.acies including feventeen different trafts, fi- tuatc on Town Crctk, Mill Citck, Rogcrs'a Creek and Sturgeon. Creek, belonging to the clhtc or wi dow of the late Honorable James liafcll. 3610 acrta, in.eight different trails, feven or thera fi tuatc on Town Cretk and iirQrcck,incuciognd. adjoining Bell Grange Plantation, and one of "300 acres olr'thc North 5 of TownJCreek, pn the North, Welt RoaiU.llipr6peity of Mr. Walked ; t r ; 18,760. acresr fituate and adjoininff r the Green S amp, ,4J.i thuaft fide, near or including the head of.Livrr.gAon Crctk, . fuppofed tc lie the property of David -Rofs. - i $ $ .. ' .toacresrmorc q lefs fituatV on Dutchman's Creek taken up by William Goodman. 4 ' 400 acres, more or lefs, fituate jon Cape Fear river,' fuppofed to be taken up by Jofeph Sherbum. 41,000 acres or. part liitrioty taken up by JUaviii Allifon, adjoining the waters of " Lock wood's folly ' River, Mill CTeekj Or;o:i Creek, WLTteSprings and Elizabeth River. ; 1400 acres fituate on Town Cieck, and the waters thereof, the property of John Hogg. 400 acres fit uave. on lowu Creek, the property of Colonel Owens. The above Land to be fold to pay the taxes cue thereon,, ipr the year 1759. N BriM r, e he itcxcrLEdrwcrr ciitered ia let taxation acfording- to Lew. B'unfzuick rtuntv. Au?v-il '2 18 00.' : -t 4 LAV ' I W .-..i.fJmv where thev have endeavoured todellroy t! of honeft and-virtuous men puifue Federal meafures, where is the reward of hia pStuiniTwhofc apeiteste-now prepafing for the fc3ft of office ? AYe" Mr. Madilon, Mr. Gallatin, Mr.-Bmrt- Mr...Gite, Mr.: Mcnror. Baldwin,-. Mr. 'L'iwingilon, "6cC. KC, ' to tcip uauccui roi n it.ci. la bors ? Thcfc gentlemen are not very gieatly diftiuguifh cJ for their dilinterellednefs ; wdjpt oj them, at kad, are not accuflomed toobjeft .againSt pecuniary aid, whenever it. offers. Wiil they b? contented with mere ly feeing Mr. ."Jcffeifon at the. head of governmiut, and hearing him commend "all thofc meafures, which have been the fubject of their clamor, and thc-.obji--li of their katred, while they jtaud cjuittly by, wuhout office, without emolument, without pjftr I This may happen ; and when it docs, however miraculous it Ihail fcem, inull ilill be acknowledged to exit!:. -At prei'erit, it is but offthe reach ot my credulity.. Another artifice which' the Democrats are now play- - ing off, to.effcft the fame purpofrf, is this The coun try, theyTfay, is divided into parlies thofe. pai ties are violent, the country fuffers by reafon of thi violence. Mr... ' JefFerfon' .is" a moderate muti, if he is-Prcfideut he Av often and unite the parties. an'dvevery thing will go on peaceably and cleverly. Wheu democrats deal in mratprop'.Jtiwr.s theV ouguttp oe lwionRiy uiuiuiccu. ALL Lan'ds entered ia the. year 1798, which (hall not be paid for on or before the tenth day of Oc--tober n?!;t, will snuliiE- diy ajainiK.'COi-' vacant and fuch"c:itrie Ic deemed lapfed.- All "Lands entered in injij, mult b: paid for in I Sob', or the entries will be loft. . J- H- fit The Printers in North-Carolina will pleafe givs this 1.0'tice a plate in their papeisduiing ue month oi September next. - - COLLECTOlc's-OFFiCE, : ::,.-....' "1 I'aie County, Jugujl 15. I Shailttcrid at Sai'der's Oid Sioie in RaUigh, ori the fecond and" third dayb of Ktxt Septeiiiber Court, in order to receive Entries of Carriages, &c. : HEN RY JONES, Cclldlo)-of Rcvutue NORTH CAROLINA. - Comp.tr6h.er.'"s OryiCE, Augcfl 10, l8co. THE CIe:ks of the fevcial Superior and County Courts withiu the itate aforcfaid,. and the. Mailers in Chancery, who liuve -hitherto .failed to forward to this Office, their Returns' or Accou .its. cf Tax ..Feef, that expreffes Will b difpatched after ait iuch as flu'Il be found wanting on the tirit day of Oilober .atxt, a- gteeably to law, in wh'ch cafe the ClcrJ; will bear in l the expenceot tbe exprej.es mult be defray . :ra. JOHN CRAEN, . mind, tha cd by tliera STATE 0 r N O RTH .C A ROL 1 Hillssorough District. ' In Equity, April Term, ,INA 1 80O. "5T ' l'.if. bv .advauciiiir- kbftrac't truths, they mean to rb- tairKCoiiCenions, wl.ich. in detail they will itiirn again ft their opponents. K6 hone ft man exills who does not deprecate the party fpirit which. reis;nb in our; nation. The evils of it aie'fevevely fek 5 and, the. c is a , ftfong jeafon to fear that our government will fall a facrjfi.ee to it'. So far we can .agree With them j' the point of difference will be, in feeking;for the remedy. , : . ' The Aiitifedei-ah'fts from the time luc. eilabhfh lifhmeBt .of the G6vernment, 'to the ptefent moment, have, held the fame language. But, in ..lamenting the evils, of party fpiriti" whom do ' they;accufe ? Their own bartV ? By no means. ' df we aic to believe: theni, the WhoJie burden lies at tne ooor ui. me ThejFedet alula lay taxes, enact laws,build navres See.' TlInfltreTrhFvderaliftHia majority ; the majority always e tract laws .in a rep'-e- fentative government ;( and. the tnihority, as invariably - are r'r f-ftion. .The very term Oppofition itnpHcsftir rr.i ' r : . A rr,.t ,'m.rf-1f K violent. ty, I nlS IS lOiOCLluiya iiiui c auu wwwhium Y: But the oppofition are ever (if their own affertions arc to be- take.1 tor evidence ttie inenas 0 we TThey raii at taxesr tojftducelthipcoplejobejieve, if they had the management of government, there 'ftould bcUO taxes, ' Bui, is a Government to be car ricdjoa without taxes ? Will Mr. Jeffcifpni with all -'hi, moderation, and patriotifm, be ablef to devilc a fchene to fupport. our . Government, and pay ottf debts, Viihout the revenue Vli W abfurd to fuppofe U. When ihe Democrat! promife this, Ict'every man re rocmbcr it is a foife pretence, and obj calculated to "' dectiyj; jth : people. .. "i-7 ; ; "A ', ; ' V r .' : . ' '; " '.. TBeoiocrats tabV: much of, uniting v parties, artd SHERIFFS SALES. ILL be fold at Wke Court -Houk 111 the? uty of Raleigh, on Tnurfday lhel lib dav of 6ej tiinSKj; next, and ir' not -fold on that day, the iAc to continue from day to day until all arc fold, the fol lowing tracTii of Land, or fo Mich It hereof as will pay the taxes due, thereon for the year . 1799, to wit : .. 320 actefaid to be the property ranmelGuthTre, lying on the waters of Grab Tree creek. , 142 acres lifted by Jamss Ward, fda ilu waters of the Ledge of Rocks -creek. - - ,. ' -, -AkA 124 acres lilted by Eiias L'iu&forJ joining the lands f which formerly belonged to Thomas Chcavei;. 4 300 acres faid to be; tne' property ofe night s heirs, lvmLfon the wateis ot Crab f iee Crvc.k. . 200 acres f;ii to belong to Benjamin Bradford, ly ing on T the writers of the Beaver Dn Creek.- 1 30 acre! fai'il' to be t KiTjito'pert of Drury Piilliarh, lying on the fcnith fide of Neufe Rucr. ' ; -Alfo, 'the following lots in. the City of Raleigh, viz. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 iO, -13; 14, ie,iS, ia, 22. 2U i&, fii, 29, 30, 31, ,35, 3", 37 William Littlejohn Sc Gecrc AllLon, Survivin?' - ,'.." Farther"!, of Young, Miller Cz Co. - ' ' : VS. i -'- Thomas Ciiteher and other?. ; TN. this caufe the Couit .onlered that publication be JL iiuide three weeks fucctffivcly jn the" Nortb-Carw-lina Miiieiva, T hat uukls James CritcSet, Thora;s Ciiteher and Nathaniel Rochefter tile their anfweis within" the"' three tirlt days of next term, the bill a agaiuft thctn hail be taken pro tanfejfo and decreed ac cordingly. Robert bell,, cm. e. 40,' ai, :..4i, 43,.: 4:'A7rs$iSrSfr-50rbr 60, 6i, 67, 69, 70, 71, -72, 75, 76; 77, 79,; 9' 92 93 9P-9 9 lo liJ9 lll ll5 119, 1 20, 1 21, 12 2, 1 2 3 1 24,. 125 1 ;r?6, 1 28 , 129, 131, 134 35 A ,37 J& 144, 6nev third of Jot 145, 151, 152, 153, 158, 159, 164, 167, 168, 169, 171, .1.731 7 10, IS2, 14, fT8c786r;T88rr' 485,-!- 190,202-203205, 20&, 2C9, 212, 210, 217, 218, 2I9, 22t, 220, 223, 232, 233, 234,. 235236, 238, 239, 240,41; 242, 243, 244, 245, . 246. 247, 248, 249, 2 CO, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 258, 259,; 260, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 269,' 27I, 273, 276. , . ' '' .- " r whml' u TrTcrT? ct : cr STATE of no rth-c a rolina, 1 Hillsborough D:sTRiCT. f In Equity, April Term, i! - William .Litthjohu & George Aiftc.ti, .Stiiviving . .PaTOc'fAlnT-YittflgCo- ' : ' -y--v -'-yi'it'' '; ' '': ' ' V.. '. -1 i v"T"Thbrria Critchef and otjiers. i , IN this caufe the CdUtt Ordered Akat publication be naade three weeks fuccclfiyely in the North- Caro lina .Mir.t rva, That unlefsw. James Critcher, Thomas Critcber arid Nathaniel Ro'cheikr, file -f the iv ahfwera I within the three filt days of next" term, the bill as cofdingly.X V Rei:EilTJiLL,: C. M. E. ' ' ' -A, "' j 'j '. ' - '. N tbe 20th day of September nextc at the Com t Ho ufe in K'nflonwin be fold for the taxes due ihercoti.' for ths veat .1 7o6i the folio winor. Town Lot?, Lenoir : : ,:1.-".j!-:,';?v:.H- -, " -;'' . ..' 1 Nos. 5, 6,i7, 8, , 10, 11, 12, '13,, 14 "J io 1 7i 9.-20, iiy23i244i255iLi6Ll7 38." 39 4; 4' 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49V . 52, 53 54- 55 .5.. 57 5 59. v. "f , Wale county. luOO. ' N. B. The takes due on the above lancje and lots to be paid to Thomas Jo ncj, Deputy Sheriff. , y 75, And half of 76, .7. 78, 82, $ JS'4; 87, SS, 97, 1 -p 8 , 99 r 1 cor i o i' :t o 2103,-7 1 04 1 57-1 2 i , i if? 123, i?4 125, 126, 127, 1 28,- 129, 1 30, 1 31 1 M 2 , 1 . , 1 3 4 3 5 -.1 3 6V . 1 3 7 1 3 8 1 3 9 1 4 141, 142; 143, 144. Alfo 128 acres of land, the property of Tohn Low ry lying &n South fide "of Neufe rivei', on Jo ftua creeL . ThTaHoVe lots -and lands has not beWgmrf'. in for the year aforefaidi 1 . . ' -acA HAf; . , f WILLIAM GOODMAN,:rr; ; AJtawi ivur.ijf v; www. . j,;. . v:l,-:' '0 A