'. i - 1 gsa into his church. He did not want tae CAROLINA CENT1NEL NEWBORN, JUNE 20, 1S18.T NE A 'nseftim in this w ft rfe on, in; mis s the 1st inst. lishinrt'-ajind s. c. to Wdm House: true. SteamjBbat to this place It is also in line already and Washhi it is said LINE OP STAGES. of the citizens of Wilniing- state was to have convened on to adopt measures for estab- of stages from Georgetown, in gton and D uplin Court it will communicate withthe Stage Line from Fayette ville contemplation to extend the ablished between this town Eton, as far as Petersburg in est EXPEDITION. fin the.Aumsta Herald of the Cdinsti)!khat the whole distance between Irwicn! i j con. and Newbern, (sEVEr bundrep an J) sixty miles) can be passed in Steamjj-B oats, wi tli trie exception of less than sixty riiies land carriage, in I six DAYS. MOEE .SPECIE. , fl. h brig Cora, Arnold, arri ved fit Charleston, s. c the. 29th inst. with merchandize ; and 100,000 dollars in William, capt.' CoflTm, arrived at The Britis specie. The lien lief.v- York 15th ult. from London, brought lout 470009 dollars in specie for the U. S. TJASONIC NOTICE. , By the unanimous vote of Sanger Murk Master Lodge, notice is hereby given, that the late lev. Walter H.Gerry, for ;y;ima?on: arid highly reprehensible con tact, ha!sbeen expelled said Lodge; of "which thlefraternity ; within the sound of the SiiveJ, afVt cautioned to take notice. THE; PEA PATCH. v TTw wnrk of del en cc en tiiis.marshv island, in the Deware, are vigorously .prosecuted under t,Nq charge of Captain ;'abcock'of thii Engineers. They are to k very extensive, .arid, supported by oth er works ion the shares of the river, are expected to be able Xo afford perfect se curity, in time of war. . Immense piles are driving for foundations,' and what is call ed a case-mated battery is to be erected, consisting pf a series of I'omb-proof arch es, by which from 50 to 1 00 guns may be brought to bear on any oi ie ooject the rvorks -1 will be larse cannon capable of ' mounting 400 The plans were adopted f.v (iWt Swift and 'Bernard. i About 80 acres have been completely embanked am drained, with substantial windings', &c. and a well is digging, al ready below t ie bed of the- river, by which it ii! expected that fine frosh water . yillbe obtained in "ample quantities ; the river water here being saltish. VY Reg. self." BostPat. FROM SPAIN. Capt. Jernegan arrived at gates for COURTESY. '-" - At a late town festival at Boston, ber he most respectable citi zens,- there were among the guests, Mohs. I)e Vanais,1 Consul of France, and Mr. ?uanners,i Consul of his Britannic Majes ty: Immediately after the toast to the for eign Consuls was given, (says a Boston paper,) Mr. Manners rose, and express ed himself to theTbllowing, effect : ' " His most Christian Majesty's Consul ' has requested ne to express his thanks in conjunction with my own, for the honor you have ;Confiied on us ; and estimat ing ; his feelin gs by the standard of my own, I cannot but do so with warmth and 1 . sincerity. j I "beg, leave to propose a toast,1 T,hicli I trust every one present will drink with satisfaction i J.v: ; "',. . .:y ' : -V; ' .: " May ; the ! continents of America & Europe neverj join in any contest but for pre-eminence in arts and sciences, in agri culture, and in Commerce." ; i This toast was greeted with six cheers. PUBLIC FURNITURE. ' A late city of Washington Gazette con tains an attack upon the President of the .United States, on account of the expen sive manner in which Conress have tho't proper to furnish the1 President's house. Jt vould 6e equally liberal to attack the Speaker of the House about the large ap propriation which has-lately been made towards the furniture of the Representa tives Chamber in the Capitol. We have eardofa 'remarkby Mr. Wirt upon this subject, wMclWe think more judicious as ca as more lively than the speculations ! this editor. . He was asked how he the expensive and elegant manner jthidh I the President's house was fiirr Wished ? and observed in reply, that he s very much pleased with it. He did tot think that slaves and tyrants ouht. to Monopolize all the graces and comforts of out that the citizens and magistrates Mfree republic had at least as good a claim to enjoy them in a national way. like.it. said heL for nen-rKr u -y - "viiy iiic aoiuc ita Devil to have all the good tunes to him- "We leani that la duel took place last Boston da the 7th inst. from Lisbon. fie is tl ie bearer of despatches from our minister at me Spanish court, to the bfecretary. Of estate. i THE CANADAS. A snirit of disaffection and rif bostilitv to the present mode Sof government, ap pears to be taking bald and rabid strides in the Province of Upper Canada. Sev - - . - . T T I i I. II eral of its townships nave chosen dele he purpose ARM of assembling in Congress to redress their ; grievances, and i uuc:iimuiLpi' menisci iium n ine.unner cessary taxation under which they labor. The congress was to have met jlast month -and the expeAces of its session ko have Deen aeirayea oy a voluntary l ax paid by the townshi ps iepxesnted.4-The day may not be far disianti when the Canadai i - - i L . J t ., i i into Governments the mother coun Times. will erect themselye wholly independent o try VAL OF NORFOLK JUNE 8 i r -. -1 THE PRESIDENT. clock this morning. -a . :i i O' , J 1 At half past 5 o gun from each of the garrisons announce ed the arrival of the IJ (lieut. com Claxton,) Island, haviner on board; Forts Nornlk and such came abreast fore she anchored) atOosporl. Ihe S. schr! Nonsuchi a -! I . 'If in sight of Craney the President , of the United States , accompanied by his private Secretary, Mr. jj J. Mpnroe, the Secretaries of War and the Navy, Col. M'Ree of the fEnjineier corps1, Burwell Bassett; Esa. and two lor threefother nri- vate gentlertieni I A National Salute was fired in succession from Cranev Island. ! -I JNelspn, as the Non- bf them and (just be-- from, the Navy-Yard of the tr. S. schrl Asp, It. com. Smith, laying off Fort Nel son, were pandsomely manned, and ?as soon as the Nonsuch pasised the Forts, CoL M'Reo, In a handsome barge, and a 24 oared barge from the Navy-Yard with com. Cassinl on boa rd, Went along side to convey the President and shite to the shore. -Having received them SJbn board, the barges proceeded to the county wharf, where the jlayor and jcbmmbrl Council with several publb olficers, and a large concourse of citizens, were assembled. to welcome the -arrival of tire Chief Magis trate. He was received with great cor diality 'and conducted ltd the" Exchange Coffee House, where rooms had fbeen pre- j week at Fernandina between It. Sam. W. Downing and It.; Dulany of the marines. The latter was severely; wounded, and the ball still remained near the back bone. An affray took place at St. Mary's, in which several of the officers of the army and navy with a number of citizens were engaged. Col. Hopkins and several oth ers, were wpunded. We have not learnt the orijrin of the dispute! neither do we know ady of the particulars of the unplea sant rencontre. j j ! We are sorry to state "that a serious dis pute has occurred between Gen?ls Jack son and Sccitt, which we fear will eventu ate in a serious inanner. General Jack son intends as soon as he gets through the present Campaign, t0 repair to New York, for the purpose of calling Scott out. We have learned the points which crea ted the dispute, but dol not, at this time, feel Ourselves authorized to state themi r pared for, hii! ecepiion. been expected, such was ST. St EPHEN'S, (ALABAMA,) MAY 9 Gov. Bibb returned to this place on Sunday lasti An expedition against the hostile Indiabs having been arranged, a detachment 'of volunteers marched from Claiborne tle day previous. It is un derstood that the Sparish Territory will no longer furnish i an Eisylum to the ene- my I .;:"!. U ' . r ' " j .: Yesterday; the Governor received in telligence fronr Major Youngs, who com manded at Flfrt Crawford, that he ' had organized a force consisting of reilars & militia from camp Montgomery & Choc taws, proceeded down the Escambia in boats, attacked the hostild Indians on Pensacola Bpy, within one mile of the town of Pensacola, on the 25th ult. killed 9, wounded 12 or 13, and took 8 prison ers, with the joss on his part of 1 man on ly. Lieut. AUen commanded the militia. The expeditijon was so cautiously & pro perly conducted, that the enemy were not apprized of danger until the attack was made. The day afterwards the gover nor of Pensacola issued a proclamation, forbidding tii4 inhabitants; to sell or give any supplies to the Indians, and informed the chiefs that they should not be protec ted. He, at the same time, advised them to surrender and sue for peace. Major Youngs speaks in high terms of the good conduct of the detatchment under - his command. It is hidilv nrobable there- f . ' ! J. 1 : ' f 1 fore, that the repose in their habitations. rontier settlers may safely SnLLElGEVILLE As ihlshl .have. the curiosity to 43a that Whitfield gave for introducing ! tine to oppose them. Tlie last -aie popular and sprightly airs of music v from that place are to the 23d inst behold the r ian in vham the confidence . and affection s of a nation' of freemen are concentrated, that we never havi witness- ea sacn an inaiscrimmate assemDiage on ' I j : .ill . 1 any occasion in Our town. It might in deed be saic, that the Reception was in. a style of genuine; republican simplicity. I' j; ; june 10. On the arri val of the president on Mon day last, the two volunteer infantry corps attached to the 34th Itet.undeiji the com mand of captains Kelly and Capron, turn-, ed out to pay I him the military honors due to his rank.They were ! joined by the handsome rifle company from Ports mouth, commanded by captain Ray, and at 1 1 o'clock the whole marched 'down to the Exchange Ccffee House to fulfil the object of the parade. They were there reviewed by the President, who express ed his satisfaction at their j military ap pearance, and the handsome style in which tjiey performed their evolutionsL After passing the review, the companies drew up in line fronting the Exchange, and sa luted the President with a handsome fire of 2 1 rounds . ' l'.-''f ; I Tb . Prp?Hpnt was detained at his lodgings' until a late hour of the day by j the desire of the citizens to waij on him j with their compliments j and, congratula tions. iVt 4 o'clock he visited) the gar- risohs of Forts Nelsons and Norfolk, aiid i the Navy-Yard at .Gosport, in which he wai occupied until night. A ! At "5 o'clock yesterday morning the ! President set off oh a visit to the canal, ! intending, we understar d, to proceed as" far as Elizabeth-City, n c. arid, to return ' on Thursday. He was accompanied by , Mr. Calhoun, Secretary of War, Mr. Crowninshield, Secretary of the Navy, Generals Swift and Bernard, an'd Col M' Ree, of the Corps of Engineers the prin? cipal naval and lnihtary officers of this station, and several of our most; eminent citizens", j Capt. Wp4GHT.--Maj6r Davis, of the U. S. army, m compliance with orders from General ; Jackson, j arrested captain Obed Wright in Dublin a few days ago, forihe purpos of carrying him to Port Hawkins, and secusing him until instruc tions could ) be : received from; the ; P'resi dent. Whilst in this place, bh Thursday last, the prisoner Was released from custo dy by a writ qf habeas corpus, before a Court called to: determine the case. The court, after suitable investigation, decided that the orders of General Jackson ' were informal, as they contained ) no specific iLncugc agauisij. iue piisunei, who was ac- ordingly released from, custody. We un e stand captain Wright has been arrested oy order of Gov.! Rabun, & is now on parole in this place, waiting the organization of a court-martial. 6. 3. SAVANNAH, JUNE, We have been polhely favored by a friend, with the following extract of a let ter front a gentleman oh whose word our readers may rely. The invaders men tioned, we suppose, are Patriots ; and have iiw uuuui uui mey win Keep meir looinig against all the foic4 at the disposal of the governor of otAugustme. M on reached us, that three u A' report has vessels with troops have landed to the southward of St. Auguitine, not certain whether at Mantanzas 1 JMusquito. One hundred men were sent from Si. Augus T AY, OK accounts SOUTH AMERICA; ! j BALTIMORE, JUNE By the sloop Friendship, capt. Fos- dick, arrived at this port, in 16 days from jVlartinique, we have reci?ived the follow ing intelligence from the Spanish -Maine, FOm' AUGUSTI RA, APillL 30 Since the -possession ofiheOronoco, with the Fortress of old Gu)ana and the py of Augustup, by tiie Patriots, the important position of San Fernando, a strongly fortifiejd island in the river of A pure, has been acquired, and by this means, the province of Barinas, the finest of Venezuela; : so th'at the communica tion by the OronocQ is now open to Bra- ZillSa. j , ; j ' i 'Morillo, on learning of the advance of Gen. Bolivar add the army, retired from Barmas to Caia)6za, a strong posUion on the plains,' :dmmandingth roaris to Car accas, whepce he was soon ditodged with severe loss," followed to Sombrero, where he was again defeated j and obliged to reT treat, which to the actions of Semen and Qrtis, the severest and most general ever fiught uniler the republic, have increased the confidence jif the Patriots-, who are completely triumphant. Here Geaeral Bolivar made orie more attempt to pat an end to the war of extermination, a.nd held the wounded and other prisoners of tHe .enemy to await in exchange ; a reverse of fortune, however, for a short time, placed tii wounded of the Patriot; army at his mercy, when every one was put to death by the orders of Morillo. Since this pe riod, Gen. Boliyar had detatched a divi sion of thearniy for Barcelona, under General Monagis, one j to Cumana how under General Bermudez, and one under General Pjaezy to pbserve Calceda with 2000 men jwho had escaped frphi Barinos, and advanced himself with the remainderof the'army towards Caraccas, and had possessed himself of the heights of Las Coquises j and Consijo1, almost in sight of the city, hen he learnt that Cal- ceda, with his division, reinforced by a b'out 690 nien more, was making a move ment in hiaj rear so as to cut off his com munication witii the plains from whence he drew hisj supplies. He was here, close to Morillo's main force, obliged to make a retrograde movement, & attacked Cal ceda and cut him; up, leaving 1 500 meii on the field. The Patriot loss was severe", 800t men j-beingi short of ammunition, here the matter i-as carried by the bayo net, and the armv retired to await sup plies which were;lto leave ( Augustura un der an escort tli 2d May. Tenor 12 days would be required to execute this) Cotton when the possdssin f Caraccas would be Qofiee1 aecmea, as ne wap aeterminea ai an naz- Corda zaros 10 possess irnsen oi ii ere me rains Flour set in. A Coionlwith 2o0 men had de serted and joined general Bolivar, from information had Newbern Prices Current j . CORRECTED WEEKLY. MERCHANDIZE. From p. . to i. c lb. Bacori i . Beef"i..."-; Butter ' Bees-Wax 1 ! Brandy, French do, do. -Corn IMeal Apple Peach (Tf whom some been received, stanjpg that the greatest dis satisfaction prevailed amongst the Span ish troops. In the! latter affairs, Morillo was wounded by alance, and General de la Torre kil ed. Of the Patriots, Gener al Ansvatig ie, and Col. St. Andero and Palacias. i J ; Admiral Brion, on the 16th May, was at Five Isla ids, close to St. Baits, joined by commod ore Taylor with two other brigs, and Admiral AUry with 15 sail, forming in i ll 31 sail his flag flics on board the ship Victorious, of 28 guns. They were :o move on the 22d, to A pure on the coasi. Capt. Cavano in a brig of 18 guns,1 with Sallas, the former command ant of marines at Augustura under the Spanish government, and 12 j gun boats, were in the Gulph of Paria, still threaten ing tlie blockade of the Criroes and west, and probably would be met by the gun boats under commandant Dhis, who liad just returned from the Apure, and was nearly completed in refitting, j General Paez had joined General Boli var, and waiht San Carlos and General Bolivar at Fab, a day and a half from Ca raccas, 20th of April j ! ENGLISH N E W S -WHEUGH ! ! ! FROM A LONP ON PAPER -MARCH 24. ( The American squadron liad anchor ed at Messina from Syracuse, i A demand had been made by commodore Stewart on the Kins of Naples,J to deliver ur Sv- l . -1 -i ..t 11'" . oy, tne rveapoiuan the nieasure4 when, t squadron indicating & Governor of Syracus"e States, i This was racuse for a debt due i 1 government to the U. refused, principally in! consequence of the British Minister having protested against e movement of the wish to land, the sent a message to the Commodore, informing him that, un less he made sail immediateh", i he would Flax-Seed Gin, Holland do, .Country Pine Scantling. Plank Square Timber Shingles, 22 inch Staves, W. O.hhd. do. R. O. do. do. j W. O. bbl. Heading, W.O. hhd. Lard Molasses Tar Pitch Rosin Turpentine. U do. Spirits Pork Rice Rum, Jamaica do. W. I. do. American Salt, Ailum do. Fine Sugar, Loaf do. Lump do." Brown Tobacco none lb. gal. hush. lb. bbl. )ush. gal. M. lb. gal. bbl. gal. bbl. cwt. gal. bush. Ib. cwt. so 25 15 v40 30 7q 7$ S0;1 201 26l 30 12 I 1. 8fi 7 10 1 18 z 10 70 501 1 1 1 ; 2 18 4 i l 60J 25 60 75 50 40 50 25 10 70 60 50, 25 23 - V 40 -2S 35 11, II 1 1' 12 30 ' 25 10 20 20 v io 6 -40 30 80" 7 l a 30; 25 12 8i be comnellpfl to fife iifion Viii. snbadroti : iupon which they proceeded to JMessina. The crews of the vessels had been visited with the plague, and jthe Independence 74, (the commodore's hip) had lost up wards of 70 bien from jit ; 1 the seamen of other Vessels had ; likewise : suffered from the. same contagious malady." ATTEMPT. AT SEDUCTION Ihe Kentish Chronicle contains, tne bllowing : " A trial, of a novel descrip- tion, of a countryman attempting to se duce a servant girl from the paths lof . vir tue, took place at Up-street, KehtjL a ffw days since, before a jury of villagers there assembled ; wlien, after a most patient in vestigation of the case, the countryman was found guilty, and .sentenced to be hanged by, the heels to the beam of the ropm for the space of twenty minutes, lc to' drink four pints oX strong onion broth, two pints pre vious to, and the regaining tivo during il;e suspension. Tlie I delinr quent, on Ties ring the verdict, ehGeavor ed to; make hi escape, ar.j made great re sistance to the sentence being carried inr tp effect ; but the honest rustics were riot to be frustrated f;om showing their jindig iiajion at the Lieinousness of the crime, & immediately; carried the same into execu don, to tiie no small amusement and grat- lhcatio of the company present." v London paper. State if Nbrth-lardliria, , I craVen COUNTY. L Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. JUNE TERM 1818. : ' Catharine Huau, y t i N i i ; t j vg f Onginal attachments Germain bastix. vjed &c. TT appearing to tHe. Court that thS : A defendant is not an inhabitant c this States (Jrdered, therefdre; that publication be ftiade ninety day in. the " Carolina Centinel, That un- " less the defendant appear at the Court of Ple as and Quarter Sessions tb be i holden for the County of Craven, nC the Cpurt-H,ouse in Newbern, oh thex ! second Monday in September next and replevy or plead to issuejudg ' ment will be entered up aginct him Attest, James G. STANtT c. c. ' Tune 9th; 18l8.U3m I t i V CONTENTMENT. ' ' A good person once observed to an an cient Greek Philosopher, that it was a great happiness to have what we desire. The sajje replied, a it is a much greater happiness to desire nothing but what we hr ave. NOTICE i IS hereby given, that the Su'fcscrib County Court; obtained trttevi of ad ministration on the estate of Alex-' andtr Mitchell, deM. f r ; ? , All persons having; claims, againsttt said estate, are it qui red to bring them forward, opetly authentica- ted; within tHe time .limited by fow or they will be debarred recovery t- and those indebted to the e.f tats arc requested to make . immediate pay ment, or their accounts wil7. hplacedt in the hands of an officer for collec- tion. ? EDW'D.S'F'PNKS. June 20 t20jl4 JVnnnistrator. Port of Newbern. Entered.- Schr. Ameliaf Gilliland. Philadelphia i Schr. . Canton, Salisbury, arren Schr. Rebecca, Bears, N. York ; Schr, Hope, Cook, Philadelphia. Cleared. Sloop Active, Bigalow, N York ; Schr. Collector,' Wade, Bermuda ; $loop A mo, La wrence, Martinico ; Sloop Sifters; Weeks, New York. , The Steam-BoaVleft here on Thursday morriing-we understand she had 26 pas sengers. : ! FOR BALTIMORE,! The Schr. Rapid, Captain Eldridge -to sail next 'week. For freight or passage?, ap ply to THO'S MLIN. Or to th Captain on board, at Capt. Ilrougman s wnar 1. ; j Newbern, June 20th, 1818; 13.1 w. I WILL BE0 LT, N'Tuesday, thr- iiisi J-uXy nekt i at the late.fYwcHincr house ol? ALexand.cr. lVlitcn'jU., tlec'd. several Likely Kegrocs, - together with the. HOUSEHOLD and KITCHIiU FURNITURE behiiiging to nhc- estate of said dee'd Six monf hs. credit will be given, the purchasers, giving noses with ap proved seCuri.ty. j 200 Dollars Reward WILL be given "to any person who will apprehend, and deliver to the . subscriber, within month from the date hereof, the fojfow ng described negroes Viz : ADAM, about 45 years of age five feet eight or rtitfe inches high, stout jnade. has an unusually large neck and high fore-v ; head, and was j formerly owned 5y Mr- John Gooding: PATIENCE, his wife, about 40 years of age, low' stature, and ' quick Li ber: movements ': together with their three thildren tlie oldest oT which is -about seven jWrs of age, and the young-1 est but four months. 1 i - ; f-, The aboA 'reward will he giveafor them all, or $ 100 for the fellow alone, and fifty for the wench. : , A11 persons are hereby warned ,Tnot to employ any of them but him inparticu- larj In getting shingles ; as. the law will ) be strictly enforced against ofienders in -tub c?.se. '- 7 f- '.: . I Fifty dollars willhe given; forprodf. sufficient to con vict any white person em nlnvmn A m fhiit fif in nV Otner man ner, or S Z j ior tne iixe prow jr hlack person; ) V ' E. 1PASTEUR. Farmvi e. June 13 til 3. L -f ;. '-i " ' ? !

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