N. C. SAtURbAY, JULY 4, 1818. NUMBER 16. terms; wil iarei for rr-w t! Molina centinel is published 1"" f ' (! WEEKLY BY JOHN I. PASTEUR, AtTiiUKE Dollars per annum, one third payable ip advance. No pa.pe; aid up, except at the op- be discontinued until ali ier. arrearages; are lion of the i-uMis V DV-ER.riis.RM ks s inserted; at 50 cents per sq; the first week, and 25 cents a GTioli succeeding insertion. .0 i ilUtti i Y. Hdition to the " act for the bit certain crimes against ed Mates," and to repeal the mentioned. BE k enacted bu the Senate and B - A N i in a punishment tne U in acts the Jhuse f Slates cj 'bled, Th; sN Suites diction erase a eign priti or people against rl:c ri'-t United S:vi; Representatives of the U. Congress assem- iy ciazen of IJnited fc-if ill, i .lj;Vjt - ' ot ex A guilty ol shall ' Ik- i' i tli i.is.sn: soiv.-d.i Thut :i .territorv tv d S ateL-"e hire or r list or enter -,. . ii ' t:t iirnus oil ta pi or entert eun prince, ripi in a witnin inc territory or s id d Vi qce id. reof, .accept' and ex- prnfenjissjon to serve a for ce, state or colony, district in war, by land or by sea, my " prince, state,v coiDny, . ! 'v - i i i Or people, witn wliom the ire i at peace, the per- lng-'f shall be ueeraea mih misdemeanor, and nbt more than two s, and shall be tmpri ?ding thre years. be it f irther enacted, I n-v vvrHOi: snail, rwunin tne is die lion of theVUni- hlist or enter himself, or i noflier person to en- limsell or to go beyond jurisdiction of the Uni- all materials, arms, ammunUiOrt and store, which may have beerikrocu- ti tor the building a.id equipment (hbreofshaU be forfeited : nW half o the use.of the informer, and the o herhalf to the use o& .he U. States. Sec. 4. And be ii further enacted, Oiat if any citizen, or citizens, of lie United States shajj, without the imits thereof; fit oiu aSrjdArrnj, or at. tempt to tit out and arm. nr fimnu p be fitted out and kitlae'd.-'tr shall knowingly aid .or be concerned in he furnishing, fitting oat or Sjrming any private ship or vessel of Avar, pv privateer, with intent khat sufch ship vessel shall be employed tit cruize or commit hostilities, upon fee ci ti zens, of the United States, or their property, or shall take the command otor enter ori board, of, any such ship or vessel, for, thel intent afore- s iiu, or shall Durchase anv htprpst i'4 any suc ship or jesseljl with a view to share in the profits thereof, such person, so offendiner, shall be deemed guilty of a high misdemean or, and fined not more than ten thou sand dollars, and imprisoned not more than ten years ; :and the trial t out the limits shall be in the district affected lony, distfi' t, 'or people, in every said shall be ch case it shall be lawful tor the peal. President of the United States, or Sec. 13. Aid be tt further enacted: such 'other person, as he shall have That nothing in tfie foregoing acts empowered for that ;pu-pose, to -: em- shall be copstrued ' to prevent the pfoy such part of the land or naval prosecution or punishment of treason. forces of the United States, or of the cr any piracy defined by the lavs of muicia thereof, for the: purpose ol , the United States. , taking possession; of and detaining any such ship or vessel, with her prize or prices, if anyy in order to the execution' of the prohibitions arid ptjnalties'of this act, and to the resr toriug the prize br prizes in the ca ses in which restoration shall have been adjudged, and alsK for the pur pose of prevpntiiig the carrying on ol' any such expedition or enterprize from the territbries or j urisdiction of the ''United States ajgainst the ter ritories ordqmmions of jany foreign prince or state, or of any colony, dis trict or people, with whom the Uni 'ted States are at peace. . 1 Sec. 9 Add be it further enacted, That it sh he lawf ul, for the: Presi dent ofi the United States,; or such person as he shall empower for that purpose, to employ such part of the land or naval forces of the United States, or of the militia thereof, as or such offence, if committed with- ui luc j uueui ocaies, ; sijati uc necessary to compel; any district fin which the i f reign ship or vessel to depart the er tnacted shall withi the brought. bee. 5. And be it i nat it any person territory, or jurisdiction of the Uni ted States, increase or augn;,ent, or procure to be increased or Aigrnent ed, or shall knowingly he concerned in increasing or augmenting, the iprce ot any snip.ot warjcruizer. offender shaiibe apprehended, or first United States in all cases in which by the laws of nations or- the treaties off the Unit-ct States they ought not to remain within'the United States. ! Sec. 10. And be it farther enacted, That the .owners or consignees- of every armed shin or vessel sailmc out of the potts, of the United S tates, belonging wholly oil in part to the by such a r-' H. CLAY, Speaker of the House of Representatives President of the Senate pro tempore. April 20, 181 a Approved, JAMES lOrROE. - AN ACT for the relief of John B. Dab- ' -r I ' ney. - " Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the U. States of America in Congress assem bled, That the Secretary of State be, and he is nereby, authorized to set tle and adjust the accounts of John B. Dabney, as consul of the United States f jr the izores, during the late war betyreen the United States and Great Britain, for monies ad vanced by hi na on account of the U. States, and for other, incidental ex pences relative to' tHe same, and to allow him su ch um for losses in ex change, and for interest of money so advanced, and other incidental ex penses, as he may deem equitable 8c lust II. CLAY, Speaker of the House of Representatives J JOliiN GAIL LAUD, President of the Senate pro tempore April 20, 1818. Approved. JAMES MONROE. ted Stat is, wi th intent to be enlisted ih the service 91 any for- Sfate, colony, district a soldier, or as a ma- 1 or pf'onle:, as i - '1 1 . , 1- rine or si ainan, on uoara or any ves sel of war, lktt-r of marque or priva- at Pefce, by adding to the tFfr pvPh- hHrsnn n nfTkr nrr Khs 1 OI me EUnS OI SUCH VeSSe .. 1 i - . . i M isorled citiz.en thereof shall enter into honrl . , . JM . l .. . - .--I-.' - - ' or other armed vessel, which at the to the United States, with - .sufficient timef Her jurrivai within thtf United s areties prjqr to clearing out the States, was a ship of vart oi cruizer same, in double the amount of the or armeuli vessel in the service of value of the vessel and cargo on any foreign prince or state, qr of any board, including her armament, that colony, district or people, or belong- tlie said ship or vessel shall not be ing to the subjects or citizens of any employed by fsuch owners "to cruize sucn prince or state, colony, or people, the- same being vith any foreign prince or ot any colony, district, or with whom the United States are the United btates are at peace number j Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, or .bv That the collectors of the customs BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE STATES. SL,...; HE RE AS, byab act of Con gress, passed on the 26th of March 1804-, entitled, "An Act ma king provision for the disposal of the public, lancls in the Indiana Territo ry, and for other purposes," -and an Act passed the 3d of iMarcK, 1805i entitled,! "An Act supplementary to tht- act, entitled, an act making pro vision for the disposal of the public, lands in the Indiana Territory," and an act passed on .the 25th of April 1 80S, entitled. "An. Act supplemen tal to an act regulating the grants of lands in the -Territory of M ichigan," the ' Preside u t of the Un i te d States is authorised to .cause the lands in the land district of Detroit to be of fered for sale when survey ed ; and -whereas a part of the said lands v have been surveyed ij : , I herefore I, JAMES M ONUp E ; President of the United 'Slates, conformity with the said acts,' do hereby declare & make known, that public sales for the disposal (agreed ably to law) of the . said lands shall j be held at Detroit, In Michigan Ter- ritory, viz :: , ; . 'r . j On the first Monday in July next for the lands contained fa ranges! 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13, south of the base line ; on the first Monday of Septem- ; ber next lor . the. lands contained iri ranges 13, 14, 15, 16, and IT, .north of the base line ; and jdn the firsi; Monday in November next, lor the lands contained in Tge$ 9, 10, 11 and 12, north of the base liiie, ex- AN ACT for the relief of John Dillon' ! cepiing suc h, lands as are, or may BE it enacted by the Senate and be reserved in said district, by law. I louse of Representatives of ihz Uni fr the ted States of America in Congress as bled, That the See'ry of t lefreasury j tinue 1 other pui posesf The sales shall con district, or commit hostihtes against the suh- at war jects, citizens, or property, of any state, or foreign'princkor tate, or of any co- people, lony, districrii or people, with whom . , . . - , -. , r r IJ 1 -1 r: 1- -J l Li. ..-Vleerritia Whir of n h1h mUrlJ: cnantfi.nR those on board ot tier tor .a oe, ana iney are nereoy, respecxive WU.IIUI J UIIIU rilrtU UL 11'iJiCU 1IUL Ci" ' ' T J .. . . T ' I ' i . . . : . . I : .... 1 . ' I ill- ' -A.L- cctding impr - itnc L - e th or si ; SUi)ject prime, pie, v h . the Umed board marqae, 01 ousiid cJohars, and thereto of any equipihent lolely ap- tain any vessel mariiebtly built for pticaoie to war, every person, so pi- wariiKc purposes, unu aooui 10 ue- snail oe deemed runty oi a part me unuea otaies,'oi wnicn me ' It : Hi. J - i -1 n I - ! i- ' . r not exceeding three V vVtar.4 : PrQVidtd, That this act shall not be construed to extend to a t.tnc ol us S.atfs va bucn, e i Or' of Me $amk wi itizen of any a) S; colony, district br pep transiently be within ates; and shall, be on fort any sgn lending, hieh misdemeanor, shall I1 be fined not more than one th)U9snd dollars, and be imprisoned not more than one year. ; ..v: j rf y - Arid; bfitfthffmpted, ts; St. Sec. 6. sel of war, letter of k1 n any p-rson snai, wiu.iir uie t trr1frr r mrtorlir f-iort ' ATI f n ' I ml nxateer, wnich. at tne . :v"j . jv5" "T" i: ' . l O. . I . X . arr Ka! within thr United ea oiaies, oegin or sci o iuui, ny i-iitied and equipped as military expedition o.r enterprize, to t or! enter himself, or hire Pe cai ried or tne territory cargo snail! principally consist ot arms and munitions of number of men shipped on oard, or ither circumstances, shall render it probable that suth -i. ... nother subject or citizen toreign princev state, co- f'-eig:plrj iice if the United hi i the United States, to Bkn'ly enlist or . liter himself to! from I then or dpmini e against ns of any foreign prince or. state, or ot any bmldlstrJrti brneonle.'ho is trnn- c0lon, district, : or people, witn VVUU1U LliC WllilCy uiawta on- L J ded to be employtd be, ec he is hereb', directed to pay to John Diilorj, or to his assignees, out of any money in the TieasurynoSt othervvise appropriated, three thou sand five h indred dollars, being the amount received by the Unitetl States, unc er a sentence of condem nation propou need by the district court of Orleans, agaiust the schoori e,;r which Sentence has reversed bythe suprenle court of the United States. . II. CLAY, Speaker of tte House of Representatives. JOHN GA1LLARD. President of the Senate pro tempor!. April 20J 1 $ 1 8 A pproved, JAMES-MONROE: V 11 er riocnei oeen since support of Schools, and for bpert for. two weeks and no- CI lllIIlbC.lt IW SC1VC SU'vIl ' J I .1 i r , ;e, state, colony, district hall be deemed guj ty of aiigh mis cj1 peace, every person j so foffending, cr pt op!e, on board such vessel of Avar, letter of m irque, or privateer. States shall then be at , demeanor, and snail be fined not ex ceeding three thousand dollars, and lmnrisoned not more than three . , lua'p wifw snh Wpiffn ni-inr p c-nt , ears. ; t colonvi district or n onle. ; Sec. 7. And be it forth ' . ' 1 I "I ! mm. fir Hinmnr rn hr Anr inn arm ...w. . ......... or nroiref t,i i fin.rf nJ & .rmprl. ted States, or Within a mane league H i . t ' t" J n t I v, 1 Ani hp it f.lrt!.Vr wnrted. mat tne district COUFib vviiiuu iiic - o . . . . Sec' 31 npr,nn cViall limits oflrje Upited States, fit out & soever innituted, in pses f captures onH O rrv- 1 Uiuuv vuv - vr . cr sh ill kn winglv he concerned in t,le turhishing, fitting out or arming, cl any! shin or '.-vessel, with intent that such ship or vessels ployed lti the servi;e commit r enacted, shall take by whdm- nall beyem- 6f any for eign prince or state, or of any colo ny, district or people to" cruise or any vessel ot f; . .1 1 ieu vcsijci ities. jc(-ts, citizens or property. tcreign. prince or state, or of colony t district or people, with whom1 the U ... , iii or snail issue sidn within tion of 'the or. yes of the coasts or shores thereof. Sec; 8 J And be it further enacted, That in evei v case in which a ves sel shall be fitted out and armed, cr in which the force pf war. cruizer. or other shall be . increased or augmented or against the sub- IDC1 W ,V V f I ' ' V i - i I ontamrlla ck'lll hp hf (Tllll flf Set Oil of any 'r- r o T. . an' loot, contrary to: the provisions ana proniuiiiuns oi ims ati , p1'" " ,1 Q,o-U ry case of the capture qi a stjip ur, l j T i- ;U; .1 . i rfinn nr nin. tection cf the United States as be fore defined, and in 1evbrv case in which any process issuing out of any court ot the United States shall pe disobeyed or resisted by pny person the custody ot any 2 er or .other armed mi dol arU and mpnsoned :not ;'yess,oi any toreigo prmcc aor J thU three years; t and every ot any colony, dtnc or, pedple, SMruLurL i-i ' Lv!-or of anv subiects or citizens .of any uiu ur vcmci. w rn ner rar.Kie. " j - i h parel and furniture, together vith ..ioeign pnuce or .IV. - l 1 - or deliver a commis- the territory or jurtisdic United States , for anv sel, to the intent that she ttay be employed as aforesaid, everv-i person so otiendmo- shall hp deemed t guilty of a high misdemeanor, and ! or persons having Vnall Ka nn,,lnnt u. i,L ' vessel of war, crut state, or of any the U States are decision of the thereon, or until vessel is inten by the owner or ovners to cruize or commit hostili ties upcjn the suhjects, citizens, or pre perty, of any foreign prince or state, Or of any colony district, or people, with whom 4ti. pence, UljUl IIIC President be had the owner or owners shall crive such 3ond and security as is required of he owners of at'med. ships by the receding section cf this act, " Sec. 12. Ar.d be it further enacted. That theact! passed on the fifth day of J une, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four, entitled " An act in addition to the act for the punish ment ot certain crimes against the United States," continued in force, (or a limited time, by the act of the. d ol Marth, one thousand seven undred and ninety-seven, and per- etuated by the act passed on the twenty-fourth of Aprifjpne thousand eight hundred, and the act, passed on the fourteenth day of June,?one housand seven hundred and ninety- entitled1 An act to. prevent nf rhe United" States from brivatejering! against nations in amity with, or against the citizens of the the United StatesJ" and the act, pas sed the third ' day of March, one thousand eight hundred and seven teen, entitled " Arj act more efTectu- NOTICE. HE subscriber offers for sale, his lands in the county of Onslow , containintr about six hun- longe.r; and shall commence , with -the first section of the lowest number! of townships and. ranges, and proceed in regular numerical order., Given under m; hand at the City ' ', oj VVashingtbn, the jthirty-first : X day, of March, one thousand eight hundred and.eighteen. . I JAMES MONROE. : By the President, i : J . . JOSIAH INfEIGS, Commissioner of the General Land Qjjife. Printers of newspapers who are authorized to publish the laws . of tlu United States, will insert the above once a week till October next ; and send their bills to the oen&ral LandiOffice for payment! . Seven, citizens wheat, and cotton. There is! dred acres; ; part of which is situated on an island, the remainder on tp main land. The soil is well calcula ted tor the cultnre of Indian corn. There is on the island, a commodious dwelling house, very pleas antly situated, and wellckl- tulited for a large The advantages of this situation are many! There is a channel round island sufficient for" vessels 8 feet water : so that none the . 1 i - but cress iences are necessarv a wind-mill i'ibr the erection of which there , is already collected and well also an W THE U. act of Con- excellent scite for ncy of timber seasoned a suffici the best quality. The orly reason th'e present occu pant has to sell, is, Jiis wish to re move to :he Western country. The terms will be made known application to the subscriber on the of cr on BY THE PR I.' SH) EN V OF STATES. HEBE AS by an gress passed on the 3d vian h l8iJ( entitled ," An act to provide for the ascertaining and surveying of, the boundary lines fixed by the trea ty with the Creek Indians and 'for other purposes, r thp , President of the Unijed States is authorized to cause the lands tvcqtiiretl by the said trea ty toj be orTcied forsale whin. sur veyed ; and wherea6 p irt of the said rlands have been surveyed : 1 I herel ore I, Jami s Mon roe, Pre sident of the Unitejd States, do here by declare '; and make knowu, that public 'sales for the disposal of cer tain lands south of the I ennessee river and in the district of pdadison . county, snail De ne;a at iiuntsvutc in said county in Alab-mal territory,, viz :l : " '. ' ' I ..- '" . ; Qn the first Monday in July next. for the sale of the h'nds in ranges 1, 2, ol 4-,' 5-, .. On the first Monday in the 1st o premises Dcmpsey Jones. June IB 4wl3 FIFTY DOLLARS REVARb. ANAWAY' from the subscriber,! in Trenton, ahout t August list, a ne ro wo man nanjed SILVEY.. She is about blly to presehe neutral relations v rhes high, Vd nrdoortioned and of a bladk Ciirrinlixion. She was for merly ownt-.d by Mr. Solomon Col lins of jraie Oak. The above re ward wil j be given to any person that win d.jiyer said negro to me, or se cure her in anyjail in this district, so thrt 'I get her agjam.l- f ( PETER ANDREWS. 13th. I3tt of the Uriited States." beT .and the' same afe hefeby sfeverally repealed : PrMii'Jf prth'eless. ' that persons r fti.iV,V - " - i having heretofore offended against any of the iacts aforesaid, may be prosecuted, tonvicted, and punished, is if the sanje were hot repealed ; & no forfeiture! here tofore incurred by j a violation of any of the acts afore- Sep ges day in Jund ember ntxt for thedand in ran- 6, 7, 8, 9, and on the first Mon- X in N ovtmber next for the lands 1 nm res iu, 11, 12, l3,!14i ex- cepting such lands as are or shall be ' resevea accorompr to law. icr the support of schools and for other pur- poses. rach sale snail continue open for two weeks, and no longer", shall commence with the section, township and range of the lowest jiumber; j and proceed in regular numerical ordvr x J ' :'::'x l-:: Given under mv. hand, at the' city ot Washington, this' 31st day i of March, 1818. JAMES MONROE. . 'President,;;.- ' : Vi:;r- Commissioner of the Geal. Land Offic-i wtioglo.1 - Ey the