Yl w' - if : It?: 1 IT" It.' il"' !.J;-- V -Y POETRYi FROMnTHE EOS.TO! BABiDi ; O tell me not thrA wine will sooth : The heart rdeprest with wo ; 5 O tell me not that wine will smooth ! Grim penury-s haggard brovf. . or though the wave may beam as bright ; ivs,ejveaing s urmiaiM. tom., -j .i cannox gnu nnsioriuuc "b?" Or calm the sinners fear. p1 tell me SSfcthat beauty's smile, That sun (JXyibudless morn, ij j pan black despair of wo beuil, 1 !' )r blouht fiction's thorn : ; j jpor though awhile its beams, may play (Where health and pleasure bloom, isease will shroud its pleasing ray lit shines not in the tomb.! O tell me not that fame will live! L i When hope and life-shall, cease For thou 'jh it points where honor bleeds, jfnd bids-the' bqsomjburn Yet, as the tighYojng sift, rfecedes When time hath, grasp'd his urn.- But tell me that RELiGips;iray ' '; ; Y: Can light :tho seal to heaven 3 Y 0 tell me tins c)in point theVay . 1 : To him on euicksandsdriven, 1 .1 1' 1 : ' -. . 7 j"7 ' i ;And ril Relieve for Well I know fThir ?hi 5 lal on e can save ' j " ! ; . y Jhat this can chase the clouds of wo J i Ancfild the peasants gitive. Vf 7 'From Vie N: Y. Daily Advertiser. ARABIC DEATH ISOXG A manuscript Journal o!" a late traveller in ! Egypt alferqa the folio win beautiful little poera, to which are.prefixed these IcrnarKs : - jX h. . " The curent was against us, and a s ve enma near the chy (Cairo) the. wind lull ed almost into, a calm. Y Wlule we were busy at the par, we heard! some musieal i sounds on the river's side, and our Water- men suddenly threw themselves on their facd.-, and began a prayer. I A jwbeesion was seen a few moments after, advancing1 froii 4; grove cf "date treesjata short dis: tante from the bank. It was a? band of Bedouins, who, in one of their few ren turesjnto the half-civtiz.ed world of L ,ow r Egypt for! traded had lost thei ehicLf by sickness. The train rw,erej niouiiired, I and thej budy was borne in th middle of tlie foremost troop : in ,a" kind' ot pruanqmn rude, but ornamented with a strange niix- lure 01 savageness anu ma;nincence. wliich we fin 1 1 not unfrequently aiiiong !th( nobler barbarians of! the East and South. - The body jwas covered w ith a Uoik's.lskin "r.j 4 green land gold embroider ed flig wavel over ' it anil some remark ably rich Ostrich iether$ on; the lances mad? the capitals and pillfirs of this .rab hcafsc. rhe.tnbe seemed not to observe our bbbtthoiijrh they; moved close to the ., snore: their-iacei were turned to the setting sun, which was thpn toucliinp the horizon in full grandeur, with an iminense , canopy, of fibre eous iclouu closhig abound huh in a shade of ; deepening purple ! The fair was remarkably; still, and their song,: in which the vhol train joined at intervals, sounded niost sweet. Their voices were deep and regular, and as the I long fproe'essron.' moved sowly?awpy into ; the desart, j with their : diminishing fortns, ; and fading chorus, they gve us the idea ; of a train passing int eternity. Vi he fol r lowing h a translation of tlieir song or hymn, such as I could collect it from the 4 tincldrssiclips of a Cair bpatman : " Our lather sbrowjvftis cOid ; his eye ; Ga7.ed on his warriors heavily ; K 1 bnence was on iii$ noble tongue ; Then writhed thethp, trie. Mai tK pe l nat ireea tae struggling squi ue 1, j ls: ' I .' - j " ." ' " He did I -Upon the'desert gale Shoot up' his eagle shafts to sail. ow. He died 1 Upon the desert plain ' FHng loose his camel's golden rein ; .' m.. "e;,; Ao other voice shall .guide er stream or sand its steps of pride. Whose is the hand! that now. shall rear Teiror of man, the Sheik's red spear. ? LivCs there the wriior on whose brow , His turbans vultur plurae -shall grow ? -' lie s gone, and wjth.our father fej 1 Thy sun of glory,1 Ishrnel , I i Waiitc(i a purchase, t Old CopperPewtei, and Lead, for which te highest prices will be .given. ' Y ":. ; f i v-. . . inrn ? mt-iv May 2. tD : '. ' ; BY THE! PRESIDENT OF THE U. STATES. W 7 HERE AS by) an act V V of Congress, passed on the Sd of March, 1815; entitled, " an act to provide for the ascertaining and surveying of the . boundary lines fixec? by the treaty 1 pith fhe Creek Indians, I and fori otheifl purposes, the President of the United States is authorized to cause the land,ac- ntiirfrl the said treaty to be ottered "I"" V . i- 1 - .1 for sale When surveyed : j Therefore i; James President of the United Monroe, States, do hereby declare and make-, known, the disposal that nublt c sales for, 'orrreahl'lr to law of certain lands O " I "if "' ! ! 4 in the Alabama territoiiy, shall be held atMIlledeeville in eorgia viz: On the third Monday 111 uctooer li .V : . . ax . ' I . next for1 the sale of tc wn ldts, in the town of Cahaba, in the sid territory situate at Alabama On the next, for thv ihnction ot trie rivers and Cahaba. third Monday in! October the sale of tovynships 13, 14,15,16 in ranges, 9 10, 11,12, 13, 15 ; rid of township? 14, 15, 16, 14. and 16 of the land dU- in ranges Unci in Alabama territory, directed by law to be sold at Miiledgeyille, ovrpntint such lands as have been reserved I by law; for thi support.of schools, or for other purposes ; each nub ic sale snau ' . 11, : - continue L open tor two weeks and j no lonprer. The town lots! and other lands, shall be offered for sale in regular numerical order, co pmencing wun ine lowest ' ! " JF- ,1.7 J, 1 I 1 number of lots, sectioris, townships and ranges. And I further kn jwn, tiat the declare and make offices of the regis- ter and receiver of publi 1 c monies for the said shall te removed from Milledgevi le to the aforesaid town of January ahaba, on thi first day of 1819. Given under my hand at the City of Washincrto T.-j this twenty third. day of M 1818. JAMES MpN.HOE. By the President JOSIAH MEIGS, Commissioner of the General Land Office. 12-t-lk). June 6 BY THE! PRESIDENT OF THE U. STATES HEREAS an act of Congress passed on the 17th of February, 1818 entitled "an usnment ot additional Land Offices in the Territory ot Missouri,' the President of thej United $tates is au thorized to direct the. public! lands which have been surveyed in the said territory", to be offered -'for sale Therefore, I', James 2V: iVIONROE, States, do President of the Uhited hereby declare' and -make known. htat all public sales foi the disposal (agreeably to. law r pt certain of lands n the territory ot Missourj, shall be held as ws vi: At St. J.ouis, in; the: said . territory. on tne - .t. first Monday m August, Oc tober, De- cember h ebruary and Apri next, ofthe in the and thr ee weeics I' after each said da s, for th' de of 3 ands land djitrict ot St!. Lou s Thirty townships' shall be offered at each sale, c eastern t - mmencinp: wi h the most ranges west :of th e fifth p in- cipal meridian line and proceeding westerly At the beat ot Justice or 'Howard Countyy in the said Territory,; on the first Monday in Septemqer and No verhberl next, and ihrde weeks after each of 1 T he said days, fori the sale of lanas irt the' land district of H oward County Thirty towrish ips shall be offered be in a it each sale : The first to square form, and the seat of justice of th! unty, as near tion of the. sec y in the centre as the situa tne surveys will admit, and bnd immediately east of the first, a hd in the same form i excep. ting fi fands m saLe in eacl .- district, the . . . j , which have been or may be reserved by la y fori other burooses. Given under my hahdL at the City - I :- I I i jot Washington, the thirtieth day ot j April, one thousar eight hundred anjd I eightee JAMES MONROE. By the 'resident, JOSIAH ME ICS, Commis sioner ofthe .General Land Office. lawtla 9, WANTED, Atth - i, s Office, an Apprentice to he Pnritinc: 4 , i i o ousiness. j to mciua sp.ictco BY THE PBESroENTi OF THE U STATES. HEREAS by an act of Congress, passed on the 3d of March, 1817,' entitled in act to authorise the appointment ot a Surveyor for the lands in the north- ern part 01 m m. s. - and the sale bf certain lands tnerein described." tne President of the U States is authorised to select certain lands, for scites for towns, ?nd cause the said lands to be UidofFinto town lots, ant! the said r lots tp be offered for sale- ; " : ' . 9 Therefore, I, James Monroe, President of the United States, do hereby declare and make known, that public sales for; the disposal of the lots I in the town Ot M aratnon, (heretofore called Milton's Bluff) on the south bank of the! rjver Tennes see, (near th heac of the Muscl ; Shoals) j in Alabama; Territory, shall be held at Huntsville, in .: the said territonvon tne second Monday in October next 1 . t-u Jun 'a-;i nnon fnt l X salts aiiail vyiikiuuv. s.,-,- L longer if nccessarv', i T'JII I'llMI 111 one week, ant the lots shall be offered for sale in regular numerical order, beginning with the lowest number, Given under my hand, at the j Citv of Washington, this 26th 1 day of May 1818. JAMES MONROE Br the President TOSI AH MEIGS; Commissioner Generkl Land Office June 6 12-t-l-o TREASURY DEPARTiMENT, ; ' - ' ' '26th May, IS 18. House of Representatives adopted a Reso lution, of wliich the following is a copy Ia' the House of Representatives of tne United States. Match 30, 1818. RcsolvedA That the . Secretary of the l reasury is. erjuested to prepare ana re port to this 1 Joase, at theii next session,; a nhin for the arJolication ol' such means as are within the power of Confrress, to the purpose of opening and Improving roads, and makine canals : to?etner witn a state-,. O 1 J s. . O j I I ment of the undertakings of tliat natu e, nth C am Ui sr4 it X Vii Villi imnrnlTomont Willi. II. rl. I H) ICL.LS VII UUU11U IU1U1U I ClUllLs -"7 T7J- V ; 1 may requii- mia u,pve, u,e am u, guv- ern ment of the nature abovje-mentioned, which have been commenced the progress which has been made in them, the means and prospect of their being completed, the public; improvements carried on by states, or by cbmnanies, or ihccrnorati-Sns which have been associated for such pur poses, to which it may be deemed : expe dient to subscribe, j or a lord assistanjce, the terms and conditions of such associa tions, and the' state ot their funds:; and such information as! in the bninion of the secretary, shaM be material, in relation to the objects' of this resolution. Attest, ; THOMASDOJJGHERTXf CierklloiiselofRem'esentatwes To enable the Secretary of the Treasu ry to comply with the important requisi tions of the foregoing resolution, all com- panies or jncprporaticnsi nsi associated for opening roads and making canals, which they may f respectively conceive, require ana aeserve me ara oi government, are invited to furnish this department with such information concerning their resnect- ive underta KBfigs, as is required by the V . L - k. ' resolution, arid which m,ay be necessary to bring their claims to the patronage of the government, before the Congress' of tne umtea states, at the commencement of tneii next sessipri. Where a canal pr rcd :has hzexi com menced, th communication ought to slate distmctly the dimensions of the work: the nature ofthe soil and face ofthe coiirit-v through which it is to pass, ; its greatest elevation and depressioni and raear h tlio nrncrrpct 'ivliiA nas neen made the expense incurred j! and the whnlp nmhs ble expense, estimated ; upon the experi - y - . j , ence acqmrea in. tne execution oil tne un dertaking. I . j Y ' ! In all canals, the number and dirrien sions of the locksj ; . the mean quantity of eartn 10 oe removea perniii; the nature and extent of the ina,vigatiohto which they are to be connected, should be distinctly made tnewri. ; Jn every case; the facility of obtaining materials for the construction i of roads. I - r .r . j p vi bridge- and, locks, should be stated. The act of incorporation, or articles of asso ciation ; thej by-laws which have been enacted ; the amount of the fand author ised or agreed to be subscribed ; the sum j . actually subscribed ; the amount paid in the sum expended : the amf)lin1' rpm!Di'n. i - ,ri 7 r- r'-"i ing on han; and the means and! proba bility of ionforcirig j the payment of the balance ; should invariably be stated in every communication. And generally every kind of information which cin shed light upon the undertaking. j j m H. CRAWFORD, ecretay ol the 1 reasury. 1 ifar uejjarjmeni, rension Ufiice, NOTICE. It is expe ;cted that the Judges 'nl certify," as well to the reduced cir- cumstancesi as to te continued ser- vice 64 nine montr-.s, required Dy ine lavi of the 18th arch, 1818 : and pensions ViU invariably be refused, unless the declarations, ot tne appii- canlsshaU Ue accompanied by such f r, riv. certificates J! The applications tor Jc;rt hptnnrintr to V.v HaniD- kvL tm , VrrV Wnnsvlvanik. nJ.L N IVircrini. Carolina, outh Carolina and 'ffiaJ Will 'be delayed 1 uutil evidence of their service shall-haVe heen received from the several ex ecutive offices of the states. App: oTed, - :.j . '' .. : )';; J. C. CALHOUN, i J Secretary of War. ..i niay28--12,?m. wd. ; ; ' . : NOTICE. he e mpl oy ment of an Agent or At orney is not necessary in arty ciai m against the covernment. It I-- " , ti i'-i '.1- i' 1 is most orenerauv atienaea wun ex - .u l : - J ,1: rauy auenae ana sometimes with actual losL : Claims kvill be promptly settled. when the accounts land vouchers witn wnicn tney are connected, are i t 4 1 f, . i: . i. x . L . transmitted to "the" proper office. lvjoney win oe transmiuteu, v.ucn i i'-tii : eTer a. receipt, tor tne sum aue, or, where the amount is not ascertained, a rfceeipt in blank, shall be forward- ed to tne i reasury uepartmenii MiUtarypatentsv ajnd certificates military pensions J will be trans mitted in like manner, whenever the necessary vouchers are forwarded ito the proper office. i . , r .r t , - i oiin C-Juincy Adams. Wm. H. Cr'Avvford. J. C. Calkoun. " iB. VV. CnmvNiNHHiELO. Yashington City, JM,ay 27, 1818. 12 3m "- . I- '.. . 7. fLYETTEVILLE SIGN fiOTEL. r, 1HE subscriber having leased ot Mr.iiiuh Campbell his large Dhvellind on Hay-street, it will be j . Mondav. the 2lh inst. for PUBLIC, 'A CCO.IMOUATION. . V .' Wi lit-Hi l 11 HI1UV.UIHK tv llll UVII allies can have suits oi aDartmebts 11 furnished. . ! ; L Separate rooms I ior travellers. th be is and furniture- in best pr- r- lapies suppiiep jW.itn.tne Dtst meats and vegetables that can be'pjro- cired, attended by, active and obejdi ent waiters the Bar and House fbr- nisnea witn wines ana iiqacrs 01 tne choicest, qualities ; Rooms speciilly proprited andalways! in readiness r private parties or public assem- ' I ' 1 'I 11 7k ' ; ies : larnre staniea, well snnDliea in and forage, attended by fa ithful hostlers ; together with the p'easant situation of the cstablish n ent, and my experience, in the bu siness arid aiduitiqs to please, can not fail of crivinft thb most fiatterinp- satisfaction to the customers uf the Hotel. Y: '.:Y-: Y ' ! 1 -j; P. T. TAKER. Bayettville, May 14, 181 8-1 0 3m. , NOTICE , S . hereby gif en, that the copartnersnip oi mil & iriacl- wick: is this day dissolved, by mutual consent ; and that all persons haying aims against the said firm, are' re quested to present them to James Cfhadvick for settlement, and those aatare indebted to! the firm, are re- ested to make immediate settle- ent wi th him, who is fully author ed to give discharge. ' ; ERASMUS HILL, t ' JAMES CHADVVICK, iV. ftwansooro' April 24, 1818. 7tf : - i . . -. - 1 ? - 1 TON TIMBER subscribel having become. witn ivi r. iviarsaretti, the pro r of the Steam Mill, will knr. ase any y quantity of Tun Timber, tell vered at the Mill on hawybn's Ircek for which the hicrhest nrir p ready money will be given. WILLIAM SHEPARD. Neiubern, April 22d 1 81 8. FOR SALE, v OP HE Subscriber offers for JL sate four likely young JACK obiibi lately imported from! the (West: Indies. Those who may be desirous.ot propagafmg the breed of Mules, viil do well! to embrace the present opportunity IT OTlCtC d 1 1. 1 , j; CHARLES MITCHEL S ieam Boat Notice. r g lllL anxiety wnicn tne owners of the JL : NORFOLi felt to afford every fa. cility and convenience to travellers, ia.- duced them to attempt to run the; Boat would be attended with uncertaintv occasian disappointment. They have therefore concluded toalterthe run bf the NORFOLK as follows : Leave Newbern every Thursdav born- incf arid arrive at Elizabetli on ' Friday "r leave Elizabeth City every Saturdav eve ning, and arrive at ISewbern on Iiondsv morning. STAULb at each end of the line will run tor correspond with tha r.rri. val of the Boat. .. ,' This regulation, it is expected, will ore- vent any delay or disappointment in future, ' and travellers are requesteato make their arrangements accordingly. The fare of Passengers ; will be 15 Children and Servants half pnet. There are good accommodations1 for Horses, which will be "carried at the mod erate charge of $ 7 50 each. The public may be assured, that every attention will be paid to their comfort and accommodation, , jr ; Daa'I W. Grccker. Newbern, May 9th, 1818-tf. ' IJ5 The Printers: of -the Evening Post in New-York, the Carolina Observer iu FayetteviHe, the Courier and Tiines ja Charleston, the Herald ihAugiisjta, atfd the Museum, in Savannah,, are requested to insert the above once a week for three weeks, in their respective papers, & trahs- m it their accomUs to this omce for sett ment. - -J 1 Steam-Boat Stage Line, Between Newbern & Fayette ville. TlliE Proprietor cf this; Linof Sties' JL. informs the public tliaigit is now ill . full operation, and that no pains; will k spared to render travelltug on this route both expeditious and convenient , . The Stage will -.leave Newter.n every Mondav morning at 4 o'clock, and amis at Duplin Court-House the same l evenbj leave Duplin C. II.. Tuesday , norn ing 4 o'clocii, and arrive-at Newbern evening- leave Newbern Friday mom-' ing 4 o'clock, and arrive at Duplin C. II. same evening leave Duplin C. II. "Sat urday monjing 4 o'clock, and arrive at Neybern same evening. A stage will leave FayetteviHe ori such days as to correspond with tlie - arrival 'at and the departure ofthe above froni Du p Un Court-1 1 cuse ; so that passengers will always arrive at Fsyettevliie on the next. day aftor leaving Newbern. ! i ;..-,' JOSEPH BELL. Nejtvbern, June 6,18 1- ' Washington Hdtel rlHE subscriber, haying coiisiderstbfy JL enlarged and improved his old e-. tablishirV.t on Bread-street near 'the IVIar--ket, informs the public that every exertion will be used to accommodate, satisfacto rily, both travellers and constant boarder'; and he flatters himself that he will be able to give general satisfaction. - He has, in addition to his former build ings, rented the convenient house crp site, his Hotel, lately occupied by Mr..1 Wm. Dunn, where I private families, passengers in the Steam-Boat and Stages, car if they prefer it, l'furni-hed with accommodations separate from his other establishment. . , .. . JOSEPH BELL. heicbern, June 8, 1818. ; NOTICE. f.ir timp a wppk hetwppri AewKprn -ao i jgQ- I v a , ! Pdizabeth City : but on trial, thev finrl lurtner , iurtorVi. tWa --K;nr rincdw J np1 HE Subscriber is no i authorised frqm the present owners (who : live; in New York) to sell that convenient and well situ ated ,Y PLANTATION,; called Chelsea, Lying on Trent Ri ver about three Miles from Newbern containing about 230 tacres, whereoc is supposed to be 60 acres of cleared Land, which is almost new, & under fence the remainder, Wood land, is all of a good quality and well timn. bered with Oak and Pine Likewise a Lot of ground in Newbern, Nc. 358 lying between Jones & German streets any person wishing to pur chase the sai d property will apply to NATHAN SMITH: j Newbern IJay 8th.' IS 18, tf, . Newbern, Jnne 12tli 1818. 13,tfl f ; " I - ' I June 6. -12 lmr It. 71 f . :

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