ft f St ? . ,.- - Is ' ' 'I ' ..IS'' - ! ' .1. 3 ..-1 ,1 ! ..:! -.vil i-! - .v-,v ,-:;:'': 'f-.-vvi-. -.--. V- , - I" - iM i ' . . .' 1 r-r. . , i - . - - ... '-."i.- I CAROL Nswne e fitq NA CENT1NEL TIN, JULY 18, 1813. M PiOXSA i We received, by yesterday's! mail; ui ler head of " Xew-Orleaiis, "June 12' the A nicies of Ca pitulatb 1 by which Pen sa cola .vis siirre l.lered to' the forces of the IJmt-'l Stitei ; As their length precludes the possibilitv of pahlishinz y the whole ,wHjiIt excia lirtir considerable m itter of m re imkn-ta: ice to our readers, we shIl o lively : ethre th2iiir the substance of th ' capitulation. L ; , it is stipalteJ, in the articles, that the post snail be delivered to the United Stites-r-the Spanish troops to be trans-, nirted to I lav iii aa, together with all th ciwi o:ncers,.xi ine -ex peace ot our ?ov- tq carry witfi" them their and effect persons, ' pa-, ic and -private property to jecce i -tne sicj and wnnMid to of the. U. S. till recovered, if Jed to the sa nie destina- of Spain to remain in force sons ami property, and the ill; religions guaranteed to who remain: . 1'' coi iuCt of Oeh. -Jackson Iiavino' nsured in some of the pub d iem it im3rtant mat the c ipttulalioii should be gtv ther with 'the. 1st additional rhey are as follows : - inh. 'llie Al ibama Chief with his fniiIy,.uow in this fort, and who has 'bwWportedio, Maj.. Voun?, shall be in cl i led in this capitulatiQnT 'and transport ed to ilainna." j'i 'i'liir a. tide was f Approved,' on.con diti)!i yi.it ij" his name be entered in an a. tit le, and the Spanish goveniment pnranteeing that he never returns to the --I'loridas-; " r. f;" ! 4 ' '")- The 1st add iiional article -. states.' that ' The name required of the ' Alabama C ef ii Opayhbla. The ( bmmandanr of tii's province eiafares, in- the name of his gavemment, that the said Chief : shall never return; to the Fl.irklas. , ' The 2d stipulates; that u If any Vessels of ;vir of His Catliblic Majesty, destine) for his port, sh'3uld arrive with a siippf 01 provisions or tnonev. thiVsViall hp frp. 1 ;i'laittted, as well as Spanish mer ttrit vessels. '..'- -! : :- ' :" .-. ,i we believe, that, the pow j(jrcn. Jackson being in iiscrelionary, and the cir- coi3idered which have ipatipn of Pensacola, his only be approved by the 11 meet the approbation ; - the! Commissi Congress, theiaualitv i of property within the rane of gun shot Secretary to thdrhission, and Mr. Creese, cl Delia, plving between Kennebec rr of Fort Carlos de Barancas, wil:be scru- Purser oi" the Congress, came up to town ' and Boston tesUfy and ssfi tii A T kt IT prove valid, a rent allowed, but posses sion in no wise civen. This property is lecessary to the I Jnited States, and uader its laws may be held, an equivalent being paid: -. ' I''.'-- '' The revenue laws of the United States will be established and capt. Gadsden is appointedtto a,acollecto-, with power to nomiiiafteAh jsub-olncelrs as in hisor pyiio j wiUlfie necessary totfie faithful dis- nver OS on ter Newbern Prices Current ,. J CORRECTED WEKKLY. ' caaree of the trust -reposed in hi ervne i't, an 1 arms frnj ies pe-s. a i r pa br r rem u;i ir car? ai 1 rie i fbrw . IC f tio.i : t;ie .nvs -; res-i'Tts pei t.!l'! li) i Of thoi i i.'i sitants: bee t u:iy ce . . i n - lie pa)''-s,:we 17th :ticle of p-Venti-re to re article- . frofn the government of the United States ' distant three I fifths of atliiile. an ob;ert iie congress luucneu ai aivauor wmcn J nave no doubt wfthe serpent so iier passage nome, ior wood and wa- otten mentioned by otherfE encaged with ! and remained there U days. Nothing a! Whalethit wasendea4otirinr to elsid! worthy of remarli ranspired during her, the attack. The SerperVtl threw lip his ' stay plso tpuched .at the Island of tail from 25 to SO feet in Perpendicular Mafgartta,!wher she remained two days, direction, str&ine the WAale with trenipn. i ! He TheS Island was still in nossesion of the : dous blows ranirilv ron'tulii ! Afpnl win 10 me ovenipruij i ensacoia. ior rainors, wno naq rendered it i almost im- i distinctly leard and very Ibud f0r 2 or 3 military aid. in all cases', wiere may be ; pregnable. ? General Arismendi, ..second? minutes. They then both disappeared i xuicu iu inimanu oi me rairiot torces had nis , ior several mjnutes movjing in a W. S. W. ; j head quarters at largaritta.-4-Anxious to j direction when they reappeared in shore near nne mriuer paiticulars , ol the de- ot us, and about under the stm, the reflec- leat or rather total dispersion of the Pat- riots as reported in necessary to correct attempts trade. (Signed) ANDREW JACKSON . iviai. vjen. um a 7g- V a the whole e:s "ni ited to some d-.'-rrej Iik ; C!i;nsfd3.ces duly occu OFFICIAL COKKESPONDENCE. (copy:) j. : I . Treasury j Department, ; Comptroller's Office. June 25.fl 818. Anthony t. Jam Bakery Washington. ! S Sir- I have attentively considered the question propounded in the enclosed doc uments, which were a few days since pre sented to me under your direction, i Ist. -Whether a Bermuda Vessl will be allowed to bring West India produce to the United States, fiomj Bermuda I wjiich had been imported into that place from some j other possession of his Britannic1 Majesty in the West Indies ? I j 2d. Whether,v according tothe I naviga tion act of the United States, which is to take effect on the first of October next, a vessel ownod in Bermuda can be allowed to enter the United States and discharge a cargo whici had been laden' oli board in the West Indies, brought to Bermuda unladen there, and again taken! on board? As applicable to the first.question, I havp to Ahconro t hot I-. r r-,, -ffl a letter received at Philadelphia, from St. Thomas, of June lltll and knowing that thp Cnnorc' mus bring the " latest advices from the Maine we made particular enquiries of se veral of the gentlemen fromfje Congress, upon the subject, who informed thatso far from the independents Having experienced any Recent reverse, the aflairs of the Pa triots v ere never m a more fiom ishing conditiOiv jThey had lately been re in forced by a fine brigade of artillery, com posed entirely pf British troops," which rendezvoused at St. Thomas in New Qu ay naj in JMarch lst, and such was he confidence Of all classes both of the citi zens and military; ij? the emancipation of Venezuela, that they considered the event to.be as certain as if dt had already been achieved. It will e recollected that the letter above referred to, states that about a week prior to the) 1 1th of June " the In dependent general! Bermudas attracked Cum ana with all the force he could get to gether and was totally defeated." Now to show how little reliance oiHit to be placed in this and similar reports tendinc Stl George and Hamilton in the bland of j Bermuda, to damp the interest which is felt in the are considered open to the vessels of the ' cause lof the Patriots, we are unequivocal United States, according; to the ordinary I ly assured that so late as the 22d of June, umana nao not Keen - attacked by the Patriot ; on the cojitrary j it was hourly expected to surrender without resistance, as the Patriots had jfor some time been closely besieging it and had drawn their lines to within pistpl shot of the town. Browniand Aury hall united their fl-etsat MargaHtta, and were waiting the orders J laws of navigation and trade. A! British vessel, therefore, whicft Was cleared out, whose cargo was actually, laden and Whose voyage commenced at eitie of' the said ports of St. George cr Hamilton, may enter and dischar ge, her cargo, in a port of the United States, with this express un derstanding hoSvever, that no pairt of such cf)r p was brought in the same t 6 sla. d Qf Bermuda, from one of his ti itaanic majesty's ' possessions closed to the vessels of the. United States And moreover that such vessel is' not employed vessel to tion of which was so strong as to prevent our seeing so distinctly as before. ri hey again went down for a .short . .tiijife land again came up to the surface udffr ouf larboard quarter the AVhale appeari;;r first and the Serpent iu pursuit. Here cjpr Iview I was very fair. The Serpent sht up his tail through the water to the i)ieiht above mentioned, which he heldkout of water some time, waving it in thq air, and at the. same time,' while his--ta'4- remained in this position, raised his hea rather ieis urly 15 or 20 feet, as if taking a view of the surface of the sea. Amr remaining in this situation a short tipe, he again sunk into the water, disappeared, and was not seefi after by any on boil. The Serpent's body was HI iger in my opinion than the mast of, an&hip l eveV saw ; his tail appeared verjtragged and rough, and was shaped-scanetlTng', like an eel's and his head like that if the. land m serpent. iemg well acquainted with wnatmg, ltbmk the ' wlude was endeavor ing: tp escape,' as he' spouted tut once at a time on coming to the , surface. The Whales-back was distinctly seen as well as his spouting, the last time he appeared he went ' down before the serpent came up. The above was- seen -by all on board, a mounting.to 15 or 18 persons, as well as myself, with the exception of one woman. During our view, the combatants had passed a mile or more. The Whale was a hump back, and a pretty large, one. -i f SHUBAEL WEST. Hattoicrll, June 27, ISIS. 1 V I hen the above named Shubael West i from the; Main, brinainer nositive intelli- ,in the transportation of -goods to! that 11- J gence of the death of the Spanish Gener- and, from Bntish -colonial ports, which ; al luormo, occasioned by a lance wound : 11 -1 ii ' . I. - I . othe CommandpriA r!h;pr , pt-ouauy appeared Detore me the sUbscri ' AVe f nlso learn th it thp ! ! ber,one of the Justices of Peace within Congr&s'was gettJhg under way from the County of Kennebec,-aiidinade;solr MargaKaatcessel were closed against the vessels owned by , ne received in the! body about 7 or 8 beiqre. -. .) . ThelConcress eTherienr.ed vprv stnri. wcel li-i tu the c y.; will i not ecuEive, biit w him subscribed is just and true. - : A. -'MANN. . . -. -;- - i , , j BY THE PRESIDENT OF TIIiE U. , J STATES OF AMERICA. . A PROCLAMATION. . Whereas it appears bv a nrorfa- o: tiie great body of the people. HEAD QUARTERS, DIVISION OF THE SOUTH. ''. Pensabbla May 2Sth, 1818. , , Major Gen. Andrew Jackson has found ithecessarj- to tajke possession of Pensa cola. He has upt been prompted to this measure-by. a wi.h tor extend the territori a! limits of the l unfriendly feeliri mencan BeiiUbH' W. lire citizens of die! United States With resnect to the second .otiestion. I have to observe, that according to, the my weather in the Ijiver of Plate, biit provision of the "act. a 1 British vessel sail- met with no accident. She made the irig from a port not open to American ves- j passage ii om sla unrl (mtprintr a nnrt ibnt i nilpn im. ! irgioia : in 3 loading: there, taking the, same art some : she stPPPd at Margaritta ; and from "I oi iNevv lirunswick, bearing date the other cargo on board and clearing thence. ; Aiaistt4.5e "? mar ine uncommonly j wlu fP1 u iast, anci otticiaily com to the United States, cannot be admitted iUOIT Pr$ag 01 L days, or; y irom the municated by his envoy cxtraordma- iviona rassage. the; crew have rreneral- ' ry and mimst r nleninnrpnfior St. Salvador tothe Capes of .mal!on ot. the Lieutenant Governor 1 days, 'exclusive of the two ' 01 hls Britannic : -mafestys province to entry, as this kind of trade, heretofore considered a lucrative one, is declared by the act to be a direct trade from the ex cluded, port, and is in express terms pro hibrted. ! I am, Sec. , ; (Signed) i ' ' : ; ' r J. ANDERSON, , j . t ' 1 ' Comptroller. - -1 f - . ' ' I tl - -i . " meu flaxes, or irom any g on the "part of the A- to the Spanish orovern- Senainole: Indians, inhabit- the -territories of Snmn. have for More tiia;i two years past, visited our frontier settlers with all the horrors of savage mas s?.cre helpless women have been butch d, & the cradle stained with the blood m.,,.L" "-h rr' "'.junucence. 1 expected would Washington, July 8 in Herald,. Baltimore, july 6. LATEST FROM HAVANA. V The schr. Col. Geot.' Armistead, capt. Gatechair, arrived here this! morning, in 9 days irom Havanna. The day he sailed twb cartels arrived there from Ppn- Despatclies were received at the War sacola,, with Spanish Soldiers and the j Deparunent yesterday from Gen.i Jack- . V o v ernor 01 mat place sent ny General son. The bearerMr. Hably reached the JacksonJ It was expected American ves city on .Monday riiht, and would have self woulf be detained as a slop was put been here, he informs us, some days ! ear- l? loading them, -As might be expected, Kf fcrtpntmns nn ihn mad krisinpr ' the atlair. Created considerable sensation. frnm tlio ? rrtxmlarltv nf flip Staorns; nil knitie ! .um mvuiumwyv,.... ft . r, . " . 1 r J.. . ' 7 i 7 TT t' u uL j " . : . .ul part? of the line. General Jackson's let- ; or leizer aazea navana,june the Spanish Covernmentahd ters have been forwarded to the President and their contents pi course are unnnown atrocities, it was "This r ? to !n - ZU, 101,0. j; , moment a small American schr. 5ttn. . r . uie Spanish gov 1jn.it..l '. - . . - , - 'r 11 1 IPYKTlnrrlti-nnttAn -winnc -w v . j - vw w. -w. w w w r : . . . - , . .... , "".lUFauw, aijccuy ujc- , , . j .n'u - that with a tlagot truce has arrived irom 1'en reS Have hpnn .aAkfiioA fn liiir,mhpfl. -wu ? -UUl vvc unucstauu, gC1.un,1"..v ; y o n. rr.v. rr ;.uiT o..n.in4 r h? nMrtH. uoid, oeann me iciie ijovenior suite. 3? to contro TL - . Ae ohh ration V I r 111 1 ill 1 mit tttft.i' 'llrtft 1TTO C d I I Ul III. -? v'it i a COilf Pssi An es were often! compelled from-policy or munitions of war to enabling ifnot excit- he tomahawk against ' CO i . territory. f he immutable laws of self-defence, !"e'ore; compelled the American gov ent to take possession of suih , parts " ujjiut not b0 maintained, rensa- fs found fin this situation, and will can furnish military to enforce existing subjects j will be res ' ej Spanish laws will Govern in all r,especting property and person ; a Iteration to all religions euaranteed. .!rf,le alike free to all nations. ' i lviny ,W"i nssiimp thp rnmmnnn nt -. , " - UUUlllV: A 11(1 v 'il a c. I o..' -i f1 . . ; "niiiajry o.uivu joveiuui . fle spanisli ! laws so far as the v affec 33.1 tipVitsj iayirl nrnnortir will T-f n Col. Kind will 'take nossession fives' of! t(ie provirtcet and ap nae confidential individuals to pre It is all important that the , -0f. titles! ! antt nronprlv clinnl.-t hp 'in.. i- . j.-1- - J - i : secured, lie will cau.e an en- d. it tlipv pmhracp a full arrnnnt nf his nirdcee i A-.u'-i' .... l u QV4dw; Our jroverpment has informed her that she of the Spaniards from Pensacola. andlthat be admitted under her: national flag, .rV V V hf the tacts they disclose forrn a most ample out awjfCKnowieae tnece. as n, that so far from, be- , - u. , i .. , - o Ju;cu miditbe expected, sonie little sensation , the Spanish authori-, I J . . .... ri j and anamosity bursts forth amon dsity bursts forth among indi- Nat?Int. yiduals ; butno hostile jneasures are no l ' tieed in the' government, Jwhich. I am h:;p- new-Youk july 5. ,py ;Viv. v t"pr 7 The ILS. ship of the hn Washington, might be intcrta.ned relauve to . the safe- f. " i ., ulu,, ty of. American property in this place. Com. Chatjncey, acnv?d in our harbor T 1 . - J i 5. a 7 i 1 uaj ,?4U0 Business at this moment is somewhat stag- yesterday afternoon,cand anchored at;the 7, s i t ., quarantine ground" about sunset, j She ,) I 1 tZ THK SEA. SNT AGAIN. since. Commodore Chauncey, and some .The followjhg account ofthe Sea Ser oftheofncer,s, came up to town yesterday v while it fully confirms farmer stateir ifternoon. We learn that the4 crew are ill in good health, l The residue of j the squadron had not arrived at Gibraltarj but were momendy expected, Thomas D. Anderson., Esq; late consul at Tunis, and dr. Henry Ogden, of this city, are jbas- .eners m the W asm lgton. nto ail the landed prop- ang to the king of Spain, an J session takeii of it. 'The claims ' " Norfolk, july 10.! The Congress cmrerf. The United tates frigate Con sres-i," Commodore Sin. GLiAin, anchored in Hampton Roads jon nVednesday afternoon,; from Buenos Ay es. Messrs. Graham and Rodney, twb f the Commissioners sent out to the new republic ,by our government, last fall,) in tie Congress,, have returned in her, and with the' Commodore, Mr. Breckenridj-e, as tto hii just idea r anywhic must be the body of a serpent' that, ' when lying in the watei", coald easily and for a! length of time, , support near fijty feet of its length in an erect position above thej surface ! and how wonderful - his 'troh2th wlio could attack and. beat the Whale in mere sport ! Is this not. the Leviathan indeed J Captain West , is a man well known to us- and the correctne; s & varacity of his statement V will not be doubted by any ; one who knows hin - ' ; jr - . j Hallowell Ado. . I, Shubael AVest, of Hallowell, in the county of Kelnnebec, master ofthe pack- ' STEAM BOAT NOTICE. The Newbern Steam Boat Company have suspended the operations of the line from this place I to Elizabeth " City.- It is contemplated however, to resume them at np distant period, with new spirit and un der improved arrdngements. 1 : July 17 i V ",y- - : FOR SAL K.': CT? HE Subscribe!; offers for M Salethe folloi siding in the United States', to ihik government, that the regulations on the subject of the trade in Piaister of Paris, prohibiting the exportation thereof to cef .ain ports of the Uni ted States, which were in force in the s ud province at the time' of the enactment ofthe act of the Con- . gress of the j United State's, entitled an act to regulate the trade in piais ter of Pdns, passed on the third dav of March, 1817, have been ami are discontinued : "v . . Now, therefore, I James Monroe, President of the United States, do hereby declare that, fact, and that the restrictions imposed. by the 3fcid Act of Congress, shall, from Uie date hereof, cease and be discontinued, in relation to the said Province of New Brunswick.. - Given under my Hand at the city of Washington this fourth, day of July, in the year of our ord one thousand eight hundred and eigh teen, and in the forty third year of I the Independence of the- United "States- '!" 1 JAMES MONROE. . By the President ; ' : JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, Secretary of State. r:'V: 1- ';V-' Drowned on Sunday the 5th inst, oppor site the town of Halifax, (k. c.) Mr. Lov MERCHANDIZE. From d. c. to n. c: i Bacjun ' lb. 13 l5 l Beef r -i - !"- - none, i . Butter ! I i ! lb. i SO 4 ! Bees-Wax I j - )' ' " i ' 25 . 3 1 Brandy, French gal. 13. 4 do. Apple- ; 70,' I do. leach '. 1751 '1 Corn v iu bush. 801 JMeal 'L l 20,1 40 Cotton l- , . ! lb. ; 26- V 28 Coilee ' 1 l SO, 35 . Cordage j . , . 14 Flour ; ' bbl. 9 11 - Flaxseed I bush. J 80 1 : Gin, Holland gal. 2 I do, Country yo Pine Scantling r 31. 7 i'l Plank - - y io 12 Square Timber 25 1 30 -. Shingles, 22 inch r 1 1(50 2 ' Staves,' W. Oi hhd " 18 - 25 i ; do. R. OJ . do. : 7.710 -'- " do. av. o;bbi." .10 , ; Heading, W. O. hhd. ' zO - s 25 Lard s 1 j lb. 17 '20 ' JMolasses A gal. 60 7XX Tar J bbl. 1 25 Pitch - , 1 60 Rosin , . . 1 75 ' ' ' Turpentine 2 75 2 80 do. Spirits pal. 40 Pork i f u bbl. 18 20 . ; Rice I r : cwt. 4 50 Rum, Jamaica " gal. 1 25 1 40) do. . W. I. ; I 10 1 30 do. American 70 80 Salt, Allum ! - bush'. 60 7 do. Fine L'-i- 50 ' O Sugar, Loaf lb. 25 " 30 do. Lump i ' -23 25 do. Brown t - cwt. 10 12 8a Tobacco 6 pent statements onormous site, gives a more of his monstrous powers than 1 has precede lit.- How vast ic B.Phelps, formerly an inhabitant of thi- Town. Pori of Newbern ' ENTERED. Scr. Pegasus, Suinmers, Philadelphia: Sloop Active, Biialo w, New-York 5 Sloor Morning Star, Wood, New Port ; Sch'r. Rufus Kinjr, Pendleton,; St. Eustatius. SchV. Trial, 31'Kown, Philadelpliia, ' CLEARED. . ling Jason, Wiiiis, Unstoij (Ene. wmgpront-rty viz The House and Lot whrre he new lives on the' corner of (ieoi jre and Queen streets in Dt yborough, con- ' taining about two and a half acies. sr The lit use and hall oi Lot ,No. 345 v corner of Middle and CJrave street p in Newbern, where Clark now -Jives ; also one hundred feet front and the same deep part of Lots Noi 194 and 617 on George, street all or any part of said " property will be -s )ld! low arid paymervt made easy,i' -For further particulars apply to the Subscriber or Eli j aVi Clark; . i JO IN IM.. OLIVER. Newbern j July. 15, 1818tf. I - --1 "i'i - 1 1 Mattaniuskm I, and. THE S ubscriber, olFers for sale 3 valuable plantation situated on the Lake! Ilidge oLMamuskett jq Hyde County, containing 14Q atrtsJ On s:id Land is a g od convenient ,.' Dwelling House, Kitchen, Smoke ., Lffouse, Harn, Corp ousc. Stables he. all in good repair and fit for the reception i of a family there is about 60 acres cleared and enclosed with a ' good cypress fence, and. about 30 aires partly, ditched and drained. The plantation is under g od cultiva tion, and will be disposed of with or without the crop ---there is also a ve ry valuable Cypress Swamp attached -to the said Land. v- r . , ALSO I 300 arres'of Land lying on jhc 1 north side of Panvptico river, adjoin ing North.- Dividirg Creelcs. This I.T4i is wwii "tTfiibcrt'd wuh..-' pmev and sufficietit lightwood to make 250 barrels I ar there, is -a small houses-... arid plantation on said Land. Terr' f f payment will be made accomf dating to the purchasers. - I WM GRACE. Washington (n.c.) July. 3, 1818. AN Apprentice wanted to .the Gold : and Silver Smith's' business. ; ; - ,:"-.' -. , 1 .. F. WOODS. - Newbern July 18,1518. 'X " 4'- ; S ALE. ; : ' ,;;.;' THESul)scriber offers for sale, four likely! young JACK A SSE'S, lately imported from the AVest Indies. Those who may be desirous of propagating the breed 'f Mules, will do well to embrace the present opportunity. , ;: I CHARLES MITCIIELL. Newbern, JuJe lfth. Ibl8.-i3jtf. 1 HI 1 . .