it-; 14' -31 ,tr bI.U:::'T ' m i T tt;';- K iU i. Ii i il - It IT r!"'il,::'-:- THE CASTLE, IN THE A;IR. He corresponded with'aj Eady and fan- l Wiu lnttpr frrmt tUe " Castle f round Vt, tWtShJ and twelve and a half ar'pund the calt of his leg. c v-eiKhi about 112 pounds is active rn hisLovtments, and very intelh- Scn5 jL- TT t jr v rrrlnfl. has dis- from unmalted barley, kt nvrU- laws : he purposes bringing his excellent invent.on to h letters from tke l . t . . i 'l i i . . IJ..; frrm In the air, ' While sue auare uci - jl the " Little corner of thfc world.' r or ! 1 ....l.-. Up knpwtiot. thbir inter- .'I course was suTMeiily sn.pdel,d lor a 1 :trt-: heiievcd Ins fair twqndto bp ill obsruntV and .distresf aftpr however, he met her very unexpec tedly 1'arUin vcry,afiS rt usUn- ces nd in rfi.I to an.E n ; t-prses! are founded on r lhe-e exmite tratj , that occurrence. ' j L; , la the VeJ.orvs of clouds, frhere thftwhirl- . ' "wj'iids arise . - ; 1 ' rtrrrirv was ntnli ThAintWws 'reflected the' blpe of the And the, turrets vfith Isunbekras were "gilt. The tainbow sometimes in ' it J beautiful state, ' " " , 'And the IV nxres that fa-icy in dlofid s can Supplied ine with. garojen ;a id ground. Iihad" grottoes and' fountains and orange SteahiBoat Notice. America. rrg..PaU vVatettpeVillb ' i Tvc a MihM J HOTEL. rTSlHE subscriber, having leascdot ! ! B Mr. Hugh Campbell his large Dwelling on nay-su, - pened on Morjdayhe 25th mst, for PUBLIC ACCOMMODplON. - Gentimen traveling with their familiea c aa have suits of apartments T NORFOLK felt - afford every fa- ; .Sep-at '"!" . M: . r:Li:i L. prf- witn,tne- DCS FIFTY DOLL ARS REWARD. -O AN AW AY from the rV subscriber, m Trenton, about the 1st of August last a negro wo j. ,A SILVEY. She is about 30 vears of age, about 5 feet, 6 or 7 inches high, well proportioned and of a black complexion. She was lor- merlv owned bv iir. amumuu v,u4. lins of White O ib. The boVe-re- o-iven to any person that will deliver said negro -to me, or s- BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE U. ; , STATp. ; yt-' ; IK T IIERBASi By ah act VV of Congrejs passed on the irth of February, 118, entitled as act rnaKing prvi- ift: , lishment of additional Land Offices in the Territory of Missouri, the President ofthe United Staters au thorized to direct he public lands .11 ' ill I . .1 I n trip whicih have been surveyt-u m said'tciritorv, to be' offered for sale . Therefore, I, James Monroe,;,W of the United States, do hereby declare and make knovvn htat all public sales lor tne aispow. J . I of certain lands i i vi rri Mil . m trr frrnvp-5. Ji I I it It I A Pik . . i i '-... 1 clill K I had aH Vnnrpnctantmcn. ,ns toM m he le t V Wt(l, - nirtn 'i ri 1 u 1 n L -i " uiKj rtiJU -- 0 1 j 1 I Willi Kittiu'cj"". o i . , viwnhpth Citv! every saturaay eve . u rc itno"t-tner wuu nv iciv mrtji,,r launiui uusuwu t - o , ? rnntr. ana arrive oi.vttV" r; . . c mttnn 01 uic S-FAGtb at eacn ena o.u.. ",, vXDerience in the bu- line win runt correspond wtn .ne ar- ... . "l- . toplease, cin. morning-. val of the TWat ;i . " P-f Xvn the mbst flattering This reeulat on,itisexpecieq,wm1)It-.. noi 6 o, : (.f tl,e ventydelayordisappointmentWfuWrel UtislacUon to the cu,.oroer? and travellers are requeaiw i huici. 1 i . ? 1 i ' i: .1 r arrangements accorayif iy. Fayettville, ;p. T. TABER. May 14, 1818-10 3m. .1 had sweet shady walks for tlie, Gods & trieir; Loves, ! L' - ' I had mountains of coral aril gold. But a storm that I felt npt, hatl risen and ' rollV., ' " I . . While wrapt in alumber I Jay,. ; And whe.i I Wkfd cut- Jin the morning, heboid ; i .I : My Caiile was carried awavj. It pss'd over rivers and vallie s- & groves Phe world ita all in my -riv, : Ithou-.'ht of fti'v friends of: their fates and , their-loves, ; j,. ;'. I ' And often full often of you. ? - ' "r !. ; ,i At length it came." over a be iut:fulscene 1 That jiature in silence had made, r was but small yet Ftwas kweet- ! ' ly serene,; , ,',!)? i . J And checjiuer'd with sunshine & shade. 1 1 g.ized and I envied wth panful good And .rrew tired of seat irj j the ?ir, Wlien all onta sudden lijycastl jstood still I As if boine encfiantnieht we there. Like a larkTrob the slLyj it came flutter hu down, j j And :?pl;iri'dVe exactly in vjew; ; Vheii wlioin pumld'lpeet in jhis charm wj retieai ' ' - - ' I Till rtw,!fr if calm rtess 'but vou. Dolii-rhted-to- Hnd you ij hoiAif ard ease, i ".At lirttmriVp siirmwisind Miain. n. And the vind?omi'if5 lir 1 cnded the rh''C'L-'e, " ' And vont back withmy CAstle, again. - riTiTtnifs,ivciDENT. A ' m-nileman'oi threat T-sptfc labili ty. iiif.fms'uR of a i'er,v, siocular e v-i4t 'wnich h.-ppeped a .;ftw days . : ' :'k. r)rl,.Hr ! f '-imtv nn the v ": :- I'i.. 1 AfJ ." I t ?7Tid 'within ' ! plantation it i't'. j it"' 1 r ..J WU ,, r i-.. .1 -i nr': J. a. ;.:rn liU kAiml-iri' insi riYff nv the trea a tyy miles ofc tnvH "u .! 'tjiv rmc uwuuu-vj. - r.-,.-v woman left her ' sm-kjngUUd,asleep ty with the Creek Indians and lor in her cabin to. bring water from a other purposes; the Frt-sulent ot the . .-r . . ki vj: rir iTTntii ii'jTci lib authorised to cause spnnjr. mo r lurpui iu. 'v ;i vu.v.u m?y --r : . . . -. u Ailrfi.X: was :i the liuls a auired by the said trea- w ; Jfmr.;bmr-nt and hhrror at sec-,tv to beofftied for sale when sur- ing a 'black knake coiled' uund the jljvcyed ; aid whereas part of the said net k ot u r inlant, is nh ts moun ap-, .lands nave oeen su vc cu . in the said territory, on tne nrst Trlav in AupiiiSt. October, De- cerriber, February I and April next, and! three weeks after each of the said days, for the sde of lands in the land district of St. Louis. Thirty townships shall be offered at each sale, commencing with the most eastern ranges west'of the filth prin cipal meridian line, arid proceeding westerly. ifv ' : . Ijv. 1 " ; !-.. At the Seat of Tustice for Howard County! in the said 1 erriuory, on the c,u. ivtUrwl'nr in ?ii-rteTTibpr and No- ve'lnher next, land three we'eks after each of the said rjaiisj for the sale of lands in the land tli's-trict of Howard Cnuntv. Thirtvl townships shall be offered at each $ale ; The first to btH in a square form, and to include the seat of justice of the said county, asl nearly in the centre as the situa tion of the surveys will admit, and the second immediately east of the fiSsr, and in the same form ; excep ting from sale m each distrh t, th-: lands which haye been .or may reserved by law fr other purposes. I Given under my hand, at the Citv ' of Washington, the thirtieth dav of April, one thousand eightJhuiidred and eighteen. I AMES MONttOE. By the President, OSlAH MhH-I, The fare of Passengers will be $ ID M.!U.o onrl Sprvants nail pru.e. l Thre are aood accommodations for , , - NOTICE Hors, which will be carried at the mod- - ; - . - that the erate charge of $ 7 50 each.- f- ;A nrH'm & Chad- Thp niihlic may ne assurea, mi tvpj '.co mwi - ' h , . . i .I1 Lr ,iu Zirl to their comfort and v k ii this lav dissolved, by mutual U I I M I I 1111 kT II I lLV, T - . I --" UH"-'""' " I Ill 1 i ! 1 '!(!! Daii'l W. Crocker. Newbern. May 9th, 1818. tf. & The Printers of the Evening -post v-, vvir tViP Carolina )bserfer in FavettevUIe, the Courier and Times in tVio Hprald in Av ?usfa, and .u. Tvi.,rv. Savannah.- are requested tilt: iuu5V"'-" - "r . ' i u ! to insert the above once a week for three rc ; thiir rfinective oapers, & trans- mit their accounts to this office for settlement,- .".l, : - !: 1: ia v -r ' i , . I n nn. hntrinir consent ; and that .au?pe-i----e, claims against trie sam nr..., . . j r,fHnt them to I J uic a i . , . . h .J.-ivunt nod those Lhadwicfc.ior bcitii.i- -r - i . .... :,,fl to the nnn ie ic- minted toKmake immediate settle- . . ;f. ..' : Kr nnthor mem with ftim, woo i3 zed to giv discharge. ERASMUS IJTLTv JAMES CUADWICK,jr. Swansbori' April 24, lSiS.Trf Steam Boat Stage Line, Between Nkwbn & Fayetteville. B . . f a nril. his necro man tlriIV,i - -i ' ! ; tt t AKrnt fire feet five or six inch- r es high, very dark complected, rnd a stout welivmacie uuw-uu L when he absconded, a borne made suiU)f clothes, and carriea witn njm two short coats, blut ana gre. i-ne said Fellow has been hirta oy iir. George Lane ot craven uuui,rj one or tv? years,' and ranaway he; whole or greater pai i he has a wife .at Mr. Fonville 4 a. bout fourteen miles above Newborn, where it is probable he will be hpkv nrr and where he is generallyknoyn. The alwve revVard will be givew to .mv person that will apprehend aid r jL;.. orJ priire him in eitheff of theJaiU ofNewbern or Aasbjig,' ton, so that I get him again. AU nersons are cautioned n$ t to harbour, employ, or carry hirribfff '- under penalty oi tne iaw. i. .. . .ST : i Fairfield, near Washington, 7 ; April i23d. 1818. 6t8 fii liT'f iuTTi A in 'kiili miii "ii ir-- i. Commissioner oft lawtla 9 BY THE PUES ie General Land Office. DENT OF TIIE 'U. SPATES. r:HEKE AS by an act of Con- rrrfs missed on the 3cl March entitled l4vAti act to provide or the, ascertaining and surveying ol i .' . J. i.. 'd.w,,. Cwl Ki. riu ri"i. THE Proprietor of this Line of Stages infnrm thftnublic that if is now in full operation, arid that no pains will be spared to render travelling on this -route Urttl ivtHitinns anf' ronveniem. -m 6 lJl.rLLI V. A I 'V,1- . f r ' . The Stage wiIJ leave,, iewoern evtiy lnnrlnv ttinrninxt at 4 o'cV-ck, and arrive at Dunlin Court-House the same evening '! .'. '!-. T m : . .1 ' leave Uuplm G- iuesuny wiym ing 4 o'clock, anrj arrive at Newbern same Ipavp sNewbern Friday morn- n 4 O'clock, and arrive at Duplin C II. ame evening leave iupini . n. srday morning 4 o'clock, land arrive at Newbern same evening, j j A stae will leave Fayetteville n such rlavs as to correspond with the arrival at and the departure of the above frorn Du plin Court-House : so that passengers w HI always arrive at Fayetteville on the next day after leaving Newbern " il JOSEPH BELL. , Newbern, June 6,1818. ;', Washington Hotel. NOTICE. . rfHE subscriber oilers ior B sale, his lands in the county of Onslow containing about six hun dred acres ; part ot whicn s mumlcm on an island, the remainder on ic main hnd The soil is well calcula ted for the cultnre ot Indian corn, wheat, ard cotton. There is on the island a commodious owei.iug.i uy verv nleas'anilv situated, and well cal culated for a larpr family. The advantages of tr is situation are -manvJ There is a channel round the island sufficient for vessels drawing k fe,et water J so that none but cress! fences are nece.ssnn.-r There is1 lso an excellent snte for seasoned a sufficiency of timber of the -bestlqualitv. j t The-ortly' -reason tbe present occu pant has'to el, is, jhis wish to re move to tht 'Western country. , The teWs v. Ul bejmcle known on application to the subscriber, on the premises! . . ) -' j - v. i Dempsey Jones. ftine 13 4wl3 : -' NOTICE.- i II v 'i v li 1 t.i -tntl .r.f.:irpni v introduced into that. ot the (hiitl t Words are too laint lo an nur u.uc uie.iw- the telling1 't t aej m-jtuer. vvun the wild shnekpt horror,' he rushed from -he tim, ervmg ajouu. lor a- si-t ATK-e; and flrwlinolthe picsence of her m!f'3 1 .Thtjre v-h not a man near . them. hev returned with. the ii. most tireci iSitation to the cabin, whence thev aw the.shaxeae .. . I ' . ..1-5 ; - '. n wtinir. - who clidinsr . . . i.i - ill- 7-x w. !. nttr&rtt hm scflae. 7in ex .:... " 1 i j" i-S " r ' f . . ' '' T 3! thf oor tntani, it whsiouuu dead. It is known mat oiatn. Mias arvfod of milUand that to satiate HCIUC. HIV.)! ( -v.... --- -i melves .!around the legs of i io. . j ; i ineJi, m order to sups usteais. It -is supposed. thaV- allured by the f smell ot the? mik ii the mouth of thej child, tHe;. fniHeU around its Tie k, and, applirdjits wn mou'h to i that oi the infnot.Us i jpe is known! to le very strong ahej bv this as' v eil as h introdaiinJ tslhead int(J tbi mouth, rom.pietely sitrangled th Diihv." it.naa noanaiRs; pi a bit t out it. Few mbdes Of-death ran be. conceived mre horrible than this. . j lctch.Comp. A-boy is nw JxhiLilinEiin Phila- rhh hia. who is Idestrlbed :as four years and twrj nvuuhs; old, measure in height tin et Mt two mches : three feet aroundfhe. Ijcdv, 19 jncheaa- ea- 'I heieforeflL Tames Monroe, Pre- .; ; I! fcj' , sident of the. United .Statesvdo here-by-dfcclare "aijd make known, that public sales fojr the disposal of cer tain, lands south of the Tennessee liver and in trie district of ftladison . U .11 T-n VM H i mt4villi count , aui m- ,v f in said county! in Alabama territory, r th first! Monday in Tuly next. the lands in tanees 1. 2.3. 4. 5L On the first Monday in Septemhpr ntjxt for the lands in ran rrf i Ft 7 8. qJ-HTuLon the first Moh .5- w t r " i ! day in November next for the land' in ranges 10, 11, 12, 13, 14; ex renting siirh lands as are or shall D' I o - 7- ' ' r' ' ' ' 1 .... . t nj.UiKn-. . ln.vr t t rc&ci vcu ttiiutuiujj ivj iai- -inmnnrt nf r?nrkrls nnrl ffir-nther Dlir- nosps. Each sale shall continue-open C II' . I 1 'I 1 - ' ""I- 1 ..1.11 tor two weeKs, and no longer, sn,au. commence with the section, township and range of the lowest number, and proceed in regular numerical order. f:fk M i'f 1 Given tinker my hand, at the city of -Washington;-. this31st day . of March, 1818. JAMES MONROE. By the President, . 3 insi AH MEIGS. j Commissibneij ofthe Gen'l. Land Office. wtlogio r Wanted, A.t this Office, an Apprentice to the Printing business. . . rT'HE Subsciiber respectfully in- F1IIE subscriber, havmg .oderably I , h Fublic, that be, in H unlurfrpfl and improved his old es- JL f j , . . feUUArart n Broad-sireet near the Mar- - Ji at hls Stre ket, informs the public that every exertion n "V "V 1' ,-:n t. A rftmmnHatP Qatkfartn. nlv of CORDIALS Ot all (cmds, Will UC USCU M uvvvuuu.vj . - j ( .. . .. . 11 : 1 : i a . 1 .,:.U1. jfs. nrit.'tiJ H :im. ici tr Ke- Kntl.tmvpllprs and constant boarders: suitable for private r amines or tie nn ! Vip 11 ittprs himself that he will be able milers. 'which he! will sell on the lO tJlV C i'lieicll sausmviiMu. : i m iSL I caSUliitUlt in ! . - ....... I. f 1 "It I . T ...-, ... W -.-.W Wf He has, in addition to his former puna- OLIVEK L. KLLfcX. inrs, rented the convenient nouse oppo- Newbern, May SO,! 1818.- 11-tt. . 1 n . 1 ili.. ,v,:,i u.u I " i ' t Mte his Hotel, lately occujJieu uy mi. r 1 i Wm. Dunn, where private families, or 05. DQL.L.ARS REWARD. nnaspnOrprS in thp Steam-Poat and Staees. I iviivnr v 1 r can, .11 tney.preierjii, ue iumumicu iui ' :. . r ' . . r. . i:ji. xi POST-OFFICE, NEWBERN,. JUNE- 6, 1818, THE TOfcLVWING BKGULATIONS CONTINUE UNTIL FURTHFR NOTICE. - 1 he Northern Mail will arrive on . Mondays and Fridays at 9, anfl be close d on the sume. uays a- i i u - -clo k A. M. . . I ''IV Southern and Western Mad, I (via Raleigh) arrives every Monday at 11 A.M.1 aim liuovu iv day at 2 p m. . The Wilmington Mail is under the same regulations as the Southern and Western. j Letters intended to be conveyed by Mail, should be placed in the Of- windmill; for tb- erecon " . lh dcDarture6th. t there is collected anrt wel , ., ., a the next man. "Letters are frequently j placed in j the Office to be sent to a sea-ponv and thence by ship to some ior eign place. The postage of surh letters, for such: distance as they art to be conveyed by post, must btvpaid at this office, otherwise they cannot be forwarded. june 13 tf . FOR SALE, A NUMBER OF COPPER STILLS. Wanted to purchase, : ' Old Copper, Pewtei', land .Lead;, for whrch the highest prices will be civen. . . . i - t . . . !.- ' TH: M'LIN. May 2 tf. NOTICE. ' PHE Sttbscrfber gives Notice tt 4 i ccom modations separate from his other establishment, t I- JOSEPH BELL. ' Keirhprn; Jvne 8, 1813. jl Benners Vail dec'd.that the situation irur. ottn estate renders lti netc-; irr. uc the TON liMBLH. RAIAVA irom me uuscnuer - -y " " . " v. rni two months since, a Negro man na- that the debts due to it should .becol medJUJLLN ; he is about years oi ae, ,cticu n apecuuy a, pubu.c. s -c k A A tnAac. lrvli nf a larl rv-,m ' nrl ill wnrf alrparlv tri ven i n pS t l r I -1 .fill 11 I l. llltlitVl U.MUIU r- . m-. . . . 1 :. 'iUna lain fi ' rriiiml t-irirlv mi:"l nKer rififr in nnw (Yivinff TSiiiiTlC IIICAIUU , 1113 I , .uuwv.wv. ... ..VH "j""' "j. '- i ' ! l . . I I .1 11 1 t . r l l . . if is well rr(arte speats piain, can reau 101- final au deots due mm as num v- erably well, and has ja scar on one oi his i rBenners Vail, and not settled, witnm . i 1 yJt .i V1 'J-Xm 1 hppTs.- Hp has heenrhirkin? about V ine I !. WntK fur ri.. foul be r-p HE subscriber having become, Swamp in this county, and about my own ' -d in the haods 6f officers for col i wan i hi ' -., f i neienooniouu auu nu.s iieuucnuv ucuh r A c. m:ii ,;u fe ..i . j r uecti pi it tor oi uic oicdui I'M", : mm pui- seen wiui a gun, -aim iuiei weapuiis ior l . v.r ni: I ti .mrtfar . j n 4 rt i . . . . . . thAifrnr I i.t . 11-1 .t. dtlivered at the Mill on Lawson's I deavor to get to Portsmouth, in Vircinia, Creek for which the highest price where he was sold by Mr.JH. Harboard, . I ' '111 " . ' I In 11. . T ! nH.ntn H nl-ct nl llnnlin I n,.t; in ready money win De gven. p WILLIAM SHEPARD. . Newbern, April 22d 1818. FOR SAL Br. i THE Subscriber offers for "sale four likely young JACK ASSES, lately impprted from the Woct In4Ipc. Those.' who tnav hp desirous of propagating the tjreed of Mules, will do well to emDrjace the present opportunity. i ; CHARLES MITCHELL. Newbern; Jnie 12th. 1818. 13,tf. to Mr. 'lAndrew Hurst of Duplin Counts in. vciiuiiiia. The above reward will be giv?n to any person who wiH apprehend said negro & secure nimin any Jail so that I get him. Should anv person be disbospfl tn nnV- . r . .. -A i' chase him, as Jie runs, I will take six hun dred dollars, and give a good title. He is an excellent ditcher, can hew, farm, or turn jhis hand to almost any thing. All masters of vessels, and others are foiwarneu irom narhounns', employing, or carrying him away, under the penalty Ui lire law i . FRANCIS GOODING.' Lenoir County, 25th' April, ISIS -tf. month from this date. wiU be ICtllUll. . j ! . - ; MICH'L. H. "LENTE, AdVa July 8th, 1818. -17tf. . i ! ii NOTICE. THE Copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of A. D Sioudard & Co. is this day"ly mu tual consentdissolved. ' All pon$ having clemands lagainst said firfn are reepjested to present them lcr settlement, and ail those indebted t said firm are requested to make nn mediate payment to them. i: I . ' A. D-STODDARD. . YiKArn IiiKt 1 1 fVi 1 J11 R. hw I I 1 v' V I r ' ! I. I - . . . . ..I , i , -i? t J ' !l I"

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