VOLUME I. NEWBERN, N. C. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1818. NUMBER S9. ITERMS. ;: ;! I "i -' -'"-' -..-'-t : THE CAROLINA ! CENTJNEL IS PUBLISHED ! - WEEKLY BY JOHN I. PASTEUR, At Three Dollars per annum, one ftird payable in advance. ?S'o daper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid up, except at the op tion of the publisher Advertisements inserted at 50 cents per square the first week, and 25 cents a jquarc for each succeeding insertion. BY 1 HE PHESIDEN V OF THE UNI TED STATES. WHERE AS, by an act of Con tne lzcn uecemoer J" An act extending i . !... r the ttue tor opining the several Ti 1 O .fi:efs e s taSii h id in the ter- titorv of Orleans." the United States gress, passed on l8li, entitled k- the President of is authorised to ranse the land offices in the said ter ritory (now state of Louisiana) tp be opened, andmejland'ofFered for sale: Therefore,. I, . James Monroe, President or the United; States, do hereby declare and make known, that public sales strobe held atOpe lousas, in th; state of Louisiana, for the disposal of the following lands, agreeably to law, in the western land district of Louisiana, viz. On the first Monday in December 1 ownshsps JNo, , , ( 123456 he baseline 1C2A,n m Ranges e principal meridian. st Monday in 1'ebruarv sale of Townships. next, for sal 1 & 2 South 1 & 2 North 3 North West of t s ' . i r wn tne n i next; Jbr the jfv,: 3Sout i 4 South ' ) 5 South 10 South MlSoutl e or -T ' t of th'e base line in Ranges. J 2345 C 3 3456 I 456 y 4 i 3 12 Soutl West of the principal meridian; Excepting the land reserved by law for the support of schools, apd for otherjpurposes. Each sale shall continue open fpr three weeks and no longer, and the sales shall be in regular numerical order. Given under my huid, at th'e City of Washington, the 20th (day of J une, one thousand eight hun dred and eighteen. AM Lb lVlUWKUfc. By the President, . MEIGS, of ike General Land Office. Mfirid ! r IOS1AH Commissioner July 25 1 By the Presrdejit of tue Unf- ted States. Whereas, by an act of Congress pissed on the third day. of March, linclusive in range 5 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE U, STATES. WHEREAS, By an act of Congress passed on the 17th of February, 1818, entitled an act making provision for the estab lishment of additional Land Office, in the Territory of Missouri,? the President of tlie United States i au horized to direct the public landse which have ' been surveyed in the said territory, to be offered for sale : Therefore, I, James; Monroe, President of the United !States do hereby declare and make known, htat alL public isales for the disposal (agreeably to law) of certain lands in flip trritnrtr rf IVI iceniirl " loViitll Kb held as follows, viz : At St. Louis, m the said territory, on the Monday in August, October, first De cember, February and Aprjl ext and three weeks after eaH ofthe said day s, for the s-de of lands in the land district of St. Louis. townships shall be offered the Thirty at bach most 200 Dollars Reward. Valuable Property RANAWAY from the subscri- unt c a t t? ber, on the 20th of October , - U.K 5ALfc. lasti two negro men, SAMPSON. ""THE Subscriber, wishing to and JOE. Sampson is about 50 JL concentrate his business and years of sge, 5 feet 4 or 5 inches remove his property to his residence high, dark complexion; and stout at Wilmington, offers' for .sale the builthad on when he went away; following valuable estate : a tarpawling hati and a white woolen , : That eligible situation on East homespun jacket and trows ers. Joe Front Street, fornrerly the residence is about 30 years of age, 6 feet high, bf the late ftdbert Hunt, Esq. com -slender buSt, very black, has had prising 43 1-4 ft. of Lot No 104, and the small poz, with which he is con- nhe whole of Lot No. 105 makinc siderably marked, and' has' lost the; ,150 1-2 feet Iront, and ?14 1- j feet middle toe of his left foot he topic rear. There is a handsome dwelling with him a new furred hat, and a house upon the premises, with con striped homespun jacket and trow- j venient out-houses and invprove- . The Subscriber HAS JUST RETURNED FROM NEW-YORK, I WITH A GENERAL ASS0RTMSN1V0P BUY GOO? AND 1 3 1 f - sers. They will probably assume ments and the water front, 1815, entitled 4 an act to provide for the ascertaining and surveying of the boundary lines fixed by -the toity with the Creek Indians, and fir other plirppses,n the President of the United States is authorized to j cause, the 'lands,,, acquired by the said j treaty, to ble offered for sale, when urveyed : .r " ' ;-i - j : vl Therefore,; I, James Monroe, ( President of the United States, do I hereby declare and make known, ! that! public sales for the disposal (a- Ereeablv to lawn of certain larid&in the Alabama territory, shall be held uanaoa, in ine siio icrrr.wy, uu the j first Monday in lanviarv next, 1 and shall cominue for three weeks, ! during which .time will be offered tor sale Townships numbered 9 to 16 9 to 16 in 6 10 to 10 in 7 lOtoie1 in 8 i wtceptSuch lands as have been reser ved bvllaw for;the support of schools, and for other j purposes. The land lhali be offered for sale in regular numerical order, commencing with the lowest number of section, town ship and range. Given under my hand, at the CUv r of Washington, the 1 7th day of July, one thousand eight huu dred and eighteen. " i JAMES MONROE. By the President : ! J. MF.TGS. Oommissionerof the General Land Office sale, commencine: with 'eastern ranges west of the fifth pi in- mermian line, anu prutceuing Westerly.. : . . -J.' - J ,V. At the Seat of Justice for Howard County, in theaid Territory, on the first Monday in September and No yember next, and three weeks aftf , each of the said days, for the sale ol lands in the land district of Howard County. Thirty townships shall be offered at eachi sale : The j firist to be in a squarei form, and to include the seat of justice of the said county, as nearly in the centre as the situa tion of the surveys will admit! and j 1 Jj: ..1.. fWJ- int secona iramcuwiciy 1 V first) and in the same form excep ting from sale in each districr the lands which have been or m&y be reserved by slaW for other purposes. Given under my hand, at t ie City of Washington, the thirtieth i day 01 1 April, one inousana eight hundred nd eighteen TAMES MUNHUfc. By the President, ' IGSIAH MLIU5, Comrnissio ier of the General Land Office l.wtla? 9 the names of Samuel Brown and Ferrel, and will perhaps have free passes, j It is supposed that they are lurking on the seaboard, somewhere between Swansborough j & Norfolk, The last accounts received of them state that hey were endeavoring to reach Edenton. ! V j The above reward will be given to any person who will deliver them to me, or one hundred and fifty dol larso securevthem in any jail, so that I get them. I ! All persons are hereby cautioned against harbouring, or carrying them away, under the penalty! of the law. Easier Kiilpatrick. Duplin County, near . g Limestone Bridge,' March 24.j . j -. Fifty Dollars Reward, j AN AWAY from the subscriber, some time in the imonth of November last, a negro man named ISAAC, about 22 years of age, six feet high, tolerably stout made, and of a black complexion. It is suooosed that he is lurking a- ! bout Little or Big Swift creek, Cra ven county. R I will scive the above reward to any person who will bring said ne gro to me, or secure him m any j an so that I get him ; and will pay all reasonable expences. Masters of vessels and others, eTWp DiiicniP M r nt? fuc 1 are forwarneri from harbouring;, em- low, unuer uie peuauy u aw VKITIED STATES. Where as, by an act of Congress, passed on the 17th of Febr'y, 1818. eutitled- an act making provision for the establishment ot additional T.inr! OffifM in the territory of Mis souri,'! the Presidnt of thejtJhited States is authorised to direct the public lands, which have been sur veyed in the said territory, to be of fered for sale e I I, Tames Monroe, Presidentt of the United States, do hereby declare and makej known that public sales for the disposal (a- Sreeably to law) of certain Slands m the territory ot Missouri, snai oe held in Franklin, in saidterritory, viz:;' "; ' .- :'i ; On the first Monday in next fore the s-de of January Townships No. 4( to 1 52 inclusive & fract'l in range 19 township 53 j 20 JOHN REEL. Swift Creek, May 2, 181 8. 7tf exten ding to the channel will be sold, in connection with them, or separately, at the option of the purchaser. . AL.SO, i -: ; .. Three fourths of Lot No. 272, on New Street, together with the small house upon it at present occupied by Mrs. Mitchell, ... Also,-' ; H ' ' About one-third of Lot No. 21? on South Front Streeti I -w J. f - "I r.-x ; ALSO, : .1 : . ' , Lot ' No. 22, corner of Front and Handcock Streets, f 142 1-4 by 107 1-4 ft, together with the several buildings before it. j also, i That valuable Plantation on Trent River, 7 miles from town, situated between the plantations ot the late F. Foy, Esq. and Rev. Mr. Witherspoon, containing about 1000 acres of .which 350 are cleared, with a good dwelling! house, barn, &c. &c. on the premises. The stock, . . ..... utensils, etc. will be! sold it required,, and such of the Negroes as do not wish to move to Cape; Fear j The above property, if not sooner disposed of at private sale, will be sold at public auction on the 20'h December. The terms will be made very easy to purchasers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years credit will be given. Negroes or Bank Stock willl be re ceived in exchange for the property. For further particulars apply to Mesns. DevereuX & Chester, or M. C. Stevens, Esq WHICH HE OFFERS POH SALE AT A MODKB :' . ' ,-v I ATE PROFIT. L. ... : ; AmXm& vshich are Fihe, superfine, and uper-superfiri I iti J.i-.l--'!- i , '' -ioxns ana cassirneres. Vestings, pelisse clotlis and Trimmings, bombazetts. Callicoes, muslins, climmitics, jeans, icottorl ana silk hose, Silk, beaver and jkitf gloves, i Canton j crapes,1 fcanton and I Cott3 shaw!? ' .' ! : Linen and cottorijyocket h?dkfs-" Cam brick and bajidatino do. Irish linens, brown linens, ) Sheetings, diaper &c, . . Knives & forks, pocket and penknivelj Razors, scissors, & shears, i : Locks, hinges, files, an vills, vices Guns, pistils (single and double bar teled,) j- . ...:' Game baes. Dowder 'flasks. Shot belts J &c. I : ALSO, Ritm, Gini Apple arid French Brand jri T ' V . 1 -.it. viaaeira, L.ispon ana maiaga w ines, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasses, &c. John Court. October l6th. Sm31 " ! ,, ' ' V " - DR John November 7th, 1818.---tf F Burg win. 25DULLARS REWARD. TTTi ANA WAY from the Subscriber wTL twn mnntVuj inrp. a Negro man na Mm V HIV-"" -"-- 7 O med JOHN ; he is about 27 years of age, 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, of a dark com- nlexion. has a lean face, round body, and I . j . 0 " 1 " is well made speaks plain, can read tol erably well, and : has a scar on one 01 tus heels.. ' h: t :. 1 ' The above reward will be given to any person who will apprehend said negro & secure him in any Jail so that I get him. All masters of vessels, and others are forwamed from harbouring, employing, c carrying him away, under the penalty of the law. FRANCIS GOODING. enoir County, 25th April, 1818 tf 22 23 GEORGE RETD O firs for sale, at "his Store in Craven si 1 flfl Boxes SOAP, 1st & 2d qaal 1UU ityva 10& 11 cents. N. B. The highest price will be given for Tallow, arid all sorts of Soap Grease. Apply at the Chan dlery, in Newbern, at I T . UNION PU1JN I . Septl9. 27tf The Subscriber HAS JUST RfctURNLD TROM NEW-YORK, With a large 'atul general tissartfnent 'GiO ODS AND ' '. I- .4 ' -' AfOVfl WH1TH A P. P. Shepard's extra superfine blue, black tn& ;4 brown cloths. A: cris!iie. os, do. superfine and fine cloths and , ; cassirneres. . v-:;. fanCy vestings, Khjmnels, blankets, lains, bombazetb, calKcoesj Irish linen, cambrick muslin, Silk , cotton. an4 yrorsted koc k i a ?$ , Brown Holland, silk So cotton sbnwls Sheeting, tow cloth, cotton haegin, Loaflun?p& brown SUGAR, TEA, Molasses, L English and American Gunpowder," Shot, -j-'.; Cross cut, pit, hand & pannel saws , Tobacco and SnulT, f Rum, Gin Whiskey, c. i . .-''. . also," ;t; ;;j'r ' '!'."f:.j.l A very handsome assortment of Pure Lehion Acid , j r p W All B FOi punch; lemonade, sauces, jellies, AND EVERY PURPOSE IN COOKERY. 48 to 52 & fract'l township 53 48 to 52 I 21 On the first Monday in March next, for the sale of Townships 48 to 55 iriclusivd, in ranges 24 &"25 48 to 50 . i --2p On the first Monday in May next for the s.tle of 1 Townships i . : i 51 to 54 iriclusive, in ranges 1,1 & 12 51 to 56 1 i 3-to.fc6 : 14 & 15 excepting the lands which have been, or miv be, reserved py law, ?trr u;c support of schools, and for other pur poses. -" .1 i 1; , - Each sale shall continue as long as may be necessary to ;offemhe lands for sale, and no longer, and the lands shall be offered in regular numerical order. 1 . Given under my hand, at the city of Washington this 17th4 day of V July ?J one thousand etght hun i dred and eighteen. i . L ( JAMES MONROE. By the President : : 1 7 JOSIAH MEIGS, A Notipe nnHE snhscriber offer n nis uvvn.iui' in the town ot peav Store House adiof ffiith a good Kite hen, Srnokp tse; and Stable. rUSE and the The mndjHiUSiriess, is equal to any in the place. - , Also, Four unoccupied Lots in sad town, and a small tract of Land on North river. . . ' A liberal credit will be given the purchaser; and notes negotiable at either of the Banhs m XV ewoen, re ceived in payment. Ternis will be mnHf Irnown 011 application to the subscriber, or to capt. Gilbert Rum- iey, in Beaufort. OTV7A7 BURNS. Aujrust 24th, 1818. 24tf hnHIS ACID retains all Grateful flavour of the fresh Lemon. It instantly dissolves in V '1 . . . I. J .til n.1rM. or coia water, aau ch or Lemonade equally rich a's the fruit, atany .time ot trie y ear. h is also adapted tor every pur. nose in Cookery where the Lemon is reGuired,sucK as Sauces, jellies, &c. AND 1 a-bo legale Vith All of which he offers retail, at a very modei att- advuuce. , Nathunirl Smith. Nov. 12th, 1 8 1 b'.-tfS 5 Stiite of North ( 'arolina, CRAVEN COUN 1 V. Ocjohkr Term, 1S18. be in Brice Fonville, , : vs. : Asa Fonville Order. therefore, of the 1 Wri?nt C. Sianl v. and V . Puiis Lemoh Acid, for Tave rns and I C. Stanly Adm'r. of Interlocutory Public Places of Amusement, wu sufficiently obvious, particularly tne uuuuy . , ,- . 1 1 .- w , ... . . j ItisretommendeatoiNAVALpna 5 m 1 neing SuKg . t v - jfi - t . ,! " .iW-o ofpnclnt.-.Asa r onvi le. reMdof Military officers, iiAtx. t.MR. Masters or vessels and o- thers going long voyages : it is m a state 01 ary powucr, put. class bottles, is will retain its de Notice. LL those indebted to the sub scriberw are requested to make immediate tiavment as he intends shortly to remove out of the state. A auite portable, and lightfal fiavour and strength for years, in any climate. A tea-spbpnful of this Acid is suffi cient fornS quart of FtfKCJi dr Lem onade, i -J- "- :' v It is Warranted to contain no ex traaeoiii matter or any thing in the least furious to the constitution. a Wknatciit iinrlv of the Lemon AciD wiiVbe kept at the Post-Of- ' 1- TmMKni.n Hi Art 1L lUdV UC had bV the dozen or single bottle at 9- Ot wnv Burnsu Uv PKiladelohia prices. Aug 24, 1818.-24- . i lMvfc-WWf X the defendant, Asa Fonville, reidcS ; wJtkfitit the limits' of the State of NortiiL Carolina, and in the jiState of Tenness !. and tl:i same beingj verified to the ;sa5 $1 faction ofJtbe Court, by (lie affidayit of George LancVn tnoticn of" cbmpl? ant, Ordered, ;Tnat ontess defendant np- plainsnfs bifl of complaint, bn'oi1' b efore the the nfteenth,day of April ne'x t, the . . . tin i. i -ir IS-1. . - i jid such, decree made thereupon as shall be thought .vit-&rd&red, that tlve same be puWisVira Within sixty days', in, r le tja. rolina Centinel, printed .ajt KeVbi ind be continued therem t )t six six sitnre weeks. Extract frrm the ftlicntes. Edward GnAarnc. is. ' . ' 35.-w 21 tjyglo Cnm mi ssioner of the Gn'1.0ffiee. 21 tmyglo