-1 . 9 . ". . I, - ' - 3 I entered ray caveat against thi3 novel of laws CARUIiliNA CENTlMr L NEWBERN, 4PRIL 24 The following Gentlemen were elected Varderi of tne poor for this County on 3lcndayjthe pth inst. Abncf Neale, harant llalch, Esq. John F. Stcith, Esq.. Jeremiah Brown, ( Joseph IMcm, .. . Norntfin Wiley, ' Jacob Gooding. ) The Steam Ship Savannah, has arrived at 'Savannah,! from New- ork. She sus tained no damage on her passage, -though the weather .was ex tremely boisterous . . 1819. re 1 con- errible it INTERESTING FROJI V The NEW-YORK, APRIL 13. litis stated that a committee of the Brit ish j cuse.ol Commons has retomraend- td a reduction in the appropriation for the expences of the King's household from l00,OUWt to 3U,uui. - a vote vas taken - paraiso on the 1st December. . .1 ftjl.. f .-., . 1 rr .1 ',-,. . i --' i I mine nyuc ui vmu.u.., ,M,p u.KHssei renorTs that he eft th Fob. after debate, on an amendment of -frigates, six guns brigand feredbyihe opposition, propoiinga ful-- ict txkon the.- redufction, and negatived, ISO to 230. troops, arid I: ;: r . goods, I 16 i DIPLOUATii; . SJNIVif'r UUXKS. During the hist year, the B itish gov ernment expended-. 22,000' pounds sterl ing tor snuff hoxesjfMesented i o foreign miiiistersfK'11hisj!sura;wa's, paid :o Randall ;e, the m a n u fact ui er s -a neat1 on 1 Rri round sah, '$ 100,000 j .' m i.- . .'- .f J. . r Hie estimates oi me army services tor the year 1819, tn England, are put down ' at L. G45B2,SD2 12s.j 5rf. F. Journal. ' Among the laws enacted during the recent session! svlvania, was of the Legislature of Renn a supplement to an act en titled, an fact regulating banks ; which en- acts that that stat which shall, after the first of August next, refuse to redeem its notes with specie jt its' charter, and, on proof of 1 I ' J i-L ' i ny of the banks established in ; American prisoners, who by the act of March 1814, in piratical cliarges. I se shall forf; kuch i efu he sliall i may be ii this proc continue sons, who Jixshua Cij J. Dird, a attempteti m a small Imvnt, the lady, who united m had been t'xerjions vho accid tvere rescued. From natnre of Honestus, and the rati template thf subject, tfie more 1 appears. v, ; 'j -1 -. 1 have evjer been of thej opinidh, that he, who administers, the law,! ought to be se verely punished if he does not restrain himself within the bound's prescribed by law REPUBLIC OP HA VTI- DECREE. i Jean fief re Hover, president of the Republic of Hayti, seeing that t ie public edinces require repairs, iiat.th planters alum w mi pi maienais to construct ne cessary buildings decrees, that, until the isx ueeemDer, lb'iy, lumper of all des criptions, except spars," may be reported free of duty ind wharfage into all the ports of the Repuplic. The secretary is charged with the execution of cree. Given, at the National Palace of Port a u Pi and 1 6th yeai of independence! Sigiied. &c. . BO . fThe duty aod V. - r snip which are so'fruitful of mischiefs, of state this do nee the 1st of -March 181J, Bv wharfage on p lumber was ,Q3 otlrer kinds SI 'I f J. ' " .,! montli. LPARAISO. Sssex from Nantucket, which arrived at tire Vineyard 3d' hist. jlrom also states that Lor rane arrived about GOO tons every armed the fort ; a pu great joy ma the Royalist VER. tch pine 50 per eft Val- Captain re three five transports, an- immense property, in at Vaj (paraiso; ily, on the 2Sth Novembe with in a 1200 d Coch- lis fam- ship of Salutes were fired from veskel in the port, and from blic dinner was given, and . ; i it lit nifest net miAa fi tVr nnvornnr sue his1 proclamation declaring thcharta; of such bank null and void, except tor the purpose of paying and col lecting its de' ts, and continuing! & renew- i; g the notes or 'obligations of those who debted to it. It, after tire date of amation, any sucii bankvshall . ! . 4. to issue its own notes, tne mrect ors consenting tel it shall be liable in their individual capacities for the payment of the same J&c. All notes presented f : payment, and specie refused for them, 4are to hear an interest of six per cen from the da v of presrntation. Nat. Inf . anu is onl y w government ed. cribed vry properly. He also urgejd the necessity of freedom of religion, and the press, and of encouraging education. I do pt pretend to great exactness or particularity ; but so far as I give a sketch, am sufficiently accurate, Ithink. As sooa as possible I shall 'obtain, a !:opy of his.dx cument. t As he! concluded, with viva el congres so I another salute was fired, drums beat and bellVwere tolled. Dr. F. A. Zea was thenj called to the chair ; gen. C however, officiated to ad- iui;nsierine oain oi omce to tne mem bers. Ir. ZEA'addressed the assembly, from tlnj -chair, in a perthjent and ele gant speech, extempore. He adverted to thehisfofy of other states, in- the forma tion of their governments, comparing, or conslrastjg, their situation; with that of He passed a flattering pan- and disihter , iustly extoll ing his more recent act, as an example to every patriot. &c. or soldier. Gen. Bolivar rose after the president of congress (aainterim) had finished Ink re marks, to! reply, on behalf of the ofllcers mpre particularly, to the' observations made, lie renounced for himself, then and fore fer, any and every civil ttust. vy lien peace should be established, he would become a private citiien, and never my's best plan to attack JPaez "before he is reiniorced ; and it is the order of Bolivaf, to P. not to come to a general action until he Ibe reinforced, but to take advantage of Public Sale!, circtnnstai.ces. -1 23 Acres Venezuela 3 ; egyric onj the magnanimity estedness bf Gen. Bolivar be any thfng moie. When he. retired, viva el . I . J ' var resounded throiioh the general Uoli- assembly. HAVANA, APFiIL 4. i( The U. S. ship John 4 dams I Wads worth, is here. She has Jamaica and CampcachyJ Cruz, but was not iallowed She will sail foriNorfolit i biting an answer o an application ONESBOROUf?H, (TEX. MARCH 30r On Thursday, the 25th inst. six per se names we understand were eene, Cenj. Terrv, Mrs. Terry, id -Mrs Ira: Green and child . to cross the Nolachi ky rivci" canoe---ai'ter leaving the shore some distancel owing to the mismanage canoe sunk. Mr: Terry anu b"ut a few hours before had been wee lock, and Mr. Bird, who hiarheu out a lew weeKs, uom to the 'daughters' of Mr. Arnoh met with a watery grave. rifhe other threg, persons before named, thrbugh the oi f. Mr. Montgomery Mewart, entH7 heard of the castrophe, the Upper Canada Ghztte. Mr. GoUrlav has beep b ougth -up by a writ of habeas corpus, examined and re manded to prison'; 'Oil this sjibject 'the public mind is much agitated. High and low, rich and poor, saints and sinners, tii seem lounue i tunucu -" sures which have deprived him hf his per sonal libertv. How the matter bay term inatp thp I .on! onlv knows,: but I am cer tain that kuch another transaction would throvJthel whole country into a ferment. The question1 whether Mr. Gdurlay is'a - nng good man or a bad man has not in the business ; we miist view him crammed mtd tne corn- British subject. monjail jof the district, 4vitJt trial by jury without bail or mainrTffse.. This is one of those tyrannical measures,! by which ti e last James forfeited his riff lit to the crown. a!nd as a barrier to such tyranny In future the bill of Rights was y . i i trained and enacted in Parlianleat, wiien the Prince and Princess of Orange be came King and Queen. Therefore; no Ut can justuy xne coniiuu- Goitrlay ; indeed if'Sucii a provincial act (did exist, it would I be contrary, to Magna Uharta ; it wouia jie contrary to the habeas corpus act ; it would law exists t! inent of IMrJ be contrary Word, it would be unconstitutitin himself and to the communi- It is a duty which every pubic journal- stwaie, for ojne ihing; insisting on the pol- (antry and a corpse of artillery, are post- communi- iCy and iustice ot rewarding the benewc- eu on tne rsiana oetore i.ruanini, lopnt-u tol animadvert sttonglyraad rfthp'r coantrvYas'the miiitarv oS- hv two iiranchej of tnejAranca, d?sam- lit owes to tlt- laj-ge, vehemently tions of the to the Bill of di Greene, and Captain bee i at oti Vera to enter' there few days. i a pom mis jfor some are implicated sendyotli lew of piratn our papers. " Two midshipmen of the John Ada fought a duel on the 2d inst one vvh was killed the first fire. ams om KALTTMOIIE. APItlL 9. LATE FROM SOUTH i - i j The first movements of ev friend of humanity movements be iniudi mtegn ANLIUCA. ery people, in the act Of thrjowmg on an oppressive 'sys- iem oi govenaient,! are aiw to the ays interesting evell though, t.lese movempnts be injUili,ciousJy, direct ed. 'Alr.o. present seems to be q critical period in th'ej fate of Venepela, as indi cated by the letter of our friend, than whojm a more ardent votary of hupnari lib erty, never pht pen to pa pe r. halt. Am Farmer. " . ".- . j: , ; i h . ApGOSTURA, FEB. iG Yesterday was the comlrnenc The ' concluding declaration gave'sar- prtzc to pvery one whom 1 heard niake men ion (of the subject. But, whatbve his passed conduct may have been, janr! here are various opinions concerning it his last political act is unequivocal, j He nnst bef disinterested, becau- he pre' eludes hiniselfliom filling ahv civil station. This, I say, ea;used much wonder and conversation. Let the historian ofj this evolotioh weigh 'his merits and failings impartially, and award him that quantum f cens'u -e or applause . whi:h is his jdu For myself, though previous informatio bad stroi gly biased ! me against gen1? al 'lolivar, as a man of inordinate ambi tion and sinister rnanagemetjt, ii had j ra ther prai se than blame any inanx if truth permit. I am, at-any rate, so pleased with events, that I dismiss censorious! en quiries into causes. - '4 - 1 - II aril auspicious erd ! for Vem congress and the people ha tv cnougn to imp r i tt .. ill' .i ! "I ion; l snaii Drieny relate mei civil oc- currences, ana leave you to.imijre tor yourself. Having re jsio. fDient of ezuehii if the i- ml ve wisdom and bve th deca eeived a courteous invitation from Gen. Bolivar to attend at tlie solemn ceremony ot the; palace of rendezvous a accompanied cers, to the were drawn ranks, facing installing the congress, in government, j I was! at the t the appointed hour, and the general land other ofii- capitol, where the r lembers up in the passage h open inwards, to receive him (the su-reme chief) They paused iijtp the to do as a hall and took their seats-j salutes .being fired then, as , well as at sun-rise, for it was rainy and cloudy, and sol invisible. After a short pause, the supreme chief addressed the .assembly, in an . elaborate discourse on govern mentd and on the pe culiar condition of Venezuela taking a survey of fre? states, ancient and modern. His enuncialion was, clear and distinct ; his action correct, but his voice somewhat feeble. The political institutions of the U. States, he regarded as singularly for- tuuate in escaping so lar the common ruin of free g6verrft meats, and promising to be lasting, which God grant 1 This happy exemption was owing to the habits in which the North American people were nurtured and educated. born in a free state. Little o They: had been this, he to Venezuela feared, was1 applicable where different casts form a compound, uniting the mingled blood of America, Spain and Africa : and he , submitted hi plan of a proper constitution of govern inonarchica against a federal system for V A 11 the proceedings of congress Were marked by decorum. To-day, during a few mintjtes that t attended j tlie debates, f perceived their extreme want of rules for condpeting the business of the hoijse They adopted a proposition, or resolu tion, invlestipg gejieral Boiyorwitli exec utive pqVers of presiding pro tern andj ap pointing1? him generalissimo of the army. A eommiltee is named to 'draw up rules of debate, &c. another to consider anc re port on Bolivars project of a cons:itu tion : for VcnezHela . j Accounts from the armies leave room for doubt arid apprehension,as I am sorry to statei The enemy, whose policy it is 10 uuicm iura ut'juie ue is reiiuorceu, have, crossed the Aj)iira and Arunca. Ihey hive received reinforcements to a consuieipiiie extent, n we may eiV on their statements. The boldness of Moril- tbe strongest evideiifie tich Letters from tlie Spain mention, that an Entire regimenti which had left Zaru gosa, under orders to proceed to Valen cia,1 where it was. supposed popular com motions existed, broke out into a st:t of Open mutiny, at a place called Caspe where thef soldiers declared they woul-. iot take up arms to enslave their fellow coujntrymen. The colonel endeavored to appease them, but, it is added, they ros upon and killed them, together with some of his officers, and then disbandeo themselves. On the other hand, if a Min isterial Evening Paper is to be cred:tedr letters liave been received from Mad rid,! which represent Spain to bepn the most complete tranquility ; Ferdinand VII. to1 be the idol of his subjects, and4 a model of virtue ; and the clergy to be Without the slightest influence in the de cisions of the Spanish Cabinet 43 140 50 14 do. do. 'do. do. PORT OP SPAIN (trin. M VRCn 12, 1819.. I arrived here this forenoon, from Auv gostura,!where "prospects are encouraging. . Description Certainly the patriots must truinph this ' ofproperfi campaign, Lngiisii remiorcemenis, (cmei ly Irish however) will turn tlie scale un alterably. - - - " ..J tloscio. Fallacies. Cadiz &c are strug gling for the establishme'nt of a free con sinunon. i snow not wnat success tney may have. If they make a good begin ning, they do enough for the present. As the! people advance in information they will improve their fabric, Jjoca apoco, and that is all we ought in reason to expect. I hope, under all. circumstances our government will act liberally; depend up on it oar policy consists in so acting Ere this reaches you, though I send it via St.' Thomas, "for speed, you will have heard of Faez's sucess pverlilorZo. A descent from Margaritta; on the coast and a junction of forces under good officers, (amongst them is Col; Ncedham newly re appointed,) will complete the reign "'of the Godos in Venezuela, by .May day, at far thest I hope. ILL be sold at the Court House in Ce'autort, Carteret County, on the 2Sth day of May, 1819, as much of theJ following property as will pay the tax for the year 1817, on each piecei-Vii : ; . r Bvwhomgiv- where fo- rated. land, given in byv WniULewi, II f the location lunkdwn by Thomas Lwis,' do. by John Pitman, ; do. by Jacob Smith, no. by Ananias Salter,' j do. 100 do: by Merida Smith, on Nelson's bay 50 do. by Sam 'I Smith, ', on f'iney Point 50 do by Abigail mith, on Nelson's bay by do. by James balterlocation unknown SOdo.byJosc-ph.Willis, on Piniy Point Ely. IJickson, Hunting Quarter Asa-G'ilbert, CapelLcot put James" Hamilton, feep'Point Kichard IlutT, j Piney Point William Lewis, North River James Roberts, j Whi e Point Joseph Salter, Hunting Quarter 50 do. by Henry Smith, jr. Long Bay 50 do. byjH'ilkins Smith, ,. Berries Bay 16 do.by s Reuben Willis, Nelson's Rav : i . ....... ii i - . - J lutiuo. Dyjohn WUhs, 1'inev Point 350do.byj 50 do. by 125 do. by 50 do. by 58 do. by 50 do. by lOOdo.by lOOdo. by James Willis, ron 's (ret'k AJiy Willis, Iluoling Quarter Johp uanner, i Freeman Davis, Solamon Davis, John S. Davis 50 do. by lOOdo.by 50 do. by 600 do. by 50do. by lX) do. by! 140 do. by James Davis, Freeman Lliis ' ijort V i i r FOP. TUE CAROLINA CENTLEL. o's movements, is of it. Should Paez be defeated (w Jove forbid .') thg through a second country has yet to pass ordeal Things are at II ' ! ' J .! - ! a crisis. j However, near suu men: have arrived from England, and as manyr more j are; expected daily, besides another ex pedition; 1500 or 2000 men form the'sjame quartef they cannot come to soon no temporary reverse can prevent 'indeperjdence of the country, sooner or latere I therefore hope the government of the United States will manifest their good disposition without delay. We! can snow oar inendship without going to war but the yhere ii a town of wond'rous fame, No matter where or wire's the na r e ; Of fame : Not such as graced old - om , DutSsuch as goes not far from home ; Thi fame that kindles fam'ly strife, Setf neighbour's wife 'gainst neighbour's . wife ; . 7 7 1 . : .." - The fame that injures reputation, Anc makes it worse by reparation, ; j Thclt fame that buis;ly goes 'about , To find men's private doings out j The secret keeps for friends alone, Vet tells the tale to every one ; Augmenting fast as such things use, From mouth to mouth the secret goes, Till! Phoenix-like, it only dies! That some new scandal may arise. I know her train ; aye every devil, Ant though not often I'm uncivil, Still;! declare upon my faith,' , That they shall feel my deadliest wrath ; Unless they hush. their falsehoods base, And let good people rest in peace. Moreover I can let them know, The Knowing Club is still their foe ; Ano will assist, when 'er I ask Such genius to so poor a task, t: CAUSTIC. with Spain, and we ought to befriend congresjs and patriots of Venezuela. -. I . . the All this he onght to have left to the ent congress. His proposition, (in went- England seemed to afford fiif- and defeated a corps of 600 of the ished models in three forhis or compart- ! myvs cavalry, killing 400 of them. ments of government : in 'the' executive or army ophe other, it would seem, must A manoeuvre which detracts much from the merit of subsequent renuncia tion constiti however, ' is offered respectfully terms) s the right of every citizen. j Some people are not disposed to ren der him any homage, or give him; any credit for the measure: averring that rte cesitv alone compelled him to it. I do not argue the point : I cannot swear to motives!, for they are hidden ; but acts that please os, we are not inclined td as cribe to unworthy intents. . iPity but they had Mr. Jefer.ion's manual in Spanish. . t- ' . .L FEBRUARY ly. News from the army, of the 7th inst. state thta, general Paez, had suprized ene-One , MARRIED. n Saturday evening last, by Edward C. King, Esq., Mr. John Quirs, to Mrs. Sally Shan a wolf. ; ; n 1 50 do. by Benjamin Tulford 15 do. by Uriah Fulford ! 75 do. by Labed Guthrey, ' 3 00 do. by James (rdlikiii, 50 do. by jCieprge Gillikih, 1 50 do. by UriahGillikin, Fanners lOOdo.by Jesse Gillikin Nor lOOdo.by William Gilhkin, jxt uy. vvvj tic vjhii in, i lOOdo.by John Lawrauce, 44do.byAbigail Lawrance, 70do.by Thomas Finer, 50do.by eorge Piner, 50 do. bylloseph Finer, OUdo rjy l nomas Kussei, i in thd 1 25 do: by JamsSiinpson, Fannei leaufort Lots Nosi 20 &: 37 bvl L .. . , Wood. ' ' -i 250do. Acres land by Owen Stan Creek k" - ; .1 i i 1 19d . by Abram Simpson, yido by James Willis, 1 04 do. bv Ibner nvillis, BogueS.ofii'Hl Davii' Sbere Jarrat's Bay Jarrat's. ilrtv Straits- P B n r. Stniiti1 Com Bank North River "d by Sedi Greet' k. River o. JO. JOm )o. Jarrat's Pav Stftiud s Creek Ktbert on, t ore ! I jorrh ''iver. Willi's Creek . t :i 1 i ! Jar rati s l'My :ir.?rvU-.iJ. .! Jarrat's Bay Davis Strait?, I River 50 do. by Jedediah Wade, 25 do.by . t irtiidj, i 50do. by Elijah Canaday, , Creew 1 do. by Barth'w. Chadwick, CI Point! Beaufort Lot No 62; by Richard $ it Acres py v uiiam uav js, iortn ii iver lOOdo. byJesse Davis, Newport Rivler 50do. by Benjamin Llfison, 45 do. by Thomas Evans,, Nbr.ll 450 do. by $tephen Full'ord, 50 do. by James Gabriel, " Island I reek; 63do. by &amuelGutbrey, Pawel's Creek Beaufort Lot No. 47 by Clarrissa liai ker 50 Acres by Calvin Hancock, Bell's Creplc 100 do. by Mary Morse, I Core Creel. Beaufort Lot No. 29, by John Mack ' Do. 4 Do. : 56, ClemanslRumlev ' Do. Do. 39 & 40,Annabistaii Do. .l)o. 3, XVm . R am sey ,' se V. 50Acres,by iloger Simpson, iN'orth River '200 do. by Jacob Benthal, j Bogue! Sound! 43 do. bv James Bell, sen r. Do. 350 do. by Joseph Q. Bell,, 1 .jt part, as inl the aristocracy ; be lestroyed. The enemy cannot and democracy. He strongly declaimed ; port himself in his present position, enezuela, the 'Aranca( in crossing which he lost 500 PORT OF NEWBERN. : ENTERED, 1 i 7 Schrs. Paragon, Chadwick, Savannah"; Live Oat, Thomas, Charleston ; John; Burney, Dixon, N. York ; Utility, Brown, Phi a. John Wallace, Jasper, Savannah : Sloops Julia, Hazznrd, Providence; Pack et, Cowing, New-York. ; CLEARED, Schrs. Linnet, Wood, Bermuda ; Ru fuslKing, - Wallace, St. Barts; Pigot, Gould, St. Martiirs ; John Burney. Dixon, N. jVork ; Sloops Phebe, Smith, Phila. Valiant, Hallock, Philadelphia; Mechanic, Rhodes, N. Vork. y ' sup- near NOTICE.' - THE Subscriber was appointed, at the lastj March term of the Cburt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions', of Craven County, Ad ministrator, de bonis non on the estate of Lewis Bryan dee'd. All persons having claims"against said estate, are requeste;d to pi resent them, within the time limittd by law, or they will be barred recovery ; and those indebied to the estate, are re- quested to mate lmmeaiaie payment Newport Do? Hu! Bogue; Sountl ewppru . . - ' r , -- - i - - s .' . i ii . ".r i t ; it would , while complimenting the United States- men : ) faez's calvary novermg rouna mm, JNO--1M: BRYAN. hts lid extravagantly. In short,; the dritt ot his nave anven on the came, anu .eiuiu Abril 19th, 1819 3w. 59 pd. ncd. : j arcjument was to recommend permanent grassyi plains in his rear. His (r s) in- . . . . i "i 50 do. by Asa Bell.' 100 do- by James Bell, sen'r Swamp . j. ... 520 do. by Cornelias Canaday, Newport 250 do. by Phillip Cully's heirs, ;. Boguu Sound . :'.: " .150 do. by John Dennis, : Newport River 73 do. by Edward Dill, GloVexjs' Creelc 300 do. by James Elliot, Pettitbrdjgj Creek 50do.by Thomas Elliotj , Nethercut's Creek ' " . 134 do. by Elizabeth, 108 do. bv Gideon heirs. 250 do. by William Herbert Broad Cretk XjU-j uu. uj juiiuu uaun, xhjwjjwiw 75 do. by Leonard Mann,' Do. D5do.by John Oglesby 's heirs, Hr.ll Swamp" . .. -! ' ; ; . j ; lOO do.by The mas Oglesby, Bogne Soui;di 1 50 do. by John Porter, Nashes Swan p ? 50 do. by William Willis, ' S iieparil t . Creek- ' . v-'- ".. ' , .:; j " 300 do. by Jacob Henry, Harlow's Credc Beaufort LM No. 2, by the heirs of Vadt DoJyo. 1-Jjy Jonathan Gooding ' -50 dqvy John R.Vckson, North River Beautort Lot No. 6? Given in by Williani : Morse ' -' . 300 Acres! by James Shackleford, North River ' .".;;. .. 1 THO'S. MARSHALL, SherijF. of Carteret County. April 20, 1819 n gross viola- -cer3 )y seats in -t for thenl. their heirs ! boguinW their waters into the Orinoco, against all sucii constitutidn.---Fdr my part, Xhe4 abominably chaos under! the name witntne ktiej, of course. ne- FOR SLE, T THIS OFFICE, ARROWSMITIFS I MAP OF TiiE WORLD Wanted to PurcKqse, EVEN Shares State Bank Apply to JNO. M. ROBERTS. New bern, April 17, 1819- Stock. . 4t - ! "f: "'ii ' - .,'1 y I - c - " ; ' i'f. : ; -V-jVi ' ' ' r ;- ", V-. t- - V: , f ..- -A

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