i. 1 E SELiicrkb Foil' ais ckntinsi.. ! I ; In the following exjiuifite lines, the.read- " er cannot; fail te reco-mse the.genius Who is the .iriaM n spirit seeks I Through cojd r?fbof and slander's ; . bihht?; J Has she lovers ijosei on her ceek ? ; ; ; Is hcr's aif.eye o thjs world's light ? , t jVo wah and sunk jirt tnid night prayer, Are the pale lookls'of her. I love ; Or if at times a lititlje there, ' Its beam is kindled from above. Li. I chose not Ker, by soul's elect, lrom those wild seek their Maker's shfhis In gems am garlands richly decked, . i As if themselves Were things divine. ai tljr ivarnjs the breast, eaIi a broider'd veil ; Nop I leaven but . ! That beats benfeal And she. who coines irt "Uttering vest Tii mourn herViiilty, stalis frail. Not so the-faded frcmjl; prize, j And love because its bloom is gone ; The glory in thoie f sainted eyes ; , Is ali tlie grace ie r Hrowptits on. : j fXn J ne'er vyas beauty's! dawn so bright. ; So touching, a that: form's decay, -: ; Wuic!i: like the aftar'stremb : In holy lustre weirs awav. ht, MISC NKOUS. LETTP&-FROM TfHE ROX. AHl. ADAMS. 2U 181D. Dkr,Sir I t dfrss to the New- 'you "or yrair Ad- Jtjdford Auxiliarv Soci ety for the Suwrtlskiojr of Intemoerance. which , have readj rirli pleasure and edi ficMtioi. Itaboufc 5 a ingenuity and in-ilrm;ition4-ft .is efejiient and pathetic it is pious and virttiotis--it addresses it self to the understanding and! the heart. A dranftnrd is thfe most selfish being in liie uiii verse. He lias no seiise of nmriu .ty-jsliarii'B dt'dispradc.heiiNs no sense of dvii v, or symliathv : of- afiec ion with his faiher' or niptjier, his brother or sister, his hifiid'Qr neighbor, Jts wile iireytfeace' for his God; n ttuity iij this world or the1 br children : no sense of fu- pther all is swallowed up in the mad selfish joy of the Is it 'not humiliatinsr, that Mahometans and Hindoos should ; put t whoIeOiiristian world, : by tl examples of temperance ? . shame; the leir superior s it. not de- madinV' to ;EnffUshnien.. and Amerirrins ( f hat thgy are so infinhely exceeded by the French iniis' cardiiialirtue ? And is it h. -ot mortifying beyonxl all expression,1 that " we, Americans, shouhl exceed all other eifit millions of people on he. globe, as ;I ybriiy Relieve We do, in th s degrading, .beastlyyice.of Intefnperapck ; I am sir, , your o!)clientfriend and humble kervant. .Mn JOHN ADAMS. Wzit Willis, Esq. m NATT?kAL rillLOSOPIIY. . Wp yh'rday afiernoti witnessed a , Very ingenious and ihterestih? experiment m;vle ivy Mr, Perkins' of this city, ly w'licli the fact is completely demonstnt- i d tliat Vater is compfessibler and i also chst.ic, contrary to the. f hftherto received ta idea into 1000 equal parts and filled .Willi vyater, ;V piston, so ' fitted .as to be perfectly water tight wrfs introduced, and ' by means of a force ingeniously- applied, equal to the pressur of about .forty at mospheres, the column of water within was reduced in height by thirty j,arts. out of the thpusand, or 3 per cent. The ut- : . Jpost degree of compression hitlierto asrpr- tameil, .we believe to be ahoutthe thirtieth , ;partfpne thousandor thd third part of i one per cen,t. ; .; ; t -it M. if. expects so to improve and per- fprt ti .no .fj.i.,mU3 us ,iu uc auie 10 appiy d pressure equal to that of 100 al--mospheres VtheVes bfhich, should he succeed, of which wMiavelitlle doubt, we . shTiU be curious to know, a id prompt to announce to the public. ; - ;-: ? Phila. Union. l FfV Uaire (Keene ) Centi f i . ; nelyof April 3. Wivej-ecently fieed several 1 , of the proved saddles, minufactory of Mesry w bm tir a . m it. at he I Brewer, in this town: thJ iixer and former of J Whom US the invenlK i , do wot hjesttate to syjcak !f in ;rmfr pf unqualified approhiti , u,uUiC i ! , -Ml t ; oimiohvof plnjosojihers upon' that.,iub ;jecti The experiment, was made with a hollow brasscvlinder 5 inchps in 3 tree ;-the wob4 composing th'e front ana rear nart ot the aarldle-tree is connected bia pla"te or rib, of Steele of about three feet (its-, original length,) but so folded as tO afford 4 springs combined in one, on j?ach side, which supply thv place occupied by wooden side-bars in the common7 saddle. The step of the h irse gently depresses the center of the j saddle, and the action of the spring agnn restores ltj so that the rider is free from that violent agitation, which in a hard (trotting horse i pe culiarly painftf. Soadvantageou are these saddleilin this respect, ths t an invalid may ride them "with as much ease as sitting on a couch. They are j not liable to break by the roling of the horse upon the ground, as the pressure upon the ex tremities only acts upon the.spnngs, hrbwine up th center ; they are much, easier to the horsb, and Cer the one tainly, not so liable to injure back ; an advantage which every Ml I vvui Know now to appreciate lias ever experienced that provo xrho kiner amiction, a galled jade, upon a long journey.- ! VVc have no doubt, when the su- periority of these saddles are "ully J i T . . . .. v.jr known by the jbulk, that a liberal sale of them will reward the skil and his enterpnze oi the inventor and partner, w the New- York Gazetlei Letter to Dr. Samuels. Mjtchill, on the Uil of Pumpkin Seeds, hy'C. S. Rafi- nesquo. . 4 - .; . . ,; , . : NEW-YORK, 20th FEB. 1819. While 1 was at jjarxnony, on-the banks ot tne VVabasti, in the state of Indiana 4ast summer, I was told by the industrious German Society df ..the Harmonists, that instead ot thrown! away or giving to the pigs the seeds of tlieir pumpkins J as is usuany uonei alt Over the country, tiibv It 1 11 '! . .'. collected tKeni a-'nd If . m if . made an oil fion'j tfiem, which .t hey Use for all the purposes oi lamp -'oil anil olive oil. It s wrll kflown that ad-thkdifiereiit speciek and Varieties ot pumpkins Venus,CucurbHn: - ! . - u, . . . ,.. 7 ot Linnaeus; attorc an gil, which hafe val uable meciica properties, possessiijg . in tbe highest degree the refrigereiit' iuali- f v : but I hat never uttu u ueiore pi its I I i r ! f . being made on a large scaie. ana lor eco- liomical uses. It will, be sufficient to mention thik fort to some of our eiilightened farmeik to induce tnem. to imitate tl.e worthy Har monists, and i recommend lngiilM the practice, as likeH tq become emin ibnllv r - : benehcial. 1 he pumpkin . seeds Ifford their oil willr the greatest facility a id a bundance. . One' ballon of seedsVi II about half a gallon of oil. They may be Ifrssseeu iiKe rape seed and flax eed. I heir oil is clear, limpid, pale, sceiMess, and when used (oi sallad instead of im.P oil, has merely . faint insipid'tastt : it burns well, and vithout smokn; rth advantages emil Id it to' our aifpntlAn an indigenous production of first necessity. Pumpkins grow a! over the United States' ti. I ..! -:J - . ! . . i . J: ii muiue to Louisiana, and w t sniM,! Jpxunanct? asf to produce srmetimes as " B. 1 ' . .... mucn as DU,UUO lbs. weight of fruits1, and about 2000 lbs. weight lit SPPfls in Ana k Cre of Indian corn, with nut IniiiT-I L.kJ Jl I in, ' ; J-f ii tiiiuui iiiiiiiiiiir iup oi coin, i i iiose 000 lbs. of seeds! might produce about 200. gallons If oil.! worth about 00 dollars. I -calculate that j" could well stagger under ; his coim about two million rf t;i11 i , . . r 5U..VI,;, , auiiu oil:, .. .-; given to,,f a?a pigs, -ihis is lvorlj saving & in addition to thp hrri f'm"r .uiiinyuio ine Dreaa. s!nnns ' rticlio J fr.A 'jT. i it i ... ? i".-5 Huoraeuuv umD' v f..lu1iittcapmu auu-wnoRsome uome-maae yegeiabie oil lor amrk Mnri vUU. . J - . w. rT lJV CURE FOR A CO NSUMPTlON OF THE LUNGS. ti .f i . -r.i t V - .' - - - a x uc mcuicai warm nas Deen verv acreeablvsumriz dbv an nirr,Mir, nf . .. - : , r if J - "v."fl" v" auiAi tApviiisuqms inaue witn the Vapor of boiling tar, in the cufe of i . i ' ' . r i' i. .. - t pulmonary consumDtion. bv Dr Crichton." ThisJ traa must of ne cessity excite the attention of the ubhc iii n jcommon degree. From he many failures ad disappoint ments which tended th e H.halation of difTrrent gasses, or rodified.airsand par tjicularly from, it should seemy the total failurejol the plans d op ted by the late Dr. BeJdoes at Br stol, tie faculty Have, fir some time bast, been torpicL or slumbering over tfieir hopdels patients in phthisic pulmo.ialis, j content, jwith merely smoothing their i!r1a.J.n -. u II f - - - ; uwi jlT T V uavcuct i etui 115 , but the facts j detailed in this public ation, cannot fail to arouse theii en. efgies and. waken their attention. Dr. Cricnton's ifirst natients Urp exposed to the vlipbr of tar in a c- ' Went tO fietf. Wlirrnnt inv nthx U, . ' I- i i Y"T7. WO' ftive than of taViog'a ralk. iln the place where the tar was boiled in larire nnnntities. he found to his " I , . : . I great surprize, mat aithougn tne va por affected the eyes painfully, yet he breathed with perfect ease, in a kind of magazine adjoining to this, where the vapor and odor of boil .ng tar were weaker, yet strong, the eyes were not affected ; and it immedis te ly struck him that thi3 artificial at mosphere might, be of use to. a con sumptive patient, whom he despair ed of curing. The proprietor J of the cable manufactory immediately consented to the-trial beinc: made", and many patients were materially benefited thereby. Experiments we re 'afterwards made by the physi cians, of the hospilal, M essrs. Bluhm and Koss, who say that they found u the easiest an"d best way of mak ing the tar fumigation, (pix liquid a,) ,is to put tar in any earthern' vessel, over a lamp or heated iron, to ; cause a slow volatilization, until the air of the ward. be sufficiently impregnat ed with it: I his process is reneat- t . 1 ...! ea tnrefror jour times a day.- 1 he wonderful celerity with which she is mov result of f htir observations is, ' Tjhat ! ed tlirough the water., On Monday last the tar fumigation produces a very atrial was mde of her speed, and. al-qu-ick and salutary effect on the though there! was at no time more than cough, expectoration and respj'ra- an incli:of steam' upon., her, and for the tion ; that f the sleep becomes niore greatest part not half an inch, with a strong tranquil and continued; anil restora- w,nd tide ahead, she went within a mile tive, and that the patient regains strenght." They also remark, thai in th h.mnnlnfti,;. mlu ;UarJT " - " that she is calculated to hear tvventvr inch sweaty are general y more profuse ; cs of steain? nd that her machinery is en & that thty sensiblv decrease: in the tirely new. ti must be evident that she foUJsc ofajeways. Patieiits vjho, will, with easl, pass any of the steam-boats' betpre entering the tar , vapor, 7 kc pt upon our rivfers. Her cabin is finished their beds const ntly, soon regaiht-d in an elegantUyJe, and it is fitted up in sufficient strength to raise from the most tasty manner. There are thirty them, and walk about the ward the ; two births, all of which are. state rooms. vvh le day. Alii who submitterJ; to The'cabin for ladies lis entirely distinct the 'tar funiig itiou have becoime--frolnatint?n,ed for gentlemen, rand, is, conva)es9enr; but it is too eariyet:' admrab!y4caculated'to afford that per l to amim that any are vet comnke. ly cured," Dr. C rich ton obser kt that it is evident, fronthe nrec ed- ing cases,thatttr fumigation, thoLgh completely successlul in I some of .1 j ' L - i . . . ' hi mem, uia not produce tne sr me bed effect in all : but, on the oi and, the very great relief which her ev- t TV r.31fnt fim&rerrtr if fire f.l TV .Particularly n the Usmi tmtn.ri of ! . ' : I i .... . ' t in i coueh, expectoration, and hec ted fp- ver, is a tact which ought to enconr- age u to multiply the- "trials of this remedy as tar as po&sible Month. Mak ANECDOTE-FACT .A veiy fTl nteel, impudent id ok- ing young man was seen church in time 0f service to en a he naus- cu ai ine entrance tne co.iprci ga- cion stared be advanced a steps, ?nd dchberateW -surveying whole assembly, commenced a s tw th- march upthe broad aisle noi a pew was opened the audience were !fo. ousy for civility -lie wheeled, in m the same rhann-.r performed ...... oicjjuuig, as ii to Kosiin Uas tie, or the cl; atl .1 t i . ' march in aiil, disappeared.' A few moments ter ht.r rrl with a hu.e bl uPon his should -r, as heavy as nw'noveaoie acrain the i . " . - l : in id hnlf rose i - .pi . thcir hands. At lefc ri led Li , ,l (-'"' llK Vld9ta me uiulk in tne Verv Center rf ftn. principal passage, and seated h; rrw self npon it. Then, for the first imuui was ieu : tverv pi-w door in the house was instantly ; liii l Hung open I But no th . .1 . : .'ii StrUnger vas a gentleman he came I hot there for . disturbancehe moved ,J,n-siiiuea not ; our preserved f he uimosi uecorum, until thf service ar concluded, whh he di iberJelv Miuumerea nis block, and to the .w oK uuic u oh i and re placed it wherejhe had und it. polite and attentive to strangers ! of O i ".i,iugmnSr ty in meiica Halt. Ftd. ReL EMPLOYMENT. th; Safe and rreiiernl ..0; - uimuvJl tj 1 1 1 s r snrrnw 10 nmnir..r . row is. a kind :of rust of the stil which every-new idea contributes in its passage to scour awav ; ff the putresence Of; stagnant life, and w.wuwuttu uv cicruise anri mn;A ' 'I tbs MINT. From official ocuments, transmitted IO I ,Otlorrp .-llirilllr tko laot . -...o, ....j; session,. it ap- jicars inai in total amount of gold, sil ver, and copper cinaseat : tlief riiiilioV ciiutru oiaies, 11 o.-n uie dat? of iti es- rhf l?lhd :-f the year 1817, was $ 14,183,768 3C 5 and thea- t o . -r i . . i.: - . : A 'an:' he ! mount of srbld coins made during the year lb!8; was $242,940; ofsilver. $ 1,070, W lift A nan . V: total amount added to the mer years, rxiakes the amount coined up to the first dy of the present" year 1 5, 549,456 064 - '. ; It further appears, that the " nett a 1 ..'I 'm " - mount crrargeable to the coinage of gold, silver, and copper, from-the-. commence ment of the Institution to Dec. 31, 1818, including the costs .of lots, . buildings, and machine;ry,J, was $ 514,046. IVcS. int. i - - THE FIRST 'f SAVANNAH" GONE TO SEA. i i . i NEW-YORK, MARCH '27. By an advertisement in this day s pa per, it will b? seen that the new Lnd ele-' gant Steam-hip Savannah is to leave cur harbor to-morrow. - Who would have had the Courage, twenty years ago, to haz ard the prediction, that, in the year 1819, a ship of SCO tons burthen would be built in the port ofj-N. York, to navigate the At lantic, propelled by steam ! Such, how ever, is the fact. With admirint? hun- dreds have we repeatedly viewed this pro ill CYT ori4 on oli?n linor ttritnoco 4 iUn 1 lue an(cnoring grounu aii-iaien lsiana rsct"rned J F!y-"ket wharf in one hour, &fifty minutes. When it is considered that , : .!V"J","irt""'"T" " ',sv-,u'w). Vailu oil tinarrl tinctfim rrorJ tiiJnJ 't ' , For beauty bft model, the Savannah has seldom been exceeded. She is com manded by i (paptain j Moses Rogers, tin experie hced (nginecrj and belongs to company or enterpnzing gentlemen in! Savannah, who have snared no (vnm. in rendering her an object wonthv of public admiration and public patronage. She.is -constructed as to be naviffaldd sailsj whenever tfie weather shall be such as to render the wheelsJn the least degree dangerous. T-: is' w This vessel is intended as a " Savannah and Liverpool Packet' and we: sincerely hope the liberal minded proprietors may be abundantly rewarded for their offers to facilitate the communication between Great iCritaiii and America. j t.. f ,:, - 1 By the If resident of the Uii- led , States. WhereAs, by an Act of Con press. passed on thd third day of iVlarih, 18l5jj enti tled " Ai Act ;o j provide fdi the as4 cej'tainmg anfl surveymg ot the boundary itues nxeu ovune lreaivwun tiiH i;rpk 4 f . I ; Indians and Ibr other purposes? the Pre sident of the United States is aiilliorised to cause! the! '-lands' a cnui red ii ilif"5i.-l Treaty to be offered lor sale when sur veyed : ) Therefore JT, James Monroe, President of the United States, ahd make knfrvn, tha do hereby declare iu saies lor uie dlSIJOSal 7'fiorilppahlvr in JniuV n certain lands in tne Jkiabama Te4itorv, shall be .(. ' ' held as follows : viz. At Cahaia. on t he 3d IMonday in iMarch next, ir the sale of -iowuaxjij numoereti " 12inr4nge3l8 19 20 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 n 19 .10 10 18 19 . 20 1 16 If 18 ; 20 At St. Step iens, on the second Monday April next, iw 11 ic adic OI ' To wnships"nupibered 5fJ7 IMS 19 20 in range 4 17 IS Ip 20 , f 3 2 17 18 17 1 A t Cahaba on the first Monday in IMay next, for the kle of m m - S- 1 ownship numbered ' J j 12 in ranges 9 0 7$9 16 11 73 9 10 11 5 I 10 & 11 except such lands as have been or mav be i 3- Ii ' reserved ny alv or the use of schools, or for other purposes, he lands shall be onered for sale; in regular numerica' order, commencing with the I lowest nnfnhpr of , II 5. - I . i 1 . . section, townsMu and rrino-i and r.t;r,o three weeks id no loWr; wven undpr my hand, at ; the city of . u ashiogton, the 24th of Kovem-.-. ber, 18,18, v.jj- ; : '. ; iy tiie I'resideht : - JOSIAill mi:igs, Commissioner jof the fJe'al. Land Office. 43lawtlstmy. 1 " BYTHE PRE5IDF?ThT UNITED STATV 1 i I ... I . "r. Xi3- - 7 . - - - . u. for the establishment of addhlfi - i 'I souri, the President of the Unit StotM U o,Vi,:.j . tr united rn "u"u . io direct tK public lands, ;which have been W Therefore, James MOXROe pesident of the United States herebyndeclare and make knC that public sales for the dispell f, Sreeably to law) of certain lands in the .territory; of Missouri,. Sha!l held .in Franklin,, m said! territory viz: - j -., r; . '. ;'. . vj On tKe first Monday ia January next fore the sale of -Townships No. 4f to -.r)2 inclusive &fract"l in rar,e 10 township 53 ) ak J - V .' 1 : 43 td.52& '; ; fract'l township -53 20 On tne nrst Mondavi; m d k -i r ' A'(.n "C uiAi, me aaic OI Townships . j : 55 jnclusive, .binges 24 & 43to50" . , : e ;67 . On the first Monday in May l' for the sale of J w Townships j J ., 5 1 to 54 inehislvp ?n , , . 51 53 to 50 i to 56 1U excepting the lands which have W "". "vi 'fscivcu dv law, lor the support of schools, and for other pur .poses. - ; -v ' ' I 1 Each Sale shall continue asloii a may be necessary to offer the laris u 'n l T an rto lonSelS the lands hail be offered in regular numerical order. Given under my hand, at the cttv . of Washington this 17th dry' of . . July, one thousand eight hun drcd and eighteen. 1 " JAMES MONROE. By the President : j '- ' , JOS1AII 31EIGS, Commissioner of the Genl Ofiice. 21 tmvfilo. GiraucL 4 Co. AYIXG taken the house latelv nrrn-i pied by Mrs. I luau. in Cravpn-:trrft for the purpose of carrying on the COX FECT10NAUY and Fit U IT business, have the honor to inform the inhabitant! of this place and its. vicinity, that they have and will constantly keep on hand, a genera ana extensive assortment of a! kinds 6 articles in their line, and among;, which are the following : 1 1 Almonds,soft sheU'diArichovics, r-:ii j. bwect Oil, . Spermaceti Candles Palm Nuts, Pacanes, 1 iSutmetrs Raisins' Cloves, Suar P kinds. Plumbs of all Moce. Porter in bottles, Spanish Sirar.s. Dry Citron y est India preserves Snufi Boxes, Sugar Toys, 1 Cologna Water, Ilock Candy, Playing Curds, . Sugar Candy of all Per fumes, " ttr t .j . ' . sorts in1 Shaving boap, Cordials, assorted, Fruits in brandy, Muscatel :Wine, Lime Juice, ! Claret Winer Pocketj Knives. Dolls, Tooth Urushes, Pocket-qoolvs, Cheese, . j Chev.ing Tobacco, Uhves, . &c. 6?c. I-! They will Iieen a constant sudpJv p fresh rAKES of aR deserintions. Also i vioii ana l a:iKu;s ad i:. Countryj merchants are espcctfu!Iy in formed that diey 'may at all times suj-j themselVeswith all kinds of Canfctionnrv and Fruits at the same nrice thev couh: h the Northern cities; A. & Co. facing d-etermined to sell as low as they can pes- smiy ailord- and warrant their articles as good as any in the United States. N. B. A. G. & Co. havp nn hand a handsome assortment of Jfi WE LLEP. V, some with Pearls and filagree also jrtM ana silver lWatches--the whole c( which they will sell low, wholesale or retail, j Newbern, Nov. 7,18 l'8i--ly34 or Stolen From the subseriher at S on the 23d December lastj a dark ches nut sorrel HORSR high, ith a blaze in his face,! botlr hlr.d w mf e, na$ had his mane cut some ; time past, which shews roached a little on the left side his shoes were lately taken off, and the nail holes remain. : A reward of TEN DOLLARS ami all reasonable expences, will be j aid to any person who will apprehend and de liver hint to ;Mr; Joseph BellJ Newbera, Mr. Asi i Smith, head of White- Oti-, Onslow county, or to Doctor Vlxc::.m.:S Trent BrioVe. j; 44 : ABRAHAM ADAMS. -Bath, Beaufort county, Jan.' ;, A or s ; f ' - 1 V'i M ' !( si