' ' ' .' - !-:' - ' ": " ' . ' i I .;.!' : . 1. " . : ,11 c s of V rv,V. h in ;..a;ld lc i,,rton, fro ;UX,MAY l? is Tl;2 Riiht Reverend RictiARb CiianI D. D.u;iMijnof the Dioi and .Xi;r::i-Cardlina, ar-J evcrtlfK-! rich ;nace4 we um ;2 vi!l pricccjl to ; Greenville, t Tlir Le isln alivre:rulatinr,; .'-.eater .or uess.r pi filie n v ic.!on Wednesday re tsi:rf mohmig. f r Wash- erstand, nonce to .veil ? tb a'krce specially r ate oi ;terest, an a'it ii jnaue :ood and valid Rid? b;i. Vaa Hi to-1 ?5.-4 : it is stated. tint cloth for tv thi? other first, of there as a j i'.ilu' i Mages li.iJ for 1 1 'that r blue Jamaica 1,!. i :141 df f, iic'n-.ci1.' lv persons from St. Tjhomas s transported. It was ba the ship was American, thak frojn brazils, and that th fc-ea muruereci-Dy inn , ;,;iV.pr it v.; r -,v:i that v last Of.!: id I. ii-XlS I i oil's of Ax , Airal hi.sCoaiaivH.H ;i.f euced 1 fl'?reiVoni (Canton,! vi-, in the nvoMlected - moor ipio - lard Tva of died '2 years old ir; about If. el. wA'tif? ure of I lUncH?. have passed the rate of iateri rizinz Uje coatrac st at six insf par- pon any i such a- harles- ton was owoted rr Ml. i the Nev.:-Vork o cp.it.;, one hi; manufactured N'orks'iire, has been bresint to the President of thp I'iils cloth seib in n sierliii!ra vard. Courarit of the 1 large ship having . .ii. i I ' T.,,.L-; oil pai;i?ea on .nsr stem, ,ryr. Br,m sbar .'elephant's teeth an run into a bay in ilie Uail- Joiin s the carfro was privateers. Iatie1 -liavin retired, fronh , i tt i - i op ii e ijarnauoes ce e p e v u m i ra i A shfp ck ff ab Earthquake Jamaica on the 12th V"I D' p N C K , ( " . I . ) : A P R I k 17- csjiitrv thrde datives of MadhMs M out raa taken po:es;oh of by y.nnt. i:ortqr, in me m'jaw rJsic-, pr 3rp rdnncr 1V i op:L according to their 1 ! . J I i -.t. !y v.5ijcturing the skin and jnfrodu- cinir a dark flinu npjearance. sie youtus, v?;;f, Isav in 'f??1 ti the cditws t';p. Uahardk Territory, Mar tor -w t IS nri1 hh'ajy of ' fr-!i'jthi:ij? rt'iisacola Oav i Poasacola y McrciantiirJ H-:uiito t; v.i)rt!i.ssf ii;ni:u-ds 1 i.'as hot bee or l? miles and b a, jw'xicli has a They appear to be Ivi:: raii lor hov that s'm was tv. Jtvasiaken up in tlie Hoi be just should von think Lnor Vn iU belorrfthe close cl the session, an unde-. The increasing produce of Manilla, par' went a short discussion, but .wasJlairl n.UiiInrlu iuU;. - side w.thout being acted upon, probably! my opinion better prospect for sprcula pwintoawant of sufficient time; From tionia this article, than an v nort of InnMn pazette. ck and Py Mr. received Mener4l wjth a crew a1 pnae st ati oil, Cam- was exh ?.n Town send. l;a brou' t rSea, whic,', it will b fof the United States tor tin yoimj nnblv, and the other j r m?n, unwia ns oi a colour- cus- thevare A-nen as; ton sii-iM, we irusi mey singular pnoifen- can cit udoptcd into the great ty. a few (lays Lin ess and hospita rdtriot. rcd:iclirde, no doubt. dv tlie news dal We. think ever, for it's litera ut the ivat&r is mil a fine harbor fori i lortant. vessels, for the tilled to supply tie North already ecause it ill be a great deppt i do estern cdnntry. 1 eople are le dew acouisilion: b I Know no other inducement f-Tthe Ian vekceptinj small s hnd does tut bcloncr jots) is to the ut to tW Indians whose title than $ Int. i exttinrruished further from It asefted quaiatcd vii ! the Climate and ca ilie soil in the f b.o to pro Hied vor?Rn andsro onsuniptiol of ti Slates, fi It is a fact, that rviic'i revolution1 Pensacola. Nyt 7V a cetitleman wU. ac pacity of erritory proper cultivation, iild be siui?ciem quaiuuy ui to snnulv thff whole i;4idas, that that a eb. arrivoijl to this 1 ; he receptioirit met with, however, there is but litttle reason to doubt tha i a lare rnajority were decidely in its favor. This is a measure which, should it become p. law, will have a n inii porlant ir tluence upon the future prosperity of on new states. In the improvement and cultiva tion of our wild land?, much depends, in cur opinion, on the encouraemeii t civen to the middle (but most valuable) class of society:: and. it affords irmuch g Lat:flca tion tq notice Ithat Conjrress appdar dis posed to leiki. their assistance, bv1 adopt ing those measures tliat, in effe :t, will have a'tedency toive a check tcj exten sive speculations, while at the same time it wiil be to" the interest of thdje who make purchases with aj view to the real settlement and cultivation of the soii. . e most sincereW hope thnt'this siib- lect will not rest unnoticed hereafter, be- - - i - i i ;: ' The qualitity ij not, I believe, exceeded bylany manufactured this side the Cape of pood H ope, a!nd - for ensuing years may safely e cakpiated in being had at 7 dollars -the picul jof 14 'lbsi l English, at the highest, i Nine American ships have taken entire cargoes during the last six months; and the average price li3s "been G 1-2 since jny residenoe here ; tha? price has lluctuatd between 5 1-2 aud 0 1-2, and never ejeec-ded 7 1-4 dollars. Besides te vast Increase in the article of sugar, we shall be able in three yejirs (owing to a ate regulation of this goverir ment) 'to exfcort from 45 to 50,000 piculs. of cbfJee, w iic!i is called by good judges superior to t iat fexported from the Island of Java. ' T -,;. ' 'v".'1" '' ' ." '-"' y- The Indigo of Manilla is likewise im proviug ; 4 hft manufacturers appear to be auare ot use oau cbaracter; .this article !, wwerrrrfSTKR, (pexn.)1 APRIL 21. Mast MdancholIt.-r-Qix Wednesday afternoon the 14tli inst,a3 Cenjamln Hib berd, of illistown Township, was burn ing cornstalks in his ffeld, the fire caught his clothes and burnt himlinlso dreadful a manner that he expired belpre he could betaken to his house. was 79 years of asre ; a very His deathand the martj circttmsianceattendinfr it, I he deceased resectable melancholly sloom over the whi'te neiglibourhootl, for liacord. he wis well beloved. have spread a" 3L il 4 FOR SALK, j ii ; LfGHT NEAT CARRLVGK. oT, moderate terms. Enquire of alio May lit. 1S19.-3 :'. : ' PHlNTEit lievin, asnveilo, thaj tne present situa-.;, sustains inEurope and America,antl they tion of affairs as res iccts extensive cred-i seem detentuned, if possible, to. re-es'tab-it, which hs alreadj; amounted to no less lish its old charactj, by payin it more man seven or eigni umunons ot -aoliars, attention than thev and is rapkHy inceasingv requires a years. Thje export of the cotton of tins radical change. Saturday iii i t ting in this cit have' done of late cornmanuer o Atalanta. ' , Duiina the i course law wj ISlO,theschr her return "voyage, by the above si . t i.war; tnen in Gleopatra, an from" early in t S and 9 o'cloc i Island is likewise rapidly increasing, and I when well known in;Europe, will, 1 have kew-york, APRit iy. no doubt, be considered equal to the Sea vn important tfetision was miade, on island. - v I le Supreme Court. i)ow sit- . Another consideration peculiar to t ! ; ' it i: us in tlie-caseof Captain I'er- Island is. that Doubloons are ahvavs rnr .ivcu, ui i)UMu i,aiiu vjj;n;tt i nn:h.L'v, iaie rent at SLO ana tne amies ot import ve tlie , pritish sJoxp of ' war rv triilin . i i - r roma jong residence at this place, 1 Ui ifofi ivjary was lauen in witn on ; the only American established here, ltrttst existence of the non-inter- and from tlie habitual acquaintance with tn Ureat hrjtain u iIav, the niode oOtrade. m addition to rav belli" .i .i , i . ''-I'- ...... s. company with tlie u aner mi oi ie aftenioon pop of my cl iiihs tb the patronage of mv ccun- frtgate trymen arc not exceeded bv those f ti rv v?tinate chase resident here : nd , should my friends until between think proper" to alldw those claims,1 1 halve k in the everting, the sloop only to offer them my bv.st exertions tor of war came sufficiently near to brins the their interest.' . I remain res nectfull v. M. too : and alter her sails wereH down, vour obedient servant. and foresail with a light, ( ; AND'W STEUART.I she was run a midships by the i ? very snort : saved a except the jib: hoisted, sToop of . ar, (and sunk in time after; the captain and crew themselves on She had on boi Considerable secie ; owned by captain by the namqof Ratcliffdeli.berately shotliis board the sloop - oif war.: .tliority,.thaj not long since, in the county Lard a .valua We cargo, and ot: Clarke,-iiV this Teritory, a young m in Percival, who ATROCIOItS MKRDEH ! We are jriformed.by unquestionable au- hnd n ot time on his return jt'p IiVngland, i' the suitof Ciipt. Pejrcival." The trial Commenced in Weils and for the defendant. will be prepared by ity n-:! on i n i nves brsday tiration I's, the aptain. Percival, lor .29,73'4 93 cefits,and costs.; morning, ar.d after a patient by an intellii ent jury for three da verdict Was rendered in favor of Cj en, Counsellors, were bail :!go, si t IM! Ttie manufidmrdf China Ware pr Por celain, eqital ih firmness tpthe French, has been comnioaced in this city. At the monthly meeting cf the Historical of the simples dated h 26. that we o: no ir. Mead, from even lb save ; father, which instantly caused his deaths Jiis papers or Wearing apparel. Ouring i The circurfistances of this 'most atro- our iaie war v. uu vireai uiiicuu, viupvini ' cious anu untortunaie anair are, we iin a ccorpmand ; derstand, a follow : This young nlan conclusion of (Ratcliff i nlvi-ir for some time followed peace, on his passim; through Xew-ork, ; lewd practices ;n the family, was detect as arrested at ; d on the dSv on which he wainsti:ated to perform he horrid deed, which she divulged' to her young man,4 excited by slraaie and re morse at having his conduct,, made known to his fathefi deliberately loaded his gun every of ie arrij 50 do .1 11 . . . I - i ra zum materials, were presemea iui Their forms, their cPmDOsision, th ' r 7 T 1 ., i: ', ing, their j enajmelling and gave universal jsatistaction Asrreeahlv to ti: proviirtn lately passed 4. to injiprove t f tU of this state," the siinr cf ( lothin-r ! appropriated fpr two years tjo the jilgricul 'irni tural soeicly.'-4f Nejv- Vork- bouht !; to b paid to such "spc.iety.-from the state trea- stir?. whenever thp membeirs certii'v that they have raised art equal sum to ded to it This fuiid of 1300 t .i . . . . i ". i bestowed in jremiun7S tor riculture and rbiinufactures. fiV. T. McrUd. ese rid I'MKr.c Kutlion Parted upwards 4cc anmiallf, th tin? island Vas vation. 11 ha-lsjof oil cial p'ooplJit m tci!,, v.ill spoil liich it haj cos tiiese articles oiiiv. fron rriiE r ? I lia-i been eicitell, in the minds of the peo j1'1'. bv a niotio in (' on -ires; ta allow any creclitf 11c i.a-ods. 11 . i iiis rnotr.i;i or ay reasonably bednticipa-zt tamNicholso . The frigate tl cles in t ie uiu- hat be to re the St. Uomincp aioye , 1 f t.L. .1.1 , ir y 01 Air. r.p warns; ca- of f0,000,000 lbj ofcof- pu"ii only a sumn unn ippropriated' t(iip culti- . then, once uxeiMn the ehterpri'zing and cbmmer ! repay the $5,000,000 us, in tn .ocie-article qmestic ecti n. r gi-aZ" t Vk ii nr the act culture lars is be be ad- to be aroinotinir ag- 20. William Teller Jof New-Jersey, but formerly pf-Hfilfmohn, in ihi 5tatj-, wbo has been confined in tlie inn sort of this city, for about 42 months oast, on a cliire of . . r .! ' : i ,i w 11 having said h;ivinr stolen Certain nubiicirecords troni the. secretary's; otnee, and alo for j counterfeited certain records" in t oiiice. haV been tried aud co:yicteat the late term of tl:e court of oyel; and termin- nr 5h ihis citv. land sentenced to Cbufine- inent in trie state prison, fori life. .-- , ii. PlIILIDELPIlIA, "ApRHJ The I United States squadron v Messina the 6th January lalt, cod of tct Franklin 7-1, Com. Stewart ;. riere !riu;ate, Capt. Artionouiin ; States frigate, Captain Crane ; E,ria Cantain , Uallard ; and Spirit bri2 Enq. KEiN'TrCKY KERAI1D. -Not a , little v tliat has been introduced Z pbject of whicli wias itot or, tlie sales of the Pub- rfnd tb'ii the price at (A dnll vr pet acre, af: r Oct. IS 20. i: ate.l ih the Sedate, and States was to sail for home production of davs;. The crews were ge interest thy. " It was uj continued very bad at ins. noss,T take th vo i such information respecjtm? tn sed tlutf budy by a very large ' majori- "of this port, as may be serviceable nderstooll that the and th reateh ed to s sinjr her inia most I fe lather: to tic up ter ; at which the loot his sister, iibus dastardly -manner the cause of the sis- young man instantly x Caustic' is received, arid shall appear in our next. r . -- . i PORT OF NEWBERN EN TEilED, Schrs. Diadamia, Wood; Dermuda : Millenium, Cl?.rk, do.; Triaj, M'-Kown, Philadelphia; Rapid,' ilaywood, do ; Hi- rar- L.o wrance,' AlexandrKi. f - ;.: : : ; CLEARED, " ; Schrs. Alary, Sh iw, St. Martins : Jarvis Brown & Co. Harding; St. Eustatius ; John Wallace, Jasper, rhiladelphia ; Sloops Edward,- Lawson7 Salem ; Aruo, Coquin,;. iNewbedford ; J uliU, llazzard, Alexandria , I t- ! PORT OF BEAUFORT. Entered Schr. Carolme, ulford, St. Eustatius. caro rum, suar and molasses. Cleared Brig Stranger., Stoddard, for Fair llaven ; Schr. Midas, Lockey, - Pursuant to the provi sion in the third section of the Act of As sembly passed at the last session, entitled " An Act to re-enact. and amend anl Act passed in the year 1813, entitled an Act ; to incorporate a Company to be called the CLUBFOOT & II ARlJoWfcl's CREEK CANAL COMPANY," the Commis sionets give notice; ..that more than three fourths of the whole number of Shares in the Stock of Said Company has been! sub- scribed, and that ix meeting of the scribe is called,? to be holden; at Couiit-House in Beaufort, June 'Apr! on the next. Jechonias Pigo, J runes Manney. James Davis, ) CominiseiGncrs. Isaac llellen, j WrniR. Bell, j' 30th,T819. lw5S ; PUBLIC SJJ.E. ; i ILL be sojd at the Court House inf Beaufort, Carteret County, oni the 2Sth day of May 119, as much of. the following property as will ay the tl-tea for the vear 1 81 7. on each niece --Vil : Description I Bywkomgiv- I Wherclo .of property en in cated. ' 33 Acres land, given in by Wm. Lewis (the location unkovvH 1 4S do. by l homas Lewis, ado. 140 do-, by John ritnian, do. 1 50 , do by Jacob'mjth, do; 14 do. by Ananias Sal ler, do. ;, 100 -do. by Alcrida Smith, on Nelson's bay 50 do. by Sani'I Smith, on Piney Point ' oO do by Abigail mith,on .elseii's bay 89 do. by JaniesSalter.location unknown 50 do. by Joseph Willis, on Fane) Point 350 do. by F-lix Uickson, Uunting Quarter 50xlo. by Asa Gilbert, Cape Lookout 125 do. by James Hamilton, Steep Point 50 do: by.Bichard Huff, . I iney IViut 58 do. by William Lewis, . North River p( do. by James Robeits, White Point iDO do by" Joseph Salter, Hunting Qua ter 50 do. by Henry Smith, jr. .: Long Lay 50 bo. by W jikius Smith, Berry's Bay 1 6 do, by Reuben Willis, Nelson's Bay 100 do. by John Willi., ' Piaev Point 1 00 do. by Ja mes Willis, Sty ron's C ret 1c 100 do. by Abby Wiliisj Hunting,Qoarter . 50 do. by John Banner, SBogue Sound 000 do. by b reeman bavis,, Davis Shore 50 do. by Solomon I, avis Jarrat's l.ky n S. Davis Davis' Sheio t s Bay. Straif:; r Stra:;t.: Core BauL1? Neivbem Prices Citrr CORRECTED WEEKLY. exclaimed, dam your soul, Fll dipatch you first,' raised the fatal piece,' (md log ed the contents in his lathers breast, when he made his escape. ' 2 liberate act ' of cold-blooded murder, has never, been presentedto 6ir view, ahq it is feared if he is not detected, his de termined purpose is to' assassinate his sister. He is now runnins atl 1; la I t:u. 9th pit. 12 ere vat sistins (iuer- Cnited sloop, Cap- u uiieu in abbut 2-- ners IK heal- pla'Tue uigiers aiid Tu- Cnmnimicuted for tne Fvdcral Gazette MANILLA, 12TI1 NOV. 1$1S. Having been appointed by our govern Critn coil. the suit, M-Donald, Sellers, came on to be tried dn Tuesday last, before; his honor Judge Murphey. It appeared in evidence, that lhe plaintiff and defendant were both pilots that the plantitf had been married abdut fourte en years, duripg) whicjh time hjs wife 1 ad fourl or live children- that the plaintiff and his wife ejoyed ,the usual domestic comforts., That tneplantiff -veni to Sa vannah, for the purpose of seeking a more lucrative employment that ijie irave Ins wife, at the time off ! his departure, wjiat money he had tliat he was. absent for threeor four months. That a short tiaie previous to the return of the plaintiff, jhe defendant had criminal conversation with his wife -that he had procured a licence, and was married by a respectable just ice of the peace the plaintiff's vvife that the hs since had a child by defendant. ; Ilie defendant set up, by way of de defence, that the plaintiff w?nt off a ad left his wife in jLlesitute silqation that shortly after his dep&rtare, 'a great part of his property was seized and sold under execution ; 'and that from her. destitute situation, she was measurably compeljed to pursue the course .that she did. j That it was thelntention ol tne plaintid not to return from Savannah. - The irregulari ties of the plaintiff Was also attempted to be sliewn. r The jpry gave k verdict of one thousand dollars. For ttie honor of society in this part of the world, actions of ; this kind sel dom' occur. And when we advert to the situation and standing of tlie parties in the Fioyi Flax Ginj dO Pine Wax y, Frenck Apple Peach AIEIiCIIANDIZj:..Jom d h i i Bacon lb. Beef Butter Bees- Brand do: do. Corn Meal Cotton' Coffee iii Cordage Holland Country Scantliner Plank Square Timber 1 Shingles, 22 inch Staves, W. O. hhd. do. j R. O. do. - ddn w. o.-bbi. Heading, W. O. hhd. LaTd;i ".! 'i- Alolasses Tarii1..!- "" Pitch 7 . ; r Rosin : '-:.."' i iji J - x 1'urpcntine do. Spirits Pork Rice SCiVtll R: U-il t 80 Rum do. do Salt, db. Jamaica American Alhim ,nne.:. Sugar, Loaf CO do Brown Tobacco 1 - 5 by Joh 1.40 do. by James Davis, 50 do. by Freeman Ellis 150 do. by Benjamin Fulfbrd North Bivjt 1 j do. by Uriah t ulford 75 do. by Labed Guthrey, 300do. by James Gillikin, .North liiver 50 do. by George Gillikin, : I jo. 150 do. by Uriah Gillikin, Tanner's creelc 100 do. by Jesse Gillikin, North River i 00 do. by William Gillikin, : ;0. I . 65 do. by Geortre Gillikin, jr. I)o. lOOtlo by John Lawratice, 44do. by Abigail Lawrance, 70 do. by Thomas Piner, uu. uy vcuij:i; i iiitri, I JO; pi) do. ay Joseph I'iner,. .Jarrdt & Biy oOtio by i homas Bussel, in. the .ou-id 125 do. by .amesjmpson. Tanner Beaufort Lots Nos. 26 & 27 by. "Woods.' -;; -.. ' -.; r 250do. Acres land byOwen StantRn, Core ( reck 119 do. by bra'm Simpson, North Iiv . 92 do. by James Willis , Willis! Cret 104do. by bp'er Willis, 'JnrratRs P;kr 25 do,, by Setb Willis: -avisj Sb re? 50 do. by Jedediah Vade, Ja rat's P.py uo.i'.y jonu riuur, livoun l iver 50 do. by Elijah Canaday, jr. 'Creek ' '. . l do.by Barth'w. Chadwick, Chadwiq?; Point - L.-j j : L ' Beaufort Lot No 62, by Richard I jj. Dru. 17 Acres by Wi'iiam Davis, North River lOOdo. by Jsse Davis, . Newport B.iver 45 do. by Thomas Evans, North luver 450 do. by Stephen" Fulford, : bo, 1; 5i) do.' by James Gabriel, Island Creek 03 do. by SamuelGuthrey, Power's Creek Beaufort Lot ho. 47 by Clarnssa I aikj?r 50 Acres bjr Calvin Hancock, Bell's Creek: 100 do. by I'tary Morse, , Core? Crcclc Beaufort Lot INo. 29, by JohnKi ack Do. Do. Do, Do. Do. Do. 3; Win.Ramscv. se r- Acres, by Kogcr Simpson, NortMBivtr 200 do. by Jacob IJentlial, Logue Soumt CWt. 4 nenei ussti I 56,. Clemans. vumly 9. 40, A nri -Sabista i 1-.- i ewport Do. I- -jHttira A worn FOR SALE, NEAT CARRIAGE and HAR NESS, which has been very little ; For particulars, enquire of Mr. ROBERT HAY. Newbern, 1st hlay, 1S19. 58tf. 43 do. bv Jiames Bell.sen'r. 1 J 1 1 1 ii 11 - -11 ft f.r 350 do. ny Jpsepn i. ieii, n 50 do. by Asa Bell. j 00 do- by James Bell, scn'r. Swamp : ; ! 520 do. by Cornelius Canaday, Newport 250 do. by Phillip Cully's heirs, j BogW Sound ' 1 ijuao. uy jpnn iennis, rsewpoH j; 73 do by Edward Dill, G lover skVer-kL 300 do. by James Elliot, Pettiford, Cn ez 50 do. by I homas Elliot, Neth :rcutsi . Creek ! 1 1 . 1 i: - I 134 do. by Elizabeth, - Berne P iur ao, ny iicieon:$ heirs, - .Newport: j 250 do. by William Herbert. Brcarj '( Veelc j 253 do. by Josjah Harris,1 Nqwport 75 do. by Leonard Mann, 1 La. Vo do by John OgJesby's heirs, HuIZ." ; Swamp I 100 do. by Thomas Olesby, Pogu;. ?ounut 150 do. by John Porter, N ashes Sw am!i NOTICE. - THE Subscriber was appointed, at the last March term of the Court of Pleas and present case, we give credit to the jury, Quarter Sessions, of Craven County, Ad- who; by thbir verdict, thus emphatically ministrator, de honis turn an the estate of declare their abhorrence of a crime that Lewis Bryan decd. All persons Laving declare their abhorrence disfigures I human down individuali '1 1 Li .1.' -.1 mont f nnsill ai IUIS 111 ami m nr bided to transact commissi e liberty to cd mmuo cate to ? trade ! to you, having busi- . ' It 1 1 nwr. O' llflttiwl nsfiire. thai weighs claims ayunist saiu csioic, mc ir" u with sorrow; and in- to present them, within the time limhed jures the social compact. W i. Rec. Tn this town, on Wednesday to, Mrs. Eftiier Dowdy. ! 50 do.by AVilliam Willis, Shepard'a Creek 300 do. by Jacob Henry, iCulowS Creek: Beaufort Lot No. 2, by the hefrsof Wacie Do. Do. 1, 'liy Jonathan Gooding 50 do. by John R. Jackscn, North River Beaufort Lot No. 6, Given in by AViiliaia i m v ' i' '..Mi i . j.Morse I ',',- . . 300 Acres by James Shackle ford, : ! River : j.. :.;-: .. j. - .... ' j TUG'S. MARSHALL, by law, or they will be barred recovery ; land diose indebted to the estate, are re Icuesied to make ii:meU:ate payment, i XCi M P,!IY AN 1 April 19th, 1819 3w. 57 t of Carteret Ct April 2t, isiy. tvaniea to rvrcnate. EVEN Shares State Bank Sicck-4- O Aiflvto I JNO. M. ROBERI rsewbern, April l (, ifiiyvw Nort ft . i ' i - , SkertjF ' - ! . . . 4 iij ii '1 . is ! I