v.t'dal of the popularity which Alex rtP icatwed in Paris at Ihe expense f bake of Wellington, whoreany, did fjr which f Alexander receivea tne !i; 'its of. the . French nation. ' Tftey; be 'jo set the" difference between a mon !i : 5?o:jir.I to obtain popularity, and a ?: W in t h 2 "opposite extreme, too proud ' , (v any thing to popular opinion; V,( r-rei of the French at their inability !'V i-cninr" to Bernadotte. ih the I ,V ?ttv real act of h ost ilitv towards ; sincere ; but, , say- they, England u ct ti;n, tor Sweden is a uui- C t;... encroachments of Russia.'' lTfE J- . . ' t .SERS, J tit V.: 24, 131 fJV FIR! !owa was ; alarmed by the cry of ; . . in t. Fortunately;.1 however, only a UU aebmsMu?use,t!ie property oi Mr. ;,Vi II. joae?, was consumed. i v r . The Secretary of War returned yester day to the Seat; of Government, frora his visit to his residence in iSouth Carolina. :lr'S XTft. : - Not. JriL i The sloop of war Hornet may he hour ly expected from Cadiz with dispatches, and probably the ratification of the Flor ida cession. ''.'.-. .'- '-j In a few days, the U. S. frigate ; Con3 stellatioii will probably sail on a cruixe. V. Y. Uaz. QUNTEltFEITEIiS. vo men, answeig iu me aescrm- Mr. tr,e persoti? "iiu escapea iroin v: !i ran!-, i as advertised in the. Ka- v. M:jr i-'v.-here they Had been comaiit ;ine for passing counterfeir mojiey, o-hvr iar kidnapping, left this port the on board the sehr.' John ;,n-, for PhiSadelphia:. Onfhii 2 1st, A. il vd'rsov of the ?ank of Xew . , I ('.? -t. !.tWAiri,left town in a b :t, .vitho hrids, iji-pur'suit ; and ickd in cviTtakfn and apprehend ( ' - ; ' S?.NTSH PATRIOTS. The British gtwrernraent u$ all along permitted its subjects to assist the Patriots by'inen, vvslsyand'arms. - From some cause or other, its policy is about lobe changed. The Attorney General brought in a bill making it a Wony in any subject fighting in the Patriot cause, detaining vessels with persons enuageti in foreign service, inflicting -a fine for each person so engaged found on board, and declaring it a misdemeanor to fit out, without liet'nse, armefl '.vessels to cruise AgHinstjauy pojver with whom his Ma Jcsty is not at war. Ministers say, this bill is to place the two parties on, the same footing ; that by the' 9th and 2Jth of Georjre 2nd, Ilritish -subjects cannot en list in the service of Spain, but may in the service of the colonies ag.unst Spain. But then it is asked, why was not this, done before ? VVhy at this time ? AVhv should G. B. oblige -Spain, at the vt iy moment w.hen she1 serves us by a cession of the Floridas ? Why not repeal the act s of 'George '2d,. and throw the field opeu to both parties ? h is been asked what is Great'-Britain to get by this measure Is it Cuba ? The ; British merchants en gaged in the South American trade, have come forward with a vehement remon strance against the proposed measure. ' , ' ; , Richmond Enq. Extract of a letter frorx a gentleman in . Empercr in the coarse of these three the Patriot Scrttce f to As Jrtend m l reinshe Russian power has been firni -tachmy 'dcetfd" 7 , f. s Some troops, (to the. number .of 400) which arrived here $'esterday Aill cross tne MUiue :o-morrow, ana rajsejfte stan- iidependence. Av hen lye whole nbied, they will be under t:e-im-command of Gen. Bernac! j j who is daily expected from Prucon Pilatjhli lfitXJ men. .' - - -:-' ' WeTiave just.re'eelvcd accounts froriV Gen. Mina ; and instead of hii having been beheaded, and his army destroyed, dard of are as sen mediate ly spread over northern Asia, the strejgKfs of tunng have beep passed, and a solid foot-hold acquired ia Ivortir America. ; A road OjVer land has Jjeen opened ffom St5 k Petersburiih to Kamschatk 1 and Russian .ships,16aded with American fur, annual ly sail from- the N. W. coast of A merica, double the Qape of Good l!o4e, traverse ,000 miles of sea. and land lheir car goesin the Gulf of Finland. And, while the public are amused with the project of a treaty for 'some islands in the Mediter ranean, the modem Alexander is occupied To. the Freemen of the County , , UJ t 1 UUCIt, , Ge'tlement, J - '. Yielding to the. request' of many of my Fellow-Citizens, rather than to any wish ofvmy-.own, I am a Candidate to represent won in the House of Cxmmou3 of the next General Assembly, v Too humble and C hope too lionest to be the instrument of any party, I con siuer it a peculiar happinesi "to be first presented to your cohsiderajtion, ata pe riod wieri parfy spirit has ceased to li. tract us, and when no other pledge is re- than that I liH haft Wn vnrrnrriifnutiAia rM -in- with a whemp xvirthtr ixf ' KJc 'e9t;am'M' rOUired bf the bublic servants" I possession of several important jiosts. 1 1 tion the acquisition of the Gulf and 1 which I offer you : :that if-elected, I will have iust conversed with tlW vflunjfpen -Peninsula of California.-and the Sbanish : my best endeavors to : promote. the in- tieman who brought the information, fie belonged to the detachment comma d.rd by Col. Aury, and was takerf prisoner i when that de4atchmentraet wih its mis ' fortune, and sent to Laboy ere where he Uaw an olncer of Mina's fa spy:V who travp him imp a hnvo 1 r rtniitirfciV- It is asserted by a gentleman, well ac quainted with the climyte and capacity ' of t.iS'il O'l DfliirU SHIU VSSfl, in VVailil-l "- ''"n m ,l iih iun, uini iiic ici 1 inn j - - f ' r';;;,i!it-i. CoiisUleiable counterfeit f lone, under proper cultivation, would be v'- was found upon them ; as also im-1 able to produce a sufficient quantity of cof- n s for counterfeiting, and a bottle iijee. and sugar to supply the whole con sumption of these articles in the u ijited States. It is a (act that before the'Freixli Revolution, St. Dominco alone (on the authority, of Mr. Edwards) exported up wards of 7b,000,0()C!bs. of coffee annual ly, though pnly a small part of the Island r?r recently confined in the gaol at that j was appropriated! to its cultivation, i lor- iua, men, once nxeu in ine nanus 01 onr enterprizing and commercial people, it fortis. Onejof them, who says nz? is William Jackson, is about . ve?.rsbf ae, & nearly '6 feet jn height. ; ne ui!!C! cans uioist'u jomi u. ina 1,1 11. and has-'been rr-cognized by a gen- iM'ifrom ra"borougb,-as the kidnap PRDrf GIBRALTAR, JffNE 23. " " The Fmperor of Austria being on a clauii.to the western coast of fvorth-A merica, iVc, , We learn this not from di plomatic correspondence, but from A mericin fur traders, who learnit from the Russian traders, now protected by the Emperor in carrying off our furs.. PORT OF NEWBERN. f v- ENTERED, v Schrs. Robert Lenox, rfarker. Bermu- r . ' . . . .. , . r - "f t-ntj. iiwiRn MemA, u.iirci. w.,aPi,jHu iiaviiigcomnHinicaieu da ; Cora, Moulton, Bermuda ; Louisa Sz rns earnest wish to see the American anrvlNpaLOcVacokp? FmM Mtnh TcWf FTkm CerIU"da 5 SI0PS AcUve' Skidmork New! : S I . co 74, Commodore teWjrt has oif thither- York ; Fhg of Truce, Darling Bridge- , the road leading With tw W inlpnt K cTnrra JTJ ?1 ' - . - tar less! make an exhibitioh ttmt will delight : and astonish his maiesty. .T'hif is a com- plirneu't to the American navy worth re- phia ceiving. Last year the Frencii Ambas- " sador Coufit Laval, Duke de Mont mo- . CLEARED, : Shr. David Ware, Hamilton, Philadel- j of the Gospel ?f Christ will attend in the renci came from Madrid expressly to see Notice. 4 ihe Washington, but missed hef." . ; jTT is the particular request of the , suh- " i JL scriber to' merchants and all others - new-York, JftY 1 3. who sell by retail or wholesale, not to By the brig Boxer, capt. Skjddy, from credit my wife without an order from j l.i ma. we learn, tha.t on the 16tfi Jan. the , SAM. S. PENDLETON. terests and happiness of my constituents.. i our Uh t. eiv t. - LUCAS BENNERS. Beard's Creek, July 14, 18 19- . , I . (rimrt iXfnntintrs ' . riTst ahrt'iit .V rtiiif Smith - fit ft-n ' leigh, near the stae road leading from Raleigh to Fayetieville. . , j V , 7 X v And one to commence the" t SEC. O ND of September at Rai u Im uv Meeti n g-' Ifouse, hi lireene county, aboqt 4 milei coui-se from Snow. Hill, on from Snow iiill to lNew- bern: - :'v . . ' ' ' :. 11 is nummy nopen tnat tne ministers July 20, 1819. 3t70 W arn credibly informed that a rmm- Spanish sou idron of two 36 em frigates. 3 sloops of war, 2 brigs and 20 tun-boats, arrived at that place and mooW din line For Rldkelll & Mobile, unii recepuon o uora 1 ociitane,- who TfiHK fine and substantial last sailing was daily expected. . On the 20th, the " I Schooner Sisters. Wilt positively Br. frigate Andromache sailed with fa san on the 30th. July. For Freight or convoyjr al,aiso ; and the Br. sloop Passage ap pi v to - ' of war Idossdm for luo, Janeiro, with spe-r : JOSEPH S. FOWLER, . cie. Cochran's squadron arrived the 20th ; 9wfio 'I f i eo. at o r. m. wnen me nringcommen-; ced.' At 6 the firing -Ceased, and Coch- ! - . . - . .. rane anctrored about 4 miles trom the m HE late firm of Simon Foscue fe forts. The Spaniards lost 5 killed, and f Co. has been dissolved" Kv mntnal several wounded the rapt, of the Lauta- ronspnt All nersnn indebted tn said ant to aopear at the next t ourt to be held ro und several -other . -officers ''severely firmV are TpmtVstpd tn 'rail on Mr Simon for Craven Count v, at the L su t-houe id spirit of theirioffice, and the laity in the spirit of prayer and devotion. : v j LEWIS SklDMORE. . It being udverthed in tfe Raleigh Starthit the. Camp-Meet. nz at R iinbwo . is to commence the V2th eoi the Editor of that paper mil please. c rre t the er- 12th. . ,' v'-' - ' L S. State ot-S (irth-i'ai-olina, CRAVEN COUNT.. : Court of Pleas and Quarter SessionSj ' JUNE TElbl, A D 18 19. ! John -V. Kent,- Origin 1 Attachment. James 5. :''" Ar-ce. F a 1 TIE late firm of Simon v. jveni,-y vs. - s Plulps. Y IT. appeari tig to the Court, that the de fendant in this cause is not an inbalii itant of this State, it is therefore ordered, that nublication'be made in the Caiolis a' Centinel lor.three mouths. -for thedetend brof cj :tereit"baiik bil-s have lately may resonably be anticipated, will soon hppinnr h circulation in I Wayne county, repny the $3,000,000 which it has j cost hviniiii calling himself fames' Holt-; a- usj in the production of these articles bhly. 1 . . t Hi IJMI ' iL' r." n 1 'v:i,;rij are oouar unison iue i ! -i -5rs Bank of Georgia ; 10 dollar do. ik 'of Aurrustak and 5 do on Br, tu' Ifank of Geortown, Oist. of Colum l'.:. !t hehoves the puhlic to be on their i t.. . Baton Rouge Gazette. P - rr-l 1 no GENERAL MINA AUVR, New-Orleans, June 5. We learn from a friend of ours lately returned from the province of Texas, the. .following circum- - stances relative to Gen Mina. Phe intel- Phihrdelphia papers contradict the ri:apnrp Wasohtained bv nnr friend from nor of the yellow lever having Cot;-0e of the two young men, the only survi- -rreedits rdvages .in tnai ciiy. . vors of the unfortunate Col: Perry's pmly , and who were pardoned oil condition that ! a letter' received in Boston, from, the$ WouiaVjoin in the army of Spain, Twrto.it is ascertained that. a datyof which they did, and were marched to 80rs. per nlquere, has been laid on all for- JMomerav, from which place he had just .eii.wi:-Ht, and 100 on Indian corn im- arrived. "While at Monteray in the month tN into Portugal after the 13th May of November last, he saw. and j conversed '; with one ofMlna's Lieutenants., then at 'that place as a spy. He was dressed like .. internal iiPiiovE3f ENT. a peasant, and sent by Mina to obtain an Mr. Fulton, an able practical Engineer, accurate kno.wled e of the situation of the' 'i?ri?ed in E-nnlarid, for rhe service of piace. He stated that afrer Mina a. -d Norii-ato!ina, by Pe ter Buoayne, Esq. perry separated, that' Mina went into the hv we are happy to learn Just arrived in interior where he succeeded in liking t ivf ;?.v. The board of p?tblic works will possession of several strong : and impor tirpre. be immediately enabled to pro- tant .sj utaVions that he still -,neld po-sses-siitethp important charge committed to 1 son 0r them was then about to take' a t;rra:e; and; from the talents vbich Diace caned Sacat -cas that Mina had t :ov have at command, the most useful .more' than '3.000 men, and arms-an! am- unition . in abundance -that he janed j grwund constantly, vahd. maintained his 1 he young man haa heen loss of the Pai riots not known. They captured a schi. about 3 miles frmi the naroor, manneii her-and sent per on a cruize to leew.: fd. March 2."th, at day i:ht,the Spanish sun boats attacked the Pah iot souadron :t'he- action lasted two hours, without material injury. The SfEoiiis Enquirer in the sub joined article, calls our attention to a sub ject of considerable interest, and to facts , wliich it is as well not to overlook. With respYct to the source of fresh information imparted in the conclusion of the articles i below, we confess . we are disposed . On the present occasion, to place some-" j what more reliance on " diplomatic cor ; V e-pondnce,"' than on the sage specula tions of Russian traders. We presume the Fmperor of Russia does net select his confidants from that class of people ; and that sve are more likely to b informed " of his wiews directr from oun ageiMs at Foscue, and settle their arcounts immedi ately; as no i idulgence can be given. July 14, 18 19.--3 w69 : Cordials For Sale ' WHOLESAfi4 RETAIL. , , rS"1HE Subscriber has on hand, (and A will constantly keep, jan assortment ornjrfTrt Annisseed, and Cinnamon, j I ICHABO!) WETMORE. Newbern, July 10, 18 19. 8t6S -.1. - 1 For Sale, A VALUABLE NEGRO MAN a first rate House Carpenter. En quire at tliis Office. btf St Petersburg venturers. 1 e than round abpnt th d)N. Pole through the agency ;of strgLing ad- ert'ieh s t .erelis nothini- im s:ble, nor yet Impioble, in the views ascribed !to the r.mperdr Alexan der, Who appears to be wiselyand weari lv adontm.or measures calculated to ag- ' grnndise the nation over which ' he pre sides. Rat, Int. FROM THE results mav he coofrdentlv exuected .'. " Star. positions. ST. LOUIS ENQtRERJ It appears that two Comets, are ow sent toMonterav bv Gen. Vm, to confer :m.-, :l - 1 : 1 ' : V -- .! .. . . - 1 -. 1 ... V,-h!f ih.mir liP-tiisn'-iPi-o rtnr in tht N. ..-:!. ... the other in the ,N. E. savs a writer in ancj faciiitating his views there. He had vuhern naoer'. Bot'.i ma y be distinct- an pnonwrnpn'r' aiid- succeeded rin defeat- lv sTeabet.veen 2 and & A. M. T.us ingj a regiment, the commander of which Waiter must, hp 'n (rm'i t stnttTrirrT. l i -r4. 1.,.v. .iWl K'.c t-a.noi in. - : force, and stated that his loss was great. uehive various reports, f savs the Na- The Voung man ( Adams) made his es- 'nil Intelligencer,) by arrivals from cape froni Monteravv late ti in November f'braltar, tc. at divers ports, respecting ast jn company with two Spanish sol t le ratiiicuion bv Spain of the Treaty ; ,1; both of whom arnow inthenei-jh- f'-Ttno cession of the Floridas. One story borhood of Nachitoche.s,( and confirm J. that oitne 1 8th of May the Treaty was -tjie existence of Mina, and state thai gratified ; which is quite likely, as Mr. nearIy alfthe troops at Tooterav are sent J- vth. t!e bearer of iu ha I scarcely out against him. If it be true that Mina bea in Madrid Ion ; enough '-fir the King ( s stiU aHve and has been able to make. and maintain a position in the heart of Art ier report is, that it not only was not. jtjlc enemy's country, and even seems to b'Ufvnnld not be, ratified.'. This matter ( threaten Mexico itself, it is but 4 00 appa- A frtke to b beyond the prescience of : . . ' 1 . . r capiain or super-cargo and there-. f?re we shall believe it when we see it. f 1 p it our faith in no one's seconrl -sight. J?t!iird report, that at a give-i-dav the treaty :$ ratified, we apprehend, isles? to lie lelieved than either of the others ; S by a co nparison of dates, it appears fitful whether taur Minister hajthen eached Madrid. .- '-: la jood time, we shall have information ici itny beVeliei on, and it shall be ''va too-i readers. We h ive ver'v little of bing able withla te 1 or fiftee.i ' t" anno-ince the 'ati'i.'atioh i'. of .the .r-'ecty by the goverameat oi Spain. la. rent that' the people want to change their form of govern nentaivd cast 4ff the one under which they have Ion groaned. Nev er was there a more propitious moment tor effecting their purpose added to the e Hire independence of Chili, arid Bue nos Ayres, the liberation, of Pern, and Venezuela ; tire successful operations - of the Patriot arms in New-Grenada, I and the Bauda Oriental; thelSpanish govern ment, as every day m re clearly evinces, is bank rupt in national character as well as funds shoiild New-lexico and Texas u aite in the great cause, the c msummi ti'n vf the indepen 'e ice ofall America wiii be sooii and Ccrtuia. Progres s of he Russian Empire in . -! I . AMERICA. j T -'-t- .-k r Vki ot'ori fVt 1 ri nr ilia people of .the United States hae contem plafed withi-stonihment the 1 qgressvof the Russjah empire in Europe ind Asia ; they have, not thought of lookhg to.the west for the giant power alreadjmouning npon their own backs. E?cept Mr. Walsxi,' we do not know of fi Ameri can who has even spoke of tK Russian establishment on our continent; He has mentioned them in his sketch of the military; and political power of Russia !" where he says : . ' . - " Their establishments' exthcl from Kamschatka to the N W: coast of Ame rica that they have a fort minting .an hundred pieces of artillery si Nofolk Sound Isjtj north 57; that since! SI 3 theyi I have descended the coast past (he mouth: 1 of the Columbia five hundred riiles, and festa dished themselves at Bogota in 3Gd 3", ,and onlv -30 mUes from "th Spanish settlements in Calaforriia where! they are not only trading with great vantage, Imt are profiling by 1 fine cliate and fruitful soil to feed theu-' morej northern possessions." Page 157V. :. This encroachment upon thejmerican continent is not the transient eiect of tfie present gigantrc growth of ihi Russian empire; It js the result of system and of of great empire, n is the result 01 sys settlel policy followed by evfry man. and great woman who ha sat up- -.r, tt, Rmmn iUrnnt i : Peter the great 1 - - yp-n it. the ond followed Gun-Powder. QUANTITY of first quality of Ni jTjL tre Hail Gun-Powder constartly on hand, and for sale at very reduced pric by jpiIN SPENCE WEST. July 3. 6ytf .1 15 Tons PI aister Paris. For sale by ( JOS. S. FOWLER. July 3. 3tG7 Newbern, on the second Ahu.d.iy i V ep- tember next, and replevy or plead to issue : or judgment will be entered up against him. '; '. : j - ' - ' Attest. .Tmes G. Stanly. Cleik. rrtait 0. ... rth I'ai'ohn t, CRAVEN COUNTY, " Court of Pleas and Xuaiter SessionSi - ' .1 J r-rrvrr-rrrRivr-A.xrr 1 b i Ichabod Wetmore, j t V8' Orighial Attachm'f. William Mucklar. V IT appearing to the Court, that the d. fendant in this cinie is not an ir.L; -itant of this State, it is tlierefi.re oide;t d that publicatian be marie in ihe ( aioiii n Centinel for. three months, for the tit fait" -ant to appear at the next Cnrt f br t: d for CraVen Cctuoty, at the i oiTi-!;u.! i.i Newbern, on the second Monday in tember next, '& replevy or plead to issue: or judgment will be entered xjp against htm. . - , Attests James G. StanLy, Clerk. ! Neuhern Prices (Jurretit, CO It RE CfE D w;: K KLY. : Notice. 4 " f 1 1 HE Subscriber was duly qualified, JL at the last June Term of the Couft of Pleas and Quaker Sessions for Craven County, as Executor to the last will of William Shepard, deceased. " All per sons, having claims against said decyd, are requested to present them, properly authenticated, within the time limited by law, or they will be barred recovery. JOHN S. SHEPARD. fcewberrt. July 3, 1819. 4 to7 :' UP TON SMITH, ? Gun Smith, rESPECTFitrLLY informs the V rrtklf - tViar he now nn Vianl ' and will constantly keep, at his Shop n Craven Street, a quantity of the very best timber vyell seaspned; and that he continue to stock and repair Guns and Pistols, in the neatest ar?d best, manner, at j Kbsin MERCHANDIZE. From p. c. io Bacon -Beef Butler Bees Wax Brandy, French . do. J Apple 1 - do. I Peach Corn i Meal 1 Cotton Coffee Cordage Hour, Flax-Seed Gin, Holland do, Country Pine Scantling Plank . ; . T Square Timber Shingles, J2 inch Staves, V . O, hhd. I do. R . O. do. 1 do. V.'.O. bbl. Heading, W.O.hhd Larri M'blasses "iar : : I Pitch lb. none lb. gal. 10 IS 25 bushJ lb. bbl. none gal. M. 3 ' 3 TO 75 -50 . HO 1 12 30 12 7 7b the shortest notice, and on reasona ble t'rms. He solicits the patronage of his friends and the pjuhlic in enerL and pledges himselt to Use,, evry exer tion to give satisfaction 'io all' who mav honour hirti wi th their custom. .To those who hkv-e heretofore far bred him with the r' commands, he Lretitrns ws grateful acknowledg- ? Emore s Cathanie'ihe sec- mtnts. - : v -. r - I up 'Lis plan ;V the present - Ncwbsrn jMay 15, 1819. COtf. Turpentine do. Spirit! Pork' Kice . ' 1 1 uirtj Jamaica do. W. 1. do American Salt, Allutn do. Fine . Sugar, Loaf do Lun.p . d Brown TobuCCOj - 55 lb. gal. bbl. noi.e gat. bbl. cwt. bush. 10 10 20 1 25 10 25 U 30 SO1 50 T5 m - j.. 15 35 14 50 GO 75! 12 12, 24 2 10 t 28 10 "45l 90 12 50 1 1 18 s 4 50 50' 35 12' 3 a . 1 1 901 "57 . 70, 60 25. .'25! i'3 50 0 62 8 65 30 11