'if. V J i it v?r??tt-r,yxi Jt .-..-prs:! I' O E R Y. PITY. : How lovely in the arch of Heaven, I--;'-" Appears yo sinking orb of li0'bt, As darting thro' the clou I of even, "Yet bri-hterjjLuVersb h !-,r " That trickles otr misfortune's bier. 2. 'Sweet is4SemirmafoHhe gale, , , j (rn,:wiiUW.M through, the summer's - 'l . . . grave ; : i . Soft is the tone of friendship's tale, V And iiciWr still tiie voiccof love : Yvt softer Yt ; tha tears 'that flow, ( ,': To mojat . to soothe, another's wo? ! ;.-:-..".. . ':"!' - :- ) ; Richer than richest diadem, ! Jfhat glitters on the 'monarch's brow ; Purer than ocean's purest gem, I : : Oral! tint wealth or art can show Thi drop that sell- in Pity's eye," The pearl of sensibility ? ; " .- j j ' : ' ' : !'-' " Is there ti spark in .earthly moald U Fraught with one fay of iJeaveiily fire j? Pops mh one trait of virtue hold, ' . ! -TU:it even angels must admire? ' J iaf spark h Pity s ra i.nnt 3l"v glow: rs wo 1 T'aat trait, 1 he tear for outers Ir-Itt f d$e rmilosonhy dcrv f , 'The noblest ehnsofihe miner; Let wretched sophists in ul!y try ' j To prove a pleasure more reiined ' U They. only strive i:i vain ''to stj'ef ,--The ten Jerneis fchey ciinnot lecU. A ' : - -' y ' "' To Mrtk in nature's last rif cay, Without a friend to fuouni the fall To mark its embers die away, ' : Deul ui by none unweui bv all Tais-this is sorrow's ; '. - " . i deadliest curse, Nor hate, nor hell, ca i form a worse ! 7 1 e yenlthr 1 .know its paltry worth ; i ake teonor-it pass awa"3 I fake piHver-j scorn the bounded earth: TaUe pornp-s-its tiypjtii)us soon decay Jtar spare; me, gra.tt me, lit v s tear, Ti soothe my woe ami mourn my bieij wnNDK-RFuL WOMAN." . v -i . '.. . Fern i!e readers genciai'v, it, is fl'ipp.td, may bp amused with tli. fo. lowing i hir der of one of their sex from the lile of W. Mutton : k 15ut rli trr-atest wonder I s w. ,was;i JIEBE jilRouN. bhe wus 5 iett i 6 incheji hig , is alut thirty, we'll propoftionecl, ronncPrace, and ruddv ! ha5 a dark nrnecrathvr eve. whivill common dress is amans hat Sc.Cct, : With a" spent cr over (if, and m il's shoes. " As she is unmarried, I be- leive tshe is a stranger to the b? eech- eeb. She;;- ian'!-. lift one hundrfc d Weight in eH h hanil, :md cary four teen kcore ; 'can t;w; knit, wash, and spin,) out, nares uiem all ; and eviry ECCompiiMuneni or tne K inaie c . 1 ' ' . t I" 1 sctert i, modefsty excepttd, r grntle- rn -n bi the new hah has recently treated her ' rudtlv- She h.l, a good mind to have, knocked hXm down.! She assort-d me that she r ver knew "what fear was. She gives no affront, btu she offtirs tb figiit any man that! gives nicotic. If she has never Tpu'ghvVprhaps --. it; "i' cv. it.g to the msuher having beeni a C ward, tor the man ol courage ' ill 1 rr :-..- i woutu uisaam to otter a- msutt to a r .1 TIL 1 . . : leipaic. rne.)e naH .strong, sense, y an excellent jnugr me :it, sacs smart things, and "upports an easy frt-edom in all companies, Her voice is more thn' orasruliri ;- ''it 'is diep toned. With ftie winvl in her favor, she can1 send it a mil-,; "s'he Ins nei- lr beard norprornmenteot breast; she undertaKt s .anv kind ot manual labor, as holding a plough, driving a team, thatching a barn, usin the ft ail, &c. but her chief avpeati nj is breaking horses for which she char ges a gdinea a week eatby She (al ways rides witteut a saddle t-is th ught to be the best jadge of a horse 6- cow in the country, arid is fre quently employed to purchasefor others, at the neighboring fairs. SHe is fend of .Milton, Pope and Shakspear, aWo of music : iv sell caught, arid performs on several I in-" f truments, as the, flute violin and Jiarpsichord, and supports the iass vioin in Mallock Church. She is p marks . woman, and carries a gun on herjshoulder ' She eats no beef or pork, a)d little mutton. Her clref xoorfis milk, Adiich is alsohr drink ; discarding wine, ale, and spirits" - : ' ;.f;rLLrxNFSS. i A sullen vvise man isas tad a good natured fool. ; Knowledge, softened with rf I . V.; ' :j l:" : ' i" the m -nuni it fixes on xotvr . .face, ! ,urJ.y (2) Capt. Macey George sees Vour chaYactrr, .and that with lloe? James Murrell, Janies . lurci.ie, ; i jt r r . ,: i (2) -Joseph Ma res (2) Alexander Mc- p eciM; in. Her Scc f; (panlon the I- r ' , ;V1' o , y 1- - .1 ? , . Kown, 2i Sallv G. i-loore, Peter Mor- rirunii.) is more tn ti a man s, and v7 . At , 0x . ' r ., . can. Joiin 11. iVrr.son, jeuben 31 yi ick, (2 ) jmv;rf :-r?y mnesn dav.. TIer..v . rt n m.p ... Vu-rh'u ji T eompJncervcy and good breeding, will. rrjake a, man beloved .and respected ;but , when joined with a severe, distant, and unsociable temper, it creates rather fear than love. letters: REriAlNIXatN THE NEWBERN POST-OFFICE SOTH JUNE, 1819- ' Colonel W. K. Arraistead, (2) Captain 'Anderson, apt, JUilron An drews, Charles Andeiron, , Thomas Ar nold, Charles V. Arnold, Jaraes Ander son.' ! B. Nathan Bryan, (4) N. &.J. H. ny'rd,.(2) Rofus llunnell, (2) Brice Bat tle, Henry Brijrgsj Benjamin S. Brinson, Georgt? Hell, l.efTer Brown, Charles But ler, I Jeanor Benjamin, Spring Brooks, r'nscilla tiigo;s, (2) Solomon Broten, J. B. Blount, Christopher Bryant, M C. Borey, LTiza Baiiis, Ethel Blevin," Wm. Biackledge,jun Christopher'Bolte, Ilich ard Buck. J C Jordan . R. Cratch, (2) Elijah Cratch, Elizalfeth Cratch', Samuel Cook, (3 John Chesnutt, Jesse Collins, M. Caillard, Edward Cole, N. Chapman,, (2) George Cooper, C;-pt. Lemuel ('lark, Asa C rowel, Catharine Chapman, Eliza beth Carkhers, Joseph Caruthers. D.SeMen I. Delamar, (4 V. Davis, Francis Ifelamar, (2) Bichard Doskitt, John "1 & Vm AI. Dunn, iMary Dow dee, jSucker Dubherlyj(2) Miss M. Daw son, Jonathan Douglass. . , '- E.- BryVnt Edmonson, G.lJllison. F. Absalom Fulford, (2) Penelope Fleetwood. (2)Jeremrah Fonrville, (2) rin i-'ulford, Piiahe Fonville, Samuel Fulford, Richard Fonville, John Fon ville, Capt. i.ewis Friscue, John French, (r. Benjamin C. (Jood, Green, t John !. (iood, Bashby (iustus, Sarah Green, (2) i)lary. Grover, Hollon Green, Benjamin Gatlin James V. Given, Solo mon Grarlt, Adam Gaskins, Francis 4 GCSS. . IT. John'lfarris ' B. Ilinde, Webb Hfirt, Jr.mes Hamilton, Ldmund Hatch, (2) Jesse Howson, W bite D. Humphrey, John Hall, (3) Lis iae , Hazel, Cliarles Holland, Thomas IFubbard, . leuben Ilobbs, JNlary Howel, Arnett Hammon tsee, Jesse lieath, Catharine liurtt, Can iel'P. Hurtt. ! -.. ' .;-" : I.Jarries Jewell, Richard f. Johnston, James T Jones, Th)mas frvin,jun. (2 ) Roi-er Jones, Huh Jones. rr . v r.i i" s ' i A ' - ieni, 3 i isuip tvnowies. , L.- Harriet Lane, (2j Elizabeth Larje, Dan'l Lane. B.tLaihier..F!ias Lord: Susan Lewis, jGeortre ijawrence, (2.) -Harriet Ee i ort, I Lubeck- ? .-StrKe ; ttirctxfj mrrrronas McDonald, Richard liiles, .-h)hri Moore, jun. Jxhn jNlumford, i Joiin Ma vo, James Mackintosh. vis, -Philip Noles, Abner p(eal,,(2) 1 iMrs Neal, J o'sepTi Nelson, bar ah Nei son, Charles 1. Nelson.- (). Oweu C) wens, James Oliver. P. SallvTeaice, Nathan f arsons. ( 2 Joseph l earce, Jordan 1'helps, JN1. U, . Palmer, Isaac I ipkin, (2) Sr Feinberton, liiichael Polhird. : 1 1 Powers, xMary Perkins, Jacob ' R. James Robinson, S. Rue, Rachael Richard, G. :.5. Bains, (2). - S.- Uriah Sandy, (2) Thomas Shufe, Henry Shute, (2 ) Margaret Soyjdam, Rob ert 'Smith, Cant. Levin mih, Nancy Sitrlth,; R. Smith &.B. P. Brown, 1 harles ' Sabins, . Cpt; Maridaj Smiti?,!- Mis. L. Smith, (2) Leonora Sparrow, John -'lo", JujicuuiiM j)ouofr, sanies cawyer, e t...i... - ; i o iuaitin riepuenson T- iarv 1 hnri T. iary IF.omnson. Abraham Tav- lor, Mr. rl fiompson, iLvelina RrTomlin son, Henry 'Fhomas, John Templeton. v . Y m. U ilhams, C-rister orick. (2) Wm. White, Joseph Wicker, Sarah ,. ..v.,, W i 1 ! i a m s , N o m l a 1 1 i ! I i s , V n j .l A i c W a r e , Benajah ..v hue, in.tmias White, Husself Willis Marv Wavrnan. Richard Wins-- low, -2) Mrs. Elijah Willis, Levi West, James C. WitherinLdonV 3w63 T. WATSON, P. M. Philadelphia, May 28, 1819., j New-Jersey Naviga! iG?i Loi- By Authority of the State of New-Jersey, 7 ' passed February, 1819. TQ BE DRAWN AT CAMDEN, OPPOSITS THE CITY -OP PHILADELPHIA. S C H i; M K.; ptize of $ 20,0Q0 is 20,000 26,000 ; 20,000 1 15,000 ; 12,000 25,000 10,000 - - 8,000 6,000 r 4,400 "79,600. 10,000 5,000 - 3,000 - - . ' 2,000 - 1,000 - 500 - - "' 200 ; - .100 20 10 - co'io pnzes ; 16657 -blanhs. Net two blanks to a prizs. A 1 Wm. Kinney, V "FLOATING PRIZES. j prue of & l'a,000 is: -1,000 2' 10,000 2 S 15 - ' ,000 ' - ' 2,0C0 v - ,6,000 6,000 10,000 7,500 8,000 6,000 4J100 1,000 15 - 500 . - J 200 - - nIOO - 20 - --Mm .220 7960 .,79,600 STATIONARY PRIZES. The first drawn blank on the 1st day V 3,0oo 14th day tlo' 1000 1000 1000 1000 2000 2000 2000 x 3000 3000 5000 10,000 20,000 2 3 4 5 6 500 500 lf 500 .500 13 500 19 1000 20 1000 21 1000 22 1000 23 1000 24 1000. f 25 ( 9 10 11 i2 13 v 5000 j ; .. . . v VlTHOtJT DEDUCTION. . '. 25,000 Tickets at Ten Dollars. . i o cirnm at least three times a iceetz. pmjohh Ifjthout Deduction, sixty days af ter the drawing ts completed. . IjTERNiiL- NAviGATiothe object of the above.Scheme, mu?t beallowed by all, to be of the bighesi importance to these United routes and every considerate good citizen must feel himself, deeply: in terested orj. wery. intimation of under takings hayings -Internal improvement in view, beiu$ set on foot ; and he desirous of aiding acfoi din to his abilities, towards the promotion tnereot Under these imnressions. the : Comm s- -proviUe t r tnescenairing auu sur- sioners, in prtsenting the above Scheme veying of the boundaryiihes fixed to a -t)piirs!iinhlir f.f i - 'rnnfidpiirp of hi- rht trvatx with the Creek Indians. general and. universal support and encour- and ftr Other purposes,'' rthe Prs, si aeiijent,. but more particulaily so, ()tnt f the Unit(:d States is author- from their sister States, of Pennsylvania, New-York, Delaware and Maryland ; who, we maysately say, have, never ap- d in vaiu to their sister State of New- i ir ti in i in irii i in i iru .1.111 ..lci&c i- i.i. . r.. ' stances of all. The low price of Tickets will preclude very, few from an oppor- t unity of securiiii; to themselves an iride- .1 ! , liandsome rcmuneiation lor. the tulle ad-: vauctHlr . - ; I he many rich prizes it contains, with - the otliersj-uiU all be jiaid without Value- rw at the Cwmien Uank where lhe mo- I ti. v. i-j: lv J jor ih .'t Jol ti 1... posited imuidiaiely to the sole use of h'GA Lottery. Although there are 25 Capital Station ary prizes, amounting to f ,'67,500, one for each drawing; day, yet there re main afloat as many lare and valuable Prizes, amounting to the sum ot if'152, 500, as are generally to ,be met with; in a whple Scheaie, and the whole paVable without any deduction therefrom. xnd lor the accotiniodation pf the forturraie adventurers ii the Lottery, ho may wish to receive thdr money immediately, a prov ision w ill be made at said Bank for the yaymtnt . the I'rizts the icry ; day they are drumi, on aliovving the- custou; arv discountjas in 1 hiladtlphia, or New York, - " ' -. , ' T he Lotte' will be drawn at Camden, opposite the ijitv of Thiladelphia and tin Manager flattf is himself that such encour agement wilL I be j. iven by a generous public, as wil enable him in the course of a very few w,eks, to ar.nouncein tin? papers-, of the everal States, tlie day the di awing wiil :omrne.:ce. Contractou will be allowed a liberal discount. v JOSI A HjHARUISON, Manager. J.amden, i May 26, IS lg 'cir s. q. c. kL.MEa, v n . . . lucit Cominissioners JOSHUA BRICIl ,lm . I T appointed by. -T larujr- the Legislature. EL! AS P. SKEL The sale o 1 . Tfckets' in tlie foregoing ected to be unusually brisk. Scheme is ex It vvifl therefc e be the interest of the ad venturers to fiake eajrly , application, as Tickets will e soon, raised in price. WHOLE TICK TS, TBN. DOLLARS HALF TICKETS, 'Klvjt DOLLARS- QUARTER TICK ETS, TWO DOlAXS AND FIFTY CENTS - All letters to pie must be post paid, and shall be answtred bv return of mail. iliLLS H. HUGHF.S. jNo. 31, CHURCH -LLET. Eavesriiiters Pipes, THE Sul-criber informs his friends and the public, that he has 'opened Shop in Midd ?-strHt, a few doors South Of the Episcopal; Church, where Laves Gutters and I pes, as well aa every otlrer article in thd TINNING line, will be male and mmded, at a short notice, and. on reasonable terms. . - 4 Cash dr err for OLD PEWTER. Binjamin Cshurchill. May 22.-iltf ' . 7 i . i " - . . . POR SJLt, AT-THIS OFFICE, ARROWSMITH'S MAP OF THE WORLD. Jersey ; but on the contrary, have been, & 1 here tore, 1, J amis ii kvv ever uili be. eerouiy supported by her, Pre.sidei t of the L'nnrd btates, rto in the like and other improvements: hereby declare arid make known, As to the Scheme,! the Commissioners that public sales for the disposal (a have endeavoured to suit if to the. cirouni- grelablv to law) of certain lVtnds in TRRASU-YnEFARTPrlENT. Tv." .SECOND COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, . 3IARCH 25ti:,: 119- S AVhereas, by an act cntitiec! " An act regulating the-paymnts to invali(I"pensioners," passed oriihe 3d of the present month, an Affidavit tf two surgeons or physicians, as to the continuance and rate of disability 61 the several applicants must accompa ny their respective applications for, the fi st payment which shall fail oue afteV the 4th ot March f, and at the end of every two years there after : And whereas some misun derstanding may arise &a to the time, when the atiovementioned act shall go into operatioii : i : "y-- This is to notify all whom it may concern, that, by the construction given to the said act by the Second Comptroller oF the. Treasury, the he fore mentioned affidavits (agreeably to the form! published by- the , hon the Secretary ot War, under date of 23d inst.) will be required to accom- nanv-thv tionli r!inn! trtr nil nfsinn5 ;n: Scptemb next. , RICH ARD t UTTS I 3ec nd ComptroUer. AplO- 55tjSept. , .- ' ' .- ' : 'j ' 1 . ''' ' - B V Pi E PU hSIU LN, 1 UP 1 11 E 1 UN I ,k ED 15 1'A TKS. I ERE AS, by an "act of Con gross, assed on the 3d of 1815, entitled An act to jst(j Q cause the land acquired, by trie sajci treaty to be offered for sale, writn stirveve'd. 1 I " : . ; ... - n-1 ( 1 . : ni..4V.M the ten iiorv of Alabama, shall be held at Huntsville, in said ten itory, . a3 follows : ' VOn the first Monday in July next, r i j.v ...... o in i'u u.eic .uo.j . w - ', - 12, & 14, in rangp;! lU west iu, n, u, i ".' ' east 9, 11, 12 apdT 4 in range 2 ot 12 aul 1 3, in range 3 east- 11, 12 and 13 in range 4 east. On the .first Il6nday,in Septem :r, for the sale of townships 9 and her. 10 in range 3 west 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, in ranges 4 and ! 5 west. o i t . . u r:. rt f " -i ' tvt U, U1C:U juuvc- her f r me sale of townships 9, 10" and 11, in ranges 6 and 7, wet 9 fid 10 in ratjgr- 8 west 9. lO and 11, in rlanre : 9 west 9, 10, 11 and 12, in'yargt 10 west 9, 10, 11, 12 .-nd 13, in range 1 1 west- -9 10, 1, 12, 13 and 14 in range 12 west. On the nVst Monday in January, 1820. for the sale ol townships 9, 10, 1J, 12, 13 and 14, in ranges 13 ;;nd 14 west 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 in range . 15 west 1 1 , 12, 1 3 and 14, in range 16 we.st 12 & 13 in range 17 west. , : , ; . .- . - And sales sjjall be held at Cahaba, in the said, territory, cn the first Monday in August ne'xt, for the sale of townships 91, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, in range 5 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,15 and ;16, in range 6 11 in range 7 -10 and: 1 1 in range 9 8 9 10 arid 11. in ranges 10 and 11 9, 10 and 11 J in range-12. Except ing such lands as have been, or shall be, . eserved according to law for the use of schools and for-other purposes. Each sale shaU'continiie open for 2 wt ks and no longer, and shall com mence with the lowest number of tectum, township, and range and proceed, in regular numerical order. Given under my hand, at the city I of Washington, the 2Qth day of March,T8l9. ; v . J; . -.-.. James Monroe. By the President, JosiAH Meigs, Commissioner of the General Land OfEce. Ap. 10.-r-55tlstjan; - FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, BLANK RiHs -?f Sale for vessels, s Bills of Exchange, t Billipf Lading, and v State Warrants, " ' Leases, -. Checks, ; ShernTs Bail Bonds. ' ' Consta!les Warrants, -" Recos"nj.7.aabfts, ' '. .Liceace Bciidi, &c. i . ; l ' 'Michael Marniejcan, CONFECTION EI lFAVIXG purchased the slock of tf.. JL-JL late firm of A. Qtruud - Co. T,i keep constantly on hand, at the lately occupied by said firm, in Cravt street!, a ; general and eitensiye afort" mefif of CONFECTION Alt YFBUp and oibe artidesyin his line aaij4 which are the folio wiri"-: 1s Almondsjsoft slIeli'd'A'ndiovies. ! Filberts, Sweet Oil, Palm Nuts, Pacanes: ?permaceU Candles' Nutmegs Cloves, Raisins, Suar Plumbs of all, Mace, - kl"?s' . r v Porter in bottles, Drv: Citron. - . rn,T-a, c- .. lro lM.ltr, .m.na.rJ.C?. M . " "i muiapicjct i vajOJlUHl 150X851, olarna Water. Rock Candy, Playing Cards. Sugar Candy or. all PerAirrf?-?, sorts, . . ' . ; " ... Gordialsj assorted, Fruits in brandy, , Aliiscatel Winer t Lime Juice, - -Claiet Wine,- - onaving f Scan. - Pockel Knives, Dolls, ' Tooth Brushes, 4T" Pocket-bcoks, Cheese, Cliewing Tobir . : -. etc. &c. He will keep a constant supply of fresb CAKES.of all descriptions. PUNCH and LEMONADE. " Country merchant are tespectfuliv in. formed that they maj at all times sm,;j themselves with all kinds of Confectionary and Fruits at the same .price they could in the Northern cities, Air. Marir.ejean beiri determined ; to sell as low as he can rcs ssibly afford, arid to warrant his articles as good as any, in the United States. N. B. -Mr.AMarmejean has on hand a r, - --' nanosome assortment jot J LWELLFPvY some with Pearls mid filagree also trld and silver Watches the whole of which ne win sea tow, wnolesaJe or retail. Newbern, June 26, 1819. iyCo One hundred Dollars Reuard FOR AMOS. AN AYAY from the subscriber, on the 1 1 th of January l;!st hi x v, rft Man AMOS. He was raised in VvaR3 County, N. C. by Cioi l ender, Esq. and alter the old gentleman's death, was soil lJl re. uer oiaiu couny, where 1 pect he is Jurkinor. AMOS is oi a t... ' . i i r i 1 . , V dark comolexion, abont thirt fiv. v.3r8 - .ot, flveJw 'six. inches hiffh tf . countenance, arid has one of his fore tett'a 'out. - ' : f' The Jailor of Waye, and !those. of V,e neighboring Counties, are requested to give me immediate iiifornlation if such a Negro should be confined in any oqe of tneir prisons. ' : ; ' ' ' : ; ; A reward of fifty dollars will be paid cn securing him in some safe jail so that I get him again, or onetundrerFdoliarssfid all reasonable expences discharged on his being delivered to me in Lexington, Georgia. Georgia I 1 John Walton. Lexington, Geo. April 29, 1819- 2m59 ' U '. ' 20 Dollars Reward 3 ANAWAY from the Sub. g: scriber's plantation, in Joi es county on the 21st October last, his NegraM he is about 5 feet 8 inches high, blac k complet ted n ; his onr.moa walk gbts bent forward in his knees, his toes rather inwardhas a large scar on one of his Hands, occssioncd by a burn, and a snftdl piece of ens of hi- ears has been bit eff ir fight ing he had on when he ye.nt axvajv a pair of blue twilled cloth trowsers, a tow and cotton shirt and straw hat, and carried a fiddle with him. lis has relations in or near VVilmingtop, at the plaot&tiot; of Col. Cowers, where, most probably he wiil aim to get. ... . : All persons are forwarned frcm empl6ying, harbouring, or cccvev ing said fellow away, under the p'D" alty of the law. ' The above reward: will be given to any,pepoii who will sppreherd said fellow, and deliver him to' ftt in Jones county, or confine htro ia jail, so that I 'get. him again. 1 NeedhamSinimons. February 5th, 1819." 47tff GEORGE REIDr -. ... -. . - ? - -. . - Offers for sale, at his Store in Crarens i nn Boxes SOAP, 1st &2dquaV i yjyj ity, a 10 & I P cents. N. B. The highest price will be given for Tallow, and till sort3 cf Soap Grease. Applyf at the Chac rllfTv in Wchprn fit POINT. E Sept 19. 27tf

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