POETRY. FK03I THE HUDSON WHIG. TIME. 1 saw him hastening on his way, And marked his lightening flight, t 'Where'er he moved there stern decay Spread its destructive bright, Rapid the gloomy phantom , hied, Enveloped in the storm . N .His eye sljone out in sullen pride' A fid fearful was his form. I saw him grasp the Warrior's trreath, Won in theory fray ; The laurel withering sunk indeath - Its beauty fled away , -That wreath was stained with bloody dew, Unhallow'd was its bloom It met the phantom's chilling view, ' And bowed beneath its doom. I saw him pass by beauty's bower, And listen to her lay f . . Around the spot was many a flower, i Blooming its summers day; With icy heart the spectre came, Her lovely form compressed She meti his lurid eye of flange .The tomb-stone tells the rest. . I V jj f y '' - . :"':'- On youth's warm breast his hand Jie prest, 'Twas cold a3 mould'rinjr clav He la"kl his arm on manhood's breast, The life pulse ceased to play, His (ell si roc o'er Nature past And Iow she drooped her head ' . Her blossoms withered in the blast And all her virtue fled. . ' FLORIO. From the Long-Island FROM THE CATSKtLL RECORDER.! Ine following observations re specting jfiots in Horses, were c om--municated and read before the Ag ricultural Society for the county of GreeneVin December, 1 81 7 & late ly forwarded to us by their author for publication : - OBSERVATIONS ON BOTS. As early as the summer of 1801, I began a course of observations and experiments on;, the Bots, a worm triat infests the bowels of the Horse, and otten proves fatal to that useful animal. I took a large 'Bot imme diately after it was discharged from my horse, and enclosed it in dry horse dung, put it into ;a bottle stop ped it tight,. and had the satisfaction to seeit transformed into a chrysa lis in the course of three days, in which state; it continued about 'five weeks, and then was hatched into a horseibee or nitter. I then took the bottle to my horse and set the fly at liberty; & she immediately began to deposited her nits ori the legs of the horse. The fly had not been with a ny other of her kind & in what man ner the nits had been fecundated was Stan 9 - - hfl misterv tome ; but I soon found ' that the nits were impregnated alter 'edeP?S' uic uursc. incraaic uy uucs nut make its appearance until the latter part ot August, and has every ap pearance of the female fly, except it is somewhat smaller, & has not the tail Or SLIUg Ul UlC ICUiaiC. : X UU Will ! frprr,i.nt1v pp twn mt- Aq in Sen- I . ! ca. c -1 r.. tember or October, contending for A - J. ' 1 the chance of impregnating the nits, and they frequently engage and fight with the greatest obstinacy, in order to obtain the favorite em'ploymen;. The nits usually remain about eight days after impregnation before the bot is fit to enter-the bowels of the horse, at which time,, they make a small hole in the end. f the knit; but they frequently remain iru the knit for weeks or even mouths after they are produced yet if the lip or tongue of the horse, covered with1 warm saliva, come in contact with the nit, the bot immediately -leaves the nit and adheres to the tongue, and is swallowed with the food of the horse. You may wet the palm of your hand with warm spittle and apply it to the nits on your horse for a few seconds at a time, and you can see with the naked eye a number Qf small insects on your hand ; but if you view them through a magnify ing glass v they exactly resemble the hot. It is an easy matter to scrape the nits off 'rum a horse once a week n the months of September and Oc tober ; and a horse that is so served will never be troubled with the bots. have tried a great number of med- cines, in order to dislodge the bots rom the bowels of the horse, and find it a very hard thing to accom plish; but have found that a table j poo n fill of the powder of the blue i lag-root, in a fresh state, given to a orse, will frequently expel a great umber of bots from his bowels. he horse is a yery useful animal, land every discovery that has a ten dency to prolong ms life is of public utility. A. HAMLIN. Dur) ut?n,lS19. DESCRIPTION OF POETRY. Not b j Ld. Byron but b ij John Nctil, Esq, ' Extract from the preface to the. " Battle of Niagara. ' l Did you ever see a beautiful wo man and stand still till vour siiprht nderin at her ? - that was poetry. The" language of heaven of him who embroidered the firmament and fashioned the loveliness of woman i.s poetry. You felt in tooking at her an inde finable- -thick-cominpf luxury a be- wildcrinr: and religious delisrht. - PETER rUFF, AUCTIONEER, Dyer and Man Milliner, Mends Clocks, and makes. Wigs ; tunesPiano-Fortes, and cuts Corns ; Man-midwife and Horse shoer '; - Bellows-maker, and teacher of Psalmody, has a Diploma from Gretna- Green, and another from the University of Aheraeen ; attends at all times, to u- the votaries of Hymen and inoculate children, op. bleed horses ; rings pig's noses, and the parish bells.: , N. 1. Second-hand Coffins made and repaired. .... " ; PETER TUFF HAS FOR SALE, ' AS FOLLOWS : For some Popular Orators Halters. Hen-Picked Husbands Patience. Old Maids Husbands of all sorts. Dandies " AVi Yes old & ugly , with money . Married Persons Divorces. A Good AVife, with a Halter warrant ed in every re?pecf. . A Seat in St. Georjre's Church, chenn ? a long time on nanus. WANTED I3IMEDIATELY, A private Box fit the Theatre a High Price will be given. 1 Irish Pftper. A N E C D OT E S. o n a review of the Prussian army by the King there happened to be a French soldier who could not sneak the Prussian language. His platoon ' officer told him the King would, ask him, how old he was ? to which he must reply (in Prussian) 30. how long have you been in the service ? 6 months if heliked his pay and rations ? both. The King happen- penmg to change his mode of inter- rogation, first asked, how many years havefou been in the service? Thirtiu How old arP vnn ? Six ! months. Are you a fool, or IP both. A gay spark, who had taken up lodging at a public house in London, and got considerably in debt, had absented himself, and took new quarters, This so enraged the land- rr lord, that he commissioned his wife to go and dun him; which the debt-"- a-JJTHEREAS.byanactofCo.. mai. auc vtuc w , . "Willhe quoth the lady, "will 1815? entiUed An act to provide for the jy, fsl5, erntlded Au he ? Give me my bonnet, Molly, 1 11 ascertaining and surveying of the boonda-1 provide for the ascertaining aod &Ur seeAvhether any fellow on earth has line fixed by the treaty with the . of A bounda -enrh mmirlon" Mv dear " said rvk Indians, and fnr other nurooses." I. . . J . ouvii J v.A ri;nrj UncKnnH rm v fi fin' t he """"fli! uusuoim, v J too rash, uortdorft know tv hat a man . . . J . ' ... J way wiien he is in a passiviu Turn tmiinr nftnvni AC Hv of Mot mi-Bush, chanced to 'meet an Idiot at a tavern to amuse them selves, they put questions to him ; at j last they wanted his opinion what sort of a country he thought Heaven 4 was ; he very honestly repneu, ne thought it was a plain smooth coun try, where there was not a biishy nor mot, nor, never would be. jki a recent duel between'two law yers, one of them shot away the skirt of the other's coat. His second ob serving the truth of his aim, declar ed, that had his friend been engaged with a client, he Vould i very proba-. bly have hit his pocket. t "-r. - - '.' ':.'-:- INSANITY. In a cause respecting a will at Dar by assizes, evidence was given to prove the testatrix (an apothecary's wife) a lunatic, and, among other things, it was deposed, that she had swept away a .quantity of pdts, lotions, potions, : &c. into - the street, as rubbish. k I doubt," said the learned judge; ".whether sweep ign physic into the streets, be a proof of insanity." " True my lord" re .plied the counsel, but sweeping a way the pots certainly was." ' - .' r . . r ! ' TWIST1FICATI0N. ' t What is your name ? said a gentleman to a porter. My name, repliedl the fel low, is the same as my father's. And what is his name ? said the gentleman. It is the same of mine. Then what are both yoiir names ? Why, they are'hbtli alike, said the porter. NE W GOODS. Thomas 8? Cook Have just received a fresh supply of Dry Goods1 Among, which.are the following: viz. UPKRFINK blue, black, and brown Broadcloths. 2d quality do. Su perfine blue, black, mixed, and buff Cas-simeres.- White and striped Marseilles, toilinett, and black silk Vestings and T'rin'Mnhinfrc nf ll kihrlsc Alsn a frpnprnl assortment of REAJY MADE CLOTHES : I Such as Gentlemen's Surtouts, close bod- died Coats, Pantaloons and Arests, of first and second qualities which they offer low for cash.' TAILORING executed with neatness and despatch. - The newest New-York FASH IONS just received. v T9tf. j State of North 1 arohna, , JONES COUNTY, Court of Pleas and Quarter, Sessions, AUGUST TERM, A. D. 1819. -John Simmons,, V ; t'S. , Original Attachment. Allen Grimes, y IT appearing to the Coilrt that the de fendant in this cause is not an inhabi tant of this State, it is therefore ordered, that publication be made in the Carolina Centinel for three months, for the defen dant to appear at the next Court to beheld for Jones County ,at the Court-House in Trenton, on the -second Monday in No vember next, and replevy oi plead to is sue, or judgment will be entered up a gainst him. , V Attest, Robert Kornegay, Clerk. ' 3m77 ! - ' PROPOSALS WILL be received by the subscri ber fo'r the building of THREf HOUSES about one mile from Town I- tzP r ' J j. : ; -. i Two Houses, 60 by 115 feet, twp sto nes in height of eight feet pitch, with two chimneys each, and diviofed into four a partments on each flobr. 1 One House, 32 by 18 feet, two stories, 8 feet pitch) ' to be raised 6 feet with brick work a"d have ne chimney to be built with quartered plank and rough weather-boardfng. .'' . . "'x Clk. to Wardens C. G. Gitn-Powder. A QUANTITY of first quality of Ni- 3L tre Hall Gun-Powder, constantly on hand, and for sale at very reduced price, by JOHN SPENCE WEST. Julv 2 67tf ' ' By the Presidenf of the Uni - "ted States. T v passed on the suaay oi marcu, v. vv-- j -- - i i tho Prpidpnt ot tn umtea states is at of theUnited States is au- r" thorised to c cause the' lands acquired by the skid treaty to be offered , cr sale, when surveyed ; 11 Therefore, 1 James Monroe, rresi t of the United States, do clare and make known that public sales for the disposal, agreeably to law, of cer tain lands in the Alabama Territory, shall be held at Cahaba in the said terri-. tory, on the first Monday in December next, and shall continue for three wseeks; during which time will be offered for sale, Townships No. 9 to 15, in range 5 Townships 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, , in '. range 6 9, 10, 11, 12, in do. 7 9 10, 11, 12, in do. 8 except such lands as have been or shall be reserved by law for the support of schools, or for other purposes'. The lands shaH be offered for sale in regular numerical order, commencing with' thelowest num ber of section, township and range Uive,n under my hand at the ivityotoer, tor the. sale oi townships 9and Washington, the 24th of August 1819. JAxMES MONROE. By the President : Josiah Meigs, Commissioner r of the General Land Office. . 79tDlst l( Jofui'Templeton, SADDLEIV& II ARNESS MAKER, AVING removed frpm his old standi to the buildine opoosite pposite the State .' Bank, , corner of Craven an id Pollock- 1 his business streets, continues to carry on as usual, in all its various branches. ; , lie lias on nanaa generai assoiuneiuui r r fi 111' 11 i ; Marness ana aaaaies aio iidiucw MounUng and Saddlery, plated and com 1 1 1 u ! " i- 1 ... mon, which he wm dispose 01 on mouer ate terms for cash. ' August 28, 1819. tfT5 WATCHES F a srood quality, Polished Steel ; Watch Chains, Keys and Seals. Also, Watch Crystals, Silver Thimbles, Teaspoons, Pocket Compasses, Snuff, & Violin Strings, for sale by I hoinas W. Machen. ' N. B. Clocks and Watches Clca and Repaired, as usual. T. W. M. : 79tf - ' Mich ucl M arm ejean, ' CONFECTION EH, TTAYING j)urchased the stock of the JTJ. late firm of A. Giraud & Co:. will keep copstantly on hand, at the House lately occupied .by said firm, in Craven street, a general and extensive assort ment of CONFECTIONARY, FPvUIT, and other articles in his line amongst which, are the following AlmondSjSoft shell'd Anchovies, filberts, -. j Palm Nuts, . Pacanes, 1 Raisins, Sweet Oil, Spermaceti Candles Nutmegs ' Cloves, . Mace, Porter in bottles, Spanish Sigars, Snuff Bgxes, Cologna 'Water, Playing Cards, Perfumes, - Shaving Soap, Pocket Knives, boils, '. 7. Tooth Brushes, ' Pocket-books, Cheese, Suar Plumbs of alii kinds, ! Dry Citron, West India preserves Sueur Toys, Rock Candy, Sugar Candy of all sorts, ! ! Cordials, assorted Fruits in brandy, Muscatel Wine, Lime Juice, Claret Wine, Olives, . - Chewing Tobacco, &c. &c. He will keep a constant sunnlv n fresh CAKES of all descriptions. Also PUNCH and LEMONADE. Country merchants are lespectfully in formed that they may at all times supply themselves with all kinds of Confectionary and Fruits at the same price they could in the Northern cities, Mr. Marmcjean bein determined to sell as low as he can pos ssibly afford, and to warrant his articles as good as any in the United States. N. B. Mr. Marmejean has on hand a handsome assortment of JEWELLERY, some with Pearls and filagree also gold and silver Watches the whole of which he will sell low, wholesale or retail. Newbern, June 26, 1819. Iy66 UPTON SMITH, Gun Smith, pESPECTFULLY informs the "public, that he has removed a few doors above where he formerly kept, and intends to stock" and repair uuns and Rifles. "auuV at the New-York and Philadelphi a prices, in me neatest mtmner, 1 and at the shortest notke. Oct. 16. S2ir. H o BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNI i ED STATES. w w orress. passed on "1V- uucs used by the treaty with the Creek Indians and for other purposes," the Pre;' dent of the United States is author. isea to cause tne land acquired by the said treaty to be offered for sale when surveyed. ' Therefore, I, James P.Ionroe President of the United States, do hereby declare aiid make known that public sales for the disposal faI greeably toiaw) of certain lands the territory of Alabama, shall be held at Huntsville, in said territory as follows : ' On the first Monday in July next forthe sale of townships 9, 10, it 12, 13 & 14, in ranges I h 2 west! 9, 10, 11, 12,' 13 and 14, in range 1, east-4-9, 11, 12 and 14, in ranjrr 2 t east -12 and 13. in ran ere 3 eat i - - -11, 12 and 13 in range 4, east. , Ori the first Monday in Septem- lO in range 3 west-8. 10.11 10 13 and 14, 15, 16, ir, 18, 19, 20 and 21, in ranges 4 and 5 west. On the first Monday in Novem ber, for the sale of townships 9,10 and 11, in ranges 6 and 7, west 9 and 10 in ran ere 8 west 9. in 11, in r mi ge 9 west 9, 10, 11 and 12, in range 10 west9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, in. range 11 west 9 10, 11 12, 13 and 14, iri:.rangrt2 west. Un the hst Monday in lanuarv i 1 820, for ihe sale of townships 9, fo 11, 12, ifSnd 14, in' ranges 13 and . . i r , 14 west iO 12, 13 and 14 in rarjrte 15 west 1 O 12, 13 and 14. - ; jn ralljve yrest--12 - - J ' 1 west. in raccra And sales shall be held at Cahaba. in the eaid territory, on the first Monday in August next, for the sate o f tow nshi ps 9 ,10, 1 1 , 12, 13 14 and 15, in range J -9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 16, in range 61 1, m range 7 -1 0 and 11 in range 98, 9, 10 and 11, in ranges 10 arid 11 9, 10 and 11, in range 12. Except ingstieh lands as have been, or shall be preserved according to law for the use 01 scnoois and lor other purposes. Each sale shallcontinue open for 2 weeks and no Ion gel, and shall com mence with the lowest nu4btr of section,; township, and range, and proceed in regular numerical order. Given under myhand, at the citv of Washington, the 20th day of March, 1819. ' IVt By the President, Josiah Meigs, Commissioner of the General Land Office. ,: A p. 10. 55 1 1s t J an. 20 Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY from the Sub scriber's plantation, in Jonts countj' on the 21st October last, his Negro Man Joe : 1 1 . c . J . ' .1. : 1. ne is aoout o ieei incnes iug, black complected, in his common walk goes bent forward in his knees, his toes rather inward, has a large scar 011 one o his hands, occasiontd by a burn, and a small piece of one of his ears has been bit ofFin fight inghe had on when he went away, a pair of blue twilled cloth trowsers, a tow and cotton shirt and straw hat, and carried a fiddle with him. He has relations in or near Wilmington, at the plantation of Col. Cowens, where most probably he will aim to All persons are forwarned from employing, harbouring, or convey ing said fellow away, under the pen alty of the law. ( j The above reward will be given to any person who will apprehend said fellow, and deliver him to in Jones county, or confine him m jail, so that I get him again. ; Necdharn Simmons. Febriiarv 5th, 1819. 47tf FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, BLANK Bills of Sale for vessels, Bills of Exchange, Bills of Lading, and ' State Warrants, Leases, "Checks, Sheriff's Bail Bonds. Constables' Warrants, Recogiiizaices, LJtence Bonds, lc. &e

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