C A. RO LIN A C E NTI N EL. , NEWDERN; V Saturday, deckmber 25, 1S19. Brideer Montgomery, is elected briga dier General.of the 13th Brigade. General Mf Intosh, an Indian Chief, and suit, consisting of Captains Marshall, De lahomico, Bowsen, Delafee, and Namtus fcehaneha, were in Raleigh on the 1 7th inst. on their way tb Washington City. . FATAL iCCIDEXT. the old leaven of Congress, to be able to f do business unitedly with satisfaction. To expedite the object,' we " have some times almost wished wthat the members lived in one great caravansera, instead of being dispersed at a distance, from each other- among thirty or forty boarding houses, that they might per' force be more m the society of each , other.' and: more acquainted with each others feelings and opinions, partialities, and prejudices. P Early in the session, as it is, however, two subjects of great importance, besides those embraced in the Message of the. Presidpnt have been already brought - to the notice of the House of Representa tives. The first of these js the question involved in the bill tor the admission of ed from hunting, laid his gun upon the bedj on which was his son, about 14 years of age, who had been unwell. -:A young er child of Mr. Davis, in plajing with the gun, discharged it in such a manner that " l lc,lu eu tnrougn tue txxiy oi Schrs. Rapid, Sparrow, . Philadelphia ; the other, and instantly put a period to Ins TriaI fisher ' Po au Prince ; John Bur existence. , ibXl c PO RT OF NE WB E RN. . .' ;E XT ERE D. - :-: . Brig' Jason, -Willis, Turks-Island j On Monday lastin the vicinity of this " ," u " wf" (own, 0 korge Sharp, a seaman belong- lW" of ss mto the Union, . qi c -i and now frequently referred to as 6 the tow ins to Sloop of Salem, Samuel Lampson Master, having climbed a tree, iti attempting to break a limb, he lost his hold and fell : his head struck the root of the tree, and though his neck waf dislo cated, he lingered about 12 hours. This young man was a native of Scotland, and is represented as having been, in sobriety and industry, a model to his profession. I If any one will take ,the trouble of looking into the treaties made by the U. Stales with France, with the United Neth erlands, with Sweden, with Great Brit ain, with Russia, and with Spain, he will find that the acceptance of commissions from a foreign power, by the citizens or subjects of either of the contracting par . ties, to cruize against the citizens or sub jects of the other, is by treaty, in each of these cases, made Piracy. Dcm. Press. Thev Morning Chronicle of Baltimore, nccounts for the British Minister's wil lingness to let us have the Floridas, upon very different grounds from disinterested good-wdl towards us. It contends that I while the Spanish monarchy is crumbling to pieces, different European nations are anxious to obtain some of the fragments. Thus, Russia is said to receive as an e quivalent for her frigates, S00 miles of Territory on the coast of California. G. B. looks to, Cuba. Spain's ceding Flor ida to us "would furnish England wittra plausible pretext to demand the cession of Cuba to herself." The Chronicle may be right. Such a suspicion has sometimes crossed our own brain ; and we' frankly say this, that sooner than we should throw Cuba into the lap of G. Britain, or than she should have it, we would wait some years for Florida. The last will be ours.: No power under heaven can prevent it. But Cuba need not fall into the arms of G. Britain. There is some chance that the womb of time may bring both Cuba free, sovereign and independent a consum mation we most devoutly wish for. Mr. Rush says nothing about Cuba. We are hot told, whether if we have Florida, Great Britain is or is not to press Tor that island. But politicians must have more than general suspicions to act on. Enq. freqi Missouri jSIave Question. By whatever name called, it yields, we believe, in the importance, of its cnnsequences,to none likely to tcdme before Congress. We hope, being so, well understood, it will be but little debated : and that what - is said on the subject will be characterized by that dignity and temper which ought ever to characterize the deliberations of the Congress of the United States. The second subject is, that of the cir culating medium, of the counhy, respect ing which Mr. Pihkney has given - notice of his intention'to introduce a bill. This at least ensures to those who feel inter ested in such an experiment, that it Avill become a subject of consideration for Congress, whether it is their power to re lieve the pressure under which, since the resumption of specie payments by the banks, it is acknowledged the trade, and industry of the country labor,: What are the particular features of Mr. P's. plan, we are not apprised ; but we understand, gen erally, that it embraces an issue of gov ernment paper, transferable by delivery, and calculated to come in aid of specie, and of paper equivalent to specie, to in crease the quantity of circulating medium, supposed now to be less than is necessa ry for the purposes of trade and internal intercourse. ' Nat. Int. An armed ship supposedlo be a British frigate, was seen entering the Chesapeake on Tuesday last. She may probably be the bearer of the new British minister. Freeman's Journal. The United States' Ship Columbus, the ship of the line built at Washington, dropt down from the Navy Yard a few days ago ; arid? notwithstanding the .time was, from the lowness of the tides, unusually unfa vorable for the attempt, she past the bar at the mouth of the Eastern branch 'with very little difficulty. She is to be towed by the Steam Boat down to St. Mary's river where her equipment for sea will be completed. Had not the fear of deten sion by the ice prevented, it is believed she would have passed over the bar, and down the river, with all her armament and stores , on board, water excepted. " The Columbus is to be commanded, on her first voyage, by Commodore Bain bridge, who has arrived at the seat of go vernment for the purpose of taking charge of her. . Ib. The President's Message reached New York by the express from Washington (a distance of 230 miles) in rather less than eighteen hours. This is great despatch ; and such as the government ougt to bea hle to command for communication with distant parts of the union, in all cases re quiring rapid communication. Had such despatch been used, on more than one occasion during the late war, in the com munication of orders,.very different results' would, sometimes have taken place ; and if the printers, in these hard times, can 'af ford tp pay the cost of it, it is surely al ways in the power of. the government to command it. lb. v We understand, says the Albany Gaz. an order has been received; from" the War Department, for the immediate transport of some large cannon from the depot of Gibbonsiille, a few miles north of Albany, to our southern frontier. It is rather unfortunate that the order should have arrived so late, as, unless the river should again open, the , transportation from thence to N.; York, must be by land. - -k ... We understand that orders have reach ed -tills post from Government, directing that all the military forces in , garrison here, be forthwith- removed, to Amelia Island. From other movements of a similar nature, in various ports of the Un ion, we have little doubt that a decisive blow will shortly be struck at the Flori das. Ci. City Gaz. - 3 " ' ' Charleston, Dec. 9. The Steam-ship Savannah, Capt. Ro gers sailed fiom Savannah for Washing ton-City on Saturday last. Times. orf ., - ; - FELON ESCAPED. '. John L. Hopkins, who was tried for murder at the last term for the County of M'Intosh, and sentenced to the Peniten tiary, has escaped, or with propriety it might be observed, permitted to go at large. The Sheriff,. (for whose official conduct, this felon was security,) it is re ported, has accompanied him.-He has been seen on the way to St. Augustin, E. Florida no doubt a suitable reward will be offered for his apprehension by the Executive of Georgia. Darien Gaz. .) -I... .ii. Extract of a letter from Havana, dated November 15, 1819. V " Morillo, the Spanish general, is ex pected here daily, and I may add, hourly. It lis the general belief among us, that he has been defeated by Bolivar, and that the latter is now in possion of the whole province of Carracas. I was told by one of the Consolidata here, that Bolivar had taken a million of dollars when he got possession of Santafee." We understand, that, previous to the sailing of the Baltimore, arrived here, (Philadelphia,) Gen. Morillo had arriv ed at Havanna. ,:" CLEARED. Schrs. Linnet, Manson, Martinico J Fanny, Willis, Martinico Sloop Science, McKee, Bermuda. i Holme?s hole, dec. S.-Sailed, schr. Mayflower, for Plymouth, (n. c.) Charleston, dec. 9. Arrived, 8th inst. schooner Joseph 8z Watson, Daniels, Edenton, (n. c.) 6 days. 12th, sch; Live Oak, Thomas, Newbern, 7 days. 'NOTICE. THE annual Election for the choice of Directors of theBANK OF NEWBERN, for the year 1S20, wilj be holden at the Bank in the town of New bern, on the first Monday of January next. The pole will open at 11, and close at 1 o'clock. , ,f M. C STEPHENS, I CasVr. v Dec. 231819. , ; i 2w92 - TO LET, ;' A commodious Dwelling House OX MIDDLE STREET, ' Together with the Lot & Improvements. Apply to JOHN S. SHEPARD. Dec. 25", 1819- 1 2w92 NOTICE. AGRICULTURE IN ENGLAND. A Farmer in England who cultivates 300 acres of land, reckons his rent at 9 4,200 his taxes, tythes, laborers, (15) &c. 8,400 his family expenees 4,557 Total 17,157. And his receipts, for 230 acres of wheat, 100 acres of oats, 70 acres of beans, wool from sheep, sheep; sold, cattle sold, and horses sold, at $ 31,154 making a gain to" the farmei of 14,397. ; V lb. Extract of a letter from a KentuckianJ dated Frankfort, ( Ken. f Nov. 15. " The situation of things here is such at this time, that where a person has tol erable prospects at the eastward, I should advise him not to come out here, because I really think the times more dull here than with you.. Such severe and gene ral distress wa's never known before in this quarter. In my former letter I gave you some idea of it, and it has rown worse ever since. There is but very little money in circulation, and not one third of that will nav the debts of - l - the people. All confidence is destroyed ! Charge d'Alfaires from Sweden, that Hen- m banks and individuals. " Our legisla- ry Aquiton.JLsq. has been discharged trom St. Petersburg, Sept. 15. jThe charter of the Russian American Ojinmercial Company, which expired in July last, is provisionally prolonged. The company intend to despatch two vessels from Cronstadt to their .colony on the N. W. coast of America. " T the Court of Pleas and Quarter jLJL Sessions, held tor Craven County, on the second Monday of December, A. r D. 1819, the subscriber obtained letters of administration on the estate of William Lawrence, deceased. All persons indebt ed to said estate, are requested to make payment, and the creditors of said deceas ed are hereby required to present their claims to the subscriber, within the time limited by an act of the General Assem bly of the State of North-Carolina, or said claims will be barred by the operation of said act. CATHARINE LAWR.ENCE; 4 Administratrix. Newbern, Dec. 20, 1819. Im92 - v .4 . .... i , - A- LL pert on s are hereby forwarned XJO S huting either with dog or gun, ODvUe subscriber's Land, lying be tween Jemmy's and Haywood's creeks, as he is determined to. enforce the law against offenders. . : . P : . EDMUND HATCH. Craven County, Dec 25, 1819. 3t92 notice: THE Court of Pfeas and Quarter Ses : sions of Crav en' County, atpits . De cember term 1 8 19, granted to the subscri ber, letters of adrainistratiorton the estate oilVtilF. Clark deceased. All persons indebted to said deceased, are requested to mcuWpayment, and all who may have demands against him, will produce them for payment within the time prescribed by law. ' f GEO. WILSOIV, Adm'r. , Dec. 22, 119. li92 .j. . . , ...... ; i NOTICE. . ; ' O N the 10th day of Jan. fensuing, will f be sold,! at the late dwelling house of Wm. F Clark, dec?d, his perishable estate : consisting of Corn, Fodder, Hors es, Oxedf , Qattle, Hogs, Household and Kitchen Furniture, CLOCK, a GIG and HARNESS, Farming Utensil, c f Six months credit will be given on .all sums oer five dollars, the purchaser giv ing -bond with approved security before delivery of the goods. l Also, at the same time and place,1 will be hired out, for one year, sundry Negroes, belonging to the estate of the deceased. GEO.' WILSON, Adm'r. Dec. 22, 2819. 192 AUCTION. if WILL be sold, on Monday, the lOtli of January next, at J. Manning's Store, on Craven-street, an assortment of iRlTl GOODS. ALABAMA. The Legislature of Alabama have, by a joint committee of both houses, present ed an address to Maj. Gen. Jackson, ex pressive of their high respect for the Im portant services he has rendered to his country,and to the state of Alabamaiin particular, and approving the whole course of his military career. The General is represented to have replied in a brief, comprehensive, and very respectful man ner. : IV. ' (BY AUTHORITY.) Notice has been received at the Depart ment of State.-from Baron Stackelber g, turejiiieets in-a few days, when it is ex pected they will tinker up. some expedi ent for relief probably oblige creditors to take real estate at 3-4th of its apprais al value in payment of debts. It is con sidered this is the only thing that can be done to relieve. The fact is, we have heen, this side the mountain, too extra vagant we owe more money for foreign goods than there is in the country; and our real estate, must go to make up the defic lency 77 CONGRESS. With an even step, both Houses' of Congress ire proceeding,"by the appoint ment of committees, &c. to make the arrangement-preparatory to the transaction of the important business which will pre sent itself to theii consideration. At the commencement of the first session of each C(.igress, it takes some time for the new fijetubers to amalgamate" sufficiently with his office as Consul for Sweden and Nor way, at the port of Baltimore. lb. NEW-YORK, DEC. 10. We have conversed with Major Long, who commands the scientific expedition on the Missouri. He left the Council Bluffs about the middle of October last. The Missouri is extremely difficult of na vigation, and obstructed by vast sand hars running generally parallel with the river. The vast bodies of sand brought in by the river Plata,' gives this character to the Missouri below its junction with the form er. Above the Plata the river assumes arnore favorable aspect, being , less rapid and sandy. Talks had been held with various tribes of Indians, and a friendly disposition was manifested.- Columbian. j! BALTIMORE, DEC. 17. Extract of a letter to the editors of the t American, dated St. -Thomas, Nov. 26. i" The latest news here from Bolivar arid his army are, that he was successful. If he has not possession 6f all the country near Carthagena and of Certhagena itself, it is expected he will be master ere 16ng. The government there have forwarded THE sale of the perishable estate of the intestate will commence at his dwelng house, on Pollock-street, on Thursday the 1 3th day of January next. Among the articles tobe disposed of, is A'MIJSEtIM, Consisting of upwards of 2000 Natural and Artificial Curiosities. Six months credit will be allowed the purchasers, and bond, with good security, will be required, before the property is removed. ''' ' C. L. Admr'x. Dec. 20, 1819- Ini92 NOTICE. AT the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, held for Craven County, on the second Monday of December, A. n. 1 81Q. thp snhsrnhpr nualifipd as L.X- despatches to Havana, stating, that, ifeCutor to the last will and testament of they are; not immediately reinforced, the ! Coventer Pusser, deceased. All persons place must fall. Whether this is correct ! indebted to the es'tate of said deceased, or nnssiiara to say, tor tnre are lew , are requested to make payment, and those reporWthat reach ithis place that can be ' to whom the estate :s ;ndebted. are here- a" M.-r rieu on, respecung me movemenis oi . by required to present their claims to the Vt v . f X . 1 . subscriber, within the time limitea Dy lXonojK. relative to me aesiruction oi an nf 1ylo rjonml ap mhlv rf th SfntP the wooden houses here, is incorrect not : Gf North-Carolina, or said claims will be ui c was uiuwii uuw i, uuiuig uic idic barred bv tbe oneration of said act. - . i in town ; the houses in the country only suffered. 7 " ROYAL SPANISH DECREE. The following is a translation of a royal order addressed to the governor of Ceu ta, respecting the treatment of state prisoners under his charge : ALLEN FITCH, ExV. Dec. 25, 1819. Sw92 A TAKEN UP, ND committed to Jail on the 12th inst. a mulatto man, by the name of RICHARD, Ministrv of War.- The Kin sr. fnv mn ter, being informed of the motives and; Who ss ,he belongs to Mrs. Atkinson rJoQc in orlii'Vi nro ! fnnnHpH iYin- innmnoo ' near Wilmington. : addressed to the reverend Bishop of your fortress by the council of the tribunal o the faith, his majesty has resolved, aftei a consultation with the same, that the state prisoners confined j as American Insur- ALSO, ON THE lGTH INSTANT, A NEGRO WOMAN, belonging to Colonel Mosa, of Waynes- trpnts nf Tihprals shall he tivatpd with tbp borough, IN. C.) greatest rigor, without there being allowed . The owners are requested tocomefor the smallest intercourse or communica- w?r dLProve Property, pay charges, and tion with each other and it is farther or- take them awa'- dered, that their civil and religious con duct be scrutinized in the most scrupu lous manner, and penalties and punish ments inflicted upon them according to their deserts, as onj the smallest contra vention of these wise measures, depends J the security of the state, lhis I com THOMA S C. MASTER Jailor. Newbern, Dec. 22, 1819. 92tf plough s;r Hardware, Crockery Terms -All sums under .J 100. cash- ever $ 100, G and 12 months credit, tiro purchasers giving notes negotiable at thei State Bank, with approved endorsers. U JNO. SNEAD, Auctioneer Dec. 18, 1819. 91tjl0 , NOTICE IS hereby given that Mrs. Ann Fat he zze, late of Newbern, is dead, intes tate and that Letters of Administration on her Estate have been granted by the Court of Pleas and- Quarter Sessions of Craven County, to the subscriber. Cred itors of said intestate are required to pro duce their claims to the subscriber, prop erly authenticated, within the time requi red by the acts of the Assemblvjlof this? State, or they will be barred of recovery by the operations of said acts j i M ; JOHN SNEAD, Adm'r lJec. lb, 1819. - 3w9l r ' f v. For Sale, L; J . A CARRIAGE & a PAIR of HORSES. " ALSO, -j " i Some FURNITURE, consisting of a Sideboard,-Secret4rT, Bureaus, Tables, Washstands.Candlestands; & Bedsteads-; Apply to SAMUEL SIMPSON. Oct. 27-- SStf ; Newbern Prices Current, CORRECTED WEEKLY. MERCHANDIZE. D. c. to d; 3 1 0 onnectcut Pljighmade by - LtJJ Alexandpr No!tliiM 3. iust rp- municate to you for your due compliance ceived on consignment, for sale by the same being by special command of the King, our Lord. God preserve you many years, &c f Siffnedf) El Marques de Alos. To the Governor and Commandant Gen eral of the Fortress of Ceuta. f DELHI, (N. Y.) DEC. 2. Distressing Calami t. On the 30th tilt. Mr. B. Davis, of this town, having returo- land, 1 a lG. Prices at Charleston, Dec. 11. Bacott, 20 a 25 cts ; Bees wax, 32 ; Corn, bush. 90 ; Cotton, Sea Islaiid. 37 a'40 : do. SAM'l. & JOS. OLIVER. Who have A few kegs first quality manufactured Tobacco, 10 casks patent Weeding Hoes, 70 bags Coffee -3 tons Pot Ware, 3 boxes Tumblers, 1000 each, 3 craies eiegant umner etSj P Cotton Bagging, drc.Jdc r i)ec. 24t 119. 02tf Bacon . Beef t Butter -Bees-Wax' Brandy, French do. .Apple' do. Peach Corn Meal ' , Cotton i .Coffee Cordage Flour Gin, Holland do, Country Pine Scantling Plank Square Timber Shingles, 22 inch Staves, W. O.hhd. d R. O. do. do. W. O. bbl. Heading, W. O.hhd Lard Molasseg .... Tar Pitch ' . Rosin Turpentine ' , do. Spirits Pork Rice ; Rum, Jamaica do. W. L ; do American Salt, Allura " t do. Fine Sugar, Loaf do Lump' do Brown Whiskey Country Wine bush. lb. 12 50 30gls 1 40 1 GO gal. - 30 . K bbl. 13 - 18 CWt. 3, 75 A 25 VV 1 20, 1 25 NQO 1 oo bush. jSOtH i ' 80 b. 25 30 23 24 rtrt. 12 .13 ; i i . i 50 65'

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