V 1 I: I; 1 i V: 1 1; A. p o e t a,Y.; ;. ;- From a late Londoy. paper. TO A FRIEND ABOUT TO MARRY A, SECOND - f:X TIME. . ' Ne profecturaiiecando.-r-Oi'w. Ob, keep Wring, one little year, ' P Keep poor Eliza's ring,. And shed on it the silent tear, la secret sorrowing! I'hy lips, on which her last, last kiss, Yet lingers moist and warm, Oh, wipe them not for newer bliss, i Oh, keep it as a charm. These haunts are sacred to Her love, . Here still her presence dwells ; Of her. the grot, of her the grove, Of her the garden tells. T00tli tl-:n pW vn i snVp and talked. : IJLlI'vUlii w 7 Beside that river's brink, .; ""At evening, arm-in-arm you walk'd, Here stopt to gaze and think. ,Thourll meet her when thy blood beats higif "m;-;V: In converge with thy bride, Meet the mjld meanir g of an eye TlTat never learnt to chitlci, ) ' Oh, no, by Heaven, another here , Thou canst not, must rot bring: No, keep it but one jlittle year, Keep poor Eliza's ring. v-.. From the Aurora. MR. dtiane Thoush out of season, I hope you will! publish theollowing re ceipt for the management of sheep, as it Will n6 doubt be well circulated before next shearing ; and if practised, prove profita ble to the wool grower and manufacturer : Immediately after the sheep are shorn, soak the roots of the wool that remain all over with butter and brimstone ; three or four days afterwards, wash them with salt ami Water. The wool next season will not only be much finer and softer, but the quantity will be in a greater abundance. ' , ' .' MAXIM. Fear is the greatest and most trouble some of all evils ; for other evils are only evils as long us they last, and the trouble tiiereofis ol no longer duration than their cause ; but men fear vhat is, and what is not, and what perhaps will never be, and even sometimes what cannot be. lie who fears Co suffer, suffers already what he fears. 1 ...?' ANIMAL AFFECTION'. . An affecting anecdote is related in the French papers :A young man took a ddc into a boatrowed to the centre of the Seine, and threw the animal over, with' in tent to drown him. The poor dog often tried to climb up the side of the boat, but his master as often pushed him back, till over-balancing -.himself, he fell overboard. As ioon as the faithful dpg saw his mas ter in . the stream, he left the boat and held Iiiai above water, till 'help arrived from the -shore, and his life was saved I DISAPPOINTMENT. Darin? the discussion of the constitu tion '.for the state of Maine, a motion was was thronged widi the fair during the agi tation ol the question. lo their utter disappointment, the motion was rejected, and the house was soon cleared of bon- nets. I A shirt without seams. Thomas jiiail, an ingenious linen-wea-vcr, in Ireland has lately finished a shirt iu his iocftn.: It is woven throughout with out seams, is very neatly and accurately fathered at the neck, shoulders and wrists. The necKaud wristbands are doubled and stitched, there is a regular selvage to each ide of the breasts ; the shoulder-straps and gussets are neatly stitched, as well as1 th wrists ; in short, it is as perfectly fin- isheuas if made by an expert seampstress. This shirt has been 'exhibited to several gentlemen in the linen! trade, who have completely satisfied themselves, that it is actually the production of the loonij with out any assistance from the needle. - COW SWALLOW ING A SP00M. A gardneTn the neighborhood of Dumfne-Oely sold a cow to a butcher in maienfn, wnicu was kiUed. In the second stomach of the animal was fnnnH an old-fashioned silver spoon, in a perfect state of preservation. 5 This spoon was j soon recognized by the owner, who had.' missed it nearly a twelve month ; ago ; and I I. r niirar H roomorl that tk. - ferer, upon whom sli nad oestowed 0 many maledictions, was a four-footed ah- brought forward to exempt married men ing iatclv. undergone a thorough re W military duty, with a view to pro- - fhe situation is eligible, ei- mote matnmonv anions the younger citi- f, r . r r n ' i zens. The ladies werl so eWly in- ther for a large fomily, or a Board terested in the subiect, hat the meeting- ing House, beng m ahealthy part house, where' the' convention was held. f the town, and but a short distance .... r . t . Notice. ILL be hired out, for one year, at the Court House in New. bern, on Saturday, ; the first day of Janukrynext, (if not previously hired by private contract) the NEGROES belonging to the heirs of Benners Vail,der'd, among whom are several mechanics. Terms made known at, the time and place of hireing. By order ot the Guardian, M II. Lente. ! 4th December, 1819. 89tlj THOMAS W, MAGHEN, TPV EALER in gold and silver watches, 9 watch chains, seals and keys, also silver table spoons, tea spoons, thimbles, gold rings, &c. Lorillard's fine Scotch ; snuff, snuffboxes, and violin strings in forms his friends and the public, that he has on hand, and intends keeping, a con stant supply of the above articles, which he will sell very low for cash or old silver. N. i. Watrhes renaired as usual.' Al so, Mariners' and Surveyors' Compasses, rectified and touched. Dec. 18. Olrf. Coffee. JUST received, and for. sale by the subscriber, 'seventy bags COFFEE. SILVESTER BROWN. December 4, 1819. 89tf Fifty Dollars TlewarUt r AN A vVY from the subscriber, " a Negro man named J A C K, foi merly the property of Drv Joseph Mears, and purchased from him by Archibald M'Daniel. It is expected that he is lurking in or about New bern. The above reward will be given to any person who will appre hend said fellow,' and lodge him in any jail so that I get him again. ;' ; . Lewis: Mead or. Mount Croghan, Chesterfield, S. C. November 14, 1819- SQtf NOTICE. A LL persons are forwarded from hunting, either with Dog or Gun, on the marsh the property of Mrs., Green Bryan, known by the name of Mintzejs Marsh, which isleased by the sub scriber. . ' Donum Mumford. November 27, 1819. 88tf , FOR SALE, CHEAP, ' A L1CIIT, NEAT CARRIAGE A reasonable credit will be given. Enquire of Mr. ROBERT HAY, or at this Office. November 13, IS 19. ; 86 tf TO RENT, - ' The Houses Lot, Corner of Broad Cravensts Irately occupied-by iMrs. Mary Bryan, deceased. There are two Dwelling Houses, a targe Carriage House and Stable, aKitchen, Smoke House, &:c. in complete order, hav from the Court House. Persons desirous of tenting, can examine the premises by calling on Mrs.. Hunter, (who lives on the lot) for the keys. Terms made known on applica tion to Joseph Bryan. Svift Creek Bridge y rsov. atn, lbiy. 1000 Dollars Reward. HEREAS, the inhabitants of Wil mington, in Town Meeting assem bled, authorised the Commissioners of the wn t0 offer a reward of ONE THOU- ; AiuuvjuL,o, iorine apprenensiou ' and sucht information as will lead to the ; conviction; of the incendiary who set fire to; the town, on the morning of the fourth instant Now, therefore, I, Hanson Kelly, Magistrate of Police, in behalfof the Com- missioners, and m pursuance of the author ity aforesaid, do hereby offer the above reward, for the apprehension and convic- tion of the incendiary as above stated and ct forth. Han j. Magistrate of Police. 0 toff l8 1819; 0 .7 SHIPPING PAPERS, ZXLZ AT THIS Off ICE. i Rolert Primrose, & Co . H A YE just received from New York, an elegant assortmentof NCY VjtOODS; . AMONG WHICH ARE Fig'd & plain Nankin' Crapes, Canton ' 1 dp. Fig'd Nankin Robes, V Canton, Merino bordered & Cas- simere Shawls, Fancy coloured Italfan Crapes, . Fig'd & plain India Book & Jaco- net Muslins, ''-V"--".'"-'" '; . v ,Fig'd and plain lienos, "A' White and black Satins; Whi te,blk & changeable Lustrings, Ifancy coloured Silk Velvets, Reticule Clasps Silk and Cotton Hose, :-, . ..." . 'A - Ladies white & col'd worsted do. English Silk Gloves. : Silk Lace Shawls and Veils, . Linen Cambrick, Long Lawns, Irish Linens, Linen Cambrick Hdkfs. Damask Table Linen, ,. RussiaDiaper, T ; Linen and Cotton Be4 Ticks, Cambricks, ,H; Callicoes, Seersuckers, and i Cotton Sheeting, , Superfine blue, black, olive and mixed Cloths and Cassimeres, Ladies Pelice Cloths, White and Red Flannels, , Rose Blankets ancl Carpeting, j Counterpanes, . v " Furniture, Cotton and Cambrick Dimities, Fashionable Tucking and Ringlet Shell Combs, Furniture Chintz, Fancy coloured Bombazetts and ." Rattinets, J Ladies' Kid, Morocco & Leather i Shoes, ; h "t Domestic Ginghams & Shirtings, very low, With a great variety of Fancy Goods, vhich will be sold low for cash, either by wholesale or retail. " Nov, 20, 1819. - 2m87 GABRIEL M. RAINS, Cabinet Maker nETU R N S his thanks to the in habitants of Newbern and its vicinity, for the liberal encourage ment he has received, for a number of years past; and informs them that he has now on hand, at his old stand, 3 doors below the Church, on t Middle-st. the following articles of i ?urtiitu're!v - . viz:. Sideboards,, of the latest 'fashion and of various prices, Secretaries, Bureaus, . . Sets of Dinner Tables, ; Single do. Black walnut do. Breakfast Tables, Tea do. Card do. Wash-hand Stands, Candle do. J Portable Desks, . Bedsteads, of different kinds, Windsor Chairs, And a variety of other articles in his line of business, ( , Orders from the coun try will be punctually attended to. . "Newbern, Nov. 20, 1819. 8rtf - NORTH-CALOLINA A LIVt AN ACES, ' FOR THE YEAR I FOR SALE, By the" the groce or single one, M , At S. HALL'S Book Store. Newbern, Nov. 12. 86tf TO RENT, The Brict Dwelling House AND. at present occupied by Mr. Thomas! Watson, v Possession can be given the latter end of the present month. For terms apply to ! John Sears. Newbern, Nov, 12, 1819. 86tf By the President oi; the Uni . - ted States. ; WHEREAS, by an act of Congress passed on the 31st day of March 1815. entitled " an act to provide for the. i mm pi iHiiiiiiM rtiiii am ytviiiv i j i ii irr uuuii- l " j x l r r w n n 4 4Ua hAIin thorised to cause the' lands acquired by tli a snift TTrpatv in fip offprpH ! fnr salp. nUori cnrWwPrl ' '. Therefore, Ii James Monroe, Presi- dent of the United Stales, do hereby de- clare and make known, that public sales lor me aisposai agreeaoiy toiaw;pi cer- tain lands in the Alabama Territory, shall be held at Cahaba, in the said Territory, on the second Monday in Jafiuary next, and shall : continue open three tveeks at which time shall be offered for' sale Townships 5, 6, 7, 8,19, 20, 21, 22, i and 23, in range 5 J Tk7, 19, 20, & 21 in do. 6 - 17 and 19,. , in do. 17 and 18, ; in do. 17, 18, 19 & 20 in do. 21 and 22 ; in do. 21, ' -: Jn do. . - : 18, : ' ' in do. part of townshib 17 in dp. 7 & 9 13 15 18 18 except such lands as have been,' or sha be reserved by law for the support ol' schools, or for other purposes : the lands shall be offered for sale in regular nume rical order, commencing, with the lowest number of section, township, and range-. Given under my hand, at the City of Washington, this 28th day bf Septem ber 1819. if JAMES MONHOE. By the President, If JOSIATI MEIGS, Commissioner ofjthe.General Land Office. Oct 23. S3.Tt7jl" : ,1 Last Notice. A LL persons who are indebted to the subscriber, either by note or book account, are requested to call and make payment by the fiist of February: next. Such notes and ac counts as are not attended to by the above time, .will positively be put in the hands of an attorney for collec tion. " "j- '. J. C. Cole. November 30, 1819. 4t89 MR. WILLIAMS, PORTRAIT PJINTER. ' AS removed to the House next to Mrs. Oliver's, on Middle street. Portraits taken as usual, in oil land cray ons -Signs, Cornices, -&c. painted in the best and mst elegant manner -Gilding, and Ornamental Painting, in all their va rieties Drawing, of every kind. He will also, take Pupils in Drawing and Painting. , ; 1 -Newbern, Oct. 16, 1819. 82tf NEW GOODS. Thomas 8$ Cook, Have just received a fresh supply oi Dm Goo AMONG WHICH ARE THE FOLLOWING Z VIZ. UPERFINE blue, black, and brown Broadcloths.- 2d quality! do. Su perfine blue, black, mixed, and buff Cas simeres. -White and striped Marseilles, toilinett, and black silk Vesting and Trimmings Of all kinds. -Also a general assortment of . j,- READY MADE CLOTHES: Such as Gentlemen's Surtouts, close bod died Coats, Pantaloons and Vests, of first and second qualities which they offer low for cash. L TAILORING executed with neatness and despatch, j t$- The newest New-York FASH IONS; just received. 79 tf John Templeton, SADDLER & HARNESS MAKER, 11 to the building opposite the 'State Bank, corner of Craven and Pollock - streets, continues to cany oh his business as usual, in all its various branches. He has on hand a general assortment of Harness anrl Sadrllps aln ! -Hamocc- Mounting and Saddlery, plated and com- mon, which he will dispose of on moder- ate terms for cash. August 28, 1819. tf75 UPTON SMITH, Gun Smith, rjESPECTFULLY informs the iVpublic, that he has removed a few doors above where he formerly kept, and intends, to stock and repair Guns and Rifles at the New-York and Philadelphia prices," in the neatest manner, and at the shortest notice. Oct. 16. S2tf. i u lines fiztd by the Treaty with the P "ff d CrteW Kdians, and for other purposes." IIL f j5 . oun dary !, fixed U,e President of the United States is aU- K th5 trea" wlth Crk Indians, BY THEfPRESlDENT of the , UNITED STATES. "JTTTHEREAS, by an act of Con V V gress, passed on the 3d of ,,u i oi K j a u 01 . - . T WVtl ill and tor other purposes," the Pn-; 1 T .1 TT n . IC51 aent or tne umtea states is autK ISeQ tO CaUSC the land acquired by r to be offered fnr the said treaty when surveyed. t aaic, ! Therefore. I Tames' Monroe States rl . President of the United hereby declare and make known grecably to law) of certain lands m the territory of Alabama, shall be held at Hiintsville, in said territorv 1 as follows : On the first Monday in Julv next for the sale bf townships 9, lfj jj' 12, 13 & 14, in ranges 1 St 2 west-J 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14, in range 1, east 9, 11, 12 and 14, in range 2 east 12 and 13, in range 3 east 11, 12 and 1 3 in range 4, east. On the first Monday in Septem. ber, for the sale of townships 9 and 10 in range. 3 west 8, 10, 11, 12 13 and 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,1 19,20 and 21, in ranges 4 and 5 west. Oh the first Monday in Novenw ber, for the sale of. townships 9, 10 L J t'-t i-L - r- 1 - L ' anu u, in ranges p ana jT, West 19 and 10 in range 8 west -9, 10 and 11, in range9 west 9, 10, 11 and 12, in range 10 west 9, 10, 11, 12 ana 13, in range 11 west 9 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14, in range 12 west. On the first Mond ay in J anuary, 1820, for the sale of townships 9, 10, 11, 12,13 and 14, in ranges 13 and ,14 west 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 ia range 15 west 11, 12, 13 and 14, in range 16 west 12 h 13 in range' 17 west. . ; And sales shall be held at Cahaba, in the said territory, on the first Monday., in August' next, for the sale of townships 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, in range 59, 10,11, 12, 13,15 and 16, in range i 6 11, in range 7 10 and 11 in range 98, 9, 10 and 11, in ranges 10 and 11 9, 10, and 11, in range 12. Except ing such lands as have been, orishall be reserved according to paw for the use of schools arid for other purposes. Each sale shallcontinue (open for 2 weeks and no longer, and shall com- mence with the lowest number ot. section, township, and ange, and proceed in regular numerical order. Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, the 20th day of March, 1819. f ; James Monroe. ; By the President, JosiAH Meigs, Commissioner of the General Land Office. Ap. 10. 55tlstjan. 20 Dollars Reward- RAN AW AY from the Sub scribcr's plantation, in Jones county on the 21st October last, his i Negro Man jJoe :- he is about 5 feet 8 inches high, black complected, in his common walk goes bent forward in his knees, his toes rather inward, has a large scar on one of his hands, Occasioned by a burn, and a small piece of one of his ears has been bit off in fight ings he had on when he went awaj' a pair of blue twilled cloth trowsers, a tow and cotton shirt and straw hat and carried a fiddle with him. has relations in or near Wilmington, at the plantation of Col. Cowens, where most probahly he will aim to Set- . All persons are forwarneo nou employing, naroouring, 01 -y 1 ing sa,d fellow away , under the pen V alty of the law. The above reward will be given to ajny person who will apprehend . rxlA !mv onrl rtnlivror m to TdC m Jones-county, or confine him ia ;aii, so that I get him again. INeedham Simmons. February 5th, 1819. rtf FOR SALE AT THIS BLANK OFFICE Bills of Salef for vessels, Bills of Exchange,, Bills of Lading, State Warrant, Ifeases, Checks, Sfierifis Bail Bends, Constables' Warrants lecoenizances, Licence Bunds. & T'-V ., - .

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