- I CHEAP STORE - - -. : : V '"Tf Craven Street, ; Nearly opposite the Newberri Bank. Thontas W.Piitman. Informs his friends and the Dublic; UHat he' has ! returned from New-York with ! 1 GENER At ASSORTMENT OF Ladies & Misses Beaver Hats Gentlemen's & Boy's Beaver, U'ool &; Ylorrocco Hats Ladies $r Misses Shoes arid 1 Bootees -:; GentIemen's"Boots -& Shoes - . ' . . - . v -ill i I - 1 vfwi a variety of low priced Shoes at d Bootees. LIKEWISE, Saddles " Bridles - V Harness Trunks Valices, &c. All of which he offers very low for Cash. -' 1 ZTc has also received, ' . - " t! : AN INVOICE OF FIRST QUALITY . I New-York made f ; 7 . RIFLE Mr yncl an assortment of Totter Proof Fowl ins; Pieced, Which may be had very cheap.. Newbem, Oct. 281 3tf TO KKiT, H i A large and Com modious Dwelling! House, situated on the West Micleof Eden-Street. Pos session may be had immediately. Apply to . i ; LUCAS B. HERRITAGE. Newbern, October 28 -136 If. ' I . ' ' ri -t 1 HAS the pleasure of fin ionning his frie-ids aud ac quuiiit.mces in Ncwbcrn, that!-he. will visit them this winter, for the purpose of giving lessons in mufiic. La lies wishing their Pianos tuifed, will please make it known to Messrs. Pasteur & Watspnv 11:1 cation after his arrival, which twill be about the second Monday in next montn. r Raleich. October 20. - Instruction in the j FRENCH LANGUAGES H 1 HE Subscriber informs the citizens of Newbern. that he will tpach the . . . i iu aucugper "v..,, icci u spiseu io outain a knowledge of it. He would prefer givin Lessons at the residences of the PupiJ ghere he kill Wait upon them once a llav! Price of tuition, $ 15 per quarter. j Persons disposed to avail - themselves 01 this nninrtnnit.. . . i . si -f.tuMiijjciitriciJuesieu loeave -:- their names at the Office of thp" rinoi 'i Reference as tn ri,,r,Mo. ..' ! itelerence as to r.harartpp Rm mV u v.. vv. may uc -v. . r. curgwm, tsq. I c ) u ccs P. A. LOBRE. October 28 13G 2w. I CABINET MAKE Rr Tnfokms the public, thlt He just received from New! York a xupply of the best St. Domingo AND A general assorimeni qf BRASS & OTHER DOD I 1 : .! 3 Mounting. JLT He continues td makef n of land the COFFINS nf xi oVi.., 1 j ...i kthar is not of the iou-t , wood, and tn art., w'.iIi. . r'c r S uuy141 S1 ! j fc7w.,c5 ana will execute everv enpuon of work, in his line of Mness, in the neatest mahnei and ul III, chn v. . S - v etiviicsc notire. nc.nupr 0u " I , : Uciober 2b, !8i0.i-ia6U JVashinnloh Ilotel Y1; i1- tn; tThe L"nfon w5 ntrajiiT ths VdUUilUil, J-AULCl. diously concealed till the moment of their : Statements published a W clays since .3"' f" .- !': two British Xapiains, whose-evidence Owen Glendower. : L i; . L7t !A v P?..,advantageous:to;her Mafestv. f' It is stated lliat Austria had HTm i"Wwwr " - r z w w A iyllljl " ,fv 'ir tpttt , JOSEPH BELL, eturns his thanks to the Public for the encouragetnent he has hitherto received, and res- pectfully informs them, that he has made -extensive- and -com modious additions K to V his establishment. He has endeavored ? to ' consult the comfort . and convenience, of His Boarders, and being furnished with good beds, servants, aJid rooms wUh firepfaces, he" can aceommodatt; as many travellers and others as may favor hint wiih their company. His Table "-'will he .-furnished with trie best tbe "market :Wotjd8,1 and his Bar will be supplied ivith the choicest liquors. ; 1 4 i 1; Ladies or families can be furnish ed with private apartments, anc will receive every attention that may ten4 to promote their comfort. The Stables, belonging to the Hotel are extensive, and will be constantly furnished, with good pro vepder and careful ostlers.: ! Newbern, October 28, 1820 136tf;- rtl HE NEWBERN GUARDS arerei 1- quested to meet. at the Court-llouse on Monday evening next, at halfpast three o ciocK,tor the purpose of electing officers mu transacting ottier ousiness ot import- ance. ' -'4'V . - A punctual attendance is expected. Newbern, October 28th, 1820.: CAROLINA CENT1NEL NEWBERN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1820. The Superior Couit for this county,; which was to have been, held this week. ! has not been opened, in, consequence of! ine lnaisposiiion ot Judge Donnell. We understand his honor is now con valescent, and it ii expected he will be enabled to preside at Beaufort and Hyde,, the two remaining counties in his circuit S " Latest from England. NEW-YORK,1 OCT. 18. By the arrival of the ship Cortes, Cap tain De Cost, from Liverpool, the Edi- tors ot the Commercial Advertiser .have received London papers to the 10th, and Liverpool to the 11th of September; with regular files of Lloyd's Lists to the 8th. The Queen's Trial was1 adjourned from the 9th of September, to the 3rd of October. The evidence on the ' part of the crown had closed, and. the adjourn ment was to give time for the Queen's witnesses to arrive. ; The Times states, tliat after the exam ination of the 25th witness, trie Attorney General prayed for an allowance of more time to enable witnesses, who had for some time been expected to reach Lon j V .i . i. don arrive. He observed,1 that he un derstood the delay to have resulted from the treatment the first witnesses recpivpd on,their landing at Dover. On the next day, the Attorney General observed, tharhe had since, been ihfoimed, that me persons in question could not arrive as soon as expecteu. and he withdrew his application. The Observer states, that several of the witnesses oh the Dart of the Queen. had arrived, among whom were (persons "e uignest resnectaDiiuy in Italy, 'ine same paper addsr that the following pei sons are among the number who will b examined on behalf of her Majesty . sr VVm. Gell, Hon. K. Craven, Capt Count Sehiavine, Hieronymous, CarloL The London papers, as usual, are fil led with. the speculations on the evidenced the Times says . r "This is probably the most singular cause tharever was, or ever will be han ded down to posterity. Among the ac cusing witnesses of a n.in f thp erei is not one purchasable occupation in human lift est, -meanest, mpst not one whose ch, t " , L one whose character has borrie the test 'of - cross examination, even from rru nuiu r?. whlch Wg VP ed bv the 7 rKrr v.iiuai nill) HW ir nu.n .,r,iKi; - Artimnanon in chief the names and desiuatign of the witnesses ill LUiri . was ever sucn a bill of divorce thn.mht p How defective J how unholy I Other bills of- this kind are opened with evi dences to the happiness of the parties before the seduction took place ; their union in i holy ,church is attested ; the witnesses of the marriage, the, friends, the relatives, of i the parties-r-zuV pain fulIy;brought forward to testify to ihese and similar points.,! Tears are the usual concomitants of such evidence. There is a. sanctity even in the dissolution pf a sacred tie; but this union, uoble'st in its motives -unblest in its. celebration--in its continuance-unblest in its fruits is now, when the parties are fast ap proaching to the term of life, frigidly pre sented to the nation to be rent asunder wiinout any or those preliminaries vhich of necessity precede the final separation of those whom it is forbidden to man to separate. But the divorce, it appears will hot now be attempted. Lord Lons dale, an adherent of Ministers, himself proposed 'the removal of that clause from the bill ; and Lord Liverpool part ly acquiesced, disputing only as to the stage in. which the change was to I bp made. ' We would not recall : content. F1.tu 'JU inenacea injustices against the, Queen by showing that it is more d.fficult to retire than to proceed ; but does norevery one see that, if a hus- band cannot obtain a divorce against his if 1 1 ...!-. . or -wite, a bill ofv pains and penalties, even if justly carried, can have no other effect iiian to prove that the parties are on a this that the tranquility of England is to ls -lur.sucn a cause as De snaKen to its foundation The Tinies of the next day says ":The people of England may prepare their minds for some grand and glorious act of public rejoicing.", A meeting had been held at the Crown and Anchor Tavern, to1 promote the sub scription to purchase a service of plate for the Queen, v Sir G. Noel, Duke of Leinster, Earl of Oxford , M. Wood, Esq. Hon; D. Kennard, P. Moore. Esq. Al derman Throp, Sir F. Burdett, Sir J. Newport, Sir H. Parnell, Lord .W. Fitz gerald, J. Ci Ilobhouse, Sir R. Wilson, C. Calvers, Esq. and E Ellis, were ap pointed Trustees. 1 Numerous addresses are daily presen ted to her Majesty. The following is her answer to an address from the inhab itants of the Parish of St. Marvs Wp fully coincide with the Editor of the Na tional Advocate, in saying, " It breathes rebellion and civil war . in every line." " f am happy to find that my many sufferings and my accumulated wrongs have so powerfully interested the sympa thies of the inhabitants of St. Mary's, White Chapel. . "The C07ispiracy which I am. com batting tho' nominiaily directed against myself is in fact a conspiracy against British Liberty. No measures since the .revolution has portended such disastrous consequences as the present bill of Pains and Penalties; while it threatens freedom under all its diversified aspects, and with all its general rights and all its particular securities, it at the same time darkens, t fie perspective of the future with a lowering appearance of civil war. xi exniDits a cloud on the ede of thp political horizon that ma burst in mis- I ery on every family in the country. j This -bill of Pains and Penaltiei erii nn tiytrn Vi hJ thus be the harbinger nf , tn Hies may : marts hearth; it may embitter the day rf LiionJ. j . . . I wi-muuaatius auu lens i wiousanus, both rich and poor, and produce irremediable regrets, i I : After the noble stand whirh n.,,,, of the most estimable anions the Peers ndve maae against the pestiferous bill, and the total want of any evidence to justify its enactment, it cannot be ex 1 . & pected that it. will pass; but if it should H?s, we must never lose smht nf thp probability that his Maiestv mav marrv again the issue of that mar,;a.,l .;i in all likelihood, cause a contested sue m all likelihood. r;mP a nnnta.A cession. 1 hat part of the nation which will not allow the bill pf pains and pen alties to be a constitutional an. ,n,, readily submit to tlie nfanrin nf rtage which will never trpmihlho AerA " , t ... r - r ed letritimnt I " If myrmanwe be annulled, h must oe annulled in defiance of all law. The ii . . . - o 7 Viueen therefore, who succeeded me would onlv be - . v rtgnt can be conveyed by an ille gul act; and in the opinion of thegreat majority of the nation, nothing can awmp me bill oLpains and penalties with . .1 .... ' . o .y cnaractensiic. Jt will novr ue regarded as anv thin? more than an w. ui pure tyranny, and as such it will excite the hatred of the present age, and I'cucnce me execration of posterity." The address from Su Mary's White -ci, nau upwards ol 25,UUO signa- iuies. une was presented at tlie same time from the ladies of Sheffield, which contained 10.600 names. On the 3d of September, the Queen made an eimn nn nn lU Tl,amc . ! banks were crowded with Wta,n7, i ' severa! tes were fired as the yatch pas- , . r. " 7.'V r.r avu uvwui r - l -flAn- J J- s to.bbpose Naples.;.' The Emnemr rr.M.i" to receive the Duke de Gallo, as linister from Naples ; and that 77,000 Austrians were oh their march towards Italv. counts from Berlin i state, that the Kin of Pmia h nrdPr 90 om tr5 ?i march -for Italy. This we. find contra dicted in the London Morning Chronicle of the 8th. :j; V.;;.- ;' - A letter from Brussels of the 2d of Sept. says" Numerous couriers continue to arrive in this city ; a British Cabinet Messenger has'passed through, with high ly important despatches, for Vienna.?' ' Andrew Hardiei John - Baird and James Clelland, convicted of high trea son, were executed at Greenock on the th ol iseptember. James Wilson for" the same offence, was executed on August." - : 1 . H- he 31st of It appears from- Madrid srniine nn the 24th of August, that a third diplomat ic note from the Emperor of Russia- had been communicated to the Spanish gov ernment, which was very satisfactory. ! . . London September 7. l ' ; The Paris papeis of Saturday informs us, that the Duke of Cambridge proceeds , . 7 w iwoij. ai II1C uuinciciicc 10 oe held in that caoital, relative to the af fairs of Italy ; it is'furtheV hinted, that the co-operation of England in the measures which are proposed for adoption towards that country will become a subiect of d.. j bate during the visit of his Roval Hih- nessi Doubts are insinuated in the French journals whether the Duke de Gallo, the new minister from Nan hs to tiP C.niUt of. Austria, will be received by his Im penai Majesty. It is further said, that the emperor Francis will not recognize the new; constitution of- Naples: that King, Ferdinand, when restored' by Aus tria tq the exercise of his former despo tism, will pledge himself against any con- cession to his subjects except with' the consent of the Austrian Government and that, in case of his giving way at any ulure tmie to compulsion, no acts of that Sovereign are to be deemed obligatory or valid., Austria, according to j rumour, undertakes for the maintenance of her own great army in Italy, of which 40,000 men are on the route to Naples ; 40,000 atf to remain in cantonments near Fer raja, in readiness to assist any Italian Princes, who. may be on bad terms with their people ; and 40,000 are to consti tute an army of reserve within the fron tier ofc Austrian Lombardy. t A note from the Emperor of Austria is talked of, in which he guarantees to jhe several Courts in Italy their security, peace, and independence" as established by the Congress of Vienna.- ' ' ; The ship of the line lately launched at Norfolk, as ascertained by lot, is cal led the DELAWARE. LAUNCH OF THE DELAWARE. The United States line-of-Jbaitle-ship, Delaware, was launched from the navy yard at Gosport, in the vicinityf; Nor folkj on Saturday the 21st inst. in the presence of ah immense canconrsw nf pectalors, without the smallest accident ot any kind, to mar those noble feelines. miiii aiiiiijaicu every patriotic bosom on V at lnte.l:estmg occasion:- The speech . - ' T v " es s anxiety that was depicted in pvptv countenance, when the ship first started uPon her ways, can be-better conceived tnan described. - An awful silence pre- Vailed. Iinttl' slip pmhmrpl tda r.-... i 7 r i ...jvkM.Hlc.,nttiClj a tnultitudinous assembly gave vent to their feelings, by reiterated huz- ??s ,l,cn Were continued for some time. KeI,fved frora the painful. anxiety which had in the firsrinstance manifested itself, joy and gladness were now seen to sparkle in those eyes, upon which before hung doubt and uncertainty. Sorabid was the motion of thershin. that all ni,.,mPede her progress, were unavailing. .... t r - i ' 7 1 ihestqutest. cables appeared to be mere pack-thread in her way and she was not finally stopped: until she came in contact with the opposite bank of the river, trom wh'ce she was expected to be removed, j without difficulty, on the succeeding day. without difficulty, on the succee ol0o aA f ur"A:nr-- Salutes were fired from the dilferent forts and to heighten the scene, the uiun o T CI U IIICU IIUI1I IIIC UillCICUl V uf rner ,nRate was sp'endiuly decorated . - , ' . - r? m during the day, with the flags of various ndiioiis, t signals. vc. aim ai nitrht was brilliantly illuminated. Pet.Iiepub. It is ascertained, that General Hirster is; elected Governor of Pennsy lvania, by a majority of about 2500 votes over the Dresent Governor Findley. This result appears to be unexpected by both parties. On thel6th inst. persons were elected in all the towns of Massachusetts, to as semble in convention at Boston, on the 15th of next month; to revise and ampn.l the Constitution of the State, At Quincv. the venerable JOHN ADAMS was elec ted unanimously. . ; Vf '"'" w": c i. is unoer ood that L.eut. Col. Anthony Gale L. , vl" .r, 71 L-9'. . oeen u,s mmoHont rtt - mn-iw 1 I J! UUA2tU UUUi kilV dWi w lktr. II v i it &Tiirirp r - ' wj j w - .s; i of a general court rtmrttat which eru teace has been approved by the Fresi dent of the Uiiite6States V iSftcannai. Octooer 14. That season of the year has now arri ved, to which we hayeloq and, anxi ously looked forward, with a hope, that 'LTr , 5"" ome aoatemeni oL4ne 1 wadful disease.which has ravaged our city. But the 14th of October has come. mu uiisryery siuc or uwc auit . ucnoiu the dreadful march of the pestilence--we still hear the groans of the dying, the despairing shriekl of the-living ; and our eyes are yet pained with) the sight of the ipovirig hearse the solemn yet slowfand lonely tread of woe. 4 . We can yet learnof no abatement ' of this dreadful pestilence. ' The average number of deaths ; continues nearly as great as when the population of the city amounted to ten times its present num ber. And as the season approaches when .our citizens are usually flockino ta their homes j . we are fearful that ma- ny victims win oe mrown witbm its reach. Museum. Ectractof u letter dated Havana, Sept, ."! - . . - 24, 1820. " I find it is impossible odo any thing at present with the Flour, under existing circumstances, as there is not a house in the place who would advance a dollar on it what to do with it 1 know not. The custom house stores are all Ifull, in conse quence of which all the Hour which has arrived for the last lour weeks has been piled on the wharves. There are two vessels here that have been! taken up for Alexandriaand Baltimore to carry back Flour;, they are note loading. ' I " In consequence of thejquantity that hes lately been smuggled, the Intehdant has ordered that every vessel having Flour on board should haul to ! the cust torn housp wharf nnH rllci-lw. -L 7 j - r"" ""''wiigc iliiJiieui- ately, Under the inspection b 'lie .officers t in consequence of which every barrel oftiour.pays 8 3-4 duty r lour is now selling from 9 1-2 to 10 perjbarrel, which i not pay the duty and other charges.1 Baltimore. Orfnh mi - . w 1 1 ne. prevalence ot the infliina Baltimore, is mamiested byfthe following' singular fact, that the tntlemen of the ; bar are so afilicted with it, as toxbe unable to attendtp their causes before tlit court at the regular session of that body. The court were, consequently, compelled to 'adjourn for a week, to allow the gentlemen of ll I f 11 4. . 1.1 me par run time tor the recovery of their oratorical powers. .1: Royal Play-fctress.A Miss Francis Alsop Fitzclarence, an acknowledged, daughter of the Duke of Clarence, third son of the late King of England, and! the famous Mrs. Jordan, has arrived at New-York, a play-actress ! j ! j - - U . Bafoon. Mr. Guille ascended in a balloon atj Philadelphia, on the I4th insU at 4 O'clock, and nno U r... . r--7 iiuu tuci caner safely landed in New-Jersey about forty mires distant from his starting p !ace !-i He passed through a cloud, whkh charged rain below him, and for n con-' siderable time he could not see the earth. By the help of a Jbarometer,lg calculated that his greatest height was 35,000 feet. Gottingen, (Germany,) July, 6. Our University is at present frequent. ef, by about ffteen hundred students, of all civilized-nations, among which- are many Americans. There are! not rooms " enough for mem in the city, and . many have to lodge in garden bouses about town ; at no period before was it so crowded. We have here ilU ht r I Professors, in every department of Sri ence. v .- ? ' j U; j Neto view of things The wity and convivial Lbrd Kelly being, in! his early years, much addicted to dissipation his mother advised him to take example of a gentleman whose constant food was herbs and his drink water. Whatjmadam," ..c, wuum you nave me imitate a man who ea tike a beast and drinks Ufa aJishV V DIED, At Holly-Grove. Dunlin rnLtv " """'VC VI me llOnnraha Thtirpa . . . w ( - ( VUUUIJ iUW Hooks, on the Qth intan L f'mti AiHis atc, consort of Lemuel Hatch, i' lia 01 Jones county. COMMITBfirATwn- Oerf On the 25th. AjuindaiClart. only child Qf the late Wat. F. Clark, of this county, aged two years. 4 As into the air tbe purer spirits flow, Andsep'p-ate from their kindred dregs I oelow, I So flew the soul to its congenial place Port of Newbernl L Schrs. Pigot, Gould, New-York Ce tJurney, CLEARED. 1 James Monroe, Harker, Uayti Carc line, Harding, Guadaioupe. rena, Paddock, Uighton, John - Dixon. ISew-Vork : MarV. Shaw, ? : : York ; Kufus King, Hunt, Aew ioik. s . - -'

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