V- 'J t air 1 T . - ;1: 1 1 - C POETRY. How solemn is the scene, when friend . - :( drawiuear,, -" -tX2v;VV VU'-J.v; To pay to parted: worth the funeral tear ! Ho w precious aire tHe sacred tears; that rise. And-flow' successive from each t , ' ner'a.eyes J -.: . v" lourn- How solemn is the" sight -Hts so to rae Extended in the narrow house J9 to see The pale .precursor of bur certain donni, A silent Votary for the lurid tomb ! Wo language can describe, no tongue can .teii,, ,, The heart's keen anguish at the' last ' -' farewell ; .When the jid closes on the fade4 face, Where late serenely" smii'd each -'softer grace. .. r v Plac'd on the sable hearse, the mournful . . . , r- - IIWllli v N In sad procession', sjowly move along i',wif u Uttsyr u wim autiuiTj tu 4ic iaic repair, , v 5 And leave their fellow friends to moulder ' . there. : .-; i :- . j Then home return Oh I what a blank appears The heart that gives the few remaining tears; How glortmy all, where late so sweetly smiled, ; !- - The lovely . friend that every care be guiled J " I Those who have lost, what words can not ' .supply, ,; j Can give the sympathetic tear and sih : Though frierkl ship '.can a soothing calm - ,r -- -i -..-- , imi ' heart. S your Lih z f Ask the aeed iu kios. oacK. upon irre scenes tnrottgii which they havepassed upon the years which they. have spent; 'intreat them to tell you in what liht they see hem--at-y. tend to their answer, for with the aged, there is wisdbra.1- What is 'their reply ? J tThey.cjonrrtfWe ..oracles of--Ood. The weaver suittethey say is riot more svvift,- the shooting star is riot jraore rao ! nientary, eviiesceht arid unreal. Some of vou maVronsuIt vour children, in- steatfof advisuii your fathers ; and all I miy aaK. yout 'inren, u lime oe not ' very, short. The registers qf the dead are falthfur;iiey cannot erj ; they are not interested : consult then the register of the dead. Look upon the tombs -are their itihabitanTCall oldi? ' iol, not all. IVlany? No not ma.iy. -The aged are a thinlyvscattered number, jlnfants there art, who were l)orn .'' to vef p and die ; babes there are, who in ail their sport ive innocence, have gone down into the - grave; youths thoni are, who, iri their gayest hours, and inidst the most plea sureaole scene7 haye been recalled to I lie down in. darkness anji the! dust. j iumoers too, are mere iwno, in ine , pride 'di iqanhuod, the maturity . of life 1 iri the fulCcafrer" ofusins a'nj of hope, Jjave bce eased of tyW thir anjfities and i deJVated of all their expjetatioris, and "fast bount;in the fetters of death.- The youii lie Mhick as; deW drops on the ground y here and thereonly do . we find "aiiiOoupeht erected rinto years and wis dom ; We vubndep vvhe.i we find it, and yety tliis our wonder does not cure us - of )ur security and confidence: Per haps even, now .the sy the of time is lift el np to cjlit down those who little think o it, whoare txec!iinjthe departure of their friends, or, preparing to carry their fathers to the tomb T7 Stewart i jCooky MERCHANT xklLORS, f:spi;cTFULLY inform theii JL L customers ana tne ruDiic in gene ral,-that they have just received from. New-York; '; . ;" yy- j A -GEXE.ftAL SS05TMENT fj: Sitperjim, arid second quality Broful cloths, ; - .- , i f . Cassiracrea arjdVcstings, with tri mmlngs suitable toltlieir line of business. I Clothing of every des cription made; atf short; notice, land in the rnst approyeo; style. They have also obtainedfrom New-York, the besr "workmen, ana newest fashions i JwiLli THEY. -.WILL ALSO KEEP OS HAND, 14 ffcnerul assortment of READY MADE CLO THES. Orders from a distance, exe tuted with neatness and dispatch, Newbern, October! 21 135 Saml ScfosephOliver H Ave iusi received frorrfN? York; 9 'heat assortment of GOODS, wfii en! wUn their former Stock, comv prises a handsome assortment , of AND AN EXTENSIVE ONE OF Hardware & Cu I. 7 - U which they! offer on very favorable erms, wholesale and retail. ALSO FOR SALE, QAA pieces heavy Cotton Bagging 40 inches ,wide;V ; 15 casks Weeding Hoes, Heavy and light Canvas; White Lead. Linseed Oil, . Kegs Goshen BUTTER, CHEKSE; ; 3 tons Castings, , Madeira Wine, by the gallon, or dozen bottles, Sewing and Seine Twine, y Tea, Loaf SUGAH, 2000 wr. mandfactured Tobacco, 100 Massachusetts PLOUGHS V 10 Crates New York parked CROCKEHV, , 24 GU N'S, double and sin- . glr barrel, of neat fiwish, And one, very elegant SINGLE BA tlllEL GUN, ,' with case and apparatus complete, price 100. Nev vrn, November 4th, 1 820. 6i 1 37 CHEAP STORE Craven Street, Nearly opposite the Newbern Sank. Thomas J(V. Pitt man InforMs liis frienHs anl the Dublic.: that he has returned from New-Yrk with A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Ladies Jk V! isses Beaver Hats Gentlemen's & Boy's Beaver, Yool Sc VIorrocco Hats Ladies Misses ' Shoes and Bootees Gentlemen's Boots Shoes j And a variety qf low priced Shoes ai i d Bootees I LIKEWISE, j Saddles .; Bridles 1 Harness j Trunks j Valices, &c. ; ' He has also received, AN INVOICE OF FIRST qUALlTf New-York made An assortment oj Tower Proof Fowling Pieces " AND. SEVERAL ARTICLES OF AMONG WHICH ARE I J Bureaus, Tables, Ladies Work Stands, Candle .do, ". Field Bedstead, ' Windsor Chairs, &c. ALSO, 2 Single Horse Waggons Fanning Mills and Straw Cutters. All of which he offers' very low for Cash. , Netcbern, Oct.2S126tf. BLANK .1. - . - v . Bills of Exchange, , State aid Newbern Bank Checks Bills of Lading, Shipping Articles Manifests V Constable Warrants, ; State Warrants . Sheriff's Bail Bonds Bills of Sale GOODS llery TI TT1 T IT! 4 FtirritittPe, i .. r- : - , J Deeds Leases, &c. &c. 1 ' For sale at this Oficv. a Washington-J I otel. -1 A n i3 Vi J&s.Z A : etuens hithanks to the Public fix tHe encouragement he has hitnerto teceiveu, auvA. pectfully informs them, that he has made extensive and commodious dditions to his establishment. He has endeavored to consult the co nt fort and convenience of .his Boarders, and being furnished with jood beds, se r v an ts , and rooms with fire pieces, he can accommodate- as many travellers and others Vv may avor him with their company. His Table will be furnished with the best the 'market affords, and his R-v will h- snnnlied Aviih the choicest 'iquors. v Lgdies n. families can be furnish ed .with private apartments, and will receivfef every atoti'on ih xt n:y tend iu promote theiSpjmfor-- -. The Sjla de ; beloSjng to the; rlniel ir exnstvc, aid will '-'be- consiantly furnished with good pro ven Jer- andUarefui ostici s. V Ne wbbr i, Oc( ji)e r 2 8, 1 3301 36tf. . State of N orth-Carolina, James Ingram. vs.';- .:. Original Attachment Levied on Land. Edward Inraai, j I'V ap)earin faction ot tlie rr f n tlic satis e Coiiift, that Ed- C7 f 'ward' Iriirram;' the -befeiidant in this' I case, is not an inhalant of this. Stair . the Court do therefore "order . that public ation be .made tor three hiontbjs in 'the Carolina Centine, printed in Newhern, that unless ht appt-.vr before the j uisiices of the i ourt -of . Pleas vand Quarter Scs sioufi to be- held for t ounty pi Lenoir, .it the Court; House in Kirs-ton,"" on the j first I ivloz:day in janugry next, and then and there answer or d iryir, judgment will be entered ''-against 'him, to the a-' mount of the Plaint tit s debt and By order, i C. WESTBROOK, C. C. Iina, v r LKNOIR eOUNTY. James Ingram, k v - -! . , ,tA , : " vs " r,nna' ttachmen r i 4 i - C Levied on Land. -Edward Ingiam, ) , . . I T appearhiff to the satis faction of the Court, that Ed ward IngramVlHe Defendant in this case, is not an inhabitant of this State, iSe Court do therefore order, that publication be made for three months in the Carolina Centinel, printed in Newbern, thatr unless me suiu tiQwara j Ingram maice nis personal appearance before the Jus tices ot the Court of Pleas Quarter; Sessions, to be belt and 1 for the Countv of Lenoir, at the ourt House in Kinstoti, on the 'first pon there day- in January nest, then and to answer, plead or. dt rriur, mcnt Will oe entered agairts Ihim for . the amount of the -i . . - . ; Plaintiff's demand. My order, VVH3TBHOOK; C. C. f- - - t G. M KAIiNj-v, CA BIX ET MAKER, Infokms the public, that he has just received from New-York a SUDDlv 6f the beStSt Dominrrn any A general assortment, of ' Brass & other - " nting. He continues to make COFFINSof Mahogany and other wnod'aml ftoattend "Funerals, as i heretofore ;' and Hl cxedute every j - - ' r t--..v. . ,. . desenpnop of work, in his line of 4";"tw. v.r -xia at the shortest notice. . October 28, 1820. 136tf mcmpg Mdu li.EiVA'R Di - RaNAWaY from the Sdbscribler, cm the 12th. of February last :it. gro Man named . . . NAT; - He is about five feet seven inches hi gh,r quite black, has a large flat nose, very small etirs, is scout nwuc and stutters very badly, was raised on Tar River, by Benjamin Buck, and sold , by him to Weeks Chajv manf from whom the Subscriber pur. chased him ; he has acquaintances on Neuse River; Swift ;Creek, and Cotentnea, at one of which places he is probably lurking. The last that was' heard of him, he was in the neighborhood of Cotentnea, Greene County'. - ' All persons are hereby forwarned from harboring or employing him, under the penalty of the law.rrhe above "Reward, and 'all reasonable expences will be paid to any person that will apprehend and deliver said runaway to the Subscriber, or secure him so that she gets him again. ; : Sarah Chapman: ift Greek, Craven. ,Qt'f nty, Noyll,1820 J ' Count REWARD. A1ST AWAY from the! Subscriber, on the 24th of December last, a Negro lad named about eighteen year- i age; five feet three or four inches high j disfigured in his right' fore finger by being m t'.shed yellow complexion, V and shas a down ipek when spoken to-;, other spartit ular ' mark recollected. COLLINS was raised . by Jehu M urri ford, of Onslow County," de ceased, and now belongs to the es tate of said deceased: He is suppo sed to be "lurking ab-nit NeWberr; or Wilmington, waiting for an op portunity ta go off on board a vessel. The above reward, will be given for the apprehension and delivery of said fellow, in Onslow, .Trenton, Newbern or any other Jail, so that I ge t him again, and all reasonable expences paid, r i .. I hereby caution all persons from harboring or employing said -Negro, and Masters of vessels from carry ing him away, vas I am determined to enfore ; the law against all offen ders, without distinction.- -Ten Dollars wili be given for informa tion sufficient to c on y icf any; person offending in any of said points. ZADO&MUMFORD. : Exr of Jehu Mumfbrd, dec Onslow County, June 20tA, 1 820 BY HE PRESIDENT ; OFVTHE ;-- yiNIED;ST&ES:::-"' ' ' WHEHEAS, by vatipu acts of Congress, the President of the Uni ttd States is authorized to diret the public lands which have bceh rsur veyed to be1 offered for sale : , ; Therefore, Ir James, Monroe, President of the United .'Staiesf? do herebv' declare -ahdT make known. that - public sales, r for the-, disposal (according to law) of "public lands, shall be. held as tollows; viz At.Franklin, in' Missouri, on the first Monday in' January ;riext ' for the sale of '. '. . . , Tbwijships 51 to 55,; in rapger 26', - west of the 5th principal roeredian - .line. : .a. ,;;;-;--!r;-. 50 to 55, ranged 27rand;23: - 5 1 to 5',-,rahRe 29 -y 1 .' do. do. rAt'thBamelacelbthe'iffirst Monday in March nextfor& the saleof Tbwrishiris 5lato 56: ;in; rahverz3ol . wcsiuj inc-juu principal menaian line. ' ";. " '. i . T . ;.6rKTns3'&, a; doi At-St Louis,? injsaid Estate,,: on the' first Monday in December next for the rle of ; I ' -, wnsfH5 in range land 2, cast of the 5th principal ineri. -?xlanilihe. fy y . t; Monday inf' March' next.- tfoth saie Qf l. r- ne At thesame -placei on thevfirst i Townships 35 ta'4 inrariF ??vKr?n5 3 ' " vaai' ,- -' - - - 1 . 1 " - -.- l-east, arid t43 and V ' rjardeauir in ;tbp.ajrl statt, Ca first M?nyrinWer5ary nwct yG! the Towissiiips?334air ; ranees 1 , . east of the 5th: principal meridian : 33, ;v fflivKiDge, east do . '29, :3Q & j3 ; townships ato;i3nge o,We ; 11 to 13 10 amll 6 to 13''.;: "12 aud l3 . ' " , 8 to 12 14 r ; a.; At Vandalia, in the said state oa the third ondn January next Tpr'the'8aleofA.ii;?;Ly ? s Townships" 5 irt rae it of .3d principal meridian line ;. 7 to 10 - 2 Sto lO ranges 3, ;4, 5 and 6 1, B, 9 and-10 range 7, east . ,1, 6, 7, 89 and 10 .8, At Palestine in saicTstate, on the second Monday in -February next for theaale of -r '' ; Townships 6 to 10, in ranges 9t i and H, east of iJd principal me ridian -lin i i rto' 10 range lowest of 2d prin , -cipal. meridian, line. y 8, 9 and 10 ranges 12 and 13. At Detroit, in Michigan Terri. tory, on the first Monday in Nc! , verrtbe,r next, forjhe sale, of Townships 8,:9 and lO S.4in ranges 4 and tlmf :y:: ' i 8 arid 9 in range 6 7, 8 andi9. " -7 and 8 Except such lands as have been or -may be' reserved by law' for the support . of schools," : or for other purposes. VThe; lands shall be sol iu regOlar numerical order," begin ning with "the lowest number of sec- i tion, township, and range. Given undermy.hand, atthe City of Washington, this nineteenth day of September, 1820. JAMES MONROE. By the President, - Josiah Mei v . Commissioner of the General Land Office BYTHE PRESiDEINT OFTHE UNITED STATES. : WHERE AS, by an ait r of Con gress, passed on the; 3d , of March, 1817, entitled " An,, act to author, zed the appointment of a Surver tor the lands in.; the northg m part of the Mississippi Territory, and the sale' of certain landsaherem des cribed! the Presiden tf thtfUnited States is autHori2ed tocause certaia lands to be sold : ". ; Therefore; I, James Monroe President of! the United tatesl: do, hereby declare and v make : known that public sales shall ' be -.held at Huntsville, :i in lAlabama, , lbr the disposaL (according-to law) of the following lands, Viz : On the 2d Monday in October next, for the sale bf -townships: 19 and 13, in rapge 2 E. ; townships 9,10, 11, and " 14, in range 3, E 4. E. ; townships, lo;n;l2, 13, and, 14. in range Us,;E. townships 12, 13,; and 14,. in1 ranee 6. E. ; and township 12v in range 7'E. .Also, the, lands f in M-the,. tract commoDly calleoColbert's reserve. i Onjthe. first Monday in3 Decem ber nexti for the sale of townships 1 1V12, :13i . and;l4, in range W. rownships2l3,4 and 14; in ranges 6 and 7VV. townships li; i3land 14; in ra;ngeL:8;;wl:;t tQwhshipl ,1 ' 13, and 14, in rancre.9: W. : towu- 1 ships. i3 a'ncj 14, 'in, ranee. 10.; W.w ; and township inangc 1 i -Also, thJanda adjoining he un , of Marathonwhichhaye not. (een offered fon salecxcept such' land as have been reserved by law for the support'of school or for other pur poses. ;;iTrrelahds shall be sold m rlar OfideV! commencing with the ywen nu III OCT QI sections .OtU,V'r and ranged s ; 'y '.V ; ' City of Washington 'theJi j - , JAMEaMONROE fofilAHirMpiGs, Commissioner of the General Land Office. .Illinois, on r . th&vfirs Monday rabuary next, for, the, saje of s ;7

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