'A V A (7 ' "4. ' J' " ' 1 ' . " . i i 's i ' K' . " ' Mil.! '.' . i' " " i.' I " .'I" . " , 1 1 i ' 1 ' " 1 I aesgi' ' ' volume1 in..: , I. , - . Vv ' j. XaiLL w fMiJA J L2l jiJi'Lk; -NJ 'ifclfc' 1 1 l " 1 . ... J .. : l ,:., i - . 'i.i :' ,r s 1', ": - , "... ...'- " ", . t : . 'w ' ' . ..' J-w-' i ." V w - ii .'. - 'i . T- ' '' I "' : - iii i " isTBB AND PUBLISHED WEEKLT, : pASTEUa.WATSOXf At $3 per anhahalf in advance. -nvPTIOXS OP AC-15 ':;PUI5LIC ACTS. ; L v .UVmetii of the civ.IJist and uatin r t. . .r-'-niipnt fir the vear Wot cl?ir?es oi uu.vn-u.-. - j, . ' rTL' Innrl 'HlKl lJOI4S'I5 veaf.. I i -r,..:n to their tork in hre t;ixea m pruj u - UJ- : those . vhose; stock is between !IOO and '-$2,W.piy nenveeu & .O ) a-vl 95,OQOpay.$3 ; between t:.)0 and $l6tt)0d,pay $12; if abtive t ;:..,() pav 20. Wholesale 'Mer- 1t)NWvaiar of $25 f Commission fr'.nnf's 5515 ? Tax on Billiafd Ta- .00. Tax on ie-roes carneu .',,.,ili'tlie State f10.1 y..- . j lltiif,." .. ..j . , . - . .. , i 2." Prescribinjj'the time witmn wtiicn j fgistcrcd. ' With'ir. six months after their tw-ution- To taite effect oh tlie 1st o:'j r.. nt. ' i ' I 13. 1 In aid of an act 1 oassed by the t iature of Virginia lncorporatm? a TVmna'nv to establish a "communication J-cveeri the' waters of Roanoue Uiver, ; naking rrovissjtn forruiiyiiig the bojin 'iiid those which' fall into Ch wa:i River, i dj:iry linf? between the State of ,Teanas Yy the rivers and; other water courts ! ree, and to rnpe-s! a arf theretif.-p-litermediafe. between anv of 'them and ' f.Make some aijr-iviiidu i t tUe comtie'ii- (j.- tiiver t Otoimc. J 4. To authorise the Governor of this ; Air tr direct the sale of the Iaii?H IfUely ! jpq'iired by treaty from the Cherokee Ij lians w.'iinh are yet uisold. , (Two ; (onaiiioncrs. to be; npbinie,d by tha j (iovernor ar'eb layoff tlie. tahd, and, he , b ht fix ihc time of sale. -r; . j r 5. Granting further time, to ' perfect ! to lin is within this state. Allow- - 'Bij tiT' years. . i , J f o Piplain the duties of county courts, fxpfutorii, atimioiMiators and gmmians, ii certain cases threio aentioned, and ,ir.ritjier purposes. (Giving "guardians 4;t;uted in other states power to claim iirir wards' shares, in this Mate. t 7. for repairitt? and iiiin. ovi.i r t!ie - fty leading over .Swinninnoih ' i p ti Miefiue, mence tmie naywod hue. i,Co provide for -the payment of .st wheti a slave is convict ed of a ca;-': iu! crime. - Casts.'ti be -paid by the ; deauty.J v . . 4. t Xj . j 9- : Fordearing .out and deepening ujf stvaii or swasiiat OciKCock; inlet, .aid faprovin?,the: navigation of the siai.r.A cornjwuy is .incorporated foj AU purposed : ,-,' I , yj. Allowing.additional compensa-1 itm o tnettornojMJeaeral and Soli ' Cjt irs t v ttie tat'e; ' '.To have $20 ,'a t cjurt allowed, exchwir? of fees.; - and the Attorney General 1 03 for attending earn supreme juouit.j j .11.. Toqu"u?Uhe title of personsin pos sesion of slaves. - Where a pern has teen in possession of jj slave for a .cei lim period,-hw t:Uj shall not be uue- t.peed, except.in cases in whicji.the Uw - ru.res a wrUten transfer. j y' , To' regulate the proceedings on ? saits ajamst corporatiDns. ;A plaintin VTZ ,eu i ' summon t:ie President or flief officer of a' corporation to answer : 'tis complaint. . , , . . , i ll Ik:k!.t i -. - . t : 1. . .i w - uitiii TiM.(. men iron? cui Tun? tne.laaai reserved by the Cher-eje- Indians iKilly rtot - exceedf n 0 at the discretion of th- CourtH I ' 14. Limiting the time; withm which Ii - , r.,,. , u Pace may . ; I ruun mree vear T ; Jo. , Xojrepeal an act passed in 1706, 1 lr .r . ' , . r....vr..ivU5 iwr reuiovmcr deMm-e , ""Y- -""uiw,. or out of ft A - 1 . iic ana ror.athr iy,eorjrexnoved.by a person' i K "J: 'Creditor, be is . f item part of tisvState. This is a j tr. act of . iiictMrpOcktiun, ?iviii rio 3 the,buii'g; when they J. rv?rineoPrpQ5e --off aiding, the? .Vnia n of A."Sf-it f? Wort r .i' IU clt " "6 .qrart-.-es.floiw.' . TS iwelre monrh mit wU . i m?vnt),e comtnissiohers L-r 7 rTr: !' Ul5,w,w! rt -vtliis; wveyin and ett irt rts ii -i J" IM Ottt,f" D-1A.L r . I, ,- i in them three dollars a day and the same ! nm fnr vfrv thirtv miles travJiin!?. 20 r - to autnonze ana ajreci ine iiuo-- meaibers of 'the Senate ijnaf Mouse or - ,t.-.r'.'-- r.,.j .-if fliU fisiUt vTTrt -finch m&tnJ. 4 'il.oi S.riikp'rsr i : Mhe Clerks; 4fach - whh O 1 T aWietitl'an act of l-Sl),con cernine , clerks courts'., Extei tlMlctto tue Court. f ; I -. ' 23. To anrioMit.co-nmissVx'.ers to re vieviTa part of iheSj (load in Aie. ! .Hi. Further ooinn;iT pat the duly of J cTuarcHans. f Required to rei-ew tJieif bonds every tlite years ; on fail'trv, j .Clerks i' issu? tci. f:isx;aiiVst tiu in .',.the i amfintt Hit c ;v;n cw.cs on i."s file cvim 'iiis of V nvatevi.ll?, v il- njitisilin, XcwJr;), E-! . lou, - Elizabeth Ciiv. Halifax nhd Uf.i r'l. to- appoint Yil-' appoint not cxceetJinjr three tvicujueers and-, to require bonds. H rlG.' To amedtin act passed in IB19, sanon iuwei Jic-co:u:ms6ioiifis. j To nmend nni act pned in .IS 17 con cornhii' r.niJDisot v notes? Wiiere there f are more than oie person bound tney shall be canconliaSedjhi one suitj 26. Coneyrkiin Coroners. fThey are .to ;ve bontl in and renew it annu .j'hvj' - 29. jr t o amend the tUh and 6h tec-- tions of the act tf IS12, co;ic;.n-r)i:i the tiaviali:nn of thl .Yadkin.' fAitciing the ! place for ndvertjsiijg stock faie.j j 30. To clear out and improve the ! navigation at Broad River in the county ; of Rutherford. I ,5,000 are apuropria- ted lor this purpose from the iunus set apart for Public Improvement. SI. To authorise commissioners to errct a house in Fayetfeville for the safe keeping of the pbblic arms. The Govt ernor is authorised to draw on the Treas rury for $ 730 br this purpose. 32. Tti anvid the milipa laws of this State. The Adljutant-General is dirotr ed to bring suit against General and Fiek: Ollicers, ii -future,, idTthe superior court of the 'Cburity in wliich they leside.j '3:i. To authorise the Sit pre roe Court to hoar parol evidence in carfctpi cases. 34. To repe ll an act of 'atV session chapter'47 aiiovving conlhensation-lo iu rors. v j 33. "For the relief of. honest , debtors. No debjor to be imprisoned; if he will makf a iirrendei of liis property, or can conscientiously t!;e t!ie insolvetits oath. . 37- An act t revive and continue in force aji act entitled .an act, conce'rninsr" military land v. asrants passed in the year 180. 37. To incoi jwrate the New River Navigation Company: f . . . S'S." Extending the jurisdiction of 'Justices of the peace. f-To-suits not ex- ceedi - v lOO. . S DreCiL ' f tlie manner in which property shall bel sold "Nvhich is levied upon by sheriff's j-ami-constables- To be soi'il on tiie latn 'i'lmrrtlay in every rapiuh. after .0 djiys notice. ; ... 40. ' dutijni-e the Treasurer to appropViaietbe' Uurplus money in the Treasury ?o the jfurchase of Rank. Stock. 41. tii eciiugTiie couuiy ;ouriso pay f.. - ... -m; .u "... IU V-v4-J'H WiiiUCia l.JCItUI DUIUCU in certain r.i - w . loi)cerning the marriage -of . in fanr fmnl fYM ... .JH.r the a-e of Mf-nl except Dy couseni oi RESOLUTIONS. To provide tuJdUional Furniture for the :iouse of ltl , y-. v Simnions X Ba- kirVn4 T,i. i ir ' .uu' iuncKen, are aopouueu pair, of.the.btaic House e. . 5 i r 5rni m"u iard 527; 60 Sh. carrying , writ; of election to the u Oiumlos countv 5- - To renmaWate Mender Roach i i,-lJ j . . ',cnaer ttoacn V & expenses incur- llcation ot' the (British Statutes in f'tirce in 'the; field 'ooks made out bythe pdty-v GfetladVer and Light Infantry companiesi this State. Jude Potter, is- authorized surveyors 'of Jitif iCherokee; lands 'xibvt pin the countyoTIundolplt. y r' lo'contract fur;the printing 6f-uch..stat- lyifc&Jn fthe Execdtjve office, to bede- i 1 .29.'"Toppotnt cdmmissioircrs.to- 6t i ,1.0 nSfcit'antitatnir' have be?n ' f-. dosiVd in the ofnce?of:te. Secretary" oft itpon a srftable ulaceibr ' the pubHc bull- ported v th com missioned appointed 2tHte anto.oe oounq.. . to revr-'the lawso'f ihivSt.iieas iri-thbir ;c:For the relejf of JohirCiird, she opinion, to le tri fdrceV ; " y - v of wa Counter ; ;' "CV ' 4-" y .AlWin? coinrieniatioi t6rthe5:- 8.r, Ini-fawr of ; Stirling Anderso Ga for transcbin?Vtheir Journal ; Ln- gtsiatUre.) v R: ; C grosihV Cl ktj4: to eich $3s for 1; ;In;yoif on r";ik! Vr .-..,fr.,.V- 7 i I: Lrfoyorldf Jaiines''Copeland. cnari.iii.. ;f n : f i V-,int 4 fllirOOSe Of 1017.11102 ct kImi --the', 'nruvisibntof 'Juinaiatidti iniijie $tab-ii clerk of the Supreme : ception of theT$tatuc?;of rp4 oa tlip.frial And. ereciitirm nf hi- njt citt woman raanL:'::'Aiart the liGtiav . 'vi. ... tvefjuuiug: wcrvv.'. t. wusc ?J-.5P. Jfvr,K "rk.. ! ' 'f-f -jL t Jl laieitpnerm. w: v.mimiij v ? 9 v.VlO: ; To prosecutlhe.TEditor of; fne Halifax vompjleffbrj H jibel on the; Lfe AppropriaUiyp60;for Vont and Intcrto- ou$e for the.re- I J. GeneralWash-Lpcrtain inton.. . ; . ; I ,i ! i ! : . ' ; I . ' U PPLV AT.fi ACTS. Ai act tottach Gapt. Frederick hobble's company to;t ie 4th regiment oi Rowan ntnitia To alter the time of holding two of the'Coui ts of Pleas amiQuarter Ses sions for Liricoui Cpurityl, ' To aopoiiirconiimissioners to lay oif and establish a divUling line between the counties of Cliowau and Gates. 4, To authorize dorm'-Frost oT Ilowaii countv, tp erect a oam; across .Alitcheirs, Riverain the coinntv of Surry, ; 5. To k-epeal an act I passed in 1S19, ' to repeat certain parts Of three acts con- ! cernin Patrolers, orteipassed in the year ; 1794, another in lS02d;and the other in ' 1816 so jar as respects the coupty of. Etlgf comlb. ; " I ' j : 6, .TA authorize the County Court of Hay worn.; to contract for making a turn pike Road f:ora the : VVar Ford on the Tiickase.ree River to tl'je Tennessee lpj near the i lead of the west fork of Little Pigeon; ' . I : , 7. lo exempt Vym. Williams, of flay wood county, fromthe payment of a tax -imposed by law; pn Gates erected acrosss public highways. t" 8. Tkautlioiize Wbi'.' R. Smith, of tthe cnimtv af i la.it fax' I tri pr'pSlf'Aih nr i more (lates across thepublic road leading tbrou-n his plantation in Scotland Neck. ... .... . 9- i o compel the clerk of the county court of Mecklenburg; 1 3 keep his office at tiwe couitiiiouse in the town of Charlotte. 10. Jo authorise tike county court of ' Rutherford to lay a tax for the payment ( ot jurors jn the . county and superior courtSj af.d for other , purposes. II., Providing for. Female. Pepaft ir.enl in the Greensbcjrbugh Academy. .12. To establish a, court of FVobate iii the County ot Cdmberland, and for other purposes. ;.. .13. To auljiorizei.jthe administrators of John M"Raf, late sherirT of Cumber land county, U collect ;t he taxes 'therein mentioned. ' d 14. To appoint additional comijiis- siopers for the town of Hamilton in Mar tin countv. - V Farm well 'Grove 15. To establish Acadehiv, in the county of Halifax. M 1(). lo authorise; ind empowertne commissioners of' the several 'towns of Fayetteville, Newbernj WilrnTugton and Tarboroup.h to organize and keep up Fire-Engine Companies. , - ! -17 -To authorize tne Trustees of tlie, Milton Female Acadehy to raise certain snms of money by way !of lottery. . , ,18. To appoint commissioners for the J town of Rockingham, in Richmond county.. , -;. . v 19. To authorize Major John Clark or him. or bis assignees, lo build a toll br idgea cross iuiigojriyer at the Loghouse landing. J " .' l. '.U . ; . '. ' 20. Supplementary to an act ppssed in I &i 9X ctmpter, 1 00, authoj ising the ap point ment of a committee o V fifidnce for ;Mopre counry. M ' . -' 21. Compensating i witnesses attend ing Chatharn county and superior courts. f22.- To reviv.e and Continue inforce an,-act passed in. , 182, incorporating, JWadeorqugh; Acadeiny. i ' .t23.;. To repeal thej U$ and 5th : sec tions of the.ac passed in 1818 ; to au thorise" tiie sale of the town commons of the town of. Trenton in' Jones county and to establish an Academy in said county, ana tor, other purposes. . 24 To establish ! Gatescounty. ' j ah Academy in "25. To alter ttri'A nrinpnd The 1st and 5th sections of an act passed in the year la 19, concerning the county of liuther- ord. - ' v.;.; j. ' - ; 26. To anooint commissioners to lav off and establish: a town! ... , ,. 7 i . . ' on the lands of in the county ' of James Jones tleceased, t To establish : Concord Academy, i ' r' 5 L :i I ' . ' J in reruuimons county, ana to incorporate iue ft voices uterev. ir5?. s tTfSt.tvnral fhft -4th section raf ;anr.'ntKi- ninnt9 sxaws wa,n 3uiij :wi!jai ,mics)icva.'.iuc dings' HiJyIe;couhty , and fot other pur poses. ( ".rr, ' ' 1 ' i :30.N vFxr the' .betker regulation of the speiiat Magistrates; in the town" of Fay- wrucymw . - K .f.:H.'.I -V-7J V . ' ;-v; nets at the mouth f Cdtentnevi creek . x Toautborise- tne Jtale - of !and belonging ta tlit town of ilillsboroughr. ; 33; vTcT authorise a lottery fprj the benefit of Farm well Grove Academy -in '.Efa!jftx cottbty )T.::y:--' ' O X 34. To authorise EagleJLodge, Na 71,irt the tbwnjpf ilillsborough, to raise sums" bv way of ottery. r oj. io aimw jurors in tne county and superior -courfs of Wilkes couiityV to receive pay for their services. -v' ; tt 35, For the better organization of f the, Militta of Beaufort county. : 37 To establish an Academy at Elizabeth City j, in ; Pasquotank county,; and for other purposes. ' . - ki , SS. rroMiegtiiat3 fishermen in Pamp lioo Sobnd, bet-veeu Stumpy Point Bay and the Great Marshes, f ! . ' 39. To preveiif fiihing on Sunday with seins in Rock River of Pedee or in worui-w;:i pranch of Cape FeaH River. , ' 40- Granting to the superior courts! of Robeson county original and exclusive jurisdiction of all cases where the inter- vention ot a jury is necessary. .41. ' io restore Joslma Chesnut of Sarapson county, to credit. 42. To incorporate the Carrawayj Library Society m the county ot Kan-i dolph. ' , j ' ? ; i i 43. To establish separate' courts . of Probate for the comities of Pasquotank and Rutherford,' and for - other purposes! '44. To amend an act passed in 1815; tq authorise the county court of Monti gomerv to appoint a committee of finance to settle with the officers of said county therein mentioned. j 45. 1 o incorporate the bliocco r et . r , . i ,. .... maie acauemy in warren county, 4(3' Fr emending and marking the dividins-line between 431adcu and' Coi lumbus counties. ' I 47. To authorise the Trustees of the Presbvterian Church in the town of Vil miugton to raise the sum of $6,000,; by i way of loti ry, for the completion of 48. ' Supplementary to an act passed in 1818, chapter 109, authorising the ap pointment of a committee of tmance for Cumberland county. 4 49 T incorpoiate the Widow's Son Lodge in Camden count3 50. To alfow juror's in the county of -Montgomery to receive pay for their ser vices. ; "s .;. ! rr :. 'j ' 1 51. Toauthorize,Joseph Byers!, junr.; bjJtredell county, to erect a gate across the public road leading from Shei villfs ford on the Catawba river to Salisbury. 52. IV amend an act passed in 1S18, to elect a Magistrate for the town of Wil mington, and for, other purposes. ' "i$3V For-supplying the town of Fay, etteville with pure and wholesome wafer. 54. . To repeal an act passed in 1813 for the payment of jurors attending the county and superior - courts in . Carteret county, and for other purposes, d -. 55. loj'epealan act passed iqJ.819, authorism the conimissioneis of tlie town of Morgantqn to sell Certain parts of the public square in said town, and to repeal an act passed in 1818, appointing commissioners to sell certain lots on. the town commons of said town ' 56. Relative tothe allowance of ,coun-' ty claims in the; ccuntv, of Richmond. 5. lo alter tne time ol holding tne ''I , !J. ----- 7 O county courts of Beaufort.- - ' T 58. To amend the several acts rela tive to the tioor fn Notthahipton county 59. Granting to Jonathan Davis, of Surry, leave to erect a dam across r isn ers River in said county. 60. To improve, and repair the Turn pike Road lately owned by Nathan H or- ton "of. Wilkes. 61. , Authorising , the commissioners. of Madison Academy to raise $2000 by lottery.-- ;V: j' .: 62. Authorising the county court of Buncomb to have the records of said court . transcribed. 63. To compeMhe Register in. the county of Warren keep his office at the Courthouse ill the town of W arren- . . 'l-D -rd- . - - - ':.:.- " wu. . laiiercuniaiuea, Aiiu unau ne'ine atitvof 64. To authorise the county court of ald; Court upon such Debtor or Debtors 1 Burk to nave me recoru y. umi,.-. taker of said country transcribed, from ;ipn March 1795 io Oct. 1817; 63. For the enh 63. For the enlargement oi the lira- its of the town of Washington and tor pf .6G.c : :To autfiori tfaVfbuPdmW'Of av 1 rnuge across ireiu uivereax wciowuy , , . Q7: To authorise' tbVcouoty court: of : v " W .Tyfell to altet the tirnei of holding fsep-r j , .r arate .elections. j; v . - r 63. ;; f for th;e better legulation of.r t& X 1 ; rmntvrmirta r.UV f-LJ1" i)".'J. "L.j.1 " r . '" Lincoln.' :;;uu ..;;;;;., v-v , . C9.T( regulate' he connt j court of . ' V?' the counties ofl yutesxrHyde, Sohnston V and Ran dolph, and for oUier purpose&i V v tOr - Tq apppoint commissioners : meet! certain(onlnJtssioners 'to. b; LaW . - pointed by at dorrespondingv iaci . of, pus - Lejslattrre of irgmia, to divide the rpal estate of WrolMopre-;deceas'edaning his heirs, y-ry V--V. ' ' ':' '-I" d!; ? v' V 71. ' Allawing compensation '.to he jurors of the co'iinty and superior courts ot the county of Warren.- v i ' l '4 f. - .1 r .. . . .:, AX ACT FaR THE: RELIEF OF HONEST IFERTOltSl ' , Phased at tht Session of 1 86: Be it enacted by t the faBHeral'gsem bly of the State of North Carclitifi, and it is heri'by enacted by' Vtpr authvrifj oV the same t That from and after the 1st day of January neytwhen any . Debtor or Debtors shall be taken upon any. Capias ' ad Satisfaciendum i and shall be desirous . ot taking the benefit of the Oath prescrib- cu iyi uir iciici ui lusiuveill 1,eDiorS, 'Or of rendering a lull . and fair. Schedule Of his property, i shall and may be lawful 'torsucli J)ebtor or Debtors to', tertder to the Sheriff of , tlie County, bis lawful Deputy, or anydConsta6le by whom lie, i" .1. ; i t . ne or mey may.. nave oeen - laken, a Bcrrid or Bonds' payable, to the' party at, whose instance the arrest was made,; with good and sufficient securities in twice the amouiit i f the debt,' conditioned for hi , appearance at the next County Court, . k then and there to stand toahd abides by such proceedint's.as may be had by, the Court, in relation to his Jher ontliei tak ing the benVfit of this Act and in. case of failure to appear, Judgment (shall be . U entered up instanter ip.on said Bnd,l . ' V-. agaiost the Principal and his 'Securities,' to be discharged upon the payment of the . ' ' ' d el ) t anjd costs; . and jtphen Exeij-utioa dl issues thereon, neither of the Defendants ' shail b entitled to the benefit of this . .Act. , lroiilfd,. That:.:-if either of iheZ .! parties to the 'said Bond shall be de$u ous to have an issue made up and subnrined - ; to a Jury, a Jury shall be immediately impannelled to try such issue,' and5 tlie "plea of Non est Factum shall only be re-, ceived, upon the party .making j oath of its verity, ind provided further, i That ' if it shall be made to appear satisfactori- ly to said Cobrt, that said Debtor or Dfht- vs are prevented, from attending Court ,! ' by sickness or other sufficient au-ie, to be judged of by the Court the case snail be continued over to the next Court, -at which time the same proceedings shall be . had as if he had appealed at the first J Term : And provided fierrier, That if such Debtor or Debtors, shall dievin - -the mean time, it shall be 411 absolute discharge of said Bond or . Bondsv Pro vided nevertietesSf That when any Debt- or or Debtors shal be taken as aforesaid within tweniy days before the sitting of sid Court, 4said bond shall be cqndit ion- eel for his her or their appearance at thet succcedrng term of the Ccurt aforesaid. : Be it further enacted. That upon such Debtor or Debtors tendering such , Bond orMonds, it shall be the duty of-v such SherirT, Deputy,' 4r Constable, as tbe . case maA' be, to rekiise him, her or them from , "confinenMMi t or custody, a ny aw, - usage jor custom to the contrary notwith- ' J" standing. , ' i ';- Be it further enacted, Thit to enable . the Honest Debtor the more easily to obtain the Security requirrVd in the first section of tins Act, it shallybe lawful . for the said Secwrity, at the Court to which; S the Principal is bound to appear, to sur . d render, in open Court, thesaid Principal 1 in discharge of ; the1 Security. ' And ' for the purpose of making the surrender, the Security is hereby authorized to exercise r ' ". all the power ivhich by law special' bail lidvc imci i ixiv,ij;ui .. ; He it further enacted f That upon the" appearance of such Debtorl or Debtors at he County Court aforesaid, it shall be awful for him. her or them either in person or by attorney to move the Court lr to be admitted to take the oath prescrib ed for the relief of Insolvent Debtbm. Or to swear to 1 the Schedule; previously ifiled wi(h the Clerk of the Court, agree ably to the proviston of this Act herein after contained: And it shall be t.he diUvof uno ithpear to tbem that.";. at U: noxice has been piveri. in wl the ves jnntiori tL aJA: hrr '.,1,,, the benefit of this Act, to administer 1 v i, V" lb M if i ; .... 1 V i t 1 j di ' . 1. !.1 1 .. 4 , 1.5 I I .Hi ;- .... ' , . ! V t. ' f , ' i' .. -r4 , t J , . , , r - A . ' 1 y - ' - .. " 4' . 4 ' X. i ' J( j. JL. !. 'V;.- - .-1 d it--, - i'i 1 . 4 v -

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