A U t 1 " . ... ...' .i., (..;. J.:..,, - . j , -.-',, V -. ' : ' tt ' TKT.v-i A : ' i7rd TEW TTYT. I. M- 'HATT- f - . - - I I r . V 1 I I I A ' . I d t II- K XJ . - Jt - . NV , It 1 fV - ' 1 1 . - ggjsiiS" !n ikV received,; : 1 ;Trr -f - TT si ' 2, cast of thp 5th pnncf pal men T'. Washington, JUptLy iioe;f5r;-v-i : v; v . .Vi.;:-iVSJ.f. J,':;iv I At the same place, pn the: fim , n : 'fW Wr'.:: Monday; in! March nc, fo the. 30 Hs, good flavoured. RtTM, Monday in March nciv. foir ihe pASTEUR WATSON, , ; Townships 35 ,to 44, in ranges. 3 "l'' :'" " ' i1 'and 4 c ast i V f , 3 pr aoon-haU xi. uic same v, . JVlonday in May next," for. the ale"pr '! ';;iWAr V '-ii.k:':.";50 dolMobsses, superior quality 4 tr A V. AWAV from the . ? i - - - - i,nSU t AUf Whlh will be sold l?w for csh, I ''Viii III I mi a.. 't 1 I . C-nm r r. to D. C. ib. 5 - .-41 ' 6 6 50 50 IT, 85 50 20 25 2 gal. k ill - 50i f'' Annie 75 feacn bbl. 1 50 busb. 40! 14 SO 12 lb. ton, ; Tee 14 Wage bbl. 4 1 8 8 gal. Hollana Country 45 50 10 Scantling 9 Plank .iiure timber 16 20 LIik. TZ inch 2 tes, W. O. hhd. 15 18 10 21 fl0, ..r 5 18 .20 lb. 8 30 eal. .27 1 25 bbl. 30 30 30 25 25 25 25 30glJ furpentine d.,. SPirits fork, pnraf, gal. bbl. 7i 50 10 K Mess cwt 3 I 4 1 1 51 20 00 48 80 ice unijjcomaica 10 i 90j 40 kio. W. I. Ua American Lit, Allum bush. .70 75 do. rme Loaf Lump lb. 22 23 iji-ar, lb 20 do cwt. 10 Whiskey gal 35 40 Rakish, January 2d 1821. ES0LVED, That the Debtors to I::. anH Jt Rranches be re- ilrred to rav instalaients ol one tenth ot Vir respective Debts on renewal alter he iweatieth instant ana mni .ur ua oW.m in the Newspapers published in this city, and the; Faper., .ubiished in the towns where Banks are By Order, 147 6 w. 100 Dollars Reward Tl A V AWAY Itom rue lV oubrciber on the 29th instant, aA'cgro Man named j ANTHONY, about five feet seven or eight inches hien, and is twenty-five or twenty- six years ot age ; oi a uarx pkxion, very active ano ingcmuus, cd is quite talkative. Had on when or went Hway, wnue nouicspHu i" , trowsers, hlua in wun oiau, if ool hat, much worn ; stole ana ttfr -f upccels ntifl others art cautioned ' from harbouring or car- ryia away said negro, under the rahy prescribed by law; j - Any person' apnreHending said fellow within this siae and co'nfin Wm in anv iaiUo that Lcet him. jHall receive a leward of Forty Dol and if he is taken up bey ond laelimitspf this state, and properly cciircd, I witl give a reward of One uurea sonars. EliRflRZER BURN AP. - It" - ' - :i '- ' . ' X ' I He is about twenty-twoyears at ; nU,.tPi: He ia well known in Nrw-1 a father and. mother. uci it - . . , , , , H vine at Fort Barnwell, owned bt twelt; owned bf ong 1 0t hich is at thd mouth of Slo where I trjipk hej ' cubsICteek--the olier, known by his mak'mg.anj jh'c nanieof 'dl6or'st.U a mile high scape, I expect cr4 up he Creek. fi)th .are under Mr, Luke Kussells wnere l tqinK nc ii d k hie" mnlriho anvr Will go prcviuua sy. .. T.iwfi. attpin'nt to escape lUlVllt'f 4 j I 4 he will endeavor to get on ta some of the nortnem sea-poris, aau pasa for a free man. All owners and masters ; of vessels are forwarned from I employing or carrying a way said fellow under the strictest penalty of the lawV j j ' If said LODRICK is apprehen ded and secured within this State, so that I get him, 1 will pay a reward Of r lily uouars, auu i incu vv. the State and secured so that I get hlni, I wiltpay One Hundred Dol lars to the person so apprehending said fellow; and forwarding me in formation that will lead to his recov- Cfy' JAMES R. BRYAN. VVhite-Oak, Onslow county, : 'January 31st, 1821. 150 4w. Un ited States of Jmeric a, NORTH-CAROLINA DISTRICT, Tp theMarsihaioftJie District, Greeting. CTTHEREAS T. P. Devereux, Esq. W as Proctbr for William Pratt, By ord Bererlyf and John Robinson, Mer chants of London, hath exhibited a libel r I r MrfVi Piroiina or complaint in the District Court of the tate Bank of North Aaroima, h for tfae Pamp(ico oit; stating alledging and propoimding, that the bri Annsaueu uum uuo month of June. 18J9, with a caro of su car, coffee, and logwood, and on her voy age was captured by pirates and that a part of the said carpo, and a large sum of money, were brought to the port! of New i k.,-, rtnln Hpnrv S. Neale, and by him placed in the hands of John Devereux, seated. By Order, i Stephen M. Chester, 6z uooert ? uuuc . i . rtrrrvr rnehirr. I r.f Nvhprn : AUU wnereas uu V M. 11. n.'v i v, y . .u nrT,.t Judge oiine uisinui vwuinv. -aforesaid, hath ordered and directed the fourth Monday in April next, for all per sons concerned to be cited and intimated to appear in the Court-House in the town r onri cKpw caue. if any. they have, whyjudgmenf should not pass aS praved : You are therefore hereby autho rised, empowered and strictly enjoined, poremptorily to cite and admonish said Henry, S. Neale, John Devereux, Stephen M. Chester and Robert V. Orme, and ;all persons whatsoever having or pretending to have any right, title, interest or dam. in or to the said cargo of brig Ann, libel led against as aforesaid, by publishing this monition in the Carolina Centinel for some time, and bv all other lawful ways, means and methods whatsoever, whereby this monition may be made most public and ta-ricd with him rom me, some notorious, - a notorious, to e and appear avuic lood clothes, among them are a d-p ery blue sur tout coat, a light coiourea ru'-.u, r :i : -Kv k.m th and W bodied coat, and a bl?ck .silk lSvece tcsu ANTHONY has worVd at from Uience, in the said toe dlacksmith business .lor some busUesS ;nctas!vely, if any of them shall timena.t ;irl nfrtends to possess a I . t. u .i:. xtWrttn do. to hear, abide t . . . . . . i- - - i snuii ue i caw h w" --e 7 . .- . . competent knowledge of iht trade, 5v'ana perform all and singular such ju- is a cunning, amui tuw, dicral acls as arenwoM';!;- -;-?""' eu arcsseu, .ana nas no u muiuu. I reauired to oe aone au ... tamtd forred tree p3pers and will premises; and further 10 uo -u . wV. . , ? x . t rv, ;.it'irp shall aDnertam, pnioaDiy attempt to co vo sumc ui wnai umo ww -- - . - the northern states. ; ;i ' Wertbepain.ofthe lawand onmpt t. . r .1 j ... I .uif. th ahsence and contumacy ot them and every of them in any wise not withstanding. And whatever you shall . - mtco vnn shall duly certify unto the Judge aforesaid at thejime ancl . i 'e -:a trtCTPthpr with these pre- piace aiureaw, , - v . ... : cents'" - 1 . ! . 'i 1 Witness the Honorable Henry Potter r Judge ot our saw vnu yff "w the fourth Monday of October, in the year.of our Lord, 1 820, and in the r XL V'year of the Idependence of the - United States or America. . : J. BROWN) Remitter. v M !rPi r-RRNT r. N trie s?mh side Neuse river, vJ' ftftesn miles heiiw Newbcrn . r 7 w. - . . j . , one 6t Which is at the! mouth of Slo- good - leric'es, and in every respect ready forlfarmirig. For further par- - ,J t . .1 u:uK ticmars, appiy io inc auuw u, i iVTr l f imp Lnvick. : to Mr.; times Lovtck. i I Hancy Jones. Slocumb's Creek, V 3wl49 Jan. 18, 1821. J " i Ttorent, i , ' valuable Farm n Rav R i ver.' 20 miles from New hern, containing 100 acres of cleared lana, wivn a uw cuius, w It is riot hazafding too much to . i ... r m 1 sav; that tor richness oi son auu pleasantness of situation, it is not exceiledlby many in ths country.--- For further particulars enquire ot i . I JBn. S. Tillman. December. 30th, 1 820 145tf. 150 Dollars Re A WAY from the I Snhsrriher. on. the. 20th February last, his Negro Man 5A1V1, ' , ; I-..!-' - . :" thin made, about six feet high re markably black, and is 28 or 30 ye us of age ; a little marked with the small poz, thin whiskers the hair on his head quite scattering, some places not having any small red eyes, and has a down look when spoken to. t . SAM was raised by the Subscri ber and is by trade a Carpenter ; he is also something of a Seamen. I havelbeen informed that Tie has -atIa A Spa-man's 1 rotection and, obtained forged Free Papers. . He hasv no doubt, aireaay gouc u , 1 , ( U. "WSrtnprn. tempt to go io suiuc ' sea-ports ...wrf. A reward of ON K M U in unr. u A vrt uiPTV nOLLARS if taken out of the State of NorthXarohna, will be paid for 4he jpprenensiou ij rif S AM m Jail, so anu cuuuuviu.". " - i tnat 1 gex IHHI "6ai 'vr f A D C siiVfiNTY-FiyE DOLLARS, if he Is taken and securefwuhin the . i Aii L..fnr rp forbid harboring ormploying ters of vessels from carrying n r, :j Kr0t-rk and Mas- away Mien Backhouse. Newbern, Sept. 23, 1820. 1 1 G. M. RAINS, CJBIXET MAKER, t j UflM 7'he tn forms the public, that he ii Has iust received from New-York k j r hpst Sf. Homincro a suppiy u . v Itlllllll III V I 1 . I AND Jfefierd assortment of Brass & other Ail i-i-i TT ft i ilMUUUWUh 1- ilery description of rk, in Ms tir Kn.lnpss will be : made athu. r?e fraanneu;where rv:: iiW ar icles V&t T Sc- asmay bc sent for maiyu'rr" . A 1, ffHf He COIlUnuca t,u ward ; JOSEPH BELL, "O eturns his thanks to the f Public for the encouragement lie has hitherto receivedand res- oectfullv informs them, that nenas made extensive ana j cimj-- additions ; to hs es xs. , un onAninTrt to consult tne . - -; ix ... f , comfbrt l and convenience of bis comfbrt and convenience oi Boardei?,and being tarmsne.a.y..i : .prviints. and rooms WlUl I" fire places, fie can accommuua - many travellers aMu Wv..w - favor him with their company. Wis Table Will be turnisneu -wim hst the market anorus, ,t the market affbrda, . ana r will be supplied witri tne Bar choicest liquors. . .r-j, Ladies or families can oe lurnisn- iuivu " x 4 j . . ed with private apartments, auu will receive every attention hat may tend to promote tneir connuu, The Stables belonging to tne no- - l til I-.-. AViln. tet extensive, and will be con- tantv furnished with good proven- , n careful ostlers, i j . i!.f INewoern, uit. " IN ALL ITS YkRlOtfS feRANCHES. THE Subscriber infoFms the Public that he has opened a shop two doors west of the Post Office, on Pollok-street, where hein tenrls carrvmc on the various branch es of the above business. Signs, Coaches, Gigs, Sitting Chairs, $c T'i y NEATLY PAINTED j EVERY DESCRIPTION OF Ornamental Painting and (GIliDlNG, Together with all kinds of wrtiri; his line, which may be entrusted to his care, will be executed with taste; neatness and despatch. His tho rough knowledge pf the 4usinessi and his determination to exert him self to please, induce a hope that he will merit the favours of the public-; j Berrjamin iNutting Dec. 16th, 1820. 3W14J 7 BY THE PRESIDENT Ot;i UN UNITED STATES.. xxritr tr R1T A?; Kv various acts of Co th President of the Unt- -d: c-8 authorised to diret the public lands whith have ocen bur veved to be offered for sale : Therefore, i, n :jftlip United States, do hereby declare and makd known. dingawl of pub lands, haU be held as fallows, yz : u. .. At Franklin. iri.Missouri, on the - in fanuarv next, lor that nnhlic saiep, iui vw -i I nr5i; 1UU4UU t f Townships 51 to 55. in rao&e 26, west of the 5thinncipalieredian line,' . , rto . ' i 50 to 55, ranges a7 ana uu. 51 to 55, ranged do. AttW same 1 V Moday fa; ne". fot sale of ; - '"' Townships 51 to 56, m ranr - . .1. .m niace. on mc iua of ekdf the 5th Principal I- Lw f . i - - ' . ' ioe , ' line A I a . ?f Touis. I in 87 . " cJInvlondav jccembcTnext a u w Usui luvr) , "o w - 6, east, and of 43 and 44,; in A 1r tn tV rnnnrtf rsf Cane . Girardeau, Jn the. said state on the,. Townships 34, in ranges . 1 to 14 t. east of the Jth principal meridian ." line.; - . ? ' ; '..J i !' 33,V I r r , range 4, east ao. r 29,30&'31.V 5 II 1 fr '35! ' '6' do. a Kriwnrricville: m tne state.or Illinois, on the first Monday;, ia Jarmary next, lor tne saie oi Townships ft m la.iri ran ere 9. west vr ad principal rneridian line,, ; f :v 'lOanolllj ;do.:.. 12 and 13 do . ij.- r ' v .do.' : ii -,i 11 to is 6 to 13 8 to 152 At Vamhlk m the said state, on v. the third Monday in January nexi, . tKe sald of 4 . Jr--. Townships 5 to 10, in range 1,'eaw of 3d principal meridian. lint. J M(, of 3d principai meridian. lint 7 to ltr ,-y. . 8 to 10f ranges 3, 4, 5 and 6 14 8, 9 and 10 range 7east r a r ft Q anrl lO , 8. . , At Palestine, m said state, on the-,; second Monday in Febrdary next, fbr the aale of . v . .j '.j-v .tf Townships 6 to 10, in ranges v, iv,f; ! ,i ii .4ct nl rul nrincinal me and 11, east ol 3d principal me riuian tine. t : . . 5 to 10 range 14 west of 2cl i prin cipal meridian line f : -V r w ; , 8, 9 and 10 ranges 12 apd 1 S v - ; At Detroit, in Michigan Terr: f tory, on the first Monday in N'v .;, wnber next, for the1 sale of raic v Townships 8, 9 and 10 S. in range, . 4 "and 5 .east, , ;r . 'j , " , j , 8 and 9 m range b . j 7, 8!and 9 "l 7 J . Tf . : Except such lands as have been. or may be reserved by law for the ; ' . support 4 of schools or forpthef purposes. The lands shall be .sold in regular t numerical order, bgin- -mg with the lowest number of sec- ; tion township, and range; . , - ; , , Givenundermy hard, it the CitV. i'. of Washington, this nineteenth . day of Septe mbcr, 1 B20. , 'Jr-j t . JAMES MONKUfc.. By the President, r Tnct i ii' MrICS Cmissiorier of the General Land Office. 25 Dollars ReWard. ' .. " - -- I ! i ' 'U npj AN: AWAfrom the JL;. Subscriber on f the 4th of December last, a Negro jlad named , 7 - i . about eiehteeti years of ajge, five feet three or lour wencs mg b h 'b"' v n hi riPht lore -nnKcri uy i ucn- UULiJ-il mashed yellow compWxion, ;bd: look when sndkeri; to no ! I other particular mark frtoAlecletU j Mumlord, oi vnsww Ui.j ki ceased, and now belongs! t die e- tate of said deceased. f4 e is f uppp . t sedto be lurking arx.t (Wewbern , or Wilmington, w? itidgibr ; portunuy iog"uw onuoa'?-j. The above re- wrd wiU bt , given ; for the appre nensVon ;4-lWety.. ( of said fellr w jn OnsUw, Trenton. exr ' nee. pad? . r v.. - f-onr froin j , beg Negro, -, and Masters o .- idelcrroinea 'H.-often- ne mg -::-t ' flcramst to entore.xnc aV; , . -Icn A a without ..disupc" . :U. I tin." T.- . .'.j'.inr.iiiiuiH i f U''' ffi".e nf U'.d poio"- I I rr aTIOU iH ktumford,de: OnsWw County; N. C. 1 , Kn .A 44, in range l nd '4 ISO 3w :-' j i ' '