4 f ' ' , api - ' , ' ; - VOLUME IV. AND published weekijij PASTEUR WATSON, $ 3 per annum-half "in advance. BY AUTHORITY. 4V ACT further of merchandize ."n - nitJ States from- any -u, ny nrted bu the Senate and House i M Sn .,niatices of the Uni'ed Mates whq may be appointed, ' as aiore lfFn"rj'tMaasembledt That ,ajd. shall be entitled to receive-at jf .-tUert a . , icfpr ot hull be the ouiy - fcitv' 115 -i .tAt rtristered vei'-cls. d of every person having rurge so Allowed to said officers, rcspect a i. bo t canoe, or raft, and of ; 1Vely, shall be a full compensation 0 . i nC nny rnr f - . -.. i , ,, nnrl oil r - re rn prnpn. rl.ee or sleigh, and f every other ;. - for rcrson coming from any Li -territorj' adjacent to the U J States, into the United S a Uni tes, 4i uAWs suhiect to duty, Willi U1V.I J . . z 'deliver on his or her arrival with in the United Sutes a manifest ot the cargo or loading of such vessel: boat, canoe, raft, carriage, or sleigh, or of the merchandize so brought from such foreign territory, at the oftcc of anv collector or dtputy col-1-cwr, which shU be nearest to the uftdary line, or nearest to the road or wa ers by which such merchan dize is brought ; and every such .niiVt! shall be verified by the oath of such person delivering the i . . ill same; which oath siau c iuk u before such collector or deputv col lector; land such oath shall state thiisuch manifest contains a full, iu.t, and true account, of the kinds, qa.umls and values, of nil the mcr cn i .disc, so brought from such" fo reign territory ; and if the master, or other person having charge ol such vessel, boat, canoe, or rait, or the conductor oj driver of such car riage or sleigh, or other person br. i$ing merchandize -as aforesaid, sh neglect to refuse or deliver the manifest herein required, or pass b . or avoid such office, the mer chandize subject to duty, and s.j im p,rt d, shall be forfeitecLto the U n icd States, together with the ves sd, h.iat, canoe, or laft, the tackle, apjMfcl, and furniture of the same, or ihe carrriage or si . igh, and har ness and cjttle, drwi-.g the sam-. or the horses with their saddles and bridles, as the case may be ; and such master, conductor, or other im porter, shall be subjected to pay a penalty of four hundred dollars. Sec. 2. And be it furthe: cm ctcd, That any deput) collector, stationed iii any district of the customs con tiguous to a foreigu territory, to whom a manifest of . merchandise, subject to duty, shall be delivered as aforesaid, is rurebv authorized to require of the importer of such mer chandise the payment of the duties thereon, or good and ample security, either by bond, with one or more sutficicnt securities, for the payment thereof, or bv the denosite of a nor- tton of such merchandise, equal, at 1 . . i t t i i1 east, to double the amount of the duties on the whole importation!; which bond shall be cancelled, or the merchandise, so deposited, shall oe aeuverea 10 the owner, on th producing 10 tne-deputy collector certificate, ot the collector of th district, that the duties have dulv mid. be en Sec. 3. And be it further enacted. That all penalties and forfeitures in. i - - - curred by force of this act shall be .sued for, recovered, distributed and accounted ior, m me manner pre scribed bv the act, entitled 44 An 0 , act to regulate the collection of du ties on imports and tonnage," pas sed on the second day of vlarch. one thousand seven hundred and nnety-nine, and may be mitigated ... uu remitted in the manner pre scribed by the act, entitled 44 An lc t provide for the mitigating or rcmhtingthe forfeitures penalties, d dissabilities, accruing in certain cases therein mentioned," passed ort third day of March, one thousand even hundred and ninet. -nine, proved March 2, 1821. NEW BELRN, ' 1 AN- ACT establishing the salaries of the Commissioners , and Agenb ap- pointed under .he Treaty of Ghent. Be it enacted bv the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, frurri arid after the first day of Jan uary one thousand eight hundred aod twenty one, each Commission er now aDDointed, or who may be ionW the treaty of Ghent shall be cntitled to receive at the rate ot twenty - five hundred dollars per an- num ; and each agent appointed, or .U - nf lurpnK'.fivp hundred dnl. m& - - rv iars o-r annum'; which said sums es incurred while in th e pertorm- fance of the duties of their respect- ive offices : rrcvided, I hat the compensation by this section allow fcd shall not be continued longer than two years from the said first day of January one thousand eight hun dred and twenty-one. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That each commissioner and agent shall not be entitled receive for ser vices performed in the-ir respective offices, before the said first day of Januarv, one thousand eight hun dred and twenty-one, any greater -um than the rate of four thousand four hundred and forty-four dollars per annu;n, which shall be conaider t d a full compensation for services and all person d expenses incurred while in the discharge of their re spective duties. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the sum ot twenty-five .thou sand dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated for the pay ment of the salaries of the said commissioners and agents, and for the expenses under the several com missions under the treaty cf Ghent, for the present year. ApprovedMarch 3, 1821. AN ACT to authorise the collectors of customs to pay debentures issued on the exportation of loaf sugar and spir its distiled from molasse3. ; Be it enactrtl by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all debentures which have beeny or may hereafter be, issued uponrtne exportation ofvpirits distilled from molassess, or sugar refined within th United States, shall be payable within thirty days after the ptssingof this act or thirty da s after their is as the case may be, and shall be discharged by the collector of the customs, by whom they may Have1 been, or shall be. issued, out of the product of the duties upon im ports and tonn ge ; any thing in any act or acts ot Congress, to the con trary notwithstanding. Approved March 3d, 1821. AN ACT making appropriations for the Public Buildings. ! i Bp it enacted bv the Senate and House kf Rpnrrspjitatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled) That, tor continuing me woiks - Centre Buildings of the Capitol, ad juther improvements on the Public Buildings, the following sums of ni-mey be, and hereby are, appropri ated : For continuing the works on the Centre Buildings, the sum of eighty thousand dollars. For covering the roof of the Pre- sident's House with copper, seven thousand eight hundred and forty five dollars. For graduating and improving the ground around the Capitol, two thousand dollars. For improvements in the Senate Chamber, and in the Hall of the Home of Representatives, and in the Library, seven hundred dollars. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the unexpended balances of appropriations to other public buil dings, are hereby appropriated to ; the Centre buildings. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted That the said several sums of mo ney be paid out of any moneys in N. S ATUlUS AY, APRIL 7, 1821 the Treasury: not otherwise appro- oriated. I r 1: ! Approved March 3d, 1821 i - AN". ACT extending the lime for issu ing and locating military land warrants to officers aud soldiers of the ' Revolu tionary Army, jf j. I . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of Jthe United States nf, America in Consrress assembled. That I the time limited, by the second ses Jston of the! act I approved on the twenty-fourth day; of Febuary, one thousand eight hundred and nine teen, for issuing military land war rants to the officers arid soldiers of the Revolutionary army, shall be extended to the fourthday of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three ; and the time for lo cating the unlocated ivat rants shail be extended to the first day of Oc tober thereafter!. Approved March:-3, 1S21. AN ACT to continue jo force an act, entitled " An act regulating the cur rency within the; United States of the gold coins of Great Britain, Portugal, and Spain," passed jjh the twenty- ninth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and siMeeni so far' as the same relates to the Crowns and five francs pieces of France. Bp it enacted bv the Senate and House of Representatives of tlk United StalesA . . . " i ill rpi.. I oj America m uongress fissemoieu, iuu, so much of the act, entitled u An act regulating the currency within the United States of the gold coins of Great Britain, France, Portugal, and Spain4' passedj tfn the twenty-ninth day of April, eighteen hun dred sixteen, as relates to the crowns and five francs pieces of Franc'e, shall be, and the siime hereby is, continued in force for the further term of two years, from and after the twenty-ninth day of April next. Approved March 3, 1821. AN ACT authorizing jthe President of the United States to Remove the Land Office in the j District of Lawrence County in the territory of Arkansas. ' Be it enacted fiy Mel Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That so much of thej act) entitled 44 An Act, making provision for the es tablishment of additional Land Of- ffices in the territory ot Missouri, as requires that thej Land Office for the District ot Lawrence county shall be established at. the seat of iustice in said bounty, shall be and the same is nereoyj rcpciicu the President Of the United States is hereby,1 authorized to remove and establish said office at any suitable place within thje said" district. Approved jMarjch 2, 1821. AN ACT to alter the times of holding the District Court in the northern dis trict of New-York. I ? Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives qfthe United 'States of America in Congress assembled, That the District Court of the United States of America Hbr the northern district of New-Y6rk,. directed by law to be holden aiUtica shall here after be holderi at the same place, on the last Tuesday of August, in i l' . j: i,i . 1 stead of the third Tuesday in May in each year ; ancf that the court directed by law to be holden at Al bany on the second Tuesday in No vember, shall,! instead thereof, here after be holden at the same place on the last Tuesday in January in each year. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted That all actions, sits, process, pro ceedings cordmenced, or to be com menced now -pending in said dis trict court, ancl liable to be discon tinued or suflfer prejudice from the foregoing alterations, maybe return ed to, and shall be continued to, the: district courdto lie holden in pur suance of thii act j in such manner as that the same shall .suffer no dis continuance or prejudice by virtue of this act. Approved March 2, 1821. ' ; i ' ' AN ACT to authorize the Clerk of te District Court of the United states ior the District of Louisiana to appoint adeoutv to aid him in the disenarge & .of the datiesf of hisfficei Be it enacted by the Senate, and House ofjtepresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Clerk of the District Court of the United States for the District of Louisiana shall be authorized to ap point a deputy to aid him in the discharge of the duties of his office , and that the said Clerk shall be, in all respects liable lor the acts of .his said deputy.. - Approved March 3, 1821. AN ACT to amend an act j. entitled " An act for regulating process in the Courts of the United States." . Be it enacted by the Senate and House oj Kepresentatives of the ' Umied states of America in Congress assembled, That in all suits and actions in any dis trict court of the United Suites, in which it shall apppearthat the judge. 1 such court is any ways concerned, in interest, or h;s bet n of councel of -i'her party, or is ro related to, or connected with either party, as , to render it improper for himv in his opinion to sit on the trial of such suit or action, it shall be the duty of such judge, on application of either party, to cause the fact to be entered pn the records of the court ; and, also, an order that an authenticated copy thereof, with all the proceed ings in such suit or actidrr, shall be forthwith certified to the next cir-( cuit court of the "district, and if there be no circuit court in, such state, to the. most convenient circuit court in an adjacent state, which cir cuit court shall, upon such record being filed with the, clerk thereof, t;fke cognizance thereof, in the like manner as if such suit or action had been originally commenced in thai court, and shall proceed to hear and determine the sarns accordingly, and the jurisdiction of such 'circuit court shall extend to all suchxases so removed, as were Cognizable in the distiictcourt from which the same was removed. ' Approved Marches, 1821. RESOLUTION providing for jails in certain cases, for the safe custody of persons committed under the author ity of the United States. . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the united Mates oj America in Congress assembled, That where any state or states having complied with the recommendation of Congress, iu the resolution of the twenty-third day of September, one thousand sevtn hundred and eighty nine, shall have withdrawn, or shall hereafter withdraw,' either in whole or m part, the use of their jails for prisoners committed under the au thority of the United States, the marshal in such state or states, un der the direction of the Judge of the District, shall be, and hereby is, authorized and reqviired to hire a convenient place to serve as a. tem nnrarv iail. and to make the necessa ry provision for the safe keeping of J nrisoners committed under tne au thority of the United States, until permanent provision shall be made by law for that purpose ; and the said marshal shall be allowed his reasonable expenses, Jncuxred for the above purposes to be prid out of the Treasury of the United States. Approved March 3, 1821 , AN ACT to revive and contiriue in ! force " An act fixing the compensa tion of the Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House of Representatives, of the Clerks employed -in their offi ces, and of the Librarian," approved the eighteenth day of April, one thou sand eight hundred and eighteen. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of theUmtedStates of America in Congress assembled, That the act entitled An act. fix ing the compensations of the Secre tary of the Senate and Clerk of the House of Representatives, of the clerks employed in their offices, and of the Librarian," approved the eigh teenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, be, and m herebr, revived and con- j tinued in force from the first day of ; T ery one thousand eight hundred t;ntvione. until the first day 4uu !-v NUAiBER 159. of Janurry one thousand .S nun" dred and twenty-fbuj M Approved rMarch 3, 1821. ; AN ACT to authorize the building of .-"Light Houses therein mentioned, ;.and fur other purposes. ! Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States cf America in Congress assembled. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he hereby authorized and empowered to provide, by'con tract, 4for Building light hbuses, and placing buoys on the following sites andsrioals, to wit : five light-houses,' one on Cross Island, near Mach'us ; one in thje harbor of Boothbay, at such place as the Secretary of the i Treasury shall designate ; and one on Pond Island, at the mouth of the ICennebeck river ; one on the StrariS ford point in Connecticut ; and one on iThrogNs NeckJ in New-York.; and o;i the shoals of Nantucket and the Vineyard sound, a number of buoys, not "ex:eedin ten, in the state of Massachusetts. A light house at the mouth of Oswego riv er, at such place ns shall be desig nated by the Secrrtaryof the Trea sury, in state of New-York. , And two buoys, one on James ledge, iand one on the rock , called Olid Gay ; and a spindle On the Brothers,' ia the state of Rhode Island, j Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That there be appropriated, out of any -"'money in the Treasury, not o therwise appropriated, the following sums of money to wit: For buil ding three light-houses, one on Cross Island near Machias ; , one in the harbor of Bothaby ; and one on Pond Island, ten thousand five hun dred dollars : For building the light houses oh Stadfoi d Point, and Throg's Meek, four thousand dol lars : For a lignt house at the mouth ol Oswego'rivcr, three thousand five hundred dollars : For two buoys and a spindle for the rocks called James' ledge, Old; Gay, and the Brothers, tour hundred and fifty dollars: And for placing buoys, and anchors with buoys, in the Al tahama river, between the port of Darien, and Doboy Sound, in the state of Georgia, a sum not exceed ing one thousand five hundred dol lars. Sec. 3. f And be ii further enacted, That no light house shall be biiilt on any site previous to the., cession of jurisdiction over the same to the United States. I Sec. 4. And be it further enacted That the President ; of the United States be, and he is hereby, author ized and requested to cause such an examination or! survey of the Isles ot Shoals on the coast of 'New Hampshire and Maine, to be made, by proper and intelligent persons, as may be requisite to ascertain the expediency and practicability of re paring the sea-wdl at Smutty Nose Island, and of building a sea-wall between sak'jlslandandCedur Island And that trje P-esident beJ further requested, in like manner, to ascer tain the expediency of erecting a stone pier op Sunken Rocks, in tHe harbor of Portsmouth in the state of New Hampshire. And the Pre sident is hereby authorized td cause the, se .-wall aforesaid to be repair ed, and the pier aforesaid to lie e rected, by contract, under the direc tion of the collector of the district of Portsmouth, if, on the report of such persons, he shall deem it ne cessary. !' Apd the President is fur ther requested to communicate to Congress, at their next session, the result of so much of the examination and survey, as relates to the expe diency and practicability of the sea wall aforesaid : . Provided, that no money shall be expended in erecting -the pier aforesaid, until the jurisdic tion of the site thereof shall be ce ded by the state of New Hampshire to the United States. ' Sec.1 5. And be it furthcrKenacted, That a sum, not exceeding two thou sand five hundred dollars is herrby appropriated for the purposes afore said ; to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise -appropriated. v ' Approved March 3, 1821. ,

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