NEWBERN, N. C. SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1821.; VOLUME IV. NUMBER 172. - rSlNTKO AND PCBLISHED WEEKLY, B PASTEUR WATSON, annum-half in advance ii rw" -tfbTPriccs Current lEHCHANDIZE r- n rv fn n. C lb. 0; 7 2o! 25 23 gal. 2 2 40 75 bbl. 2 50 3 bush. 80 lb. 13 27 ' 12 bbl. 4 w M 45 50 M. 7 "-9 7 50 8 16 20 1 50 1 75 15 18 7 10 5 7 IS 20 lb. 7 8 ral. 26 27 bbl. 110, 1 10' 1 20 1 10 1 25 1 90' 2 gal. 22 25 bbl. 7 50 10 cwt. 3 3 50 1 JO 1 21 80 90 Litli. 70 S5 M C5 70 lb. 22 20 18 23 cwt. 8 50jl0 gal. 35 Bacon Beef ' Butter Bees-Wax Brandy, Trench do. Apple do. Peach Corn, Meal, Cotton, CoiTee Cordage Flour, Cin Holland Country Tine Scantling Plank Square Timber 5hin-Ies, 22 inch Graves, W. O. hhd. jo. R. O. do. do. W. O. bbl. Heading, W. O. hhd Lard Molasses Tar Pitch Rosin Turpentine do. Spirits Tork. prime, Do. Mess Rice Rum, Jamaica do. W. I. do American Salt, Allum do. Fine Suzar, Loaf do Lump do.Urovvn Whiskey POMEROY'S EXTRAORDINARY METALIC Strap und Pasc, For Razors, Surgeons' Instruments, Penknives, Sfc. $c. A supply, of a superior quality, is just received, and for sale by THOMAS WATSON, AT TfE rOST-OFFICE. The Manufacturers offer the above Strap and Paste to the public, with a full belief thrt they will be found on trial far supe rior to any ever before used in this coun try or elsewhere. Thev feel themstlves authorized to make this declaration, from their own experi ence the approbation of all who have us fd them, and the recommendations of se- yeral gentlemen of the first respectability Among others that might be procured, they submit to the public the following ; I hereby certify that I have for six or seven weeks past, made use of a Razor Strap and composition of Paste, prepared by . M. Pomeroy of Wallingford, Conn, f r sharpening my Razors and Surgical Instruments, and I am certain that Ihave never found any Strap of composition that would produce so perfect an edge cither on a Razor, or on Surgeons' Instruments. NATHAN SMITH, Professor of tftysic and Surgery, Yale College. I hereby certify, that I have for seven weeks, made daily use of a Razor Strap, prepared by Mr. E. M. Pomeroy, of U illineibrd, Conn. I have found this tr:ti, decidedly superior, to any that I housed. A Razor, which was in in coherent order, it brought immediately! V 'eiicate ed;e, which it preserves, by a little judicious use of the Strap. I should 'junk, from the trial I have made," that t'lis.Nrap would in a creat measure, if rft entirely supercede the necessity of -wii-. r r0in me disclosure made to r3? of the substance employed in pre I'rir the Strap, it is obvious that, it J not have been better chosen, and I hav nevef heard of its being applied far purpose before. BENJAMIN SILL! MAN, Professor of Chemistry, Pharmacy, 'ahyml Geology in Vale College. Uivin: used one of Mr. Poraeroy's iai)r Straps for some time past, and ix been made acquainted with the n3'u-t of the Paste which he uses in dres-?n-' t-ieni, I have no hesitation in say 4,15jihat I believe it to be much superior to nv tliing before used for that purpose. ELI WHITNEY, n Gun Manufacturer. TO THE FREEMEN Of Carteret, Craven, Jones, Lenoir, . Greene, Wayne and Johnston. 'Gentlemen, TH E ti me for which I was chosen torepresentyou in Congress, ex 'pired bv the Constitution on the 4th of last iSlarch, and the ensuing elec tion is drawing nigh when you will ! have to choose some person to rep- 30 " o " 50 j the United States. I avail myself 45 jot this opportunity, . fellow-citizens, 33 to tender you my sincere thanks for ! the hnor you conferred on me at j the last election, by choosing me 14 : your Representative ; and yielding 28 I to the solicitations or my Iriends, 14 1 1 again offer mvself a candidate lf. ...ft u ior , your suurages aw me next election. Should I be chosen your Repre sentative, I do assure you, that my efforts will: be contributed to pro mote the welfare of our common Country ; but on the contrary, should I not be the object of your choice, unambitious of the distinction or e molument of office, I can with equal satisfaction; to myself, return to my Agricultural employment, from 1 15 ( which nothing but the call of my GRAND STATE OTTEJt OF MARYLAND,; Under the superintendance of the Commissioners appointed by the Governor and Council. I , ME. my Constituents, in the service of Country, can separate Your Friend and Fellow-Citizen, William S. Blackledge. Craven County, June 1$, 1821 l69tf. TO THE FREEMEN Of Johnston, Wayne, Greene, Lenoir, Craven, Jones and Carteret. Fellow Citizens, THE time is fast approaching, when you will be called on, to exercie one of the most important rights secured to us by the Constitu tion; the selection of some one to represent this district in the next' Congress of the United States. Encouraged by .the countenance and solicitations of many .respecta ble friends, I have consented to of fer myself a candidate for your suf frages on this occassion. Born and raised among you, and living by the cultivation of the soil, I can have no bias or prejudice un connected with the honor of, my country and no interests' but such as are common to every farmer in the district. With qualifications so humble, it is with much diffidence I present myself to yoxxr considera tion, and if you should deem, them suttitient to entitle me to a seat in the national councils, I can only an-; swerfor the fidelity with which my abilities, whatever they may be, shall be devoted to the security of your rights and interests and advance ment of the prosperity of the counry. With great respect, Your obedient humble servant. John P. Daves. Xcvbcrn, June 5th, 1821 lCytf. iTOWN TAXES. i prize of 1 do, 1 do. 2 prizes of 20 do. 50 do. 100 do. i 500 do. 6000 do. $ 40,000 20,000 10,000 5,000 1,000 100; 50 20 10 is is is is is is is is is 4O,O0bii)oIfars;-d 20,000 Dollars. lO,00ODoIIars. 10,000Dollars. 20,000 Dollars. 5,000 Dollars. 5,000 Dollars. 10,000 Dollars.! 60,000 Dollars. 51 v n 13325 PRIZES, amounting i& BLANKS. 180,000 Dollars. First drawn 3000 blanks will be cnti tied to 10 dollars each. Stationary Prizes as f ollow. 1 First drawn No. will be entitled to Do. do. 3d day' do. Do. Uo. 5th day, do. Do. do. 7th day, do. : Do. , do. 10th day, do. Do. do. 12th i day, do. j Dow do 14th day, do. $ 1000 1000 1000" 1000 5000 1000 10,000 First drawn No. 16th day, 1000 Do. do. 18thday, 1000 Do. do. 20th day, ' :00d Do. do. 22d day, 20,000 Do. do. 24th day, ,1000 Qo. do- '26th day, 10o6 Do, do. 28th day, 40,000 Not two Blanks to a Prize. . ' ' ' ': - j U." - : " - :' . ':' All Prizes payable in GOLD.or SILVER, Or in Notes oftlie bank-of the united States. ' " - - f r- ; : 'I ' ' t ' j CP- The DRAWING will take place and he cocppleted in the CITY OF BALTIMORE in f THIRTY I UKAVVIKiiS only, with iau possmie aespaicxip . ).-: inder the superintendance of ? I JAMES L. HAWKINS, V ; ! N ATI-PL F. WILLIAMS, VEsguires; Commissioners. J. D. RINGGOLD. ) v Whole Tickets only Ten Dollars. Halves. Five Dollars. j Quarters, Tu'O'Dollars ttJty Utnls. 1 AIr. HURLEY, DENTIST POpOSES to spend a short lime in ; Newbern, and respectfully oQers bis professional services to tlie citizens of this town and its vicinity. .-. , Air. I. pperates forall diseases ihcl dent to the teeth and teeth tMm tartar, which if permitted to accumulate to a' certain decree, will iD. falhbly induce that most offensive disrw the scurvy ; he arrests decay in its incept tion byfiUnfi, and when the caries hU maae copsraeraoie progress, he cliecJts it effectually by plugging. When caries, so unfriendly to beauty and convenience, has made sa(h ravages as, to be 'Otherwise ir remediable, Mr. H. inserts Artificial vTeeth, after the most approved manner, and executed in a stylei so nearly apl pfoaching nature, as to bid defiance to detection. It is well -.ascertain!. thQ when the teeth of children are disposed to assume an irregular growthj unfavorable to symftry and beauty, .aud tending to future diseases, this may he corrected jjy the timely application of proper means. iMr. II has; a roooj suitable lor the pur poses of )s profession, at Mr. DelPs Ho tel ; and if requested, he will attend "th Ladies at their own houses. May J9th lh).lG5lf. JOSEPH ROSS, OP JUE, CITY OP RALEIGH, OFFERS HJS SERVIC11S AS AN AUCTIONEER ; .... i ' . . j : AND ' !:' COMMISSION MERCHANT. Reference lo Messrs. XV u. Duxx. and j - Samite (StMpsoy. Valuable Land Mills , FOR SALE, vOR EXCHANGE FOR . WESIERN LAND5. .. npHISl Property lies four miles wrct - of Raleigh, on Mine Creek, ' an I contains about THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTY ACRES OF LAND. The Miltbouse 36 by 40 feet, 3 storic high, and calculated for four pair of stones, tivo pair are now running, and' two others might he set to work at a small expense. Also, a SAW-MILL. AH ofjvhicji are new and in good order. The Mill-dam of rock, well executed. y The situation is as healthy as any on thi side thefnountains. The land is of ex cellent quality and well watered. A further discription of the propertv i I believedito be unnecessary, nsthosewish ing to purchase will no doubt first 'view the premises. , Persons desirous of viewing the cland : are referred "to Dr. Gilchrist living np:t r the mills Mr. Ellis on the premises, r to the Subscriber in Raleigh. Terms will be made accommodating THOMAS COBBS, r Zx'or. of Jehu Scott, deceased; Kaleiffh, May 31st. 108 4w. fplIE Subscriber gives Notice, that he has been appointed by the Commis ssioners of tlve Town of iNewbern, to re ceive the lists of taxables in said town for the present year. He will attend at his store in Pollock-Street the last twenty days in July, (Sundays excepted) forxhat purpose. Those who fail to give in within twentv days, are subject by law to apen- a!tv nf Fortv Shillings and to a double- tax. " Tif'enable the Commissioners to ascertain what lots and parts of lots are not given in, and to subject such to their just share of taxation, jt is required that eachdist should designate the number of the lot given in, the street on which situ ated, and the quantity of ground where less than a whole lot is returned. STEPHEN B. FORBES. . 0s No tax will be received after the 31st day of July. Neubern, June 22d, 1821 r RUSTING. BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CARDS, HANDBILLS, BLANKS, and CIRCULARS, neaixy executed at this office. Tickets. Haivfes & Quarters From CO HEN'S OFFICE, Baltimore, hi a variety of numbers, for sale at the Office of the Carol in a Centinel, and ! , ' ' ' ' " . . At the Post- Office, Newbern. Where the Managers Official Lists (hoth Blanks ant! Prizes) wiil be regularly received for the examination 01 all Tickets and Shares gratis. O At COHEN'S OFFICE, more CAPITAL PRIZES have than at any other Office in America and where was sold in shares, ine j, Capital of $ 40,000 in the last Lottery drawn in Baltimore r and wbere, ne three last ionument Lotteries, were sold the Capitals of $ 40,000 also m Shares, the $ 30,000--2 of 10,000, &c. . " - , . Recollect No. 3691 , a Prize of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLAHwhi came out in the Consolidation Lottery, owned by a gentleman ,n "" North-Carolina, and who received the CASH on presentation J ,u p p aD COHEN'S OFFICE, where the CASH can be had for all Prizes an the UUAHU . STATE LOTTERY, the moment they are drawn. Orders from the country, enclosing the Cash, ad dressed to Pasteur & Watson, Newbern, Will receive, prompt attention. The drawing will commence in a fbw wee, when the price of tickets will be increased-H adventurers therefore, would do.weU by purchasing im mediately,. !; 'j . '.A-:, VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. THE BANK OR CAPE FEAR offrr for sale, the fract of Land r;dl d LYON'S PASTURE. This land lies' on TRENT RIVER, about ei2htmiles above Newbern; vn ranks among the best of die prime UdiU of Trent, for the value of its wood anl timber, the fertility of soijl its peri;!i;.r fitness for COTTON and INDpV CQRN, nd the advantage of situation; withjjood navigation to the Lariding. ;t all seasons,; for any vessel that can conM' to Newbern. :The improvements conit of a comfortable House, large and suita ble, Barn, a strong Gis House, vNeijo Houses, &c. i If not previously disposed of t privat sale; this property will positively he sold; at the Court-House in Newbern, on 3v- day the 22d day of October jiext. beirj the first nay ot tne superior L,ouri oi ia vth County.. :. A LIBERAL CREDIT is o tie red probably as accommodating as any ma; of capital would desire. Application for futher information, or proposals for purchase, may be made t the Bank of Newbern; or at the 0nk of Cape Fear at Wilmington, r , - 12th May; 1821-lG5tlstO,ct'. ! Land Surveying, BY THOMAS GRACE b SON. PERSONS who wi$hftOwknotv tW true contents cf their Plantatim s and to have their lines adjusted, are soli cited to apply : ! THOMAS GRACE, 5s SON. I ?3 i - Newbern, June 30. 1821.

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