NEWBERN, N,C. SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1821. VOLUME IV. NUMBER Vt I i . III I rX15TD asd PASTEUR $ WATbWi irn half in advance. At S 3 per annui -bn Prices CurrenL f torn D. c. to d. c MERCHANDIZE. Bacon Beef Butter gees-Wax Brandy, French t do. Apple do.. Peach , Corn, Meal Cotton i Coflee Cordage Flour, Gin Holland ! Country rine Scantling j Plank I Square Timber Shin-les, 22 ! inch Staved, W.O.hhd. do. K.O. do. ! d0 W.O.bbl. Heading, W.O.hhd Lard glasses Tar pitch Rosin Xurpentine j do. Spirits Pork, prime. Do. Mess Rice Rum, Jamaica lb. 6 4i 20 25 30 50 45 b5 25 gal. I2 40. 75! 50 80. 13 121 50' bbl. bush. lb. 14 23 14 bbl. gal. 4 1 25 40 45 50 V M. 7 7 50 8 16 1 20 50; 1 75 15 13 7 5 10 7 13 20 lb. S 27 15 20 25 25 gat. 261 bbl. 1 1 1 1 7 101 1 1 1 2 10, 10 90 gal. 22 50; bbl. JO cwt. 3 1 3 1 50 21 J0 40 85 70 20 25 10 do. W 1. do American 8(M 40 70 Salt, Allum do. Fine Suar, Loaf do Lump do.Brown bush. Ib. cwt. 2al. 22 18 a 50 35 10 Whiskey POMEROY'S ! EXTRAORDINARY MET LIC Strap und Paste, Ifcr Razors, Surgeons' Instruments, j Penknives, 4'C A supply, of a superior quality, is just received, and for sale by THOMAS WATSON, AT THE rOST-OFFICE. , The Manufacturers offer the above Strap and Paste to the public, with a full belief that they will be found on trial tar supe rior to any ever before used in this coun try or elsewhere. . . ;. They feel themselves authorized to mate this declaration, from their own experi ence the approbation of all who have us ed them, and the recommendations of se veral gentlemen of the fitst respectability. Among otliers that might be procured, they submit to the public the folluwing : I hereby certify that I have for six or friven weeks past, made use of a Hazor Strap and composition of Paste, prepared by t. M. Pomeroy of Wallingford, Conn, for sharpening my Razors and Surgical Instruments, and I am certain that I have never found any Strap of composition that "would produce so perfect an edgeeither en a Razor, or. on Surgeons' Instruments, j NATHAN SMITH, Vrofctsor of i hy sic and Surgery, j f Yale College. I I hereby certify, thai I have for seven ,wceks, made daily use of a Razor Strap, prepared by Mr. E. M. Pomeroy, of jVYallinford, Conn. I have found this Strap, decidedly superior, to any that I Have used. A Razor, which was in in. deferent order, it brought immediately tJ a delicate edge, which it preserves, bv a Injudicious use of the Strap. ,1 should 'p'nk, from the trial I have made, that kii Strap would in a great measure, if B'Jt entirely supercede the necessity of tan. From the disclosure made to nj?. of the substance employed in pre I'a'.n; the Strap, it is obvious that it foulJ ''Oi have been belter chosen, and I we never heard of its being applied for ik'purpM More. . UENJAMIXSILL1MAN. r n,ftr f rt t.m 7 -,yow neology in late College. Raur C . ,,e OI a,r- 'omerovJs 1. ivin, k1!T ,or. some t,re Rst, and Dre ofire quainted with the S Men. l ur " ures- n?,thatlU .r esUatlon ,n 83 v- thin. bLVl t0 ?! rauch SQ?"oro -i. . inn purpose. ELI WHITNEY, Gun Manufacturer. ! nrf tup T?DT?1?M1?1VI of Carteret, Craven, Jones, Lenoir, Greenet rayne and Johnston. . Gj.NfLEMEI,, THE time for. which I was chosen towpresentyou in Congress, ex pired bv the Constitution on the 4th of j last March, and the ensuinpr elec- 7 tion is drawing nigh when you will. 6 have to choose some person to .rep resent vou in the next Congress of the United States. 1 I avail myself ol this opportunity, fellow-citizens, 'tojtender you my sincere thanks for the hsnor jou conlcrred on me at the last election, by choosing j me your Representative ; and yielding to the solicitations of my iriends, I again offer myself a candidate for your suffrages at the next election. .Should I be chosen jour Repre sentative, I: do assure you that my efforts will be contributed to pro mote the welfare of our common Country; butonthe contrary, should I not be the object of your choice, unambitious of the distinction or e molumcnt of office, I can with equal satisfaction to myself, return to mys Agricultural employment, from which nothing but the call ol my Constituents, in the service of my Country, can separate Your Friend and Fellow-Citizen, William S. Blackledge. Craven County, June 13, 1821 lG9tf. " i;0 THE FREEMEN Of 'I Johnston; Wayne, tlreene, Lenoir, i Craven. Jones and Carteret. Fellow Citizens, rilHE time is fast approaching, ; when you will be called on, to exercise one of the most importaut rights secured to us by the C onstitu tion; the selection of some one to represent this district in the next Congress of the United States. Encouraged by the countenance and solicitations of many respecta ble fi lends, I have consented. to of fer myself a candidate for your suf frages on this occassion. Born and raised among you, and living by the cultivation of the soil, I can have no bias or prejudice un connected with the honor of my country and no inferests but such as are common to every farmer in the district, Wiih qualifications so humble, it is with much diffidence I present myself to your considera tiwn, and if youshould deem them sufficient to entitle me to a seat in the national councils, I can onry an swer for the fidelity with which my abilities, whatever they may be, shall be devoted to the security of your rights and interests and advance ment of the prosperity of the counry. 4 With great respect, ! Your obedient humble servant. John P. Daves. Kewbern,'Jur.e 5th, 1821.l69tf: TOWN TAXES. 'PIIE Subscriber gives Notice, that he has been appointed by the Com'mis ssioners of the Town of Newbern, to re ceive the lists of taxables in said town for tlie present year. He will attend at his store in Pollock-Street the last twenty days in July, (Sundays excepted) for that nurnose. Those who fail to give in within; twenty days, are subject by law to a pen-' alty of Forty Shillings and to a uouoie tax. ! To enable the Commissioners to ascertain what lots and parts of lots are not given in, and to subject such to their of taxation, it is-required that each list should designate the number of the lot given in, the street on which situ ated, and the quantity of ground where less than a whole lot is returned. I STEPHEN B. FORBES, j (pf No tax will be received after the 3 1st day of July. Newbern, June 22d, 1821 ! PRINTING. I BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CARDS, . HANDBILLS, BLANKS, and CIRCULARS, NEATTLY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE. GRAND "V- ST ate lott: OF MARYLAND t -s J Under the , superinteridance of by the ixovernor and Council. s SCHEME, I prize of 1 do. 1 do. 2 prizes of 20 do. 50 do. . 100 do. 500 do; G000 do. $ 40,000 20,000 1Q,000 5,000 i ,ooo x 100 i 50 it 10 6675 13325 PRIZES, amounting to BLANKS. First drawn 3000. blanks will be enti tled to 10 dollars each. ) j ' .-I ' i i ' . . V., Stationary Prizes as follow. First drawn No. will be entitled to Do. do. Do. do. Do. . do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do 3d 5th 7th 10th 12tli 14Ch day day, day, day, day, do. do. do. do. do. do. iVbriici Blanks to a Prize. All Prizes payable in GOLD or SILVER, of in Notes of the BANK OF THE, UNITE D STATES. tf The DRAWING witl take place and be BALTIMORE in. THIRTY DRAWINGS on -under the superinteodance of JAMES. L. HAWKINS, NATHTi F. WILLIAMS, J. B. RINGGOLD. Whole Tickets only Ten Dollars. Halves Five Dollars. Quarters, Tvio Dollars Fifty Cents. TicketSvHai From COHEN'S OFFICE, Baltimore. In a variety of numbers, Xor sale at the j Office of the Cyolina Centinel, and jt the Post-Office, Where the. Manarers Official "Lists-" (hoth Blanks and Prizes) will be regularly received for ! the examination of ail Tickets and Shares gratis. At COHEN'S OFFICE, more than at any other Office in Americaand where was Capital of $ 40,000 in the fast Lottery drawn in Balti three last Monument Lotteries, were sold J -Vr "-" j the $30,000 2 of 10,000, &c t Recollect No. 3591, attittof. FIV THOUSAND DOLLARS which came out in the Consolidation lottery, owned by a gentleman in HA l a A, North-Carolina, and who received the CASH on presentation of the J COHEN'S OFFICE, where the CASH can be had for all Prizes m the URAISD STATE LOTTERY the moment they are drawn.! f J- Orders from the country, enclosing! the Cash, jad dressed to Pasteur & Watson, Newbem, Willi receive nromnt attention. , The drawing will; commence m a few weeks, when the price tKofr. xvnuTd mediately. - I -v. Kcwbern, June 80, 1821 ; 1 n t - n - i ': ! : i :i ' i MM, i! i : 5; j .1. the Commissioners appointed is 40,000 Dollars. 20,000 Dollars. 10,000 Dollars. 10,000 Dollars. 20,(X)0 Dollars. 5,000 Dfijlars. 5,000 Hollars. 10,000 Dollars. 60,000 Dollars. is - i IS is .. i is i IS . I IS IS is 180,000 Dollars. 1000 I Fi rst drawn No. 1 6th day, 1000 . 1060 ; 3000 20.000 1000 1000 40,000 1000 Up. 'Jo. 1000 Do. do. 1000 Do. do. 5000 Do. do. 1000 Do.t do 10,000 j Do. ; do. 1 8th day, 20th dav,i 22d dy,! Ai dAv,' 26th dgy, 8th dy,r 1 - ! i completed in the jciTY Of v with all . possible despatch, Esquires, Commissi oners ves & Quarters New b em. CAPITAL PRIZES have been obtained sold in Shares, ttie great uore : and where, in Jhe - t Ol Uie ipitals oi '"--r- of tickets will be increased dfxweU bv purchasing im i Mr: hurleydentist, TR0POSES tospnd a short lime in N.Tbern respectfully offer! his professionarservices to the citizens of this town and its yicinity. '." !' i . Mr. H. operates fir nl diseases inci- -dent to the teeth and puins ; he frecs the teeth from tartar, which if permitted to' aecumoljite to a certain negree, will in fallibly induce that most 'offensive disease the scurvy ; he arrests de;cay in its incep! tion by filing, and when the caries has made considerable progress, he checks it effectual y by plugging. When caries; so unfriendly to beauty and convenience. Im made such lavages as to be otherwise lr remediable, Mr. II. inserts Artificbl Teeth, after the most approved manndr, and ' executed 'hi; a style so nearly up. proachu.g nature, a to bid defiance to detectioni It is well ascertained, that when thej teeth of children ae disposed to assume an irregular growth, unfavorable to symejry and beauty; and tending to future diseases, this may be eonected by ; the timely application of proper means. Mr. ILj has a room suit a We for the pur poses of his profession, at Mr. Bell's Ho tel ; and f recjuested, he will attend the Ladies at theii nn linnM .. May 19th, iS2J. 15tf. VALUABLE FARM .vl--:-:.!:-!'-: for SALE. rl HE BANK OF C A PE FEAR offers -B. for sale, the tract of Ind called LYOX'S PASTURE, This land lies on TRENT RIVER, about eight miles above Newbern ; and -ranks among the best of the prime landi . of Trent,! for the Value of its wood and timber, the fertilitv of soil. Sts hp "filial ? . m7 mm y m mw W V VU J ft Otness for CPTTON and INDIAN CORN, and the advantage of situation! with godd navigation to the Landing, tit all seasons, for any vessel that can tome to Newberh. The improvements consist of a comfortable House, large and suita hie, Barn) a strong Gin House, Necj Houses! !&c. If not! previously disposed of at private sale, this property will positively be sold, at the Court-House in Newbe.rn, on Mon day the 22d day of October next, being the first day of the Superior Court of Cra ven County. I A LIBERAL CREDIT is offered, probably as acconmiodating as any man of capital jwould desire. . Application for futher information, of proposals! for purchase, may be made rt the Dank :of Newbern, or at the Bank vi Cae Fear, at Wilmington 12th llay, 1 82 i lC5ttstO,ol ; If and Surveying, B THOMAS GRACE & SON. W PERSONS, whoNvUh to know the trile contents of their Plantations; and to have their lines adjusted, are soli cited to apply to , THOMAS GRACE, & SON. NernbAia,June 1st, 1821. 201107 One Hundred Dollars REWARD. fJIHE aboVe reward of One Hundred, ! Dollars, will be paid in Cash, to any peru)!i orl persons who will apprehend and deliver at the jail in Newbern, tKc Negro slaves Jim Randal and Ahram called Abram Sparrow (both legally outlawed), who are lurking about Ntfw-. bern, conamitting acts off felony, &c. r Fifty Dollars for apprehending and sect:-, ring either of said Negroes. THOMAS WADSWORTIJ. May 3 1st, 1821, 167 . . . ' i - - - ' , ' ' j .' i ' . 1 . Twenty Dollars Reward. . KAN AWAY "tjlRdM. the Subscribers Plantation i JC Jones 1 County, on. the 8th iust, a negro man named -' . ! y TONKY. ;. j . He has a cut on his foot which occasion mm to waiK lame is oi a oiacis c""!"? ion, and has a ; wife in Newbern known hv tht namp fl f Rhoda Dove. It is proba ble he is lurking about Newbern. v 7 The above reward will be given and lal eipences paid, for his apprehension anlf V confinement in Jail. r V All persons are hereby forwarned fron harbouring, and masters of Vessels fran. .. carrvine said fellow away, under the pel. , , alty of the law ! 7 ! J LEWIS SANDERSON. Jones County, April 28, 1821163 tf. -:4

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