! A j. ROLINA CENTINED. NEWBERN: SATCRDAY, n.v 21. 1821. it,iu under Thc Baltimore tfoaraoi hw, - B, .u' inch inst. announce, . tftai jlteoi -.- - rtrtaripd,re lor i .nn had come 10 uieir . ..m fading 24 boars to exate al hi; conclusion of. their report, they lathe cohwu observance ot br;e t t0. the practice of b; following direcuons he pr Which we recommend to the iniM Newbern: be-white- I alUer apartment ' washed ; all yaru, . r.me. avoid wlsneU, 1..: , with fresh lime, let ihrowin" any oftali into id yentiated every lower J" ' themor- baily, ro a - JC evening." hing, to a late LfTcTanvme, Mk M. i rratiille, Hamilton C. Jones, ol E i Barnev, ol Ldenton, 5f ,'.M0r of Ed'cnio,., William Pluro Ti, and Hardy L. Ho.me,, of Ralei i ... bV Rockingham, Alfred Either, of Iredell, "and Owen of Wilmington. Holmes, Religious Intelligence. COMMUNICATED. According to appointment, Camp IMerting was neia ai u.. . ---tins county, under the supenntendance of W Rev. William Compton. The raeet Wcommencedon Thursday -the 1 2th fjnst. and terminated the Monday folio w-lin- Few or no instances of misbehavi our occur red. The ministers of the gos jpel were indefati cable in their labors, and i t i a .in.c' i rpi; in much good was done m me name ui iuc Holy Child Jesus. ,t However fastidious some may be in their stand against this mode of religious worhip, we are persuaded mat me oeue tfit resulting in this instance, to individu al ad the neighborhood, is signally re alized and irrefragably established. We ;are aware that no sweet is without its 'bitter ; no fragrant rose without its at tendant thorn. As such, we are resign- to the unfavorable conclusions of pre juJiced minds, and are happy to know, jxhat while heaven sees fit to bless the means, it is our high prerogative to tri jumph in the glorious effect. Beside the minor advantages of this Meeting, we re joice to compute 45 or 50 souls who pro fessed the knowledge of sins forgiven, and were able to say, " I know that my Redeemer liveth." While we express our joy at the favor able state of religion in the more immedi- Sale circle of our own knowledge, with 'gratitude we embrace the distinguished j privilege of christians, and rejoice to hear of the prosperity of the Church in anv part of the world where it may please the Lord to pour out his Spirit. By a 4 communication from a friend in the lower i part of Virginia, information is'received ! ot t&e happy conversion ot upwards ol ilOU persons, at a Camp-Meeting re-j centiy neu ; tnai tne woru. stul pros- !pers in the surrounding country, and sin- ; iners are anxiously returning to the fold ; of Christ. The glorious revival which commenced 1 l.tl rt.m . auuu wune ajirin ionnecucut, is pro- gTcssins; with increased rapidity. Several f letters have Deen received giving the ruost favorable and elating accounts of the wonderful work. In Hartford, a j goodly number have, from time to time, j been added to the several societies, to ! lbe number of about 300 ! In Farrn- inzion, more in number, and in New- mven, nearly one-third of th e neon e h"e been awakened, and i multitudes nave b?en hrouht in. Churchman .ugreauonaiisis, xale College, and Meihodists each reaped their harvest. The number added to the communion of tbe Protestant Episcopal Church, for the year, is seventy : ale College, they ay thirty : to eaclrof the two Conerega--t'onal Churches, abeul one hundred and le!ve ; and to the Jfethodist, one hun ted and eighty. ;m we see, that Aw-iUven, so eminent for literature, l r m '"ff-ence throVjh a vast but re- More than forty towns T A irifiiA J I TllONt t 1 1 Vi UUU, ailU the tc bow h 1 SUHlers hava been brought " Hato,1.0 tlle feet of Jesus, and cry is 0 e do tobe saved ?" This ia ojr e. oini ad it is marvellous Qr!itar NVhea Jehovah hath a County IW.- Vn7 Vw wwbern, William B. ihepard of INew Kern John S. Ellis, of Ncwbern John 11 Ilassam, of Raleigh, Anson Brown, ..U Kalfpr HOUUWaiui " 1 I'll rtm-m ion ride on. VIctorini lm. ! until every kte shall bow, and .KwKTEoNE$s shall be korifiedi uifisej w his command.; - prejudice is prostrated ana lie that sitteth tn the Heavens, snail laugH at all his opposers,. and even , the wrath of man may be turned to (lis praise May the benignant cloud, big with mer-. cy, move o'er our southern clime, and burst with blessings on our highly favored town. We nope all are. willing to say Amen .' , THE OCRACOCKE NAVIGATION. m We the undersigned Branch Pilots, livinj and -residing at Ocracocke, do hereby represent to the Public for the benefit of Masters and owners of Vessels, that for several days past we were of the opinion that a new Channel was break ing out round the poi.it of Ocracocke, till on the 3d inst. we came through that way for the purpose of sounding it out, and have the pleasure to state, that on the shoalest part we found & feet, al though the tide had fallen several inches; and that it is not more"-than from 5 to 10 yards across this shoal, 'when you drop you drop directly into two fathoms each way, and that the tide does not cross the channel as formerly, but ihat the channel makes in a true direction1 with the tide, by: which it will not be likely to fill up, but improve daily ; and though the wirid was blowing fresh from jthe South, the channel was " perfectly smooth and did not break on thetshoal as formerly, and 5 intendnnce of J. -Parry,. ESq. of London that we consider it the best and saiest j who is com'minjf.'down for the purpose, channel that we have everj seen at this na- j On such an occasion (it is added,) Vrrnn vigatioo : and what is still more favorable, j stay wjll, indeed, be in -her trlorv ; and the Shoal no- makes un the inner side bf the point of Ocracocke J and should a vessel go on to it drawmg 10 feet and not be able to et over, ,there is not the least danger as the flood tide, will bring her 1ack into the channel. Ve sound ed the channel again on th 4ln, and found it as the day before. E THOM S STYRON, i ' -CHRISTOPHEU O'NEAL, Sr. i JAA1ES BRAGG, ZOROBALLE G.VSKINS, JOHN BRAGG, WILLIAM GASKINS, -f i WILLIAM TOLSO, i BENJAMIN WILLIAMS, Jr. j Ocracocke, July G, 1821. j Nprth Carolina IVine Grape. The following questiorts on the subject of cur Grape, handed to'us for publica tion, bespeak their own importance. We cheerfully give them a place in our paper, and invite solutions, which shall be as .... . . - i I cheerfully published. j Judging from the many samples of our Wine that we have seen, made in vari ous sections of our state, we are impelled to the belief that our soil and climate are peculiarly adapted to the; culture of the vine. Anxious to see the business at tempted upon a more extensive scale than has yet been done, we shall be proud to be tne medium through which mlorma cated tionon the subject may be commum to the pubhek. Answers are requested to the following interrogatories : . The name by which it is known, with a description of the vine, buds, leavers, and fruit. A botanical description is de sirable. If it is indigenous when was it first cultivated or brought into use, if ex otick; whence, wljen and by whom was it impbrted or naturalized ; the counties of this State in which it is or has been cultivated or attempted, successfully or unsuccessiuny. i ne comparative aegree of attention paid to it, and the positive or relative quaniiues cultivated in each county. The soil best adapted to it or in which it is most frequently planted, and in what soils or situations it has been known (o grow or produce fruit i what manures are used, and which is thought test ; what effect has dry, pold, wet or very warm seasons on the vine and fruit, and to what diseases or casualties it is liable, and how are they averted "or cured. How is it propagated and what means have been tried to improve it; the time of year to sow the seed or plant the - cuttings, and to transplant them, with the whole pro cess of sowing, planting art?" transplan ting: hdw to choose the best seeds and cuttings, whether seed or slips of the same vine produce both purple and white fruit, ahd if so lib w are they distinguish able in the seed or cuttings : does the mode of cultivation change the colour of the fruir; how and. at what seasons are they pruned, budded or. oliierwise dres sed ; does the vine produce best when trained on trellis, abouis or living trees ; to what age is.it known to bear, and is its prqduce regularly annual : at what age does.it beginto bear, what ex tent of ground will a vine of ordinary growth cover; when jtsiell trained and at the same time produce fruit abundantly ; what quantity of frusT will it or a'n acre produce. How much wine will a given 4 number of vines of required soil or growtl th Whan o KA Mill how is it made into wine in this has nine 111 IHlS siaicr, state, braudy been distilled from it ; here is he greatest quantity and the best quali- ly of wine made ; where is it. chiefly con- sumed and is there a market for it out of Restate, and where ? " "M , . PEP?. t.w . J jThV shf! Ann Maria , Captaiif ;at-' kinson, arrival at NewTofk'onh'jtltfi in 23 days from Liverpool. The Editors of the Commercial Advertiser fiaye re- ceivea ov ims arrival Lionuou papers ot the 18th June, LTyod's and Shin 'bin e- Lists to the 9th, and Liverpool papers to the 12th ult. In Great Britain matters go on abou the same as usual. The . constitutiona society are laboring hard to check, if no entirely to stop the liberties of the press! 1 The opposition continue louden i their raurraurs agcimsi iirc aswuidinwi. ; . i Prpnrafinn arP actusillv ront.nnori r, the coronation,; and for the King tour to Ireland. The j London Coarier of the 9th, gives the route of the :tour, an ac count of the preparations that have been commenced, and the manner in wjhich they; will be . completed. His Majesty will be accompanied by his Royal High ness the. Duke of Clarence, and. proba bly the Duke of York, the Duke o Well lington, the Secretary jof Stateforihe home department, ami a "lare Ualp of nobility, exclusive of those in the mon- arch's personal suite. (Tbe bards of Cambria are! summoned to-welcome their Prince in the impressive and hearty manner of "the days of olden times."- The minstrels are to be under-the super- the heart ot every . Ancient-- tmtam- will leap in his bosom ! A ereat- number of men are employed at Wynnasty, expedi ting and completing the alteration, Jn the best way the shortness of the, time permit.' His Majesty will enter the house under a splendid canopy of crimson velvet, sprea ding from the south front across the flow er garden which environs that part Sev eral apartments are fitting up with tjie royal colors; and the. room in which the King will sleep, is hung with crimson velvet, and gold and silk lace, the bed chairs, &zc. ca suite. Postscript. A passenger in the British ship Harmony, which arrived yesterday in 24 days from Swansea, has favored us with a London Com ier.of the evening of 1 lth of June. I He brought the London Traveller of the 13"tb, but it was mislaid and could not He -.-found on his-arrival. He informs that the paper contained, an account of :he death of Bonaparte ; and also an account of the American squad ron having fired upon the Turkish fleet in the .Mediterranean, The Harmony left Swansea on the 15th of June. The death of Napoleon Bonaparte as stated in yesterday's Gazette, Js doubted by some; but from the accounts before received of his extreme illness, an4 of his sending for the G Oven or, Sir H., EJpwe, in consequence cf his apprehension of his speedy disolution, there is nothing UmPrbable in the news. Besides we ( know ine gentleman wno reaa me ac count in the London Traveller of the 13th uit: and place full leliance upon his state ments. N. Y. Gaz. . Extract of a letter received at New-York, dated June 19. " We learn from Vera Cruz that the Insurgents are hear that town, and have cut off all communication with Mexico. It was repotted that 4he inhabitants of Vera Cruz would rise in favor of the In surgents' . A new Ambassador from Spain t the United States, has been appointed arid may be expected daily," to replace Gen. Vines. Tbe new Minister is Don Joa quim d'Anduago, who, on a recent occa sion, when the whole ministry was dig- missed, was the first assistant at the chief bureau, and appointed secretary ad in terim on the removal of the ministryi Aurora. YELLOW FEVER. The passengers from Baltimore, we are sorry to say, (observes the National Intelligencer) bring the information that several cases of the Yellow Fever have occurred about Bowler's and Smith's wharves, and the people are rernoving from that neighborhood with proper pre cipitation, and other precautionary mea sures are taking in consequence of a'pro clamation of the Mayor. Passengers of the Steam Boat from Philadelphia, state that several cases of malignant fever, have recently occurred in that city. We hope the report may be unfounded. Bait. Chronicle. The Board of Health in Savannah have published a statement that an English seaman taken sick on board of a ship was carried to the Hospital and died f fever with inflamed stomach, but not ac companied with black vomit. They also state that the inhabitants of that city ne ver enjoyed better health than they do at present. j : Among the simple remedies prescrib ed for obstinate complaints, perhaps no one has stood the test of experience bet ter than burnt cork? Its usefulnes In the j . Ijjlious cholic and colera morbus has been amply ? proved and me season ifj tire - Jr renders expedient a republication of the method of 4ts use.' Taken common Vvet cork, burn .it thoroughly, macer- ' jjulw ujru it. dicdpuumui or brandy, and add a little nutmeg and sujar to' make it palatable. The quantity to be taken! at a time need f not: eiceedj the half of a common cork, and it may be dilated with water, and increased in quan tity untir a cure is effected. i Commodore Barron. Tjie Court of Enquiry in the case of Cam, Barror, ; tlosed its sittings yesterday: ahd if we ! fleetly informed, there was not a shadow of evidence in support of tl mises against this irentleman'iS cha the !sq eentleman s cnaracier. It may now be reasonably hoped thai the Commodore will not ohy be1 restored to the confidence of ' his government, and fellow-citizens, but to a command suitable to his rank: N. F. Gazette. It appears that the President of! the Farmers Bank in Buck's Codify, P. Was concerned i if the Conspiracy! to destroy the. sloop Norfolk, and defraud the un derwriters, and the moment fhe fact was known in Philadelphia, tie Banks in that city dispatched expresseto the bank for tta monies due them. A run was thus created, and the doors of the bank were closed for a time. Th .president, nowever, has been removed,1 and thi bank is considered safe and: sound.'' MARRIED, i. On Thursday morning last, by fUe Rev. Thomas Meiedith, Mr; RooKR Handcock, ta Miss Mary Ann Mitch ell, daughter of Mr. Joshua Mitchell. ! DIED, j In this town, on Tuesday last, Francis P. Muns6n. i ' Mr. ALMANACK. son 1 rises Sun sets. bun's ' Declina Equation of time. July. 22 Sunday, 4 5b 4 59. 2 1 0 20 20 24 'K 5'57'4- 23 Mond. 24 Tues. 25 Wedu. 25 Thurs. 27 Triday, 28 Saturj G '6 6 6 6 6 O 2 3 4 5 4 7 20 d 48 22 8 01.9 G 59 19 0 5919 58 19 FORT OFJSrEWlim-V. ARRIVED, '"!-- i Schr. Pigot, Goald, T"illraan, Jones, . r , CLEARED, Schr. Industry, Jerkins, , Caroline, McKown, H'limmiim wmmmummmmmmBmmama Aux Cayes, ; I : do. f Marti nico, r St.Barts- DANCING SCHOOL. 1VTR. W. H. CLAV, respectfully in ivA forms the Ladies and Gentlemen of Newberri, that fee intends )'isitingthem in November, tor the purpose of opening a DANCING SCHOOL ir December, to be continued through the winter. Mr. Clay hopes from his forever acquain tance, that he may not be disappointed in the patronage of the Ladses and Gen tlemen in general, j He expects to attend at Washington, in like manner. July 12th, 1821 174tf. , GRIFFITH & PABKER, Bricklayers and Plasterers, TTH ESPECTFULLY offer their services tof the. Public k From their thorough knowledge of , the business, and their deter. mi nati orf to use every exertion to please, trtey flatter themselves that alj work un dertaken by them will be executed in a manner that will give entire satisfaction to those who, may think proper to employ them. , t July 21st, 1821174 iw. 1 FOR SALfi, j BY THE SUBSCRIBER, 360 Acres of iJnd. five miles above Newbem, lying tween Neuseand "'Trent Koad in the little Pecosen. I' J One new House &ialfLbt, Jnthe Town of Newfyrn, T known by the numbers 38 and 389, opposite John Jones' Esg. Half the front of Lot No. 21, j nn the south side of Front-street, extending to the channel. Also, a valuable MILCH COW. f For terms, twhich will be accom modating, apply to John 22, Good Ncwbern, July 21st, 182L--174 41. GRAND t I OF MARYLAND. CfihnU Ojjicef Baltimore, July 2, 182L S THE Managers of i the Grand States Lotlerv of Marvland. in presenting their acknowledgmeiits to the public for the yenf distinguished patronage, they v have, received from every part of the v Union, iiave the pleasure to. ant ounce r that, in consequence of the rapid sales of tickets, and die encrasing drinand, ;ho DltAWjNG will rake place in the City r Baltimore, on Wednesday the 15th of next motith, (August aitd will be com pleted irj Thirty Drawings only, under the superintendence of the Commission ers appointed by the Governor andCoun cil of State. k T ..." - j This splendid Lottery has met tho most decided ; approbfition .The briU liancy oj the prizes, the arrangement nf the stationary premiums, the great chance otj acquiring an independence, and the little risl attendant on investments, all combine, have given the Scheme that patronage which the Managers had ,aotU cipated. The Capital Prizes arc, ' i j 40,000 DOLLARS. M j. 20,000 DOLLsMS. 10)00 DOLLARS. : of 5,000 DOLLARS. W sd of iooo dollars; $e. 4-cijc. Besides an unusual' larger -'denominations. large1 number of Not two blanks to a- priJte. i i trrhe rlKIe of the prizes are payable in dold orj Silver, -or in Notes of the Bank of the United States. : r; To the early adventurer tills Scheme offers supenor advantages, as the first drawn Three Thousand Blanks are enti tled to "Ten- Dollars each ! Those not yet supplied should make application without :delay, particularly while tickets are at the following low rates, viz; ( Whole tickets $10 Quarters $2 50 Halves 5 Eighths 1 25 To be had in the greatest variety of numbers at ''' ! COHEN'S .... : . i lattery and Exchange OJJicc, ... . Where the Cash will , be advanced (ov prizes t(ie moment they are drawn. Orders from any part of the Uni ted States, enclosing the cash or pri2e tickets, j post paid,' wiH meet the same punctual attention as if on personal ap plication, addressed to j ? tJ. . COHEN, Jr. , Secretary to the Managers, Baltimore. At Cohen's Office more Capital Prizes ' have been obtained than at any other of fice in America, and where was sold in Shares the great capital of 40,000 In the lastjLottery drawn in iJalttmsre and where, in the three last Monument Lot teries, were sold the Capitals of $ 40,000 "also in shares ; the S0,000, 2 of 20,000, ' 2 of io?oop, &c '''X--Xy- I O'il Cohen's f tottery iette and: Registej- which is published every iveck,x will contairi the MaoagersOmcialLlstOftJ each driwing bofh Blanks and t Pflzet, T and will be forwarded, gratis, to com panies or individuals who purchase, from Cohen'4 Office, either in whole tickets or shares to the amounts of$ 50 It 'al so contains Rates of Exchange of Bank Notes, Prices Carrent of Produce,, the Nes o$ the-' Dayj, &c. ;JSx,; , .. I'.-'i ' WHOLE TICKET HALVi:SAKO In a great variety of numlcrt, tn he had fit THE OFFICE OF THE CENTInW l j AKO AT-; THE , I POST-OFFICE, NEWBElt Where the Managers Official Lists of' the drawings will be received regularly (or the examination of all tickets, gratis t 4 & tate of North-Carolina, CAKTEftET COUNTY. Superior Court of Jthstrj-AIarch Temt ..;- a. X). i82i;., :' ' Frances Langdon, Petition fore : '. .j 1 vs. v ' ' Isaac Langdon, y . . .Divorce . IT appearing to the satisfaction of b Court; that the defendant in thf cause is not an inhiabitant of the State; If is or dered that publication be made three monius in uic .varoium . v""-v Raleigh Star, that unless be appear at the next iTerm ofthe Superior Court of Law to be held for the County .of -Car-teret, on the Thorsday third Monday er the fourth Maria? a Sepr i tember next, and answer sitd peuuoff,, it will be set for bearing - IWiwss, JohnH. Hilli Clerk otoor said Court, the Thursday after tbe; third Monday j after the oprth .Monday. &a March, 1821. J f - r ? E - i j j. n. niLL) tcr. 173 $m. price adv. $ 7-

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