VOLUME IV. NEWBERl C. SATO f 5INTKO A."W r PASTEUR t WATSON, At -$ 3 per annum-half in adrancc. lvbern Prices Current vrTttT ItltED MERCnASDIZl. Ffom D.C. tO.D. C lb. 9r 10 '4 ' 6 25 SO 25 SO 2 50 40i' 45 75 85 50 3 80 14 27 28 12 H 25 I 40 45 50 50 8 j Bacon Beef Butter Bees-Wax Brandy, French do. Apple do. ' Pach Corn, Meal, Cotton, ColTee f .. Cordage j Flour, j 7 Gin Holland Country pine Scantling Plank Square Timber Shingles, 22 inch Staves, W. O. hhd. do. R.O. do. do. W.O.bbl. Heading, W.O.hhd Lard Molasses Tar Fitch Rosin Turpentine do. Spirits Pork, prime, Do. Mess ,Rice . Rum, Jamaica do. W. I. do American Salt, All'im do. Fine SUaar, Loaf do Lump d J.Brown Whiakey gal. bbl: bush. lb. bbl gal- M. 7 1 4 16 20 1 13 10 7 1 50 15 7 5 13 20 lb. 8 9 27 50 25 gal. 26 bbl. 1 1 1 1 7 30 so! 10 50 gal. 25 50; bbl. 3 11 b 1 10 CWt. 3 1 50 21 90 40 85 70 25 23 10 80 401 bush. 70 65 lb. 22 18 cwt. 8 50,10 gal. 35 FOR SALE, BY THE SUBSCRIBER, 360 Acres of Land, five miles above Newbern, lying be tween Neuse and Trent .Road, in the little Pecosen. One new House & half Lot, In the Town of Newbern, inown by the numbers 288 and 289 opposite John Jones' Esq. Half the front of Lot No. 21, on the south' side of Front-street, extending to the channel. Also, a valuable MILCH COW. For terms, which will be accom modating, apply to John R Good. Newbern, July 21st, 1821174 4i. State of North-Carolina, CARTERET COUNTY. Superior Court of Law, April Term, A. D. 1821. Frances Langden, p Petition for vs. v Isaac Langdon, ) Divorce. , IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant in this cause is not an inhabitant of the State, it is or dered that publication be made three months in the .Carolina Centinel and Raleigh Star, that unless he appear at the next Term of the Superior Court of Law to be held for the County of Car teret, on the Thursday after the third Monday after the fourth Monday in Sep tember next, and answer said petition, it ill be set for hearing ex parte. Witness, John H. Hill, Clerk of our a:J Court, the Thursday after the third Monday after the fourth Monday of "arch, 1821. J ' J. H. HILL, Clerk. 1 3 3m. price adv. $ 7. PRINTING. HANDBILLS, BLANKS, and CIRCULARS, Lard 9 TED AT THIS OFFICE. GRAND STATE LOTTERY OF MARYLAND. Drawing Announced Cohen's Office, Baltimore, y?JuJy2d, 1821. $ THE Managers of the Grand State Lottery of Maryland, in presenting their acknowledgments to the public; for the very, distinguished patronage they have received from every part of 'the Union, have the pleasure to announce that, in consequence of the rapid sales of tickets, and the encreasing demand, the DRAWING will take place in the City of Baltimore, on Wednesday the 15th of next month, (August,) and will be com pleted in Thirty Drawings only, under the superintendence of the Commission ers appointed by the Governor and Coun cil of State. j This sDlendid Lottery has met the most decided approbation. The bril liancy of the prizes, the arrangement of the stationary premiums, the great chance of acquiring an independence, and the Iitde risk attendant on investments, I all combined, have eiven the Scheme that 9 0 patronage which the Managers had anti cipated. The Capital Prizes are, 40,000 DOLLARS. 20,000 DOLLARS. 10,000 DOLLARS. j 2 of 5,000 DQIJLARS. 20 of c. c. f-c. 1000 DOLLARS. Besides an unusual large number; of larger denominations. Not two blanks to a prize. -- j The whole of the prizes are payable in Gold or Silver, or in Notes of the Bank of the United States. j To the early adventurer this Scheme offers superior advantages, as the first drawn Three Thousand Blanks are enti tled to Ten Dollars each ! Those not yet supplied should make application without delay, particularly while tickets are at the following low rates, vizi I Whole tickets 5 10 I Quarters 2 50 Halves 5 1 Eighths 1 25 To be had in the greatest variety of w numbers at . COHEN'S Lottery and Exchange Office, j Where trie Cash will be advanced, for prizes the moment they are drawn. . Orders from any part of the Uni ted States, enclosing the cash or prize tickets, post paid, will meet the same punctual attention as if on personal lap plication, addressed to J. I. COHEN, Jr. Secretary to the Managers, Baltimore. At Cohen's Office more Capital Prizes have been obtained than at any other of fice in America, and where was sold in Shares the great capital of $ 40,000 in the last Lottery dawn in Baltimore ; and where, in the three last Monument Lot teries, were sold the Capitals of 40,000 also in shares; the 30,000, 2 of 20,000, 2 of 10.000, &c. j ' C Cohen's "Lottery Gazette and Register," which is published every week, will contain the Managers' Official List of each drawing, both Blanks land Prizes, and will be. forwarded, gratis, to com panies or individuals who purchase, from Cohen's Office, either in whole tickets or shares to the amount of $ 50. j WHOLE TICKETS, HALVES AND QUARTERS, j In a great variety of numbers, to be had at THE OFFICE OF THE CENTINEL AND AT THE k POST-OFFICE, NEWBERNj Where the Managers Official Listi of the drawings will be received regularly, for the examination of all tickets, gratis; TAKEN UP, ND committed to Jail on the :21st instant a Negro Woman named; VIoLET, who says she belongs to Mor tis Ward of Jbnes County. The owner is requested to pay charges and take her away. WM. G. TAYLOR, Jailor. j Newbern, July 28th-r-175 j - 100,000 Dollars ! 25,000 Dollars ! (AUTHORIZED BY CONGRESS ) GRAND tfr:: National Lottery. FIFTH CLASS. SCHEME. 1 Prize of $ 100,000 is$ 100,000 1 Do. fedf 2 Do. of 5 Do. of 100 Do. of J 0 Do. of 105 Do. of 16500 Do. of 25,000 r; 25,000) ' 10,000 ' , 20,000 500 5,000 100 10,500 13 214,500 Prizes will be deposited in the -wheel as follows : 10th day, $5000 15th day; 5000 20th day, 5000 25th day 10,000 26th day i 25,000 ; 30th day 100,000 I All the other Prizes in the Scheme are floating from the commencement of the drawing. , JSOt two Blanks to a Prize, PRIZES ONLY TO BE DRAWN. The drawing will take place in the month of November next in Washington City, and be completed in thirty-three drawings only, with all possjole despatch, under the superintendence of - R. C. Weightman 7 William Brent, John Davidson, Daniel Rapine, Thomas H. Gilliss, Moses Young, Andrew Way, jun. CO Esqrs. to I 5 Whole Tickets $ 12 Quarters $ 3 Halves 1 6. Eichths 1 50 w 1 TICKETS, HALVES, QUARTERS AND EIGHTHS, In a great variety of numbers. , PROM P. GILLESPIE'S OFFICE Washington City, For Sale at the Office of the CAROLINA CENTINEL, and at the POST-OFFICE, NEWBERN, Where the Managers' Official List of each day's' drawing will be reoularly received for the examination of all tick ets gratis. D. GILLESPIE has had the pleasure of selling and vayhiQ more Capital Pri- zes drawn from the wheels of the different Lotteries within two years, than any oth er vender of tickets in America. The following Grand Capitals shicfe; 1st of January last:. . 'stM$, In Monument Lottery of Bait. 40,000 Consolidation do. of do. 30,000 Literature do. of N. Y. 25,000 State do. ofPenn, 20,000 National do. No. 4. 35,000 Do. do. do. - 10,000 Prizes in the Grand National Lot tery, will be paid on demand by D. GILLESPIE, Agent for the Managers. 3 Orders from the neigh boring Towns arid Country, enclosing the Cash, addressed to Thomas Watson, Post Master New bern, will receive prompt attention. Adventurers will do well by purchasing immediately, as Tickets .will advance considerable before the drawing takes place. j f DANCING SCHOOL. MR. W. H. CLAY, respectfully in forms the Ladies and Gentlemen of Newbern, that he intends visitingthem in November, for the purpose of opening a DANCING SCHOOL in December, to be continued through the winter -Mr. Clay hopes from bis former acquain tance, that he may not be - disappointed in the patronage of the Ladies and Gen tlemen in general. He expects to attend at Washington,; in like manriex:; July 12th, 1821--a7 St MUSIC TUITION. HE, Inhabitants j of Newbern, are respectfully informed that JAMES AYKROYD, Professor of Vocal and In-; . stiumental Alusic, contemplate' estab lishing himself in Newberni thejensuing November, asa Teacher of tliosej Scien ces and respectfully solicits a portion of the publick patronage. His terras will be moderate ! Piano, Fortes and other musical instru- ments. warranted to be of the best' duality, together with every description of Mu- sic, can be had by leaving orders 3 S Wl ith 'John W. Guion, Esq. '; 1 I -: i N. B. Piano Fortes, &c tuned and repaired by J. A. GRIFFITH Sc PARKER, BrieMyers and Plasterers RESPECTFULLY, offer their w services 10 me ruDiicKL irrora their thorough knowledge- at the business, and .their determination to use every exertion to .please, they flatter themselves that all work un dertaken by them will be executed in a manher tbat will give entire sativfartinr tn thnf wTir mnt thinlr proper to emDloV them. July 21st, 1821 174 4w Clubfoot and Harlots? s Creek Canal Company . NOTICE is hereby given jth at I the President and Directors of the CZw6 foot and Harlow's Creek Canal Company, have required the payment of the second instalment of Twenty Dollars, upon every share subscribed, to. be jmade to the Treasurer f the Company, j or such agent as he may -appoint, ; on, cir before the 1st day 01 aeptemoer next. J ne W - . . jj . Shares of Subscribers failing to pay, wil be advertised and sold agreeably j to the. act of incorporation. . f Signed) -T, . I B. ARENDELL, Treasurer Beaufort, July 21st, 1821. I75tt. : ..X" " ' ' r'i Ten Dollars Reward. 13 AN AW AY from the Subscri- JLV ber at Blount Hall, pn Pitt County, on the 30th of lune last, a Negro Man named GILFORD. Had on when he left home, Ja green kirsey round jacket, a pair jof grey sattinet pantaloons, and an pld bea ver hat. He has a large scar on his head. I believe on the rierhtl side is about 22 or 23 years old, dark complexion, about siXj feeit high, stout made' as large flat Teet-- has a wife at Mr. Edward Quin s in Washington, where he jijvas last seen, and about which place I sus- pect he islurkini as he is well knovn 9 in that neighborhood. 1'he above reward will be paid to any person or persons that will de liver said negro or confine him in any jail to that I get him ags in, and all reasonable expanses paid , Said fellow is legally outh wed. I hereby forwafn all persons from harboringor employing GIL. FORD, and particularly Masters ifj vessels from carrying him away, as I am determined to prosecute all offen ders, without distinction. William L. Blount. July tth, 1821 175tf. TAKEN UP, AND committed to the jail ci uns county, on the 26th inst.ja Negro man who calls himself HARpY, and says he belongs to WILLIAM MAY, . . . . 1 of South-Carolina, and that he was som by Lott Humphrey, of .Onslowj county. The wner is requested to cornel forward and prove his property, pay charges, and take him away. LEM'l. HATCH, Sheriff. Jones County, May 26, 1821 J l67tf Land Surveying f BY THOMAS GRACE & SON. TITi ERSONS who ' wish to j know the JjT f true contents of their Pldntations, and. to have their fines adjusted; are sou cited to apply to , THOMAS, GRACE, & SON. Kewbem. Jcsetlst, 1821. 2ml67 I i NOTICE. Police Office, Ketebern, 2&th fuly, 1821. T!he Commissioners of the . Townof Newbern fcive notice jto the Iohabitants thereoi, that it i the intention as it is the duty of the Board, to endeavor to cause all nui sances which, may be injurious to the health of. the town, to be remo ved. They remind the Inhabit ante that, by the Act pf the Assembly for preserving the health of the sea port towns of the State, the follow ing are declared to be COMMON MUX s ances viz. All ponds of stagnant 'waters ; all cellars and foundations of houses, whose bottoms contain stagnant and putrid waters ; all dead putrefied animals, lying about the docks, streets, lanes, alleys,-vacant lots or yards ; all privies, that have 00 wells sunk tinder -thetn ; all slaughter houses;; all dpeks, whose bottoms are alternately wet and dry by the' ebbing and flowing of the tide ; all accumulation of filth in the streets, ianes, alleys and gutters thereof; all accumulations of xge t:ble and animal substances under going a putrefactive fermentation. 4 By the same Act; proprietors of lots, which from their low situatioa are liable to retain tide or rain watef, or on which cellars or foundations of houses may be dug, whether a tenement be erected over the sa me or not, shall, during the months of m June, July, August, September and October, keep the said l0ts,f cellars and foundations dry and free from stagnant and putd waters and other filth, under the penalty of five doU Iar$ for every week such putrid wa ter or filth shall remain thereon. It is further provided, that if the pro prietors neglect to: remove such niii-. sance, ,the Commisiionera may cause! it5 to be removed ; the ex pence and fine to b recovered from the proprietors of the lots. The Commissioners intreat the Inhabitants of the TowDj to exam ine the premises they respectively occupy, and to remove speedily all nuisances which may be found upon . them. They Hope there is no citi zen of the town-no" indifferent to the , lives and happiness of his own fami ly, or so callous to the distresses of his neighbour, as to be backward in adopting measures so essentially ne cessary to the health and prosperity -of the town. . If notwithstanding the strong in ducements to remove nuisances any citizen should be found neglec -ting his duty, the Commissioners will feel themselves under the ne cessity of causing prosecutions to be instituted in the proper Courts. By order of the Commissioners, DANIEL SHACKELFORD, Intendant of Police. Twenty-Five Dollars Iiezvard. RAN AWAY from the Subscri ber on the 1st of February last, a Negro Man named ; 8AM, (or Sam -M addon,) about fifty years of acre, stout made, dark complexion , and about five feet eight or nine in ches high. N Masters of vessels and others are cautioned against carrying away or harboring said fellow, as the law in such case made and provided will be strictly enforced. The above reward will be paid to any person who shall apprehend and confine said negro, so that I get him agaku ' v" ' 1 , j v .. John Franklin r Newbern, July . 28th. ir5tf. N. B. If in attempting to appre hend and confine S A Mfv violent means should be found necessary, and he be thereby killed, I will not hold the person using such means, liable for his value, but will pay him the reward herein offered. J. F. July 28, 1821. - -A . 4 f. . If J " -V 1 ,1 t t '- "i f