NEWBERN, N. C. SATURDAY, J)ECKMBER"22, J 821. NUMBERS 196.'. T21STZD AND POLISHED WEEKLY, B PVSTFJJU WATSON, : nrlvance. At pr annum " Jaturc of Xorth Carolina ir SENATE. Friday, Dec. 7. -n.0 f-.,!lmvin:r bills were presented ; Mr Parker, a bill to repeal an act pas i in"liy grantingto Timothy M'lver tail spirituous mjuors in i ji "Mafe: Mr. Kiiifin, a bill to alter the name of iUard Cdle, an J legitimate him : ' Mr. Campbell, of New-Hanover, pre- i the petition of Charlotte MDon 1 -l.J. praying an act to be. passed direc ! , a crrtain suit to be dismissed. Ke-i-jied. " Mr. I iraves from the committee on md :.arv I' warrants, reported unfavorably o , the petitions of James Pitts and John k'oM nvition of Mr. Bod'die, the Judi f.llV committee were instructed to en : V;r- i it the expediency of passing a Ii.v t prevent free negroes and mulat to...; from coming to and settling in this State. Mr. M'Leary, from the committee of cl to whom was referred the petition of Ar.'jus Shaw, reported hi hii favour. A 'linage was sent to the "House of Coimions, proposing to ballot to-morrow ior .i M-ijoi -General of the 5th div ision, n.ri-Mtiug for the appointment Briga d:ei -General Edmond Jones. Saturday, Dec 8. Mr. Spaight of Craven, from hr com mittee of conference between the two llo'jte on the disagreeing vote relative tj pl icini: on the joint committe on the poiiti 'ii of Edward Newton and others, the member from W ilmington, reported tint it was agreed that the proposition of . :ne?eiii- wa iuuiuci, luai ii u. . t recommended by tne - committee on j :ht pvt oi tne commons inai mey re- , Je from their disagreement to the prop- f uic3uc a3 .ve.u.u3 ic-. Ctfiv-.l, stating that the Lorumons accor (iin,lv receded. A message was received fro"n the Com mons, proposing to ballot for Public Trea surer and Public Printer, nominating Jo in I lay wood; and Thomas Henderson for those offices A ballot took place, accordingly, and these gentlemen were elected. Mr. Chck . presented the petition of sjnilry inhabitants of Kobeson, praying for the nassacreof an act to amend aii act grai.tinir exclusive jurisdiction to the Su perior Courts of that County in all cases where a jury is necessary. Referred to the Judiciary committee.' The following bills were presented ; Mr. Kenn, a hill to repeal an act paV seJ in 1 S 10, making a compensation .to the owners f outlawed & executed slaves in Duplin ; and Mr. Jiaiborn, a bill to extend the time for the ipjitration of grants, &c ; which t:'.! p;ie.l their first reading." Several bills, passed their second and third reaJ.'ngs. Monday, Dec. 10. Mr. Lindyey, from Currituck, from the 'cjnniiftee to whom was referred the pe of Kdward Newton and 'others. '""lie an unfavorable rcnocf. which was "'curred wii!i. Mr. Speight, from Orene, from nhe '-mUtee to whom was referred a bill to r the times of holding tUi ;.,or:r '- nrt est C":irfrt Iinwe t L . i ... ..v.,.., w.-..,, itccIle a,1(1 Lfi' ir, recommended thihdc ofthe hill '' stricken out, except the words " A and insert "to alter the timos n t.te superior courts of Caiteret I "ivr one, and Lenoir, and th Mluy Courts of Jones and Ciaven ? t,,'c' li'fl passed its first reading. -r- Mars!iall presented the petition of ; ; v!'f' Medley, Sbcriffof Anson, prnvino; lor insolvent polls, which. --:med. , ,r M'Leary from the committee of . to whom was referred the peti ! ' l ! Vbner Hanner. late Sherifif of ' I r I at '" mended the passage of '. 1 ' his lelief ; but it was rejected. i al reportetl a resolution in v,r el c., uvii- i , . 'uamson, snernt ol J w!,,i, Passed its ficst reading. & ' "m the Judiciarv toin- tJ. ' f tJ u ho2l w as referred a 'resolution t i"ire .i ,he expediency of passin mhosizin? the Judges to depmW h . -cuie writs 'cn ere s!,ali be no proper oiScer or titrt to execute the same, which passed its 1st Reading.! ! Mr. Campbell, from the committee to whom rns referred the-: petition of Char lotte M'Donald, reported a bill for her relief, w(iich passed its first reading-.. ; The following bills were presented; : - By Mr. Gordon, a bill to repeal an act passed in 1S02, directing the mode of appointing patrols in the counties- of Gates, Camden, and Pasquotank ;' ; Mr. Lamb, a bill, to repeal aii act pas sed at the last session, directing the man ner in which property levied on by sher iffs and constables shall be sold hereafter ; ; Mr. Williamson, a bill to alter the m()de of removing suits from the Courts of Equity to the Supreme Court ; 1 i Mr. Campbell, a bill further to regu late the pilotage of Cape-Fear; ; Mr. Person, a bill-to repeal an act passed last session, for, the relief of hon est debtors ; and by j Mr. Miller, a bill to provide for the appointment of a Coroner in the County of War: en. Which 'bills passed their first readings. On niojion of Mr. Deberry, the Judi ciary committee were instructed to en quire into'therexpediency of providing by law for the payment of witnesses who may be compelled to attend trials in civil cases before justicies of the peace out of court, and at an inconvenient distance from their residence. ;The bill to aut.'prse the County Courts ot tiie several counties in this state (o ap point Committees of Finance, after un dergoing considerable discussion .and a nindments, passed its second reading. jMr. Seawell from the committee of Propositions, reported unfavorably on the petition of Richard Furniviile,' Daniel Pejgram, and sundry inhabitants of Or ange in favor of Elisha Cate. . Tuesda Mr. Williamson presented the petition J Hfl.Ut l lit of "Caleb Miller of Lincoln county,, pray ing to be divorced from his wife Rachel. Mr. Raihorn, that of John Massv pray- i inf! tor a mihtarv warrant: and of linn- ry ;$lu;tn praying for compensation for lus services in the Revolutionary War. jvjr. Kufiin the petition of John Hanke, relative to an entry of land in the County of Stokes . j : iir. Hatch the memorial of the Pi est- dent and Directors of the Clubfoot and Harlow's Creek Canal Company. All which petitions were referred. On motion of Mr. Person the follow-r ing resolution was adopted. Uesolved by the Senate and House of Commons,' That a select joint committee be instructed to enquire into the expedi ency of establishing a new Bank, to be long entirely to the State, with such pro visions as may have a tendency to relieve the; pecuniary distresses of the people, and that they report by bill, &q. 'Air. Williamson, from the balloting committee for a Major-General of the 5th' division, reported that Philip Britain vras duly elected. The following bills were presented : I5y Mr. Wade, a bill to authorise and empower the County Court of Randolph to lay a tax to complete the Court-house. Mr. Lindsey, (of Currituck,) a bill to authorise Samuel Salyear, jm. of Cuni tuek, to erect a gate across the public road to Belps Island; and a b;Il to re peal part of an act passed in 1S10, to compel retailers of spirituous liquors to take a licence from the County Court. These bills passed their first readir i;. The Senate took up the bill to authorise the County Courts in each of the Coun ties jto appoint a Committee of Finance. After Sjome debate, a morion was made to postpone the bill indefinitely, which was! negatived 39 votes to 20. The bit! then passed its 3d reading 32 votes to 2.3. Wednesday, Dee. 12. iNIr. Welborn presented the petition of Leonard hitlinton, praying to be re stored to his rightyas a citizen. Referred. On motionof Mr. lluflin, the committee- on Claims was instructed to enquire into J the expediency ol allowing Robert Vanhook, late sheriff of Person, for cer-, tain linsolvent taxables. Air. Vanhook presented a bill con cern1! nz the County Court of Person ; and .Mr. Person a bill to authorise' Martha Glascork. of Moore, to retail spirits free from, taxes j which bills passed their first ending. Ori motion of Mr. Frink, the commit 'e of Internal Improvements were in structed to enquire into the expediency f discharging the State Engineer. Air. Williamson introduced sundry ..esolutions on die subject of a Conven- tbe dav for Mondav nex: -Several bdls;pas5ed their 2d and ion similar to those brought forward in "!e V.ous? Ca,mors yesterday, by v,r Fisher, which were made the order d readings. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Friday, Dec. 7i ' Mr. Graves, from the conirnittee ap pointed to wait on Governor Holmes tr inform him "tf his election, reported that he would attend to be quilifi- this day at 12 o'clock.1 At which hour, he atten- ded in the Common's Hall, andtheusuai oaths of office were administered to hjm ,by Cliief Justice Taylcr, in presence . vf jthe Members of both Uousesi j The foIf.j A irr petiti-.n were presented ; j By Mr. U imon, from Willie Bonn, of iVasb, gbardl.oi of itbecca Thorp, an idiot, pmi.jg to sell certain lands of he;'s; V, ,- ...... . - Mr. M'tTomb. from svndry inhnbitants jof the Counties of Iredi'ti, Cabarrus and Mecklenburg, praying for the discontin uance of the hew road between Concord and Pea is ford ; i Mi . Roberts, from William Harrison, praying for a military land warrant ; am! j Mr. Andres, from citizens of Bladen ponnty, pjayhigto be excused from wcr iingona certain public road. Which petitions were-referred. On motion of Mr. Cowan, the com mittee appointed to enquiie what altera tions are necessarj- in the salary, of the "Secretary of State, were instructed to en quire what alterations were necessary in the fees of the Clerks of the. Superior Courts. The following bills were introduced : By Mr. Peele, a bill to repeal the 1st section of an act passed in 1819, to pre vent fraudulent trading with slaves ; and j Mr. Roberts a bill to compel the clerk's of the Superior and County Courts of Slurry to keep their offices in Rocktbrd. Both bills passed their firs; reading. The bill authorising the. recording" of marriace licences, was, on motion of Mr. A. Morgan, ,on its second reading indefi nitely postponed. f A message was received from Gover nor .Franklin' inclosing an Act of the Legislature of Teneessee ratifying he boundary between that State and this. Referred. j The bill to; alter the method of proving book debts, was, on motion -of Mr. SlaUe, indefinitely pbstponed by 63 votes to 4S. Saturday. Dec. 8. ? Mr. Dulany presented the petition of John Lloyd and Mary Bender, praying for. military: land warrants. Referred. On motion! of Mr. Alston, the Iublic Treasurer vvas directed to lay before this House a particular account and statement of the receipts and disbursements of the board of Internal Improvements for the last two years, up to the 26th November, 1S21, stating the amount advanced from the Public Treasur3',,and the amount paid out of the fund for Internal Improve ments. I The following bills were introduced: By Mr. Fisher, a bill concerning the town of Salisbury ; Mr. Webbjj a bill to repeal the 2d, 3d? and 4th sections of an act passed in 1319, prescribing the manner of assessing lands in this State for taxation ; Mr. Collins in pursuance of a pettition, a bill to repeal an act passed last ses sion, for the better regulation of the coun ty courts of Rutherford, Burke and Lin coln, j Mr. Jones,; a bill to amend the 15th section of an act passed in 1783, to pre vent the exportation of unmerchantable commodities, so far as relates-to the town of Wilmington ; Mr. Sellers a bill to repeal an act pas sed last session for the relief of honest debtors. The three first bills passed their first reading ; the; 4th was refered to a com mittee, and the last ordered to lie on the table. I j The House proceeded to consider a res olution proposed by Mr. Hilinan on Th jrsday last for rescinding the rule of thfc House lately adopted, directing the -order in which' business should be intro duced. The resolution, after a few re marks for and against it, was agreed to; so the rule is rescinded. Mr. Hillman, from the committee to whom was referred the Reports and Res olutions of Maryland and New-Hampshire, 4:c. on the subject of appropriating public lands for the purpose of Educa tionjamong the several States, reported in favor of a concurrence with the proposi tion. The Report was concurred with, and ordered to be printed. A number. of. bills was. received from the Senate which received their first rea ding. H-.'j --ft; : ; Mr. Stanly,-: from the Xudiciary-Com-mittee, reported a bill to preserve the right of trial by jury rn suits at common law, when the! value in controversy shall exceed $20, which p?sS5d' jti first ding. ... rea" ' The Speaker4aid before the House a communication from the Public Treasrir- er, inclosing fhe. Adlowing statement of the AjlTnirs of the State Bank, regretting hat le bad it not in his power at present, to transmit a like statement in relation to the Banks of Hewbern and Cape-Fear; oui expected w near snortiy trom tnem on that subject : General Statement of the State Bank of JSarih-Cyrplina, Aoo. 50, '182 1. Specie. Foreign Notes & Bills of Exchange $G30.418 09 Bills discounted 2Ji)4QMZ 18 Due from, other Banks 66,313 66 Real Lstate, including Bank Buildings ; ')ne for unpaid Stock ruuk Stock f Currency j 12S,630,12 9 4.56 11 17,440- 00 31,764 97 . : $4,521,913 13 Stock subscribed, 1,600,000 00 Notes jin circulation 1,98,331 Sf) Subscription to new Stockt 123 OU Due to other Banks 531,608 80 tieposjts 'I i - 66,397 15 Dividends unpaid SyA37 00 (ieneriil profit and Loss (out of w hich the piesent Divi dend is to be paid) 137,01529 'A ' : - . $4,521,915 13 The Report and Statement were0 or dered to be printed- - . A message was sent to the Senate pro posing to ballot on Monday morning for Counsellors of State, nominating Joseph Gillespie, Wm.i Blackledge, senr. Thos. Wynns, John LTmstead, ''i'heophilus La ce v, Gideon Alston, and Joseph Pickett. The message was concurred in by the Senate, and the following names added to the nomination, viz : David Gillispie, Joseph Carson. Thomas Kenan, Win. Davidson, and Benj. F. Hawkins. Specie $533,238 92; Foreign ATotes $77,$79 50; Bills of Exchange $28, 279 671 , t Due to Stockholders who subscribed for more Shares than they obtained. Monday, Dec. 10.: . Mr. Henry from the committee on Oiat part of the Governor's Message in rela tion to pecuniary embarrassments," repor ted a bill to amend an act passed last ses sion, for the relief of honest debts. The following bill were also introduced ; Bv Mr. Freeman; a bill to establish a poor and work-house in Chatham; - Mr. Cowan, a bill to amend an act passed in 1784, to prevent, the exporta tion of unmerchantable commodities; ' Mr. M.'Neil, a bill to repeal part, of the 1st section of an act pnssed in 1817, directing a road to be laid out and opened from'Fayetteville to Morganton; and al so part of the 1st section of. an act passed in 1818 on the same subject; Mr. Hawks a bill to amend the quar antine laws of this State ; Mr. Slade, a bill establishing a Board oi rhysicians, anu regulating t tne prac tic of Physic and Surgery in the State; Mr. Blackledge a bill to alter the mode of electing SbeiilFs and to vest the right of election in the free people of the seve ral counties ; Mr. Hillman, a bill to incoporate the Raleigh Female Tract Society ; . iMr. Lloyd, a bill respecting grants which have been heretofore issued from the office of the Secretary of State. The above bills passed their first rea ding, except the last, which was referred to the Judiciary committee. Mr. Clement, from the committee to whom had been referred the bill to divide the county of Rowan, returned the bill without amendment. It passed its first readir g. , Mr Strange presented the memorial of the ommissioners of the town of f ay eiteville concerning the comiuissious paid to the state by auctioneers. Referred to the committee of Finance. . . Mr. Hilrnai , from the joint committee referred the resolution m- structing them to enquire into the expedi- ..Ai thL coral UwtWah. ency of amending the several laws estab- hshing the superior courts, reportea a Din to amend alnd extend an act passed in 1806, establishing the present court sys tem, by providing relief for the counties in which the suits may so accumulate as that they cannot be tried at the regular terms of these courts. The bill passed its first reading. : ! - - Mr. M'Lean from the committee of Claims, made an unfavorable report on the memorial of Benj. S. Judah, of Mew York,. which was concurrred with. A message to the-Senate proposed to, ballot immediately for Major-General of the 5th division, and adding to the nomi- nation the ; names of Brig. Gen. Philip Biitiain and George Bowers. Mr. Stanly frorr, the Judiciary commit ttee, reported a bill directing the time and phce! of sale of lane's and Wates, under ; execution, whicli passed its "first reading; I Mr. S. from thesame cammitte to' j whom was referred the resolution propo sing to allow compensation to Willie I llnn.,m 1 .. . ' f . t I t . i.i.pnuui, icti r one ui i ue j utiles ol. ttuf Srate, for holding the Superic'r Conrt of Currituck in the fal of 1820, reported a j-esollition diiectirtg the Treasurer to pay the! sames which passed iti firsf1readinf. Mr. Barrincer from the Committee of Finance, reported in. fatoi of paying AI- lexandcr Nicholson, of Richmond countv $6? $5, which passed its lstrvadimr. Mr-IM'Leod presented the pet itiu of Margjaret Martin and others, praying for military land-warrants. -Referred. , Dec. H. The. following bills were presented: Byi Mr.' St range, a bill to amend-the Sth section of an act passed in 1794, to prevent the exportation of uninerchanta ble commodities: Mr. Wilkins, a bill to amend the Mili tia Laws of thii State ; j; Mr. Styron, a bill for the better regula tion of the pilotage at Ocracock ; v Mr. Leake reported a bill authorizing Wra. P. Leake to sell certain-property belonging to his ward. .. Mr. M'Comb frdln the committee to whom was referred the petition of sundry ir, habitants of Iredell, Cabarrus and Mecklenburg, reported a bill to alter a part of the State Road laid out'accordihg ly to the act of 1817. Mr- Barringer from the committee of Finance, reported a bill to provide a Revenue for the year J822 ; aho, a bill imposing an aunualtax oil Stud Horses and Jack- Asses. , ' " ' ' Which bills severally passed their first reading. Mr. Burges presented the report oftlm Superiiitendants and Board of Directors of the Roanoke-Navigation Company, w hich j was referred lo the comnuttee on Internal Improvement, and ordered to be printed. r . . ' Sundry bills received from the Senate, passed their first reading. Mr. Henry presented the following res olutiorj : I Whpreas the Navigation Act passed fy, the Congress of'the United States on the 18th dpv of April 118, countervailing -the 'operation of the. Navigation Acts' cf yr'eat-jBritian, upon our trade with the West-India Islands, has not produced the, effect ihtended of compelling her to eitbrr relax or abandon ; her Colonial System ; but has, on the, contrary, had the effect of destroying an indispensible and lucrative trade theretofore, existing between thi ' State and the British .West-Indies : Whereupon, . j Resolved, that our Senators and Rep resentatives in Congress be instructed to use their endeavors to have the said act repealed. ' , L Ordered that the said resolution lie on the table till Monday next. Mr. Sty nm presented the pttiton of-v Thomas Marshall, Sheriff of Carteret' praying to be allowed for certain insoU vent taxables. Referred . Mr. Brickeii, from the ballotting com mittee for Counsellors of State reported that thej. following Gentlemen were elec, ted, viz ; Gideon Alston, Thomas WyrinsJ Wm. Blackledge, David Gillespie 'ITieo' phi 1 us Lacy and Thomas Kenan. ' Mr. lusher presented the following Re solution ; ' ' " 1. 1 Resolved by the General Aueinhly of North-Carolina, That the representa tion of the people of this State in both branches of the Legislature, "under the present Constitution, is greatly unequal, unjust, and anti-republican. lietolved, That the Constitution cuht to be so amended as that each citizen of the State should bare an equal share in the right of representation upon the prin ciple of free white population and taxa tion, or of fret white population, inclu ding thrpe-filths ;pf all other persons. I 3. 'llierej ore, Resolved, That, at the next Election, for Members of Assembly. 19 State who are entitled to vo ir lembers of the House of Commons, be invited to vote at said L' lection whethei they are in fovoui of a Convention or not, by - writing on their tickets, Convention xr So Convention. 4. Re&rAvcd, That the Sheriff of each -county in this Stale, or other return ing officers, be, and they are hereby directed: immediately after the next Elec tion to ascertain the number of vote giv- en for, or against a Convention; and to make pat a corect statement ttieitf, and transmitithe same to the Governor to be laid before the next General Akseii.biy " The tjill to alter ah act pawed in J 7 41, for restraining the taking excessive IJsu- ry, was read a 2d tirae when' Alrr Martin j moved toat the bill should be ludeHiutely Mi v I ' i , - .: 1- - : ! .

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