' : CAROLINA CENTINEIL. J j VOLUME IV. ' i NEWBERN, N. C. SATIRIAY, MARCH J 6, 1822. NUMBER 208. farrED AND PUBLISHED WEEKLY, BT PASTEUR Sf WATSON, At $ 3 peranruun half in advance. be necessary effectually to prevent and government of Mexico in favor The Paris Papers mention, that very simple manoeuvre, and withou U uie icmog. cuuuig uuw;i, ur uuicr u uiitcus ui mu wnue.a states., me 8 tone wnicn tell from the clouds . employing either fine or ahv other .r'" . J? .w w -iJW". mk y.vu juue, 41 j ay mas, .in me 1 .material. An article from Home ' 1 1 1 1 n I 1 1 1 rn 111 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 . fiiii ii 1 " 1 iuici 11.1 iii'i mi ii i lnrin nprv ir' r- nrf- i r - ti A (BV AUTHORITY.) flrN,)L,uTTIOT providing for the distri bution of the Secret Journal and Fo' rei mi Correspondence of the old Con- Piea. ana me rfvuin v. ...v. " ,;, , which formed the Constitution of the liited States R:s Jv: l by the Senate and fljitse ffj? ')rtsentatives if the United Jtutes V ill cf Africa in I. ingress assemviea, Tnu ths President of the United S.jtrs be req-iested to cause to be 1 to each Member of the pr.-ssnt Congress, and the Delegates fr.),n Tt-rritories, who miy not be entitle J to the same undtr the reso- V Jji'un of Congress of the twenty. sven;!i of M irch, one thoimad eight h indred and eighteen ; the President and Vico Pre-.id-nt of the United Stite.?, the Executive f encii - - m mm. State and I ?rr:torv, the Attoraev neral, & the Judges of the Court-; of ihs Unitexl St ites, & the Colleges and LJ iiveriities iu" tli U. State-iv ctJi uij copv ; for t!u ue of each oi v.: I) :nrtru nt, viz : State, Trea si t V r and Navy, two copies each fir the Uie of the S.-n ite,five copies ; f)rth use of the II u,u of R .pre- to prevent the tranport.tion or car rying awa any such timber as may be already felled or cut d jwn ; and to take such and further mea-ures as. may be demetl advisable ior the preservation of the tim'jtfr of the United States in Florida. PHILIP P. B VRSOUR, Speaker of the House of Representatives- JOHN GAILLARD, President of the Senate pioteaipore. Washington, Feb. 23, IS2. Approved : ; JAMES MONROE. sy,n.M;ny ana atn nty tor us ; and hibiting to the public. Several Am. as an early; evidence bl it, they hjve ateurs have made proposals for pur- uainea u.ic ui m.ir m st uintin- cnasing tnis woucirlui stone, which gaisned citizens, Lion Juan Alanu- has excited great speculation among el de Eiizalde, (vvaose arrival may naturalist. An English mineralo- be duly . expected,) as . minister jto gist h is, we understand, offered a the Ur.iied S:ate. His reception considerrable sum for ii.; j here wid be such, we t ut, as may . ; correspond wubtMe sentiments which , the zodiac. 1 hU , -,. ,k.m-n rr-.J t.. I he curiosity excited at. Marseilles- euteritain towards us and it, as was , - w ,Zoduc. frm published his discovery of a bare in the'Moniteur of 1 hursdav wet t 'relates the above, and nrM .1,71 iismegnegilde Monti, of Bolog na, the author of this jinvention, has made a model of it in wood, and jhat it had been hiiirlly apnroved sevcial Professors of the Universitv- and a great number of learned fo. reignera. Mr. Barth qf Srasburgh,' has " .., .. , r :c j ... V hinted at, the other day, in a letter ' f. brr.a I iCl. rw'ucn Wlil announce every ciidUKc or uie weatntr 30 hours be ibre it happens, ar.d wi!l give notice ot thunder storms 12 hours before thev occur. ' from Washijgtoii, which we pub- ,, muuuiucm oi aniiquity is. iiiht-l m n '. rrTi icriiirii n iw.i Government is contemoiated : VCd U tr?nVP- ?nd there i,i . i J.i i .' must remain till the becinnmcr D-cembcr in consequence of it of tht FORK 1W n uie would seem' better entitled to such recognition Irom us. ihnn ihti ff.,vernmCnt of vlcxico.' which h.s ngorous measure .adopted to pre ' ..i.-' i.. !L...L.ir- vent the introduction of j .i ah cau) i ccijjiiiocu uy iiic v ice EMPIRE OF MEXICO. s:'ujtives, ten copies, of the Secrev Jjjmi'.s, and of the Foreign Cor- r:jp)aJence, ordered to be pri ited bvthescv rd resolution ot Uon g .iS pised on thtf twenty-seventh Mtrch, one thousand eigh: hundred Til cmieen, and A. April twentv- t oa.- th mvand eight ha dred anlt.cnty: Also, to e ich M rmber bt the prese it C mres, who has pr. received the same, one c-.ipy of r.v Journal ot the L invention which pirn-tl the Constitution of the Uni pJ States. And that the rem titling pp:cs be preserved in the Library, paSjct to the future disposition ol PIIIM? P. BVRCOUR, P-.iiikerof the Ho-is-of Renresent ttives . - JOILN GAILLARD, Tres; !e it of the Se ia;e pro tempore vidhiiion, Jan. 11, 1322. Approved : J YMES MONROE. SOLUTION nr ividinz for the dis- tnbution of the AldrsliaU returns o I tin Fourth Census. forked by the Senate and House present H res o f the United States Iterira in Congress assembled, Thai Secretary of State be instructed lirnish r.i eirh member of the "ent Congress, and the delegates icirurjnes, tne President ana President of the United States, ' Executive of each State and :rritrV, the Attorney Generd. 1 Jatles of the Courm of the IU -'i S.at; S. an 1 th ' r"U,-a in ::d States, -ach, one conv ; tor ' of the n'n.rfrrif.nr vi? te Treasury, Var and Navy five ?:"eich; for the use of the Sen- :avc copies: and for th:? ii-ia nfthe Ji: of Representatives, ten co- t the marshal's returns of the Census; and that the residue copies of the said returns be v't"d in the library of Congress. , m PHILIP p. ii VRP.OUU, er o: th Hcuseof Representatives p . JOHN (J VILLARD, r?lent of the Senate pro tempore. n;ton, Feb. 4, 1S22. approved : J VME3 MONROE. for the preservation of the -'rofi,e United States in Florida. , ' entled kj the Senate and House wnl.-iti9 of the United States jnl ' Congress assembled. That rflentof the United States FaOM TiI2 N'irv-VO'l.'C wikiicvv. ( Under this title, we fi i J, that this hitherto province oi O.d S.xi.i is heneeform to be ka .va t'Vo n coa- rersation with a ndem an to ivio-n wc last ovcui ig ulijaied, as. having recently arrived lire f o.m Mexico, 1 1 i- as welt , as lroiu tne o ioe a vi.a . - vhih he was g od enough t fur. niih us, we lo.tr a ;h.i l;u i jv.du.ion in that fine country is complete and that, cumparativ . ly.uh is !eea blood less. The ter.n i in whiui our friend speaks f Itirbide, to whom c.hi -fiV the meriiui' re u vu k beio'.igc', an I whom he personally w -li knew, nre of the highest en :omi m ; i a id certainly th trait which detailed to Ui of the mode ratio , 'djsiitere- ted icss and heroism of this distin- fTinn.l l iir I jr tj I -ill - r We have sen tile or nect which 1 u . . I Iturbide, in p irsuance t j his plan to j maoicipate tils country, suoalttqd nearlv a year aro to Aobdaca.! .he Viceroy, as the only m de of pacdy- i ig that vast region,, which it was no longer possible t red ice to h u lag'. A jodaca, whoe mildness and horror of bloodshed were noto rious, was only prevented from a l opting this plan bv an insurrection f the royal tro ps in the cit? of Vlexico, who d ,o sed him. and su'i stttu:ed in his place Don Fr; n. is c v No vello, an artillery .dfi :er, with t determia.ui :i to -aaere to tne nother country. The success, how- -fver, wmh ituroide every Wtvre net with ; the unanimity with which the native Auie- i a is joi cd 'hi stand ird (he bring himself an A her- ican ;) the capture of all the strong places m the vast ucxican Empire, from St. Hlas and ,Acapulr.o, o i the Pacific, to Vera Cruz, in the Uiyjof Mexico, toget'ier with much trea sure and military stores, at, last In duced 0Donoju, who in the interim had arrived from Spain, as the new Viceroy, to propose a conference with Iturbide, which a cordinglv iook place at Cofdova, in August i istjand resulted inUj-eit-, in which CVDonnjou acknowledged, on the part of the mother country, the inde pendence of Mexico, ad adopted, in all the leading points, the projea before submitted to Apodaca. 1 le consequence was, that the city .oi Mexico was' quietlv evacuated by he royal troops under Novella, who vvere marched to the sea coast, to be embarked for the Hav ma, and thje 1 new (T,iivrnment administered m r ? the name f Ferdinand VII. by the Provisional Junta went into full and quiet operation. The actual gov ernment ii carried on bv a Regency of five, of .whom Iturbide is Presi de nt, and by a convention of thirty six of the mast distinguished citi zens The Cortes were to meet oh the 24th of this month. Amonc the roy ot the mother country. ; VVc may, indeed, lament that the condi tion of the country and inhabitants U probably such, as to have render ed ic expedient to adopt a monarch ical form of government ; but when ; we recollect tiie excesses into which j a more enlightened people, the French ran in their rapid transition! j Irom despotism to a republic, and I 1 9 the short duration of their licentious I freedom : we ought, perhaps, rather to see in this gradual ege nre ration, ! the evidence of a cautious and en I lightened policy, which feared, by aiming at too much, tj defeat all, than any hostility to a more repub lican form of government. .Let us : hope, thai a more unrestrained inter course with our citizeps, and a near er view of the perfection of our. in stitutions may lead to such changes in tne political condition' of these, our North f American brethren, as m y assimilate it more nearly to our ti) wn. IM IS C E L L A iN EO U S. SCIiiN riFI.C AMD LITERARY NOTICES FROM LATE ENGLISH PAPERS. ' When first the art of Printing was discovered, they only made use of one side of' a page; they had not found out the expedient of impres sing the other. When tneir editions were intended to be curious, they omitted to print the first letter of a chapter, for which they ieft a blank space, that it might be painted or il luminated, at the option of the pur chaser, beveral ancient volumes of these early times have been fouud, the pesti- lence wmch at this moment devours the population of Cat il onia wi th an insatiable appetite, fn order that the. great expenses alrea(y incurred by the removal of lhi5 precious re iique may not be increased, the ad ministration of die c ustoms, with a iioeraliiy j which , reflects he highest honor on that department, have giv en directors that i:a introduction if,i to France shall be exemnt Yibxn the usual duties ; and the Institute in tends to apply to Count Simeon to cause the expenses of transport to Paris jto be paid out of of the pub lic treasury. Besides this monu ment -Loiorrain has sent some boxes ot mummies, and a great number of those objects of antiquity with which Egypt abounds, and which its cli mate preserves in such an astonish- mg manner. 1 nus the H.nglish haye ceased to take an exclusive situ re in the Archelogical trt aoUie4 cattcivd along both banks of ;he Nil. It is notorious that, after the example of the Romans, that enterprising pco Jle ornamj-nt their capital with the magnificent remains ot jEgyptiau civi zation. the name of Cleopatra's Needle, re- icent arrived in London, is to be e reeled in one of i:s squares : another obelisk, that of Philoe," will orna ment the residence of a private gSn tie man. The head of the colossal . ; Letters rem the Tyrol anncuncfr ?n extraof dinary and deplorable vent : A high mountain in the Puserthal, between tlie undent bish oprick of Brixeii and Carinthia. has suddenly moved, and been precipi tated c n the little village, of Mudi. T he whole valley of Nluda was cov ered in an instant with earjh, nu k'. and trees. It is not known fybw ma ny pet sens have .sutu red by this irignttui catastropne. GLASS OFrTHE ASCIFNTS. A cabinet has been c ptned a.t-the ap.es, containing a col- Studdii at N lection of glass found among the ru ins of Pompeii i and Hefculaneum This valuable assemblage exhibits the. greatest variety boih i.. foims and colors, and proves in the mst satisfactory manner that the ancients were as well acquainted as ourselves' with the manufactory of this mate rial. r EXPERIMENTS OF M. YrXlfc ON ELEC TORAL MAGNETISM. M. Le Chivaler Ychn, a learned liavan.tn, discovered some time ago tfryt needles of steel become mag netic when placed in a glass tube Fhe obehsi jknn by surtounded" with a metalic spiral. and when electral soarks. or thft ; , T " - " " chdnge of a Leyden battery, were transmitted along the spiral." When the; spiral was turned from left to . right, and the sparks taken from the bo'sitive conductor, the WnH nf thi statue ot Alemn.m, a h-ae sarchopha- neekJle which points ' to it becomes ii gusoiaiaoasicr, uiscovcicu in, me SOuth pole, and r the Other the north sepuicnresni tne rnaraon, anu a j po and vice versa. If x third me- vast number ot otner valuaoie curi osities, are deposited in the British Museum ; but ail these monuments where these letters are wanting, as they neglected to have the&jpiinted. When the art of Faiiitihg was hrst established, it was the g'.ory ot the learned, to be the correctors of the press tp; the eminent printers ; physicians, f lawyers, and bishops tnemselves, occupied this depart ment. The printers then added'fre- quently to their names those of the correctors of the press, and editions were then valued- according to the abilites of the corrector. In the list of patents lately granted by the French government, is one of 15 years i duratibn to William Easton, Stc. A patent of the same duration is aUo granted ro J. Doug lass and Thomas'-Greton, for ma chines used in casting, pressing, arid roling sheets of lead. THE LATITUDE. I The Annales Martimes reports the discovery of a hew method to de termine the latitude, by a single non meredian height, deducting from two other heights, taken iu a Very short space of time. ' LINCN. 1I. Naude, Physician tor Louis XIII. says that the ancients, though thev had no linen to make paper, had a knowledge of Kemp as an herb, together do not, perhaps, equal that ot the planisphere, so skiUuily de tached from the VauHsof the ancient lemoieoiot irintiris. lhis pre cious relic, ofsuch remote antiquity, I is no less interestin&'to the! history. die,! reckoning fr6m its middle, is surround- d in a spiral manner'wirii waxed taffetas, then the poles ap pear at the points where the spiral begins and ends. If, instead of a spiral ivi re, a rod of metal is exten ded jalOng the glasl tube, the select rtecciie placed within becomes fee bly m-ignetic after several strong of the arts in general, than useful electrical discharges. The poles of to that oi astronomy, auu oi geog raphy in pariicular. , Journal de Marseilles. o - I . ,i i C 1 hen.-firi :tl result :i!reaHv n rndnced DUt did not apply u.ior mat purpoae ov this revolu ion, maybe enumera- Rabelais, at the end of the 3d book, ted, a declaration that the commerce of the empire is free to all nations, the abolition of the arbitrary tixes, excises, cc. cf the former govern ment, and the reduction of the du ties from 16; to 6 per cent. W are tifi'd to learn from our I vJ mtirl, r .u . i i J . . 9 . c T" 1 lt,c anu anu navai; intelligent lrienl that a strong bias :m Europe, was sent to-Uhariemag vuueu oiaies as may j CXiats m the minds ot tne people , bv the Caliph naroun urascniia, mentions nemp unacr inc terra, Pentaguellion, as a new discovered Dlant. In the time ot Charles Vl i. linen made of hemp was scarce, and thesQueen had only two shifts made of it. The. first Organ that was ever seen in Europe, was sent toXharlemagne BOHEMIAN PEARLS. I A letter from Vienna says, that the pearl fishery in Bch'ema, and Aiorayia has been very produc tive this year, i hese pearls known by the name of Bohemian pearls, are found in the Molduwafrom Kru- man to below Frcunoerg. The riv er famishes ever year from thr.e to four hundred peals of the purest water, ar.d very'wcil shaped, besides several hundred imperfect pearls. The house of Schwartzenberg is pVopri f tor of the greatest p.irti ot the banks. The shells which produce the pearls are'of a particular spe cies, which it would be advantageous to increase. Besides the Mbldawa there is another small river calLd the Wattawa, which producesja few pearls; they are not fished up, but taken from the shell's thrown! upon the banks by the overflowing of the, VVattawa. The Sidney Gazette of April 7, S2yS A beautiful comet is now visible in our hemisphere,, forming a triangle to the south west with the west shoulder of Orion and Aide bran." ; ' : 1. The Bologna Journal, some time since, announced a new invention, by which an eronaut avay, from the centre of his gallery give to a bal loon a horizontal or vertical direc tion, at his pleasure, by means; of a a magnetic needle weie eh.jreiy , re versed by several electrical dischar- ges along thp spiral. POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY. "jEurope," says M. de Pradr, has assumed quite a new aspect since 1818. Its occupation has been been legislative, to the almost total exclusion of every other. Of the Christian populatirn of Europe, 'a mouming to 160 millions, 00 mil lions belong to ; the Constitution al Zone and of these, 26 million have been added since 1813. The Constitutional population of Ameri ca ambuhts to 25 million- (the e cent Revolutions have added greatly to ihi numbei) so that the Confor mists, of Europe and .mericai 115 millions in ail, greatly butrium- ber the Non-'Coi fcrmists- who are only TO mi!lions.,, i: Front Simpson' 8 Plea for Tiigion, " When I have-spken above iu such strong tirms ol the volume of Kevela tion, it is by no means intended to! cast any slight ufion. the volume of iNature. While we daily study the former, we$ha!l do well to pay all due attention to the latter, according to our opportunities of investi gation. vo an enlightened observer, they, both carry indubitable maiks ot their great Urikinal. J he 1 leaven declare the glory of Cod, and the eaith is fall of, his nebes. I be most perfect catalogue of stars , before Iler$che ap peared, did not contain quite 4000 ; but by the vast superiority of fns lasses; lia" has discovered 44,000 stars in1 4' fear de . i - i- lr7 J

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