VOLUME VYf NEW BERN, N. C. SATUBDAY, MAY 11, 1822. NUMBER 26. - - . - - r i 1 - I! tiiMMv VenTv T ? I I L- . .L :capUatedahisheaJsent;toConi prey SlS 'tl'!- FA51luutv4- Aio, .ununopie. i nis event is a most which Bona pine's war pf xtermi-chhVrJo1 ; "eW ; J tal one for the Greek cause, and : nation ha,l AA he s?Icitu4e, and moderation o :. ! the army of.u-sch.d Pacha is eS- turalists cannot letl the product or JllT "', At $3 P aaaurji half in advance. ' 1 1 ' ... . . ' O ,T . timated at 23,X0 men, who would their harvest,, nnd will L h, X 3 'ength put an end to k i i .... i-t ! . ... - .t- uiiceriainrir Very late from Europe. New-York April j 25. The packet ship James Monrpe, Capt. Lee, arrived yesterday, in the very short passage of 23 days frjun Liverpool. We have, received pa pers of tht place of the 1st-of April; and.L mdon papers to the evening of the SOtii of March. ; - 1 In the House of Commons, March 24, Mr. Maryat presented a plition oi ihe Council and Assembly of Gre naJj, praying for such relief as was absolutely necessary to save tlieto fram impenilin ruin. ' ,Mr. Wiloiot siiJ the President of the BDard of TraJ meant, in the ensuing week, : subsnit a motion on the subject of rulariii the intercourse of the. colo nies with Canada. A meeting of the West India nercliaiits and planter was held on tlie 23dy at the London tavern, when f I . a . . i "c d noerty t0 support the ( ble to pay the publiQtaxes, or the ex- tin of war .rVT""" . 'IU,C4, iiuuier ; pense 01 their tillage. Uur dock yards division ol the Turkish army, of near- i are deserted there is not a sihgle ly equal force, under the Pacha of! merchant ship now buildml? in the ialonica, by whom the surrender of port of Bordeaux ; and many which Lassandra and the convention withl had hniit'mVnir a9 i must abridge the iierti the. nues- tt r . -' if itussia renuires on!v tlm ri, 1,1 " tne' treaties hv!i-inn0 f ...f.!k the Turks are bo-und, first of all, to eyacucate iloldavia and Wallachla, and place two Principalities. Hitf' of the Diva n io n nninic !i assertions Lord Uverpool's ;: but a& ,ts .criTv 7"" ioi V. fii ' u , --v. -.-. uwuiatwuij iu peunoners aiierwaras adon an th, marrhinrr (. trio .. j.:.: . . . . 1 1 " ,v" uesiiunuuii , assertion ot L,oru Liverpool s ; but so that the Greeks in the Morea ! they seem to suit the convenience of wouia have oppossed to them a torce . our English JMrnisters, if; indeed, it ..cw .mj umh uucrv ien. ui ine occurred to their understanding movements or strength of the Greeks j " Excess of production deprecates by land, there have been no recent the value of every thine, stons circu- accou:its that can be relied on. Their lation, leaves part of the people with fleet is said to be nearly equal to that out employment or subsistence, and j threatens tranquility." But the rea son of all tiiH is fairly propounded bv of the Purks; and that they medita ted an attack on the Turkish fleet at Patras. London, March 23. In the debates of .Monday last, in the Chamber of Deputies on t!ie bud get, M. Binon pronounced a lono- admonition to the .Ministers, with re gard to various political and commer cial interests,', which he stated that they had overlooked, or had failed Russia fipp! MAon : ii -'-j "'can timr. an in inconveniences of war. without reap- j--y auifttuittg;. r or morr-J t,,df f,x months numerous armies as sembled on the frontiers of Tur key occasion creat Jpinpnw rfd revenue is dimihiMipH h ti,a ..jk nn, t rfrnlprt with htcinin.i onor r H.. t - , i-y. lie ii Fas areeu 10 pi eseni a pennon to ; asserted that the Ministers of the ( tiit lUUie ot commons, lor an open ; King of France are, for the most part cj-omercial intercourse between the governed by some external influence' British West fndia Islands and Col- ; The Duke de kirhMien' n. k ' ony and the (Jnited States. 1 was looked upon to be " a Russ t nt L.onjon un says, an apphca- L . 1. . . 1 . ... r l.m nas oeen maue to tne uoaru or t JrMe, m oenalt of tlur; colonists m to impute the witchcraft implied in liritisli North America, to postpone the above passage to a Cabinet so.in thebill lor extending the' intercourse ' nocent of all foreign ascendancy as in mericau shipping with the Brit- ours. M. Bienon then went on o i,a wesi inoia isianus, until tne next state, that the tame surrender of th and the present an English Minis try. '", He must have strange noiion sesion of Parliament, that they may he afforded an opportunity !to be heard upon, and to offer evidence against, the measure. i . Mr. Zea, the minister of Colombia in France, is said to have concluded a loan of two millions with some En glish merchants. . Colombian stocks fit London were 3 par rent. above par. It is said there will be another mee ting of sovereigns at Vienna the en- wh Weof Italy to Austria, and the loss of French preponderance in the counsels of Em ope the obstinate re-r fusa! to acknowledge ,the indepen dence of flayti, and consequent sac rifice of the advantages of a trading intercourse with that free country -r-the contest of prohibitory duties with the United States, so fatal to .all di rect communication -between 7 f V. I 11 KJ J charges which M. Bignon,;inan eiab orate speech, brought against the Se cretary lor orpign Affairs, whose predecessors, however, as was mani fest, were really responsible, for the bulk of the faults' 5b im;iuted.T On the following day, (as -Wednesdav's' papers received by express inlorm us, ) after a vehement attack on the royalist politics, bv General Fov, M. , Wontromency,- foreign minister, made i "u aiir;ujji iu answer iVj. Dignon s ac to great Vi it may have hon Nmnnl .,,1 althouoh no debate to(k nlar 7?n it. A proposition has been as Kitpd ro in t, aj to alb foreign wheat in bnnd to i ft to cusations. iie states iu sybstartce tiiat'France was negotiating at that moment, through an afce minister, with the Republic of iNoith America, for a renewal of commercial rehifi iheir ports and those of r ranrp. and tU suvig summer, at which the King of tardiness in establishing or encoura England w,ll be present. f ging any friendly! connexion with ine report of a consniraev in Snmh A ,nrn ...... j P..?, r i j-. . I . J . . ..wi, w.inumico ine list o, Auiuiiu a iuijuuij euuor tninks, may te aothing more than a plan invented to give the Russian government an excuse? for acting with more rigor to wards that unhappy nation. On the 29th of March, Mr. Can ning gave notice in the House of Commons that on the 30th of A pril. he should move for leave to briu in a bill to tepeal so much of the act wine jutn Charles U. as debarred Catholic peers from sitting in the iiuuse oi Lords. la giving this no tice ne begged to repeat that it was ins intention in any degree prejudice or interfere with the YMion as a whole; t that he would nJ his most cheerful sunport; but it was not yet decided whether jaai would be introduced this session. . ;wum ii rignt to give this spe-e.ac-no:ice. It was fit, also, and due " ae noble persons whose interests w?re concerned, . both in this and the general question, to declare in a pub an I solemn manner, and upon his Dinor, that he had held no communi Ci'tori direct or indirect, with them up wthe subject of the present notice." An extract of a letter from Liver-' Mylated April 1st, says: t h bri!l t reSuIate the trade iin the West Indies does not appear ' t.ie proceedings ir. Parliament of ,cin nit. to have been brought in . i . . . 7 fma, tne intelligent netitioners nf IWrlair I - wvUA "It is the wa made on industry by heavy " taxes" that cuts us from that wholesome' commeicial intercourse which would secure amnle markets lor our goods, and. yiJd. employment to our suffering countrymen. It may be advantageously added here, that the people of Bordeaux are not reputed to have roatiy JJberaux among them. The discussion was speetlily closed on the Bordeaux ne uuuii , ana, on ivj. Manners speech whose motion was likewise rejected an amendment proposed by Mr. Cas- imir rerner met with the same fate, uu a puiui or rorra. it was to tins purport" That there shall be laid, before the Chamber the situation of those persons to. whom 'encourage- uriiv suaii oe given towards theif suc cess in agriculture and the arts, as well as of those who shall receive premiums for the cod and wjhalejdsh- Throughout these discussions, which coiisiMea inaeed, with little variety, of speeches on thp Ipfet cirio ua Ministers were reproached with arro gant silence towards their adversa ries, who spoke with great and una vailing warmth. Extract from the agent to Lloyd's at Malaga, dated 2d March - By a decree of the Cortes, sanctioned hv tle King, a dlty of one dollar per ton ij sanctioned on aH. foreign ves-J tions j aeis rwi.noui excepron; that may en ter aiiy port of the peninsula of Spain, whether they discharge or not." shed bv the sfauria tot of CQmmerejs in the easterad The Emperor Alexander is not on Jy very far from all projects of con miaat K... I ... . . . . i juui ne maKes-iiis highest ambif won consist in consolidating the trail- Muuuy oi lLurooe." Aix-La-Chapelle, March 20 I IIP PAr-fnoi-wn Ji'-i. !tt vwiicsjjunuciiis at Warsaw in-! 7!u,r u uiai me uttoman troops oh ...w buuaj ui iiie uanuue continue t, ,( .- , - ----- -f j vuuyMaie memseives. A fresh mutiny is spoken of as having broken ui among tne Janissaries, who form ariioi U'.exu. p ! J .. " Madrid, March 14. Various letters from, Navarre state; iat the greatest fermentation pre vai,s The patriots demand that the national militia shall be disarmed-1 mey asso demand the change of Gen. Mendizabel whom they accuse of be tng too indulgent, A certain number New-York, April 23. i IMPORTANT IF TRUE. I e find the following letter in French, in our letter box this fore noon, and give a translation of it. . j " We have sent thi via Aux Caves, in order to furnish you with our Price Current of this day, and also to men. tiCip, that by an! order of the l4resil dent, all the' French are obliged to leave the territory of "the Republic. in one month, and that after that Jime, no French vessels u. ill be Der hiitted to enter the ports of the Re public. Tins will be vety advantage. us to America, for ive shall beobliir eq tooe supplied by the United btatef wi th wine and provisions,! which have heretofore lieen furnished by France; : is repotted here that the French admiral has made an attackupon Sa rnana, in consequence of the mea sures which have, been adopted a- ': gainst .the I rench subjects. t The general sentiment was airainst the French, -and for some days they were compelled to shut thems.iws ui in their own liouses Xd prevent massacre. MISCElXANEOUS. From the London Literary Gazette, foiiagc Souierrain ; ou Description de Wate au cle Saint Tierre dc Maestrirht. Par le Gal. Dory dc Saint Vincent. ' ; The author of : Ins interesting work is one of the F rench exiles who sought refuge in the Netherlands,- afieV the second restoration of the Kinv' nf - s "-"'J- r ranee., j ossetl to and fro lur tlin r; i-'i i : . I . . . . u t u uw owuuiviuuaissay these patriots mustj Political stonp,-he at length landed be proscribed, if it is wished to avoJrii at Maestrirht Tim i,. ... - -z- . - ,i . - - --. - f uiutiyj t rnj j. jjreai cisasters. i. , bem. or Ui:l nf Sr. P At uiite they were cominually cry-n itself, and suggested to Ct.l. Borv de in it ' I (An n : .1 . . . . ' o 1 r . . . . . r "'b M.-.wuu ine COnstltiilmn ' and death to Rietro !" At Phente J Reyha the same j cries had caused n! tumult, in which several persons were! wounded. It gives us pleasure to find hv th following extract from a letter to gentlernan in this city, that the liberal and candid uiuerqnt value on Amer can nrorlnr. k . . ; . 1 rom tne Drawmatir. .Wrfr viewers. Paris, Maech 19. CONSPIRACY IN POLAND. A private letter from Poland, con tains the following statement : "The arrest of M cient aiscovery ot a very important corres pendence, which has brought to light a conspiracy formed to insurrection ize Poland, at the moment of the com mencement of hostilities between Rus sia and the Porte. It is said that'th .'!..' London, March 28. .ruoniiigwii living is nowcor recting the sheets of his new work racebridge' Halt, which Murray Iras given him a thousand guineas or I and a deliVhtful Rnofc it w;ii kk cr tii ui -. that with regard to Italy, every ! Sranii Duke Constantine has set off in uroer personally to give an account by the French thing had been done Government which could conciliate animosities and mitigate the evil con sequences of a military revolt. As for the popular governments of South America, the minister confined his deference totiie point of non-recogni-tiou ol their legitimacy, and would say on his own b. -In If, that neither England nor the United States has hitherto formal! v recognized them. j-; - London', March 20. " We received yesterday by express Saturday's" Paris papers In the way ot news tney are ot no importance. 1 1 1 of A1-, Secretarv of th.-l 'r its ap- ery of a very important corres- Uj- i tu ,r P em 0 . ucic is iiijo a very clever Book just published here, c Europe by a Citizin of the United States," which Is very highly thought of. The North A'Tserican Review is also cir culating freely, and has obtained great reputation; so that our Edinburgh this affair to the Emperor. Thk '7 i wuu , raf"ef .a" idot had extensive 'ri'J ,;. : l V03 dS y e did, " In the T.irk-u lt.i,, f , I tour quarters of the Globe, who reed I urkeys Italy, Spain, and even Amer- , an nt V r?ea ica, and it appears that several Euro of ptan thrones were included in the conspirators plan of attack." It is confidently alSrmed that an association had been .discovered at Warsaw, which has communications. wiui me secret societies of the South i" ran 01 Europe. 1 wo important person ages had been arrested., ; A letter, of a recent date, from a gentleman in London, who has access to good sources of information to his e ' '-.' inenn in tsoston, states, upon the au thority of a distinguished individual in Tans, and a relan Saint ' Vincent, the idea of his suUcr raneous journey. The work is rich in scientific information, ai.d presents peculiar iuterest to the 'botanist and geologist. The following particuiarf, collected from the author's account of the furious subterraneous vaults of Maestricht, will be more acrentableaa j they are not very generally known. : retersoerg, or the fiill of St. Pe ter, situated between the Jaar and the Aleuse, and extends the distance of nearly a league. 1 he earth which is contained in the cavities of the in terior of the .hill furnishes materialg ' for building ; but principally for ma- inure, and for this double purpose it nas neen excavated from the most rei hMJte' ages of anUnuity. In the sym metrical galleries of Peiersherg, the Roman pick axe has inmrinted a tid of monumental character, and' jthe feudal spade has left its Gothhi races. VVokmen have, from time mmemorial, been employed in extracting the bowels of the earth to fertile its surface. For aW.i the I 14 ' . : P pick axe and wheelbarrow haVe work ed passages in every direction, and , the traveller in this subterraneous lab yrinfh is happy, if, with the aid of his . torches, he can return the way lie en- 1 tfired. Streets, squares and cress rioads appear on every side; in short, the vaults of Petersberg present the appearance of a town, : in which tbev are only vanting houses, inhabitants, theatres, carriages and ! pas lamps. M Borv de Saint Vinrient Hrau'tU Pazis, March 27. fTM . ' ... i ne inspector oenerai of the schoo ofa nm.i , ui rvrijy Hi naious, naojust gone to France and the United uu w icjauvu J UUC WI lilt: hew ministry; that " new instructions i f!fowhig picture of this gloomy re liave gone to America to the French I . ! Minister." which authorize the hone J ! H any thine." be tas. ean add 1- f-1 " I 1 ivalof all difBcufties between f he horror of the perlect darkness, Mia r-v-l C U .,......11.. ' a 1 ' r ,r,. 1 u,c P,""TUI,,.Sar m u,e j town, in consequence osome marks unuiuvi on.;, a usual, i veil ac great 1 of iiisul tuna intflour: bond heinr olv, v7 Pt:nr "if". IK r xi fvr 1 ,UJ ujjci iiutr nour, every 70 lbs. wheat taken out. 1Snot we believe anv fresh I wncT i ifrs market unsold; but fr vri!l be a wire that after the nas- 11 r j-, 4 . 4?ft the act above mentioned, the " r export will be considerably :3nihed, and after September, the r .1 10 iewtoardiand ceases." Lo.ndo.v, March 22. 1 j iivices to the ; 5th instant 3 r,YPir0 r-' v. u IIUIU VvUIIU. havi They Turkish Patras,- the arrival of the all 76 vessels, at had landed 12,000 men. 33abts are now rpmsrl f tm fcdiof Clurschid Pacha, "the r geueral commanding ubordination among the nunils in that School.. Several of these young people have been sent back to their parents. - commercial aflairs orates as Boston Gaz. to ength ; and the debates reported are not less violent than most of those which went before them. -That nail of the budget which concerned the j Minister of the interior was the first ; subject of dis. ussion or. Friday, when j various redmti ns were proposed ; ; one of lOOOOu Irancs in the estima- i icu cAiJciise 01 siuus lor mnrovmrr ' .: l rr, . . . 1 1 . . . -bimg uuv nine. ;jo prevent tnese mis- uicureeu or norses, gave rise to some ;A,rl,mes, arid to secure the general vv... uam, wuu , saietv tlie ' magistrate's hn J- " mmim Letters ft omi Mdntdidier f Somme. 1 1 ay iiiai nres are seen almost every night in the surrounding counfry.-l I ne authors of ttiese outrages even have the audacity to comraitthem.iu Mdieu, mai m war time ir ranee was obliged to have recourse to foreign countries for mounting her cavalry, out that of late the breed of horses had been improved. M. Manuel, as the preliminary to a motion- for granting the sum of 300,000 francs as a fund establishing new veterinary and otherschools, read a. petition which he described as pro ceeding trom men of all parties a- mong tne inhabitants of Bordeaux, and gave a deplorable picture of ,the before 'state of that once flourishing city. t7A i rt I munary posts in several villages. ili e accounts from Vienna of the 1tn, which have been received ex press, state I that the most flattering hopes are entertained of the Success of the mission of M de Tatischeff. : Vienna. -March 15. " The Privy Counsellor Tatischeff is furnished wtthffull powers from the F.mnfrtr. fnr thp nnnvi:i V.I tmin'n r . . w ' . v v w vi J c in concert with the Cabinets of Austria and England; all means compatible with the dignity of the Sovereign, to : .A I 1 t . " j ine roiai silence Wliicti reiens. in these dismal vaults. The voice of ir,an is scarcely sufficient to disturb it;f $03id is, as it wete, deadened by tfie thitJcness of the sloom. Echo, it- selfo hicHlthe bewildered traveller may interrogate in the desert, dwells not in these silent cav-s." i It may naturally be cotiiectured that '.superstition has peopled I iHese subterraneous vaults with demonsand . New-Yort, Apsil 26. WljST INDIA TRADE. The-following is an extract of a v j letter from a house of the first respec ry j t ability inj Liverpool, dated Alarch 18. ; " Our government have now finally determined the direct intercourse be- ivrcii 1115; .-imes auu our 1. j . " .-...... West Indies to be resumed, and or- inoPgnns. 1 radition has even al ders have been sent out according. ?PM?d a "ell and. a paradise to.the cav- Ajtnerica ill be allowed to take backj 1 rtie f Petersburg The huge pie- in return for her flour, Sec any kind , v coai WIi!c" an eqyal tempara- of;West India produce; but we uQy proieciea irom jthe ravages derstand American flour will be sub- I mt 'agination has converted iecwd to a duty of lOsJ per barrel. Ini jnsters with claws, long tails :j ! I a"d horns. Irt various places, m The United States sqoadSj h :. ,,fit,0-l .ana , remote . dates' record The Constitution, Cant Jones: Onta- 1 welhistory-or'. origin tf the excava- rio. Capt Chauncey : and Nonsuch. fl0"s!and relate numerous adventures) Capt. Turner, arrived! at Gibraltar and nfbrtunate deaths of which Ie- on the 17th of March, from Khon icrsuerg nas reen me tneatre. in and were to sail for Cadiz irta frw I one part of the Vaults, a workman days. -The 'Buenos Avrean Corvette hbie torch heca me extinguished. Heroine, was ready for sea. j perKhed amidst tire pangs of "hunger r and the horrors of darkness 5 hw hat

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