VOLUME . V.J NEW BERN, Nl C. SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1 822. NUMBER 2 J 8. ..... Ami tenen WEEKLY BY fH.M - - PASTE UR WATSON, At p per aunum half jin advance, BY AUTHORITY AN ACT makinz Appropriations for '.k cnooort of Government fqr.the r one thousana eigiu nunurcu ind tvrenty-two, and for! other pur- oosps. f ! Te it enacted by the Senate and nf Revreseniatives of -the Urn- tatfi of Americain Congress as- r,n Urn I hat tne lonowiug sums ue, i ' i I. . I ttar onehousand eight hundred and cnty-two; that is to say j: Fur compensauuii, giamt Lfjfia,i i O .nnl IlnncA nf RpnrntPn. I tan. . - i . . . ifiLx: ineir omcers, juu auuiua iu, i of ttfo himdred and fourteen thousand and sixtv-seven dollars and fourteen onf two hundred and one thousand v.. hnnHred and twenty-one dollars knd eisbiv-six cents. -: For the expenses of fire wood, sta tionary, printing, and all other con tjjipent expenses of the two Houses of Congress, forty-live thousand uol lars. 1 . ... For the expenses of the Library of Congress, including the librarian's allowance for me vear, one monsanu i nine hundred and fifty dollars.' For books for the Library, one thousand dollars. For compensation to the V ice Pre-1 sident of the .United States, live. thou-1 sano nouaFs. i jn For compensation to the Secretary of State, six thousand dollars. For compensation to the Clerks in the Department of State, byhe Act of twentieth April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, fifteen thou- tand nine hundsed dollars. For compensation to the messen gers in said department, including the messenger in tie Patent Office, nine nunarea anu sixty dollars. For the contingent and incidental 1 expenses oi the uepartmen! of Nate, tatludin? expenses of publishin'2 the Foreign correspondence of the confe deration Congress, for extra copying of papers, and a deficiency in the ap- propnauon lor printing the secret journals of the old Congress, t'wenty- f ur thousand fom hundred and ninety twj dollars, and hfty-six cents. l or compensation to the Secretary 01 the treasury, six thousand dv!Iars. j ror compensation to the clerks in ice otnceol the Secretary of the Trea- I tury, ten. thousand -dollars. lor compensation-to the mpsspn. pers in said offioe, one thousand and u..y aonars. in lull ot all allowances. J ror compensation to thei rirst "'inpiroiier 01 the I'reasurv, three tootisand five hundred dollars. For compensation ta the c!pr in te c.Sce of the First Conptroller, P?r act of twentieth AnriL one thou- fcnd ei.-ht hundred and eii-btten. enleen thousand eight hundred and ty dollars. , r or compensation to the messen p m said office, seven hundred dol trs, in full of arUliowances: " rjjr compensation to ihe Second Uaptroller of the Treasury, three fcausand .dollars. . - . " ; for compensation to the clCTks'in oe oftce of ths Second Comptroller, -act of tLe tvventietjicf April, one asand eight hundred and eighteen, ": nf lJioasand seven hundred and fifty For romnensation to the messpnrrpp , 1 - O tefi ,ce' scven hundred dollars, Wcl all allowances. ; i-r compensation to the First Au "";.rcf the Treasury, three thousand t . - Pcnwtion to the clerks in "ce of the First Aaditqr, per Act ii j . . 1 . num. .out: iuuu- ii hun,1red and'eighteen, i r auand two hundred dollars. i nuinirpri nrt iirhfppn. fir. h .Pensation to the messenger fnii r ' ssven hundred dollars, aaJ the same are nereoy, rtpecuriy i thousand eigm nunarea anu eigiueeij, ,nrmuriated for the service of the fifteen thousand and fifty dollars. For compensation, to "the President pri said officsev:en"ijaiidrd dollars, of the United Stales, twenty-five thou- I in-full-of ali afleva?ices ,t?lv ' sanu uonars. . . -.i .r or coniW&simnn 10 uie i rrasurrr 1 cf for wsipensduuii, u uie luiiu r , . , a- .t. c i h Auditor of. Uie lreasury, three tnou sand dollars. : -j V'! ; v. t Kper act of twentieth April, one thou ::Fo'r com perisatiori-to the clerks, iriisand eight hundred and eighteen, the office of the Second Auditor, sil twenty-three thousand dollars. iceu iiiuuaiiu iwo uuuuicu uuiidis. v; r or, compensation ro me messen For compensation to the messenger gers in said office, one thousand and in said office, seven hundred dollars, in full of all allowances.; 4 For compensation to the Third Au- ditor of the Treasury, three thousand dollars. ' . " For coropensation to Hie clerks in the office of the Third Auditor, per' Act of the twentieth of April, one; thousand eight hundred and eighteen,, tnr'entv-cieht thousand six: hundred; dollars. . For compensation to the messeri - fifers fift I Auditor of the Treasury, three thou- san(j dollars. " - - ' ; r0r compensation to the clerks tn the office of the Fourth Auditor, per ACt or tne iwennem oi prii, ,ue . . i . i i .i i For compensation to the messenger jn said office, seven hundred dollars, j; Jn Jull 0i aji iiuvuicc. t." .o-jrTn f-A tlio FifMl A II- aitoronne lreasury, imcc uiuusauu m ' dollars.- ' .For compensation to-the clerks in the office of. the. rifth Auditor, per Act of ' the twentieth ot April, one thousand' eisht hundred and eighteen, ten thousand five hundred dollars. For two'clerksto complete the du ties of the Commissioner of the Re venue, transiexreu 10 iue uuh.k i mi- i . . i n-: i. Fifth Auditor; tv 6 thousand live hun dred and fifty dollars For one clerk on. tne business of the Agent of tile Treasury transfer- redio the oiace pr.rne rmu vuunor. one fhousand- one hundred and fifty dollars : For compensation to tlieniesssnger of tht United States, three thousand dollars For compensation to the clerks in the office of the Treasurer of xhe United States, per Act of twentieth of 4 . i . i -,1 :.,u pni,one iiiousdiiu ciui nuuuitu and eighteen, five thousand two hun- dred and fifty dollars. For compensation to an additional clerk, as allowed by act of appropri ation of one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, and one thousand eight hundred and twenty.; and also, ror.au assistant to the chief clerk, ouelhuu- sand two hundred dollars. r or compensation to the messenger . . I t 1 J I I 1 in SKtd otuce, seven uunureu uouars, in full of all allowances. For cewnpensation to the Commis sioner of the(jeueral Land Office, three thousand dollars. ' For compensation to the clerks in the omce ot said commissioner, per Act of twentieth of April, one thou- sand eight hundred nd ei'hten. twenty - two thousand five hundred trid fifty dollars. Frr rnmnPiKntinn to the mpssenrr er in said office, seven; hundred dollars, in fi' n ;JI For coinpensatioivto the Register osf the lieary, thiee thousaud dollars. For compensation to the clerks in the office of the Register, per Act of twentieth of April, one, thousand 'eight hundred and eighteen, twenty two thousand five hundred and fifty dollars. For compensation to the messenger in sid office, including the allowance. for stamping ship's registers, eight hundred dollars, in full of all allow ances. For compensation to the Secretary of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, two hundred and fifty dollars. 'For allowance to; the person em ployed in - transmitting passports and sea-letters ; for expense of translating foreign languages, in'lhe office of the Secretary of the. Treasury; for sta tionery; fuel, printing, 'and all other incidental and contingent expenses in the Treasury Department, and the several office therein, -including the expenses of statin? and printing the public accounts for the year one thou sand eiuht hundred and twenty-two, thirtv-six thousand. dollars. - For allowance to the surperinten dant and four - walchmpii, employed for the security dt the State and Trea sury buildings;-" for trie repairs of en-ginc-, liose, and buckets, one thousand nine hundred dollars. ' ' For compensation to the Secretary sou I in Jsaia omce, one uwumuu iu umeraiui x urcnasesjninree mousana v dollars, in full of aU aUowances.ij dollxs. - ; y . f ; For 'comDensatioh to the r ourtli ; A Jcompensation Jto the clerks in War, six thousand dollars. For compensation to the clerks in - t the office of the Secretary - of War. nfty dollars. . -T -.- " - 1 - For compensation to the Pavmas ter GeneraL two thousand five hun- di ed dollars. ,Fpr compensation to the clerks in J the office of the Paymaster General, four thousand two hundered and fifty dollars. - ; f For compensation to fhe messeri- per aid office, seven hundred dbl- ilar-fn full of all allowances. i For compensation to the Commissary J the office of the Commissary general j of Purchases; tSxo thousand eight han- dred dotiais. . For compensation to the messen ger in said office, seven hundred dol lars, ir full of alf allowances. For compensation to the clerks in the office of the Adjutant General, two fhousaDd one hundred and fifty dollars. . Fbr compensation to t"he clerks in the office of the Ordinance', two 'thou sand nine 'hundred and fifty dollars. , For compensation to the clerks in the office of the Commissary General -of Subsisrence, two thousand one hun dred and fifty dollars. ",' v - For compensation to the elerks in the EmineeF Office, two thousand lone hundred andfiffv dollars. - For compensation td the cl'f-k ui t the office of the Surgeon General, one thousand one hundred and fifty dol lars. .. . For contingent expenses of the war Department including fuel, stationary, and other contingent expenses, six thousand dollars. For compensaticn to the Secretary of the Ma vy, six thousand dollars. For compensation to tle clerks in the office of the Secretary. of the Na vy, per act of Anyptieth of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen. eiht thousand two huodieQ dollars.' For compensation to the, messeu : gers in said office, one thousand and ! thousand and fifty dollars, in full of jail allowances. For the contingent expenses of the 'Said office tvto thousand dollars. ' h For compensation to the Commis sioners of the Navy Board, tea thou- r sand five hundred dollars. For compensation to . tlie Secretary ,to the Commissioners of the Navy I Board, to thousand dollars. ! j For compensation to the clerks in the office of the Commissioners of the ;Navy Board, per act of twentieth April, one thousand, eht hundred and eighteen, three thousand, five hundred, and fifty dollars. For compensation of three clerks and a draftsman, as allowed by acts of appropriations since the first of Ja nuary, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, four thousand dollars. F01 compensation to the messen ger in said office, seven hundred dol lars, in full of all allowances. For the contingent expenses of said office, two thousand dollars. : For allowance to the superintendent and four watchmen employed for the security f the War and iNavv build ings, .and for the incidental and con tingent expenses, including oil, fuel, and candles, two thousand and sixty eijjht dollars. For compensation to the Postmaster General, four thousand dollars. For compensation to two Assistant Postmasters General, five thousand dollars. - - I For compensation to the clerks in the General Post Office, per act of twentieth April one thousand eight hundrtd and 'eighteeen, twenty-two' thousand seven hundred dollars. I For compensation to the messen gers in said office, one thousand and fifty dollars, in full of all allowances.! j For contingent expenses of said office, four thousand dollars. I For compensation to the Surveyor; General, two thousand dollars. For compensation to the clerks in trie office of the Surveyor -General, twx thousand one hundred dollars For For. compensation to the Surveyor ith cf Tennessee, two thousand' dollars. For compensation to the clerks in the office of said Surveyor, one tboa- snd seven hundred dollars. For compensation to the Surveyoi in Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansas, two thousand dollars. For compensation to ' the clerks in me oruce or saiu surveyor, two tnou-, 01 uecemoer last, .forty-seven, inou sand doilars. a 'r. -.'- :: j. j nd six huiulrcd and forty-seven dol- f or compensation fb the Survejoir in Alabama, two thousand dollars, f For compensatiori to the clerk in the office of the Siirvevor iu Alab- ma? one thousand five hundred dol lars. ;.;..'' ." For compensation to the late Com missioner o the Public Buildings Washi ngton City, four hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents, J r ur. compensanon to me orticeri and clerk in the Mint, nine thousand six hundred dollars. . For persons employed in the dil- lerent operations of the Mint, ninel inousaua ana nrty dollars. For incidental and contingent ex penses arid repairs cost of roachinem j'f'i'.'iii! i : . .ifi uiju lur auowance oi wasieage in m .old and silver coinage of the Mint eight thousa: one hundred dollars. For compensation to the Governor Judges and Secietaiy, of the Arkaiii sas teri uory, six thousand six hundred dollars. . J For the contingent .expenses of said territory, three hundred and fifty dol lars. .For compensation to the Cover-! nOr,; Judges,'; and Secretary, of thej Michigan Territory, six thousand six hundred tlolfars. i For the contingent expenses of ?aid! territory, three hundred and fifty dol-j For" compensation to the Chief Xus-; lice, - the Associate Judges, and Dis4 trict Judges', of the United. States, in- eluding the Chief, Justice, .and Asso-j ciate . Judges of the District of Co-! lumbia, seventv-eioht thousand -two! hundred dollars. ' j For compensation to the Attorney General of-the United States, three thousand five hundred dollars. For compensation to the clerk in the office; of the Attorney General,;'. eurht hundred dollars. J S! 'For compensation to the Reporter I of the decisions of the . Supreme;- Court, oie thousand dollars. I For compensation to sundrj' Dis trict Attorneys and Marshals, as gfant-l ed bV law, including those in the se veral territories, cin,t thousand niiie hunilred and fifty dollars. ... ' .1 For defraying the expenses of the i Supreme, Circuit, and District Courts . of the United Statcy, including the District of Colunibia, and of jurors and witnesses, in aid of .the funds a- rising from .fines, penalties, and for feitures and for defraying the- ex- penses of prosecutions for offlnces against the United States, and. for the safe keeping oi prisoners, thirty thou sand dollars. ' For the payment of sundry pen sioners granted by the rate and pre sent government, two thousand nine hundred and forty-eeven dollars and ninety-nine cents. . . . For making good a deficiency in the xund for the relief of 'seamen, thirty thousand dollars. ' For the support and maintenance of iiglit houses, beacons, butys, and stallages, including the purchase and" transportation of oil, keeper's' sala ries, repairs, and improvements, and. contingent expenses, forty one thui sand otfe hundred and four dollars and sixty-eight cents, in addiau to an unexpended balance ot litty-tnree thousand four hundied aijd- twtntyr six dollars and 5ity-two cents. For1 rebuilding Vuj light hoiise 011 Fayei weather Jsl;ind, which was blown! down in the gale of third September last, three thousand dollars. V s For! building a ligiiit house cn the Bodkin, and two light houses on IVoilh Point, in AlaiylatiJ, in addition to the suais huettifoi appropriated for tiio.se objectsix thousand sit huii dred dollars. - For :p!iicing buoys in the chajjnls through the shoals of CaJ.e liatteras, and'Cpe Lookout, and' in the chan nels t li ro ug h t ).e FA i ng I'an Sho a Is , and over the birs at UcracocK una Cape Fear, one t lie usantf six hundred dollars For stationery, books, &c. tor the offices of Commissioners ' cf Loans, six thousand nine hundred and sixty- nine dollars and sixteen cents. ; For surveying the publip lands of. trie'-United States, actually perfoiraed in one" thousand eiglit hundre4 and twenty-two, one hundred thousand dullars. ' ' For payment to John Trumbult, for paintings commernorative of the most important events of die revolu tibrr, six thousand dollars." ' ' ' For the prohibition of the Slave Trade, being the amount carried to 1 V the Surplus. Fund on the thirty-first j lars and sixty-seven cents. For the payment of balances due to officers of ibe old internal revenue and direct tax, fourteen thousand fiftj &ix dollars and ten cents. ' For the discharge of $uch miscel laneous claims against the United States not otherwise provided for, a shall be admitted in due ciurse of settlement at the Treasury, six them sand dollars. ' . . . For the salaries of the Ministers of the United States to London, Pi ii, St. Petersburg, Lisbon, aiid Madrid, with the salaries of their several e crttaiies of Legation, and htt sala ries of the Charge des Affaires at tin) .Hague and at Stockholm, si ty -four thousand dollars. For an outfit to a vMiiiisterLat.Lui bon, niue tliutuand doM.tis. - Forthe contingent expenses of those niU'sions ten thousand dollars. For expenses 'of carrying into ef fect the fifth, sixth, aod seventh ar ticles of the Treaty of Ghent, con eluded 'On nlie ivveiity-fourth of De cember, one thousand eiht hundred ad fourteen including the compel j sation of the'-coinmissioners, agents' and surveyors, and trteir contuiget expenses, twelve thousand five hun dred dollar. a For the salaries of the Comtnis sidners, Secretary, cleik, and messeo ger, together nith the contingent exr penses of thegtwo tonnnissions under the treaty with Spain, of the twenty second of Febfuary, one thousand eight, hundred and nineteen, thirty thousand dollars. For the expense of ascertaining the longitude of the Capitol,-to wit : For the compensation to William "Lam bert, two thousand dollars; to Wil liam Elliot, five hundred dollars ; to Oswald Dunn, one bundled dollars ; and for contingent expenses three ! hundred and sixty dollars and ninety two cents. ! : Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That the several sums.. hereby apprui pnatedshall be paid out ot any mo ney in ! the lreasury not otherwise , the appropriated ; Provided, - hoiceuer, "1 hat no mpneyappropriatedsby thik net, T by. the act making appropna- ti ins- lor the military service of-the f United j States, for the year eighteen hundred Uiid twenty-two, and'towards the service of the year eighteen hun dred and. twenty-three, shall -'be paid ; to any person for his compensation, who is in arrears to the United States, until such person shall have account ed for, ao'l paid At tn, the Treasury, ,-ll sums for which he may be liable; Procidvd, further, 'lliSt nothing in this section contained shall extend to. balances arising solely lit hi the de preciation of 'I reasury Notes received by such person to be X;cnded in the public servi. e ; but,'in all cases where the ;pay or salary of any ner5on is withlieid in pursuance of this act, it . shall be the duty ok the accounting officer, if jitmanded by the party, his aeiit, orat'ornry, to report foith with j to the ngt fit of .the T'uiy I'ej ait tncnf, the .balance due; and it sl.nlj ' be the dot) of sairi hiiI, withinsixly days dieHfter, to order suit to be c nnxm d gainst &uch dthntjutnt and his suieties. Sec. 3. And be it further ennctid, That'lhe experis tor postage itiruritd by marsliais in taking ;i.d Mtuining the ft uith census of the L'nitt d States, hot exceeding two thousand dollars be paid out ol an urn xpend d baSarce ol'-an ; pprojrition foi dt tidying (he expriise of the U urth 1 m nieiation of the' itdjo'hittnts of L i.ind Males. . PJ1ILIP P. BAhIK)UIt, Spcakci i l the UuuSe of lrpresenta lives. : I J ( 11 X G A I L L A TI D , ; " , President of tlie .Senate, pro tmipore Apiil-?0, j.r(ed, JAM La MOM'tOl-:. AN ACT to lethal the fouiternth I action of :n A.ct to r-t)iici ;mfL j fixtheiniliti.rv prjce estilblihmeut, v passea the secViuj d:iy of iMarch one inousbiiu eigm uunureu auu iweniy- one.. ' j " lie tt enacted by j the Senate and Ildziserf Representatives of the Uni ted States of America in Cvn grist as . ttVtbhd, j I hat the fourteenth section f the act, entitled "An act to reduce nd fix the" military peace estahtish- ent7 passed the second day of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one, be, and the same b iereby, repeared. Approved Max 7, 1822. t il 1 i : ' 1 1 .1 i I ri1 -.' K - V. I I .1 t'-ii 1