- I ' - .- NJLWBERN, N. C. SAf URDAY, -JUNE 1, 1822, V0LU3IE NUMBER 219. '. rilNrE3 AND POBLMHBD WBEKL BT FA5TEUR $ WATSON, A: $3 per aunum half if, ad ranee. (BV AUTHORITY.) CT to provide far paying to the Writes of Missouri, Mississippi and A I iliainlt three per ;cent. ol the nwt oroceeds arising from th from th sale the rablic Lands wuma . . - . the O ie it enacted by the Senate and 'Jlnse of Representatives of the Uni te states of America in Congress as- - . . ... i -i run') en i ; J That tne secretary 01 me TfMVjrv 'ha,l from ,,me to l,nie 3ni whenever tne quarier.y accuums oi" public men-ys of the several Land O.fices in ihe said state of Missouri , ,il be settled, pay three per- cent. cfiheit?tt proceeds Of the sales of the lands of the United States, laying within the st .te of Missoari, which, since the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and twenty o;ir, have been, or hereafter may be, ?.M bv the United. States, after de ducting all expenses incidental to the S4iul. to such p.eison, orj persons, as iuv or shall be authorized by the Le gislature of the said state of Missouri to receive the same ; which sum or irvns, tht paid, shall be applied to t':le nnkio? of public roads and canals v ithin the said state of Missouri, un der the direction of the Legislature thereof, according to the provisions cn this Mibject contained 'the act of Conrress of the sixth of March, one t!i usaud eteht hundred and twenty, entitled "An act "to authorize the people of the Missouri Territory, to .i . ws! a constitution and state govern ment, and lor thadinission; of such a state into the Union oh an equal foot in.; with the original states, and to prohibit slavery in -certain territories," 2nd to no 'ther purpose And an ennu.il account of the same shall be triasinilte.l to the Secretary of the Trenury, by such olficer or person, of t!ie state, r.s the legislature tiiereot $'ia!l rlirect, and of. its application, ii'.iuv be made; and in default of rucii rrJnrn being made, the Secretary c! the Trcsury is hereby required to withhold the iaynient of any sum or sums, lir.it may then be due, or which thereafter may become due, until a Mum shall be made, as hereby re quired. bee. '2. And be it farther enacted, Th it the Secretary of the i reasury si.a',1, from time to time, and when ever t'.e quarterly accounts of public rn Jtuys ot the several land ofnees in t':c st.ite of Mi3sissi;pi, shall be set-t-J, Dav three oer cent, of the nett p:oceeds of the sales of the lands. of t"f I nited States lying within the state of Mississippi, which since tiie c:t d v of December, one thousand f:vl i:u".iired and seventeen, have brn. or hereafter niav tnlit Iiv llp liiitt(l ,- .. - j win J, unci UCUlll.llil:: Oil prises mciuent to tne same, to sucn per(n or persons as may or shall be authorized by th legislature of the ii: i sf..ie o Aiiasjsvnpi, to leceive tiie which sum or sums thus naid. I 'vl be applied to making public j 7 I'll? 3n ! raff l: n-itUm it, -1 -'.. ' .. f' Conimg to the provisions on . tbii j the 2d Tuesdays of March and S"p-J'-tyct coatciined in the act, er.tilled) j teniber, and at Burlington on the third An act to enable the people of the ' Tuesdays of Mavand November, in - "iiiiiu me aaiu aifc, n-rn p irt ot the ivlississippi tern " i it :;n a constitution and state f 'rr.in. ii!, and fur the admission of 1 t cf itatt into the Union on an equal l !wins;th the original states' and! ' no ether purpose ; and an i annual ' ."'i 01 ;ne same snail betians ' r'''"i t. the Secretary of the Treasu liy surh officer or person of the re' a the legislature thereof shall '"rr-t. :mH iti 51 III lIlV! tint! If Or-... .i ,u ir i.i iv.iii.'ii. ally and, "in default of such re- pin-made, the Secretary of the i :;&'ir is henbv reouired to with-1 I payment of aovsum or sums ,uy tnen be due, or woich there '"j J5 btcme due, until a return ' made n li T,"':3, & itfurtner enacted, i ; t;1e 7relar.v of the Treasury lime to time, and whenev accounts of public mo si cl the several land offices in the state of Alabama shail be settled, pay three per cent, of the nett pro- ceeas oi ine saies 01 me lanus oi uie United I States lying with,,, the .slate oi Aiapamd, uuur .Uc u-jr of September," in the year one thou- sand e'fht hnnered and nineteen, have been, or hereafter may be, sold by the United States, after deducting all expenses incident to the same, to such person or persons as may or shall be atljorized by 'the Legislature of the Mid State of Alabama to receive the same, which sum or sums, thus paid, shall be applied to smaki..g public roads and canals, and improving the navigation of rivers, within, the sasd Stale of Alabama, under the direction of the Legislature thereof, ai-cordiiig to the nrovisions;on this subject con tained hi the act, entitled " An Act to enable the people of th Alabama Territory .to form a constitution and state government, and for the admis sion of such state; into the Union on an equal footing . witfo the original States," and to no other purpose, and an annual account of the same shall be transmitted to the Secretary of the Treasury, by such ofiicer or person of tha St.ites thei legislature thereof shall direct, and of its application, atiy be made; and in default of such return being made, the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby required to withhold the payment of any sum or sums that may then be due, or wnicn therefore inav become due, until a return shall be made, as herein requir ed: Provided, That the Secretary of the Treasury shall not allow to ei ther of the said States of Mississippi and Alabama three per cent, on the nett proceeds of the sales of public lands within the limits of the late Mississip pi Territory, after deducting inciden tal expenses, until the sum of one million two hundred and liity thou sand dollars stipulated to be paid by the United States "to. the State of Geor gia, for the, cession of the Mississippi and Alabama, shall have been first deducted : nor until the stock' created under the provisions of the act of Con-1 cres3 of the thirty-first of March,, one thousand eight hundred awl fourteen J entitled " An Act providing for the ; indemnification of certain claimants of public lands in the Mississippi Ter ritory," and tire act supplementary thereto, shall have been redeemed, or if not entirely redeemed, the residue to be deducted from the nett proceeds. rillLIP P. BARBOUR, Speaker of the House -of Representa tives. JOHN GAILLARD, President of the Sen ile, oro t rno re. Muv 3 Approved, JAMES MONROE. AN ACT 'to Tepeal, the act, entitled tk An Act to encourage Vaccina tion." . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of- Representatives of the Uni ted States of Auiei ica, in Congress assembled, .That the act passed the twenty-seventh d iv of February, one thousand eight hundred ajid thirteen, entitled 44 An Act to encourage vac cination," be, and the same is hereby repealed. Approved !!ay 4, 1S22. AN ACT to alter the times of holding the District Court- in tiie District of New-Jersey. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Uni ted Static of America in Congress as - sunbled Th;:t the District Court for the district of New-J isey sr.all he re Brunswick on r:.. u., U,.! ... aim tt: nniu at ic-v tvery year ; any thing in any act heretofore passed to thecontraiy not withstanding. ' Approved May 4, ,1322. N ACT making an appropriation to defray the expenses of missions to the independent nations on the American Continent. 7e it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives ofjhe. Uni- icd f America, in Congress asbled, That, for such missions to he independent nations on the Amer ican continent, as the f resident of the United States may deem proper, there be, and hereby-' is appropriated, a sum not exceeding one hundred thou sand dollars, to be paid out of any mony in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. , ... App&oved May 4,; 1322. A A j AO 1 relating to i reasurv Notes, Be it enacted by the '.Senate and r r o-',: rr..: eJ 0flmCflS. teiWeif, That, from art after the Dassjn 'of thU nofTreasurv, Note shailj be received in payment in ac count of the United States,,or paid, or fundj?d, except at the Treasury of the United States. Approved MAr 3, 1322. - 3 7 : AN ACT vesting in the State ofPcnn sylvania the riiht ,of rhe United .States to all tines assessed for the non-performance ; militia - iluty during the Ute war 5rk Gieat Brit ain. . " : Zej it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative of the Uni ted States of America in Congress as sembled, That all right wfiich the U nited jStales have to the fines assessed upon jtlie citizens of the state of Penn sylvania, rbr the non performance! of militia duty during the late war with Greatj Britain, shall be, and the same hereby is, vested in the said slate! Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That all moneys in the hands of those who now are, or heretofore have been, marshal or deputy -marshals, which may have been collected from the fines aforesaid, after deducting the expense of assessing and collecting, snail ue paiu oy ineui respecuveiy 10 .the tre asurer oif.the said state. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, le said fines shall be recovered That t by thej state under such tegulations, provisions, and restrictions, as shall be prescribed by the legislature thereof. Sec j4. And be it further enacted, That'tne said state, provided it shall accept of the provisiotrs of this act, shall account to the United States for 'the sum of three thousand two hun dred and thirty -eight dollars and for-tv-six cents, if that amount of the said tines shall be collected, it being the expenses of:three courts martial, held in the said state, for th trial of the said delinquents, of which Colonel Thomas C.: MiUeCojo;eJ James Wood, "anf1t;ietriiom is Moore were respectively presidents. V Appa.o vififlT MAY"4j'-1 S2r.' - V ANvCT for.tlie reVief of the. offi cers, 'volunteers aid other persons enageu in ine late carwpaign a gainst the Seminole Indians. Be it enacted by the Senate and Housexof Representatives of the Uni ted States of America in Congress as sembled That any officer, volunteers, ranger, cavalry, or other persons en- uao-ed in the campaign of one ithou- sand I . - eight hundred and eighteen, a- gainst tiie sustained damage by reason of the loss of aitv horse or horses, which, in consequence of the governmeni of the United States failing to supply suffi cient forage, while engaged in sard service, died, or were unavoidably a bandoned and lost, shall be allowed and paid! tiie value thereof. Sec. 21 And be it further enacted, That said officers, volunfeeis, and rangers, -cavalry, or other persons, for .it.- -' tne loss oi any necessary equippage of said horse or :', horses, or for .any guns lost in said service, or which were left in possession of the United States, or1 of any oGicer thereof, shall be-aliowed and paid the value thereof; said claims to be paid out ot any mo neys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated: Provided, That, if any payment s inall have been made to'any ofocer cr soldier aforesaid, for the use and risk, afier the death or abaiidonnjent' of his horse, such ia niount shall be deducted from the val ue thereof1, unless said officer or. sol dier shall shew that he was remoun ted, in which case the deduction shall only' e.r.enjd to the time such officer or soldier perved on foot : And, pro vided, also, That if any payment shall been made to any officer or .soldier, .on accoun of clothing, such payment. shaU.be deducted from the value of his rforse dr accoutrements : And pro vided furtner, That no claim shall be allowed under the provisions of this act, until proper evidence shII have been received by the; accounting offi cers from the company to which the claimants shall have belonged, shew ing, the number of horses IQst i" said company in manner aforesaid, the time when tost, and the name pf the owner. -! ; Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the accounting officer of . the i in Treasury D epartment shall audit and Idahus under isuch rules tettle ihosn i a od regulations its the President uc vjiuieu prates may prescript Approved 'May 4, 1S22. AN ACT making appropriations Ar the support of the navy of the XJi nited States or tiie year one thoj -sand eight hundred and twehty-two and for other purposed. Be it enacted by - the ' Senate .'arifl House of Representatives of tiie Uni. ' lt 'l States of America in Congress cs- sf.mblvd, That, for defraying the ex penses of; the navy for the year ore thousand eight hundred and twentj two, the following sums be, and thl? sam e ja re hereby , respect i v ely apprcj priated : - r . ' 1 for the pay andsnbs;stence of the officers, and pay of the seamen, in anion to fhesoin of one hundred thou sand all Wdy appropriated, tiie sum of eight hundred and sixty-one thousandi four hundred and sixty-six dollars. For provisions, in addition , to th sum of -twenty-thousand i propriated, and to an unexpendecj . " "T balance ot thrty thousand dollars the sum of two hundred and sixtyi seven thousand two hundred and bltyi eighi dollars. I For medicines, 'hospital stores, and!; all expenses on. account of the sick j thirty-two thousand dollars. J For the repairs! of vessels, in addi tion to the sum' Of twenty thousand! dollars already appropriated, the sum! of three hundred and eighty-eight? thousand dollars. j For improvemeBt of navy yards,) docks, and wharves, fourteen thou-!.. sand four hundred and fitly dollars, j For pay of superintendents, . naval constructors, storekeepers, inspectors of limber, clerks of the yards, and ar-i tificers, thirty-six thousand lour hun-i dred and fifty dollars. j For laborers and teams employed; in loading and unloading vessels, pir ling, uockiMg, and removing timber, stores, 'flic, arid tuel tor tue engine, t w en fy t ho usa n d dollars Jbor ordnance and ordnance stores, twenty-live thousand dollars;. r or jcontmgent expenses, in addition to the sum of twenty thousand dllars already appropriated, two hundred and ten -thousand dollar. ror the pay and subsfstence.of the marine corps, in addition, to ah unex- pended balance of twenty-two tkou-, sand dollars, one hundred and fortyT seven, thousand three hundred and ninety-three dollars. For clothing the same, in addition to an unexpended balance of si k thou sand nine hundred and thirty-four cents, the sum of twenty-two thousand seven hundred and thirty-six dollars. For fuel for nine hundred and thirty-eight non-commissioned officers, niusicians, and privates, .'six thousand eight hundrod and fifty dollars. Fori military stores for. t he same, the tinexpended balance of the year one thousand eight and twenty-one, being eleven thousand '.one hundred, and eighty dollars and fifteen clnts. For contingent expenses ' for the. same ;! that is tosay fuel . for commis-I sionfed officers, bed sacks, repairing barracks, transportation, a'nd travel ling expenses to officer, postage of Je ters, armoieis, and anorers, tools, and stationary, iviti extra rations to officers! commanding posts, fourteen thousand dollars. To make sood' a. deficit in the con tingent which expenses oi trie manqe corps, accrued prior to - the O'ear eighteen hunured. and twenty-one, the sum of nine thousand one hun dred and nine dollars and twenty-two cents. - . . . . ' . -'I Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the several. appropriations here inhe fore made, shall be paid ou: of money in the Treasury not otherwise appropilated : Provided,, lioiveref, 'I hat no money appropriated by this act shall be paid to any person for his compensation or perquisites, who is in arrears to the United States, until such person shall have accounted for and paid into the Treasury jail sums for which he may be liable; '; Provi ded, furtheri . That nolhincin this section contained shall extend to haU ances arising solely from deprccia depreciation of Treasury Notes re ceived by such person to be expended the public service. Cut in all ca ses where toe pay ror isalaiy of any person is witthheld iir pursuance of this act, it shall be the doty of the ac. counting officer, if demanded by the , party, bis agent, or attorney, to 'report j forthwith to the agent of. the Treasury Department the balance due: and if shall be tiie duty of the,1 said vagent, of within sixtv days thereafter, to order suit to Ire commeuced against ' such defaulter, Approved M ay 4, 1822. V AN ACT further to amend the setc- ) ral acts relative to the Treasury, . War, and Navy Departments. Be it enacted by the Senate ani j House of Representatives nf the Unr- -ted States of America in Congress assembled, That the second Section j of the act, entitled "An act making alterations in the Treasury and War Departments," passed the ei jhth day of May, seventeen hundred und ninety-two ; the second section of the act, entitled J" An act to alter and amend the several aots for the establishment and regulation of the Treasury, Warj and Nuvy Depnrtmertts" passed the sixteenth day of July, seventeen hun dred and ninety-eight ; and the sev-. enth section of the act, entitled " An to provide for the prompt settlement of public accounts," passed5 the third ; ' day of larch, eighteen hujidrtd and seventeen be, and hereby are, repeal ed, from and after the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred ind twenty two. . Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That, on the day and ycar.Jast afore said, all moneys which may remain n the hands of the Treasurer of the United States, as agent of the War and Navy Departments, shall, under the direc tion, of the" Secretaries ' of those Departments, respectively, be rejaid into the Treasury, and .carried to the credit of the nroner IWirf. menf upon the books of the TreasutA'. Sec 3. And be it further enacted, That all moneys appropriated for tlxi . use of the War and Navy Depart ments, shall, from and after the day anF year aforesaid, be drsfivn from the Treasury, by warrants the Sec- , v rl'tary of the Treasury, upon the re quisitions of the Secretaries of those Departments, respectively, counter- : ;inrd bythe Second Comptroller of the Treasury, and registered by. the proper Auditor. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, Thai so much of the said act of the third day of March, eighteen hundred and sevputeen, as is reugnant to the foregoing provisions, be, a nd is here by, repealed, from and after the thir- : tielh day of June, eighteen hundred and twenty-one. AppiioyEo May 7, 1822. AN ACT explanatory of an act for the relief of sundry citizens of llfiltlmore.. He it enacted by the Semite and House of Representatives of the Uni ted States of America in Congress as semhfed, That the act, entitled An act for the relief of sundry citizen of Iiartnnore' shall be so construed as to refer to a copy of estimates, yerifi-. ed ut Baltimore bv Thormlike- Chase and Joiin nvqer, on the twenty- eighth day of February, orle thousand eight 'hundred and twenty, instead of tiie twentieth day of February afore said. Approved May 7, 2822. - AN ACT to perfect certain Iocatioh3 ;! and sales of publia Ictids in Mi, souri. , IJe jt enacted by the Senate and House of Itepresentatives of the Uni ted States of America in Congress as sembled, That the Ideations hereto fore made oi' warrants issued uncler the act of the 15th of February, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, entitled " An act for the relief of the inhabitants of the late county of New iVjadrid, in Missouri Territory, who suffired by earthquakes," if made in pursuance of the provisions of. that at, in other respects) shall be pcrfec- teu into grams, in hke manner as if tijey had conformed to the se'ctrortal orj quarter sectional lines of the jfub !!!; surveys; and the'srdes of fraciiohc on the public lands heretofore creaiedi by such lopttions, shall be as valid and binding on the United States: as if such fractions had been made by ri vers, or other natural obstructions.! Sec. 2. And be it further enarirdJ inat riereaiter the holders and loca tors of suth warrants shall be bound inj locating them, to conform to itic sectional or quarter sertiohal lines of tut- puunc surveyors, as nearly as.tue respective quantities ofxthe warrants will adiliit :' 'and all such warrants shall be located within one vear after tqe passage, of this act, in default wherC0f the same shall be mill & void. 'Approved Ariu. 26. 1S22. f i r 'I ! t i 1 it V r it 1 IH ! 1 'A t t . s 4-. ; I t i