! . VOLUME V.l NEWBERN, N. C. SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1 822. NUMBER 220. . 'I "t ' .1 " t flSH AND MLfiBED WEEKLY BY PASTEUR WATSON At $3 per atinuQ-half in advance. i (DV AUTHORITY.) AV 4 CT-making further appropria tions for ihe-rnility service of the it..;iM Status for the year e.gateen hundred and twenty-two, and for ol!lPr purposes. ' ; fie il enacted by the 'Senate and ' nliw of Representatives of the Uni 4U t,ih of America in Congress as IraUHU That the following sums be, t8,,j ttie sime are hereby appropriated, u wit : -. ; ' . pyr fortifications, to each specifi- callv, as follows, viz : ; For Fort Delaware, tweuty thou Wii 1 dollars. For Tort Washington, twenty-five thousand dollars. ' j For Fort .Monroe, seventy-five thou- Cani .iolUis. For Fort. Calhoun, fifty thousand d-.iiars. ' . For collectinj materials for a forti- fr r-.u. n at Mobile Point, in the state Jj Alali'iina. fifty thousand dollars. For ie Uigolets and Chef vlenteur, 0.; Iiu iS'ed thousai:d dollars. For collecting materialsi for a fort oi tin riy tit b-iiik of live .fisiissippi, .;;i)')site fort St. Philip, thirty jthou dollars. For contingencies and repairs of fjrJifi ati 'os, twenty thousand dollars. For tlii? national armories, three fcridred and sixty thousand dollars. For the current expenses of the o-'dnance service, viz : , For the preservation of the arms, n;iil other properly in store, including tie hired vo kiuen, and purchase of p.iiut, oil, and other materials neces sny for the purpose, eight thousand eitiht hundred and thirty-eight dollars. To meet ordinary requisitions for enny supplies, viz : il l or paint and oil lor the preserva tion ol" tlie guns and carriages in the I.j. tiiicaiioris, and for artificers' and in t.'!;ciiiug tools, six thousuud three hundred and forty dollars. , i. For the miscellaneous expenses at WtMiak, firage Jor public horses, sta tiimery, &c two thousand eight hun drc 1 aud sixty-two dollars. 1 For the reparation of defective ann, including tae wages -of armo rers, the purchase of iron, sieel, coals, t-wls, &c. eleven thousand nine hun- d:j 1 and sixty dollars. For repairs ol arsenals, one thon- Saii j lioliHIS.. ! For the preservation of amunition, 'tr ili-jusaud dollais. For tlie payment of outstanding c! kims which accrued in one, thousand e Jit hundred and twenty, :at Pitts tar, and not, presenied until eigh teen Irmdred and. twenty-one, and iid lor wdiit of an .appropriation Jj'plicib'e to the object, one thousand seven hundred dollars. "i i For arrearages in the War Depart Rnt prior to ihs fust of July, one tii usaud eight hundred aiid sfveu Ueu," u'u.ety thn-i-;ind dollars1. For jmv allowed bv law to Indian ajnts, te;ity-two thoaod three hjudred dollars. I or presents to Indialis, allowed by h.w of eighteen hundred and two, !fii tteea th-iusand dollars. " or coutiujent e.npn?ps nt'ihp Fn vz'i Ueua.tment, sevemy-nve thou- j assembled. That the collection dis J? t,;ili. '' I trict of i White Mountains shall b.e, . . ' v., vm me JI i Leiftlililieilli lor ll, n1t-n ' and twentv-one. seventv t - J """uu ulnars i ; iotnp.euog me oarracKs at ua- M h--i e, twelve thouaud dolUrs,. I . . I 1 I . n ' , vi.tii jvih' lib. a wwi j tut tliL. "-' icks at Carlisle, three .thousand ' "yuudr. d dollars. ' tY payment of the expenses l5:e muida court martial id Peim- v .- ..... i .'. . - . . i 1, oi Wiiicti Lieutenant Uolonel ,,,1'l iS anti il .-:rl t?Li-n ri.fi lony dwliais and xiUiy- tti. I IT) rvi',;fll"! e lasi year, in tne j of 1'ortsmouth, in iNew Hampshire; seventy thousand dollars. ! - tl,e district of Memohrymagog, to the torpnycnentoladehcitinthe ap. 'tSistrictof Vermont'; the -district of F '; r; oi ,u for the Quarlerma:?r ; n.,.w .i,.., ..e v, v , . A ! ...... ..' , . . . ; : -'',' . A ' For the payment of the expenses Norfolk and Portsmouth ; and each . Savannah, or New Orleans, shall ex of the militia court -martial in Penn- of tlie districts so-annexed is hereby ceed four thousand dollars, or the e sylvania, of which Thomas C. Miller ; abolished, and made ana4 constituted moluments of any naval officer of iei- was President, one thousand five hun- enty-eight cents. For the payment o the expenses of the militia court martial in Penn sylvania, of which Colonel James Wood was President, seven hundred' and ninety-eight dollars and eighty- four cents. -For the payment of the balance of the expenses of the militia court mar tial in the state of New-York of which Brigadier General Gerrard Steddiford was President," nineteen thousand two hundred and sixteen dollars and twenty-nine cents. , For the balance of an appropria-. tion made nineteenth of February, eighteen' hundred and eighteen, to de fray the expenses of employing a bri gade of mihtia, being the amount .theieof carried to the surplus fund, twelve thousand three hundred, and seventy four dollars &fiftr-seven cents. For replacing the 4ike amount of appropriations made for the survey of certain ports and harbors, whicti has been carried to the surplus fund, the sum of one thousand three hundred and thirty-tour dollars and seventy eight cents. ' ) For replacing the like amount ap propriated to procure medals for offi cers of the army,' carried in the sur plus fund, the sum of eight thousand two hundred dollars. For replacing the like amount ap propriated for llie relief of Colonel William Lawrence, aud others, car ried to the "surplus fund, the sum of one thousand tour hundred and forty dollars and twelve cnts. For carrying into effect the treaty concluded at Chicago, on the twenty ninth day of August, eighteen hun dred and twenty-pae, the sum of eigh teen thousand one hundred,and seven dollars and ten cents. . For carrying into effect so much of the fourth article of the .treaty of the eighth day of Januajy, one thousand eight bundled and twenty -one, be tween the United States and the Creek nation, in relation to tiie com pensation due to the citizens of Geor gia, by the Creek nation, fifty thou sand dollars. For the purpose of holding treaties with thi Cheroljee- and Creek tribes of Indians, for the extinguishment ol the Indian title to all the lands within tiie state of Georgia, pursuant to the f ourth section of the first article of the agreement and cession, concluded be tween the United' -tates and the ifctte of Georgia, oh the twenty furih -ui Aprils one thousannd eight hundred and two, the sum 'of thirty thousand dollars. Sec. 2. And be it farther enacted, That the several appropriations here inbefore made shall be paid. out of any money in the Treasury, not oth erwise appropriated. ' Sec. 3. And be it farther enacted That no money appropriated by this act, or by the act, entitled u act making appropriations for the milita ry" service of the United States for the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two,' shall be advanced or paid to any person on any contract, or to any officer who is in arrears to the United States until he slr-dl have accounted for, and paid into the Trea sury, all sums for-which he may be ii able. May 7,1 S22 Approved, AN ACT- further to establish the compensation of officers of the cus toms, and to alter certain collection districts, and for other purposes. lie. it enacted by the Senate and Jlojse cf tieprcterttatiues jf the Uni- ,t r t . hou uereov is, annexed 10 me uisirici I U .f .1 1: . A t,Q.'ui. n-kft!:.u..j: ... j i.. .i u j u.uiMi3iicu, aitu lilditc alio constituted a nart cf thp tiinict to witicli it is annexed. Sec. 2. -And be it fu I further enacted, That the collection district of Chester with the district of Harve de Grace, be; an I hereby is, annexed to the dis trict of Baltimore ; the district of Not tihgharw to th district of Annapolis ; the districi of Dumtries and Veoconi co, t the district of Tappahanbck ; the districts of Hampton in Virginia, aud Soath Quay, to the district of a part of the district to winch it is an - nexed, and established t port of de livery, with the privileges appertain ing to such ports: Sec 3. Andibe it further enacted, That the officers of surveyor iu Au gusta, Thomastqwri Waldoboio'f St; George, Bristol, Nobleboro, and Uan- J gor, in Maine Easton, Great Mills, t. Inigoes, in -Maryland j Winton, Tombstone, Skewarky, Nixouton, Indiantown, New Biggin Creek, and Pasqoutank, in North Cfcrbli'ua, Pijts burg, Marietta, j Cincinnati, Massac, Charlestovyn, in Virginia, and lime stone, be, and the same are hereby. jlisccntsnueo as sorts of delivery. "5ec. 4. rnd be it further e.ncted. That the ports of delivery f Augus ta, in 'Maine,.-Winton, Tombstone, Skewarky, ISixonton, fndiantown, New Biggin Creek, and Pasquotank, in. North Carolina, be. and the same are hereby, discontinued ports of de livery. . Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United States be, and he hereby authorized ed, with the advice arid-consent '-of the Sennte, to appoint a surveyor to each of the ports of -delivery establish ed by this act ; and also a surveyor for the port of Eastport; in the dis trict jf jPassamaquody ; and each sur veyor so appointed, shall have the 4 - r same powers, ana be subject, to tire same duties as other surveyors of the .Customs. f Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the salaries heretofore allowed by law to the several collectors of the Customs for the; districts of White fountains, Tlemphrymagog, B.rrn-f stable, Nantucket, Marhleiiead and lew Bedford, shall cease and be dis continued. I Sec. 7- And ,be it further enacted, That, in lieu of the Commissions al- j a list ot the clerks employed by hif", lowed by law to the several officers ! stating the rate of compensation all hereafter mentioned, there shall be . lowed to each andUhc duties which allowed the following, to wit: To they severally perforin $ and, also, an each of the collectors for the districts account of the sums' paid for staiioiji of Saco, Cape Vlneeut, Georgetown, ery official or contingeiU exj.er.se's, int!i( District of JC)lunrbia, TVewbern, fa 61 j a .id office rent, ! stating the p.uK and St. Mary's iii Georgia, three, per : pose, for whicii the premises reiitud cent;1 to each collector for the dis- are applied. . L trictsj of Kenne'bunk, Newport and Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, New London, two and a half per cent ; .. That, -in the ports of Boston, New to each collector1 for the districts of . York,, I'hiladelpiiia, Baltimore, Char Bath,1 Bristol, New Haven and Alex- j lesion, Savannah, and New-Orlean'L andria, two per cent. ; to (he collec tor for the district of Portsmouth, one and three-fourths. per pent. ; to each collector for the dis ricts of Nor'olk and j Portsmouth,- Petersburg,, and Richmond, one add thiee-fourths per cent.; and to the collector. for the dis trict of Misssissippi, cne per cent. ; to the collector for the district of Bos ton, one fifth of one per 'cent, on al! monies by them 'respectively received on account of the duties arising from gptdsj wares, and merchandize, im ported into the United States, and on the. tonnage of vessels. Sec 8. And be it further enacted, in 'addition to the emoluments That, of the several officers hereinafter menf fionedjj and in "lieu of the salaries now established by law, there shall be al lowed and paid the following salaries, to wit ; 1 o tue collector ol the dis trict of "Wilmington, in Delaware, five hundred doilari: to the collector of the district of Sag flaibor, four hundred dollars; to each of the col lectors gartown, t airfield, Cape Vmcient, Sackett's Harbor, Champlain, Oswe gatchie Oswego, Vermont, Oxfonl, Tappahanock, Beaufort, in JVorth-; Carolina, Edenton, Georgetown in South Carolina, and Beaufort, in South Carolina, two hundred and fifty dol lars; to each of-the collectors for the districts of Wiscasset, Oswego, Ply mouth, in Nofth Carolina, two hun dred dollars; to the surveyor at tas't port, for the district of Passaiuaqood dy five hundred dollars; to the sur veyors at North Kingston, for the dis trict of Newoort. and to each of the . ! -I . 7 (. surveyors o! the ports for jthe districts of St. Mary's, in Maryland, 'East lliv er, South Quay, Petersburg, Edenton, Pawtuxet, and Camden, two hundred dollars ; and to each of the surveyors of the ports of Chester, Harve de Grace, Nottingham, Dumfries, and Yeocomico, one .hundred and fifty dollars ; to the naval officers for the districts bi Providence' and Newport, two hundred and fifty dollars each, i Sec. 9 And be it further. enacted, That, :- whenever tlie emoluments of any collector pr the customs of either of; the ports of Bos to.), Xew- Vork, Philadelphia Baltimore, Charles ten, 4 ther of fthel said Dorts shall exceed three thousand dollars, or the emolu men ts of any surveyor of either of said ports shall exceed t?vo thousand five hundred dollars in any oue veV, alter deducting the necessary ex pen-1 inctueut to tus oliifee in the saqie year, the excess shall, m every suph ease, be paid into the Treasury, for the use of the United States. j ) Sec. 10. And he That, whenever the emoluments of any other collector of the custutirs shdll exced three thousad dollars or the i emoluments of any other' naval officer, shall exceed two thousand five hundred dollars, or the emolu ments of any other surveyor shall ex ceed two tlusand dollars, in any oie year, after deducting therefrom tjie necvssarv expenses incident to'his of fice in the same year, the excess slid I, in every such cast?, oe paid into the Treasury, for the use of the United States. ' j Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That the piecedu-g prnvi'sious shall not extend to fines, penalties, or 0f feitures or the distribution thereof, j Sec. 12. And be it -further enacted, That -every collector, naval officer,, and, surveyor, shall account o tlie Treasury for all his emoluments, and, also, for all the expenses Incident to his office ; that such accounts, as well of expenses as of emoluments, shall- he rendered "on oath or affirmation, at sucn times and m such furms, and shall be supported by s jch proofs as shall b - prescribed by the Secretary of the $ Treasury, and. all uch ac counts shall be settled at the Treasu ry like ether public accounts. I . Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That eveiy collector, naval office:, and surveyor, shall, together with his accounts incident to Ins office, render no person snail Ue an .'inspector wlio, . . . I Ml ! at the same time, hoids any other of fice in the collection of the customs, at ei'ther o the said ports. ; Sec. 10.' And be it further enacted, That the -Secrery of the ijeasuii may, from time to time, limit and fik the number, and compensation of the clorks to be employed by any collecj- tor, naval officer, or surveyor, anijl may 'Jim it and fix the compeirsatiou of any deputy of auysuch 'Coilector na val officer, or surveyor : ' I'rovMedi 1 hat no sucii deputy, in any of th. districts of Boston and Charlesiowo NewY- rk, : l'hiia.deipiiia, Balliriiorei Chai lestoo,. Savannah or New-Or ani,-. shall receive; more than one; thousand fi five hundred dollars, nor, inch deputy more than one any other such deputy thousand dollars., in any one year, forj an services he may perform for the United Stales, in , an v -office or capa-: city. ' ; '.''.' -. ; Sec. iG. And be it furthrr enacted, That no account for the compensation ; (or services of any clerk, .or other per-' sm employed iu.any duties in relation to toe collection ol tiie revenue, snail be "allowed, until such clerk or other person shall have certified, on oath or affirmation, that the sanie services have been performed. that he has re ceived the full sum therein charged, to his own use and benefit, and- that he has uot paid, deposited, or assign ed, nor contracted . to pay,, deposit,, or assign, any part of 'such compensa tion to the use of .iy other person, nor in any way,diiectly or-iudirectJy,-paid or given, nor contracted to pay or give,, any reward or compensation for his office or employment, or the emoluments thereof. . Sec. IJ. And be it further enacted, That if any person empIoyec in any duties in relation to the collection of the revenue, shall accept or . receive any fee, rewaid,, or . compensation, oiher than that allow ed by lawj for any service be may perform for any person, in making any entry or clear- used or keot in the aistom-hJ ifW . duty.of the Registers suclt person'shail be removed from fnu auaii, inoreover, on con vie- . tion :hereoj;.pay- a fine, not exceeding fivUiudred dollars. 1 t S office, and shall, moreover, on convict Sec IS. And be if furtherenacted Tbat no collector, surrpyor, or naval " officer, shall ever receive murr (lian four hundred dollars annually exclu sive of his compensation a collecrnr, " surveyor, opnavaj officer, and the fiircs and forfeitures allowed by law for a fly services he may perform for tlie Uni ted States in any other office or capa y. ; " ; . .. Sec. 19. And be it further enacte'it, V That the salary of ..the collector of Cap Vincent shall 'commence frora the time of his appointment. Sec. 20. And be it further enacted, Tjhat this act shall be in force from -and after lhe: thirtieth day of June " next. - AprROVED M.WTth, 1822. i AN ACT fixing the compensation of the Commissioners of the Public Buildings. . ' lie it eupited. by the Senate .and ILmse of Representatives of the. Uni ted States of America in Congress a& 8cmblcd, That, iifsa ud of the salary ot two thousand dollais heieiofore al lowed by law to the Commissioner of the Public Buildings, there shall hence forth be allowed to the said Commis siuner, a salary of one thousand five hundred dollars a year, to be paid quarterly, out of any moneys in the Treasury, notptherwise appropriated. ' Sec. 2. AAd be it furt!icrstnacted TU.it the said Commissioner shall give bond, with one or mote sufficient Sureties,; in such form as the President of the United Vates shall direct, ;forr the faithful discharge of the duties of Iris office: Provided, That there shal not be placed iu his hand, at any one time, a sum not exceeding the penalty of the bond. - Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the third section of the act; -en tiileu " An Act making an appropri ation for enclosing and improving the public, square near the Capitol, and to abolish the office of Commissioners cf Public Buildings, and of Superinten dent, aud for the appointment of one . Commissioner for tiie Public Boil-, dins," approved the twenty-ninth day of April, A. 1). one thousand eight hundred and si teen, which aid flection fixed the salary of the sidd Commissioner at two thousand dollars, be,-aud the same is hereby, repealed 1 ' AmiovED May 7th IS22. AN ACT vesting in the Commission ers of the Counties of Wood and Sandusky, the right to certain lots in the towns of Terrysburgh and I Crpghansville, in the State of Ohio, for county purposes. Ue it enacted by the Senate awl' House of He prexent 'it ices-of the Uni ted States of Jmericu in Congress as sembled, That the right to all the un sold town lots and out lots in the town, of Perry sburyh,. be, and the same is hereby, vested in the Commissioners of Wood County, iu tlie State of Ohio, and the right to; 'a 11 the unsold f town lots and out lots in the town of Crohausvilfe, be, and the same i liesehv Vested in the Commissioners of Sandusky County, in said stale, on condition that said Commissioners " shall pejrmanently locate the Sk-at of justice for their respective counties at said tovfns ; aud that the nett proceeds. j of the sales of so many of said lots as are necessary to be retained lor the purpose of erecting public buildnigs thereon he .applied o Uie' erection and improvement of the public buil dings aiid squares in -said towns, re sjrectively. Approved May 7th, 1822. AN ACjT author iziitg the location of certain school lands iu the Slate of Indiana. Be enacted by tlie Senate and . House of Representative of the Uni ted St rites -.of America in Congrats oe seruhjed, That the Register of the -fand office at Brookviile be, and h is hereby, authorized to select schol ; lands wilhin said district equivalent :to the ore: thirty -sixth part ol the res ervation j commonly called Clark's Grant, fr the use of schools within the same and the Register of the land ofilcje at Terre Haute is hereby, in like maimer, authorized to select, within tiis district, school lands (which, together with the eleven sec tions already selected, shall be ecjuiy alentto fhe one thirty-sixth pari of he Vincennes donation tract, lor the jjuse of schools within said tract. It f,l n,?kin? ,e,.l,0,,'f Ief ?c we ?nunt 10 seon -.vii, in ratii -tuviisiiiM) auu uic sc roll so made shall be reserved fioxu ! I 4 r t i r Til Si ,- 1 1 't J id ' ! i-i 1 I -.'I -AwoyjiD May 7, 1822, "? . ' -: - : - . - . ... ; ' :f - ' - ' I " ' .. i - -,

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