. 'I v) i VOLUME V. NEWBERN, N..'C. SATURDAY,; JUNE 15 I8?2. ; sr - j NUMBER 221 i tilSTiD AND PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY PASTEUR $ WATSON, ! ; l: I. At $3 peraunum half in. advance. i for his said services shall be entitled to demand from the claimants, ten may be-actuallv cents for each hnndred words contain-s not necessary to be run, ; He shall ed in said papers, so recorded-; he appoint a suitable; number of deputies shall be entitled to twenty-five cents and shaU fixand deteimine thejr ites : for each subpoena issued : Provided, Provided, That the whole cost of stir That if the amount so received shall vev shall not exceed four dollars u charge for any line except juch as) ded, That, until the President of the ally run, nor for any line . United (BY AUTHORITY,) . cT for ascertaining claims and titles to lands within the territories of Florida. v "' : " Be it enacted by the Senate and rr .. nf Reorestntatwes of the Vn- ' ie Stath ofAmericain Congress as That, for the purpose ot; as- . Jn the claims and' lit o. lands w thin the lerruo.j . , atacnuired by thet. eaiy u. u.c tv-secon.l of February, one; mousaua p'.rht hundreJ and nineiec.., r.e tPil hv the President of the United States, by ana wuu me and consent ol me oenaie, wlro' shall re- 8 h:ce tka n.iinmissioners. ceive, a Compensation for the duiie -;.nPil bv the provisions of this act, t,tiiouad dollars each, be paid quarterly, from the Treasury ; who j'Hll open wiiit-v j tion of claims, at Pensacola? in the territory oi si An mstine, in tas: r lonua, u.mci mr rules, feirulations, ana iouumum, hereinafter prescribed. I Sec. 2. tort 6e ir Jurtner enaciea, That it shall be the duty oi saia rommissLoners to appoint a suitable and well qualified Secretary, who shall record in a well bound oook, an anu every their acts and proceedings, the claims admitted, with those rejected, and the reason of their admission or fnection. lie snail receive, as a -"iu- Densation for his services, one thous- anJ two hundred and fifty dollars, to kpnid quarterly, from the Treasury. He shall be acquainted with the Span ish language; and, before entering on a discharge of the duties of his office, shall take and subscribe an oath, be fore some authority competent to ad minister it, that he will well and truly ind faithfully discharge the duties. as- limned to him, and translate all papers thitmay be required ol him by the commissioners. S.c. 3. And be it further enacted That said Commissioners, previously lu entering on a discharge of the duties fcined them, shall, before the judge of the Territorial court at Pensacola, ot some other authority in his absence campetent to administer It, take an Path faithfully to discharge the duties f .!. I ll ' i uifir unices, ano suan cuuimeiicc ariJ hold their sessions on or before erirst Monday of July next, at Pen !a, and on the first .Monday of exceed cne thousand two hundred and fifty dollars, which is hereby declared the, compensation for his services, the excess shall be reported to the Commissioners, and be subject to their disposition, and said Commis sioners shall proceed te examine and determine on the-validity of said pat ents, grants, concessions, and orders of survey, agreeably to the laws and ordinances heretofore existing of the governments making the grants le spectively, having .due regard, in ail Spanish claims, to tne contutious and stipulations contained in he eig itli ar ticle of the treaty Concluded at Wash ington, between his Catholic Majesty and the United Scutes on thetwentv sedond of February, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen ; but any cl urn not filed previous to the ihitv- hrst day of 31 ay, one thousand ei.ht liundred and twenty-three, shall re deemed and hpld to be void and ol none effect. Provided' nevertheless. And be it further enacted. That in ail claims submitted to the decision of the" Commissioners, wiiere ihe ame land, or any part thereof, is claimed by titles emanating both from the1 Bri tish and Spanish governments, the commissioners shaft not decide the same, but shall report all such cases, with an abstract of " the evidence, to the Secretary of the'Treasury. Sec. 5' And be it further enar(ed, That the Commissioners' siii.ii have power to enquire into the. justice and validity of the claims iiieu with iit?ni : and shall be, and are hereby author ized fo administer oaths, to compl-the attendance of witnesses, by suujnDiias mile: And, provided, also, That none other than township lines shall be run where the land is deemed 'fit for cul tivation ; saiJ surveyor shall reside at such place as the Piesident of the United States may direct, and shall keep his office there- and may charge the following Tees viz. for recording plat and surveys of private claims made bv any of 4iis depjtiesUwenVy- uve cents tor each mile contained in the boundary - of .such', survey, and twenfy-fiv cents for any copy certifi ed froiii the books or his ofice. PilLW P. BAKBOUR? Speaker of the House of Kepreenta J lives. s -' ; A ; ' JOHN GAILLARD,4 President of the: Senate, pro tempore i May 8, 1822 Approved, ! JAMES MONROE. issued by the Secretary, and tiie ad duction of such testi nouy as may Ce wanted ; they shall have access to all papers and records of u pubfic nature relative to any land titles within said provinces, and to wake transcripts thereof. They sh;;ll examine ino claims arising under patents, grams, concessions, and orders' of survey, where the survey has been actually made previous to tiie ''twenty-fourth January, one thousand tight hu:id-ed and eighteen, where: they are founded upon conditions, and how far those conditions have been complied, with ; anu ii uenvea irom ine tritish gov ernment, how Tar they have been con sidered valid under the Spanish gov ernment ; and if satisfied that s!?id claims be correct and valid, snail give confirmation fo them : Provided, i hut such confirmation shall only operate as a release of any interest which the United be considered third persons : and provided ihat they shall not have power to conuim any claim or part thereof where the amount AN ACT to relieve the people of Florida from the operation of cer tain ordinances. 4 " Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represent olives of 'the Uni ted States of America in Congress as sembled. That an ordinance number ed three made and passed on the eighteenth of July, eighteen hundred and twenty-one, by Major General Andrew Jacfison, Governor of the provinces of the Floridas, entitled " An ordinance prov iding for the nat uralization of the inhabitants of the ceded territory ; and an ordinance J passed by the city council of St. Au gustine, on the seventeentli October, t-j'hteenj liundred and twenty-one, imp osing and laying certain taxes on the i thabitants, andyaJJ other Jaws, ordinances, or resolves, so far as they enforce or confirm the same, be, and the same are hereby r repealed, and ueciareu null and void. states shall deem it expedient to establish a port of entry in the dis- trict of Key. West, and a Collector shall be appointed for said district, thef same district is annexed to, and shall be a part of, ,the district of Apalaclu cblaJ K "' . Sec, 4. And be it further enacted, That all the ports, harbors, shores,1 and waters, of the mainjianoYof said Florida, and of the islands '''"-opposite! and nearest thereto, exteodhgi from Charlotte Bay to Cape St. JJlas bej and hereby are, established - a collec tion district, by the name of the dis-5 met of Apalachicola : and a port of -entry shait be established trict, at snch place as the the United States shall designate.. for said d is-! Presiiieot of Sec. That a bors, w 3. And be it further enacted. 1 the residue of the poets, har aters, and shores, of said Flor ida, and, of the Islands thereof be. and the same are, established a col lection district, by tlm name of the district of Pensacola, whereof Peosa- -cola is the only port ofenlry. I' dec. u. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United States be, and he is hereby!, aut horized to establish such ports of! delivery in f eaci of isaid districts, aud'also rtf that portion jof said territory aiimjxed to the dmrkt of St. iIar 's; as he may , deem expedient. i Sec. 7. And be it further enncted, That the President"' tiif WnirPH States, .with the advice and consent of the Senate shall appoint a collector for each: district, to reside.afthe rt of entry and a surveyor for the dis trict of Pensacola and a surveyor for and to reside at, each port oi delivery j authorized by this act : But the Pres- lueiu m iutr recess o; ine ei;tle, may make temporary appointments of any ' such collector or surveyor;, wiiose commission shall expire irt forty days irom ine commencement of the next session of Congress thereafter.' Sec. And be it further enacted, mat each collector and surveyor au t Sec 11. And I hat the fust section of an act pas sed on the second day of March, one thousand eight hundred anij nineteen, . entitled ; An act supplementary ; to thfc acts concerning-the coasting trade," be so far altered and amended that the sea coast and navigable rivers of the United States be, and the same are hereby, divided into thtee great districts, .the first and second to Ibe and remiiruas therein described, and the4thiru to include all the potts, har bors, sea coasts, and navigable rivers between the southern limits of Geor gia and! the river Perdido, and siid third great district so established, I shall be subject to all'the regulations L dijt! provisions of said act. Apphoved MAy J, l$22. Sec. 2. And be i S,, j thorized by this act, shall give bo.ui jdent aiuiually t further enacted, for the true and faidilul discharge of Imitii and teac AN ACT to nrovidn frr" : the Ottowas, Poltawainies, Kicka. ! poos, Choctaws, Kaskaskias, to IMiiihalatubbe, and fo curry into! effect the treaty of Saga n aw. I : ' Me it enacted, hy the Senate and House of lirprfsentutivis of the Unf. ted States of America in Congress nis tietnbled, Thati for' carrying into el feet a treaty concluded at Chicago, ciri the twtmtv-nhth day of August ohe l thousaijd eiht hundred and twenty- i one, the following sums, to be pa d j out f any mone s in the Treasury. not otherwise appropriated. be.: and the same are hereby, , appropriated, ; for fiie;i);)vment of the anninfv in ' : f - ' J jtrcaty, to beipaid to the ft)ilowmg,Iii Jdian tribes, th;:t is to ssy : to the Ot itowas a pM-miioeut annuity of one jthutivand dollais, annually ; to. tlm paid tribe of Indians, one thousand? jfive. hundred dollars, for ten -years, in ippcrt of -a biacksinilh; teacher, ; and a person to irutruct the Ottawa in agriculture and for, the purchase ot cattle, and farming utensils; fo the ; Pottawatmies five thousand dollars annually, for twenty years, find a fur i her sum cf one thousand dollars to the said tribe' of Indians, simulated ilk iaid treaty, to be applied by the Pnsi That if any person shaW attempt to s his duties, Jin such sum as the T resi- teacher for them : to the ti:..1..l :i s r . j- i en(b, a ,y of said ordinances, deolf the Uni.ed SttK v Hi ,Z C "Z TZ , "'"ik'WO ",0U or oiVes, by da.a?di, and 1 and prescribe ; arfd ,he 'cijfcW for: UTi lX n " Z Z'SZZXl" v, or assess- ine .district ol rehsacola shall, in ad-1 f -th i,.,,,., ... ,.i h J Z :LYi ?tUn. - r ,teS anU yHe, in the state ftf Illinois, on tluj j ? i --, winn,iL.ii ; lowru O'V law. rfceivt? uiipf? ojr r-.nt thereof; be. punished, by fine, not ex- 1 commisiints an I no more'.; on all mn. leoumg iwo . no up red dollars, or by ; neys received and p.,ij by him on ac count of ; the duties on goods, wares 'and'merciiiindise,and on the tonnage of vessels ; and each oilier collector shall, in ! addition to the fees and e- mi j)i iMMiMirm mn exceeuing six months, either or both of said punish ments. - Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United States shall, in such manner, and uu dersuch regulations as he may direct and prescribe, cause to be refunded to any peisou any sum cf money which , mice uci ccui.j turriietn Of Jufv. o:ie lhmi:ind - ,f I ii V . j 7 - -K"-; hnndiedarid niueteeeti, and to con! Unue so appropriated so long as the! said treaties shall be in force. ' . ! For carrviutT Slates may have, and shall not ! may have paid under or by virtue idered as affecting the rights of of either of said laws, ordinances, or claimed is undefined in quantity, or shall pyr.pfl ofiHTjhfiiiv;'n.l nf.ivs : hnl y thereafter, at St. Augustine, nflii'u X.,n ...'; 7 f,ue ascertaining and determining whh tieiropinion lo the 5t.c. w all c amu to ands within the said r m . , . ... !.:,...:. ...u-u ,ui t reiaryorme ireasuiy, looeiaiu oe ""ii'l ICS ; IltlllCC ll WilH.ll iiau uc I v"n,by said Commissioners, in some n?spaper printed at each place, or, B thtre be no newspaper, at the most Public places in said cities, respecfive-I'-ofthe time at which their sessions commence, requiting all persons b bring forward their claims; with ev ince necessary to support them. fee session at St.. Augustine shall n.inate on the thirtieth of June, ae thousand eight hundred and tweri- Itaree, -! an r selves. ec. 4. And.oe it further enacted. 4 i ui mis aci snati he ui force from and after the first day of June next Approved May 7, 1822. fore Congress for their determination Every witness attending under any j process Irom the Commissioners shall be allowed one dollar a day, and one d llar for every twenty miies travel, to be paid by the party summoning him : Provided, nevertheless, That the Commissioners shall not act on, or take into consideration, any Brit ish grant, patent, warrant, or order of L survey, but. those winch are Dona aue claimed hnd owned by citizens of the It'liatl eta4 .mMi.t.kMi.. I ,n r. . . . - r, ... unilt?u Jiaws, anu ivuic.i nae never iurviaru io ine secretary of ttje . T.; . . y ? been com Densi sury, to he submitted to ton less, a detail of all they have done. deliver over to the surveyor all archteves documents, and papers, the British go- !bt may be in their oossession. been compensated by vernment. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That thre shall be appointed by the President of the Uni ed States, by and with the advice and consent of the 11. 6 11 f .wrtcllSenate a surveyor, who shall possess 'ev,iy person or the heirs of re- ;;the r and itf and eive i:Vt. ! 7 i9V"9 rne same salary as by law appertains iu 1.1c surveyor souui oi tue oiaie oi under any patent, grant, dated of nnp iI.wiiqi,;! f'tirhl hundred A . i ii nun w l tmiu uuuv. -j- , -panisb sovernraent. or by the r6f nations, andwhich arr not re ""wssioa, or order of survey, 'vus to the twenty-fourth day man- lennesseej, but his duties' shall not commence until the commissioners shall have examined and decided up on the claims in West Florida, who shall thereupon furnish the surveyor wan a nsi oi tnose aamittea. ana ne to survey the havf &nrvv. I... . 1.. I . ' . - aiMu nn-, uc.uic uiy d mark:d. and aid down unon their 1 ' -1 i .'." i e htMu , with a list of those adm by the treaty ceding the ternto- hereupo1 C ?JWa.'to 1 ,C country, taking care to States, sih fie. before the I Li i'-i-i.? 5 ' i - or lo. . J .""Bstoners, his. her. Z4 setting forth, narticularlv. its ano r.- a general plan, to be kept in bis of fice the metes: and bounds of the t..' i i ... K : ' , 1 1 ' 1 . claims so admitted : causing thesame f. ?ed the deraiiiraent of li- i . . .ui f t grantees, ' cre thev are not thf rr,l,5d claimants; which shall bej rut d Lv the Secretary, and who, j to be surveyed at the expense of the claimants the" price whereof shall be j public AN VCT to provide for, the collec tion of imports and tonnage in Flo rida, and for other purposes. ; lie it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Uni ted States of America in Congress as sembled, That all the portshaibors, waters, and 'shores,' of all that part of the main land of Fiorida, lying be tween the collection district of St. Ma ry's, in Georgia, and the .river Nas sau, with all the. ports, harbors, wa ters, and shores, oi all the Islands op posite and nearest thereto, "be. and hereby are, annexed to, and made and constituted a part of, the collec tion district of Sr. -iIary's, in Georgia. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That all the ports, harbors, shores, and waters of the main land in Flori da, and of the Islands opposite and nearest thereto, extending front the said river Nassau to Cape Sable, be, and the same are hereby, established a collection district, by the name of the district of St- AugUstine, whereof St. Augustine shall be ;the only port of entry, -' ' Sec. 3. And be it farther enacted, That aj! the ports, harbors, shores; and waters of the mxrin land of Flori ida and the islands opposite and near est thereto, extending from Cape Sa ble " to Clrariotte . Bay, be; and the same are herebv, established a co!ec tiou district, by the name of the dis trict of Key West, and a port of en try may be established in said district, President of the moiumenis allowed by -fa w receive an aunual. salary of live hundred dollars ; and three per cent, commissions and no more", on all moneys received and paid by him on account of the duties cn goods', wares, and merchandise. imported into his district, and on the tonnage of vessels: 'and each ui vev- Or authorized by this act shall, in ad-.; dinon tn the fees and emoluments al lowed by law, i eceive'an annoal sal ary of three hundred dollar anti each such collector and s vey or sha ll ex ercise the same powers, be subject to thesame duties, and be entitled to the same privileges and inunjumlies, as other coljecturs and surveyors of the customs oft the Unit d States. " ' Sec. 9. j And hi? it further enacted;, That ships or vessels arriving f'lom and aflei die thirtieth day ol" June next, from the Cape of Good iiojje, or from any place beyond the saint-, shall be admitted to make entry at the the port of entry of I'tmsacioid, end at no other port or place in Florida. I Sec. lO.j Ai:d be it -'further '.enacted, That ail laws which impose any du ties on the importation of any gooUs, wares and merchandise, into said ter ritory of Florida, or on theexpoita- tion of any goods, .wares, and mer chandise, from said territory, or on the tonuage of vessels, or .which allow J any drawback on the exportation of eii'ht a p- any goods, wares, or merchandise, other than such duties or drawbacks, as are paid or allowed in other terri tories or places in the United States, are hereby repealed : Provided, fPhat nothing in this act contained shall au thorize, the; allowing of drawbacks on the exportation of any goods, waresr and merchandise, from any port or place of said territory, other than ou those which shall have been imported directly into the same, from! a foieign port or place; and no drawback shall be allowed on any goods,' wares, &r into fleet certain stipulations contained, in the treaty of the sixteenth Novemberi one thousand eight numbed and five, with the Cboc- tdw nation, afid for the annual gtatUM1 ty to said nation, allowed Under tne- vious treaties, for which no aphropri afion has heretofore been UMfleJ nnnu- a(ly twothouaiidfourhiiudred dollars. Iprthe aurmitv to iMmhalaiiibbee. ' provided for in the treaty contluiled vjth the Choctaw '.nation, )ctober eighteenih, one thousand ehdit bun-! deed and tweoty, and to , curry inf. effect the stipulation of . said . treaty, I relative to lijiht horse, annually, seven ho ud red and fifty doliar. " For annuuy secured to the Kaskas kias tribe, by the treaty of the! thir teenth August, one thousand hdhdred and tliree, for which' ho f propriation has heretofore been mad . ailnunliy, five hundred dollars liV)r carrying into "effect the stipula tioh 'contained in the treafv concluded atj2aganav, twenty fourth September, j one diousaud eijiht hundred and nine teen, relative to the employment of a blacksmith, and persons to ajd in ai;ii culture, '&c tec. and for vvhiclmo ap propriation lu- heretofore been made, tb4 annual sum of two thousand dbllais. IVeinovtD May 7, 1822. ' 1 - 1 ' - ' 1 , - - t . . .. TTT"'"""''""!' I .SUUVKYING. 1 H K subsci iber informs the public. ; that he has taken the office lai ly pccujiied by Mr. Jonathan Pttr, opposite th'e Methodiit .Meeting Uousej where he" may at all times brf found ; ami respectfully offer his ser vices assi,SUaVE YOityto those who may .think proper to employ him. Having prosecuted, his studies lintler the direction of Mr. f rick, who- k no wn precision and a ccuracy em -Qehtly qualified him for aw inlroct , and being determined to spare t. pain j to please, Jie hopes to be ena bled to give entire satisfaction. All ofders from iiny part pi tins r the same as is paid for surveying tbel " . H-c lucs41. lands j but no purveyor lyycev merchandise, exported from any port j the adjoining Counties, will be thapU of Florida Which shall have been in.- : full received and promptly attend ) ported before the tenth day of July, '' to.j ' ! p . j one thousand eiht bendred aud t wen-'t . JOHN STKEST. 1st, 1322.'Jif '; :-' .1- -) .1 r ,

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