! - 4 TTTKP A mm i-N II Ji lJ 9 ' Volume Y.) ;. XENVBETW, .V. C. SURDAY, SEPTEMBER l' 1822. : '. ' 1 i . m jua vu . i v ..v. .... . 1 , . 1 rRLVTI AM PUBLISHED WEEKLY, BY Pasleur &l NVatsou, 3pXR AITSCJi UAL? PAYABLE 15 ADVANCE. we3t IJSDU TftADET 13INO TERIIO GEOlliJC 1. 11EGI5. 1 .J.V .iCT Taregttlte tie Trade between hi Majesty's pi?$seskns in America and the JFirx Indies, gad otbetplaces in America and the JFtrt . i. 24 June, 1822. fThe first section repeals the acts regu llMg the importation and exportation of cfrtain articles into and from certain Colo gsin America and the West Indies. The second section provides against discharge of any seizure, forfeiture or penalty already made or ii.curred.J 3. And be it further enacted, I hat from ind after the passing of this act, it shall be aful to impoit into any of the ports enu merated in the Schedule annexed to this ict, marked f A ) from any foreign country on the continent of the Ciortn or poutA nrnca, or from any foreign island in the iT'ff Indies, whether such country or lsl- iid as aforesaid shall uncfer the domin jofiofany foreign Kuropean Sovereign or State, or otherwise, the articles enumera? id in the chJule annexed to this act, Barked (B.) eit!ier in Wrfsi-built ships qr vessels owned .an 1 uaviatr'd according to lair, or in any ship or vessel bona fide the bnilt of and owned by the inhabitants of am country or place belonging t' or under the dominion of the sovereign or state of wiiich the said articles are the growth pro duce, or manufacture, such ship or vessel lying navigated with a master and three fourths of the mariners at least belonging to such country or place; or any British built ship or vessel which has been sold to lid become the properly of subjects of any jjc.i sovereign oi state, such ship or vessel Ji"t mentioned being also navigated with a master and three-fourths of the mariners i: least belonging to suclf country or place : PnvidetJ always, that no articles enumera ted in the said Schedule shall be imported a any foreign ship or vessel or in any Jta7A-built ship or vessel so sold as a- fresaid, unless shipped and brought di- wtly from the country or place of which fhfV are the growth, produce or uuoul't.c- 4. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful to export in any British bjili ship or vessel owned and navigated according to law, or in any British-butt ship or vessel so sold as aforesaid, from my of the ports enumerated in the Sched t!e, annexed to the act, marked (A.) any Lticle of the growth, produce, or manu facture of any of his Majesty dominions, v. - ..vrw - U.r JJIU puilS, MWHH.w iiiui mc gam ai 11- t!ei when exported in any such foreign lhifyir vessel so sld us aforesaitl, shall he exported direct to the country or t;ite in Anjrica or the West Indies to which .uch ihip-or vessel belongs as aforesaid, and be fcreihe shipment thereof security by bond lh!l be given to his Maiestv, his heirs and laccessors, in a penally equal to half the Value of the said articles ; sucli bond to be tiered into by the master and exporter kfore the collector or qf her chief officer of the customs of such colony, plantation, fir island, for the due landing the said ar mies at the port or ports for which enter i. and for producing a certificate thereoi ah;n twelve months from the date ol such nd, undef the hand and seal of lUe'Biit- i Consul or Vice Consul resident at he rtorDlace where the said aiticle shall iave been landed ; but in case there shall lot be any such Consul or Vice Consul 6fre resident, such certificate to be under fee hand and seal of the Chief Magistrate, k under the hand and seal of two known Bi7iA Merchants residing at such port or pace; but such bond may be discharged K proof on oath by credible peisons, that kesaid articles were taken bv enemies, or hrished in' the seas: Provided always, nothing herein contained shall be con-' Sraed to permit or allow the expoitaiion 0: arras or naval stores, unless a li kase shall have been obtained for that pur fa? from his Majesty's Secretary of State; in case any such articles shall be hip H or waterborne for the purpose of being ported contrary to this act, the same be forfeited, and shall and may be ecuted as hereinafter directed. 5' Provided alwavs, and be it further cted, That from ten ears after the pas la?of this act, nothing in this act contain extend or be construed to extend 7xclude from the trade allowed by this 3, lay foreign ship or vessel which, pre- . iuc passing Ol mis aci, lucty to the passing of this mm mm mt At ra enga ged in lawful trade with his Ala aid colonies, islands or plantations, 'ctount of uch ship or vessel uoi be tf the built of the country to which r aip or veuel may belong. ! And be it further enacted, That in I fc. doubt shall arise, whether any k. ' "'i"! ujei cnaiKiiie iiuciiicu 10 oc (ill ? Ifiy fre,gn sn'P or VMsel, Uil lutiority of thiiactjbad beeu legal ly imported into such port, the legality ot tor, and upon which the Duties ped&e4 the memo-aging and increasing of Ship. 19. such importation shall be made to aouear "in sM SchedmV shall h- n-A -1 i:' - j rLJr V . - . . . , ,, rr- - 6cvi auu uaiu. t vtns ana riauigauun: ana anoiner Act of enacted. to the satisfaction of the Co ector and PrnvifUrl also, that .ll r .uAL. . s . . .t J, . ! . . comptroller, or other principal officer of the customs of such port, before such goods, wares, and merchandize shall be suffered to be shipped for exportation. 7. And be it further enacted, That from .J i l ' L . l ii and after the uassin? of this act. there shall . . . .. oe raueu, leviea, collected, ana paia unto ms .tjajesiy, nis neirs ana successors, upon the several articles enumerated or describ- ed in the said Schedule marked (C.) im ported or brought into any of the ports e numerated in jthe Schedule marked (A.) from any such foreign island, state, or country, under the authority of this act. 1. r the several duties qf customs a- the same are respectively inserted or described and set forth in figures, in. the said Schedule an- same shall be under the management of the Customs in England, and shall be rai- sed. Iv.ed. cnllertpH. naWi an,! rprl in such and the like manner and form, and hVs,,rh!and th lilr. n,L. oy sucn ana tne iiKe rules, ways, means, and methods respectively, and under such i.:. j rr . - - .i j pfiidiues auu lorieiiure-j, as any oiner.au tieg now payable to his majesty on goola imported iniQ anj' of the. islands, planta tions, colojiies, or territories belonging to or under the dominion of his Majesty in America or the West Indies, are or may be raise;!, levied, collected, paid and re covered by any act or acts of Parliament now in force, as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as if the several clau ses, powers, directions penalties, and for feitures relating theieto, were particularly repealed and again enacted in the body of this ac t ; and the produce of such duties shall be pnid by the Collector of the Cus toms to the Treasurer or Receiver Gene ral of the colony, ptovince or plantation in which the same shall be respectively levied, to be applied to such use? and put poses as may be directed by the authority of the re spective General Couris or General s seuiblies of sucji - colonies, provinces, or plantations. 8. And be it furcher enacted That in case there shall be no General Courts or General Assemblies in the Colony, Prov ince, or Plantation, in which the said Duties shall have. been levied or collected under the authority of this Act, the net proceeds of such puties shall then be applied and ap piopriated in such and the like manner and to such uses as any other Duties levied and collected in any of his Majesty's Colo nies, I rovinci s, or Plantations in America r the West Tidies, not h iving General Courts or General rissemblies, may now by any ct or Acts of Parliament, passed in (treat Britain? or the United Kingdom of Ureal Britain and Irfiand, or by any Order of his Majesty in Council or ' -y any Proclamation isned in His Majesty's Name, be appropriated and applied. 9. And be it further enacted, 'iThat in all Gases Where, by the Schedule marked (C.) the Duties imposed upon fhe Impor tation of Articles into IJkh Majesty's Colo nies, Plantations, or Islands in America and the West Indies, are charged . not ac cording to the Weigl't, Gauge, or Measure, but according to the Value thereof such Value shall be ascertained by the Declara tion of the Importer or Proprietor of such Articles, or his known Agent or Factor, in Manner and Form following; that is to say,) i A. B. do hereby declare, That the ' Articles mentioned in the Kntry, and con- tained in the Packages Itrre specifying ' the several Packages, and describing the 4 several Marks and Numbers, as the Case may 6e, are of the value of 4 Witness mv Hand, the day of r The above Declaration, signed the Day of in the Presence of C. D. i Collector or ether Principal Officer ' which Declaration shall be written on the Warrant of Entry of such Articles, and Nhall be subscribed with the Hand of the Importer or Proprietor thereof, or his known Agent or Factor, in the Presence of the Collector or othr Principal Officer of the Customs at the Port of Importation ; Provided, that if upon View and t.xami nation of such Ankles by the proper Offi cer of the Customs, it shall appear to him that the said Articles are not valued ac cording to the true Price or VaJue thereof, and according to the true Intent and glea ning of this Act, then and in such Case the' 'Importer or Proprietor, or his knowo A gent or Factor, shall be required to de-, dare on Oath before the Collector or Chief Officer of ihe Customs at the Port of Ioi- ' portation which Oath be is hereby au- i.t j j ! i . i::. a i monzeu ana requireu iu huuiuiimiti wuai is the Invoiced Price of such Arlicles, and that he verily believes such Invoice Price is the current Value of the Articles at th Place from whence the said Articles were imported ; and such Invoice Price, with the addition of Ten Pounds per Centum there- on, shall be deemed and taken to be the Value of the Articles in such Colony, rlRntailon, or isianu as aiurtrsaiu, m ueu of the Value jm? declared by the Importer or Proprietor, or bis kaeya Agent or c- Collector or other Chief Officer of the Cds- tqras; that such Articles have been invoji ced belaw the real and true Value thereof at the Place from whence the same were imported, or if the Invoice Price is i 1 i 1 : . t i . - . known. thf articles shall m i,.K -o-J. y izz . vaac, examined by I wo competent Persons, oe nominated ana appointed by the,,Gov. ernor or Commander-in-chief of the Cnn. ny, nntation, or Island into which the said Articles arp imported ; and such Per sons shall declare on Oath, before the Col jector or, chief officer of the Customs, what is the true and real Value of surd ArriYlt? - - - in such Colony, Plantation, or Island : and the Value so declared on the Oaths of such Persons shall be deemed to be the true and ; the Duties specified in the said Schedule ; marked fC.) shall be charged and paid. i n aL ii it Lh.L n1... :r ihe Importer or Proprietor of such Articles LhiLt ntrtL n..;;u.K.. :. posed Ithereo.,, it shall and may be lawfu Illdies . b it.herefore enacted, That it for. the Collector or other Chief Officer of sh;ilI be ,avvfu, for nu MajestV hs the Customs where such Articles shall be anU Successors, by Order in Council fVom imported, and he is hereby respectively Time to Tjme when and as ofien as the required to take and secure the same, with saine 8a be jud d expedient, to prohib the Cash 0F other Package thereof, and to it Trade and intercourse under (he'Authqr cause the same to be publicly, sold, wuh.n hy 0f this Act, with any Country or W ihe pace of Twenty Das at most after ,ail(, in America Q the West. Indies,: if it such Refusa made, and at .such Time and sha,i a ar lo Uh Majesty that the Privi- iV ; rr. " V r 'V Days Public ISolice, appoint for that Pur pose, winch articles shall be sold to the best Bidder ; and the Money arising by the Sale thereof shall be applied, in the First Place, in Payment of the said Duties, together with the Charges 'hat shall have been occasioned by the said Sale; and the Overplus, if any, shall be paid to such imponer or t ropneior, or any other t er- sons authorized to receive the same. 11. And be it further enacted Thj , I IIU I whenever any Foreign Article is liable to Duty by this Act on the Importation there of into any of his Majesty's Colonies, Plan tations, or Islands, in America, or the ' 'est Indies under the Provisions of this ct, the like Duty slad be payable upon such Foreign Article when Imported into any such Colonies, Plantations, or Islands oneci iioih any raiioi lf;e unuea rving - I !.... a'.: f J a . a' -1 - f T l T.- ' dom of Great Britain and Ireland: and uch Duty ithall be raised, levied, collect ted, and paid, in such and the like Manner, j and be appropriated and applied to such and the like Uses, as the Duty payable up on the like Article imported from any oili er 1 luce, under the Piovisjous of this Act, is by this Act. directed to bexaised and applied- l"i Provided always, and be it fuither enacted, That if upon the Importation of any Article charged with the Duty by this" Act. the said Article shall also be liable to the Payment of Duty under the Authoiify of any Colonial Law, equal to or exceed ing in Amount the Duly charged by this Act, then and in such Case the Duty charg ed upon such Article hy this Act, shall net be demanded or paid upon the Impprta lion of such Article ; Provided a!so; that if the Duty payable uhden such Colonial Law shall be less in Amount than the Duty payable (by "this Act, then and n sucli Case the Difference only in the Amount of the Duty payable by this Act, and the Du ty payable under the Authority of such Co lonial Law. be deemed to be the Duty payable by tU Act ; and the same shaii be collected and paid in the like Maiiiier, and appropriated and applied to such and the like Uses, as the Duties specified in the said Schedule annexed to this Act marked (C.) are directed to be collected, paid, appropriated and appTnfd. 13. And be it further enacted," That ali Sums of Money granted and imposed by this Act as Duues snail be deemed and i are hereby declared to be Sterling Money jof Great Britain, and shall be collected, .recovered, and paid, to the Amount of the Value which such nominal Sums bear in ; Great Britain; and that such Moneys ! may be received and taken according to i the Proportion and Value of Five Soil- ling$ 9nd Sixpence the Ounce in Silver 14. And beit fun her enacted, that any Article enumerated io the Schedule (B.) legally imported as aforesaid under the authority of this act shall be allowed to be exported in any British Ship or Vessel, owned and navigated according to Law, to any other 'British Island, Colony, or Plan tation in America or the West Indies, pro vided that .upon the Importation thereof into any such other British Island, Colo ny, or Plantation, Proof shall be produced that the said Dutjes due to his Majesty have been irjst paid io the Colony or Plan tation into which the said Articles shall have been Jjrsi imported 5 and any Article so imported io any Ship or Vessel as afore said shall be jHlftwed to be exported 40 any Part of ! the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, under the Rules, Regulations, Restrictions; Securities, Pen alties, and Forfeitures, parju'cularly men? tinned and provided in an .Act of arlia ment made Jn the twelfth ear of ?King Gtoit'ihe Second, intituled An Act for and 1 wenty-third Years of the Reign of Right which JSntith subjects or others. tay King Charles the Second,' intituled An enjoy undf r any Law in lorce el the pat . Act to prevent the planting of Tobacco ij sing of this act, fo exporting in' lkitis England, and for regulating the Planta- Ships from Ports not enumerated ia tb timt Trif . anrf 'in annlhpr Aint nf Pav .Srfioiil trrrmA f A th'a rnAnrm t nf ths not ! wi i:.. L.i ,i..n -v mcj uaiiicin maue in ine i weniieiu i ear to' His late Majesty's Reii ijesty's Reign intituled An to -aiiow tne iraae between Ireland ana t at anus, i j. British Colonies in America and the West , 20n! And be it furl her fnacled, Tjjit til Indies, and the British1 Settlements on the penalties and forfeitures imposed by." this Const of Africa; tp be carried on in like t act shall and may be respectively .proseciH Manner as is now carried on between ted, sued for, and recovered, and diide4 Great Britain and the said Colonies and ', in Great Britain. Cuernru'Jrrsev. or the 'H . T m t m . Settlements, or in any of the said Acts with respect to the Goods, Wares, or Merchan dise therein enumerated or described. : 15. And whereas it is the intetition and hi "f ?? i Frmlege, i t J 'te ! , r'P SC A , sjiall oe confined to the Ships and t Tv vS?!" gTV I,ke .nygt J British Mi.ps and Ves- ,es gted bv this Act to foreign Ships - and Vessels are not allowed to BritL Ships and Vessels trading to aiid from any such Country or Island under I thtf Provis ions of this Act ; and. in case siich Order of His Majesty in Council shall be issued, then during fhe Tjme that such Order in Council shall he in tnrr nnnn nf tlio Prn. visions of this Act, either as respects the . Laws herein reoealed. or to anv other Pro ' ; . 7 visions of" thij Act, shall apply or be taken to apply to any Countiy oc State, the Trade with which, under the Provisions of this Act, shall be prohibited by any such trder or His. Majesty, in Council; ai)d if any Goods whatever shall be imported from or shipped for the Purpose of being exported to any such Country or Island in America or the West Indies, in any Foreign Ship orj Vessel, after Trade and Intercourse . . ' . i. . . , therewith shall have been prohibited' by any such Order of his Majesty i.u Council, issued under the authority of tiiis pet, ' all sucii Goods, together ;with the Ship or VTes sel in which the same shall hie been shipped for the Purpose of being exported as aforesaid, shall be forfeited, with all her guns, furniture, ammunition, tackle, -7ind ajiparel ; and in every such case the same V:rVrr '"V " U-IT r-" Uis Majesty's Customs or INavy, authorized or empowered -to make Seizures in case:.f forfeit lire, atnl sltxl! and mav he nrniprii. ted in manner as herein-after directed. 16. And be it further enacted,! That if Hi's iMajesty shall deem it expedient toen teid iiie-provisons of this a,ct to any Port or Ports not enumerated iif the Schedule njarked (A.) it shall be -lawful-fur' His Ma-, jestv by Order in Council, to extend he provisions' of this act jo such Port or PortsJ and frcwi and after the day mentioned jin such order in Council, all (the privileges arid advantages otl this act, arid all the pro-, visions, penalties ! and forfeitures t.iereiti contained, shall extend and "be deemed and construed to extend t( any such Port or Ports respectively, as fully as iflle same had been inserted and eiiumeiated in the said Schedule? at the time of passing this set. 17. And it further enacted, j Tfcat no Artic!es; except such as aie enumerate in tiie Schedule niarked (i.) shail be imported in any such wifisd-yuut Qi;,:p or vessel, or in any such foreign Ship or Vessel, or in any Brfish-iiult Ship or Vessel so sold as .'.foresaid, from any Foreign -Country or Si.ite, on the Continent of Amerida. or Isl and in the West indies, into any of the Ports enumerated in the Schedule! marked (A ) oi into any Port which may be added virtue of to the Schedule marked (A ) by any Order in Council as aforesaid, on any Pretence whatever,' on , pain of I brfeiting such Articles, together with thfl Ship or Vessel in which the same" shall have. been imported, and lire guns, tackle, apparel, and furniture of such Ship or Vessel ; aiid in every such case the same shall and may be seized by any Officer or Officers of his Majesty's Customs or Navy, who are or shall be authorized and empowered tn make seizures in cases of tbi feifure, and shail and may be prosecuted in such maa- ner as herein-after directed. t : JL . , , . ' 18. And be it further enacted, That 09 articles whatever shall be imported or ex - ported.either in a BntishAuh Ship or Ves- sel, or in any such foreign Ship or essej l.-r :J f ..t i as aiuresiiiu. iruuj ui lu anv jwicihii tuuii- try on' the Continent of North lor South America, or from or jo any foreign Island in America and the Wet Indies, not enu merated in- ;he Schedule annexed to this act marked (A) oh any pretence whatev er, on forfeiture of such Articles, as also I ' tmpr ed, iri h ill her guns, , the Ship or Vesssel in which the same shall furotture, , w Provided ilirijt, nd he it fur tbef i nai notning in inis act cvni affect or be construed to aiTt-ct th of Fisheties carried on from any Act jesty's said Colonies, rlantations. or l f ' - f:ii-i;i j- - I' tui oi r isueries carneu on iram any wi ii iua Isle of Man, or in anv of His Majesty's Colonies or Islands in America f in the; same manner and t'prcp, and by the same, rules, and regulations in all respects' n o fur as jthe same a re applicable, as any oth er penalties and forfeitures imposed by any act or acts of Parliament made for ihe te curity jof the revenue of tie Customs, oc . for tbe regulation or Improvement thereof ; . or for the regulation of Trade or Naviga tion) and which were in foice inimedialely before The passfhg of this act, ny f re spectively prosecuted, sued for, rrcojrr ed, and difided in Great Britain, Guernsey Jersey!, or the 7e of Man, or . in any. of his Majesty's Colonies or Islands in Amafc- tea. . s. Schedules to which this Act rrfersi Y SCHEDULE (A.) ' LIST OF FREE PORTS. Ports of Kingston, Savannah Le'Mar, Alontego Bay, santa Lucia, Antonio, St. Ann.' Falmouth. Maria, Morant Bay, in Jamaica. . Saint George, Grenada. liosscau, - -Saint Johns, -Sab Josef, . - Scarborough, - -Iluad' Harbor, - -: Nassau, - -l'ittstown, . Kingston, - J'ort George" and Port Hamilton, - " Any jort where there h a custom houne Douiinica. Antigua. Trinidad. Tobago. Tortoia. - New Proridence. Crpoked Island St. VinccnU. I Bermuda. Bahamatt Bridgetown, Barbadotf. St. John's, St. Andrew's, New Brunswick, ' 1 fajj fa Nova Scotia.. fiuebec, St. Uohn'g, Getjretown, Ne4; Amsterdam, Ca.sjtriesj - -ChTj.rk'stown, Baisetcrre, -l'lylnowth, Canada. New Foundlajid Demerara. Bcrbicc. St. Kitu. Nevis. St. Kitt.' MontaCrrat. and SCEEDULfi (B.) Asses. . Barley. Beans. Biscuit. Indian Corn Meal. Indira, j Live Stock of any Sort Lumber. - ' Logwood. .Mahogany, and. othejf Bread, Beaver, and all Sorts oil r Fur. ! Bowsprits. . woini for Labimt W are. i "' CalavuickJS Ma,U. Mules. Neat Cattl. Uals. Pease. I'otaroei. I'oultry. ifitch. Itye. Cocoa. . i Cattle. . Cochineal Coin an IjBuHion. Cotton sVool, Drills of'alJ Sorts Diamond, uud l'rtcious Stonesj Itice.' J'riiit ani Vegetables. Fu.vtick, and all Sorts cf ''Vood llr Dyer's !Ue. Flour. j ' Grain of anv'Sort. ' Garde a Seeds. 1 Hay. j fleinp. i f lvadinij Boards. At M - iiave4!. flirts. ', iungjes. Shct'p. Tar. -furpentine.' " -Tilljv. tobacco: Timber. llorst's. llide. ; Hoops. Toribie-sbellf-WoV.t. " Wheat. Vard,. Hardwood or Mill-Tim ber. ' SCUHDULE (C.) i A Schedule of Duties navahle en artirlW imported into His Majesty's Possession in America and the West Indies, from other places in America and the West Indies ihe Duties following : (that is to -j S'y.) . . '. L. s. d. Barrel" of V'heat Flour, not weighing ' Sterling; .more than . 190 lbs. net weight 0 6 Q Ban d of Biscuit, not weighing more T i 'than I90ib. net weight " 6 2 6 For everyl Cw t. BUcuit '0.1 6 F or ecrylo.j lb, of Bread, made from ' : ; , Wheat or other Grain imported hi ttagi or; i'ackage 0 ? $ For every Barrel of Flout, not weigh- .1 in 5 more than 196 lbs.1 made from Rye, Feai, or Beans ! ; '. For every bushel oYEeas, Beans, Rye, or CalavanCs-s " " Rice, for I very 100 lbs. net weight or every 1,000 Shingles, called 'Bos ton Cuips, not iare thau 12 inches 9 2 0 o o 2 in 0 For every 1,000 Shingles, beinrmore' V i thau 12 inheg in length 'OH For erery l,0dd Red OaJt Stares ' 1 For every 1,00 W hite Oak Staves or 1 j v Headings . 015 For eryri,0i)0 Feet orvhite or yI- - T mm't. IiUmI Teetof Pitrh Pin ' i 1 4 if ' J - 1" ' i 4 'Lumber - v'v . .1 Other Kinds of Wood and Lqaber, per ' '1,000 Feet ' J For eey l,d00 Wood Hoopi 0 Horses, for every 1007. of the Vaiu -' thereof - 10 Neat Cattle, for every 100. of theVal-v. ue thereof.' ' 10 All other Live Stock, for every 10ul. of Ihe. Value thereof . lo .8 6 1 0 .i, 0 i 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 ' !

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