FROM MEXICO. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, .'1822. FEVEIl AT NEW YORK. On the I i th, fifteen new cases were re p0,leJ ; the 13th, tiihec 5 on the 19th, VKN. "V- ' I he special health committee of New York, addressed their fellowrcilizrns, on the I A passenger in the French brtg L'Aze ma, arrived yesterday from Vera Cruz, in forms that every thing was quiet in Mexico under the government ol liuroiae, tne peo pie satisfied, and thegovernment considered iabfe. The only post held by the Royal ists was the' Cattle of it. Juan de Uiloa. . Jbid. The prize brig, Palmyra, having been converted into a prison-ship, the prisoners, composing her crew, were yesterday taken from the jail, and transferred on board her nin nrmprf mn Th. rk . I 9Ulu ears oey were sold at 55s a OOS ninearmea men. ine officer told n hH tvr nn,,.. . was sent bv - the antam t "LiT-i"." r-vM is nowseiiiea, i 7- '."t,,CM w sur-1 ana our gram market is vert dull, prise and regret at Cirdim i, ; u. I 6 UUIIV Uth inst. They have requested those hav- f safe keeping, until they shall be pm . r rk.L. . u' .i.:- I upon tlieir trial. And a requisition iiaviny rin hv vtr.l pnrv tliH tifivrii-l aecic. summoiieu ine cantam anrl nccoorro rmtniw mvprtti inir? v iviini v.... t . .. - i . . uwfcucM - . . . - -V I , ,r. , I. IT '. t I hnm t .a nhltl . w - . ..y.ji i.iv. j cu b wiu luuna eacn of pnse auu regret at liudin? us in th m. place ; without taking mto view the light winds which had prevented our making any progress. This officer thn ordproH tn -hoist ;our long boat from off the hatches in order! to get at the hold, and commanded me crew io sniit me . vtcA k:w were below, and to search , amongst the sand ballast for specie, which ho rnn. ceived might be concealed there. But dis- ovecihg Tfothmg, they again went upon I rni 1: o Lurvmg or charcoal pi thrv earnestly Call on I or 0,1 'aj- Bird, commanding the United . ; citizens having houses. yards, &c. to like the same measures ; they recommend States troops on this station, for a Lieuten ant's guard, to take charge of them, it was V 1 Washington City, Sept. 20. Lieut. Wbavkk; of ' the Navy, arrived ium IUy i rum ine racioc, though not immediately from our squadron in that sea.y He left Lima about the 25th of June, shortly before which a battlelook place between the royalists and a division of San Martin's army, in which the latter were decisively beaten; and nearly destroy ed. JNo other event of importance had . re cently occurred. Lieut Weaver came over land from the "WBXR5 GCARDS, , v .'A The order for our assembling on. their necks, ordering them to drlar- t I . lieut Weaver came they had concealed the remainder of th I ?K t0 the Atlantic, across the Isthmus parade this evening is countermanded in- u I . ... . t .1 I i' ..,i.;t. rr.t . I OI ranama. whirh has hprnmp an inlprpc. I ... ': ,;,,.llM..ror ccIbrS, on .lmrgin o. -n.mea.a.e y c.;.,1IlrU . , una ne guar,, . ZTl . f "PJ81" coon. from the oossibili.v ofa U;a, .Lev I,ad7 i j " .. :r . . . J r I connect th notano a fat nnu.i 1 LODGE, on Thursna v. thi thlrrl flrtnhe 7 ' .uu. I - - ' ...... . , Oilier river, be closed immediatelv : thev ,ldiru UUUCf luc luluu""u WI "tu,r,li"" flL fver has treatlv extended iiori'i-l CJiiflith. jj; c- , - j r- limits t the weather from its extreme Ibid. htdt is deenced to be unpropilious, and ARRIVED YESTERDAY, or J I IV 1 1 warmer than in the sameraonib, in 1798,1 Cruz, 38 day iUth cf 2oveuiber. briu L'Azema, Laulhe, Vera , bound to Bordeaux put in ijwhicli year, uie icver couunueu until Uie here j disties. with part ot her carj:o,coi,- siiting of tobacco aud sarsaparilla. Sailed from the port of Vera Ciuz, on the-1 1th o Vuust, with a valuable caago on board. !2xperieiiced linht and variable winds, un til we. anived otf Raya lionda, in the .Isl and of Cuba, on the 3d Sept. At 7 o'clock in the morning of iliat day, saw a sail, di recting her couise towards us ; af S, made her out to be a schooner, win".- ii, ly her su- Charleston, September 13. ' On Saturday last sbVENTY-SiX VI PATKS were landed from the Grampus, iud given ii;to custody of the Marshal. Ve Joubtiiot they willrineet, with their deserts. To Capt. UrksoryV ami the ollkeis and crew ol ine Grampus, the greatest praise i dire for their vigilance In protecting our commerce, and paiticulnrly for the capture of the Palmyra) alias Pane fill a, which has been notoi fur her depredations on A mcrican tonnnerce. It isfo be hoped that "the" owner of vessels, and captains' who have been captured or plundered by thi veel, will forward their statements in or Ctr that justice may h ive its course. cerdt d in muking preparations for han a in them After torturing them in this wav for some time, and perceimng that their sufferings if ere extreme, and that even the aspect of deaihcoidd extract nothing more from them, they let go the ropes, and re stored them to fife. They then commen ced plundering all they could find on deck, next, precisely at half past three o'clock, P. M. ; equipped agreeably to the regula if the nature of the intervening land be found to admit the practicability of such a 'nrnrlf ,T iai. T - , . 1. oil the route wMrh . rxm. a irpnpmliJ t,ons of thc Company, in W IN I ER Uni low and flat ; and such an one, we should I for,m un,eSi drains, in which case yon will CUMVING & ArnUFFIE. AcctHints received in this city, (says the CiiarSetou I'dtriot,) state that alter the re If,i.e of col. Cuuiminj, in No.rth Carolina, Air. iMrUutlie proposed to fiht him on the I'ncJ ur 3d inst. To this proposal, it is said, col. Cummin? objected on account of fa tijue, and offered fo meet hun on the 4th. Mr. iM'Duflie, in reply, statetMhat as the challenged party, he had the right of choos in the time of meeting, and if his propo sition was out acceded to he would causider himself as penally discharged from any fur ther notice of the business. ' The propo sal not being finally accepted by col. Ciun mintr, Mr. .M'Dullie left the place, and ar rived at Greenville, S. C. on the 5th inst. The next day. col. Gumming reached there and po&ted Air. APDufiie, who treated his antagonist, we learn, in the same manner. Both gentle-men then started for their homes aud thus rests the ulfjir for the present. CUA1MING &lvri)UFFIE. These gentlemen, it appears,! have re turned ffom their second excursion without i.u engagement. We have been favored with letters containing minute relation of ha-i, besides a tiuuk and bundle of old plate the prpvateer passed under our. stern, and the cabtain ennuiriim ol" the officer what -i- i i . i i.. I t - o penor sailing, was nearly up wuu.usat nan ltf jiad yone was answered, that thev had . t ..I.I I. .1. . . . .1 . ! . ' - . -: jirtsi'i, ciiiiiwuii ine vniu whs very iiui, at half past 10, she tiied a gun and hoisted the American Ua. 1'erceiving tliat we had no chance of escaping her, we hove to, and hoisted our flag. At 11 o'clock, she fired a second un, which compelled os to sf-ind towards her, although w considered her a suspicious vessel, particiilarly as we per ceived she had two carriage guns, and a platform for one in the middle of the deck. She had apparently about 50 men on board Rangii:j: to the windward of us, she ordered us to hoist oiit our boat, and come on hoaid of her. with our papers; which was com plied! with. At the same time demanding where we were from, what was cur cargo, and if' we had an) passengers. As our mate was approaching her, she dispatched a b jiit to meet ours, manned vith ten men, mostly, appearing to be' officers, and all Sj atiMid-', a 1 a 1 nrnied witii sabers and daggers; w-no nn boarded us, and demanded 'h;- ;; reader of all the gold and siUer we h;iU oti board ; on which condition alone it?ey w..jid allow us to pioceed : and at the same time obser ving, if we attempted to conceal a single dollar, the captain of the privateer would coaie on board,'and kill every ope of us At the same moment the captain hailed his olficer, and ordered him to stand in for the land, and prepare to anchor at the first con venient place, where they would burn us it we did not surrender all the gold and silver we had on board. Under these alanuing circumstances, and in order to save our' ves sel aud caigo, wf gave up all the specie we presume, as would render an inter-oceanic I appear without arms, ' accoutreme nts, or uniform. . By order, frt cle, in ibe ; cun.bouse, mA. of ,he Tv" TE John StrCCt. 0:S. ....-..nn U fT.... r.t. - ' J utuii iiui tLiv.iioi.t, nt uiu nut I viiiuiiuii" uiiiioiuii, nuu iuc t:ui'u& til uif? i . . . . : . . . i capiat and crew, leaving every thing in Se eut W.fc ou??Ive tonng his stay j Saturday, ept. 28th, 1122. tli n't H;nr,w u'hif- ti,.,c iTi town or our inquiries would have enabled ; : r .t. J ! ... 1 y I US to Pive a morp nartirnla" nsrrintionrtf -. - -? ---- r r -y tU 1t ! :i t i I mc isniHJus. j mis general cnaracierf now ever, may be understood from 'the above, and from Iris denominating it, as through out an ague and fever country, of which he had good evidence, hying detained some time jOn that road by the sickness. A letter from a gentleman in Middle- done nothing more, lie then advised our captain to leave the coast immediately as he should remain there, and we had better not fall into his hands a third time, fie stated, that the day before he was off the j IT. " '.! t I I J I II- I . uavana. wnere ne nao e.xcnangeo ms Doat, town.Y MdAaavs. " tl.r thp lnncrf i;v.r . - i7, as we had already perceived. He also in- hn Wnshinafon r.nnnt nr Mlml,rlJ IVlUlA Lib aLViXlVA U VilX founed tis that he had consorts out, which we might fall in wiih, ,biit from which we had nothing to fear, as they wonid not troulile us this he repeated several times, hut in. a manner that was rather calculated to excite our suspicion. In passing to w ind ward, he ordered his officer , to require of our captain, an inventory of the articles they had taken from us y which was com- iilitxJ witti TIto rirat"mu n fTi ro r loft no ..V.u ....... . III. I.U.lU. IV'. J , we could perceive that she had not so many such a drought ; it is thought that corn will nt average two bushels to the acre, and from the great scarcity of hay and straw, and Children's stock, must suffer most severely. - : Petersburg, September 24. frost.-Yesterday morning came a visi tor, rather unlookedfor though not altoge ther unwelcome- a considerable Frost, Should the air continue at its present de gree of temperature, its salutary and bia- H AS just received from Philadelphia, a general assortment of Men's. Youth's s OF EVERY DESCRIPTION- -mkn's, women's' AND CHILDREN'S men on board, as when tliey tirst boarded ! cing fleets will soon become apparent in fits ') M f I 'stfii'i.irr 1 1 tlura tr'inenhAnfl l-i Ar I 1 L. I . . . n .. . . n . C .! ' Z . ..... had no tlag whatever hoisted. All these I and neighborhood. circumstances, and particularly the threats made to us, determmeu the captain to make j At the moment when thousands are dv- for Charleston, or the first port we" could j ing of famine in Irelan id, there are six mil- yei m in me unneu oiaies, in oruer 10 re1 OF ALMOST EVER1T DESCRIPTION. And a few cases Ladies and Misses Straw Bemuds, 7 Which he offers for sale,-at his Store in Craven-street, next door to Mr. T. W, Pittman's, at reduced prices, for Cash. - September 24, 1822. -36tf lions of bushels of foreign wheat in the go pair damhges and continue his voyage. j vernment warehouses; prohibited bv their While on board tie brig, some ot the pn- J corn laws for sale or grinding : and the har- I "WlnltMMT I'trfrrti TifttMrf valPPN rlli- It 'ICcurluil tlint t ll Pi; llnt f!lt rlav 1 .f r. .1 k.i -I - f Ir. r-i rr I . -4 tliol mkn'it !. I ' . " . . r ft? wr as cheap, in ionaon as at new lork or Philadelphia. previous taken an American ship, atul mur dered thq whole of the. crew, with the ex- ciri'IMIlStanCf i ullirll tir.VntPl ihir SMMrii! f meeiin', and a copy of colonel Cumming's h-nidbill posted in Augusta but as wr t.'iiiik quite enough has been said upon the -ibect aheady , and as there will doubtless, statements and counter statements iii ajutiJ.mce. it will be sufficient to say that t'kr the arrest of colonel Cumminj, a iiv jlace and time of meeting was to be ap panted Upon this point thev could not ,-jnd separated, Air. M'Dulne taking J, in-, litie of march for Greenville, w here W'opp.'d for a sliirt time, and col. Coin on,' following. Here the latter gentle- da 1 jt.isted the former as an '.equivocating ? !;) Ird and base coward i" Underneath l! Air. .M'Ouflie added in another haud t: I. a' recrimination up"n cd. pummiug. Tue litter proceeded to Augusta, where he ajini potted Mr. M'Duffie as befpre, and ai,i a promise of producing to the public i'a I rv of the transaction. Savannah wi"i. j .nnountiug to about 155 p.ainds in weight. Besides, twenty-five watches, 14 of which eption qi the Carer.t.T, wjio was woun ded by them.; and a boy ; and it was well for tliem they were not Americans, or they would all have been put to death. But this is supposed to have been without foundation, -and was probably uttered with a view to intimidate the crew of the. brig. The Governor of New-Jersey has certi fied as true a list of eighty-four persons, nominated as candidates: lor representa tives from New-Jersey, in the eighteenth Congress of the United Males. ; Barron Harris, sen. of Rockville, offers himself a candidate for the next General CHARLESTON, SEPT. I 8. FROM ST. I HoMAS. U'e learn from Capt. Ciiaz il, of the Ca r 'I.ih Ann, arrived yeterday morning from J iiM'ira and St. Thomas ; that it was re lried at the latter place when he Iefr, that f the arrival at St. JuhiiV(Porlo Uico) of wounded men from tiie brig Pauchita, aas Palmyra, the man who had his leg a a;utal :-d, was lrtid in the most public pan ti city, for the purpose of exciting the hp'ilace against the Americans in port, 10 were in consequence compelled to keep ce, until the arrival of the U. S. sloop of 't Cyane, Cant. Spence, which happened , u.iys after. Capt. S. demanded ihe re of all the American vessels that had e! captured by the Spanish cruizeis, and that he had orders to detain all such u.f rs hich hemiyht fall in with. Uurkrtg al St. Thomas were dull trai American vessels in pert. Lturtir PIRACY. Jh her carao. Not satisfied with this, thev made a very rigorous search, during which they found a few dollars, which axaspera ted them very much, and induced them to continue their search, although without suc cess. Tne amount ofSpecie thus civ en up. i . - r . e s nei you may vote lor me n you don't, you may let it alone." Ft. D. If I am elected, Vll send my son. Edward Coles, Esq. late of Virgina, is elected Governorof the Stateof Illinois, by FROM FRANCE Bv the brmOak. were gold, and 1 1 of silver, beint' a part of I arrived atBoston, from Havre, we have I Assembly of Maryland ; " If you choose, received our Pans papers to the 1st of Au gust inclusive. A very animated debate took place in the French Chamber of Dep uties on the 31st of July, in respect to the commercial relations of France with the new Southi American States, and the re- was 22l dollars, besides 1700 belonging cognition qf their independence. The Op-1 a majority of 500 votes over Judge Philips; to a paisen-er. Captain Laulhe now hail- position quoted what had been recently I and Daniel P. Cook is returned for Con- eJ tlie captain ot tlie privaieer, requesting said by the Ministry in Parliament, him to allow the brig to proceed on her touching the commercial policy of Great voyage, according to his piomise, with the Britain as to South America ; and begged that France might not lag behind England nor allow that power to gel. possession of the South American trade.1 The Minister of the Marine replied, that the commerce of France with the new American states, was free and protected by the French navy, and did not-require 'the recognition of their independence to be so. " As to politico e particulars of another most outm- T arf . Piracy, in the cae of the r,"fi hrii I .v .,..o n.:n 1 r,.....,i m:nne head. These reiterated outra- JJP0" the defenceless merchant, vessels t; ' Civuzed nations, must surely arouse ' LeguiIIlHles t,r Kuro.,e jo n sense of "If ( a., . ' ...!.. . --.i-i, u nol 0 a Qlie rP,,arfj or men v.. 'IV ntien we mav boo, tit kh ifiio imi j 1 - -- example set bv the American H!vTllnlen,, Wuoe ortlfr l'ave beeno inuJ0 Uk our gallant little Navy. lW 1 'S. dune, those free-booters "r.! "t In.lia sas will be sweni frmn ih crUra,Ui lhe.h ,rtJ.v raariuer may pursue -"isaiety. Mia. rest of his cargo. The answei was, that he was himself at era Cruz,, at the time we were loading, and that he knew very well that; he had gold and silver on board, and that consequently he was determined to make further search; aud should he make the smallest disco v try of monej', he ordered his officers to cut off our heads without the least compunction, and to set the vesel on fire immediate!'. They thus continued their searches until three quar ters past two o'clock; when they hailed the schoonej and stated that they could fi;id nothing more. The captain of the priva teer then ordered his officer to send him a hawser, with which he waiped his ve5 1 ! along side of us, at 3 o'clock. They th V ordered the officers and passengers into tne cabin, and began to break open our hatrh- .1 ' i . .t .. 1 1 es ; lliey loOK. OUl kZ seioous oi tutumrui. and Uo seroons of indigo, and plundered us of other goods belonging to the o&cers of the brif as w;!l as some of our sads. cordage. Sic. This scene of robbery lasted until! half past 4 o'clock, when finding no thing else Of value to them, they sent back ; " .... to us; our mate, who had been detain ca an this time On board the privateer, with the papers of the vessel, and left us with orders to pursue pur course, they steering for the land. On- leaving us . they sent our boat adrift. Ini this distressed situation, it was decided that we should make for Havaiina, in order to : obtain new sails aud to repair the losses, we had sustained. On the 5th Sept.jat fio'clock in the morning, the wind beiniT; light: from ihe eastward, and nearly a calm, directing our couise lor the Hava na, according to our previous determination on ih 3d inst. and then being off pe Cabanas, we percrived a sail near the shore, apparently ;diieciug her course for us, which: soouiproved to be correct, for at 8 o'clock, he was approaching us rapidly At 9 o'clock she fired a gun to which we did not pay. any regard; at half past 9 she fired another, and put out her boat. At this time we discovered that i! was the same schooner that bad plundered us two day recognition, the King of r rance,'the rela tion, friend and ally of the King of Spain, could not acknowledge the independence of colonies,1 ; which had broken off from the mother country. His Majesty must, be fore, have an understanding with the King' of Spain, lis ally. There might be more advantage iii pursuing the opposite course, but there would be no good laith." The member who introduced the topic was fre quently interrupted, and the Minister of the Marine, at brst refused to answer the questions propounded as to captures of: French vessels sailing from the indepen dent ports of America.- . Washington Gazette.1 rhllr.delihi, September 20. The packet ship Unicorn, .M'Kown, ar rived at the Lazaretto last evening, in 40 day's passage from Liverpool, with a full cargo of dry: goods; 6zc. ! Extract of a letter per packet ship Unicorn, da jed Liverpool 8ih August, 16-2. " The sale of Cotton, during the last few days, have not been quite so limited as might have ,been supposed, from the quiet and dull state of the market ; but in Upland and New-Orleans, they have generally been at a reduction of per lb. from the former prices. The buyers of Sea Island have not been able to establish the reduction of per lb. submitted to at the last public sales. In Tobacco, there alteration. In Naval Stores, there is no change. The accounts of the London Grain Market, quote a re duction of 3s pr. qr. on all descriptions of Wheat. .The last market-day, about 830 quarters of neir wheat were offered, the quality add condition of wbjcb, were in gress by a majority of about 200 votes oyer Mr. M'Lean. Edmund Law, Esq. formerly of Wash ington City, has been appointed bv the Governor and Council of Florida,', territo rial Judge for the Eastern division of the territory. l$avt of 4 jt&fcmu ; , . r4 JRIUVED, Schooner "Craven, Sparrow, St. Lucia; Mo lasses, H. Carrawav. CLEARED, BrigLittIe John, . ' Willis, Trinitlad. Catpt. Sparrow, f'om St. Lucia, reports the brig- KuVin, Capt. Tha'xter, as having touched at that place on the 30th Aug. from whence she sailed for the leeward markets. Brig Oiiuipiad, Westernfrom Georgetown. niched at .St. Darts on the 4th Sept. and sailed for St. Thomas. Left at StJLvicia, sh'r. Four Brothers, Smith, fromj Picto, JSova Scotia, when to sail uncertain. Newbcm Academy. ri THE Exercises of this Institution will m. be resumed on Monday the 7th of Oc tober. The Trustees have pleasure in sta ting that Mr. Freeman continues as Prin cipalj assisted by Mr. Due r and Mr. At M0BE. ' . .'-.': ' September 28. ' j Dancing' 1 School MR. WILLIAM II CLA V respectful ly informs the Ladies and Gentle men of Newbern and its vicinity, that he purposes returning, to commence a ' Dancing School the ensuing winter, hoping to meet with the patronge he has heretofore received. Those ladies and gent lemen who were regu lar pupils last winter, can attend at half price! ; and all gentlemen who wish only to have the, .privilege of visiting the School, and dancing as they may feel inclined, with the advantage of the Practising Balls, will only pay ftalf price. There will also be a Night School for young gentlemen. The School will commence in December. September 22, 1822 36tf. Articles. Uacon Beef Butter Bees-Wax Brandy, French do. Apple . ' do. Peach Corn, Cotton, Coffee Cordage Candles Flour, . Flaxseed Feathers Gin Holland r1. Country Grass 10 by 12 8 by 10 Per Iron, n 12 country bar Russia Swedes Nail Hods Castings Lumber Flooring Inch boards Square Timber Pine Scantling Shingles, 22 inch Stavcs,W.O. hhd. do. K. O. do. do. W. O.bbl. HeadingiW. o.hhd Lard ' ' - Lead, bar white, dry ground in oil Leather, soal upper Meal, Molasses Oil, Castor Linseed Fish Naval Stores, Tar Pitch Hosin Turpentine do. Spirits ib. rail. bhl. cwt. lb. cwt. j 13 Ib. bbl. buli. Ib. ail. D. C. J. C. 10 VZ 25 '35 32 35 2 40 . 45 ! 50 75 83 3 23 3 50 10 1 1 . 27i 29 j()ft.' lb. M ft. 6 4 1000 Pork, cargo mess n Peas, Black eyed Rice Hum, Jamaica W.I. American Salt, Allum Fine Loaf . Lump . Brown Steel, Blistered German Tallowy Wine, Madeira ' Tenerifie - Sherry Port Whiskey Suar, Ib. cwt. lb: bn.srf. gall, bot'l. gall bbl. gall. bbl. bosh, cwt. gall. bush. lb. cwt. lb. cwt. gall. 14 8 18 3 1 121 7 7 25 9 16 17 is 50 SO 40 23 45 25 30 5 6 C 7 5 50 50 45 40 5i) 10 1 1 .1 1 1 1 12 14 3 1 10 ,30 25 50 35 25 25 35 15 30 10 73 30 50 80 50 35 45 70 65 18 16 10 18 16 10 20 10 1 21 10 10 60 12 13 3 50 15 3- 1 J 60 60 none. 40 1 1 1 15 4 1 40 20 73 25 13 10 85 75 20 18 15 20 V75 ,.-'.