4 ; CCJKT.QF KING'S BENCH, Gnkoa-VLL, Juur 13, , FO&BESri. COCHRANE. Tljif was an action brooght to recover from the defendant the value of ibirty-eghi stares, the property of the plaintiff. their clvtt ' canatftirY tHat s hfrrnaajtaa dkl in ' ihetr rrligiout. we look &t European government thioegh the lights the American system afford 5, .we see that in the former t1e true object has bee a frus tratectby the corubrousand cosily aparatus erected to jjive it e.flect., . To severe anu dares, tne property of the plaintm. majestic simplicity of the latter, Uiowsjiis . In the years 1814 and JSlS .'be etv how little is essential to the pr)er purpo rt, Sir Alex. Cochrane, commanded the of government : how much worse go?- ernrneiits are for beinecoroplex and expen sive, and how many fran4 have been prac tised nn mankind under the pretext of gov erning them. , Generally sjeakinfr,, it has been "the fate of human beings to be pilla ged by these who pretend to protect them in the enjoyment of their property ; op pressed by the nominal guardian of -their civil rights, and insulted by tbase who were called their representatives. To till these evils . America, has opened the eyes of na tions by holding up a model from which they are excluded. .Whether, we measure tbr vhIuc of that government, by the burthens it Imposes, or the protection it :ives, il leaves most others at an immeasurable dis tance behind ; and yet its virtue, as we hive often stated) consists not in its repub lican form, in the absence a! a king and aristocracy, but solelv in its posseLin; a system of represention which a a Itiiiiilul riant, fleet sent out to ad against the Americans, and Sir GeorW Cock burn was second tin ! command The gallant defends on his ; arrival offOedrgia, iaetl a proclamation, statin that he understood that many ptr - sons wished to emigrate from the United I Stare?, and odering to such persons a re- a conveyance as tree settlers to His Majes ty's colonies in North America or the W est Tn-fia fLinJs. If lhev should nnt uiJi to 'enter Into His Majesty's Naval or Military stTvice. t In the month of February IS15, 'Sir G. Cock bum was lvin ofT Cumberland Island, and on the 23d of that month, a boat having on board 13 men, 8 women 2nd 12 children, all neto-, approached His Majesty's vessel, the Terror bomb, & were taken on board ; they were afterwards sent on board Sir G. Cockburn's ship, the Albion, where they were treated as refu- rci. Shortly afterwards the plaintiff who - f!p of .i,- oninioiw an,! interests of the i: . . .. f ; i-,. t-i I ' 1 ;on board S ri. Cockburn's ship, produ ed I . a !etr frim the Spanish Governor of that I j prrpupp DFSNOtiFTTES product, and demanded the negroes, who, .... he said, Vere part of a gang of fiO which We have as ye? seen no paragraph from hao made ihc-'r escape from off his planta- llf English newspapers, whjch speaks ol tion in East Florida.- Tie negroes rtfu- " vr iiMigmiiiti ie n.m assumed a iiciitious uarr.e Uuxnig the voy age ; and Mr. Everhirf, who lies arrived in the United State, ad Is, that to increase his dicguise, he had suffered his beanl to grow : he had the misfortune before the Albm struck, to be mud) bruised, and one of his aims was broken,' which disa bled him from exericTi." His death was nnnounced in France cn t!(f 4th of July and at the celebration of thul memorable dy by he Americans in Paii'oueof them proposed ihe following toast : M To the memory of General Le Febvre Desnouette, and the other victims in the Packet Albion in him wc lose a worthy citizm, and France one of its bravest sol-Jiei Th Allowing delicate and tender eulo gium is translated from ilie Paris Coastilu tvuv l of the Sth of July : ' The French army has lost one of its most distinguished generals: and Franc, one of her son, whose disinterestedness Pena the charter of Pennsylvania, be tnvi teU purchasers! and that year the first colo ny from England arived in Pennsylvania aiid 4 commenced a settlement above the confluence of the Schuylkill with the Dela ware." The bext year Wa. Penn hini silf, with , more settlers, .chiefly Quakers, arrived in Pennsylvania. tThe first asiembly of Pennsylvania was hohlen in PU'.ladelpUia, March 12, 1083 A number of German Quakers this year arrived and settled sevenmiles north of Philadelphia", and called their setileniept Germantown. j :" j . Lord . tllnjham was this year, 1633, appointed Governor-of Virginia, and ex pressly ordered to allow no person to use a printing pre?s on anj occasion whatever." The government of; Massachusetts, iGjO, their troops, there .... rJ . , . was danger of a mutiny, to aert wnicn, thev issued hills of credit- Th'w was lhe first Paper Money issued in the colonies. The imputation o witchcraft, accompa r. eil B- l i a hi iVf nf it realUV, Was tlS year, l(rJ2, very prevalrnt in Massachu sfjts. The contagion wa,s principally con li'ifvl wi'hm t h ruiiniv of Lsses. laeiore . " - VJ . e ciose of September nineteen prisoners were executed, and !nne pressed to death; all of w hom asserted their innoreiic. notion ;tv; imp rros, A X the Court of; PIe tmd Quarter Cenc nf Craven CountY. Qn the ft ' Mr.ndav of Aneuit last past, tue '. C Tnclati Hntvard. ESQ. late 01 Newbern, was proved, and the subscriber qualified as Executor thereto. Creditors of the said testator residing within this state are required to make known their demaads to the subscriber within ..two years,! and those residing without the limits of this state, within three years, or they will be barred of recovery, by the acts 04 ascuj. bly of this state. ' JOHN STANLY. Xh. September 11, 1S22. 3'4 4 25 Dollars Reward. R AN AWAY frpm the 2uDscnper Hantation, in Onslow County, o" thp i9th of March last, a Mulatto Man by the name of ' LINKFIELD ; about five feet seven inches high. 25 years ofare. and as likely as is commonly seen It is expected he is lurking about New-. hrn ot Wilmington. The above Reward will be given to any person who will ap prebend and confine him in ai.y Jail so ihat I ret him aeain and all reasonable 3 - a ' . . . expenses will be paid. Masters of vessels and others are here- ,L'Li ' J XJiuuuno of the by forwarned from harbouring, employing v . . i X (turn iiiii him li.uicr i)tf HpnHilV im in anv oil" '-ct,j,"b -t i --j I.. ti-iirro rr "VI tT IP L niiin iU o he anr. L.r.vvio i. vun iiU. without license from the Govern- sd to return, alledinz that the moment I they got onboard a British ship they were .free. The pUintifl" then requested Sir G. Cock'jttm to send them back, but this he refused t do, saying that he thought them j free ageoN,ovcr whom he had nocontroui; .but he went t the negroes and advised Ihem ti return, au J they s;iid they would not re Wn, unli is compelled by force so to do. iir it. Cockburn then refund to interfere ziny furthrr, and he immediately wrote a Jetter totlie defendant, who was at a great JJistanc from him. suted what occurred. nd also that he had transferred them to he shift Ruby. 'which was going to Ber- mu l.. The tffend3nt wrote in answer to Sir G. Cockburn, that he thought he had acted right : but to avoid giving ofiVnce to the Spanish Government, that he hail written home to Lowland, staling the cir-cuinvanc-s to this government, and reques ting their further order ; an-J also that the lavrf, .n the 23d Mircti lb 15, hail been landed at Brmud't Dockyard, where he should have them closely gmrded until he should have recieved instructions from his orn government. was ennui to his courage a mnn. who in the course cf a short life, has displayed the highest military virtues and the best quali- tiesof private life. After having braved French Nut ion to reside, or the sr?H'it or frontier towns :,nn i ce , ! . We haye been requested by one of our snbciibe-s to republisr. the lollowing re- cioe for the Dvsente.rv. cured after v , ever)' thine 1st ha failed. ut. Ado. Ileru'e fur ntrtnz the Dufnl-.r-j or summer com- plaint, in its mtiifist or word sieves Take to ylassfs swert oil o glasses V. i. ino'asses two' l;s.-es V. 1. mm iintrier them well tojetl.'er over a fire till t becomes the thickness of honey, so that die oil in.v no! sruariiie from the rest.- While on the lire, keep it well stirred, and when tiken off, cmtihue the same till it is cold. Then the p;itient, if a giown person, should tnke a spo mful once an hour, till he finds tlie disease ahatmi:, ihen once in two hours, or as the jud. uient may ugst, qn til cured. Ciuhhen to take it in like man ner, in propoj tion to thir ages. The per- vnn rVir ari l rhis fnr ftithiir ttinn i mnvt'ti .bv none -other ti.an a humane motive, lie lween xeuse ana xrcni noaas, in tne has experienced cures in his own family, lllue x'ecosen Hnd. knows many others of the most despe- May 29th, 1S22 19 tf. , i 25 Dollars Reward WILL be paid for apprehending sand delivering to the subscriber in Beau fort, a Negro Woman named KATE, commonly called Kate Mumfprd, jand DANJEL, her son: or Twenty Dollars for securing them in either of the jails of Craven, ! Carteret or Onslow. KATE is of a yellowish complexion, and about 40 years of age. DANIEL is about 18, sfenderand of brown colour. . All persons are cautioned against .bar- employ ing, or carrying them a- wav, uncier tne penalty or uie law. ANSON IIARKER. Beanfort, Carteret county, Sep. C 1 825. Kaii rt r. ft Uv' V4 I 1 II w FOR SALE BY TUE SUBSCR1BLK, 360 Acres;:of Land, Five miles a.bove Newbern, lying be . It iMiving been proved that the plaintiff had Ixjuht the slaves for 00t. a head, and oli.i tUtt they were wor;,'i ICO' a head, tint t.'if pioclani i:ion nas not published or ciraiiuied at any point Sou.'h of the Chesa- arul ih.tr a was addressed solely to it rt ttif of ilie United States. i:'.iior iriieri proceeueii in au- thjnrv on helialt uf the gallant de- 'ion n 'in. 'iol l .it?.. .....1 iiiuii . iiuiiuiiu u'lmrj nun i pcJwO, thr mh ffiid intl Htinhe siii l had only acted in purua;we ! tli orders of his government, and therefoTe was not Ii.ib!e. The learned counsel Mi proceeding to contend tiiat the niimri;t!te slaves had escaped out of the piovioce in u!i:ch they vere slave?, the m ister had no property in them, unless that property was secured by treaty ; and th.t Sir G. Ccckbtirn wouj I have acted as .improperly in compliin these creaiures tJ return o the service of the pl.iinli.T, as he ou!J, if he were to compel the plain tiff lo go into the ervic of the negroes. Ti; Chief Justice Mr. So.icitor, 1 see uo facys in dispute between you ami Mr. Scarlett ; your dispute is upon the Law of the C:i"e. and as i. siTtiu? here a Judre at Nii Triu, will not take upon me lo decide this point, I thii-k the better way would be Jo agree to a verdict for tlie plain titf, subject to the opinion of the court, as to whether the pl.iintiiTrnd or had not any ;neriy in the negroes when on board a liriiMh siiip. This 5tigstion was adopted, and a ver dict lor the plaintiil damages 330o. whs taken ulject U the o; ;iiicn of the Court. AMERICAN GOVERNMENT. Trem.t7e Ei:nbitrgA Scotsman. A sinpl succesful experiment has a greater influence on the judgment of man kind, than a thousand general speculations. The inhabitant of the United Stater, bv setting up a government on the plan of a Benefit Society, have reduced political sci enct? to its elements, and given the weight and force of practicaj axioms to truths which had long remained buried in the breasts of philosopher. When men had tlie Bible put into their hands in their own tongue, at the " reformation, and, through the light$whi;h ibis afforded them, looked at what then lore the name of the Christian church, they found genuine religion crush ed and destroyed under the weight of that machinery ostensibly erected for its preser vation. Perhaps many good men at that time believed that tithes, annates, dispen sation?, relics, fasts, and a luxurious hie mchy, living in idleness and dissipation, were essential to the existence of Christi anity. ' But the reformers showed that re ligion not only could exist, but fJouruhed Ihe more when separated from these base auxiliaries, and by this bold experiment opened tbelves of mankind, and shamed exen the nK?hirr church out cf many of hex corruptions. The America ItevoJotion his rendered the lacje ervice to men h death inr.;nrc enticements, CJen. Le Febvre-DesnoueUes has sunk in the Cower of ids age. lie was on board the Albion, one of ihe United States' packets, whose ui.o'.rou-J ship wreck took place on th co;ust of Ireiaiui on the 2'J.l of pril lust : he .-as m his way lo Holland, wheie the exertions of hi wife in addition to thnc of the Kind's min isters, had obtained permission for him to come, ami whose arrival there vould pr- bahly have been followed by his return to this country. Gen. L. Desnouette made his firs campaign ut the age of IT j-t-.irs, in the ar my of Dumourirr, in 172. He enfr-d us a common soldier, but he attain,.! all tlie various grades, up to that of fi:ur. Gene ral, as the successive recompense of his va rious services. He was at the battle ol Marengo; an aid de camp of the First Consul, where he p irticularly distinguished himself. " Since that memorable period, he has assisted at lhe various actions which cast a lustre upon the French firms : Elchinsjen, Austcrlitz, Jena, and ihe plains of Silsi:i, attest his bravery and brilliant achieve ments ; the people of this last province will never forget the manncr.in which he soften ed the calamities of war. However .vigo rous may be the judgment of th' 'world' towards him fr the event whicli drove him to a land of sirangers, (America,) a catas trophe so cru 1 ought Uiidoubfruly to expi ate it. Alas who is thre now willing to condemn the praises which his uncommonly noble qualities draw forth ? who can repress the recollections and regrets which the inspiie ? " Gen. Desnouettes has left a familv fd led with affliction and carries with him the regrets of his numerous fricuds." rate kind, (t is a simple medicine, and not die !eat injurious to the most delicate coiisniurnm. L. t inos wno are aniictea lrythe experiment ; it will do no harm, and will certainlv save life ! Let those vho may re-id ibis, cut i'. out of the paper and careiuiiV preserve u. Ld:ii's generally, are desired topub- !isu the aoove, lor ihe benefit ol mankind' 1 !l HUM. ANITAS. 1 New House & half Lot In the Town of Newbern, j known by the numbers 288 and 289, opposite John Jcnes Esq. Half the, front of L ot NO, 21, on the south side of I'Vont-street, ex tending to the channel. For terms, which "will be accommo dating, apply to John R. Gond. Ra j received frora Philadelphia. " 0?t3 for sale low, a kw UGHT & HEAVY CALF SKlv CORDOVAN & L1NLNG SKiAs 1 . ALSO--A .IGHT NEAT MONROE CaRR(GE Suitable for one or two horso Apylyto 4 JOHN TEMPLKT1 Who requests those indebted to hVAol, and let him know how they are. fJ f3H Subscribers, for the Declaration ' Independence and the Farewell Ai'd of Yahigtpn, are requested to call take them away.- -Apply m Sept. 14, 1822 '34 tf. li rl U lUJILDKRS, x1 iitv iouars xxcwarci. A.N AW Vi.lrom the Suucnber. cn. the 5th ol Apriiilast, a jNeio Mao- I "fROPOSALS for buildingaPOOR HOUSE nuued b ( ( ill (calls InraseJfJ'acchus J will be received by the Subscribers, iin);) ol J lit complrxiun, about ti'J years.! who are appointed u Committee for that of arer ,eet s'x Or seven inches high, BY THE PRESIEtEX cause certain lands to be offered for !' Therefore, I, James MPNr0e p ?'e? of the United States, do hereby decKr make known, that the public sales sha'f as follows, viz : i At the Land Office at Terra Haute Indiana, on the first Monday in jujv ' !5 for the sale of. ', -: Cl!i Townships 17 and 18 in range. east f the J.1Q. PriDciPal meridiia j2 At the Land Office at VamlaJia, & nois, oh the third Monday in July next the sale ofj ;- v ,wr Townships II, 12. 13 & 14. I of the 3d principal meridian i f2, 13, 14 k 1 , in ranges 3 i At the same place, on the third AJotS in August next, for the sale of ' Townships 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15t n ran??s 5)6s.B eat of the 3d priucijial mtridiu' 11, i range 7, east of do. . At the Land Office at Palestine, iQ Jik nois, on the first Monday in - Augusta for the sale of Townships 6, 7, 3 Si 9, in ranges 9: 10'St llew j . 3d priucipal meridian li 6, 7, 8 li 9, in range 14, west of 2d d, 8 and 9, 12 & 13, At the same place, on the first Monday ia September next, for the sale of ' Townships 10, 1 1, 12 it 13, in ranges 9, jj eaf:t of 3d principal meridian l. ' ' 1 M 12&15, in ranges 12, llfy : - ;v west of ai At the same place, on the first Moq in October next, for the sale of ' Townships 14, 15, 16 & 17, in ranges 9, lOtli east of 3d principal meridian IbJ 14, 15, 16tl7, inraiigt5l2,laiiil west of dt.; At the same place, on the first Mondav in November next, for the sale of Tovuships 4&19;20.&!1, in ranges 9, ID k II ?cii,i oi vu principal meridian ia 18, 19, 20&21, i ranges 13 k U, : westof2J(k. 18, 19 L 20, in range 12, d- ! II, do. 17, 18, 19 20, 10, do. At the Land Office for the Northern & trict of Louisiana, at the town of Ouachita. on the first Monday iu November next, for :Jfe sale of ! . Townships 15, 16, 17, 1 8 L 19, in ranges 1,2, 4 and 5, west of the meridian iint At the Land Office at the scat of Jusii of the 'county of Independence, in the Ar. kansas territory, for the sale of such Iand of, the. United States as are situated in die There is a cumber of interesting- fids relative to earlr AMERICAN HISTOR?, "tt red through Holmes Annals. The cIitr.r of tf:e Democratic Tress hsw rehd the vxrk for the purpose of selecting uch matter aw, my intr- ' ret the American j-opie. He Xbmits the result. IVt. V". In 1665 the Governor cf Rhode-Island passed an order to outlaw all Quakers, and to seize their estates because they would mc bear arms. This order was resisted by the people so successfully thai it Has never carried into efTect. In l6fi(J the Legislature of Carolina pas sed a law, entitled, " An act concerning Marriage," which declared that " as people might wish to marry, and there beiog no mmisters, in order that none 'might ,be hindered from so necessary a work, for the preservation of mankind, any two persons canyiug before the Governor and Council afe.w of their neighbours, and declaring their -mutual assent, shall be deemed man and wife." Chalmers observe that, .al most during twenty yeirs, we can; trace nothing of clergjmci in the bj tury or laws of CaJoIina,, ' -- - and h) trade a 'Carpel. ter. Fifty Dolhirs n ii! be paid ffor his ap-J same, on application to prehension and delivWy, if taken uit e.f che:tHte, Tiventv-five Dollars if t;iken in thtt it.ite but out of ihd County, and Twen ty Dollars if taken in , the County. iMasiers o: vessels qre cautioned agamst carr.'iywj; away or harbouring the said runaway, as the lair jwill be rigidly en forced. against them. . I ABNRIt PASTLUU. June IK 122. t!Itf. -- -- ib) i Collars Rewaud "SAVING ix Muhilto man run awav. who 1 undetaiid is in the neijih- hoihood of (snend purant Hatch and Mr. Gnstou's Plantaiinn, I wiM ive the above reward to any ()ne who will upfre !iend and deliver him jtome or my a 'ent, at Lake Phelps, Tyre II County, or Owe Hundred and Twenty Five Dollars if he is confined in Newberh Jail so that I get Vim. His n itiie is ,l V1K, of middle size and abojut twenty-four vears of age. "! EPLTflGREW. - June Mh, 1822 '20 tf. lUCiiAHl) N.iLiV iiii Cabinet Maker, At the old Glebe, Middle street above the Court Ilouse, j"" cturns His gratef ul thanks to the iunabitants cf Newbern, and the vicinity thereof, for the encourage ment he .has receivtUfrom them ; and hop-s by his strict attention to busi ness, and unremitted exertions to please, to merit a continuance of their favours. He has on hand, an assort ment of ready made FUKNI1 URK, ind the best; materials to make any thin; that maV be called for, on the most moderate terms All orders from towu or country, will be punc tually attendt & to. He has also on hand, a hand some ass mment of Mahogany and other woodsj for COFFINS--and attends funerals, as usual. Those who are, so unfortunate as to lose their frieQds,;wiU find to jheir ad-yantae-tocall 39 above, as he intends reducjngihe epences thereof so a to bs r&i object tpihe jbmpjoypr.' . - purpose. 1'ersons disposed to contract, will I following described townships and range?, receive every information reJative to the nr) nhirh hm-P hPP pccIm.IpH frnmihpU. tery of the.lands apoioprjated for satisfvicj warrants for military services, viz: On the first Monday m Auust neit, fcr the sale of such of the 'above describe! lands as are situated in the following towi- ships and ranges, viz: Townships 1 , 2, 3y 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 & 20, in ran 1, : east of rhe oth meridian w 1, 2, 34, 5 iz 6, in range 2, east 5th it !,2,3,!4,5,,7,8iL9, 3, do.' 1,2, 10, 11, 12, 13H 4, da. 1,2, ' -i 5, . 1,2,3,0, 13,14,15, 18, 19 range I; west of tlie 5th meridian On the first Mondav in September nxf, for the sale of such of the above describe hinds as are situated in the following d& cribed townships and ranges, iz . Townships 1, 2, 18, Iff h SO, in range , wesw th? oth menuw 1.1: 1A 17 iq lO-lO.rane 3. ' J, 10, ljl 13 2J'i5, loci l,2.'i. 10.11-1' 14 1, 2, 4, o, 5, a, y, iv, li, 12, IS and IS, i On the first Monday in October nt," lhe sale nf such of the above descried M as are situated in the foliouinjr c townships and ranges, vhv: ' TovMisps 1 2 3 15 0 7 1 il ? 33 15 V;j WILLIAxM HOLLISTER, WILLIAM R. STREET, STEPHEN B. FORBES. Sept. 14th, 1822. '34tf : GABRIEL M. RAINS, Cabinet Maker, S n forms his friends and the public, that H he continues to keep on hand a varie ty of ' : i"r . -!' CABINET FURNITUER, j such as j SIDEBOARDS, I TABLES, SECRETARIES, j BEDSTEADS, &c. &c. i VVhich he wiH sell on reasonable terms. All -orders in the UPHOLSTERER'S business will be executed with .neatness, and on moderate terms. i i He has the plan and the care cf the AVE YARD, &thekeysof thegates; and requests those who. are entrusted with the burying of the dead to Call on him.r 11 is charges for interment will as usual be very low. - , Those who have not yet been furnished with deeds for Lots which they mav have purchased in the grave yard, are requested to call on him and they will be supplied. I hose also who have deeds, bnt whose names are not entered on the Plan, are re quested to brinj; them .forward, ; th;t itmay be ascertained which of the. lots are vacan I for the sale of such of the above fcscii 4 Jo. 5 and whether deeds hr any of them have been given to more than one individual. Interments havina been made in severaKf the lots where in) deeds have been pven, those concerned are requested to obtain deeds, otherwise, such lots wiil be sold to any person applying for them April 2f 1 2 3 4o 7 8 9 1J V 1" 17 ' , . ' i intJ 20, la laure 2 345G781HMI 12 iuiuu.!',. 19, . " d0' On the first Mondav hi -November land as are situated in the foil' wiflg : i , .1 . u: 1 vii. 1 owusr.ip s-i-m joD?wt!" .... . 1 12 2!4o6781 1". ' Notice. Hp HE Subscriber, Extcntor of XeedhanH JL Simmons, deceased, iierebi' jives no- I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 autt 9, 3 -l 5 0 7 and H, 4 5 aiid7, . 5 6 and 7, 01, cola ttill rmmfnce with tf"- . number of section, township and rar.gV 3 ' 1 e 11 IT tice, thnt unlHS tne .IWies nnd Accounts I in rvenlnr numerical order- due tc the e'aie of said deceased, Hie paid j The lauds reserved by law for d uS? ' imripi) inf fl 1 iliv n.!!l . I. ...... I U- I e . L ...n ' trill t ' va. 1 . , w tin vjxz 1 1 1 ri 1 .ri i in 1 li m ). .--v-. 1 tr 11 ir 11 iifr 1 1111 1 j . hands of an Ationki fur r.il.jiiAii ,IJ 1 i r i . sons h.'iV'incr rhiimv naiiict e-; '.0fo I - . 1..-1 the r',tV 01 ' requested to preseiit them, fproperlv.au thjntieited j within the time Uuiited by Ihm or thU notice will bepead in bar ot iheir I fjy ijje President: ington. this 14th day of Marc h. l-r h 9 JAMES M0W" recovery. ,OSlAH MEIGS, L$WL H. S1313IONS, JExV. J -CpmmpjMncr Gnl. Land Of-