Volume V. JEVBE?iJv C. SAURBiVYi NOVEMBER 1822. iEDASD PUBLISHED WEEKLY, BY Vasicur cc . S3 PER AIPW HALT . ATABLS I APTA1TCE. i' 1 NEJV GOODS. . E BETTjVEH, & Co: HAVE RXCEIVED, ( the last arrivals from New-York and Vhiladelphia, AND ARB NOW OPENINU, A.T THEIR STORE ON rOLLOCX-STREET, A brgc and general assortment of. irelL seltcjed.,: : . ; resisting of every article usually, required,, (to;h of the Maple anu rancy h.iuu.j AMO.tG THEM ARK Tim rOLLOWlSGj: - knkets, Cloths, Cassimei es; . Domesticks- of every description, ; Figured & plain, bjack Sz fancy coloured Uorabazetts, 1 rimmed &i plain Silks, Muslins. &c. Canton, Nankin, & Italian Crapes. Silk Velvets Cassimere, Silk;& Imita tion Cashmere Shawls, !. Ribbons, of the latest fashions Tortoise shell Reticules, IrUh Linens, & patent loom Shirtings. " vA VARIETY OP Straw Bonnets, Shoes, Hals, Paper' Hangings, &c. f' A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, (JLASS & CHINA' WARKS; Coruprising every article usually wanted in ' . & 1 nose lines. ALSO A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OP GROCERIES, C&SS1STINC5 OF Madeira, Port, LUbou, Teneriffe, ColmHiiar and Malaga, WINES, Dest 4th proof & rench 13 randy, Holland Gin, and Jamaica 'Hum) : Gunpowder, J Imperial, and TEAS, Hyson, ) ,; Loaf and Lump Sugars: They u-ive aUo on hand, a variety of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, &c. frc. All of which thty are disposed to sell on tnras unusually lo;v, either at wholesale or retail. Newbern, Oct 30, 182. ?41tf )AVC1AG SCHOOL. , 1TR. Di: GRAND VAL respectfully 1TJL informs the inhabitants of IVewJjern ar.J its vicinity, 'that bis' DaAcing School vill commence on Friday, the 8th instant, ct Mr. Devertuz's long room, where he; proposes to teach Dancing in the most Eodern style. ' Persons who may honor j witii their confidence, may be assured that "their children will receive, with his j cost particular care towards the improve- J meat of their manners, a 1 the attention necessary to promote their progress in Dincing. Attd as soon as his pupils be come capable, he will teach them several fancy 'Dances, &c. Days of Tuition, Friday and Saturday from 3 to 5 P. M. for Misses and .Masters and from 7 to 9 for young gentlemen. Terms, 10 per quiiter for those who have already coni fiifneed, and $5 entrance in addition, for cew beginners. Two lessons per wek, cr iwenty.four lessons per quarter; and a Practising Ball every fortnight, the day of hicu will be hereafter fixed upon. . La dies or gentlemen desiiing to take private leisons, will be attended to by him, either it their houses or his dancing room. FRENCH SCHOOL. At the request of a number of the citi zens of this place, Mr. D. G. V. will also each the French Language; and as the pronunciation is the most dilficult and ne- vrssarv pari, great aiienuon win oeuireci- it! it until his pupils become capable of t" j f rxpiainea 10 ,nem in rencu. l erms, l. per quarter-three 2d. ,822.4, Dancing Sclwol. ATU. WILLIAM H. CLAY resnectful- ly informs the Ladies and Gentle- D of Newbern and its vicinitv. that he eposes returning, to commence a MAnrvX ! ensuing winter, hoping to me wilh ; SfPtronge he has heretofore received. i th(M laitipc QINrt naMtlAn.nrrlm n.AVn regu- Pupils List winter, can attend at HALF 'uce ; and all gentlemen who wish only "bare the privilege of visiting the School, dancing as they may feel inclined' the advantage of the Practising" Bails 'Ulonly pay half price. There will also i?ht School for young gentlexnen. School will commence la December frlr 22, 1822 S6f. 8r GEO. SEELYE&Co. mbe returned jrom New-lo , -f ; - " I 1. ANn ark icotv nopmvn - 1 I . At ther Store on Polloh Street, opposite ths new ! ' Brick Church, A choice & general assortment of DRY GOODS, Op the latest Importation ; Amoa which are the following articles, viz: , Superfine and common Cloths, ,Cassimeres and Sattinetts, j A general assortment of Blankets, Flannels, assorted colours, ; " Angola Cossiniefp, ,-Su'per. Drab Telice Cloth, V .Irish Litfens, assorted, Gombazettes, figured and plain, Calicoes, pf the latest fashions, jT Lutestrings,' black and white, : , Sattins, Sinchews, ' i ; Elegant Silk Shawls, fig'd & plain, : - j Silfi -Hahderchie'fsblack and fig'd. - , Cambricks, Jaconet Muslin. j Uoiig Lawns-superior quality, ' Ribbons, of thellatest patterns, Shirtings Foreign and Domestic, Plaids, Stripes, and Checks, -" ' ALSO, " A VARIETY OP ARTICLES OF ?.sr ' AND CUTLERY, j And a few Cases of MO RAM HATS, G. S. & Co. will receive regular supplies of Goods by the Packets from New-York, apd intend to keep on hand a complete and extensive assortment of Staple and Faricy articles', and as they purchase principally with Cash, they will sell at very reduced prices. Newbern, November 1st, 1822. '4 It. Hum, Sugar 8? Tobacco JUST RECEIVED, And for Sale by the Subscriber, Five Puncheons WVst. India RUM, of a superior quality and flavor. i A few Hogsheads and Barrels West In dia SUGARS, of a good quality, j Richmond Manufactured TOBACCO, in Kegs of convenient size for retailers, j GEO. A. HALL. Oct. 19, 1822. 39tf. ! : IP. Has just received from Aeu:- York, a va- , . rtety of kV SILVER TABLL SPOONS, ; , TEASPOONS, SOUP LADLES, &cv ! Of the' newest fashion, arjtl best workman hip. The silver warranted good. , - r HE HAS ON HAND, OF ALMOST EVERY DESCRIPTION ALSO, Gold, Gilr., Silver, Steel, and Silk,-, Watch Chains- Gold, Gilt, Silver and Steel i WATCH KEYS AND SEALS; WATCH GLASSES, sin-'.e or by the dozen. Sev mounted Spectacles, of a very superiqjiality ; , : STEEL MOUNTED Ditto. Silver Thimbles, Salt Spoons, Sugar Tongs, - ) Netting Needles, Pencil Cases, 0 Bodkins, Mustard Ladles, X Toot" Picks, .: &c. &c. &c. IKE WISE A FEW BLACK LEAD AND SAND cmrciBLV.s. The hicliest prices given for OLD GOLD, SILVER, COPPER, & BR.AjSS. ! t An Apprentice would be taken to the abovib business. August.3 1 st, ;822.,32tf THE SUBSCRIBERS R ESPECTFULLY inform the public, that they have entered into Copart nership, junaer tne nrm 01 , WlLililS & D"5iOX,4l , . , have a Shop on street, two doors south of Mr. Saml " description of worK in tne Tailoring Business, Will be executed at the shortest notice, on reasonable terms, in the latest fashions, f which thev have iustfrtcei? ed froa New- York), and in a style of workmanship, j which, thev flatter themselves will not be infei.or to any inth.s towp, Military C OatS, , Mdei or I altered and repaired, at vfery y- I ' moderate prices. They are determined to use every r"i tion t'o please, and hope, by their diligence; and attention t business, to merit a share of the public patronage, j;. . ... , ispence jr. wiuisf 1 George IV. Dixon. . Octbbefl9tb, 1822. tt? LOOK AT THIS, Thos. V. Pittman, Has just received from :N. York 1 AND iIS NOW OPENING. AT HIS. CHEAP STORE, r Nearly opposite the Bank of Newbern, ;A general assortment of .FAN.CY GOODS Hats, Boots & Shoes, A man T which me the follczolnarticf'x J.-' i i1, i... , -vy Cloths, Cassimeres, Vc f: Worsted Socks and Hose? Cotton 'i do. r do. 'Flag Hdkfs. i Black silk clo. Madrass do. Figured and plain Muslins, Ribbons, Gloves, Pinns, : Needles, Black, & white Sewing Silks, Assorted col. do. j Extra fine Guernsey Shir Brown Holland, Brown Platillas, Gentlemen's Beaver & imitation Beaver HATS, Boy sr Beaver HATS, Morocco and Wool HATS, Ladies' Bootees & Shoes, Misses do. do. Gentlemen's Boots & Shoes, And a great variety of Common Shoes, for Men and Women. ALSO, A fet? barrels first quality APPLE BRANDY, A NUMBEROP Jersey Waggons, 4 Stick Gijs, bureaus, tables, Bedsteads Work Tables, Fancy and Windsor CHAIRS, Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Trunks, Travelling Trunks, Portmanteaus and Valices, Fowling Pieces, Powder & Shot, ! &c. &c. Together with a variety of other articles, too tedious to enumerate. -N. B. From the general approbation of the good quality of his aticies, and the dili gent attention with which they were select ed, he can with confidence recommend them to the Attention of the public, espe cially to those who are desirous of obtain ing articles that are really good, at a cheap raie. Any Uoots or fehoes. or other yny Doots .or Shoes, or other a . " - . 1 arlirlPG nnrr liocorl - U I .. - ! . i I p.H.Potuai me duuve siore, iana not Soiled will hp Ptrnnaprl If t!i I give entire satisfaction.! ; i Newbern, Nov. 2d, 1822. '41 tf ' FRANCIS ALEXANDER SfiHi'a'; OF EVERY DESCRIPTION -MEN'S, WOMEN'S And children's 30t & OF ALMOST EVERY DESCRIPTION. And a few cast's Ladies and 'Mbses Straw Bonnets, "f V V.'hlcli he offers for sale, at his Store in f raven-street,' next door to Mr. T. W. Pittman's, at reduced prices, for Cash. September 24, 1822. T36tf THE SUBSCRIBER Has just received from Philadelphia, and offeis for sale low, a few I LIGHT &l HEAVY CALF SKINS, CORDOVAN & LINING SKINS. ALSO A LIGHT NEAT MONROE ! CaiUUAGE, Snitable for ohe or two horses. ' Apyly to JOHN TEMPLETON, Who requests those; indebted to him to call and let him know how they are. Subscribers for the Declaration of Independence,! and the Farewell Address of Washington! arel requested to call j and D&e mem away, ... nVlHJ 9WVW ; Sept. 14, 18234 tf. ' E Adjust received trom Philadelphia, a pass as prayed :r You are therefore hereby X J general assortment of Men'sVonthV autjborised empowered, and strictly enjoin- and Children V., ; V ed, peremptorily to :cite and admonish all mm 'HAS JUST RECEIVED FROM PHILADELPHIA. 1 . i mi.'., . - . .: 1- AND IS NOW OrENINO, At kit Store, corner of Pollok and Middle r streets. streets, A FRESH SUPPLY OP ' " Foreign & Domestic I HARDWARE, CUTLER Y, t j; Crockery 8 Glassware, VVrhich, with his former supply, comprised a very general assortment. T -ALSO, : '. ': ' " ; A FEW HOGSHEADS CHOICE , RETAILING MOLASSES . - - . JUST RECEIVED, : Per schooner Fanny, Jrom Guadaloupe, ana.ipi sale low, lor L-ash or Country Pro duce. ; I! 37 . i Newbern, Nov. 2d, 1 822.- 4 Itf. JbNDS T ' HE Subscriber intending to leave the JL Mate, oners for ale v : 143$ Acres ofeLand, where he now lives, in Jones , county fon the North side of Trent River, one mile above Irenton. ' There is on the premises a convenient u weiiing iiouse, ana ottier necessary buildings, with ari excellent set of Saw & Grist Mills, both oew and in complete operation, the latter having a .good bolting cloth. They Were built of good materials by the ; best of workmen, and are at least equal to any in the ower part cjf the, state. , - i If the abovfe property is not previously sold, it will be offered at public "-sale on Thursday 'tjie 28th of next month j (No vember) wljen will also becold, Horses, ; Cattle,' Hogs, Sheep, Corn, Fodder, peas, Farming Tools," Sec. ;-: Atso" A number of NEGROES will be hired out for a short time If the Lands are not sold, thev will be Rented for a ternj of years. ! CHRISTOPHER BRYAN; Jones county, Oct. 23, 1822 MO 5 Jl North-Carolina District, T6 the Marshal of the District, Greeting s . , f XrilEREAS, Williams W. Rodman, W Esq:; as Proctor forJosiaJi Woodard i Inf lihp rmintv nfRpaufort. rfiui stiit. r " - - - I - J w . I ! i . ! '... . ... . - ' i- Aortti-uaroiina, nas exiuuued a libel or .U-T:.:- r . r.u it; i tni StatM. dt ihP Pamntico nUirin . fi. ting, aHedghji? and propounding, that Jo-siah-VVoodrd was joint partner with Daniel KingL lin part of the cargo imported in the sloou Thomas & Eliza, from the ' West Indies l and that the said Daniel King 4 is since jdeadj intestate; And whereas the I Judge of the District Court for the District j aforesaid; batb ordered and directed "the second Monday in November next, for all. persons concerned to be cited and iritima: persons ted jo appear" in the office of Judge Potter f in the city of Raleigh and shew cause, if j any they have:,', why judgment should not persons whatsoever, having or pretending to liave, any right, title, interest or claim in. or. to the - said merchandize, libelled against as aforesaid, by publishing this rao- nitipn; arid , by all other lawful ways, means andjmethodi whatsoever, whereby this mo- nition maybe most made public and nolo- rious, to be and appear 'at the time and plaie aforesaidfbrehe: Judge aforesaid, anil also' to attend upon every session and sC2- sions, to be'heU'tbiranrom. thence, untiFa : definitive senterice shall be read and promulgated in the i said business inclusive - ly, if any of them shall think it'their. duty so to do, to hear abldefby and permrm u and giniriifar sacfi iudicialf acts as areft necessary, and by law required to be done and expedited in the premises ; and further to do and receive what unto law and justice - shall appertain, under the pain of the law and the contempt thereof; the absence'and contumacy of them and every of, them ia any wise iiuiTiwiiiijvnij. iiu iiiaiTw, , O : ever you shall do in the premises, you shall dnlVicertifv unto the Judge aforesaid; at the time and place aforesaid, together with these presents. , ; : Witness the Hon. Henry Potter, Judge of otir saici District Court, this the fourth Monday of October, in the year of Lord 1822 and in tbe XLVH year of the Inde pendence of the United States of nien'ca. ' J. BROVYiN, llegitttr. , FALL 'AWD WLN'TfclV m TOYr WT Vr i iikJjIaiSSft (JO HAVK JUST RKCCIVED FROM SEW-OR, Per the Convoy, and Jarcit, brown Co. ,i AHD ARC HOW OHWIRO, ' vVJ w AT THEIR STORE 0 POCLOCk'lSTREGT, iky i . ' . .' . Kearly opposite the new Episcopal Church, A VERY EXTENSIVE ASSORTUKNT OF FRKiO . J.. IMPORTED f ; Among then are a great variety of neir and fashionable articles ; which, addt d to their former stock, makes their assortinent very large and compleiP, comprising a!i)Mst every article generally sold in the DRY GOOD line; and have berti purclfsed principally at auction, very low for cash. . Coiintry Merchants, and tiisr wuo may urish to purchase-on reasonable terms, trill Ho well by calling and examining for them seles: ' ' ; .. f CNewbern, October 24thl8?2.,4nif - '' POLLOCK-STREET, j 'Has just received from Philatlelphta A HAND.SOMK ASSORTMR s r or CROCKERY:1 v f ilardware and CuUerv, Which he offers A r sale, Ht rt tnil only, for Cash, Produce, and approved Credit a as low terms as can be purchased in tho town. " ! ' j ALSO, ' U f Real Cognac Brandy, i (Jo. Holland Gin, I OJrflVVest India Rum j Common, do. ; lmerifle & Lisbon Wines, Tea and Loaf Sugar, I ' Heavj & light' Canvass, Cotton Bagging, &c. &c. Newbern, Uctut t r ' ' " s j - ;r NEV UOODb. STEWARDS. COOK, tMeichant Tadok, t raven-Street, JIavejust received from New-York and Philadelphia, ,And are now l,eit'l"g t their cuth'uS tore, li tHkIr fill Avr i't ii o 1 . u. 1- t?ciA'ilT! ft 11 1 V t o KWO P V' V lj bl CONSISTING OF London Cloths &c ( assiiueres ShVpnrd-s Velvet, 131ue &. Hlack Cloths Ditio Fancy Colours t Austin's Electoral blue and black Cloths f and- Cassimeres . . 1 . ; Woods" xtra Saxon ttto ; - : brab Cloths for C teat Coats j ; ; Coronation and London niixt Casimeres 'Elegant Fancy '.Vestings, &:. : ' ' ALSO, "j !; A nv nr Ant n r rk'iuTTr " - AiJ I MiUL, (LU 1 MJiViT, AMONG WHICH MXK Rich Tartan Plaid Cloaks, Great Coats, Close Coats, ?. Surtouts and Frock Coats, . railtaloons, Vfestsfc Dra wers. I JThese goodk were carefully selected, a.d will compare with any. in the Ijstate, tor cheapness or quality. GenlTeiiM-ii ai in. : vited to call and examine them ;ihey w ill be sold (as low, probably lower, than they .can be purchased elsewhere. I ; -nriL'p rPrtiln'rrt rr ?ioinoc ' UQptlff-JJUSinCSS Continues to.be conducted; at theaboe establishment on an f-xtensive scale, and at moderate prices, and the work is exeru. ted according to the latest and most appro ' red fashions. f ; .Orders from any. part of the comitry w ill be executed wllh'the utmost tiispatch. in a manner that cannot fail to afford satistac tion. ' f . lewoern, Vct.W, iz.'--n ; . . JVotiCC 1 i . ,oot, ! A T May term, Craven Court 1 1 subscriber quanneo a r.xecmor n nu- Us - ?r ... 1 ' " - o 1 y 1 . t .. will and testaioem 01 jonaman nmiVt Hte cf said county. lVrsons iidebtet to said estate are required to make immediate py i ment; and those having claims against the 1 estate, will pie sent thm wlthm the iln?l limited by law,lherwiethe Uiuteuf nU' Cations in soth cnen made and provHrd,.. will be plead in br ot ilieir lecovfrv ry ARCMlHLLiFLYI;i:s October 24, ." V JLxtcutor. j 1 A- ' J