l,, ---,.--...,.,.... . Ml all Hi I.IW . I II I ' WHi H ! V A (iS'umWr 243. . V-- I,. it r . - . Volume NY) iliY151sUi, J. C. p .1 ., ... vr prnMSHED WEEKLY, Vasteur & Watson, , C3rE 455CM nALF FATABLR I ADfASCI. jvejf go ops. . -. I J. E. BETT.VER & Co. IIAVE RECEIVED, 7 j th- last arrivals from Scw-Tork and 3 " Philadelphia, AND ARE NOW OPENING, T THEIR STORE ON rOLLOCK-STREET, A large and genera! assortment of well seieciea- Cmitinz of every artic!eisua1ly required, i (both of the Staple and Fancy kind.) j flUnkels, Clolhs, Cassinjeres, J).'inesticks.5ibf every description, f ijured & plain, black & fancy coloured IIomb:izetts, Figured Sc plain Silks, Uuslin5, &c. Canton, Nankin, &: Italian Crapfs. i'iik Velvets C.'assimere, Silk,& Ihiita tion Cashmere Shawls, j Ribbons, of the latest fashion?, Tuiloise shell rieticules, i-.ih Linens, & patent loom Shirtings. A VARIETY OF 1 ' . tniv Bonnets, Shoes! Hals. . ' ' Paper Hangings, Sic. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP Hardware, Cutlery, Crkclccry, , G . VSS & CHINA WARLS, 5 Comprising every article usually panted in those lines. j ALSO A GENERAL ASSORTfEVT OP ; GROCERIES, l i CONSISTING OP Mcra, Port, 7 feUon, Teneriffe, 1 C )ln.-mar and j . v Aiuu, Best Ath proof French Brandy, Holland Gin, and Jamaica Hum, & Gunpowdrr, , . Inperial, and V TEASJ Ilvson, ) . Loaf and Lump Sugars. . i The, have also on hand, n variety of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, frc. $-c ! All of which thty are disposed to sell on ims unusually low, either at wholesale or "ii. iicH.vn n, fit. iiv, io( till NEW GOODS. STEWARTfr COOK, Merchant TaWors,1 . Craven-Street, Have just received from New-. lrork and Philadelphia, fed are now opening at their Clothing Store, IHEIR FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF FtlSUlOABLE GOODS, CONSISTING OF London Cloths & Cassimeres Sif paids Velvet, Blue & Black Cloths iJitto Fancy Colours Auti;vs electoral blue and black Cloths and Cassimeres Vv'oods' xtra Saxon ditto Drab Cloths for Great Coat3 Coronation and London mi.xt Casimeres Elegant Fancy Vestings, &c. j ALSO, j A laree and general supply of i , j ; 1 IUDY MADE CLOTHING, A ".ION!; WltltfH ARK Rich Tartan Plaid Cloaks. -Ureat "Coats, Close Coats, ! Surtouts and Frock Coatsj Pantaloons, Vests Drawers. nce coods were carefully selected,'and 1 rapare with any in the state,- for nP-ies or quality. Gentlemen are in- 1 J call and examine them; they will 4j,,l as low, probably lower, than they about five fet seven inches high. 25 years V purrhvied elsewhere. i of age, and as likely as is commonly seen. ihfl TTr., I?iiP,'iii.oo It is expected he is lurking about New m-.u.uuritt,g ' bern ftiirfprf. at tne above V- j, w- j will lC KJ auj ptswn inv tshnt, on an extensive scale, and prebenxJ and: confine him in at.y Jail so erate prices, and the work is exdcu- lhal ct j,, aeajn and all reasonable C conhngto the latest and most appro- ;expOSes will-be paid. I i- f' . r .i . ' . L:n C'Wwith Jhi utmost dispatch; in a rWL.L-r"M M"VUW4U'rtu'.r v v cannot lau to auora samiac Kscbern. nr. ,V ,e -,.r 1 '.'SEEL YE &Co; Tare returned from New-York, -AND ARE, NOW OPENING : Atthtir Store on Pollok Street opposite the rietA Brick Church, , A choice &, general assortment of DRY GOODS, i - : 0 fAe ffer Importation; AraCHJ-j which are the following articles, viz : . . upprfine and common Cloths, Cassimeres and Sattinetts, jA general issortmejit of Blankets, FIahn-ls, assorted colours, Ano.i Cossimere, feuper. Djaja Pelice Cloth, , v IriJi tiif?j assorted, bofifbzeties,' figured an.f p'ain, J C'ias. of ihlaiest fashions, . 'tdtet.rinss, hla- kauU white, ' Sattms, Sifichews. " ' tleirant Silk hnwU. fij'd & plain, ilHander'cliiefs. bhek and fig'd. . (pamhriciis, ' Jaconet 1ushn. " Loi Lawns supt-rior quality, Ribbons, of the latest patterns, Shiriins FoiHiiiand Domestic, Iflaids, Stripes, arid Checks, j A LSOv VARIETY OP ARTICLES OP AND CUTLERY, And a few Cases of RO RAM HATS, St & Co. will receive regular supplies ofJ-ooils by the Packets from New-York, and intend to kep on hand a complete and extensive assortment of Staple and Kancy articlesj and as they purchase principally with Cash, they will sell at very reduced prices, j ew()ern, November lr, 1822 '4 Iff. limn, Surar$ Tobacco JUST Ulv lIVED, Aitflfor Sale by the Subscriber, Five Puncheons West India RUM, of a superior quality and flavor. A few Hogsheads and Barrels West In dia SUCjARS, of a good quality. Richmond Manufactured TOBACCO, in Kegs iof convenient size for retailers. GEO. A. HALL. Oct. 19, 1822 39tf. WMi ' Has just received- from itwl'orl:, a va- r SIL,VER TAtiLE SPOONS, Tt:iV SPOONS, suOp LADLES, &c. Of the revest fashion, and best workman hip. Tl; silver warranted good. HE HAS OX HAND,. V OP ALMOST EVERY DESCRIPTION ALSO, (joldj Gilt, Silver, Steel, and Silk, ' Wat'ch Chains; God, Gilt, Silver and Steel WATCH KEYS AND SEALS; WATCH GLASSES, single or by the dozen. Silver mounted Spectacles, of i very superior quality ; STrEL MOUNTED Ditto. Silver Thitnbles, , X Salt Spoons, Sugar Tons, X Netting iVeedles, Pencil Cass, ' Bodkins, Mustard Ladles, x -Tooth Picks, -&rc. &c. &c. A t LIKEWISE A FEW BLACK LEAD AND SAND 4Rlf C1BLES. The hiffhesi prices civen for OLDGOLD, SILVER, COPPER, & BRASS. An Apprentice would be taken to the above business. August 3Js4 1S22. '32tf 25 DOLLARS REWARD. RAN A;WAY from the Subscriber's Plantation, in Onslow County, on he 12th of -(larch last, a Mulatto Man by tthe name bf 5s L1NKFIELD; of Wilrnington. The above Reward Masters ofjvessels and others are here- tmf'Si -rearrvin?himawav. tinder the oenaliv , LEWlST. OUVU. of Mav 20thAs22 1 9 tf. - i o? look ar MUpil; Hai iust received from N Vti - -i - .- - - - T ' 1 AND IS NOW OPENING, AT TIS CHEAP STORP Craven-street,'- - Nearly pjWite the Bank of Newbem. neral assortment of rJM ft MA ith rtJi rt2 F AV (yy i G O CDS, Hats, Biots & Shoes, c &c. Anion? ichich arph ft ' ; viz. Cloths, Cassimeres, Pehce cloths. Flanrefs, ; Worsted Socks and Hose, Cotton tJo. I"; do. Flac Htikfi. ; ( Clack silk do. Madiass do. Figured and plain lAIusIins, Ribbuns, Gloves, .linns, Needles, Black, & white Sewing Silks, Assorted col. . ; do. Exita fine Guernsey Shirts , Brown Holland, f Brown Platillas, j ; Gentlemtp s Beaver & imitation Beaver U A I S, ! L Boys' Beaver HATS, Morocco and Woi 11 A TS, Ladies' Booties &: Shnpo. Misses do. do. Gentlemen's boots Shoes, And a great rarietv of . , r.- v . i J wmmon. onocs,ior iVlen and Women. i I . , ' , 9 f A fen barrels r$t quality Appj "C1 Tt TVT TT ; T . -LfVAiIX- X ; A NUMBEfe op. -u 3crse Waggons, Stick Gils Bureaus, Tables, : Bedsteads Work Tables, Fancy and Windsor CHAIRS." Saddles, Bridles, ? Harness,! Trunks, j r Travelling Trunks, Portmanteaus and Volices, Fowling Pieces, .Powder & Shot, . I &C. &C. , J ocether with n v-iripti nf ft,-o:ix too tedious to enumerate. , N. B. From the general approbation of tne goot quality of his atrceSj -and the dili gent attention with which thev were select- ed. he can with confidence recommend them to the attention of the public, espe cially to those who are desirous of obtain ing article that are really pood, at a cheap rate. Any Boots or Shoes, or other articles, purchased at the above store, and not soiled) will be exchanged if they do not give entire satisfaction.; " j! Netcbrrn, Nov.-2d, 1 822. '41 tf FRANCIS ALEXANDER m HAS just received from Philadelphia, a general assortment of Men's, Youth's and Lhildren's ' : :3ffiA3P8i:'.'.. OP EVERY DESCRIPTION- -MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S OP ALMOST -EVER V DESCRIPTION. v And a few cases Ladies jand Misses Strawy Bonnets, Which he ofiers for sale, at his Store in Lraven-street, next door to Mr. 1. W. ritt man's, at reduced prices, for Cash. September 24, 1822.'36tf THE SUBSCRIBER Has just received from Philadelphia, and ofiVis for sale low, a few ' - LIGHT & HEAVY CALF SKINS, CORDOVAN & LINING SKIiXS. ALSO A LIGHT NEAT MONUOE. CARRIAGE, Suitable for one or two horses. Apyly to JOHN TEMPLETON, Who requests those indebted to him to call and let him know houfithey are, - Subscribers for the Declaration of Independence, and the Farewell Address mshinrton, :ar. requested take ibcm awajr. -Appij? aa a&vre , HAS JUST RECEIVED FROM PHlLADKLmiA, 1 AND' IS NOW OPEN INOy- At his Store, corner of Pollok and Middt h streets, - . X A FRESH ' SUPPLY OP " eigii St Domesiia . : HARDWARE CUTLERY leery & Glassware, yhjch, with his former supply, comprise! very general assortment. . v ? 1 ! j v ALSO, "v. A FEW HOGSIIEADS CHdiCE - RETAILING MOLASSES, -JUST RECEIVED, Per schooner Fanny, from Guadaloupe, and for sale low, for Cash or Country Pro duce. - -., Newbern Nov. 2d, 1 822 '41tf. LANDS 8? MILLS For Sale. : , - THE Subscriber intending to leave the State, offers for sale. 1430 Acres of Land,: where he now lives, in Jones county, on the North side of Trent River, one mile above Trenton, ' . jThere is on the premises a convenient Dwelling House, -l and other necessary buildings, with an eicellentset of i Saw & GHst Mills. both newNand in complete operation, the latter having a good bolting cloth. They wejre built ot good materials, by the best of workmen, and are at least equal to any in jhe lower part of the state. If the above property is not previously ;'sol;it;win:De: offered at public sale on j Thursday the 28th of next month, (No- ven?ber) en wiH also be "0,d . jjoisus, vame, njogs, oneep, Corn, Fodder, Peas, ij Farming Tools, &c. -K i ALSO A number of NEGROES will be hired out for a short time. .1 If the Lands are not sold, they will be Rented for a term of years. j CHRISTOPHER BRYAN. Jons county, i Oct. 23, 1822 '40 5 Notice. ; " A T May term, 1822, of Craven Conrt .1x1 of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, the s subscriber qualified as Executor to the last will .ana lesiaroeni oi junaman vauy, iaie,an;H lake ,,m away, or he will bu deiiU cf said county. Persons indebted to said wjih as tlie law directs. estate are required to make immediate pay- ment; and those having claims against the rtrfntk " txill nricpot tVipnri : within tlip limp limited bv law', otherwise the stRiute of limi- f tatioiis in such" cases made anxl provided,1 will be plead in bar of their recovery. ! ARCHIBALD P. FLYBUS, October 24, 822. '40 4 Execvior Dancing Scliooh R. WILLIAM H. CLAY respectful ly informs the Ladies- and Gentle men of Newbern and its vicinity, that he purposes returning, to commence a - i Dancing School the ensuing winter, hoping to meet with the patronge he has heretofore reeved. ThoseUadies arid gentlemen who were regu lar pupils' last winter, can attend at half price 5 and all gentleraen'Vho wish only to have the t privilege oi yislting the School, and dancing as tbey vmay feel inclined4 with the advantage of the Practising Balls will only pay half price. There will also be a Night School for young gentlemen. The School will commence in December. r September 22, .1822 SGtfc J . ; ,: Ttvmty-Five Dollars ! REWiRt). R AN A WAY from the Subscriber on the 4tn instant, a Negro Man named -IrAU- or AcYi Brimmae t about twentv-five years of age, slim made, ' a dark yellow complexion, and about five feet seven or eight inches high. Masters of vessels and others, are hereby cautioned against harbouring, employing, or carrying away safc lellow as the asuch case made ana proyiaea wni w j r - forced. The aoove newara win oe to an v ioerson; who shall apprehend CODUOC 5SUU 9iaC w wi m g-p. miu "gttiw . tohv R nion JOHN 1. OUULI. , M .UTEU .. . , - L" -V HAVE JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW-IORi:, Per the Convoy, laud Jarvtt, flrptbn $Co. AND ARB IfOW OrCBIVG, A ; AT niEIR STORE ON POLLOCK-STRECT, j Jfearly opposite the new Episcopal Cburcb'," j A VERT EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OT rRfcSlt - . IIJ PORTED f ST APLE , FflCv Amon theiu are a great variety of new and fashionable articles ; which, etldedj to FALL; AJVD their former stock, makes their assortn.n.t very large and complete, comprising olnu'st , yery article generally sold in the .DRY GOOD' line; and have been purchasyd principally at auction, very low for cash.j V Country Merchantt, and th(t who may wish to purchase on teustmable terms, trilf . no teell by calling and examining for theta Iteles.' ' ' . " .. : . . ' if- ' . ! Newbern, October 24th, t8J2. MOtf f , ! I . 1 1 1 POLLOCK-STREET, i Has Just received from Philadelphia A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF , ij. ROCKERY, i Hardware and CnUerv, ii Which he offers ft.r sale, at retail nlv, or Cash. Produce! and MiirirnvfH lrlitl i.n as low terms as can be purchased iu the , , T . ri town. ALSO, Real Cognac Brandy, do. Holland Gin, Old West India Rum, Common do. Tenenfle & Lisbon Wines, Tea and Loaf" Sugar, Heavy -& light Canvass. ' -J Cotton Bagging, ,&c.'&c. Nfittbern,. Octobtr 29, 1 822. '4 1 3 t Taken Up, ND committed; to the Jail of this County, on the 24th oi October laitl. a Negro Man who calls himself SAM, and says he belongs to Jacob Luij;, i f.i.e field District, South Carolina. Miu telluw I ti Lhnil llirtr italrj nf; r..n - 1 ,i iuuMt niii jruiy i atzy Uldi n Ci'lll plexion, five feet five or six inches hiuh. i Spire made, and has'lost some of hia fore eth. 1 he owner is requesteJ to cornel Vorwiinl, prove his' property, pay charts' A- I 4 LEM!.. HATCH, Stiff. roues CountjvNov. 5th 1822 '42tf. . NOTICE. WILL BE SOLD, on Saturday tho 7th ol December next, 'a: 4he Court Hotise in Newbejn, the personal ptopei ly h belonging to the' Estate of James S. Spar- jj rowy deceased ctmsisting of a likely Ne- ij IgrojMan, a. Negro .Woman and three chil-' . dren, and a Gold Watch. Six months ;l credit will be given, the purchasers giving gooB security.! ;. !. , , ;! THOMAS SPARROW, jun. Admr, PJoy. fth, 18221 42tds; f - RICHARD N. OLIVER, CABINET MAKER, At the old Glebe, Middle strett above the' Cgurt House, eturns his grateful thank to the inhabitants of Newbern. and the vicipity thereof; '.for tjie, encourage ment he has rcceivedfrom them ; and hopes by his strict attention to busi ness; apd unremitted j. exer tions to please, to merit a continuance bl their favours. He Has on hand, an assort meni of ready made FURNI I UKK, and the best materials to make any -l . mav i. called for, on the .'most moderate Iterms. All order frodrtown 01 country, will be puuc tualljr attendtdta. ? fji He has also on hand, a hand . lmtmmt of Mahoeranv and ' . woods, for COFFINSi d oL . as uaU Those R nil be paid W re so untounate a s to lose hend and their friends, will find it to their ad im a.m vantage to call as a'bove, a he intends -t mn imfnrtnnftte a8 to lose o . . - - reducing ine exprnccs w.. i;. mih tmn overs. p W:(Mi viyw t - sy . J.'(

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