: v J I Foreign.- LATEST FROM EUROPE. ThelSTnin2 shirV Robert Ftdton (of theJourui iineor packets,; armcu jici day morning fronj Liverpool, whence she sailed oil the ;ih!-of September. The Ed ituis of trie-Mercantile Advertiser are in debted to Cant. Holdree for papers of that ari l fAjfiinrintM t3 thfi CTeoln of die 2nd. 1 London, Sunday Evening f Sept. 22. The Emperor Alexander, arrived at Vi enna on the 7"th inst The Viscoont .Mont morency, Ambassador from the Court of France, has been admitted to an audience of the Emperor of Austria, and had coi ftrrences with the Korean Ministers. The . Conferences at Vienna are merely prelimin ary, and .all important deliberations will be postponed until the Sovereigns, or their diplomatic attendants, assemble at A erona. UV have rccived Uayone pajwrs to th- lltlinot. 1 lev state from Niain, that Qiienba. bcin? out-fl3nked by the Con Mil"ti.nrdist5, mvl forced back to Arrajoiil Iiul suffered a cornofete defeat ; and it ivas even reported taat ne nau ocen arnv crel up by his otvn'nien and shot. The Menders of the? Fnitii reie giving way at nil points before the cJeterniined valor and c;iiim-ism of the Constisutionalists, and tie (iuvrrumtMit-wa acting with spirit and co-ry, by pourincrcniforceaients, into all the disturbed provinces. Tot LOs, Jllt SK' The squntlion under the command ol Ke.ir-Admiral Hamelin, sailed at 5 o'clock t::t tnorinn?. it consists ol I l.olosse, mi hoard of which the Admiral has hoisted In I -a f;ierrierr, and La Thetis fri;;-.: s ; lKchn, corvette: Le IMoniuj. :::'r. Thi diii;i will be reinforced h t l.t .fan D.-irt and La Sy belle, bries. i.ir.i Ccfst. Its (Je'tinaJion is not known, bu it'is beloved thjt'i1 i to cruise on the oil of .pnin. The Admiiral take the till .if dmmnnder-Ceneral f tiic Naval )". cc of Ijfs .Majesty in the Mediteirane n'n. It ii -iid tftat all the Kind's I;fSs in ihf Ievnni. Inve ortlcrs to come and, rein force this Nai'Jron."' 'Z vntk, August 7. The for.i!"ned Tcrk:s'i dxvt, consisting of !:.e ol b:tth ship's, frijptes, sloops, ami lni, in all about thirty sail, passed by thi on the 2d instant, and are at present ot Ta:ra FROM TilK I;lZILS. ', rrvoan, Nov. 2. T? tTi Iiri Rob'T!. M('!eiht airivrd at rnr :-rl on Tii irso'y, in -10 djys frnn Riv ii inim, n rerrived files of Rio Gi-rrf- ! iJf li)!h epfe:nbr, fnm whic!i iVe preni th f-jlioui;) tr3nslatio:;3. Our rdr$ may rcnllict, that t!u nun?rros iidiatMlantH cfthe Hay of Hrj7.i!, wne cal led upon, mvl 'solicited, in tlif most rner nti- rais !" j th other provinces in cjna ici.fa'in;; theinsejves from the oppres sion of the "European "overr.mnt. The n.'hctd declaration (ft' liieir Il)E!EN Liv(.E nf the Edrnpean covern;;irnt r. i ud'trsion in that of die Prince Regent, fs I'fC'-ived by this arrival. Vro,i (he llitlhw'i h)ntig C.rnue. -J pendente,. it yon will Insist bpoii these Je trrm'ilinf comuafisons. 'ihew. Ui vour'iNe- hons and vemr Lockes your great"-char actets, whose fame bauoars all those jlips trioas. names, in T whose glory the AniC,ri- cans participate. Let tne ppim . oi cuu- parisort begin from the period wnen inrs nne nnlian wm dirided irito CfWO when we declared ourselves, to all future porjio- ses, independant of England, and assumeo a, "distinctive rank and character lor- oor selves. Chfess this js done, we are dis puting merely delana caprinaj nothmgis said! there is no argumenrio oppose, no didculty to confront. ..We therefore join heiirt and hand with our opponents, in the celebration of names so illustrious, and we fel ourselves ennobled in the coaterapja flonive are proud of our Alfred, of oW ihakespeare, of our Milton, and our LocKe; tlev are names dear to our memory. ' JLj idiere do we find," since the 'American rejv ctutipn. characters of such pasins Itislrn : This is the froint to wljicli We would r- .Hpeclfully sidicit the attention of these gen tlemen, who are so peculiarly prqn to i h. rdclje.in comparison ?to the, di idvantai- of America, it has always ipi-artn p us, that .Mr. JciiVrson, in his notes on Vir ginia while diussiag the re!,tt;ve merit o. the two hemispheres, surreudc-red too mucn frtmnJ ti Ids opponents. Fie reerns have considered the question in this point of vhw, that the great, venerable tind'tjlA rious fame of the Lnglish worthies, w jjlorv beaming an hostile. radiaope on h native country;- whereas those rays ha moniously mingle with those of the A me can constellation. What rendeib ihiserft the more singular is, tna: ir. J li A : jAPPROVEO "FASnLY MEDICINES, ... . - . VVnicp arecelebraied lor the cuie oi k diseases to which the human body isia prepared only! by the sole proprieto "71 IVXDYOTT, M Grandson of the late celebrated Ur.fobert- . . . f . "s.ony of Edinburgh. . And for sale in Philadelphia, oxl at the proprietor wholesale and retail iriig and Fa m'dy, Medicine Warehoi e, N: E." Corner of Second anc . ! - RacJe-streets, and by ; retail of his ap- Y ; poinieu agents, throughout the United S was the author of our Declaration ( lmiJ jieudrrce the rery document that strm. k the dividing line forever between the tvj nations, and made this interest, which wai before one, distinct, If not hostile. j Let them in the short period since ou'i independence; produce their WashinL'tonj. their Franklins, their Rillenhomes, theii Fultons let- them brin forward charac ters more illustrious" than our naval and military heroes, before whom their tr;1 umphajitillag, the cross of M George, hat bowed in homase,- on the ocean and o the land ! We shrink not from a compar ison, since that nation has taucht us to b-j independent. '-J- , ': ' ' " No ! tis cot henest in tiic son! 1o fear " ror was Tydiues lonj trtrcirible here. Americans are forod in seirdeffnce-l it is a dutv th.ey owe to their ancestors' 1 speak thus proudly. . , celebrated . - Stomachic Elixir .Health"; Price t poiiar.arfdio jCents, Which has nnived bv tWands; 'who have experienced it fcuefic'ial rfects to be the mos; vaib.ihle metiiciiie ever o tired to the ptlic fo; die cure of Cw:hs, Coldi Consumptions, the iiooiin Conjrh; A-sthntf, p." " the" breast. craiap's and viad in the oraach, removing cos- Uvene.;, Head Ache, tori ol appciuc, maiec- tion, :c. &jc. 'or the 'D.-fenjtery oi'lsw, Cholera Morbus, secern jri' iags d oijier tit!-eaes of the bo- et-, and the Mauser Cvmrland in Children, i; uas proved acitai.i rc:nt-d., and restored to eriect heal h ird.i the reaic i dcouilv. I ci.ifln- auiiirtffJ n:- il:.?oi;iiy camplahit.-. or ui tmivi-j in .t::L'iie.a a '.. -.r.-, even in tut u-m adai.red . tiUi', iiiii;d in. mediate reliei. (on.m'u Cofg-j ai.d Coid, "uch areing-eu- eral occu luiicd t tibjirs.ctt y.tr. p:i a.i ju, wid yield lo its bcarjijlmfu'crtce iu a ipw hours. la Asthmaelor Con&umtive complaints, hurscues5. .heciisrs, sharLne.-s ot breath, tau tJie lioojiiig Covg", it vrill give immediate ! )t. irr;irrsc.-s VecetablJ' Nervous Cordial, Q- utn e's Grand Itestnraiive. . li tf I nar and 50 Cents. It is con.iJei.Iy recommended, as the inost ef ficacious liiediti.y', iui" the sfcedy vcliei anu cure of all ep fjbmpldlnts, attended with inward eakis' dt)fe' ion i the?irits, hean ache, tremor, iaint.i:,, bj'jteiic Jits, uehili: . Ecint.ial "vcakncJ, Glcts, various cor.pla:;-r . . resulting in nn scdretmpro, rietv cl oittIi idif--gipated itahit.v; reidicc i.i .arm ciinuitc-, the i.nmoderaie use ojf Jdi, il.p vkiifui o exces sive u r ;i Meicufy, so ofte: destrurtivif tc j'ic huTan f:ajic, dicfe- yc ! rw iei.:al.-s at i certain period of IJi Flr.or Alhua, barrtunc . Lnder the dcnbriinatifln of .crvo.s Diso. - Hrr ;, are icludcti.4veral di.-eaer, oi tJie 11.0 (ia-verpus ki.id, ana a:e so anous'.ihc.t a vol ume wuld i.urdlyj n:r" cc ioc-in.pI.-Men io cr: -lion of them. - It pc vaoe, with it laie'.-.:i in fluv.icc, the whoieli-! ro'.!S f ylep", wri;hir.- the :n.urt with ihcxr.ri able time. FKT 1 der'oSnation f Ulcers ; this nduable plaister is also a certain cure for it, d tie same treatment M above made be obserrea, - Cancel Erysipelas, Wens, Scrophula, Fzs tula, PilevWMte Swelling, Sore Breasts, fe lons Whi lows and Boils, are removed, and creV happily produced jby the se of this "It removes Abscesses, and dissipates foUected humours r also cures Sprains, Onuses, An thrax, Scalds, Burns, and all Sores and Wounds tending to suppurate f it draws Sores or Issues; .yery successfully and without pain. It dissipates distressing palarora Gout or Rheumatism in a very short timei and Is ,aie and certain cure for weakness and pains in the back, Rheumatism and flying Rheumatic pains. If the Plaister is constantly-applied to the auected parts for six or eight months, by the applicatiou,tie parts affected become invigora ted, and a cure seldom fails to be completed it is also successlully used for the cure of Corns. Those useful men Mariners ; should never be without iViahy's valuable Plaister Clothit keep& any length of time equally good, nnd is partic ular! v calculated to dry sores avismg from gi ecu wounds, alter they aje4 suppurated," which-it mach aids. It is necessary it should be kept dry. NEtv-Yon, Nov, 2. ft i ascertained tliat the ship lost m'ai1 saoice, in the dire I ire IsMrul Inlet, on Sunday nijfitiwnsthrj Savannah, ole, Irom Livermol lor tht port, Hiitt.it 14 Mill lea red that ml one. m !M,ird Ytis survivf d to tell ol the disaster flic bodii?3-of the ten er?Ans wha'drin . islire, hive b-en decently interret) Habyloji, except. tvro oft! cm wh.cb were v iile aiiCuL h, a.:4 ej:cilinc the most d;cad;ul $--t;gest 16ns of lorrc u.m'. de. -pair. To -this have tliousan;!'!. uiJhu .! 1 tian.-port. O! its rag;. tfle.most coiiKnoii svmptoins ai its con.- n;c lccuicnt are w'-e&kness, Uat'dence, palpita cicn, watchfulness,! drowsii.c atier (eatmg, t! midity, r hashes of 'heat and !d, nurubnc. ramp, g:ttdiiics, Ipaiiis in the head, back and ii;i3, hicct;;-, ihi'iulty'of rc.-piration, and de iutitio tuiiiie:, dr.. co.ijh, ;vc. ' "' TJie Vegetable r-lervo!;.- Co.'dinl is alo a srea; -inticorbe.tic 'mettttne, and i ol iniinitc service dread! till V mnncled that thny-were lu.i il or Jiiril,ii-g the tiiood. and curing those fot.l on th liHArh ' tnmp tart uf tlw stf m c- 'l "Sor.ir.- o; theskin which com.uoniv apivcrti i 7 j - - - the ship caruc ashore, by whtcli lier naup iva? known. , , The Savnnnnli belonged to Messrs. Jr. !,Bride, and Jos. Mace, nf this citv 1 ni carjo consifted principally of coal aiit crates soine of the latter hav? drift-d shore The ri;;in ami saiU ate hair burn-din the high sands uher she struck half a mile from the shore. " The Tailors done txrr. The mal fraternity at Philadelphia, jclept failor m having most tnal Iantly iosisieil that tfiea mphners houIl raseiiieir wajjes, but dis miss troni their servicp all the poor tvidowy and other industrious females who were ir the practice of working for tnem, the Iatt-: encouraced by a J are majority of the citi fcens of Philadelphia, have resolved to oen shop for the purpose of xfurimhhw rlothin;; and no doubt t entertained t!-n they will met with ample support. The', have our best wishes for their prosperity , rom. Adv. jTHE RElTOin COURTEOUS. I seems that otltuce ha been taken in England, that Vali:i ton Irvine shouhl have been appointed fi meiber of a com mittee to devise the form, of a proper moi: u went to the memory of Shakespeare Thi crouiiJ of objeciion is, that thi gen ttemm i a native of America; he is not an fclu'jlis'umn. Perhaps it maybe new to tiiese snarling cinks, to learn that Shake speare was one of our own countrymen. What were the Aroericans in the day of Shakespeare ? English subjects. Yes, lh J nigricans claim for their countrymen. Hanipden, nud Svdnev, and iNewton, omt focte, and Shakespeare, and Milton, anj I olicc Conrt, .for smokin Z""?!"Tnty nd mania! and-c.vil. 1 af inu ircisiauve, ana sciennuc luminaries, ho$ names adorn j the proudest day o" English annals. Letj our opponents rani the Enjilislijcharacteras hish as they will, previous fo the reign of George'the Third, and they will be astonished to hear that Aiueficans participate, in. all their p!iris Know that this comparison has oft: beenpade for the purpose of decradin our oiuntry. Ir is told to us, with an hi. of exulting ostentation! shew us your Mil idin,! ;uui mompSOT)S, yOUT LiOCK.-S Several persons have been recently fined from five to six dollars each, before the the rr Piurc in MOST IMPORTANT DISCOVSRY. Six weeks since, application was . mad" to a person for the loan of one hutuirerf fitmnds to a younz chemist, who had mad a discovery he was too poor to substantiate bv experiment. - The money was obtained. ina ino tew aays repaia ny tne norrower lj vhe i tctu oi bcury J Surfeit, Ro t Jilotr' cs, Car v...uirss. titers, otc. uc. A dose ot ;.:-. Dv f ' h .g'.d v ciieciikd Ar.t:-Biu.-.i;;s I 'ills, taken cciOnliy .ith t!is medicine, prcves of adJi- unai se -icc in theiasi mciiticncd cu.-.es. Jr. Dvott's Anti Bilious Pills. t'.Mch finvc.it and cure ail Bilious Cum p ii.'if i M 'tvnif. Ft vers, $ c ' If timely auuutiist;-ed. tliey w ill surely coun fact the cau.-e.s hei coi.nnoniy p. oduceiiie llowortlie bdionf lever, the ague and le.ir, .. lious cholic, pleurisy, d.-e:er, , worms, biii u vomiting, .ich 'and to il :.to;aach, Ios ol ap ente,5latulenc. , e jilc'iic -.;, hvrbcoisdiia ami . . ' ! ' 1 1 1 .- .... v -clival wiujiiAiup, niuiesuon, namti.ai co -vencs.s,c.ild-.afid tpnghs, asthma, gravel, stra.i ; ary, rhf 'iniatisui and ftout. lso, an eftijciuat cure , 'or the scurvy, surfeit, -corbutic biotehe-; nd tor carbuncles" a'ud hl nurities in the bhj jd, yield to their happy ej erts, whether, proceeding from eon.-thiiifoiia. i.nnent, or arising; lroni indiscreet intrtnpe-raiicv. The. are a.i lat4Hible medicine for'l'eraah '.Mnplaiui- Kcne.a:(v, and especially lor rcniov- g thoeibarlictjo6 whieh are the soujce o- (Cir ailments kt certain periods thev posse e eminent ad. amazes over most other pura- p, that while the j operate gently, thev pr--Kice neither costiveess, debility, nor too grea -.citemcat. i j- And whenever there is predisposition to re ceive diseasej frow marsh cfriuvia, from a tap copious use of ardent.pirits, or from a -itiated state of the bile, these pilli will surch ' oiint tract i. They are higMf recommended to trv-!lrc K ,ea or lanti, and mat be made use of with safetv . 7 CSLKBRAlBD Gout and lllieumatifDrops, . Price io U6Uars.f f 4 safe and effectual cure for thepttfKhc mat.sii., Luinbao, Stone and Grateli Jeiiing and Weakness of the JomtSjSpraiiW, Bruies, Burns, Scalds, anu ail kinds ol green, wounds, ihe Cramp, pain, m the iiead, lace and JfcJouy, tilTntss 01 the jNcck, Ciidblaiiisj frozen Liuihs, U.c. , , . j Vll. ROBERTSON'S'. Patent Stomachic Bitters. f"iice One iiolhir. Which are celebrated pr strcnrtliinsr weak stomach:-, increasing the appetite, and- a certain ..rcveutive. and a cave ioi the icver, ana iijJUt, C.C. ' DR. HUBERTSON'S Infallible Worm Destroying LiOzenges. A mcdicine univetsally esteemed for 'destroy ing eresy species oi worms price 5l cents. ihotigh iiuiberlcas" medit:.:js are extolled .or expeding and killing worms, none are ecpjai ia CiVieat j to lir. iioberison's W orm Destroying oiqi:s; tl.ev are mild in their operatioii and uiay Le given 10 the yourfgeist iniants with aiet y. Dii. DYOTT'S infallible Tootji-Aehc Drops, J Frice t ifty Cents. The Circassian Eye Water, A sovereign Remedy; for most disorders ol" .he eyes, whether arising from cold, iniiainma lion, vveakness, 6lc. Lc. Pirice Fiiry Cents. Dii. DVo I T'S Patent Iicli Ointment For pleasantness, safety, expedition, ease and cer:ainty is rafmilel . superior to any other jned ieiiie ior the cure 01 (hat most disagreeable and tJimeiUingdisoider, THE 11 Cii, price 5c cents. Dr. ! Vickcrs's Tetter Oiutment, I DR. VICKERS'S Embrocation for the Rheuma- tism, &c. I 1 I Price o7h Cents. ( ad - The Restorative DcntHfice, For, cleansing, whitening and preserving the Teeth 'and Gums. Price Fifty Cents per -Lux. IT-T Since these invaluable Medicines have tee: 1 introduced iato the United States, upwards oi a MILLION OF PERSONS have experien ced their' happy and salutary ef-ects; many of whom from the lowest stage of their disorders, and where nil hopes of recovery had been giv en up.! , I j TAKE NOTICE, That each of the abore Genuine Medicines, are accompanied with lull directions, for using them, neat'y eeaiod up, and a small label pasted on the outside cover, bearing the signature of tnc sole proprietor: ; T. W.jPVOTT, M ALE S OF THE OF J0S1AH HOWARn v f lH On Thursday the nth November, So At the CEDAR POIIST Plinfoi mouth ofiNew River, in OnsWr' vtll be sod, a quantity of Cor? fridder: j some, valuable AJa?, 2 Cattle, 'toi' MaiurMuKt months cred i;r given, th purchasers giin- kDnV,l!be approved isecurhy. S ds Ka And on)?uesday, Ihe third dQy,f At the Plantation ON TRENT in mvra COUNTY, will commence thl f large crop! of Corn, Pease and FbddJ on that plantation the pieru id number off very prime Mtdes, Brtnd ' and Horses ; a stock of Cattle Ih a great variety of farming Men Household and KiUken FumtJ.' j TWELVE MONTHS CREDIT 1 oiven at this sale, for all sums over V Dollarsif chasers giving Notes Jl approved security, to bear interest after? .1-1 The Crop of Cotton on both Farms wv. i.. vu.iv.., v, -which aue noticr,"" be eiven : lafter which. tWNp0po0o i... intr to tlie estate will Tip UWoA T . - j- V.U. The LANDS belonging to the Heirs i Mr. Howard, in Onslow and Jones CW ties, ore offered to be let for twotrab. at private! contract r If ho contra made prior to Tuesday, ITflr Decen,! the Trent Flantalion will on that day i offered to the. highest bidder on the preit ses. And the CedJir Point fjanlatienj be offered in like manner, of jhe premise, on Thursday, the 19th day Decfmhc j . JOHN STAMt' Execuior o Jomh Flmnri i-A j nis He irt, November 3d 1822. j t&ltzvn prices erummJ "-Artij-les. Per 1). j ltd con eef iUiUer Bees-Wax Brandy French do. Apple do, Pejach Corn, j Cottoii, - Coilee Cordage Candles I lour, Flaxseed j Feathers j Gin llollahd ' Country Glass 10 Ui 12 8 by 10 i Iron, Fig lb. gall. bbl. cwt. lb. cwt. lb. obi. biisb. lb. gall. bo ft. Tb. 3 10 13 10 5 25 S2 20 45 75 25 4 D. A SUPPLY OF THE ABOVE MEDICINES, Just received and for sale by Barnes M. BcUne.v, & Co. VheN- pamphlets containing certificaies of cures. &c. may be had gratis. beicbern" Oct. 2d, 1 322. ?4 1 l y u ith a Iresh and general assortment of eiueutai .to not rlnates they deter-e and Vleanse vUcid Vunonrs. onen nhitr-irtirt., .. Iproinote the secretiod of pood bile, operate as an cathartic, as a powerful diuretic, and as a . , "'"""'V yvuvr "if strong: conviction s . ' GROCE R I ES, country bar Russia Swedjes NailKods Casliinis Lumber flooring Inch, boards' Square 'lumber Pine Scantling Shinglesi 22 inch Staves,W.O.hhd do. R. 0. do. do. W. 0. bbl. Hcadinvv- o.hlid Lard Lead, bar white dry ' ground in oil "Leather, soal upper . Meal, " Molasses Oil, Castor Linseed Fish ' Nav;d Stores, Tar Fitch Fosm Turpentine do. Spirits Mfi 1000 lb. cwl. lb. busn. iridl Uot'l gall bbl. Fork, carjia to" mess eall. bbl 18 50 80 1 25 ' 45 6 25 4 50 5 6 6 7 : 5 14 8 50 18 S 1 50 21 7 7 10 9 16 17 SO 50 35 1 25 1 25 35 1 15 35 50 ' Si 3 11 14 3 4; -1 4C 5? 5 it' 10 20 10 iff 21 10 Iff 13 3 Jfl 40 18 150)1 already raised to sudden affluence by the jjl i?r'f to rTV''e the afilicted, Vlavdwavc: CuUers , Cvockev nrivate ditnn&al of hi, invention ? It i -u I i'en o.her medieinc have failett. romnmaA ' I ' . private aisposai oi nis invention: it is t new mode of tanning skins, combining surf; rent. .... - . . I ! ir... i ; , IVliffeare Uiey? We are very happ r,Mity anu rconomy, as promise to u, that re can answer such inquires, and e ,mb"c an immediateand trainenseadvnr. trust in the satisfaction of these gentlemen. la"e Raw Wdet, hitherto lying twelve AVe cjn point to theirlAlfreJ, to their Ed- inonl,,s in the tar P' and subjected to rrardfi(the fclack Prince,) to their Aliltons, Process otherwise defective and precari.m. to their Thompsons, Co their lockes, and' are novr Per,ecl Iwther within six wk . even Jown so late as their far-faro chat- and at ,eM than haIf tne fP'n-- 'V haro, land we can sy these are our coun- epneman who bought the invention, h a trymen, in the same sense precisely, as noted opposition member and contractor ; they are vour countrymen. As our coun and rrora tu lerms of ms stipulation, we trymen, their names have been as much maJ form some judement of the prubable iJaJ. i,.! .n.iiMni:.,! imnrKnn magnitude of the result. He has paid bin- . . . . I .f . 'i i i'l lillttlP tmltv v... i: 4 r .i 4.i i irii inonunn nnnnni nnwn. nt iis pivii i J mij uur ui uir .iiiiijut, at rc .- i r I pit i rnra o;ner menMrine have failetl, recommends Mime oi ineii? tat jeast once a fortnieht) du- mff the jrin- and snniner month?, in l,;ch he eeis anrel that tlust il Lfind the benefit tbeV- seek A bill f directions accomnsm- ri. r.-, maii uoics cents. Larjre boxes An And "Hijrar, i tVIahy's Approyed Plaister Cloth. -wunivjf mt ire most eminent of f ft m .'u.ui....iit. rr . . J I 'vyiir umtea Mates. Th,S nauter Clothi S9 well known thronehont . ALSO, A FEW KEGS FIRST QUALITY GOSHEiV BUTTER, A nd a quantity pf the best IRISH POTATOES, 1 jo 1 !' So M 50 btish-i SO ct. gall 3 :0 1 75 43 70 65 IS- 1 1 15 4 I. If IS 10 !!3 10 is: mm m ine, itaaeira , ii nine annro. Newbern, Nov. 9, 1822- '43tf gall.! 3 been on the oth time real bona fide Enl K O RTH-CARO UNA I . 7 . I fh (r, i:' I rt. Irt; -;n : WT " iiuieijr appu- I ernea bv kings and lords, both spiritual j-"i .uevcrumje. , f jaany a raluable life and and temporal, in parliament assembled. ward$ eley 'thousand a year for life! It 'J i This cWiioriiile4 down to. the period Pted the price of . Iir of boots w.ll J TJESS oftmrPeelarationoflndrpendencNow n0t ""J 1 L i?" te " Sa&tSSi Q Ui n r.itn iK- .-,Kf ;n thm rt pondioff fall will be produced in all articles ?flerer to resort to the use nf -i- J ALMANACKS r ; forwe -err .11.1 that Wigor, dU curinp im 5,000. on LuZ"'" rd id Entlish jubjrcu, rot- ' of January, 5,000. per annum for a,d pr.nts G.nCTei ,J b7,i'"T I v For the year 1823, JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE AT HALL'S BOOK STORE, By tne groce, dozen, or stndp nn completed J Newb?rri, fov. 9th', 1822. r r An IhPiB nnarnlnii gentleaeo. iince the Dcclexation of lode- of iwlb vvmiim.-bondm Cc. JJJ thltJwT osin? the Ptai l ; I i i -vuvwww,vi cure jj completed. Peas, Clack! eyed Rice Rum, JamrMca W. 1. 1 American - Salt, Alluiri! bush Fine ! Loaf; lb Lump l.rown cwt, i Steel, Blistered Jb German Tallow, W Tenerifle , Sherryj Porr Whiskey j ALMANACKS FORJTIIEVEAR1S23. JT ed Nottb-CaroJina Almanac ' . , L ... f ..liarflJ V year T823, and will suppn menu-- others at the customary oi v e. Not. 9, lS2f - ,: 4 it i i i i i 1 60 2 none. 1 i . ii.

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