r: l! i I'.- i- a i.. t! h- rplll y. Pittman, Has jusiyrccctveajrum i 4h liSOW OPENING AlilItS CHEAP STORE, t' it Crnrm-tretl Neariy opposite the H.k of Newbern, f J . j ...... .t nf Hits, 136ols & Shoes, i A1jZ tehkh are the fJtowing articles, f ? VIZ. CfothS Cashmeres, . IVIice cloth. Flannels, W'orsrcl Sk aiid Hose, (Vtum tf. do. ll.i k v'Ia n- .mh.h.s no. li.Mir.-i! an-) Mn Im.s, ii,".i..s ;)..ir iw. v--uies, 1 xtra fi (iufinsey SIimI, ljrown llnllii.-l, lli.iun Phtitias, OAmru leaver & imitation Leaver ill! NTS j l?.-avr H AT, kritliiV'tjootrPS & Shoes, if f Clo.ii non Shoes, for Men i n 4 j 111(1 OMIII- iAl.SO, f. w h im I ti r f qiuMry Vi1iMJ!- BRAADV. A l IBFP. O.'-' - Ur.Ui.-;uls. "ik Talt . FaUy ami Vi uls-r CllAllI, ! a T I' ' l T. V-lIui'T I f tlMKS, iiiKintaiis ami Valire?, FJwii ii 1'iocC s, -Powder S!tol,1 i t?ir w illi .1 v,iii i of ntii i ai ti !ri N. 1 .1 I'r.rl ill' 'in-r;il ' . i . j r - ; iiW) i.f tti.i'iiv ii'l.t aii I 't:ii I th 4 i' i n i . t . . ('.in rooti'ti icc i .' i i .i !i5'i nUi iilj',n t i'm tl . i r i . ... If J ! VB HIH li'lill(s Hi kIiI.IiII- I ' t r rr fll I ii' -tiii :i( l, x.-fn?" ii tin i . itlNl.M'tl-'tt. 1 t J) niriii"- St ilt) )L if- J - j.;i I- hr: mi i .f i.J.'i- r . '. ..-1 i V il ii) : t '. . t 'l.lt li( M . I i t 7 I 1 1 . ft 1 I .' ! hit- : !"!M IV ! f ;ini . "! u m - w r- r .'' I ti ih i. r .!' r. I .sf m x I lllt la, tn !. l tii-l V.1,,1 u b- . I l!f of vi"ii.i tl:i TK 'I 4l-t in i'rr-1 2.11 1:1. I V ttil 'if llv iiiM.-cl-i t!i- J'r . ti-iiMj Iv ;-. f i t Yh r' viil hIm- ! vi'l .iiipii-t iii'i ivi'.iili' r . is-L'sf.ii'. t Kt '1 uji 'it-i' rc fsui tiers 4 .-!,--i Ifipr on ;i u named It i inxi iy' -1 ah . .T ' o I t ifi.t !:v i i ,t arte, !int lim in nlf. V. II c -,i, hikI h'mh ut lie i mi .r -t i ' iM-'h. '.j.itPrs Of " ! .tod oitjt .1"- 'it if-hy cautitiiieil a ,i,.4 h ifi.Mjroii,iVinpi.i i -. or carr in . . .v L.i.l iV I tiw. fl tn ' in suvii i...'1... ! iii.iviiUii jhiII h- sirin'lv en (. (., a' J I,,- ,fiCA arn ni o pain . n shall apn',n, ' . ... .1 . . l i. . i Co..hiU . I t Hist 1 " l-:" Jol! fi rtM). '7.'ni, UA aV vkoi.in LM.ifVACKS, IJftsT R Rr lKI!.SO EOH sAv F T llAl.lS iU)OK STORE .-..q7. i. or single one. I y I ) FALL AND WINTER HAVE Jt'ST RECEIVED FEWI.r.n- , Per Me Coiroy, nm Brown Co . nprXI.SC. -.. on v AT TliLlU STORE ON POL-OCK-STREET, arlv oupositetfcene Episcopal Cnurcn, A VERY EXTENSIVE ASSOR T3IENT OF FRESH tiuiinTtn Anion them are a reat xariety of ne i ... . i.:..n..i.i arm ies : which, added ! ih.ir former t.ck, makes their assortment I . W k w 1 erv larszeand complete, comprising bi.. II v mild iii the Dili CVt'lV " - (iOUD line; anil have been purchased nrincinally at auction, very low tor cash. t wisi ru purchase on ivusonaUe terms, mil ... .. . .:. ,.. - ir- 6y calling ana examining j " Ncivbtrn, October 2 Uh.1 'j(t Jlnm, Sugar Sf Tobacco j(sr.Ki;cKivi:o, Ami for Sale hu thr Subizrihtr, Fiv.' I'uiichfuiiH Wesl Intlia RUM, ot a M.it-iinr uuatiiv ami 11-ivor. (t v lloirsheatU ami I'nrrel West In- ilia lUiAUS, of a o.iI quality. nirhinniul ManufartnrMl T()B VCCO, in K.' s of convenient ize nr reianers. CKO. A. HALL. Oct. 1!), IS. "2. r;nt NEW GOODS. STEWART COOK, .McejhunV TaUovs, Craven-Slieet, . Hat e justrca ii alfi oin New- fork ami PhUudclphiit, As.il nrr ojH-niiuT .u iheif Cltlhiiiir Store, TIIKin I ALL AND WINTER STOCK OF VSO.V.WAA GOODS CONHIiVriNCi OF I ,ii Plullis .1' ( ;issii.;i I es hiair lv.-t, Rhw'tS: liiark Clothe Ii(to l anry ( . loni- A listing iJerioial hhif ..nil black Clotiis .ni l L'as-im-. -W.mmU !' t ;i'i i!in. I )i il ( "'oilis or ( Ii . 'u iU '..r.HMh.Hi ..ml l.oniinii uj-t C isimeres L!'sTaiit I aiu v Vilnius. Ac. ALSO, 1 ir" nil'! iT.il Mifii'v rf nr. i'V made cwritLxa, A Tt I w ilH'l . : Hieh T.-trt-iti Vhuil Cloaks, (In-at (.'oafs, Close Coats, Smtottls ain! FroeK Coats, Pantaloons, Vestx Drawers. I V si jonli vt'r rnrt ti.l i-!rtnl. ami v !l com;. an with any in tht -:ite I'm . I.. tMi,-s4 or i'!) i'i!v ( Ierrh-iio-o aiin . i. ! tocnll an.l .aini-ii- ilnii:; they will .e .1.1 a low. .i)!ab!v I nter, than they a a r;iM ! hit': ird i !h :u re. The Tail or in ? Business ( ' i.ii.'iiis to he t i?nl'ir:'!. at tli aho ,-st -it.! ) '' ', in u-nive scile, ar. i,- ,:-r;-'e j ' ! ;hi-worU Is execu ..1 .. , r.r Jim t i tin- i .l and mo 4 appro- nous I ipi, rs t'roMi anv pirt of the country will ... m rut. il null ih ut mot oip ilch, in a -h i t r that cannot fail to :,ff id satirfac i.:;i V rrVn, (ht I?, !:. 5 tf. noticl:. T .. .rnl.rr t i?n cf Cr-ien ronntv ("curt hf SuhscrifcVr. qualified as .ecnr to tin list will.t Wjlliam .lAKKF-r.. dcease4i. All p. 'ns. there ic, indebted to t!if sail deceased, an ..M..v?..il t: nikt inimeilVite payment fa the uWri!er, or tht-ir trcounts will be p'.it in suit ; an.l all tiose havinj cltim.s nj-iinst the said estate, will briiiL' ih-m f i ward pn.perU authenticated, with in th time presCridetl by law, or this .1 t t .tn ...I'ni eri' lotice mil oi piean in oai m a m -v.;. AWW.'.'ki ov. ! S'Jji Mi ii las just i t railed trom i'hladelphia, and .;Vt is tor sale low, ti lew I.KiHT & m:VV CALF SKiNS. COiiuVN Aj LI.NltO'iMNS. ALSO A LIGHT EAT MONROE CAFaHIAGE, uinble for one r tf o hoises. Apjly-to JOHN jEMl'LETON, Vho requests those indeed to Bim to call .i.d let bun know kmo tkhf are. Subscribers for thf Declaration of .1..... it.laiirii nnd the ffareell Address i Ah.Mi.. ton, are reqifsted to call and'; lake tb-ia away. nwiy Nczv 8? Cheap Goods. HAS JUST RECEIVED FROM PHILADELPHIA. AND. IS NOW OPENING, AT HIS STORE ON POLLOK-STREET, A. large and general assortment of DRY GOODS, A3I0NG WHICH ARB !. j ' .' i Supei fine and common Cloths, Cassimeres, Felice Cloths, Rose and Point Blankets, Worsted !Hoe, LambV wool Socks, Ladies' Cotton Hose, do. black & white Silk do. Figured and plain black & fancj co loured Bombazelts, Cambriclis, Jaconet & Book Muslins, CalicoesJ Irish Linens, Cotton Shirtings, Domeisiicks. of every description, Ribbons, of the latest fashions Ladies' extra tine Kid tjloves, &c. Sjb. Arc. &c. ALSO, Ladies' Morocco and L Straw B( J.N NETS, Leghorn !do. Fur HATS, of every description, jrjack & drab'Wool do. AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF auu Gass Wave. TOOETHER WITH Fresh TEAS, Loai' and Lump SUGARS, VINES', Best Holland GIN, &c. &c. All of which he will sell, at wholesale or retail, on ns fa trrmx as they can be pur chased in the town. Nov.23, 1822. 44tl 25 DOLLARS REWARD ri AM AWY from the Subscriber's L Plantation, in Onslow County, oi. he 12th of -larch last, a Mulatto Man by tthe name of LIXIvFIFLD; about fiv f.'et seven inches hiu!i. 25 year .it atir;, and as likely as is commonly seen. It is exiiecte.d he is luikinii about New- nern ot U ilmiuuton The above Reward ill be viven to nny person who will ap prehend and foufiiie him in ai.y .'ail si hat 1 jet bi n a-jain, and all reasouabh xpenses will be paid.: AlaMers of ivels and others are here hy'forwarned Moin harbomiirj, employ in or carrin! him awav, under llie jienahv ot the law LEWIS T. OLIVER. May 2l)th, I S22 1 i) tf. Tallcn Up, ,D cornmiued to the Jail o; this ('-.iiuiy, on tlie. J4th ot Dciober last. to the Jail I a '. in .au who calls himseit AM, ana us hf b''.lnn!i to Jactd) Lon?, of Edge- iiela iisiiict, South Carolina. aid fellow dront thirty ears of ace, black com- !'-x:.o, live feet five or six inches hiuh, siaie ide, and has lost some of his fore teeth. The owner ij. requested to come mrward. prove his property, pay charts ami take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. LEM'l. HTCM, Shff. Jones County, Nov. jth 1622 ?42tf. RlCilARU N. OLIVER, CABINET' .MAKER, t the old Glebe, Middle street above the Court House, 5 " f.turns his gt atelul thanks to the fi inibitunts of Nrwbt rn, and tru a- m Nieiniry ihcreot, lor thf encourage- o"m he has received from them ; and 'i"pt& hv his strict attention to busi ess mrl unremitted exertions to lease, to merit a continuance ol theit .Lvours. 11 J,as on hand, an assort- nei. of ready m de FURNI I URE. ml the best materials to make any vhing that mm he called for, on the nost moderate terms. All orders Irum town or country, will be punc- m 9 ruanv attc ndt u to. i He has also on hand, a hand some ass Ttrnent of M.nhogany and other woods, for COrFINS and ttends funerals, as usual. Thos wh re so unforturate as to lose .heir friends, will find it to their ad vantage to call as above, as he intends r during the expences thereof so as o he an object to the employers. Newbern, Jan. FS, 1S22. . 150 Hollars Reward HAVING a Mulatto mnn run away who I understand is in the neigh borhood of Genpral Durant Hatch and Mr llaston's Plantation, f will give the above reward to any one who will appre hend and deliver him to me or mv agent, at Lake Phelps, Tyrell County, "or Our Hundred and Twenty-Five Dollars if he is confined in Newbern Jail so that I get him. His name is DA VIE, of middle size, and about twenty-four years of age E. PETTIGREW. June Stb, 1S22 '20 tf. APPROVED FAMILY MEDICINES, .Which are celebrated lor the cure of most diseases to which the human body is liable, prepared only by the sole proprietor, T. JV. DYOTT, M. D, Grandson of the late celebrated Dr. Robert son, of Edinburgh. And for sale in Philadelphia, only, at the proprietor's wholesale and retail Drug and FamilyMedicine Warehouse, . N. E; corner of Second ancl Race-streets' and by . 1 retail of . his ap- f pointed agents. ' - throughout the United States. ' 1 DR. ROLVERTSON'S' CELEBRATED Stomachic! Elixir of Health, Price 1 Dollar and 50 Cents, WTiich has proved by thousands,' who have experienced Its beneficial effects to be the most valuable medicine ever offered .to the public for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Consumptions, the Hooping Cough, Asthma, pain in the breast, cramps and wind" in the stomach, removing cos tiveness, Head Ache, losi bf .appetite, indiges T tion. 6lC. 4iC. VArtW nvsenterv ordax. Cholera Morbus,. severe gripings and other diseases of the bow els, and the Summer Complaint in Children, it has proved a certaitfremedy,? and restored td; ,er(Vct health from the greatest'debility . Persons afflicted with Pulmonary complaints, or disorders of the Breast and Lungs, eve.n in the inos-t advanced state, will find immediate relief. Common Coughs and Colds, which are in gen eral occasioned by obstructed perspiration wilf -yield to its benign influence in a few hours V In Asthmatic, or Consumptive complaints, hoarseness, wheesings, shortness of breath, and the Hooping Cough, it -j will , give immediate DR ROBErtTSON'S . Vegetable Nervous Cordial, Or Nature's Grand Restorative. 'Price 1 Dollar and 50 Cents. It is confidently recommiended, as the most ef ficacious medicine, for the speedy relief and cure of all .Nervous complaints, attended with inward weakness, depression of thespirits, head ache, tremor, faintness, hysteric fits, debility, seminal weakness, Gleets, . various complaints resultiner from secret impropriety of youth &idis- . tioKitu i-fsiilrnr-p iti warm climates, the iJItti .... llllluOueraie USC UI ICcl, uusnmui v 5Ai.cs- sive use of Mercury, so often destructive to the human frame, diseases peculiar to females at a certain period of life, Flujr Albus, barrenness, iwC &iC. i' ' ' ' Under the denomination of Nerv-ous Disor ders, are included several diseases of the most dangerous kind, and areso various that a vol ume would hardly suffice to complete a descrip tion of them. It pervades, with its balelul in fluence, the whole nervous' system, writhing the heart w ith inexpressible anguish, and exciting the most dreadful suggestions of horror and des pair. To this demon have, thousands fallen a sacrifice, in the direful transports of its rage. - The most common symptoms at its com mencement are weakness j flatulence, palpita tion, vvatchlulness, drowsiness after eating, ti midity, flashes of heat and cold, numbness, cramp, giddiness, pains iri the head, back and loins, hiccup, difficulty of I respiration, and de- Tiie Vegetable Nervous Cordial is also a great antiscorbutic medicine, and is of infinite service tor Purify ing the blood, and curing those foul disorders of the skin which commonly appear in the form of Scurvy, Surfeit, Red Blotches, Car uunclcss, Ulcers, ecc. &g. i A dose olf Dr. Dy ott's highly esteemed . Anti-Bilious Pills, taken occasionally with.this medicine, proves of addi tional service in the last mentioned cases. Dr. Dj'ott's Anti jBilious Pills. Which prevent and cure all Bilious Com plaints, Malignant Fevers , 8fc If timely administered, they will surely cGun teiact the causes which commonly produce the yellow or the bilious fever, the ague and fever, bilious cholic, pleurisy, dysentery, worms, bili ous vomiting, sick and foul stomach, loss of ap petite, flatulency, epileptic fit's, hypocondria and hysterical complaints, indigestion, habitual cos tiveness, colds and coughs, asthma, gravel, stran guary, rheumatism and gout. Also, an effectual cure for the scurvy, surfeit, scorbutic blotches, and for carbuncles and all impurities in the blood, yield to their happy ef fects, whether proceeding from constitutional ailment, or arising from indiscreet intemperance. They are an infallible medicine for Female Complaints generally, and especially for' remov ing those. obstructions which are the source ' of their ailments at certain periods they possess the eminent advantages over most other purga tives, mat wnue tney operate gently, they pro duce neither costiveness, debility, nor too great excitement And whenever there is predisposition to re ceive disease from marsh effluvia, from a too copious use of ardent spirits, or, from a vitiated state of the bile, these pills will surely counteract it. " ; They are highly recommended to travellers by sea or land, and mry S;e madeuse of withsafetv, without change of lit i, nnd 0i situations where no exercise c an be used. They will be -found particularly valuable for preventing diseases in cidental to hot climates, they detergj? ' and cleanse viscid humours, open obstructions, and promote the secretin of good bile-, operate as an casj cathartic, as apovv erful diuretic, and as a diaphoretic. j Dr.-Dyott here, under the strong conviction of the power of his pills to- relieve the afflicted, wheii other medicines Itivc failed, recommends the ne of them (nt least once a fortnight) du ring i!e snriner and sunnuer months' in vt l.ir-h hn , - ; - r , ... in. feeU aMired thnt tiiose wiio attend to his advice will timi 'the brnnit thy (ek. bill ot directions awornpany each lox of PilN, snail boxe 2-3 cent ' Large boxes OU cent; iuanv s.Approvea rlai&ter Cloth. If. l s a i tm i . . f, . ii .r ' a commenarrt lm all the ihrt sm the Faculty inthe Umt?d States. Ihis Plaister Cloth, so well khown throiirhn.. the United States, and more generallv in the citv of Philadelphia, where its beneficial effects and surprising cures have procured for it the appro- bation and recommendation of the most eminent of the faculty. . ' ' ' I - t is a sure and safe remedy ftr T7?or anA Sores, either fresh or of lonr durance-: .t and prevents Gangrenes and by a-timelv ap cation will preserve many a valuable life 'and ; I In cases of inveteracy of Ulcers, or a nrone, nes of the affected parts to mortify for Can mn it u w :..t-ii V.; uan 3 .. . w outisduir iyr inp itnfnrfnnafa I ufferer to resort to the use of some gentle purga- ive for a few days previous to uiino- th and continue the same till a cure is completed! Wfifcli may be confidently txpected ia flr able time. No purga: me prar ,1 Dyotfs wtll knowu'Aiiii-BiKous 1 ills D' ' The Malengers of the Nugroes i r v L der the denomination: of I'ker - , lm plaister is also a certain cure for it if ,TT treatment as above made be obserred same Cancers, Erysipelas, Wens, SrrV i I I tnla, Piles, VVhiteSvlW Sore lohs, VVitloVs and EonstaVei f' cures happily produced by the 'use o iv. ' uable plaister. J.. ;Use us vaj. It removes ; Abscesses, and dissipates collected humours it also cures Sprains. " thrax. Scalds, Burns, and all R. J .. SrPB nr IssuPS. vprv "eiiPM...c. ' . OZt(l -;- r i - , il unrn-fi n...L , , - - . .-vvtMllm an, , pain. It dissipates distressing pain from f or Rheumatism in a very short time, and i ' safe and certain cure for wehknr.ee 'J ls a tH hark Rheumatism anA !..: r., y u u -- v. o vtutA Oalrk" . Vr r. tm T7- r-? "s ei jxj,n3. ii tut jowki is consiantlv anni; i the affected parts for six or eight months hv tiT ted, anxl a cure seldom fails to be completed!" is also successfully used for the cure of C U Those useful ,mcn Mariners; should ne'L without Mahy's valuable Plaister Cloth itL any length of time equally good, and is ularly calculated to dry sores arising from wounds, f after they are -suppurated, lr much aids. It is necessary it should be kept d DR. ROBERTSON'S '? CELEBRATED ' Gout and Rlieurnatic Drops, ? 4 Price Tva Dollars. A safe and effectual cure for the Gout Rh matism, Lumbago, Stone and Gravel, Swcili!j1' and Weakness of , the Joints, Sprains, Brihv' Bums, 'Scalds, and all kinds of green wound-' the Cramp, pains in the Head, Face and Body' Stiffness of the Keck,, Chilblains, vL,:' Limbs, Lc: ' roZfa : DR; ROBERTSON'S l Patent; Stomachic Bitterst Price One Dollar. i , Which are celebrated for strengthing- yveav stomachs, increasing the appetite, and acekaiu preventive and a cure for the fever I auj ague, . I DR, ROBERTSON'S ( Infallible Worm Destrojin Lozenges.: A medicine universally esteemed for desjroy. ing every species of worms price 50 ccntsj. Though : numberless medicines are extolled for expelling and killing worms, none are eqiiai in efficacy to Dr. Robertson's Worm Destrd.in, Lozenges; tfiey are mild in their operatiori" and m ' ...1 . . . ! I . - .i . ... may De given io tue youngest miants with safer.. ;:; " DR. DYOTT S TV! -?.. . 1 . Infallible Tooth-Ache Drops. . - - v , rnce rnty v ents. The Circassian Eye Water, A sovereign Remedy for most disorders a - the eyes, whether arising from cold, ires, whether arising from cold, infiamnn tion, weakness, &.c. kc. Price Fifty CentsJ 1 DR. DVOTT'S ! Patent Itch Ointment i V:: For pleasantness, safety, expedition, easeanJ certainty is infinitely superior to any other med icine for the cure Of that most disagreeable and tormenting disorder, THE ITCH, rfrice 50 cent. Dr. Vickers's Tetter Ointment, Price 27 Cents. DR. VICKERS'S: I kmbl'OCatlOll 101' the KheUlIia- tism, &C. Price 37 Cents. ; The Restorative Dentrificey For cleansing, whitening and preserving tiie Teeth and Gums. Price Fifty Cents per box. : -. (UT Since these invaluable Medicines he been introduced into the United States, upwards of a MILLION OF PERSONS have experien ced their happy and salutary effects; many flf whom from the lowest stage of their disorders, ( and where ail hopes of recovery had been giv en up. - ! TAKE NOTICE, That each of the above! Genuine Medicines, h are accompanied vth full directions, for ni them, neatly sealed up, and a small label pa-t d j on the outside cover, bearing the signature qf the sole proprietor : T. W. DYOTT, AI D. A SUPPLY OF THE ABOVE MEDICINES, Just received and for sale by James E. Bettner, & Co. Where pamphlets, containing certificaies; I OI cures, &C may be had gratis. Neicbern, Oct. 2d, 1822. '41 GABRIEL M. RAINS, CABINET MAKER, Informs his friends and the public, that he continues to keep on hand a vane- tv of '- CABINET FURNITURE, SUCH AS SIDEBOARDS, I TABLES, SECRETARIES, BEDSTEAD?, &c. &c. Which he will sell on reasonahle terms All orders in the UPHOLSTERER- business will be executed with neatness, and on moderate terms. , He has the1 plan and the care of me GRAVE YARD, & the keys of theates; and requests those who are entrusted wi I th hnrvino- ot the burying of the dead to call on in- V I ZZ 'l ZZZuv USUaI be I 1113 vlldl IUI llllflllJCiiv ' Those who have not yet been furnish with rlrl fnr T.nt! which thev maV haT ...hacpd in thp trrave vard are reqve Purcnfsed n ne &aV.e a ...Ljied. tQ Cal1 n h,m M:hW Ls Those also who have deeds, DUl ' r,o.oe ar nt entered nn the Plan, 3rere- ij u-:n Uom r,,r,nrH that it Hwu ' cant, be ascertameu wmenoi "-he nd whether deeds for any or De Uar, o ven in mnrp than One IIJUi""-- , 0.m,nt. hpn made in several o "LT-.-.i- i i.r, mao in several oi ""77""- have been e' the lots where no deeds nave Dee ? 1 niai ose ; Concerned are requesteu ju rtd. nthprwke sucfi lots vvili De si any person applying for them. i t

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