. ' ' 'r I '---v. ' -X-- i i . i ' -'-! - 1 ' - r .-'"'!''.. !'".. ' (VotamcV.- EWBERJf ; C. SATATIinAY. W.CEMtt titt 28, 1822. Number 240. l... 1 31AllYLAjNX STATE LOTTED. i1 S - ! COHEN'S OFFICE, 114, market-street. 7 t, v i Baltimore, Nov. 18, 1822. 4 J Ub Viavp the treasure to announce, that in consequence of the already extensive sales .-T;Lf in hf SrAlL LA-H LIl9uic urawmi' will ic;ve pi-in?.oii iiauy s r. A ,r nKi'.EMRER.'w the City of Baltimore, and will be completed in ten draw- .. .inHpr the tnnerimenuance ui uc suuiiuimiuucis duuunuru uv mc wuviwwi anJ Council. .-rV' V-V .' -.v ": ' - ; ' ''tw . V-'V'V TC- an THE CAPITAL .PRIZES IN THE STATE. LOTTERY ARE; : . 5,000 Dollars. 50.000 Dollars. I I 0,000 Dollars. ; 10.000 Dollars.. .. 5,000. Dollars 3,000 Dollars'. U not near TCO tSianXt la friZZ. lUC uwiaw wc. t I ibu, miu uu ajr auic iu -SI. Whole Tickets, $10..Iialves, $5....Quarters, 50..;;LfGHTHs, $1 25 To be had id the greatest variety oi Numbers at A Atld for sale by Pasteur Watson NORTH-CAROLINA AND Tmted Slates Calendar, For the Year of our Lord 5' )i!ed fro hi authentic Documents. i the Rev. Colin 'BP Jeer. Nov. 30, 1822. " COFFEE. The Subscriber offers for sale low for CGshf or in exchange tpr Cotlon, j TfinO 1K$ JAMAICA COFFEE of the first quality, j , 4 TOOOS. ST. DOMINGO, DiltoJ GEORGE REID. Dec! 7, 1S22 tf. To Builders. ORorosALs for building a POOR tiOUSE - 4iif ); recfivpd by the Subscribers, vv"o areyppomtuJ a Committee for that COHEN 8. . ' ff TtttPrU find. rL JTCititir C" w M-O . liu. jhim ni nil IU) Ullll"( t , ) i A W here in the two last State Lotteries, -Were sold the great Capital of 40,000 doll, to receivi everv itWofmation relative to the .enileman in Albemarle County,; rtriwza- me io,uuu uoiis, 10 a genwetnan in 1 Lancaster, OAio: besides no less than SEVEN CAPITALS of 5000 dolla rs each, to wr'ui parts of the Union. - - ; V . ' In addition to the above.the unparaueled success attending distant Ail venturers at COHEN'S OFFICE, wasaain evidenced in the Alonu:nnt .Lottery which wju. c.,;hpd last montli -the TWO II KUI EST CAPITALS, and numernn others, .vere L.I.J at COHEN'S, viz.: No. 17975, thei great capital of 30,0 -Moll in a Whole Ticket toa gentleman ol Jlexanana .o.oos, inecapuii oi ;i.u.muoiis. m snares, IqqP n ill OWIIfMl 111 l'rUtA, "w I' 7 , " " aan of Philadelphia ' i 'ORtERS from any prt of the United States, either by mail, (post paid,) or b saaie, on application to - I WILLIAM HOLLISTER, WILLIAM IL S'l lKET, STEPHEN B. FORCES. , ?rpt. r nh, IS22. ,34Jf ; j NOTICE. A good opportunity. The Proprietors of the i Gbm rt er and (Hazcffe, wili .seli a -I. t:. . i.' i. " ronmanre. inclosW the Cash or Prizes m any of the B.Inmore Lotteries, will ) .T'","1 1 ,,l4U"s Inett the same prompt and punctual attention as if on personal application, addressed to J I. COHEN, Jr. Baltimore. COHEN'S " Lottery Gazette and Register," which i published every Week.4 il)contain the Official List of eachdrawing ;and will be forwarded throughout the Lottery, gratis, to all who purchase their Tickets at COHEN'S OFFICE. Those bo wish to receive the drawings will mention, it when they send on their Orders. BAtTfMOWr, Aor. 18, 1822. NOTICE. Deereu, CUesVer & Ormej T PENDING to close their concern as II soon as convenient, request all per- wns indebted to them either by Note or Accourt to come forwatd and settle the lame. Any kind of Ccuntry Produce will 2e received at fair cash prices, or note 3P?otiable at either of the , Banks in New rn. I hose who do not in a reasonable lime avail themselves of thi notice, must Jrxpect a more unpleasant one. Drcenber 7, J822 740tf. A SOUR ARTICLE. THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE, I 1 Z BARRELS CIDLK VliNLUAK. ..... . jnm kTr ' W IL.L.1A U uun.i. i Dec. 7, 1822 '46 4 w. RAN AWAY iHlROM the Subscriber, on the 9th inst. IS? a Negro Man-named MARK, alias blark Ralph. He is about tJ feet high, PO years old, a Carpenter by trade, and idongs to the estate of William Shepard, ceased, late of Newbern, in which place and its neighbourhood he is well known, Jand where he is probably lurking. He ias a wife in Washington I I All reasonable expenses inrurred in pprebehendiog and committing him to wUrtho io.li nf Newhem or Beaufort .County, or delivering: him at Belle Voe, Pitt County, will be cheerfully paid by4 SAMUEL LATHAM. ; Nov. 21, 1822. '463w. j V' WILL BE SOLD, AT PUBLIC AUCTION, (TO CLOSE A CONCERN,) On Saturday the 4th of January next, Of not previous! disposed of at private sale,) THE ELEOANT, UNEQUALLED, Fast sailing Pleasure Boat, : Public Notice IS HEREBY GIVE that the Part nership existing under the firm of Jarvis, West & Co. r i 1 John Speooe West,) will be dissolved on the 3 1 st dav of December nexV; .-and it is earnestly requested that all persons indebt ed to the said concern, will come forward and make settlement and those to whom the firm h indebted, are requested to pre sent their claims for payment. MOSES JARVIS. Newbern, November 29, 182 ,' 45. nient iri .this place; From the many advantdes in point of local situation, with th extensive.pairon age ihis paper.now possesses, it promises to. be ere lonz, one of the mist pi-ofitable' Journals prinkd in the State, and at the same time, to afford a good, field tor the disphy of useful talent. ' Tta inan tf s.ime capital, practically 'acquainted .with tin; de tails of a printing office, such an opntn tu nny stjldom occurs. Further information may be obtained, by letter, ad dressed to James -Saw ell Fayette- j viMe. Ni t'. Fayettecille, fcw. 'Zl iVoUce As VcrcT5 gieu, J That the salle of Jarvis, West & Co', STOCK of goods; advertised to commence on the 1 st January ensuing, will not take place, in consequence of Rlr. West's interest in said GOODS having been disposed of by private contract WM. HOLLISTER, E. of Jno. S. IVtst. MOSES JARVIS. ! ; Dec. 14, 1822 M7tf. NOTICE IS FyRTUER f3IVE BYTHE SUBCRIBER, THAT he has purchased trie right and interest of Mr. John Spence West, dee'd. in the STOCK OF GOODS as ad vertised in the. Sentinel under date of the 29th November last in consequence of which, the sale by auction will not take place ; but those who think proper to apply, will be accommodated with such goods at may be on hand at the time, at private sale, on the most liberal terms. s MOSES. JARVIS. December 14; 1822. , M7tf . . - . ' i NOTICE. Flour, Whiskey, &c C. M4C. L C. B. CHURCHILL Have just received from Philadelphia w AND OFFER FOR SALE, , AT THEIR &T0RE, OLli COUNTY WHARF, 30 fils. Supcrfuie Flour 20 do. Apple. Brandy, 20 do. Gin & Whiskey, 20 do. Navy 'Bread, 10 boxes Soap, (yellow) 20 do. Cdndles, mould & dijfd, 10 Firkins B alter, 20 Kegs (tun-Row dcr, 20 Boms Codfish, &c. I They contine to keep a general assort ment of dryg6ods, TT 1 n l1 e 1 force since tbe 1st instant, and will continue MardWCire, O XltlCry Unci- n operation until the first of May. There- lore, all horses found at large rn the street after the 14th inst. will be dealt with accord . JAS. A. MMAIN, v THE inhabitants of Newbern are re minded that the Ordinance of the Commissioners, to prevent horses from run ning at large in the streets, has been in Glassware, all of which are ofiered at reduced prices. l ing to law. Dec. 7th, 1822 1 5TV ' FRANCIS ALEXANDER, '. HAS JUST RECEIVED, (Per schooner Comet, from Philadelphia,) V AT HIS STORE, Next door below T. W. Pittman's, AN EXTFNSIVK ASSORMRNT OF MEN'S, YOUTH4S, Sc CHILDREN'S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION MKN's, WOME.V3 AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS & SV10ES, J OF. EVKRV DESCRIPTION. 1 All of which were made at the most ap proved Manufactoiies in Philadelphia ; and are offered for sale at reduced prices, for Cash, or Country Produce. Nov. 23, 1822. M-lif , HAVE JUST RECEIVED, A Jew boxes Mould Candles, Tit for faiiiily use 6 i 3 to the it. Casks'Cut Nails, 4, 6, 2d. AfiweratCliOCJvERY, i AND S? VRRAL. KKGS Richmond Manufactured Tobacco. ' Together with a variety of SL ITAHLE FOR THE SEAsCN, Among which are, several pieces Pnrtei Sheeting,; a good siibMkute for Cf)TTO liAOOLNG. -Which they olTer for sale on the lowest terms. Nov. 30. 1 S2 Mr) if M G fl. re-c reenvi illc-. Academy, 22 feet keel, built of the best materials, and cop- pt fastened ; together -with an excellent suit of $.ls.consUtinof Mainsail, Foresail,stand- i and nVmf Jibs: and lour very goool Ors For further particulars, apply to. the Printers. December 12, l322.-,47-5 O- To evince their unbounded confidence er u;erioritv , the o nets of the Dandj 'liUenge any bjat of her dimensions im 'to r ant other State, t sail from SrwA -t tr, JYinstoCs Pnnt and back, Jon He has received by the Schooner Caro tin e. from Philadelphia. -an additional supply of HATS, forming a'preat variety, imone which are the latest and most ap- proved fashions. C ountry Merchants ana others, who may wish to purchase by whoh'Sale, can obtain bargains at this es la lishment. Dec. 7. . TJ Hl'.NUaiSO DOLLARS- Ntwbern, Dec 14, 1S2-J. FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER, 360 Acres of Land, Five miles above Newbern; lying be ween Neuse and Trent Roads, in the lirtle Pecoscn. 1 New House & half Lot In the Town of Newbern, known by the numbers 288 and 289 opposite John Jones' Esq. Half the front of Lot X O . 21, . on the south, aide of Front-street, ex tend i-cr to the channel. For terms, which will be accommo a - i ! I datiug, apply to , : ' John K. Uooa. exercisesof ihis Institution will -commence on tn- last Atonoay oi tiie reent mouth December, in which will he tautj'it n branches of science osu allv -.taught in similar.-.institutions,-viz. Spelling, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, English (jrammar Geography, iVstrouo my. all the higher branches of Mathemat ics, the Latin and Greek Ciassicks, Com position, A'C. , Terms of tuition for Spelling, Reading, Wilting and Arithmetic, 4 50 per quar ter ; all other branches $'5. j Good Board can be obtained in private families for from $5 to $ 7 per month. Every attention will be devoted to the ad vancenr.ent of the Students, and every par ticipation in vice and immorality, speedily checked. , Per order of the Trustees, ! GEORpE EVANS, Sec'ry Greenville, December 14, 132247 6 STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA CRAVEN COUNTY. Court of i Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November Term, A. D. 1822. Si' - Calrin P. Sanger and' FOR SALE, j Upon accommodating terms, TRACT OF L S I), supposed to cunia'm four or'' five hundred acres lyinjr in 'Jones County, j upon White oak River, and adjoining thejlaml of Edward Jones,"' Esq. The land is "xcellent for Corn and Cotton indeed it is among the mot valuable in this section of country. It i.in good order, and there is to be found upon it many Springs, I wo lor three, of which turnish'excelle'.t water. A bed of Manure discovered upon the margui of the . river supposed from its composition and experi ments to he Shell-Marie. 'invites, the atten lion of the improving Farmer, who may. have capital. I his bed extends along the river a considerable fjisfnii' e. For more particular iuhnnialion, inquire of the Editors of the Sentinel. Newbem, Dec. 7, 1 822. '46 Original Attachment. 1 Lorcuno Craijin, ts. Ebenezer Newcomb. r appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant is not an in habitant of this State ; it is ordered, that publication; be made in the Carolina Senti nel, for three months, that said defendant appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the said County, at the Cojrt House in Newbern, on the second Monday in Frebruary next, and rer levy 'or plead to issue; or judgment will be entered against him Attest, i JJU1S G, STABLY, Clerk. GEO. SEELYE&to. . Have received from New-York, AND ARE NOW OPENING ,2t their Store on Pollok Street, opposite the new I Brick Church, ' AN ADDITIONAL SUPPLY OF DRY GOODS, AMONG WHICH ARE Dome sticks, : Bombuzettes, Bombazcnes, ; Hosiery, . Cotton & Wool, Rose Blankets, Point ditto. ' . Ladies Straw Bonnets, Gentlemen's Imitation Beaver Hats, .'..' Roramfr Wool dittOy I . ALSO, ; A FEW KEGS FIRST QUALITY GOSkEN BUTTER AND A QUANTITY OF IRISH POTATOES. Newbern, December b, 1822. 2C)l Dollars Reward. RAN A WAY from the Subscriber on the 19th of October last, a Negro Man named GEORGE, (commonly calPd George Fewclothes.) He is a stout well built ; fellow, and very( black, 32 or 33 years old. ' Also, oif the 24th ult. a Nero Man named PROVIDriNCE, of common size, and yellow complexion, about the age of George. . I will give the above reward of Twenty Dollars for the apprehension and deliveiy to pie or securing the said Negroes in Jail o jihat I get thein again, or Ten Dollars fori either, il taken separately. I Vl' ' LrjwiS BRVVN. Sloomfield, Lenoir wunty, 15, 122 Dec. 10, 1822..,47Jf Town Sergeant. LOST, V A BLUE SILK UMBRELLA, .with buck horn handle very little worn. The finder will please leave it at Mr. Ilalj'a Book Store. Dec. 14. NEWBERNi PRICES CURRENT. Articles. Bacon Beef Butter Bees-Wax Brdndy, French do. Apple do. Peach Corn, i 'otton, Coffee Cordage Candles Klour, Flaxseed Feathers ijin Holland Country Glass 10 by 12 r- 8 by 10 Iron, Pig - country bar Russia . - r Swedes , Nail Rods r Castings Lumber Flooring Inch boards Square Timber Pine Scantling Shingles, 22 inch Staves,W.O.hhd. do. R.O. do. do. W. O. bbl. ! t. Headlng,w o.hhd, Lard Lead, bar white, dry ground in oil Leather, soal - upper Meal, I Molasses Oil, Castor ! Linseed Fish 1 Naval Stores, Tar i Pitch ' Roin ; ; Turpentine . do. Spirits Pork, cargo ' ; - - mess Peas, Black eyed. Rice Rum, Jamaica i - w. i. 1 ' American Salt, Allum - 1 Fine t Suear, Loaf I ', Lump ' . Brown Steel, Blistered German : ' Tallow, Wine, Madeira Teneriffe -u Sherry - - Port! Whukej Per P. C.J P. C. lb. .10 12 5 6 '. 25 ' 33. 32 35 . ;all. 2 20 45 so : 75 85 bbl. 3 cwt. io II lb. 27 i 29 cwt. 13 14 r lb. 18 bbl. 7 8 50 ; bush- 80 " lb. 40 45 ?all. I 25 1 40 45 50 50 ft 6 25 4 50 5 lb. 5 6 6 l 7 ' : . 5' : ' M ft. 14 . 16 8 50 10 j 18 20 ! 5 10 1000 1 50 1 CO 21 21 . 7, : 10 7 10 , 25 -lb. 10 12 cwt. 9 , ig - ; . 17 18 ... lb, 30 2 25 3 50 r bnh. 70 gall. 32$ hot 'I. 1 25 gall. 1 25 35 bbl. 1 15 I 20 A 50 I 75 1 10 1 25 1 75 gall. BO bbl 12 50 ' 14 (5 buib. 80 ct. 3 50 4 gall. I I 10 75. 85 4." bush. :70 v 7 G5 lb. la 20 IG 18 . cwt. 10 3 lb. 10 15 18 0 cwt. 10- gall. 3 ' i 1 6M 1 73 1 Go 'J. no')f i 40 ( VI.

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