; . 'i - xxm& i-- xxx: j J l ; - ttic .Boots, baQsv 113. .wyy-j:-; . . - . Cash :-r -R , vSwbl hianlfj) oCvariou. kinds and; quality "Ss Youth's & By!s Danc.ng Morocco pi TIP5. of various qialiils, i - ; ' T .-fluid and Paste SUi,iviiw,; f 1 BRUSIIES, Shoe LASTS,, i; njns & Boy's coarse Negro:SH(3ESc1- W-n- J 1 January 8th, 1825. NOTICE. i - AT December Terra of Carteret Count' Court, the Subscriber qualified as Adiuinis(ratorofJosephTeoman,dec Persons indebted to said estate, are desired lo make speedy pay raentj aqd those having claims against it, will present them, duly authenticated, within the, time limited by nr thev will be barred of recovery,-4? WM. R-STHEEJ Adm'r.' W-WoFn Tan 9fi.l 825 66 69 - Just Receed; And for sale at T. VVATON's Bpok-stoie, PREACHED before the Bible $odety of North-Caroiina, on the 12th of De cember, 1824, by the Right Rv'd? joto S. Ravmscrojfy ''b?shop";bfthe;iPiobi.f Norib-Carolitia, accompanied withuap- penai. . rityv, terns., Febcuary 5th,i825. NOTICE; TpHE Subscribers haviiig entered rinto . 1 Copartnership, will transact busines. ander the fi;m of Stevenson & ",C6ok, at .their Stoie oo Po1lok-street;-r V: 4 1 5 -v .' JASC- STEVENSON. .MAJOR COOKi XPwbei-n, Feb. 6th, ,1825-79- FOR SAliE, S'' bushels Seed Oats, 4.1 v.n)ir.'iii7ii;,ri-iii7 .1 jh. - avM!riii njiuviu wl, .. . - I Devi-ral PIUS, of the ByjOj1- Wauiett, lo vurcnase. ? i A NEtiRO GIRL. -J 4 or 15 years of 1 a?f -who can be recommended for . good cniwacier. ::t r Si nple iu its nature " .VL-t; ; v And wonderful in its operation. .-.V 1 i ' .-3 -. " ' H uv Uestoratixef - j ' '! ' - AND: ! PRESEHVAXIVE VEGETABLE CERATE. ' H F. impirtant discoyry; oik j Vegeta 1 . b!e Mibniante, capable of restoring i.rrrvn; me nair, was accineniaiiy mm by atriiJividual, who has neither he capacity nor th disposition to practice de ception or fraud. The fullest reliance may be pi-iced 011 the efficacy and power ot the VeietihI.P -C.ernttt nl it. rseinrmii :U in producing the ereWst wrre and s of it imaginable t and the oublic iiy : rest assurea iqat ns enecl3 ; will be nearly manilested in the course of a short lime bv th rpnpnral anrf vmAmiKi :rr,nrtK of the hair' . and by effectually preventing k coming out or falling oti The V4gta )le Ceratertends to resuscitate and excite the .energies of the capillary vessels which institute those organs that secrete the ma't er fprming the hair ; these, like many oth? r organs of the animal body. ' which hive pen in a state" of e dormancy or disease; Pay be restored to their healthy action; f. 1 wiiu ! an uiuie 1 1 unci tuns assignea em by nature.- - :.r. '-vr:---.,? -f 1? 1 ne folio wmg is a copy of a letter from Pr. WUHam Chambers, of New-York, ion this tonrifi..i j':"-y- Hy 1 - ; wui uiscovery , fceei 2Vew-Forit Oc. 12, 1824; f I our Vegetable Cerate having orp. rented oiv hair .froni c6min9 ont. I rppmn. f ended it to (Dr. Divine who was nearly IaW: he had hot iikmi it mr than fnnr reks when a vigorous vegetation of young ..,uc us appearance. r roro a motive f cm iosW j have paid much attention to f a?lii for 15 months, and from acurate ervduens, 1 can safely say, 1 have seen p manv a n rvr.r. ...u u:- i. ffoduced in this city.V.I am Induced to "eve from the above nhriPrvnt!nri:! that I'5 the ooly thing yet ever discovered that ttrrA.-... .U I " . . . . . .... . - i 'uw,rs (ur nair. s . . -1 . -. :r .. ' - - With espect, . r V.lnr' ILUAM-CHAMBERS fc The Hair Tlfixinrauva o't-''. it'." -2' 'e-Bbbktore of : TAVATSUNprtce, 15182559 63.-: -,:u AnnJ'e LMfrilrtf AlMn' With a nftrtlMorv Maior Long's Second Vlodern Earppepomesticj Goaversatioos of Lbrdvrci;,U.5llI ' tiroaatxA rn thhP tthn think.-. - 4 - s. rfrmMd to those who think: ..-.'h' ArchboldY Civil Pleading, ' I, 3 fJeainit,s;Pleas-irf: EiyfKKl Beauties f Sbakipei'rfV-fJ; Valey of ShenandUeh. a Novel ' X- ' - ! ' he t5ook of t atej. a new and complete isVstemlorFdrtim&TeJltn Durable" In k,' r Water r Colours; ;Ci rmlne. Saucers Pink Paper,1 yisltiiig Cards. ; , 6" fURLESiVVfelNED Painter,iakes this"metho(l bf ? inr mibg the ladies and gentlemen ofl New- ucrii, uuu iifl vituuiji, iiia i. lie tias iij&eii 111c room formerlv . occupied ' by v Dr.'Mawes. n(arvnnnnsife the Custom ' Finns. ' rwhprV I Ua ivill t-ta ktinntf j A" noil rfn tdam n;iiSt professional capacity tHdrja'yJbefouKd'- j$ any -hour Jrom ; n ft he "morning, ilri'ti 1 . 5 in the afternoon.? SpecirrieWof bis art inaV be. seen, athis room ;'" among: which is 'the likeness of,a lady .of this pla cei' taken suice bitrriva!:i ,5; C-. Vi wilt attend in the'eountry if a suf ubiniiuiuuci;auuuiu uc ucsiiuu VI- clu- Iovinp.hTin--iy-';T riTl H E Housk' ;and Lot ?dV -iMuddv- streeti neat thelresidence of 'M'rV. J conMooaingjUne quarter of the purchase uuurj.i'iii w icuuru di nie time oi deli very ; one quartrr In v6rmihthsj and tliV balancetn twelve montbshbtes wiin an proyed 5 urity. The premises nwyfb viewed, Dy oapp yinffto ?. Mrs; Charlotte ;VYadeL Wthe subscrib.; S? v;. -v NATHA N T1SDALE. Newbern Feb; 12; 18256b 1 NOTICE, HjE Alerchants of rewbern irequentl A ; charge me with ebods said to be on r. chased bv my SWtfe hisfis therefore 1t ibfwarn allMerchantsiatid' bmersflrotn trusting jntwtebn my account as I ?am IriKlinn ma o'pfY'vnmtMrnii trkcline from tLi Jat(. 'V "r t'"1 :jf ; Feb 12, 1825 760. I ; '"-!.. ' . : .... . .. , i . l . ' 3 t'A? TOTJHO toot himseir off bnSundayfthe 30th' of last month,' for Lexington (as he informed his comrades, I beingrdm home) to seeja Wife he claimed near there-H Bat Trom his carrying all his best clbathes consisting of t wo 5 Frock Cbatsa blue and bottle green, also a blue close-bodied Coat, and 'several ipairt bfV nice pantaloons annV waistcoats, together with Dirk and Fistol he had procured to travel with, 1 have no doubt his object5 is to pass as a leemahT; 1 ; He is a yellow fellow of SmmonH siz4 bushy head of hair rather curled, with yery large, feet arid hands, has loiriher fore fin ger of brie of bir hands j r (I oelieye his left.) r , lie was hired for iriostr hi the T two'jfast years Jo; Williamichbls Escaqrked a'u Chapel v. Hill -and " Letirigtdni w hicht course he may attempt to-pass again aa a' hired, feHoV: j'- -fr. 1 1 S 4 1 will, give 25 for the & sectiridg hlW in anyJail so thattl get hjmarid 5(5 1r ta- kepivithputjthe limits oft thb'State iecu- ? red, ' .4kc. ; w' Ts :- .f ";fcit - JOiH AVVKINS 'If Raleigh N; Ceb;?n60 6l1 mm SATURDAY, ; FEBRUARY'S, . 18123. 4" f iu wiiii' iriicr auuctirs iu uie iasi new & uf& Commercial Advertiser The reader must taKe it tor wnai it is .wortn ;' . ey i f What I: wrote yod last as rumotiri lias been converted into certainty Mr .; Clav arid all his friends have formally eon e over to tne Aoaras. stanaara. ;i.a : Kno wledge of this event has produced a strong sensa tion 1 th roughout alt .the : political fclrcieV.' arid given intensity yrtbthebritestT? The Jackson interest begin io bestir themselves. and advances, are made between tne ; lie nerat arid the Secfetarv-bf th'e Treasurv thwidenaltaridKlo treaw,itseirtp "thmindatefambi 11 ou. iie iidii ui- car iimiiTtrs resem- bted;4 bjee hive, vhen the . beesWe pre" narintolswarmv theitmbrniriff'after; the.Clav movement was known : the hum' nfiyoicesxbnVersirigip in priderftbnewas ltKe : t tie ocean a? tore a gamenng sior m. Ail ilie. avehues, and 'fas; .irereliBliT whti erdupsr-'tellHie or enqurinrr tne news aim ieulatin alldbubuis-nbwl'bVerxi a ipncruggifsp , IS curious riQposery the neWfgroupln ot seldbm'seen 10 jetherrar or ttisiiy .whispering overi .letters .ornew pape articles.Mr vRitnpntfinn. : tur, taits mucn, anu nas me air c air oi mau red theferniork tliaa aahotirlle Jooksr bettertthahlWasxnec!edv j&ir&foiMii&: ;4 471-' .Ifur44,Wea?il pr !TO05ds ock edautjhimj, ana there.-vyas a great shak- live;seen iivjjhny than ta,atofin brjrjlpu paper, issuedin fnis: atyjand bt r one of those : nNntsushpr Hi Mnauppuiaj ,, van wnae oiuraDian UDser yer; tyfi fchkhi Irotnot-subscribe? anci whictfteyeoptderhasl pudence; to transmit t&me his'vite paper of the 28jh instantGilJ td.a iter, purporting tb haVe ben writ ten. rqjn this city on the 5th instant, by 'a pVembjer ojf theHoiise of Represt ntatfVes", beloijgngito jhe Penhsylvaniefegation jieyei Jttbe-a ibry hutif "It"; b genpinprphounc fkji inaybe tlastard and;aiar ;and ift he darei priVeil nimsenLana avow his namH,;i will bold him riporisabl,' as l here admit; myifoe tori all the laws which pbvt-hi-nriAXr&SikiV the;coriductof4BerrbibKor V O t Ti . j- loive -iL'i'ir : - . - v . c vrine,. iara oi jm r JUlay Will be pter ly uninteli I2ible to'our readers -tirilfs.: it tit )itr- VUUIWBIIIWU; !..- 17 JCltCI W1IIII1 Utri 3U , 111". L.uuiu fjus3ury iiiuucf us a irans; i rolam8acb?ahyuS'to ferto odr r jFrom the Columbian Observe Jah."28. ' vtnrosf ifwlir; jXmII itti.iJ pftheieoR y itwjw i ine4 people, reaa ana prepare 1 TO THE EDITOR. "", 'ItCp SAB ieI, ;la)te utDypiniiti fnrtn-vjnit iif 'cine. nf. mnvt zAic-nt'.A Jrifapiy the-Retiublican Ranks. 'ii; Wnnlrf ' vn lleVeTrlarieneheSM ye iuuuu uctse euuugij iol jay.; me;. axe Ql ine very Vobtibf the tree of liberty ? Yet stranfre as it is tpsot JestrpeTo givf yoo a: fuiif historylrf ciiccu uie lining v.i w.vr.- mmiii inefe- tore at'orice: proceed to -give ; vouaft brief account of sncli a barpain as ran C An I h equalled With " the famous Burr Conspiracy. vii guiqui syujc. umi;, past ine inenusr fiMrj Ca:hav hn the SwissL wouldog t-biet. Of enures1- WerW said to have been- Clay:'l)dering him vthe; appointmenibf Seretaryldf jState, ; ;amsVAridFfth.rrien ? nformaiidn io the triends of Jackloh. abli hinted that if the friends, of Jackson would ofiVrthemj tlie;samepVice they -jjioald close with. 'them. d "descend tq suchmexn: bar , It ' was not hpJipwiH ilhic artti' UUI . IIUUC Ul lilt?..: IHfnUS Oi. Jackson won terand iale oi ;iuu menus oi y ac&suu, uiui tutSiDonTraci offbpinibn thix transaction that mep: . brpfessihg any honorable principle, could riot, ' ribr, would not,; be ttansterred like he plapter does - ' .-Tt. - .-t -- I -i--. t .. .ri. ; ii .- It- - nisf negroes, oi me larmer.pis team ana lieved the jReoubllc ; was safelW hatibri norses. if u-iaiarui wa exciiea - we oi haying deltvered Jackson intOvthe. hands of CdngressV J bacKetTlby ajarge isijority jof their votes! there was on mv mihd no doubt that Congt ess' Would respond Jo the;wiil of the riation t by electing the individual tKey; uau ueciareu io oe tneir cnoice.: -.i-onifary. to this expectation js it is now ascertained to a rtaintypthat; H eriry'C red his interest toforin QAiiaras ;corisiratipn or t t'n hid Vnnclitiuntg ' if ia aA itA ioaiiaA should 'this abno)y.Tcpal is to be appointed Secretary. ofvStateIyii! uayc jiu ictus iuii uijf (iuium au -icaii w opinion we shall The force of inubl ic obinion ' must preyai At- Ihoi'A" ! Art artA tf f SKortu 77";; . .... i - . . ....... . ; - 5V1 ilWAniilnti I i niii i& 'tr-'W.'.-y George KlvEMEB, of the House of Re- nrppnlatiirf f tpnrlora hia. rMnortr In lhav Hiuuirnhlf HI Clav.'? ant irtfirrrn kiml; that by reference to the editor of ;the. Co lumbian .Observer,? he. may,agcertairi the writer of the IeUerottbe5th" ulthicn'ii seems hasafibrded so much coiicerr to Hi Uay- irtlfe:dieaa:.lito nrter- holds himself f readvtn ProveJ$to' tlie aaiisiaviiutrvi Uiipj cj UulLCU VUfllUS, ClIUUII , inc i w icm pal mejf xpneern , me tcourse aiMcbifdtfct resenta4iteojrth'er tfcry rialbttd Wdlspalre ribt,when their.! ing iromt nenoveitv oi ine : incioents con- , nectetj S'mr thbbiHcf and the-pecolisrity v wfirffii i wis in iiir wuinucsiH. tun cerny of the CoOutry , the House of Xlepre- I . ........ iiiiuaiiu JJCIOU1J3, III ICgaiU to the 4 Presidential Electionit ?rH fAitAr lh committee upon jibe cbmmdhicdtion ad dressed to it 6h th1o!ay?precediiig by the )? Withrepard 1t6rthe dehates'iP'thWHobse Witlrrepar ofReweseritattv iiicjr iic- uctii, is -iiur, , ancuucu nfiiij considerable'pxcitemeni bef ng surprised at. it, we are lather .surpn sed that tt has? bVeo so iatein displaying itselC1 ftt no greater decre, : brexcitemeht hall tkeprace than Was witnessed y ester v davweeVenoinitt utrnuutmtcnt w lav grcairuraiuaMviuj a nnounced of SvhTcli the. Tate, proceed ings ther thef House pf Represent at iy es nor if I indif Idual 'inenibersT ' will pe uhmindful bl f wnar tneyowe to tnemseives, 10 me, uigniiv ofjiheir Jfunctions;; andYthejcharacterof their curiirvlThe y est efday waW ireev Ibold; ahd manly r bur Ye uv nut Know tnaany.ining uccurpu iu Uiejdebatp; which could . giveserioiis' cause of1 regret tb -tht institutions. ;' '1 he freedom of , the debatt was,? itself, ah -excellent commentajry upon f 2 4i ife ' JBraaiy iffi 826: . The House of Rebresehtanves" were en gaged, during the greater part of this, day's sitting, in bat lot in : 1 for they Com mi ttee; of Investigation, hV the lease hf the Speaker. I two' JSkllots becoming necessary befoye th uommitiee was compietea; ZPn i the- nr st oauptv iviessrsrf-f rfi wtroourrff f epstcr, .4tfl.ivere;je!ected; ba iotfwerevcattereu. among t;; or sy JVlem befsjr After''an-unsu dispense-with therule'oT iheH rendered ra -second ballot necessary, and to' allow the acting SfteakVrj (lr 01&10 to, appoint the other m embers of At h e Com- pjiutv iiuui' inu pnuiio Tiit invent tlia hinhacl numhnril nntaa nn Ida lirct ballotjAthe2d bttllotrtbbkrplate,lai I MessrsX6Vizriufer'arid .t;i2min were'i an- pointed j So 'that the Committee consists of .Messrs.; P.-PJ Barur,4fnrehstl, Mc Lali&Zlfoyto arid TherHouse1 theny4littl! after iSb'cldckX adjbur'nyd H Tlirti vuiicu, n nut juuuu diiiuu uui cpuilS and in fact ' wasf '.scarcely known :b jhe; in habitants of ;u;r great item in'the. staple fu-oductjoris pf thf u ni teoV States; nd ornis the materfal from whiclfis manufactbr totirthsoff thei'nlvabjta woridjf OfJate'yearsjlheJ d it hasincreasedp?ari?tfiVc soil tii prbdiiice it : is itidre generally undrV stood jit extended in Virginia, 'and thttfpTbductipn oriTpbaeyid?ra .Year sifteir year it has continued to increase, until it is seen. thaV. taklnr the portf of Pe iersbcrg Ipr emp Aears'caVcelv'm'Sde an'itern of 50 000 dollars in UT'shipmentscoast .Europe. bas isen in am itinf this season ac - luuruiiig.-uie- lowjesij fsnuiHie f we , nave heard,! iirviore 'thdnfa million fifflullars., f .iic- idsi aiiivai ii i ui Ltiytripou,. iirinB advices :highly favordbtto "the 'holders ol Cottori.rafidi a corresDondinff" ercitemeni bas .been woduced in the nlarket here- tTiiiii'iiii--iat enerr cuy.y, vouou pas, au y siucvu imiy uire cems, .per : i p , in , tni town-rand the best bow brings 18 to 18 cents.rt The last ? Newi iklleiters nnot prime Cotton at ISA a 1 tents.!ft;. Int Anecdate-k pact. A respectable Pla h rer in onerbf bur neighboring counties some six br eiglpweeksagb,! selected a portidn bl his Cotton, and sent it to market under theiictatTcjpf getting'the .highesr-price. lthappened that on Saturday last be brought the .remainder to ; tbwni and actu- ally obtained;; lor the injertor two cents more" iri the pound than! the rate at which lie had sold t he, &n picked parcel 1 1- Such are' theeccentricities of trade.' 76. 'v e.wwi,orKierjcanw llici viai 'V5 uvuj , uti ti pwi iiavtr. piu d uced a good deal of ani ma tiori In bu r Cot- top.maraei. , r uces are yei uuseuiea, out we unuersiauu ,irs -,:oi mis arucie nave been made a t an advance of full v t wo cents pcond aboyetberates b i-idayilast. will fix at about 12 Pence in England.55 It is renorted that several extiresies have be'n AnetaiUoA. cnMtis irul- fit-tanH anr4 io ' fe:w-pklOaef lehksSbat the nuto JGenera1 Ijaayetl the . Nation's! Guest haying rna de;a pplicatjon. to jPresiderit ojf th UnitedateUaok iis tpitbepestirfede twenty -thousarid .doliars t hfitielVtesl urJt ,iaiv .it uciuic uiy- uyai u.uuilLliil v bf i that'Vtri&litntiori. . and tthat iih"evii"rani r mbwlvagreed that die! General shouldroe tUIUWCU I J 9UUtl IUC .IU. tlllll UfUCUUI u apw- qipcKcr par, asine. siock comma a cfeli ftvep'r Cent.advariMi---Thii yrti hf the' been acted I opon by.'Gen yiriOAtla.ig .mini fn.'n 4.- 4tu.: uuiuiniv. M ruuai .i Kf VI.,Mi IHUdr ana uwmTVtumo trrtss. - -. : - may oe regarpea as ,ine iirsi aci. -,it ppep what may; We have a confidenfcejthat nei tftJ&fflnS-W leamirbmthr best authority that bwards of oyte mllioneigli hundred thousand dollars were coined du nf$jerwdie' .are?; about toTbe 'cut - " ; 5'e';figiire of Xifcerty, by mean j of ?V wnjthf ; appearaoce of the cditvia ejpec- - - ' , -ted lq,beuchim is calculated f -; -: ha two millions will be coined during the present 'earf-ees Aspii '."V " i-vLATE FUOJlf PERUCOM. HULLl : i' : t .- vr). iVe hayef intlligenoeNrdroT Catlab of ; I : much interest, bothas it Regards - South-; ; ' ; v A - ''V 'America; and the 'United-Stales iy" '..n ' ; -.vV; Alettel' has been feceived in kJil - U ' r ' via Panama and Chagres; dated Gua vaouil '"'"' Ocibber 6hy in which t is itaVd,' ; that! ad counts' from Callaal had reachVil h lo.i- placeslife dajjif before bringiog fhe Intel- ugence tnat the 5papish line of battle ship .sia had been dismantled and t")Lr r.AJ tfieun onhe";Cr3nd the crew a- ieoo strengthen the, garrison r-Tbe Cq ibmbiap squadrtn had formed a iunrim With. Admiral Guise; The ; fatrjoi ; naval lorwaslnyodseqbence; formidable, and iield he pbrt;nicldselokade.The Ao mra contempIated a desperate ahck .on theharbor arid fort;- General Riil in piirsuit of the Royalists, who were flv- ' ; ail uiiniiuiij. '., ' "-'. 'tn. ix Commodore 'H tfLil7 in 'the friaar A A Tn Ua States ' waS af .Calfaur ancf had . demand therestoratibn of two iVmerfcan vessels de- irtiiicu uy me ivoyaust uenerai icodeil, who had;refused to give thein up 'and says the ACCOU nt.'v shinfihina tojolloib." Unpleasant of course J to Kiem ' ' ?The two Anierican vessels demanded by Cbmmpdore Hull rje tliebrig: Nancy o New York, ; coudein bed n rider ih fbir;suspicioti of beloiiging to a' citizen of Chili, -and ihel ship; General Carririgtoni "ihi, i v'nuinuuru lur various al feged causesdrt.! ted. Gaz. . ...r I V .. . ? vn Capt;Pavies of the sfchoonr ' FJWf Jane, at Charleston on the 28th Jilt" in 10 days from -Havana, reports that an express reached (lavana the day' before hi sailed, fnaiBarpebs with intelligencehara con. iiderable body joif troops had arrived Hhere fPfP3? firied fortHavanai ariyj Ve ra Cruz," ,Tiere was also at Havana wlieo he sailed, a rigate, three .sloops of war, " flHdeyeral transports, ; with i trboo on board, about todepart f Vet a Cruz. :' ' i ,? ."1 hi; ' '; -- fs-:u. , , r :-'.";.: I "ucr?ul,,u Jystrauon oi the im- - pprtaiice bf industry, perseveranceand e- conomy, does not the following statement pf facts present to the youth of this Wnd every other country I . : . Mr. VViLLs. tvho latelv H In ik- ty of Philadelphia, ;has bequeathed' the wnuic oi ins large estate, to charitable pur PPssr eundrstafid that to jive Monti . ' ty Meetits of the J$6fiety of Friend n that, city, he has left five thousand dollars each to the Orpha'fi Jsytumten thousand -the valuable house ' No.. b6j ClieVnut street, is now the property of that societv. The houses No. g2 anil No. 84, ChesnuV street, are left to the three Dispensaries , the Philadelphia; the Northern and the Southern. -JPive; thousand .dollars are be queathed to the Friends antics yThe, Magdalen Asylum receives nvenousana aoJlars ; and the Philadel phiaSociety for the establishment and sup porU of Charity Schools, the Walnfit street Society;) rect-i vei one thousand, rjie res-due of his estate, Valued at 1 00, .000 dollars, he h'as left to the Mayor and Council ;; of the city of Philadelphia, for i he establishment of allospital fp the , fndi gentjljame and BUudJiti be called VViLl KfWills i wstsSx grocer Jn ' Chesnut- v str-et, and his fortune was inherited from his;tatherwho in the capacitie.oraot 'zcottehn, th Hat-malcing , anil, lastly a grocer j acquired by eciiriomy aoindustry;the1meanS of fbiioding the " charity vrluhill ierinoble his riamef v v ; ; Letiers from England mention tHat the" VVayerly.; Novel, the Crusaders; has been suspended. The rea soft is said to be known Only to thetutbor: . It is trenerali v'V understood that Sir Walter Scott will nnr? his haPie in the title page. A ; f rbean private - letters; suppressed in England by the Chan cery. Court, js, now. in the hands of Messrs. Carey & Leaj qi Philadelphia, who' have ' PV:(PWVH pubhslr it thbrt ly. ; ti PakeKSChr, toUy Dixod NeW-Yorkrv ; : ' XX- X Pir9HXi,atungjs. vipo ; :..)x..;x rjScbr.cJaryirottOoS H; slwr Pcei teft liat rilice on the -1 ' a4puU. .Ufchrmioffic'r?aritfc -X X':, - f ; 1Jjk J I : .lU'hdenceof addiwNew 1 if -daysWrioTnfJto vCr:-v rrf1 ! ! r patbnrromEUsabethvn : - ; V ; .! 4 t KnoWn Briff ffanah, of ;hiIadeiVhia; skiletf C T 1 ; v U l J I otiBdton.1;ondemnedonseaviro v,; t - .-. ;';.;. i:,-;;:- XM j sip;tfteuip Haief c ; : I .: t ': ' I r!S5 1 I) mSfmmmmxmmxxmxxm Brie' Jane.' Winii. Gnatlm.A-.M J.. .v.; r' -1 Brig;PhEbeFuipra, Xjx-,. - echr. , Jaajes Alonroe, Stone, Gadaloupa. x. t purine, i 41; - , . t. fa! L "4 mm :V - til 'ly. .4' y i- - ft4.. Mi I r . .m m i i ' -V1 v'VV ;:V'i .IV liJ-f.ii- i yx- . ,sy;