o U . ; .; ' V ' "I. t i i I . - avwbm rvT Arnn . ssnrr iTBnmui.iiii p - rii jn I in is iuuli. - - - v - r . - m t m i public Archives tk said territory, find for the relief of Jom Jonhson i f ' - -r-T-i 1 A ii ;.l j i ani.vuiw.w.au.BH 5(,u tuc i uuuu cum - r ii si.-, iiti iiiLeresL snail noi riH comntiiHix IlIiik nirCLioiF oi i fie rresioeni mune ,um i Florid, ta provide for tbepreservatida of sf contains sum pi iwemy inoasana ao- on ny sum wiiicft Virgimg has pt 'ex pen v j tea p(ates y tiq is pet toy 4ot"Qri2eci toeitF, ' i gAVrn i t ujuy' lite (iuulo ui wji; wuhcu vjwws . iw. 4 1 rirtrtrIf irfi! rp itinor irt I h rrim motion geVlf wacetf Ae Senate and Ifowse performance of the dude fof ' iheip rcspeot repai to. Yiiinia by the U hifrd Sutes 5 1 of Vaicl road. : ' ' ! ) i C ; ' ; lars, for the safe keeping :and frCTeratfcnUeUv ior of ;the"sald f Archives, and for; the faithful States, as evidenced by the amourt refunded Renre&tatfcf&ti United States Wtiiofficto paid-xn JiSet$ mcnca ; C''-MSt. . uMfcjwweu, r wai : iuc icvums auu uutMiucms. Bf are uercm- r f:uiy sum on wrucn twie nas noi pail interest 5 I saia wommtssjoners snail acn - De enuuea . jco ine aecreiary ui iiic icttsurjf ,9uatii aiic jjwiucu iw, ohuwwii cacti receive ;-: mru, a iMtiy wiien iae pnn.cirju,, or any : 10 receive inree;.aoiiars,A wtisW thaf John Juhnsoni-of Indiana, salary of five hundred cfollars.t to -be' paid part ofiitih been bald or funded bv. d enterV at'ifa-'BrookviUe.Land; Offifef United the United States, -tr money' pltced in the rhiles of Newbern." vi:?V.'-!jiia 0 a S3 said Jiaie, toe easvnaii ui;tu. i juruiaesi Piic9, r., ; t.,i;vt ..s y-ii'voapw o' irguiia ior mat purpose ine in iarter of Section thirty Veahd thest.f;w.i enacted, iThat t;Ui'rst:;od; the:iOT ounSir So paicibf remiH If of !the noithWestquam ngefour,'e'aslibyintstiei theSpanishrecrdsfan st half of the southeast quarter aindabents delivered in fby them;& bavinff re- ment as aforesaid-TlSHlW -?t lIfof iHe somhwest ,quarteronth it tavbUsuedi tathe said John Jbhnsoq ing; and keeping separately those Which re,)edaslbresaidi tblidoift ?.;.apJ tjie itwo'las) raention&i MdVo'nfere'pn the United' tates ijMiflterest: nandf thiriy-ofjeand those made witHinlth jfiMpro'a rendering the patent iswed.-forihftiwor'W fv6 -efthe: Bank of Newbern where he has on hart v ; and marktn? said road i'and lor. the Dur V , . - iir- 'JL-a-i. ...... . N -.. '.uv 2- v 0 " --.w c .j, ana is consiuninr mauuiaciunng- 3aaqie rtose-of .cnmnensatina lh ; a foresaid iLom1!- :.: . n : ''Jii f.ri Vii. 1 v.. - ' mtssionersneirfistam Opening and inaking said road.vthereshaU dle Bags; VClolbes Bags,, VVnips f . and all" e a??betepy ii appropriated, the sum of-i kinds 0fM,Utary Equipments, vftch "MS - money heJVeasury,not mMMBM"'. t mentioned! half quarters, in such man- itive list of each of which translations j" and AN ACT-concerning Wrecks , on .Ithe coast ,of r as; shall be greeted .bythe eCTt ogreoBwhe ; Treasury. I : j enacted bjfikeSen4te and iHome SecJ 1 And he itjhenenactedil 1 the said nmx i Commissioaers . appointed to aseertain Ao recSpi ve :roQvther': of !tHe UnjtdJ mericatiCimgfess assembled Thaty. if ims and titles lo land jn Ea , aitbareebyvauthorize jco'nipensaUon'at the rate of teh cent's for j pft this act b4 engaged oV emplnyediq itihue their session until the first Mon each hundred Words by them trahslated and f'carrying'of transpdrtihff anV Pfopertr what reif Januaryltone thousand -gnt huriKrewrd ?a ana iweniy six, unaer, uie same-jaws, lioabces, and regu ilislwd for thMt govejrpmetHfc Sec 3. indlbe it further eMcfeashzi much of the acr entltledn actjfaneii id the time limited for the settlemeht of vate land , claims in Floirida,c as tenders :d ail clalrn d land in said territory, not d on or bf ffreiihe first day jofeperri; r. one tbouslnd eight hundred and tven four, be, and the same is hereby repeal- , and it shall be lawful for clairas to be d be tore the Board of ' Cpmraissioners 3miijuktiei. cflcfetfwhThaseaor frbmarioMhe kievsok shoaliwitb-- "the said. officers. shall make out and rtetivnr vin ik i.irittmri nf ih I lniA 2Wto ' :- 1 t - ' .t ' . . " - -r - - ma-gr m V4 lUlVt B V&fl . ItlVi V U1LL.U ULQlUa - T 1 tSaddlel' Bridle and Harness Alnuntlng sli ' 1 C4l.'fT .it t.,. jl .iiiirs .vmi i wr lmiiuic "r-sa in hii rinna - EAVWtbisdayt 'ved i JeW;ri$ PP1! SJ.ddAes V'rt ,m Ner. VorK or Which the folldwirif?' I Bridles, or ?ny other articles m my line oC. v ; fl a . vrrAt::Y.:Wi ? prth and of as- good .a- qnality,; , - r, vy ; rownnd.Bh2acb; pow v:tings -aflaobeeting; at the .shortest nbUcev'O '' :-:3-4 7-8,and 4-4 Domestic Plaids, ; P; ,Kewbern, Dec. 11, i&6ljU':& . V . .ill..!. :U 1.1. I 1 1 ' ' ' ' i.l 04 otoot Liomestic Lnamoravs. . .. $&l$JAnd8e ifftiriticrmaedj-ffi United States Swatiiffs'iPanac i:. 7-8. 4-4 and J-4' Super, and .-Common to iridividuarBbpricantsw - copies or tran lions ( cuehti m theiaidffices,oi place, everxsuchshift ot vessel, so enVi on feeinsL pal, or tHe aadfet'' at the ate of I gaged and employed- together with her hr'-rii.-ri.L'rri-j-.iii.-. :r4f4W aijd meS .pest. gilt COat and VeSt-i-n It iirnt frnar M''--''5(afaim v woros.i? ---t;iti-t?-n;i v-?.? rf,J'ic.-;-!,f ivr. JurieinfUfv iwiasvk uev5eizeuaoucun u :r- in:' wiv, ., -- v vwv i.vjBUttOnS"f':j-f;v -h-(vv1;:---rr-r: 'i'-li'-, iVl ;-v-It-'-''.- ' r-rrv t---- -f: .,-r--" : ra-" ' M-HN-:-ixi-;i,wi'v 'w pieces -itavena" Duck. r 'x,-;- .H..;CLAYi u-V?r:i:- -alt property, of .'.every description whatso-l " jr ? ,! I J tft. Speakerof ie Housef -i?-' East Florid, any time prior to the first - i " 'Ci''r '' ii- t i-.- resident 61 the benate pra tempore. ; j.- AvtV- .'iv-'i 'ti-J r0"0 1 Washington, Marcb, l8i;APProved, ln2 "J1?rWP mS from NeWJYork, Sec- 4. And be it further eriactedi That ; v ;a .; -V-V-'; : -s--b. ( - brought to some port . of entry within the (i arMn?A x,r, v 1., m;0.j .Lri ; erei; shall be appointed tW'VaddiUonal AN ACX ain- ppropriatioa:t? satis '11 amonsf other ISdsI Ci " t u u m' ti" V Searies'of Land Claims infFlorjda I De.'ilUU UCI6UV IS. OUUIUUIiai.ru VMi Wl Oll ,uiwmT v his .my. 01 um. o.'U.. ?. I .iohf 'anrl Hark ctrinAit l lnranlino. T .' v I . oniruheury Chtetzes ptt r v a mm w mm ummr cn m rm m mm m w vvi iBm v w mm m m a . aBraaaavB aaa-'a.aBM mmm w vf . m a . - a -mm t -fc; - v - - . 1 :. -t- -'-n - - ,a - j- tbandrfed-iei rfnis. tti Miisiy-. r w , wmauwg vu. iw tac ivi utiCLtaiasi. v uiui itiue Mac. iviiciiuiraa . -mv-- L"i-.-i v:u. , .5 f - a .f 5 - k... . ,v y : 1? - TXnssionersof Ind Claihii iFlorid .i 'j .juuci. -jo. asiduu ouii imgs ofieeiiniia. r ruuli . tv icuoi me cuoscnoerr a. -', bout the last of Jul v. a negro woman r . named SUKEY about 25 yearof a'gef:;. -. 5 feet 2 or S inches high and oif a jyellow S i completion. She formerly r belong to V. 7 IViaryHerntage,: the Wife of , ttie Subscri- ' . ,( . ber. The above Reward rwilf be grveri to V w any, ; pcru; wuu ,wiu. ueiiveraaiit': iiegrw ; -; woman 10 me, or secure, ner in jau so map . I get hkxzdtfcMS United StsftesK2.. Sic.SAndt lieiiyenieal'h ch of the, Com missioned appointed for eexaxhinatiolr of cUimsia Eeast Florida allowed at rtie ratef two thousand ;db4 in per annumlutJiiiJJi--f--i' w paid quatleriy at the .Treasury of the aited States, oot of .'any irtOhey:in the reasury.no otherwise tTappropridted '"i voided, toeveat'ltodn aniinissionerl f shai tbe en itled to d ra W y iporUpn btthefdmpem ed hiroexceprbB showin? ii taithfiij pejrfbrmance bt? the duties" re- lired nf bunt:-V ec. Mdteittfectedlmi snail be Ihdutir df theVf ate Cora"mis aners fWllexaminati aiinsi to);iQ(h .yb esWrortdaiina their Cleril t6 deliveirUo trieKegister Receiver f5pP toe Ind Ocef fpr the wtern UnJjDistric pf oridaalijle srdsi ; eykJA andpapersl ih tbe posses-? on f tbealor eifiherof themelaUng to glides adaims4dib sjibine and kliecidepri rtttin&!claim t land jo Florida-'nntqnp'. i(led upon bV said Commissioners, 1 ItmUatiandlrfinra provisioni : oithe'alpts bC re;p-ssldtbnnaf:-sbbjecm vejcimanis of , jahtonsafd -dis pet, where cfaims 'ded Qnperauieprio file IhWciairasj lQl thtevidlnee-rn vi-nvAriiWliLtftt. eittleritom iA- ...... " 1 nmtiuu, jau mu iK - One budrediortars Regard. - AN AWAY sbmW. time inceanegl'o'f'' man nalmed JOHN, belonging to the ; estate o W iJliaai Shephard. lie is a dark . and the several SecretanesTpribr -to'ihirtv ain cases therein'&enVioned, passed tntra ,aay 01 .iuarcn, ;one tnonsana .se1 hundred and ninetyven' and niade per- firsvday. of December one thousand eight f third dav' of iMarcbi hundred and .twenty-four.' llTr hi t?iihteUt decisiotr thereuAlih K"-da? Juary exr(J tie laid be' le-aid-Raiitirf,: PojnnhCleratid prescribe 2, Tint;.f T7l2l J c72-: Z1 - AN !ACT'tQ' authorise the surveyms Sad open 'ffM:Mtt offing ofa from Detroit to ChicWoi uHhe Presideh of ;th Uhi'tafM rW and he. -JlrJi t i ,g Kictt fig. dcVdo. cfo.! ih;sespWm: i.aifpareritiy the efiecf otamail poxv He is JJ 'if Mensnd Wbmens super, middliriand !a Brick laverjby tr'ade-aod it la-suppbsed", v ffiM&i jpriced Cotton; Hote't IthfcUhfe irinW cinily of some df the large town l r ine aoove newara win Dem ¬ and delivei'auce of:- Clubfoot and ebdtlelfritauthp nyal thS supprissd - . J- - '.rrr- i -"..: v. '''Vv Asistant on dollar and ftfilr cenisf each: SbViiKiHaii AViNGrthis day dissolved by mutual consem, request au muse inaeDiea . 1 ' - Wanl in livA ! fin .11) & . 'm lr Immrlial'. iiamAiit .aV P'i 'haMhe sum of riye ivnm nnnu ' - JOHN HABYCT-4: - J ml March 21t. 182566:. ' ' V " : ' at-such timeand m p sucliA manner, as het t .Ko m r k- -Tri.. It itu'i l ahd be naid for air xir WnVlrSv-v t S:rivi-ltl;Al UJa,;-5, -:; ,i shaltaudgfcbest-rC meni 10 jamis jc. cjBTTifBK : ano an per - sons indebted them are iiereby;ruii fettle Jhit aeewnta p day bf June hw asIl uttmpitpMM i4 fmmm M v t . 1 iU 1 7. S5. .1 'it IK t 4 .1: 'Ti1 9 ' '4 if- I: V I "i 1 :--v 'mm IK' 1 : ' .-1; --fit . .';.v-' 'hI:- -.'. 'j'-.. ..'". j .