I I r i vi ' ." ' ''--C'-iY ' ;'.'L I'-Vi ' s : .. :.7 ---V jj v.' vvi - ,-" " ' ;- L'vv- :'. -'- "!'''. '-i I t 0 i M - i3 " -A 3 BY it 53 per annum half payable in advance f ' eislawre . of North - Carolina. ; : SENATE. ' : ' - I if ' : Tuksday, Nov, 22.. Sdeed. from the committee appoin- Mr, 10 wait on the Governor, reported that be would make a communication, to the Legislature at 12 o'clock ihh day.' 2 un motiorj of Mr. Hill of Franklin, the .Senate proceeded to i the appointment of Standing Committees, which were made as follows : " ' - - U : '' " 0 Claims. Messrsi Gilchrist, Riddickf Boddie, Hogan,' Baker, y Jones of Wilkes, Whitfield and Davidson of Iredell. ,. , .-. . Oii Propositions and Grievcmces-. Messrs. Davidson of Mecklenburg, ; Wili liams, FofneyMelvin, Montgomery, Wil sorr df Edgecombe, Salyearand Leake. ' -: On f rioileges and Elections. Messrs. Hill biitokes- Dowd, Copeland, (Jawkins, v;,Vanhook,' Formydeval, ; ArDbw ell, of curse, ana juiHcr. ; IflOUSE OF COMMONS, f Ji'.'- I- " TuEspAYj.Nov.,22."T Mr. Iredell, from the committee appoin ted to wait on the Goverpor, and inform him of the readiness of the Legislature to receive such communications as he may tiiink!jjroperto make, reported that the Governor would make a, communication this day at 12 o'clock, ': J ' - 1 ; A committee, consisting of Messrs. Mil lr, Moore and Williamson, were appointed . tp prepare aad report rules of order for the ; governraeut of this House during the ses sion, j ' . ' '"' " j '".f;'' -'y,''.: J J Mr. Wilson, from the committee appoint 'ted to .superintend the balloting for three; Eogrossing Clerks, reported that Samuel, F. Patterson alone had a majority of the , voteswhich report was concurred in. Received from his Ex. the Governor, tbe following Message, which was read and ordered to V printed. . ; f If ' GOVERNOR'S MESSAGLE. .,: . . Io the Honorable th General Assembly of the 1 Gentlemen, Unas pleased Divine Pro" fidebce that we should again meet toge therj in the full enjoyment . of all of our rights and privileges as freemen. Let us, thebf properly appreciate this boon, gran ted as it has been, to so small a portion of the; human family ; and, with profound gratitude, return thanks tothe author of all good, that it jstiur destiny to be a part ot f la the retrospect of the past year, the election of a Presiden nt of the United States, i -stands eminently conspicuous. And, al i'though many of us were disappointed : in jour mdividual wishes, by the result ; yet jwiieu the number-of candidates and the j high claims which each had upon the good f will and support of his fellow citizens, are taken into consideration, it must be mat I tef of congratulation to every friend of our I institutions, that no personal -attachment to I ady individual was so deeply rooted io the ' affections of any one portion of our widely 4 spread population, as was.that bond of ui j nioa which has so long and o happily kept i n inoVWr nnilpr fivprv emerPencV.-,;. I The mode of electing a ChiefJVla I or the United States, has been a subject Of f mtjch deliberation: and cliscbssiony not! only J in the Legislatures of -the different states, 4 Km oUir, nnrri- Trt noli -the va- riaus changes proposed, "'and their conse- i ' - - v lmehtse would tar, exceed the c ided for this communication I j re simply call-your attention to and submit to your.better judgr ; imriety of taking the matter un- 4 ' ancewnh'a resolution adopted -general Assiemblyy I endeavor i tfie BenefacVbr and ; Frien d bf l Countrylebfayettea enditurej shhibg0bni tba refer ybu trepbrtyiVlhe I, to whose .assistance and that 'itio'n'on'l1ie?Dart:'or:ieciate '1 uj! P.olk, Gen. WmffWHhams, trWar- ren,) and J G. A Williamson Esq. I am iuuemeu tor nrsi receviog ana suosequeui ly ' conducting : that illustrious 'individual through the state. A part of the expehdi- ' - ! ' was fbr artidesrfurbirrey j continue to-beful?ibhe7Governme ' House, and whi , Wi 'waeljyT made at thei time The develoDmebt bf our internal resour : -ces, the imprbvefQeot .bu Water courses, ' ;the strocture of ioacJ, lilyi a subject of-thejo'eepjestt I -Whilst our sister States are i iVin gin Vahh, rviooatugi m . pypuiatioDr:;anu ; exieuunig PRINTED AND(PUBLI3HED yEEKLYi ch-were indispensable, -1ukiPW!W rfren to in invent of taUnanoswssibn; f I The last ? General Assembly having re-' I ?.:.am,c"amenl tnaaencaDy:smc partiajf effirf s'ai 'ootyerVeki tb: tniiva' improvement at a j;et greater distartce. ilf We hate ahy honest doubts of the vast ad vantages resulting from iceff directed and liberally encouraged plan of internal fim proyemehts, let us for a moment, turn our attention to the btate of New-York. widedly; spread tract Ibf , Z western which . but a . very ? few years a scarcely populated and of little va 1 now alive and active, with an ' increasing pupuiauuu, lureasiug uauy in vaiue, ana w ill , at no distant period, be one of the! fi nest sections of the state; .She " has riot only thrown open and advantageous rhart toj ber own citirenseven jfrom the? remo test sections of the State, but she has hki. wis'brughit within her induencej and lai under, contribution the citizens of the ad joining states.' Xhd; all this, so far from impoverishing, has unquestionably become One of her most certain and extensive sour ces of irevenue andxonsequently promises to yield a most " liberal interesi'upon the money expended in the construction of the works. - -,-.-' Upon viewing such a state of things in one of our sister states, does not the ques- lion : come full upon us. ! What have we - doner Surely, if any state in the Union necieo wan ir.jut above ail, has, in require! internal improvement that state comparison, one recoramendatibrf, I which is our own ! The important inquiry then never fails to be felt. and understood by the is, has the time arrived for prosecuting !l ,r?ass omankihd it requires a jess fund td such undertakings ? ; I, for one, believe it conduct it. A system of Internal Improve has. It is not my desire to see mt''feIlow-i;,!?.nLv?W citizens burdened with unreasonable taxes . P,anned hberally encouraged and ably for this or any other purpose. If no other i Conducted, and the end is attained success reason could be found, that I must siifier iii must:enPH?-i thouglv She other asks common with them would be sufficient. nothing more, still the d ifierence of the tna But we have, at the present time, a con- ; trials to be wrought upon, defies any thing siderable surplus revenue appropriated to'!!!?-!?-00-' Surely diffi this end, which if it Was solely and steadily' colties, though they rise at every step, shall cippueu iu uue enterprise, insieaa oi.-oeing divided among. a great many and thus ren-i dered inadequate to the production of any ; beneficial effect, woofd soon accomplish it. l in us would series of improvement same surplus fits of what had beendone, should continue to be applied to other enterprises North Carolina might, at no very distant day, be able effectually to execute all that could be esteemedbeneficial. i Moreover, , we, can not but siinn.;r: tnat '--eifO' sunnose. would cheerfully submit to additional taxes, did they perceive that any thing effectual was doing or would be done." Permit me to call your attention, in a particular man ner, to one object of internal improvement. From the large quantity of stagnant water which covers an immense body of what could be rendered t he .most fertile land in the eastern section of our stal, originate, in a . great measure, those diseases with - . w r . i - . ----- - which its inhabitants are so often afflicted. some consiaeraoie poruun .yi iuc uuuuio. those swamps have been grabted to indivi- . . v .; ' ii i I duals, ; leaving a targe remainuer iu.; tue possession of the state. Some intelligent, spirited and' enterprising, individuals - have attemptea to reclaim meir portions pi jnese swamp lauds; and others wouia ao so, out Ulai ll 13 irapossiuie, - irum tiieirua viirg .no vent for the water on their own lands. Lin : -r!'- TTTT.:.' Ta..!.' j . . . A.ll.V nhmitliii4 mkalhar a . 91V miohl nnt to be passed for the purpose, firstj of ascer- -ff6 inuiviuu , uj V and secondly, . of .compelling my ""fR'TO the swamps in which th located, the state baying for is unappropriated. It is believed, that in many case the only public work Ranted Wbuld be"S central drain Isufilcrentiy ' large to vent ; the water,' traversing , the whole length1 of the swainpujln b sderairis Jrhisibgdonet'wuldVen b accordiosttrrfiFihastf:jmd rhe lands belbngmg to the statigh W rii wirieri intn nrooer lots and sold: anwohldl ditibrtai taxe4kwhich uld be laid jipo lanoitbWinceaed imiVpnnarenhat thfl-slr tW .ni4 tka hbulih . th staff. 'ar deeolv andrintMBatelyxonnected ith this eir lands may be htfX?X: propriated by future Legulaturesv u- ..:? T" 1 1 hi Hr m &i- - - V -f purpb:he-ri Vngm?hci.ia4igf t,". Itatrwould gWiIy ; increased by Pf.f esP of an of Lenmrr who solp him f o Jol - " . i ' . 9 i , 1 r2orl - Auamhhr O rucnl.tlllln Watt k-'v tt. . Affi.-..U . ....f(U 5okm. ' Mm subiecri'i it is iherehrearliestiyVhui te-1 X -r v ---'i -'r-'.'LXi'. - - iir.u - - - - - . - i.t;"' il .t ihd niimiiiii ..flw Bnu wvmi?jrj,ww.i.i, J r'.v-v-,. : - AL 't :;'air.vii .Knii.iHnrt - 77 a . "-ikV'!r;o -'it.:H .1 kari KrWf rrrrrt rni . its '""" oiate.-' 4 lofesenred in that il tuaiton. v neww 19 1 7 - ' ; .-,'-"-- BWI T v BvW - A vv ailllllllUl I II till H 1 L points, we considered it.our'dutv td obtain correct inforraati9n,rhet best imbde effecting this object, ; was, thought, ; to J examiuelin person, -the prowedings; of the 5 different i Navigations Cilmpanies!n I which the. State was 'Jmerestdv ahds also, t he state, and in tended to liaie gooe to the 4 west, . injorder to complete the survey. In this, however, the Board were disappoin ted, by circumstances, tinnecessary' to be stated at present. ..-jA report, rore in detail, will be oflScially made by the1 Bord'of In ternal Improvement. : : " ! S v; ; If the subject just alluded to t e impor tant, h6Ay much more so isk bat t Public Education 1 :' VVhilsl the former re ;ards he face of the country, anil : the pect liary in terests of its inhabitants, thejattei is whol ly solicitous about the distinguis ling fea ture of our nature, the moral habii of man, andhis " felicity, boih temporal rid eter nal." , The latter derives addition I claims to consideration, from the Very d fficullies which surround, and the time re luisite to d,gest mnture any efficient svsiem con- .....,. ouui i-uun, ,r?m , undertakiiig some system, v If the preservation of our political principles in ti heir original purity, be of any value if the h delay, but immediately begin the importaut . work i Whilst Public Education is unes- ' taDiisneq, ana.ns Kiuajy urauences are nor generally, ten, it is more than :1 lands, ! eressine; " lii -cbnseauence of this uhdeiv f raarkThaf atcbb'ueiiieiuiot 'bacac- tier t me oiireni DQjnis wnere wtrKS were oro- rpsueciiuii v suuramea w n one passiac re go. ' were I stdndin?. we travelled, in the month oft feiiowledee; with ' feellncs of - livelv rati- lue-.i are June last, - tiiroush. the. eastern - section of ) tudei .the overweening interest which the felt, it is more than useless i nation as one of the Judgesbf the Superior t- the great hod y tyf s- tWCfluris of Law an.t F.qU U v i f r- 7 --y f -Pt 1"t' i,,tL convened, who unanimously advised that a tiu.dprsttjm.fi. htfortiv can dullf' JMw;J1-... . to address must luny unaersuma. oeioreiney g uy ll L ..- .u i ir,; . selves, when they are ntrurrri: - It hut i iilHnm nrrnrs that the understanding IS im- . . . . . . i j. it . . . proveaanatne minu eniargeo, riu.out , hunt conseouent improvement of the moral feel- J ing. ' put wniie tne people conimue unin-r , v : t ; 'i , formed, your annual Assemblies may enact fi'e. arked V. t iu:na . ,r f ...-ii.,!:, 1 have no doubt omitted many things nunishl but vour enactments will be J . - ... . . . riodical exhi. r-your punishments be but pe Kltinns-su-rvrtif. Iir a moment em bitions, serving, jyrfa moment, u, or amuse, vet destitute of the wholesome. ri : j .r-uT.fl ':;r-A .:r:.i .iWiioC t such a state:ofthingsHt cannot bexpected '"V' xa ; "r iii:,f that mnri wnrtn. mar iniejieciuai tiiiam- ments,fjandf.pure principles siiouiy-oave that weight and influence that . ihey should command. ;i( so, are not 5 the-people une- -Jlaia''.ii'.lly. lift l-H.lfW,WMEoriiiw;tWIMM. I. .U.f. anoniiu ' mttiAli .is the rurili M -rtl tltf lMW")" J-t"J llVviuuiSi a ( j j - - v " ? in fiue. relief, in tnosttot jaujr tutions. , In mos ot the tates tpo, iegis-:f lative enactments : have, in ' cousequence, :J beerilmadeVscaeririg mils me invaiuauicrcMsuiR wi uuuvaiiuii, .V. M,..ih.l 'ornlinn hae'in n Oflpat flPOTPP i w.nvi i: wt'" itj far-- - 7 i free agency ot ttiemere animat is preser- t he Vote i .an e,mn:. I ved, but. that of the. man, isl wholly lost. nr;nied one copy ciairriabt to Surely, then, it is ,lime, that such a condi-; &motioni was'alsd A A.zi-i I tion. of things should be deprived of,!- its Je--;i'-vcfWarhr: IUW11U3 UiailllUK L . h.-w. - ; . --..-. Z- -'.-;., . s '.fx , ana trYiiiiam oo- ,,u,Be I ...m u.vmw.w v. to pre . -. . 7 - 1 P r" " " AresoTutioii' - - I lii--."-.:-ii.iu-L-( Since4haperiod l lrpv 'and a iversey.iowu h. iw.w-.-w.., -rr---?a T - w'". - was adopted by thai uenei which; was concurrea in and oraereq to oe i . : , -. t 1?;' a.i L,jnt jaiior, of December, J823, proposing"; The following Standing Committees were I'.i, : I-v'mx..- -vv5Wv 7- V ; .iwaspseutetO M 'TAKEN ;:OP.'f iu-i. iBTesohtLalfe W Cox, fi:,!?: TOginuisiuProvingV.an jjt and Missouri, and, Jiighly approved by tirbse of Indiana Delaware, Connecticut and Illinois J as will appear-from; their ac- cpmpahying resolulibnsiM All of which re bn-sla ve-holdiog States ha ve taken in our nfernal police, Vet we indulge the .hope, that Uvey w ill jshorl ly- learn, a nd praci isej wnai nas lanunariy oeen turnea, me efeu utn commandment.' . ' Let every one attend to his own concerns." And that tbey will concur ithfusi in! thinking, that 3f our neighbour have a natural deformity, it is; at least, a breach of good mahhers,con tinuaily to remind him tof his misfortune. Your wisdom however will dictate the pro per course to be pursued upon this delicate question.'IM-rl ;' .i:'''-- rf -''j- - Under, a law passed at the last session, Gen. Pnilip Brittain'and David L. Swain, Esq. were appointed Commissioners - to carry into effect a contract previously made by Benjamin Robinson, Esq. and Col. Wil liam Robards The satisfactory 'manner in which jthey. have discharged their duty, will evidently appear by reference to. their correspondence, and a report made by them i : both of which are herewith com municated . 1 1 herewith transm it you a com munication from the War Department, re questing a cession of territory at Oak Isl and and Old Topsail Inlet, and jurisdic tion over th& same to be made to theyUni ted'Stutes, and that commissioners may b appointed to value the property, and cause a conveyance to: be made as will? more fully appear. by reference to the communi cation itself and its accompanying plat. uou .will herewith receive a communica- "1 tion from VVilliam Cinetnn Pn, in wliioK he . declines altogether the task . of- revi- the laws concerning ors and Admintstra ich will be f'uumt in his letter herewith submitted. r Early in June last. George E, Badger. q- presented to the Lxecutive.his resig- . . . . , - , , . rant'tid temoorai v commission should be granted ' "' "r" "T "m" a -fi"" V I . ' ' .VT" -f.ntaintd n tus letter herewun submitted; n0 of Justiceibf the rac. Ai'"1'" , 7, L. ' . Affi.nm uiilr Ka fnnnd in lilt? .u-. . murif un.l nrrnnv vanr utlent Of! !urin your present session.' Knowmgyour niiliiv in kuoblv anv deficiency oh my part, -rr.",'i;-rryr,..-.-"- ' . 1 4ivtll MWI ivuiwuvaupuv- -r- ; ... - - - i- - ..." , v . . i a!---"..'". 1 .. . - 'joaUence.. : ,;' : nt and consideration, your humb est re- yourtiumme ser- i i - -;rr "it; . ..i H! G. B R UN. , J T"? Mr! Picott mbved that the letter of re- .- sifinatioii frbm Hamilton Fulton as Civil j. .. Ukw.k mntmn wn rtiriurl la fllie UCKdllVlT. .'js. - jj g if ft till asav w .u swr . , p 7 . d that, the resignation oe for each Member, . This negatived. y; Y j : h : p resen ted the folio wing reo- read and adopted by the theState of f "Notth-Carolioaf ;That ; Uie rfeed8 conveyance and release from1 cer? the Cberpkee nation,! taken ov the Aommrssioners,- in Denau . . ... . " v:.J .tJ.. :"..r ika I ?: me Slttlc. ( auuwiiicu uuuet nu a.i v - ? writb certain Uherokee lndiansf ih the said MrMilIerfrbna i the go piepre hhdf repor Cjrul governroenror ine Jtio .100 a"; majority committipiibinted tf'WPruS?"! MiP.prI cnmmUteH to Vf.i: Jail rL. 7i - if rt nuance -ttiessrs. t ;arrtn. .nrrarfi: i ir.n(T t iMnh itihcnn ' . i.i .. Turrett, Nibnesi Byhumi Vlml Waliob. On Tiie no wjiirOT sonj Barnett, Donobb, Gary, Picott, Burns, Win. W. JpnesWattlifws Swain, lel chor, M'Cauley, Bryan, Bateman, Blount, A. Moore; and AIfird. ; 7' ; ; - Qji' Priviiedge8"'and E EHmbndson,' Brower, Boon, Baker, Bar hard v Borden, - D. Underwood, Howell Conrad, Durgan, Glasgow, Cooper, Tillett, RichardsoTi, L. Hi Simmons and Crattir ford S 0n Propositions and Gricvances-Mesais Carson, Polk, ; VViiliamson, Daniel, Sted man, Pug b, Wright, Ashe, Ballew, Pick ens, Rand,, Win. T. Williams, 'Skinner, VVhitehurst, Stephens arid' Marshall,) f i; : 0( jErfucarton Messrs. " Herbert," Vo thank, Lewis, Houze, Bozmanj Allen, Best,' A I ford, Gordon, Hill, Brooks, Drake, 4no. Walton, Edwards, M'Millan and DockeTy ; ;The following is the letter of resignation from Hamilton Fulton, Equire, alluded to in the message of his Excellency, the Gay ernor . -; ' ' ' ; ' ' ; ; WilmingtonyAth Nov. 1825. ; Governor Burton. , ? Dear 5tr When I left Raleigh, I was induced to believe from General Dudley's letter, that the whole of the Machinery connected with the Dredging Machine had arrived. I am sorry tu intornvynu, ..no part of it has arrived at" this date that an thing can , be done with. The only things I found, were the fly wheel and two .fepur wheelsthese happen to be. the veryilast things wanted. J have had a great, desire to eflect some thing important .on lire Cape-Fair Rivir before I . left the. State of North-Carolina, but really the disappointments have been so great, I am under the necessity of, in forming you, 1 shall ngt consider myself Civil Engineer inf the State of Nortb-CdLr-olina, longer than the period of my engage; ment namely, the 1st of January 1826. Since my .coming to this place, Thave examined the Mortheast Cape-Fear, agree ably to a resolution of the General Assem bly of 1823. On my returning from thig west River, where I found the Overster very sick, and the hands unwilling lb po into the River any longer, from its cold ness; 1 therefore ordered them down to this place, atter removing some togs which they, had not an opportunity of doing be fbre.. t -intend - to employ all thehauds oh: board the Ark, 1 can retain in getting out a few logs in the ship channel. bur ing the time 1 remain in the service of the State; 1 shall use the utmost of my endea vours to get the Dredging Machinery 'in operation, although 1 quite despair of doing 1 any thing efiectual during that time . j L;iS 'e iJt.t. 1 nave mauc-tverj 5Buitei nfann and comfort to effect the impiovementsof the.Cape-Fear River above and below! this, place, but finding these unavailing, it is with reluctance, I must give up the . idea . from causes quite beyond my control.! ' Your favor informing me the State-, of a Principal Engineer, i received; duly, and. am. happy to hear; they can do without t. ...... j- one. l remain, ; 1 With great respect, . ; , ;j. ' v Your most obed't servt, . . . HAMILTON FULTOX. T. ! ' FOR THE Y EAR 1826, 01 1 . .-) T.WATSONs. AND committed to the Jail in Kewbern, on the 9th ihst.. a ne gro in ah who calls himself George,' or George Fewtlbthe. lH e says Said negro-is abput 40 years ofage, and of esf of detibr ihe Bro.HiK " WPr - 'a. ' .i v : . t nav -hrtTf and taltt him avdv: '.r-t use, maoe'i repot rj j ---- r " J t; 'rr ,; '.1 queiieu io come lorwara,' prove vpiopeitv. '31 Vi lit' Ji: I- ill. ;.r Rftfh n-mun:tO;theseomecu ensrges vtiu ta;e ntm away. W!VL Gf fTA YLOK,' Jaiior. 'I. , uv either, tem 1

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