! 1 i i2. ft 1 ! ;tt't 'S 11 'I I L 'Hi 4 it 1 -i if Mr; M 7 a? J I " 1 11 ' 1 1 r 1 '. 'f i v GEORGIA LEGISLATURE 'The Legislature assembled at Milledge- Ville on the 8tb inst. The attendance of the members i'wasVeryr'full-lwo or j three; only were absent from both Houses, In the H. oft R.' the Wes for 'eikerwefe); Jbr, Thomas W. Mufry 6f9 Hudson 54, Campbell 1. (Mr. M. was supported by the Clark : Darf v.. who 'nf.' rnnr "" Vr -" iority in that body.) The Ibrtner Tcferlcy He argues against this doctrine, and adds : ' But the fact assumed by the Pre sident as true, is not true. Nothing offensive was written to this Officer before behad three several times oflended the dignity'of this Government the offensive. enteral semfllff HOUSE OF; COMMONS. On Internal lmprovemenlMtssra. For ney, Behune ove, v Legrand and Wilson , . On Education and "Primary Sckooh Messrs; Htil of rankfin, Sneed, Davidson t i-o!f fni nf Wi kes and tlaKtnj( Ageni, vpy pis, qtsrespecuuij reainie j siojj fvt?jnjanasi a the commissioners, and by his procufeme1- ffie same', to vVic:U S. Oft the cession of yTfrrttori titthe! Ifni LANDS FOR SALE CHE.,, r 1000 acres in Onslow Coanhi on the. west iiJ of VVhiteo.k il comprizing , two tracfc i 0n nna r J.:..the folbwiria I.Ani ,u.0,sPeof 85 or 1000 acres in Onslow Co meu ii inc. weilJldtf nl VVi:. . j. 1 are about one hundred du.usand corq'h ? chared, a set of turpentine boxes ' , iihbard, ajnifartable dwelling ' ; .Ple tutlmii ri L5 na Oihpr and : Edwards. I bis exppsitjon of the-United5 J -f , ;. . y . . w. .w , ; -..;- ' - . ., wair ''vm'"wT' . ' . I oiaies win saiisiy. jfou xx cpcuvjr Bnrch '.59-: -i -a ti .1 Hnrltnry WnVniur ncrn mpakures for : d THeSenate did not-elect their Speaker I fcnCe againtthelreDeUtibh of, suchi .'oo4he first day r but on TVtesaay the baP J ges.' (-? '2V?'f?ixk. 2 f T lnts for that office : were for 'A. BAK)WII lvf ? He Con Vi 'M necessary oui houies7On oi! f1"" are about seventy.five thuunA . r with a convenient dweHint and nT 'Ulls' rlings, calkd the Field's 'land, jft bui' tween 800and 1000 acr ; I, S7 Ill 111 o Whii ' it. .srm - ' . ! C? U . l..tH T ...O. . . t . An Iholll 1 A. .: nT ,11 1 linfthn ' Ihar 9 HilN fill lim UBHiI;U(IU. MWI a majority of one over W. Bansell an GeorgiatialU7S the message,) relative to the polonptionpt ( v -. . . , , the former Secretary - The iresult5of the sbaIl make an'ihgiorious iurrenderj.pf !er the fre people'of Color, and the gradual XeoeVV VlTlCeS current, election of 4lie' President of the Sepate rightswhat will remaio'of the fruiif hfr emancipatioiiof Slaves; was leferredo, a -;- :y ll'.-' inr ' isiewst is said: the state of parties in that oil'anii blood aifd public virtoe, kbut a dw- seecM:orombee . Thefbllowinggehtle- Articles i i r- LL,V- u- iiL- body; the malority being the Clark parJy.r I solidated goVernroent j which thesover- men were nantd the committee :iMessi;s. I 1 ;lb.M . , that they will raakea gener- I eighty and independence oJ the States oemg t Uonoho, ftore . ot urunswiCK, opfuui, 1 fetf ,f ifi'il, AM of such officers oKthe, Movern-i mereed.f nothine is jell ner out ; uie povri.i uOUt,t ana awam. r h f : r U I .intter ? . J T eiectea oy joini pauoi. i pi a municipal corpomiiuv 'w. vv ubihuiiui w tm. i l,,a v11 ." I Bees-Wax t; " v m 7 I I " .. - ; . I T. j'I J f :..liuii(il ald Wit llin I 7 .voonA m U.W rolalac Irt th I - v . ' ' I 11 i I J ui;tfarH i amies ana couiruiiuus vi 1 uuvcmui 9 uimjokc, wuvuh ; iv.o ...v unv Krpnr.n lorau. j 1; I -V -- it" . I - It is supposed al sweep xnent as are The Govenors Message on Tuesday. It. occupies 9 columns of fa newspaper. It is almost entirely devoted to tne relations between Georgia and the By encrbachment n I amendments proposed to be made in the miescence on the otb- Constitytion of lhV-Unitcjd States,! touching the freedom of it. the one side, and acquiescence er, every da v brings lis nearer to , this. re- I the mode of electing the I President of th I, i -. -r," . - l-.i- -1: ...j. I Vilf nnHif we cannot find saJety initne 1 'inn 1 no .rHK ? w iiii'i 1 il SKriLH . - . t-t . w es in a bold torte. The Governpr states that " If wpuld be un candid to disguise thai but lor the proposed reference 10 von- 1 After tne .message cress, ' the survey would have been com -1 den submiued ',) several resolutions, THiced and orosecuted. So Ion? as the I after Irecitiiie the theory of the Controversy was cohfined to .il Executive Cbnstitutioiij in relation to the po we rs and Qi tae; Union, aud'the Executive of Geor- duties the General Governmeut cpnclu- United States, were referred to. a select i ? M., .-.-iBJl, i Troa Shun. Peacb te$ first principles of theCohsfituimii, tfe canj committW.i Messrs. Poll ise fihb.itWVhere'v' J JJ;;4 :,'..;'' -jki herdj Niiler apd Scott. n- VA read, Gen: Har i Un nfotibn of ivlr; Cox, which Federal .... . . . i . I : l-.la..ai 1 Vb. giaj mere cuutu oc jiu neaiictwuu w w measures which if became the latter tu pur sue. Between states equally independent it is not required of the weaker to yield 10 because this would be set- so much of Uhe message as relates to Education, was refer- ted 40 tie standing committee on that sub- - 1 --''-i f--y. :; Friday," NoV". 25."-H , Mr. ficott presented the petition i of 'Til-. , do. , do. Corn, Coffee Cordage Candles Flour, Flaxseed Ffeathers' Gin Holland Country the strontier, thng controversies qy the rule 01 torce, ma , to.sland firm to the support of the litirl with tHf follnwififr rsnlittiofi : C l.herdore. fur.herfcsblied, That W'TS GU 10 by 12 .he Sruors and l4presemau.es of riSS 8 by 10 . . r - . t .. . . bers rrnresentin? that 'COUMW in tniS , J iia, in the Uongress ot 1 1 unttea oiaies, i ' : r 0 ;:.i, rjo ? j s i u . a I House! Mr;?Moire, of Brunswick, prer Iron, bv the ruie of right,7 and between sove reigns the weaker, is equally qualified, ai ; When tberelore! the President of th ITniiMi States commanded the Governor' of Georjnn ta forbear the survey, aad ,wheu thalr Command. w?is lollowed ny a oisiinci Rights of .the Siates," arid to oppose at tne very threshoidevery, the least attempt j to encroach ai pun them by the General Go Vei ti mni, alway s remembering that tl it i against slow, and silent'attacks that a na-r uon ought, to be particularly on its guard' in which course of conduct they may imrt seuted several papers and depositions in relation to this matter, which, with the pe tition, were, .referred to the committee of privileges and Elections. Air Picott, sub sequently presented other papers, which wei e .aiSQ submit ted to the same com miiiee sent to (he aeuat'e,'" proposing to raise a se- country bar - 'T Hussta Swedes - Nail Rods , Castings . Lumber-p Flooring ir Inch boards Square iTiinber Pine Scantling bbl. cwt. lb. cwt. lb. bbl. bush lb. gall 50 ft lb. 25 35 75 45 SO in. cali and tffc disobedience of it, tne Executive oft Hi t- . i - - . I . GtHirgia w uid not merely have sui reuaer f d right, already 'declared to be so,, bj the upi Kine pokver of the Stale, but wouK -have 1 made' a dishooorabie surrender to n stronger power with the sword suspended over his lV-ad,l Whilst, theretbrt, liie Gt vetnor wiVuid in thjjrespect have treated th fiiandate oi the President as uolawlul, h did not tifcsitaie as soon as the contempla ted -reierrnce ol the treaty to Cutigress lor alleifged mtriguerid treacltery was offi cially kmwo iu him, to postpone the sur vey until the meeting of the legislature J not because that reference was lawtul, but that iU legality ot illegality was not so appto u niction tiir his decision as tor mmm m fA n. . w mm va . " Thdrsoay, Nov, 24 vlx 4 by his 1 approbation of Ll4Xniinptilrtf MrcyltVso muth of the 1 pMr.l.L. . 6, r . : ted States-Messrs. Wli h nelaJuavtSj i5peighJ.Oavidsoff and Oh' motion of MK Williamson, so much --rrl': -W M, overnore-arrelate the west side of w ii rft ternal Improvements wasl relerred toithe I ! r VVri r":x r having 150 or 200 thousanH r,v ' . LLi Jj v 1 anno niedr the committee on the MkI . ,. . inU8a"l Corn l.;nJ standing corn mittee on ina suxy : , , T-J--. rm4et , ; V" ' 7" aH h cessarv Lii,: cauea uie: uibson's-lands. All if p ' tracts may be greatlv improved, -kviTe excellent sdilr Also, 640 acre7h per part of Jones County, and 29Q tying on Deep ;Gulley,inUe Same ! besides several other tracts -au a?i and Lot n iTr.ntn u, . - wuse - -, . iriS()ns wjs. Huisuasc lanus, would do well to examine for themselves. I will -take in payment for any of ,U above tracts, approve notes, mere ! 1ze or five annual payments, ad feJit ured that better bargains may hid ) l,nd and manner of payment iire uk, ' to consideration. . My only object in Lh tog to sell this propeity js that I caaLu U,UIC atir auu pn uiaoie U'C 01 thetirii. ial oUierwise.-r urtliei particulars tin be ..cvi uy ippiy nig to uie huuscnbei,! L to Asa smith, Lsq. M . OttME 7 Ve r ?nVe, ;Voy. l G T825. SHEKIFF'S SALE. v ON ftliiiuiay, jhe lzth oil . December ' neiti will be sold at the OouiKi.e in irei.touj all the LAilS and 'lltAE. ME;N I'S of Lewis Foscue lyiu un t,e. north side of I rent River about twl ui-.n above 1 rent Madge adjoining the im ol Oeorge and buckner tluuii ; Mid n tisly an execution in tavoui ot buiioin cue reiurnaoie to uie ntxt scsmoooi tin Supreme Court.; VI. HU0G1NS, 6hJ,- I"I0V. 2, 1825pyb 03. i that' Command. w?is io lovvtru x-y u,. .v. m W1,icn course oi couu "'r ; 2llectioint ComriiUteeV to revise th lees of nne scanning f annunciation of; the. prnalty which awaitecT ul,c,tiy rely ; upon the aroVntnd steadfast! -,3,00 Shingles, 22 iiich1 siumort of i he whole bodv of freemen of; iieorgia, wh are equally and alike dispo-':; sed to risk nil that is dear to them jh the -uppbrt and defence of the Union and sove reignty of the States.". ; . , : INDIAN L LITTER. v The fbllowinf letter is written by the Choctaw who ,was delegated by his Tribe to conduct tVehty-bne In(liah youths to Oreat Crossing, in Kentucky, for educa tion at that place, under the general super intendence of Col. R- M. Johnson: Blue Springs, (Scott county ,) Ky. ov; 5, 1825. Hon.1 James Earb6iurt Sttrctary of fVar, Cierk9'Sherffs,' Coroners, Constables, and County Solicitors : and to enquire;into the expediency -of compelling Clerks of Courts to make. out their bills of cost and to issue all tickets in dollars and cents, and that the committee report by bill or otherwise. On tae part of-- tins House, Messrs. M.artin, Scott, Miller and LV 11. Simmonsi were na med for the committee. : - ? I (The resignarioirofJohn H. Hill, Colo- read he) of the Carteret militia, was accepted. y V: ?s.;A M Saturday, ISov. James ; Nt Smith, one of the from Jones county, appeared and fied.,' . , V f: . -1 ' 'i-.j ..A' message' was received from "puTsue. thf Governor observes ; I tu ir; vwa.ry"ff,Cfiocta w tlielEXec1jvir Virginia, passed at and 26. members was qua li Governor their ' Having submitted, in detail a narrative of tne events t, , which our relations with the United States have given rise, and ex prsed t(e motives and principles which. bave governed the cououct ot the ' Execu tive throughout, it is i lefi to your wisdom fo decide upon trie measures necessary ana proper to sustain the Jiohorand defend the rights and independence of therStaie. - t is confidently believed, that -neither the uniiiuuuu, ine puuuc. jaw j or toe usage youths tor the purpose of education, in I 'asi Session; authorizing the Stockholders conionnity to th?eSolution of the Choc- f f the Dismal SwaniD Canal Comoanv in taw Nation to whom t belong. I I apprpve acreaseVlie Capital Stock, andrequesting P ol this measure because I was educated iu the same jlo b!e laid before our Legislaluie, hessee, and 1 know how to appreciate the niittee onUhternallmprovementsU inestimable blessings arising from an edu 4 v - cation among, them; It is my decided o- l:i::r j0; pinion, mat the uromiHiiicr vDinhsAt: n...l ': v ' ' .'iWDtKi,f vr.. nation should be educated in this method, t Mr. Forney presented a resolution:1 the leaving, the mass bpdur ; populatiotv io the object of ivhicji was jo refer to committees; honorable and benevolent exeriibns of th- the various suitiects trVtpH nf in tt FV.V- of nations will lustily an abrogaliorr of . the I C,fss,anar,e8 w, nave sw tied among us- live Message; So much of.that document, Treaty! and it "is; recommended to you, we acKn?we9Se hh gratitude their I as relates Wthe election. of the President n 1 . , -....v.. luuuuis, auu iwmjng i ui mr ' viimeu jjiaif iniernar improve- ts jnierded,to depreciate.theirrneVifsli rhenttTduMtioa and,. i'rjmarv Schools- hfApplication-ofv the United StatH.i for a ndment to the States and the Pft i-PnfffVolir trt LnJ iifionie. evei'y arrane -Traxrru"-inese l tecr3tmmitlees. . - , tr?: t j - r n--; eeceptiori! of pendittirethere- committee of Fi g tne contiitence and nat-l nancev F "f i ' : .is Staves,V. O.hhd do. 111. O. do. do. W.O.bbl. nHeading,w-oihhd Lard ... , l-.- - '' Lead, bar. white, dry , . i- ground in oil Leather, soal upper - Meal, ! Molasses Oil, Castor - Linseed Fish Naval Stores, Tar ' Rosin . -Turpentine Spirits do. 2 14 12 Mft. X000C 20 32 50 40 75 75- 20 65 40 00 - 40 50 6 (i 6 7 5 3 - ? 13 ork, cargo mess A Com- Peas, Black eyed Kice :. v Ruin, Jamaica ' ' 1 American Salt?T.I. Fine' "'.'Vu Sugar,,: Loaf, there tore, iu , any arid every event to con sider as heietojore the Indian claims to the territory , as effectually extinguished by r it, and that wbeiiier the. survey be suspended or not, to order the occupation ot it on the day .stipulated jo that, instrument, in f th Validity had not been questioned." In relation to the Cherokees he observes ; In the conespiHidence submitted 4to the Legislature at their lat. extraordinary sev sion, win oe lounu ttiti repeated and : final resolution of the -Cherokees never to abau don the lerritory they .ciiiyT;wlthrh'TouV! limits. 1 his resolution, may rbe ; satutactoV ry to the government pi ;the .United-States 5 it cauriot be ju to youH Hiving taken theirs, it remains for yori'tti fake'ursv it iui 9 iu lust. yn uur coeiteT judgment wiir ;Sugkest ;and approvrthe7 remedy. Whatever itmay bei I recom- meod to you to adopt, Varly arid energetic came, here with jitgh expectations, from the 1 1 mgii character we had ol our friend,! , Cklss'bhf tof remtpryAm Johnson. - Bqt notwithstanding these x-idnititutiott the United peciaiioiK, 1 am atrreeablv disanoo ntd in f Judidara was ireferr expectations; and 1 feel cdnfideutlhiiCriatId Wchf Hi'-latef 'It mm,,, win u m iu me vnociaw 1 vjHcii itjaiayeiie' ana tne ex ,"auu" ,iui iiisutuon: and t con-4oririwa reterrea to the siuer it ueservm Brown '' - -Havan'h White Steel, Blistered ;? German Tallb w, :; '' WineTeiierifle -1 Sherry, ; 4-Cotiniry VVhiskey ' . ;; "; fb. cwt. Ib. bush. gall-bot'l. gall, bbl. gall. bbl. bush. cwt. gall. bush. ib; cwt. lb. cwt gall; gall. 14 9 10 18 20 8 10 1 50 I 75 16 20 S 10 7 , 17 20 1 8 10 ;8 io 16 25 70 35 25 30 3S DO 25 35 30 9 13 60 90 75 40 60 65 23' 20 9 " 10 10 18 12 1 60 2-; - 13 35 22 16 50 75 45 25 50 4 50 7 7 7 8 6 persiint 17 3 -28' 80 40 53 1 1 11 14 40 35 TO THE PUBLICKI ? may be recoikcted by fauy that 1 some lime sincf iKlvftiiim m Land for sale in th-1 Caioinw sm& motive was lo t fleet a sale nk)ni, aud prevent such a sacrifice as must when sold for cash ai SberilT's salej diu rified as above: j '', Persons who have any mclumtion tu pur chase; valuable Trent lands art-umiblia call and examine them before the ins f I sale!. The balance of the puid miH, Hl.er paying the above recited eJUKti'V may Ue puid py a hegotlaore iiuie to Jeuhei ol the Banks, or to Mr. Moses Jar vis 01 Ne. bern, who with Tsathan Foscue. ri 75 85 45 7 25 22 11 123; 13 I 2 15 40 13 20 75 25 THE SUBSCRIBER DU'isuies tor the removal 0 all white per- I Si.ns and others, not JndiHns. inhaKm,... L that territory ,, with the exception only of such js are necessarily , employed in the service of toe . Uniled Stales, under the fc.i lu congress to regulate commerce with the Indian tribes 99 ' riinage of the General Government ahel th ; J tntlch as 'rejates tohe rainthff of i boctaws; -1 !aVe deemed it mv dutv"'to I Swamps;; wklerred to the commitr.Un - .-.. ouurj guaruian I-tar..iupruvtiijenis:..;'i":-.ii ":- r 1 , fr. rnd IriendJ under the advice and coritrnl W 1 . So niuch as relate rn iho r-K- ' J " Y iut-ui uie unuea otates. : f . tru auu vuiiversen w in rn ,uo ?Mrpejgntj it was order a committefe'on th At ; 1 ; u 1 muus, ana irom inlorniation. I consider Kim I aaa raDiic arnw'of the State. bontminfoH rind tn'iArm ikiu.1m .Ul 1 -x . : ' ii.ii uiniiiirr.x. imnrnva ;maduncutoe:th VVith sentimehts of great respect,' Hour Hzed mbiaer mVjsale at rV . dtice'd price, a" hnHnmo ..-; 1300 pounds. - . . . J-v . ' A NOTICE. ,T the November term 1 1825, f the . vuui. vi i iras ana unrtop Naoo.r.. of Craven County, the subscriber Qualified ent l.Tf..' . .' I. thGnvV.rn 1 " ' f VW Oirirt.WAnd lo, Si ue lerii aoor wnicn; was beh lNowAbraharii and Sarah asio men. unnes - me cixecutive 01 ine staie would " hve teen warranted by the public taw and prac w ui iHiNs u vaar ar g rant to nave ordered btm to leave the territory of Geor gia, ana io nave- entorced that order. It w uuwuiiftg ju resort , to,, a .measure harshne or severity however, iusiifiaole i ne - answer 01 the fresident to. demand ol the Cjrovernor of the Georeta' for his recall and arrest is as Jittle creditable to the uuviiwiaijr '""?- wnicn u comes as satisfac tory lo the une to whom it is a'ddressfrl ... ' The Presiderit, acknowledges this oflS ' eer to have used contemptuous and rJisreC r1' wuu iw - woica nis . conduct is f implydw;pprovd, and Uie ismarmld that if the governor or thwure-had: lin previously aed towards him ofifisiveafK I mr-: PiW" presented a . bill, to amend I I security ana alahaeement of theirestWr . hAK. vT" ' rJ5a,s5u'-- persons Whicha, eadjhl first inWSS tohair..:?! requested to make mmediate navWp.tf ! ' . " ""nV v. in made. by , V S .j claim. a?ain.i,, p9ent -: i,' ,.i"uou"ocK Ya. woy.;l2.w,iairionds civenb qarred or.recoverv.f irah thyWife mVHfi heard iif iiJi?t-rM!ra.?V-9P - t 4 imt h m c :,r ,iwme oeiiTt? and hik sncn.c I - i ' ' " - r " " -- ' . . I witb jtarah after the rtfanner 01 woman SJwWpresW a hlltitwLi Countv Court J if,- :u ., I WherfoS fivZ'XiXASj 'rMr',r ,4a- of l i - - - - u:m mtiiiu uerseu, j v-.- Viu vpmpanv.:whirh I "v, r v,"i5raiur lo ine estate of Jnhn l ir-'. --"V, -"""S UIU a SO.r,-.; .-Vr l. stirMj beara thildi which am d r? iW. tx'WwWllwffl'lBirRiS!!. H H Genesis: Chatiy Ul 'trZl&i?; &m -s-.i-M- y MH Jdhn;CaigaiIisuS nave like Alwahamndjarahi of bldb bi,-: rtip .tprni,;. , : i "ot iMM 4ioe cooaoid Jadv was ar.iti I' f'y wfwiviessra2;.t rr . tojx months creiiir tt.n K.r i a a Ciuit :age oa tti For: the 'validity v in mic, llT'll - y-. . . , rfier to nullum uaston and Joiio dtai, Esqrs. ol ftenberh. . - . LEVV1S F0SCUE. Jones County, Nov. 2, 1825 ' FOR SALE OR LEASE, i 1 1 H El yaluaole, Plantation, Wooiivillf, , iJ. at.the head ol Ba Kiver,in travea ; County, formerly owned by Robert R. Sparrow,! about 20 miles Irom iewrrot and . adjoining the Lands of Benjamin 5. Tillman. The tract contains su liuodiei ahd .forty Acres!, about one hundred uf which are cleared, and inood order lor cultivation j the residue is well tin berei with oak, and for fertility ot soil is eq-wl to any In the stafe. Its situation is nriil ihy and handsome, nnd contiguous lo 'wd navigationany jtressei that can pass the SWash, caln receive a cargo at thtf Phpw- tion landing There; are on the premise! .comfortable Dwelling and coiivenitnt out-houses. For further particulars, ap ply to. John W.IGuio.n, or ita.u" 1 ILLMAN. j .- iov.5;i825 98. BAliimiOUE. ALANSON WEBB, AVI1NG turned! his atreutioo J : N'nrth.Cjircilina buines. PrfPJ to receive; tin consignment and sell ajtf , Goods which maV be fonnd to an$"' Haltimore Market and especially l11 Turpentine. Merchants shipping 01 ' 9 warding Ui so La a en. are m , draw, ati short dates, for t0-1 Cargo consigned, turn any Goods, the full amount. , ? - Reference nay y i ' 'I. :' -I. Messrs. William Hoi .thirds the or they can order hi re- bv the same ve1; ' . 1 be made (o Hster, EiWard C. King, xcffberoj ii iiuaiu k. VebU,&Co, ( CMC. &;C. B, ChorcbiJJ E. AJ Rhodes, Co. rn.tK Xr 114vb ! ifotimore jUti 1825. 99 24 iVintlior. Coleraifli tea DoWavs lleN' r-an a way: 'December from, the utaefi a,t, W Woman named H AC f 1 A E L "J complon--. Sleet! James hv r-ord i'l! h divert to any per- i:.; oiA nirrn tn me. or MfllU Will UCllfCI HIU L'" ' i care her in tnv Jait'to that iget her. . i . T'lli 1 ll AS' 11. Hiu "?eciaQt, 1S25-W J

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